Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 25, 1953, Page 17, Image 17

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    Wednesday, March 15, 1953
Turt IT
.... - 'V
Th Huh ef the second in the 195S series of atomic
teitt lighti up a vait arta of the Nevada desert and moun
tain surrounding the tt site at Yucca Flat. This picture
wai made from Mt. Charleaton, SB milea south at the
proving groundi. (AP Wlrephoto.)
Addition to Hayesville
School Studied by Board
" Construction ot an addition
to the Hayesville elementary
school, ' located on Highway
89E, north of Salem, was con
sidered by the board of direc
tors of the Salem district Tues
day night,
The school, located in a fait
growing community,' has be
come crowded, but Supt. Wal
ter Snyder believes that the ad
dition of one room will take
care of the situation for a few
years. The pupils there face
the handicap of having to walk
along a heavily traveled thor
oughfare.' '
March 28 Last Day
For Carpenter Exams
According to State Civil
Service Commission offiicals,
Saturday, March' 28, will be
the last filing date for applica
tions for a carpenter and car
penter foreman examination.
Carpenter positions with the
state service have a beginning
alary of $296 a month. Car-
ticinci iui cuiaii new n swi ting
pay of $322. Future vacancies
t the various state Institutions
will ha ftlUri frnm Kit nf pi I.
gible candidates established as
a result of the examination. '
- The commission is accepting
on a continuous basis applica
tions for a senior house-parent
examination. There is no writ
ten test involved and appli
cants are graded on the basis
of an evaluation of their ex
perience and training. Qualifi
cations include college gradua
tion and one year of experience
. in the guidance of deinquent
children, or any equivalent
combination of experience and
training. The starting pay. is
$272 a month.
March 28 will be the last
filing -date, for applying for a
property appraiser examlna-
tion. Applicants . should have
two years of property appraisal
work and two years of college,
or an equivalency. Future va-
cancies will be filled from a list
established by the examination.
The beginning pay it $322 a
month, i
The commission is seeking
applications for examinations
for forester - and forest dis
patcher. In order to qualify for
the forester examination, appll-
cants should have graduated
from college with a major in
forestry or logging engineer
ing. The beginning pay is $296
a month. Applicants for the
forest dispatcher examination
should be high school gradu
ates with one year of experi
ence in a forestry or logging
activity, or have an equivalent
amount of experience and
training. The starting pay is
$261 a month. '
Tentative plans for the en
largement were shown by John
Grimmer Groom, architect,
who suggested possibilities for
betterment to Uw present
The board hopes that the dis
trict in which Hoover school is
located, east of Park avenue
and north of D streets will be
annexed to the city. It would
effect a saving of about $1000
year in insurance charges.
Supt. Snyder reported a
thorough cleanup of the senior
high school ground. Students
were assisted materially in tne
project Inside the building the
boys shower rooms were given
a thorough scrubbing. "The
floor had become about as slip
pery as a skating rink," re- 4NIV York, central'
(By Ttio Assoclatad: Prut)
admiral Corporation SOU
Alllaft Chsmlcal H
aula Chalmers
American Airlines US
Amorkan Power & Llgb. ,.....' 3
Amtrlcan Tel At Tel .. 1004
American Tobacco- '. 71 H
Anaconda Copper ..... 41H
Atchlaon Railroad' ..loots
Btthlaham Steel ...........4....... SS
Bealni Airplane Co. 40
Bore Warner ......... as
Burrowa Adding aiaehtl...
California Packing
Canadian Paclllc .
Caterpillar Tractor ......
Calaneta Corporation .....
Chrysler Corporation .....
nltlM Itervlce
Consolidated Edison
Corxolldated Vultee . .....
Crown Zellerbach .'.,..
curtlia Wright
Douglaa Aircraft
Du Pontile Nemouri ....
Eastman Kodak
Emerson Radio .'...,...,
aoneral Electrio .........
General Poods
Oeneral lootors
Georgia Pac Plywood ...
Goodyear Tire
Homestake Mining Co. ...
International Harvester.
International Paper.
Johns llanville ...........
Kennecott Copper
Llbbr McNeil
Lockheed Aircraft
Loeweg Incorporated
Long Ball ...............
Montgomery Ward.
Nash Kelvlnator
marked Charlman . Gardner
Knapp. , -. v v
By way of providing addi
tional parking space at senior
high, the superintendent sug
gested that an 01a quonset nut,
currently used for the storage
of odds and ends, be moved to
the West Salem junior high
grounds, where it. can be used
to advantage. Moving of this
structure as well as an unused
bicycle shed, would provide
space for an additional 23 Bi
140 effort will be .made ,at
this time to purchase additional
around at Liberty school, since
it is considered the cost would
be excessive.
An agreement with the Pros
pect Community club for use
of the old Prospect scnooi, cal
ling for an annual rental of
$75, which includes Insurance
charges, was authorized by the
Hauling of excess earth from
the Morningside school site on
South 12th street to the Can-
dalaria district was agreed
upon. The extra cost will not
be great, it was explained.
Plans for protection of pu
pils at Morningside when the
building is put in use next Ian
were considered. Many pupils
will be compelled to use the
South 12th street cutoff and;
assistance from the highway
department in the placing of
protective devices w,lll be
In . the personnel depart
ment, Supt. Snyder reeom
mended the hiring of Mrs. Ed
ith Sather, Mrs. Patricia Lee
and Mrs. Marjorie Nelson, all
of Salem. Mrs. Sather has been
with the district on an assigned
Talpeh I.R Gen. Mark
Clark, U.N. Far last com
mander, arrived here today on
a 14-hour stopover during
which ke will confer with
American and Chinese officials.
Northern Pacific
Pacific American Plan..
Paclflo Gs sr. Electric
Pacific Tel & Tel
Packard Motor Car ...
Penney, J. c.
Pennsylvania R. R; ,.,
Pepsi cola Co.
Phllco Radio
Radio Corporation
Rayonler Incorp. .......
Raronler Incorp. Pfd. "'
Republic steel
Reynolds Metals ......"'
Richfield Oil
Safeway stores Ine. '..
Scott Paper Co. .
sears. Roebuck As Co.
aocony-Vacuum Oil
Southern Pacific
Standard Oil Calif.
Standard Oil N.J. '...(.,
studebaker ' Corp. -.'.'. . v
Sunshine Mining
Swift & Company ....
Transsmerlca Corp. .."
Twentieth Century Pol"
Union Oil Company ..v
Union Pacific
United Airlines
united Aircraft .....
United Corporation
United States Plywood.-.
United 6tates Steel
Warner Pictures
Western Union Tel
Westlnghouse . Air Brak...
Waatinghouie Electric ...
.... 17
.... 30U
.... 01
.... 31
... 8414
.... M
.... 3SH
... n
.... 01
.... ou
.... n
.... Mtt
.... H
.... 1314
.... TIC.
.... So
.... 1714
.... M
.... us
..... 10s
..... 1114
..... 7414
.... J6H
..... 3411
i.... 4V
..... nv,
..... 7714
..... 30H
... SH
-..; 33
..... 1314
...... 5714
...... SOS
...... 7314
..... S0 14
..... 37
..... 3114
...... 37
, 5
..... 4314
BalMfat Tantalise, sublet! U laa-
atedlata ahaua: Premium aualliy. saaal-
-.SB af ana par- east acidity -
UrertS am Portland W-ns Ib.l first ual-
lly 7.7aei aeccod tualltr, M-lle. Valley
rautee ana country points, s aenis less.
altar Wholesale f.o.b. tar sates a
kalaaataa trade AA t score, del
A srada, St scare. Seal B, M aoare. 4es
c. at scars, 44s. Aaata prises strictly
tmlnal. ' . ......
Ckeaea Sslung pries to ParUand
whalaaalara. Otagcst tuulas 4S1ia4al
Oreaaa la. laal. M)a-U)M;, ttlpltu.
1140 stat was atnglaa.
Baga aa Waasaaalara 0afi4la4 aan
cootalnhur as loss, aaaea aasludsd f.a.k.
Portland, A tiada Ursa, M14-M14e A
srada medium, atVa-Hlrtl B srada Ursa,
atH-llHe. ,
raraUad Batry BUraal
Battsr maa w tatanata: Oraas As
BClnl. TSa: A aulaa. 7s; A srkala, ttai
cauls, tjc, m avtsu. aas. ...
assa To rauuara. oraaa aa sarga.
le; A laria, Sl-Ha; AA medium, Met
stadium. M-I7C, A aaaaU.- aatali
Oartaau. la addltlootl.
east Prist .ta rttailars. ParuaAd.
Ocagoa ttnilet, al4-ici l-lt. loavas.
SS-Ureal Irlaleta. 114a lass aha 1
laa. Premium arands slaglss. HIM
leaf, m 14a. Piaattstd American aheesa,
,1b. laavaa ta retail, aalt-agita. n. .
raalttr . -. -
lira amiaaaaa tna 1 naror. s.a.a..
plants.) Pryeta, 3(4-3 SH. -3Iei S-4
las.. 30.31s; arastsrs. 4)4 laa,.ua asar,
ta-Uc; kaary kans, all wemhta. rl-atti.
light hens, all welshta. -Siti aid roost
an. li-ltoi '
aaaaa caiakaas prysrs, ivi-j sis..
U-tsc; rossUrs, W-44ci Ught kau, 31
3Sei ktavy kana, a-37ci ant am fryers,
all welshta, t-ate. . . ;
Bakalat Avaraga to arewsrg;. uva
whltaa, 4-1 las., 3i-37e; I I las, 33-3sa
lb., old doss. lt-14e; lew hlahsr. Prash
drausd (ryara to ratalltra, 41-ttci cut
UP. H-Wc. :.. A '.
Caaatry Kulai kUaat- '
Veal Top aualltr. 3s-43o m.1 rough
htavlta. 3I-31C .
ssi Man ataaaara, si-sac; saws, awnt
lAmka Top trade aprlngare, 41-44t;
othsr sradea, aoeardlni ta aaallty. ,.
Btalten Beat -awes and watners. is-
He lb; v. . ." .
Baaf Utility aawt, M-xii st.i aAutr-'
eutUra, IS-37C.
Praak Draaaed Maata 1
Whalaaalara aa retallars: tsauaia psr
eel Stasra, sboles W0-7M lbs..
33. 00-40.00: good. 00. commercial
16.00-t7.00i - utility.; - cows,
commercial,; utuity, 10.00
33.00; aannera suturs, S3.M-31.tO. - '
. I 1
tsf Cala (COatea attera). Hind
auartara, ttao-w.toi nands.;
luu lalnt. trimmed.; tri-
aaglsa,; toro-auartara,
30.00; ahucks, I7.aa-40.N; rlas, ' 40. to
ll OS.
Vaai Oaod. HS-U.M: eemmertlala.
137-41. - .1
vajvea cm slat. sta-as.Tsi taatarar-
SlsU. 131-40.
asata prima akrinaagt. t-aw araw
S03-S1I toad, 040-44. , . . .
mallsa-oood choice, tai-n.
Park Cala Loint, Ms. 1. a-lt lbs.. Wi
ll: ahauldsrs, It Ma. Mt-Jt; sparerlsa.
140-40: link bams. 10-U rhs, tu-H.
Imaksd Slaasa Sklnnsd. na-
nnad lard la drums, lll.ta-ui aiaa a sc
on, tw-sa.u. ' ' '
Psstlaad atlseelltaetae ' '
Calary Cal. flat arata. l-t da.,
0311-4.31. res ta M OO. Or IIS
CMlaaa tt St. aacks Wait Oratact rtl-
lows, medium. 04.00-70: l-lnch, - 06 00
I.W; No. 3s, 01-361 aoUara. It a. aacks.
4I-47CI Idaho yallowt, large. 04.K-6.00;
Ma. 1, white, Urge. 4.70-1.00.
Palateea Ore.-Wash. rasssta. No. 1,
04.10-1.00; aama brands to II U: kakere.
u.aava.H: IS ma., alaa A. 01.U-l.e0;
lb. mesh. SO-lie: taper, 41-IJe; Do. I. to
lbs, 01.40-1. 10; Idaho bakers, kalss. 010
lbl; loo-la. aacaa.. as-vwa-sai
U lb. Ho. is, '
ay U. a No. 1 traaa alfalfa. 4
Usared car lots t a b. Portland, nominal
tm sal aa Sab: auattls. asi-40.
Waal WUlamalla lKy maatlr ktasl-
nal at aaa la. araasa basis.
ldaa carseg. lt-lla u. aooorsint aa
weights: ires kits. 11-ltol bulla, 4-lei
hutsher mow hides. 1-0c.
rtltarta Wholesale selling prist Ma. 1
laraa Baraelonas, 14-Mo lk.i trower
rlcss Mthard run. 14-110 lb.
Wsiaata Wholeaala ssllun prtaa, flrtt
iialltw Umi Pranauattaa. 33-33a gb.l
grower pries, arehard run, ll-ltt lb
few beat to 10c. .
PasilmHd OUstslda alarkat' '
Portland ' aim spring cauliflower
sold for 13 a araU today on the Portland
Eastslde Parmsrt Wholasala Produce
Brooki dlttrlct . dry ' ankina ar ought
04 a 10-lb. aaek. .
WUlametta rainy aahbaga was tcarot
and sold firm at H e arata, ...
Ckleaaa Lliaataek ,
Ohicaco t,T7 Prices on bote pushed
ahaad 10 to 35 cants a hundred pounds
Wsdnatday In spite ol a continuing lack
of buying Interest from shippers.
Cattle were ateadr'to 10- cent lower
but sheen trading was slow tsttint
started with Indications at a steady
market early.
Barowa and tllta mostly aakfl from
0VIM to tha tow of sews took
117.16 to OIO.M mostly. -, . . .
Good to prime eteers- and yearllngg
nenerally were worth in to to 037. M
and good to prime haKers from
ta 133.76. Cows topped at 010.H.
r Her tfm
HtAff. (BenlMtl UUl.
10Vlb. but.
Ksttr BBlBVasl M.aPS-.aS.
Dalrr W4-U M-n M ft, .U).
M te-i (loo wu. -
Pdkaitri- Mfiu rntm vonxm mm,
Wei AM rMUrts U; olartd fowl, Mc;
Lntwra lovU Mi rowur, Kc .
sftre: ...
UmrUM Ftieesi mtu AA. lUtt A.
Uosut kmuub AA, Hi aiMiam 4,
all. iole: until, lie.
WhdtUlt Frit HI WIMHWtUs) BTltU
(wntrkUy Mo biibtr khu lh iUm
boTt. urn irHi a ntru Wtm
at Me; n4tliin. 0lo. , - t
BBitartBaW-BUTiBC priM! rrtsSiua, Tl
fltt: Mow 1- OsVltV: I. 7. .
BalUr WbolMkU iiMi A VUoMiBMh
TS nuu, 7T.
sfUt. Oalta Bewarl
OTMOU oftUW COllffft PotktO dasllP-
mtatm lacra4d ac4 mIob aiitpiaaU
datrtaMol durlut lb paat VMk. PtUm
wn itronutr an ioUtati nd aaehtvn
ad on outooj. - .. . t : -
Hi ttftUon' potato ahtpmonti ejurlnc
tna . wtoK oMing much 11, tataMa
Uttlo tjvtr mm eat. Thii wu aa I
eroua af 44 an attr tha prttiou
wttk, and around M0 oaxa mort than
wtro tnippM durlov in oorrotpoooint
wtak out yttr aio. sthavpnionU from lh
Nortbwoit otlrapptd oft around 144 on
thla put ink wbin aainpirtd ta ahlp-
mtnta at a votk aarilor. Orogon a)tlppad
1W oo and idft&o art lp pod 1IM. 4Mitp-
11111 rrota wauioflion Miami n un,
Potato pricM waro firm and ctronctr
thla pait vaak tt atrtral af kho Import
aul potato markata rn Uit nation. Vrteoa
advaocad around H aants a stack
Portland thla paat waaK on Oraion Rui
MU. I7. '. Ho. i A' war vholaaallnt
from m.m to a hunelradwaltl.t,
Prteo adrancaa wara alio notad at Chl-
eato. San rranclieo, Loa Anselaa, and
at tna Idaho raita ahtppina point,
Tha nation'! potato aoroaia in 1061
will . ba 4(i pir aent Uraar - than -laat
rtar, if tha Utreh 1 plantlni lntantlona
ara oarrlad out. Potato 1 rowan In tha
it aarly atataa plan to Inertaaa khtlr
acreua by 10 par cant, and In tha ln
ttrmaoiaia atataa. tna meraajiaa la
pectad to ba around S or 8 par oant
reatar than laat rtar. In-tha 20 lata
tatu, whkh lncluda Oratton, aereata la
atpeotad lo ot lnraaaad by par tnt.
Moat aC tha Inereaat In lata potatoaa,la
In tha 11 WtiUrn atataa. Orowara In
thaaa atataa- tntand plant par oant
mora aaraua than Way ia laat 7ar.
Orccon irowara ara pUanlnt a II pat
aant tartar aereata than tha anal. M.000
acrta at a. yaar aao,: -i
Tba natlon'a onion ahlpmtnta ooppa4
down to 1U cara thla raat waak aa aom-
pwtd to Ml tna prarloua waak. aVilp-
mmU aalo Paat vaak war aha aauUaat
af any waak darina taa taas paar. awap
vanta Iraat Ovaaan thla paat waak total
ad 44 aara.
On tha POsMan wmauaaia aaaimat ania
ptvat waak arar 004 aaaka af aaU'jata wara
acalf4 bw trwak, and WbaiaVd far
prleaa bstaaaa fraaa on
waak. . .
PartUal Uraataak '
Partland ajJtv Catua: 0441 aaaadri
aaa aowa M-Me lawar: ahataa 400 )b.
fad ataara M-IO; aoawr4lalao4 tt-tt;
utility aUtra M.oa-lOJO; aanaar-aattar
aowa 11-13. atiuty aowa ia.04-.M;
utility bulla 1111.
Calrai: Mt acMra, ataadyt good analaa
vaalara M-ll! prima Mi aoamarclai:
vaaiara M-S4) aulla onowa la 14.
anaa: aaa: aativa. aaaaar: aa
Mi lb. butahara tt.M-M, aboka Ml -404
lb. aowa 10-11.
haau mo: auadyt aholaa M lb. wool-
ad lamb 111 ahalea-prtata aaoiabla ta
11 M and aborat wtlllty kaaj down; aaod laaaara 111 aaa
aUuwhttr awaa 4-10.
Partlaai nli '
Portland 4V-Na 4oarao araina auotad.
Whaat (bid) 4a arrrra aaarkat, baala
No. l bulk, dallvarad aoaat: Soft Whit
143: Soft Whit (netudtnr Jan) 1;
Whit Club S.41.
Hard Had Wantar: b?aUnarv t-44; 14
par aant S 44, U par aant , l.4i II par
aant 1.44.
- Oar racalpli: ' whaat 111; baaiay 1;
flour li aorn 4i aalU faat 14.
Ohkaao CV- Or tna aaaad am
board af tra4a Wadnaaday without any
apacUla nawa ta aaeount for tha alump.
Brokara aald thara aaaaarad to aa
aona dlaappolntmant at tha Inability af
ana aaariat aa aonunua wiin tna uaan
of atroMth ahawn ka Tuaaday'a aaaalop.
That ahaaiamntaaant aaiaaod .aaaaa au
ins from local tradara.
Whaat aleaad 1H-1 lawar. Hoy N
WM4; corn lewar. May $1. WW
's. : oata iu lowar. Hay 7i-
1 to 114 lowar. May M4-Ut aorbaana
m to 1 aant lowar. aaay b.ok-
and lard I a tela a hundrad pound law
ar, May fii.aa.
tak Markat' :
Now Tark lav- An aarly forward
auraa in tha atoek nvrkt Waoaattay
waa ahackad in laur traainc.
Oalna at ona time aatandad to aatwaan
1 and 1 pointa at tha autc&r, but tba
baat part af tha rtaa waa anavaa iown
t around S point at tha moat Oalna
and loaaai wara laraaly fractional with
tha downalda aaMom aan tat below 1
Volume built no aa aa aetlmated t.
400,000 aharaa, ana at tma haaTlaat aara
of aha last me month. Tutedar 1 total
waa l,r,o
Clerk for FO
Hn. Vlrfie K. Perry, who.
with her husband operatss (he ;
store at Chemawa, has bwn ;
named elerk In charfe af the
contract post office that will
becomt ffeetive April 1. An- .
nouncement to this effect wee "
received Wednesday by Peart- '
master Albert C. Graff.
Decision to change the stsv
tus of postal operations at Cha
mawa from that of third elass
post office to contract branch
of th Salem post office waa .
made recently by the postal
ssrvlcs. Mrs. Martin Knittet
has 1 served as . postmaster at .
Chemawa during the peat twe
or three years.
Receipt and dispatch of snail .
through Chemawa will be eotv :
tinued as heretofore undar the '
contract arrangement and aha
branch-will have Its own east -celling
stamp, i - : ':':
. ) w " , ,.:,.'.
February Bond Sales ;
$200,235 in County f
U. . ' savings bonds pur-'
chases amounted to $200,235 ln
Marlon county in February,'
compared . with a quota of
$318,075 according to a report ; :
received here today from X.'
C. Sammons,. state bond sale
chairman Portland. - :rv?r.
Tot the - state ' purchases
were (1,162,858, '64 per eent
above " February, 1852. : The .
national Increase for February
was 22 per eent, gammons saldi s
Tor Polk eouhty February
sales were - $12,687,' for Lira "
$68,875 end for ; Yamhill $4t,
021. ' '. .:.'."--
Mid-Willamette Obituaries
Sue C. Greene
Stay ton Mrs. Sue C.
Greene, 61, of Mill'City, died
in a Salem hospital Monday,
March 28. Mrs. Greene was
born at Webster, S. D., March
18, 1882.
Surviving are her husband,
Wesley Greene, Mill City; two
daughters, Mrs. Lee Kuhlman,
Mill City; and Mrs. Raymond
Thompson, Mill City; her moth
er, Mrs. Mary Flanders, Comp
ton, Calif.; six brothers, four
sisters and six grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held
at the Mill City Presbyterian
church at 1:30 pjn., Thursday,
March 27, with the Rev. Noble
Streeter officiating. Members
of tha Mill City Rebekah lodge
will take part In the ceremony.
Burial will be In Belcrest
Memorial Park, Salem, under
direction of the Weddle Funer
al Home, Stayton.
eral brothera and atstere. Including
Charles Ifarel, Agenda, Ka allies: Bare
and Joe Havel, both of Cuba, Ka. Serr
kss will ba rule Prldsj, Msreh ST at
1:10 p.m. ta the VlrtU T. Oolden Chapel
with the Bsr. John 3. alrsra edlelallnt.
National Credit
Card, Inc. -
An Orsgon Cerporillon
amRitH iwm ar stock
CsMrrirrvg sf: '
1 stun CUss A suit sauteei
ttTn( non-TOtJnf MmnMTl
1 share CUsa B Bar at
HtrtkllMitlns TpMng amen-
1 atuu-e Class C 8100 yn 1
aransUtlTt an-Tt4mf ,
osref erred.
At $1001 Per Unit
Ordtrs (armlM to SUto ef
Oregon) ACtfrsried By
Tlam Hts-. fortltad 4, Orajoa
mtmm awv.n . ... I
Alma Jacobeon, tt a loeal hospital
March 14. Shlpmaiit kaa taen made to
runera, nuuiw, vwv - -.
for services and Interment bp Clourti
Barrlck Co.
SdwarS Barel
Idward Harel. at tha rssldsnca 100
rubeta ltd.. Salem, slsrtll 14. Snrrlrad
tp wifa, Mrs. BUM Mmi. Salsmj taw
J. R. Williston, Bruce & Co.
Istsbllshed 1888
New York Stock ixchange
American Stock Exchange
Chicago Board of Trade
Let Angele. Stock Ixehonge
Edmonton Stock Exchange
and other exchanges
New York San Frorvcisco
Los Angeles
Salem Office
203 Oregon Building
Phone 3-4106
Miami Beoch
Arthur W. Smither
JUIph A. Smither
Harold F. Smither
Henry A. Wlllecke
Yaw tjtm't encfwot pokrpooy agilhy kom a tnttk
faBTdtic huttkeGMCthmn U.
.... i .- ' :l
Vw'd Kke have ptmenier-ear ptm und oaotxMmy
n the highway - mnd you'll gtt it frm tk$ 1953
GMCt. , ; , , , . , ,
Far there tare two arammKkwa advtMtc atitvt ttep
ttwj smw GMG'i fir oWtrtJ A ail pravtotM trttck
Otaet Dvtal-Rarvge Hydra-Matio Drive - the Wly
aaijtotTrfitic ashrit wkh 3 tpaajdrt tor traffic, 4 lor the pcn
roMrd-avvilahre on 19 mtxiele thnm&io. the K
nd 1-wOti ctvoety range.
Twoi a new line ofeagkica ol progreeMve 6tmgn, with
owneenion l-atioi of 7 to 1 mnd to l-th highest
y gtsoline truck engine ever built. Here's pile
driver power behind every puton stroke lashkiti
A mmiber ef ebaais tdvaHtOM too, add to the eatTa
value features that Brake GMCi, faint for point, the
btggeet doHar's worth in the li&-4rwk ftetd as well
ae in the heavier lines.
We eotpfidently tell yoej- tiSete great sew GMCs
will do your job better, easier, and at the lowest ever.
aHooet. They have stamina beyond their size, because
they're "built like the big ones" -the hevy-claty
GMCi that lead the world in sales. ,
That's swypng a lot. But jmt Gomln-mriyN'provelt.
mm raW l
A Gmtrel Afesero resW
555 N. Front St., Salem, Ore.
tsMmv iiM tim :-
aaTCflpOOa)9 asBwRH B9ttaHT WBmtiiQQmjQ WflttttittLtLm sawBTwBWaBsBBi W99mWm9,
a a 3 a :v l