fORSALt HOUSES ion . CAPITAL rv.rnl.hrd hmhM keek now. Mali. Pbeee Wn AUBURN ROAD A-ftftdroom home. I u and t down. t M af plumblnt . Hardwood noon up and down. Juil newir decorated. At tached aareea. larte lot. ThU homo aaa a tle.60 appraUel br P.HA. Makt Bt ftO OUCT. . . an oa call pranb tlaabo i , WITH . . S-M20 OH 4-1870 McKillop REAL ESTATE m aeutor a aw huAV. nut lun email home BOAT LeeUa Ml. eel amell lot. Bdwd. fleam, MM! for wa lemur, i BPOOMl PrOMTtT BOOT LBSL1B Ml-. t btoallea. alee corner lot with ! pre. . law. roceor atra. per twner. plue I tlcilQlC I1X.O0Q. JTTI. Suiminu, rbaltor. i h. ' UBrli. h. l-OWO. OT8 VtUi tug OAS, truck or eltr M el tm perment lor l-bodioam bonu. vdMr lumi. Fhon. am. a74 SOUTH SALEM ' MltiM home, eomblnellon IiUi atom amd dtnine room. Eltehen mm Bock, lataae amitr. electric mu ni aeerliorator (oaa. Cloae U trade eahocl. Thai U on otdor homo kut k rarr root pa.. . mm oa cau. t a. poro : 1-trMO OR 1-0011 McKillop RIAL ESTATE 1FT0U ARE LOOKING WoB o1 Boou, t oodroomi. doa, Bdl koooanl with llro- BkMO, BBflOWOOd dutnot. rriooa OS. (Ml rot XoBtpor, n ft bb- T nuiM.. auim . KM flfH CANDALARIA DR. CHMOT OWTlB. BrBlt MU lti lOTOlr .:. Boom. I kodioosu, don, opoolout oor Boood rtH Bid dtalnt rooji, Book, a. wk donblo nroio. Con Pt Smut. HMT, lor tppolatmont. . . i. i. iilUMIL, MCALTOR I-lj jbwlt buoo CflO thlo oDoolooo oklir homt, m Bloo kdrmi., bD oa ono floor. oMB bo B pis, oouca b douor. BVO. ' M u- ifatuor. 4.I71B. KD WKOi- BBUL, UALTOX, 4M 7. Blh. JJ. 1-MIII. ATI BMDCBTfor olek oolo. Hodtra 3 kodroom boM. food tormi. Ph. 4-63M. .'I ! ftruntHBS I bodroom, okm la Mhool, itoru. olKtrlo bet, Wolklni du- iuoa to town. Conor lot. ImmodUto poufotloa. Mno. Coll 1-1131. oil All BUOTEId bedroom homo, Mil Borrr, Phono J-loll. Hffl. H tO IAL1 br owner, 10 BorM with oretk and iprlnr. 1 bodroom, IMnf room, dtnlni room oomblnotlon. Part lr lurnuhod. ttoo down, laws Balance. South. CaU 4-allH. ' aW CANDAI.ARU, New I bedroom, double fireplace, double', karate, plaitered baiement. 111,900. til Soke. Ph. lllll. a77 BY OWNER, I room home, baaement, aawduit furnace, M7t, 1110 Hood Bt. Ph. HMO. I a70 FOR SALE LOTS nr owner Lota, lit down and 130 per mo, 4-1031. , aa77 r tnos LOT, tloie . In, termi. 1025 Center. Owner. aali I JR SALE FARMS North Marion Co. FARMS UONr?-MAKl! DIHIOATXD BOTTOM -' FARM ':1 7t li.. moitlr ohehalu As Wll. loama. Irrli. ruhU on all. Modernlied 4-Mrm. home, una He. Darn, macn. ahod, 1-oar taraia. Ricel. land Ai loe., Bear Woodburn, eeit. Tr, etream. pwnRT ON THEBl Will bo for aala , orilr a abort time, rll.000. Bit lone tarm loan arallabla, BARGAIN OF THE YEAR Ao. oltohUp ToUtoi W1L loam at adee af oltr. Rieal. aubdlr. potilbiu Mae. Tal. frenteie on and. rd. VZRT OOOD BTJY AT H,m Terma. v MTDUCED TO SELL SOME TIMBER at aarat, all Willamette allt, as Barament, Bear town, aood Income bb rraao aoed and buU. Modernliad -bodroom home, S berne. Bst. 100 T. ft. Btafhoteblo fir. Ineludei orawler trac ker and toole. Terr tood at OlO.oOO. KVLTRY t BERRY FARM CLOSE IN . t aa. n wed. rd. Oaneberrlae. otdor tod. l-bdrm. hone, l-ear taraee, I alorr pltrr. hee brooder 4 barn, A BT-BAL at bjim. Raar termi. Higginbotham Real Estate TIRE k AUTO INSURANCE HOBBtaaB flfit Vat'l Rank Bldt. caffleo: TT11 Wooovarn Rre.: nil ATTtWrTZVB PARM aaoated I tel. aeat. ThU a aood act of bulidlnre end creek, out of etate Interact! forcee aale of thU nice place rou would look a lona time tor a Btcer eotup lor etoek or trade A dalrr. Tha prloa U rltht, and tonne Wll. BUTBN Al 4.. BAUUTOBa ar North Bbrh at. Pb. N7, ire. M77 b7' fORIALE ACREAGE ANt OOOO n-aiier home u Part pay. aaanl an I aora. aee Wine, 4M N. tarh arter t p.m. ' - bbrs MAj ESTATE DOTUtx A BOrSai Barer aoald hart a alw home aad verr tood Income. All I anlu are tur Blehad A, alwara ranted. Attractive BBpoaranu A, beautiful ahadr 140x100 re. m. aiartaia pnee. HARD TO PLEABSt ET yea want a hue baUt I kr. home with are. Bra. 4) apaaloua tlouu a Mlttaa, ftreplMe, din. rm., breakfait aook, floorod attic, buement with aartra bath and ear tarue Mr 1000 an., we have It. BAMCDIATE POSSBBSION . 4X1 of town ownan. Thu U a trand. aim Oct new I br. home In Bntlewood diet. Plreplaee, weU to wall carpel. Ite. kitchen, tarate, carport Ar email hop. Beautiful yard. Priced ruht. can son deary. WAITBR MV80RAVX RBALTOM BRl Edtewater moo, Eve. lotso OTT CI.AIIIPIKD ADVERTIDINO Par Word . Ac Per Word, I Usee ' 10a Por Word, UmM loc Per Word, I monlk too No Refanda Mlnlmam M Wwda. RBADEBb la Local Newt Celama Oalr, Per Ward 1e Mlnlmam I Wardt 7 Place Ad In Same Dar'i Paper, Phone l-t4M Before 10 a.m. REAL ESTATE ROYTODD REAL ESTATE XNGLISH STYI Mko livla. with rerlaee, dlnto. kitchen, bullt-lni. den. o. "" bdrm. wlto too. eloKte bath " SSeTtefden. Abmdeaee af Ahrube. 4 Wka? to McJUnarr Fiioj . Trade lor l-bdrm. bob Call nr. arlmpaaa. aaloimen. mrriMK PROPERTY Two apartmente, each aeaauttaf at m kuatu. bedroom, which wo lor le.,00 P ''""J" Lot uilli. Baa. ol rre. otf Mko a oor. IIOOO. Tina. Tead.rvort, tal.imaa. KOMI AND BUSINESS moo 4-kdrae. home with "rl aha. kx, kitchen, bath. Beta well Book ea r?'-.i.i. ku IroatMO OB hi. u aaa ft ehum. MOW 4tlt keUdlat on the front af lot lor radio T mu anop. wo o at pu.m. mu oi. ROYTODD REALTOR etnw ikoao -mi C. W. Reeve OHOCERY STORX MB90 with mux a Maine a for Bioro. D,(00 AaB Brtee. Owner won lake kt aman para ev awoa nenw mmw. JUMTAURAHT Wei kmtod, with ao4 amatoiae. Mod oou. oat otoas. fle kt Itaodlad kr bwb wife. , WANTJSD OOOD iARM Wo hare a Botosier wrlh a aood i-Mra. bo, awt 4 pomanont ronton. M trallir hook spa. J a. baeboa aoau, who wante a food farm. What do m hare) , ':. TOADI poair atto awdol oar aa part Banuatt as thla J-bdrm. hoau loaatod AVI. aad prleed at oclr BUOO. '.' lot'. ' ' ' Ml Wit pared at. B.R. IM. C W. Reeve, Realtor torn ifluioa at. ph. mho . MoM r 4M4I :' oTI AVERAGE 1 aaro oa Hollywood Drive. bed room! with 13 z 17 llrlnt room. Com bination kitchen and dlnlnt area. Oood condition Inildt. Oood aoll and xmir own water iratem. Price 90,100. 10 ACRES Mt al toll. Northiait All la il ilTatlon with 1U acre! In orchard. It'a beautiful here la aprlnttlme. 4-room houeo, Inaulatod and weatheratrlppod. Small bam and poultry houee. Price 111,100. . . . 30 ACRES Vftmllr fum. Sclioel tnif pamm W th door. 1 tnlUft from alkUnB. Tmt 'round itrtMi fed Iff iprtngi. aiU la euHirailon. BnlMlnu Ma flr thftp), Lartt fftmlly orchard. Mm H.100. , ,. i, : E. J. Zwashka 1741 Or ant at. a74 V . ! NBAR ATT, TINCBNT . A load 4 bodroom home with baio avaat and 1 tti af plumblnt. ThU la a well kml 'homo, and .priced low. 1000 3000 du. TRADE OR BELL i-oedraom soma couth, aa pared road and near achool aad atoro. owner wuhat to reduce hu tar. and wui trade for livable home on email aeer ate. Bettir ate IhU todar. Pr. 113,000, terma. mi. BLIVaTJt or OO.. RBALTORB 447 North HUh at., Ph. Mil, art, P417I aTO- turn , . . Illlllll II4IIIII Illlllll IMMMlll auiniiii aumiiii Farms Ml!n!:iSr Home- IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIII .: mhiuiw w ntiiiim - itiiiui li ilium ...... MUM M nun SULLIVAN . ACRKAOE Here U the aareatt which you've bun waltlna for, V acru near Printle. Verr modem ranob-itrle home. 3-bdrm. with fireplace, open beamed celllnt and knottr pine kitch en. The total price onlr 111.300. .Call Bob Devil, evu. I-07D4. . TUB TKRIPTY BTJTBR wUl want to au thU 3-bodroom roeentlr redecoratod Bona m the Rlchmoed Mhool dUtrlet. ThU U the older trpe houie that wvee rou moner. Verr neat with lota of ahrubi and bullt-lni. ThU houeo onlr 14,100. sail Ed BrUtol, ever I-ten. BUSH BOUOOL LOCATION Bare U the elder roomy houio r&u've been looklnt lor. PuU drr butment. Quiet, ahadr etrut, I BR and a eleeolna porch. Price tt.OOO. or will trade for a ompioi. cau need Neuon, oru. 4-aaii. NOTICE TO PAItUXRa We Bead rarmi eo trade lor calllorala proper tr. If rou would like to lira la thi aunnr louth, II, i at a tall. Aak for need Neuon. at AORBB Tuik.r, poultry or dalrr farm. Amltr A, WlUamttle coll. North o aaiom, Mom m. Tho koau U aacellenl aondlHoa. I bdrmi. with fau burnt, aood bom and 0004 to. ft. of brooder houie. Only MB.OOO, Call htr. Zluewlu, avaa. l-llrl. ROBBRT B. SULLIVAN RIALTOR lM Partlead Bead ' Pk. 4-aul Breach affile, n N. Barb Ph. 4-till 74 $50.00 Down bvt ft mvU homo Mtol lor huvdr Oood dtotriot of W.V. MUm. PTd llTHt. ClOtO ( OOtMIOl. Mf tM por nnth. 4-BEDROOM lliohmond tSUirtei. Aa oulwuvllnfl pack)ui bomo to ft poMtfnl BfUh borhood. All lortt rooms with on vbundonoo of tortvi tpve, I fmll Wthroonwi. lrtt dry ind l)thi bu mtat, A tood buy ol IIS.MO. 750 DOWN Only loo ptr month bun ft nidlr ut ftDd oludtd mall homt In Loollt ohool dlitrlot, Lant Hvlnt room. A hormlnf klkhoa, toomlni vlth tab In.u, Ma f,,r nawlnrtd or older aoupio. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE ' Ml South HUh atreet Phone l-HOI Phono avenlntt: 4-1071. 1-1444, 4-nil. REAL ESTATE I) iMi ft j in i WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES NOT JUST A HOUSE A aomo. k faaa VeeaMoa. la B ptaah m OBttld walk Aowb town. Putt kooomiat. CoBipletoIr remodeled. Poroed-alr ail. Plreplaeo. Tenr alco patio. x M hrma tomb, It a M dlnlnt room. Pull ptMo OBlr tll.TK. Term. $900 DOWN 4-aodroom hoaea. OBlr 4 paara o4. tmt outiida oltr. M 147 lot. Prd. ad. oaraai. PuU price la oalr . poa aeod room and oa't wast loo larao aa IsTeitmont, aoa abla asa. THIS WON'T LAST l-bedrooa hoau wttk tM aa. ft, tiAm miw. aaa oltr water koaldoa rlrata well .1 Hreplaaoe. It bathe. lo or loo lot. But br door. Near ! achool. Bitra w or km op. iniuiaiaa. oalr 4 m. old. Price la oalr tll.uo. A COMFY HOME at at. TbMoat Bait. Onlr I m. aU awMleaa roome. Poraod-alr ell far BuoTlaoulatod ard woalharelflpped. Bo lawn to oeed. No Itowm or ohrwba la Plank OBlr rllH dowa. Pull prko etoaoo. emu, rem an. buoqina Bjnt pa. -ei. ar ear. "'""'"'' 4-tOlO. If bo aaewer, call 4-1341. Highway Frontage 404 It. areataae aa aOB. Alao front, no oa prd. et. baak oMo. Meal oourt an. ar atari ear km af kualnate. Owaor wnl aeparele or will aonatder lie. rwi ptmi miiw. FURNITURE BUS. Tarp daalrablt location. Tort oloaa ttoet. Low ororhead. Wall aotebllahed. ThU at a real .otvortnnltr for aha rltht aeaa. Bo Phono toformaUoa, MARKET Aad a atoBar auker. well aotak kabed. Wll rolumo 1144,000. Not rent onlr 044 per mo. Dulrtble location. Tble la raallr worth pour InreitnaUon U soil mii hltcraotld IB the Irwerr kuilneal. Approt. 111,000 for Itock Ar ALL POR DAN IBAJUC.'BVa. PB. 4-IIM. If ao aaawor, aall 4-Mtl. . REAL GOOD 80 ACRES Terr modem t-bedroom homt built kt 141. W br 40 bam. Chicken bouit, machine ahed. Will. aoll. I acrei aane berrlu. Some fruit and walnut treei. we co nelder thlt aa oieellent bur lor HCMO. REDUCED TO $13,750 M-mto farm wltli M imdtr umT Uon. S-bcdroom hoiui, barn, maehlna hod. M tbcrtt irowlng eropi. floliooi bu. M ticrH Irrltatod. ThU It ft ' 10 ACRES Roral Anna oherrlu. Cloea In. aoll adaptable to berrlei. No bldfi. PuU price onlr 19000. Terms arranted. 8 ACRES Mdt. alto. Near tohooL Dark aoll. Mo waite land. Ideal for a aountrr homo with lou of elbow room, Pull price i,4,aoo. Termi If deilred. 7 ACRES with a rr-round atream. 4-bedram houio. Modern. Oil heat. Borne fruit triu. Vorr tood tprlnt. Almoat 1mm. mu . Wnll wlce U7K0. Bettar huirr. ALL POR MR. LEAVEN B. BVB. PB, -4 Tli. IT BO anrwer, oau . IJORTOAOB LOANB ; kO-Tear Maturltr . Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Oiflto rnonu: 4-3111 or i-im lOSt POnTLAND ROAD Brt. Fbonnl I-478B, 4-84H, tUROM aW 1 JftAI ' wt m uuwor, phono 4-11U 10,000 alodera, late-built, 1 B. R. boat. Oil forced air turn, bant L. R. Car peted waU-to-waU. Plreplaee. Lot nVkallO. Clue to atoree and achool. Pared 'atrut. Oood termi. , ...,,.H.y $9,250 ' . Clean, modern, 1 B. X. home. Plro place. Pull buement. Auto, oil fur nace. Clou to achoou. Palnnont BUI Dili. WUl toko entailer I I. X. homo la trade. Oood terma. . . '. $7,950 ; Terr clean 4 rr. eld t B. R. homt touth. Auto, oil floor furnace. Lane lot, li,H0 down. $7,350 - aeoo.oo down, rio.oo month bun kkJa atoaa, lata-bullt, modem I B. R. home. C41 furnace. Paved atreet. Clou to bua and uhooU. Penced baok yard. WIU aeu furniture, Verr reuonabla. Immediate poueiilon. CALL STANLEY BROWN WITH State Finance Co., Realtors ppt a. Huh at. ptf. i-4iii Bvenlnra l-fOOl . - ,7J. WE NEED $10,000 to $20,000 HOMES 1 Lrra- SEVERIN REALTY FT TBARfl Or MTlBPACTCmY flKKVIUK Walnut Park 4 Bedrooms elUONO flnt homti, t bodroomi and bath down, S btdroomi and bath up. Lart llvlni and dlnlcz room, au floors ear-pettd with 6 nr rd. oar ptjtlnt. flnlihrd buemfnt and 3 -far orsi. Her la a line homt, built Wavwtr with twit maUrial. It U roun for wAdor toJt. aubstanUal morttait own oa arrant v. n,w. Little Farm Home 1 aorw of ttrdtn, fruit, trapat. fOE pona. wtu-ouut homt of T room M it looattd lo)t m and tan ran for only 111,600. Ttrmi. 4586 Center Street . aftajt of Lanoatttr. Lovtly l-room homt on landtcaptd k art. Llrlnt and dining room, flrtplatt, ahetrful Mtahan with nook. I ood-ltod btd roomi, ittllty and attaohtd itrui. Only I10.VO0. Wort at w kt u ranota. 865 East Rural ThU prewar built BntlUh crpo Nob Rill home ahould appeal to a borne aayer wen Una a real well built home of lutrnt architecture. S bedroome or I and dan. linn I room with, fireplace aad dtalr room with bullt-lna. There a e mi am beumant with laundry aad party room. Automatic heat. New- lr decorated bhruout. oarace and lovely landieaped corner lot. Can you duplicate at lll.loo. Atk for Dick aeverln, . Severin Realty Co. at N. HUh 4-4041, Bvei: t-MH Mr. Klmt 1-SrM vrr. kfoon t-701 To Place Classified Ads Phont 2-2406 - HI CAPTTAL JOVBNAU REAL ESTATE Grabenhorst Specials . PAMU . 11 acrbb Approt, H aerea la aaltlraUoa, e-o4""- ""! booio. Oood 44 a 40 Bare. M tiaaehlooi. t woultnr aoiuae. al-aapaeltr aah. 4 oowa and 1 calf. OUror 70 tractor, tandem dlee, wower, aaaeaina. drlU, watoa oa rubber, tome other equipment, at. Loale abttrlot. Prlae tll.OM. CALL K. r. LATVON, alAUBUIAN RLBow aooaf-apaalaua room, alrculatlnt KroHaae. la alaMlJ. ttk aalt Blew., anaalor kdrm. Malt aMaahod araao aleorp kadaiepod, Price 111,000. CALL PBTBR X. OWBBR, SALBBMAM OB CbUaic amwa la fine location. Ddai tad aajlaaie. tjood jatta. If pea waat to own pour awa kmataaaa aaa abla fir. PO OBTAOAV- CALL o. x. OTajkAtBjrirooiAT-, m., oo-or. attoaiBR. , WBLL BUILT 4 kdrau., Mr. m, danetta. baah. Utokoa. vlallr room, kuautod. Tka appor t kdrau. an liatilila awe apt tar aoiMat, bra. in. aneo. oau, i. a law, maauii : 4WABAI WTTB aXXWOAir 4174 WUla Lane. Tale t-pBar-akl itm. bom la eltuBled wkoro roaltr walaea are taaraaaaat aaeoAar. Ottra kr tala Bbanatat aoaoa aad that aall for atvolawBeat to laopoet M fartbar. Prlea JtwJO. CALL B. S. LATUON, aMLBVMAlf GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS kM a. Idkorlr aa. pa. -M7l B)raauhat at aaadart aaR . R. Laraaea 1-4404 . B. Law t-lll Pour X. Okeleer l-4awt ' i BETTER-BUILT HOME Bur with aOBftdeaee treat aaa af aalem't bolter kalldori. Vorr well Piasnad l-kedrooaa boaia with 1440 aa. ft. floor apaee la aae Balam'a meat dulrakla laoatlont n awulowood. ThU attraetlra komo at offered ' at a fair price at 111,100. CaU Tfbbette. , j. MANBRIN SPECIAL Haarlr aaw t bodreem hoau, parr rood naor ptaa wltk aaotde acattp, aiM latter feaeed lot. Tho owaor wall oonaldor arado for l-kodraoal komt. Drive kr akt Marna. tkoa aall for aavotnlmoat. Prtaa oalr . Btooo. Can TRrbotU. BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPING That a-rear-oM I -bodroom komo U a a trend M with flew era aad ' ehrube taloro, aloe email flan pond, tood trod, komo hat aaaa Hrtat pooaa, kitchen and dinette, attached aarata, hardwaad tttart, Taattlaa ; atlnda. Ineulatlon, all for ktaoo. Call Jim. ' SPACIOUS 2-BEDR00M SUBURBAN Oat Wltera the euahlno oaa bo fait, thlt I-bedroom home affera real aaburban MtIbi. Ltrtt llrlnt room with tood fireplace, bkj dialnt raaav alee kitchen with lou of kallt-lni. Xcellent bath and a dream aaaeb. v atllltr Bad plar room. I oomplete bathe, wall-to-wall aarpotmt, aaaaa kt reera old and li on B kit lot oa aaa at the beat aaburban rle. Ill.oot. - CR!! Ft.. t-BEDROOM, WALL TO WALL CARPET, $7900 Loaatod aartkoaet aakarkaa. Terr alao I lidreipa Mn wall-to-wall tarpet la araw room tad drain rooaa. lot too ft. doe. Hake aa aa offer aa down parment. Harry and aall Chit. 3-BEDR00M, KEIZER Terr alee t-bedroom homo an Poleor; owaor waate to atoro lata towa. WU1 aoeopt amallor 1-bodroom a trade. Better hurrr. PuU price 010,404. Call Cliet. 6-BDRM HOME WITH FULL BSMNT. v Thai larti home will tire rou lot! of tine llrlat. acre, double tarato, 1 block to Rooror ichool, oltr water. ThU ffne home win not but, at hurrr. Call Dale Rarburn. - ,1, 8-BEDR00M WEST SALEM This homo Imi I btdroomi down Md out p, 1mm Mtw Toiiniitowm ink wid aablnot, llTltw room 11 x It. Pull Iwoomtnt, htvi, lot ' so x 1M, on pftTod otrMt, por wpolataatni o ott, oU Do RirDurn. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) tm H. Oopltol OHlo pbOBH: i-mi or WW - Srcnliaf phoneav , -'' TlbktttLs 1.T4U t Jim t-WTt Ohtjt t-3lS Dle Rybun 1-1046 i afbdJbdaayktkaaadPt REAL ESTATE Cotfee Shop with Bottled Baer Privllega ! ; Oaa af aha oldoit oatabUahad ooffu ahopa la aalam. Located In excellent trlntt area. lOWO. Bo ttlephent la formation. ; Liquor by the Drink afodern realaurant wltn - NUB privl- leti. Out of Iowa on waU traveled huhwar. Oood leue,.ar real propertr oaa- ka purohaud. Garage with Gai Pumpt BxeeUant equipment. Loaatod ke aood farmlnt eommunltr. Kouae with . acre of i round alio tou. 111,000. Sew Shop, and Dry Cleaning Agency Jui! rltht for olderir peraoa. Leu than 1(00. .. SMALL HOTEL roomi, kt lottlnt tommunltr. oood loau al reaeonable rent. 11900. Termi FOR RENT aman forniebed aoau, HO per month. REALTOR Mil N. Capital ai. : aalam, Ore. ' 4-4001 - Bve. l-IMl ' ' 474 THE RIGHT INVEST MENT M BQUAL TO A UP1TIM1 TOIL Business Building act Ihli, Mr, ' Inrtstor; It rtturns $417 ptr month. Httlng plant it tu tomttlc, bulIdlM steel rtlntarctd con arttt. 1 yra old. Oood builnea loca tlon. Prortd rtturm. All you do li iwipt tomt tar on tht roof onct tvtry two or thret yetrt, ehtck In on tht furnact onto tvery month or two, ool ite t tht rentals, and pay your lncomt tax. U back and rtlax, ltt thlt bulVdlni do your work for you. s $700 Per Month altm't but ratldtntltl oourt. Top notch doit In loci tlon, 4 yri. old. Vacancy almoat unertard of. l-bdrm. apt, partly furntAhtd, titrtmtly low overhead. invMtltttt now. Ho phont Information, Shown by appointment. Beat tht Rumors i" lur mxponi nti Arnx. Lant builOMt bldt. Ground floor ltattd and rtturntni tht Invmatmtnt. Xntlro nd floor vacant and tultablt for tood lodto hall or lortrnmtnt oftlcat. In tomt will far oxcttd inrtttmtnt oott whtn fully ootupitd. Stt thta bulldlnc sow whtlt tht prict to rlrht. Home and Income Do you want your own bomo and taeomt? AU oa ono lot. Buitntaa aont aad pottnttal buUdini arta. Thlt proptrty hat two homat, ent torn pltttly furnUhtd and paylm 6I.M rontal. Ltrt In ont, rant tht ethor. I10.MO bnri H with artOQ -dowa. BUY toed pttot of Xtat atatt. IT and It will ketp you. 1110 Pelriround. Road Ph. I-IS04. EV4. 1-1011, 4-1704, 4-4171 471 Journal Want Ads Pay oAUaVrVUa " - cf l B M REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE NELSON LIVE RENT-FREE l-bdrm. aaburkaa home, aawlr dec orated, tood ooad., ready to ateurr. lane rmt., atth) tor axtra bdrm., onlr ttooo. CaU Urt. woottan. . TRADE FOR 8 BDRMS. Opportanltr to tot that eoar -bdrm. tome with atep-aavbw kit. Bco Bomlcal fael bOl, extra alt, oar. Bb tUwood diet. Prut aoo. Call atrt. Woottan. i . IN GROWING KEIZER Tour chance to own a awlendld, are. l-bdrm. homo la a proaperoue eom munltr jnet 1 blki. from achool. ThU kitchen; U lam asouth to oerre tho whole famllr and Ihalr frlendi. It li 11V x 10 with aa automatic dbdt waahar A, dlepoeal. The 1 bdrmi. are II H x 11. Tho over-all Br. apace U 1100 aa. feet oa t lot 71 x 197. Total price !,. CaU Al. Watte, 1-7100. OWN AN APT. HOUSE I TEABft OLD Thtw flvo ont-bdrm. furalshtd apt, with larattt, alwaya rtnttd, will bTlnt you a food monthly Ineomt on your Inrtttment. I5R.000. OoU Mr. iehmWt. JUST LISTED BXATJTTPtJL DUBION' Attractive rench-itrled home with red tile roof. OuUtandlnt corner fire place which nan be enloyed from a lovely dlnlnt rm. All hdwd. trim, dream kitchen with birch bullt-lna. Por a dlicrlmlaaUnt homeieeker deilrlnt the beet, all for 114,000. NORTH BOUB OARDBN BBRRUB Hera u aa opportunltr to own a productive aero with Vi acre of raep- berrlu, ralrir aaw net, a-rm. uvmw, nr. furneee. ear. (18H). ell for IISOOl Ifiioo oompletelr furnuhed Includlnt TV tat. cau Mr. Muatner. NELSON & NELSON apeclallalnt Realtor 701 N. HUh Bt. Ph. 1-rtt. wreweeeeerrrrrrweereer WANTED REAL ESTATE NriTirRt if rour propertr le far aale, rent or aacbanli, lut it wim aa. no have all klitde or eacn onrere. arrATB ptmanCB CO.. REALTOR8 in a. nun at. WE ABE badlr ha need of 1 aad l-bed- room homea, an ijoeita uu,. aiio area homo anywhere wltn email sown par. menu. What have rou? ' ai. KA.AK. REALTOR. PH. 41111 If ao aaewer, ph. 4-9111 aa WE ARE la need of tood houeei to eel), la. or Bear aalem. If rou wleh to lut rour propertr for aale. cee anABENHORBT BROB.. REALTORB. 114 a. Llbertr Ph. 1-1471 oa EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE will TRADE my Multy to. my lartt, hMutifui a-btdroom homt 8acra tnto, Calllomlt, tor homt r ethor . proptrty in Aalam. Phono 1-oMO. obit JOE PALOOKA IwauR Afar PICK UWt, Of STAPrUMS LTP..-THE oop, i.e.c, HAVE GONE ALL OUT TO HRP TRAkaBAj. 100A.V THEY HAVE SENT WJAS t PtaS-SCfTS RaapTryaJ roe. joe 10 STUPV. REAL ESTATE CGLBATH HAS THE BUYS; $4950 FULL PRICE -mm TMUUIA OK aVxUIN FIJI Tm. kallhf KaiTotlUtr r'S'loB? ' ' MAYBE? ajat dova win arm roa aota ahM JfiiSES i riJ! 4ttr Umiu. Paaturae kdrmi.. BUa ul kltahaa with Book. hdwd. fire.. ! haaTldt roomr attaahad taraai. BaaaaZ OkTLT rnrM, Bv.. ph. 417W. WHOPPER BUY I POR TUB rTtl OPONk TOC WANT A BDTf THEN BBE TR1B. 1 keaaei, both Btw. Baoh hat 1 1 kdrmij, kdwd. Bm., tood aonitruotlon with Pinter mterlori. Boat A, alean. Both r.Md At Income U a0 por month. Ut TtalW. flue taraee. ALL TRM POR rrtoo, North tocatloa. Bra. ph. oMTIf - ' ALMOST NEW and madb jarr por Ton i I bmo aated kedrooaai. lavelr LR with aaved Millnt or Pronah aoraor aupboarde, hdwd. tare., bath with luk at thower, kltahaa with maar kallt-hu, utility rm. In oltr aa paved el. OflfLT 07160. TxtUA AIM dowa. Bvo. pa. 41701. DON'T HESITATE ' MACS A BATE TO BBB TUB knelr f-Bdrm. komo, lane llrlnt rm.. with flrepleoe, din. rm., kitchen brklit. rm.. full beami.. all heat, double plbt. Paved aller a tarate. THIS IS ZONE I AND OLO0E TO afJDBR A, PRANK'B NBW LOCATION. Ollil trroe. TBFUAk. Ere. Ph. 14471. BUNGALOW : ai WAUAn arr. with kuta adrau aa mala fir. Hare LR. DR, bath, arte kaamt., ail faraaat, Oaraae. rant oroLT 7aao. rommi tiaoo awa. . awe. pb. aiTta. A 2-YR.-OLD :: WPPB kaaaaa. aiMklaaataa Mr. a, a. ilimi Oil kaal, hdwd. flea., wtll ttr nt. A, aalra alorata rat. Attaahad tarate. ALL POR anao. POBBTBLB IBM dowa. Bra. Ph. X4I7I. Store Bldg. - $500 Dn. PUtCTT PKBX PARRTNO AVAOB PU lam truntla lot, etora build. 1m. liMiUie, attavbed laiaee. ma pttopBRTT at atnTABLB por BtAATT D1PP1HBNT TTPBB Or BUB rilBttB. TO BE BOLD POR LBBO TITAN ACTUAL TALTJB. PRICB 14000. NO PflONB IPrPORbtATlON. BBB TAN MAGNIFICENT A WtlATH-TA-mfO 1 TtaTW JROM A BMATJT1TUL aTOMK, aim lovtly yard, patio with outdoor ftrtplaet vattrfall. Doublt taratt oonntctM to noat oy orttitway with Diteh doori. Baamt. baa txtra party rm., plpod oil furnata laundry rm. t bdrmi. oat main nr., S bdrm. on Sod. LOVH.T LtV. HM. with flreplatt. din. rm., brkftt nook on tIow tldt. Won- dtrnu mtohon aatn. rt. ph. 14371. m. ras. U70B, tm or 41701. . FARMS & ACREAGES Opportunity Knocks ' BStond BBLOP. ThU nice I aoraa at Jao Norwar- at. In Bllverton, phja daadr, aeat, almoat aaw email home with oar port, voulde fireplace, nice treennouie xal rt. lou of no were, plaU Included In ireenhte. kualneei. PRICB ONLT inoO POR ALL. (Wni TAXX t-BUKH. SAIiEU BOKI TN TRAOB DP TO IH,000.) 20 ACRES MCI L4ND (ao hUla), t-bdnn. oVdtr lMmt, bath, hon boo., taract, aprlnc vator. Prtwo te400, tneludta tractor ail oqnio. prut mtic tow. SVi ACRES MO UUDOdU I BiiJti w.W. w-nly 1170 With 9400 tBOWB. 130 ACRES C4JHT PARM A ETUI. I ariMt aa. Prke reduced to ii,ooo. am T. T. ANDBRBON POR A PARK . BVE. PH. 41714 TAN BORN - 4114. ANDERaON 41714 3417! LAZBNBT 41701 . ... orricx dial. K 44494, 24552 A BUSINESS & INCOME QUICK WORKING Inveetment propertr. Lot on union atreet between cnurcn and Cottatt, In the ahadow of Meier A, Prank. I will aall for 111,600 Hull price) Box M, capital Journal. ce74 RESORT PROPERTIES COAST rABIN, l lott, 11450. Trade for truck, ear. S-OS91. te7 IUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MONEY BACK GUARANTEE 1711 to ana1, lnveitmtnt ilvei you your own lndtptndent buaintit optrat lna a route o( now monty-makinK Be dUptneert handllns ntw, fast-movlnt eonftctlona In drut atoru, oafoa, cluba, bua depoti, ate. Routt stt up lor you by our txptrtt and protected by flrt and thtft lnturanct. You mutt have ear, rtfertncea and $112 to $3325, which It erottcttd by an Iron-clad loo Monty-Back Guarantee backed br a 10 Million Dollar national In surance company. Dtrottnt a ftw of your apart houra tach wtek to tht bualntti you thould earn up .to MO-00 weekly apare time, full ttmt more. Ubtral flnanclnc aaslittnct to aid tx ptntloQ, For full Information write living phont number and addrtia to Box 31, c-o Capital Journal. cd73 I UNIT apartment houie, tood location. Ootulder emeu home ea trade, terma, Owner 1019 Center. ad7S MT LEASE on aafe, on huer hUhwar, tood bualntu. aeu for rn. 1-0401. ad70 ACM1LLAN OIL. wholeeala route, alio truck and aoeeaaorlee, It wanted. Phone 4M0I. od73 WE RATE a tood MAJOR OS, COM PANY tervleo nation for leeee. Call 4-4441. adT7 WOW 990 FURNITURE FOR SALE ABOAIN HUNTER'S SPECIAL I- drawer hardwood chut, aaitern con etruetlon, dovetail lolnu. center tlldei, while ther leit, 117.10. Trader Louie, 1170 Lena Ave. d76 rBARLT NEW two piece darenport Ht; alio ohrome dinette act. Call after ISO, kM Oak; Apt. No, II. ill- -Js: n-Oi WAMTFrj SALESMAN INTERVIEW FOR TIRE SALESMAN . . UUH IB. Tart Vb w. ' to I daltr. aWarr aad koaai. BaperlOBoa aeapfal bat Bet aaaeatlal. '. ' Bieedr amalormcal aeaarad. rH.t-i46 , w.TWinu STATE TIRE SERVICE WANTED FURNITURE inDWAT AtJOTIOr-Wo iar dad tell. Phone 4-tfU. WAwneV flood Bead rarnlture tad apatlaaeai. 440t9Wf AUCTIONS MIDWAY AUCTION TONIT1! T:I0 O'CLOCK Boek klapta Twla Bedroom Bet. ailvertone Badlo-Phoaotraph. Tharmador BUc. Raata with Heater. LH BlectrU Raatt. ABO Waahar oooolnl Waahor .B. kfaatlt fSraer vacuum. . . Hand Carved Caaapherwood Ohaet. T.K1 Jk fThatra. Cheat af Drawer.. Swrlnaa a afaltraaeaa aaaar other plecei at furniture. 8588 CHERRY AVE. ah hm cm almaa. Aaarleaeer " 44,4 SudtelFs AUCTION LIVESTOCK eV rURNITUnl, rmntf) iiar. btrk at 10 am. m a w.u. lse mi. a. u- caw. ON afLTBRTON RD. PBONX MOOI Lau or aood uead furniture to be aold to hUheit bidder. I ft. Norn Rof AUdeabad, 1 RoUawar bade, I Dinette oti, hi chain, atrollera, Dav anca A, Davanporte, Beda, CoU pprlnta, Lin. a. coffee tabloa. Dreaaera. alar- tat ' waeher, Kenmoro waahar, Lawn mowen,' RoU top deik, drop leal deck, Inner aprlnc mattreaiea A, box aprlnta, Laundrr tuba, potatoea, ontona, earuoe. Trellera. U roue tood fonelnl. 1 P.M. LIVESTOCK Chlckeu Ar Rabblu, Oalta ec Teal, Paeder tHock, Woanar A, Paeder PUa, Bellera, Btoera, BulU, But at Milk Cowi. Come, a tood tale for barer .lut ariler. LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YD. ' dd7 aaooo.'o'ae'e.oe. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOE SALE, Ret. three quarter Mortar aSorrtu otiainr. uooa nrm none. Ladlet hone. Phont 4-3830 eve. eis rou BALE: Toum Tamworth boon raady for unlet, attred bt -xopptr bum," and retlitered, if rou want wood ltan mtat hoca that rrow Ttry faat, Tamworttu make an excellent rou. Priced at 7o.O0, 1100.00 and 1125.00 ea, 1. M. Reed. Rt. 1. Bs to, Clackamat, Orot. phono Ortf on City 0018. e74 CHINCHILLAS Proven breedtra or yonni mated peJri. Baay termi. write or phone for frtt literature. Yltltora welcomt. Crtit chinchilla Ranch, MOO Portland KoKd. Ph. 4-4008. 083 LIVESTOCK WANTED Locsn BEEP White face Hereford. 14c. Locker pork, 16c. Nothlnt down, t bh. to par. cuetom kunni. Trauer loaned free, aalem Moat co in, a. nth. Ph. I-4KI. oa RABBITS WINO NEEDS ABflits on atate. 41011. ebH CALIFORNIA BUCKS and doei. Phone 4-3081. 4410 Claxttr Rd. ebl7 BABBITS WANTED. Anr aUa aad auan. tltr. Alio purebred breedlnt atock for aale. Phone 1-7107. eo7B' PETS MOORE TROPICAL PUR, equipment, auppltoi. 1 mllu from Laneaatcr en uaclear road. Phone 4.1771. Cloaed Wedneedari. ecll I MALE DOOS 1 apanlel, 1 ahepherd, to aire awar. Want tood home. Pond of children. Ph. 4-1001. 7r CBOICK canabies 1140 (Tiemeketa it Ph. 1-4115. cell MALE BOSTON BULL puppr. 4 Week! old, ISO. see at 131S Broadwar. ac7' THOROUGHBRED, liver and white, . Sprinter pupplea, rltht ate for fall huntlnt. ISO At 100. MOO Portland Road, aalem Art Tile Co. ec7fi' PART COCKER TUPS to lire Phone 1-4231. TWO MALE PEKINGESE pupi, 111 each, 410 Jeriey, Bllverton, Oreeon. ec73 BOLLTWOOD AQUARIUM 1018 McCoy, ont block eaat of N. Capitol, ltt block! north of MadUon. Ph. 1-1197, ec7l 99009909999999999999999994 FUEL BUT ANDERSON'S haadplckad alab. wood, now 3 cord! 114.00. Phon, 1-7741 Or 4-4263. OC78 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up rour Preito-Loti, Brlqueta and Wood. 101 Bo. Com'l., phone 1-7731. ee Oregon Fuel Co. BLAB AND SAWDUST S. t H. Green Stamps Phone I-S53I 1047 Broadwar ee Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, SPECIAL POR 10 DATS Planer trlmmlnta, M load. Phone 11711 W.4k.r, Uvrtk 15, HO WANTELLtJfMA FUEL Hiway Fuel Co. aawdual tuba eorrlee, aa aaadl af wood. Phone 1-4441. , aa WALNUT IBILU, M aaabA ror tl, at at ion. U ton CMlvereo at aawa. mor rU rJorfotn Paaklnt Co, at worth Pronl. . ' - to West Salem Fuel Co. LOCKWOOD. M" IldiaBDIATB DBUVBRT pukup Wood Mil Bdtewaaer : , phone aalem 1-4011 ; FOR SALE POULTRY ' OOLDEN BROAD aad Now amaaatra ' ableka, katanad ever, amir aaa Thuradar. Our ablekt new lattat. Pox'i Helcherr. ItH AHaU AH. Ph. -. '. .' : f WANTED Colored frren, aolorad aad lethora Bona, awnaii pneee. aere a , atcherr. Phone 1-1101. f POB IALK Twloe woaklr, dar-eld ebleki la N.w Hampahua, paraaaaaara, Bad, White Lathoraa, Aatlra-Walta, White Roeka, White Wraadottea, Par. mtnter cockerel!. Lot Rateherr, phoa I-1M1. r WB1TE LBOBOBNt, ABiWa-WBIto, aai Mow Bampehrre ant oaa, bib aataiia. Pk. I-Oltl. Pabnar'a Poatlrr Pant, Btaaaa. nt WtODUCE AtutAvtc OBOprw aBag r ernes aed araperralt. potatoet, en laaa, applaa and autt. fajjplip BaVOa. PARK MARKET, taoo laniiitet Drive. Phone t-llti. rf HELP WANTED MALE BODT AND feBdu Btaa. afBit la W- aerman. Saa Barrar, nu ariraat soar Shop. 1001 So. 13th. ta7o i muxanm. top par. 41 koar woek. ateadr K. phono not rnnera, oau fornU. BA740 WANTED afaa aa abare ttw taaei par err oral aoraa af oaraae ear ttraw berrlei, beana ar other eaonerr area. W. T. Lord, R. 1, Box It, Xekbard, Ore. ta7te HELP WANTED EMALE WANTED LadT betwaea IS aad to, eara for two children, aaee 4 and 4. HI week. 4-4H2. rbTr" . VACATION WPPB PAT Councilor! wanted for aautk Oraak Olrl aoout aamp. S waaba aeaaaa. Good opportunltr lor toUeta airU aad aeachara who aaa ajaallfr. Write Baa tlam Area Olrt ScouU, 111 Watt Pint, Albany. BXGETTIOXSTeecritary, aeadad for doctor'! office, writa bob N capital Journal. . Sb74. LDEBLT LADT or till to Bra fa, for room and board. Phont 1-T7JJ. tbTA" PERMANENT POSITIONS ATAtUBU 1. Bookkeeper for Audlefna- Dept. 1. Credit Interviewer I. Orodlt Oaahler 40-hour, l-dar week.- prlv lletei. Group hoapltal aad cure leal plan, Oroup life Ineuranoa. proflt aharlat plan. , 1 Apply Pcreonnel Office aaURS, ROEBUCK AND SO. Ml, Capitol lb74 ousexbepeb, wanted rot day work or lire In. 1-0774. tb7l EXPERIENCED check-out alrl. Applr In pereon. Bbnar'e Park and Market, Comer of Park aad Market. ab7l WANTED woman Kr Utht houaekaep- Int. I dart A week. Call 17700 altar p.m. Ib73 ORADUATE NURSES Immediate open- . In P.M. A Relief ahlfU, 111.44-lll.el por t hour thlft. Mt.'ahaata Rotpltal. Mt. Shaita, calif omla. tb74 PRACTICAL NURSE to tut for patient. Blderlr lady. 34-hour aerrke. Roora and board. Parm homo. .10 por week. Call 3-1175. ib7i BTAUTTCIAN WANTED X will have an openlnt for an ee porlenced operator, br the middle af April. Excellent epportunltr. Applr Erich of New Tork, 391 N. Llbertr, Phone 1-3031. tb7S EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Good Jobs P Dental aulit., lip. .........BIOS P PB ear., will train, nllaa ,...1170 P oen. office trp 11.00 por hr. p Aunt., bkkpr., trpe 117a P Reopt., ateno 1300 P etcno., apt., fUurea till P Bkkpr., ten. office .1350 P Caihler, ten. ofc. ...171 bt Saleiman, outelde ..eal. -f. M Acct. Br 1,34 The Beit Way to the Beit Joba COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT ORE. BLDO. , PH. 41311 AUo, Portland Ofc, (00 Oorbett Bldf. tf73e 909900999999000009000000 WANTED SALESMAN 's MAN PART TIME To work 8 houri, four ertntnn per week. Bet Mr. Btonni, Hotel Marlon, Wed. art., March n, 8 o'clock aharp. Mil WANTED Part time talesman. Apply 178 N. Liberty. Atk for Mr. Reynold!. tna PUBLIC RELATION! FIRM Wtnti local rtprt.enta.lva tor Baltm. Dallat, Bll verton and Woodburn, There will be no out of town trayel, but oar rt quired. Those who are ouallfltd for thlt type of work will be given im mediate tr inin.j. It you are interested In maklm $600 ptr month or more, wrltt Don PlchttT, 814 Urtilty Bide.., or call 448 from 8:10 to 11 noon, Wednesday, Thnrtday and Fri day. n71 WANTED POSITIONS painting. Preo Htlmatu. 3 reera et. perlcnco In Salem, Phone 1-7551. hot MARRIED MAN wanu lltht farm work. Purnlah oabln, 140 month. Paul tniold, Oen. Del., Salem. h7S OOOD CHILD eare, not arowdod. Boar itite bulldlni!, Phont 4-5810. h75 CAPARLE WOMAN, tood worker, will bake, Iron, clean or aara for alok per on from 10 a.m. to I p.m. 11.00 hr. Phono 3-7741, mornlnt or ova. h73 DRESS MARINO, alio men'a ihlrtl, etc. some allcratlont. Phone 44001. Ml CTTTLD CARE Intlowtwd dlltrlct, Mrl, Bertie Johnion, 1000 N. II, l-WOI. h7C By Ham Fisher 4-Mtl, ,t ;,,;; xv; it v