Pact It THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon WriMadsy, Much 25, 1953 Gurif ighter's Return yimil WNINWIIN IAF Bewafealafet) CHAPTER 11 ' The hot flu of noon's shadow leas NDllcbt was on Main Street wtieu Jim Rimbaud came out of tii AJhambre Hotel. Xe had slept the clock around, yet he didn't teal mud. He had downed two up of blaek oottee in toe dining loom but U11 felt sluggish and expressed, xven uie cigarette ne didn't taste rigat. "Too much bourbon last night,' Kmbaurf reflected moodily. But he knew it was more than that Thai wasn't an ordinary bancorer caused by Indulgence after kxw abstinence. It was oawned bv a bleak sense of tuttl ley and frustration. He had come to Junction with tfce most peace ful intention a man could have, wanting food and rest and another look at Kv Odegarde. But he had been challenged at erery turn. Re solved to quit the gun game, he had been obliged to take on the sorriest chore in the book protec tion of a homestead against big outfit invasion. And Bve Odegarde was engaged to the man ne was oblloated to. It seemed as If the whole deck was stacked against him. Rimbaud discarded the cigarette and gave Mam street a squint eyed appraisal. The town had looked good to him when be rode In last night. A moonlit oasis, But now Junction's warped planks and dilapidated buildings stood re vealed In all their harsh reality. . Sheriff Sol Robulards came out of she Shanghai dale and stood there prying at his teeth with a toothpick while Rimbaud walked an in Mm. "Good momlnir." Robil- lardt greeted In a blandly Imper sonal voice. "What's this I hear about yew riding for Sam Mai ban?" - "You ' Heard right," JUrobaud "But the man Is a fugitive from Justice," Roblllarde Insisted. "A wanted sow thief. Why get mixed p with him?" "My business, Rimbaud said. "I'm warning you that any in terference will the capture of Malben will not be tolerated." . Rknbaua jaugnea at nun. w eked, "Would that be a threat or a warning, Sol?" "A warning. My political future may depend on what takes place In the next few days. I want no more trouble for the newspapers to iwff up into headlines. Dont ' Mnfc it an1 won't stand for it. - "So?" Rimbaud mused. "Well, now 111 tell you something, Sol. Any Roman Four rider that tres passes on Maiben's property will do so at bis own risk." ; "You're just asking for trouble," Roblllarde warned again. "Just eking for It." "Sure," Rimbaud peered, like I asked Untie Link to take a pot shot at me from the Shilohfc back Annr." . . !. Then he went on to the stable to have hi horse saddled. Joe Oabbert came out of the harness room, tousle-fcalrad and yawning. "A big night," the liveryman re flected, "you leavln' so soon?" Rimbaud nodded, handed him a silver dollar, and asked, 'Which is the best way to Bam Maiben's piaoe?" "So them rumors It true," Oab bert said. "Well Bam ooukmt have a batter man atdln' him by grab. You got Lew Btnxnberg eatin' out of your hand. Merer saw the beat of It the way you bluffed Lew down last night." . "I wasn't bluffing," Rimbaud aid. "How about some direc tions?'! - "Well the Spanish strip road forks off to the north a mile be yond the cattle pens. Just keep on it till you top Big Mesa then bear left on a trail that drops off Into Iknbraoe Canyon, cross the creek, and cUmb Jigsaw Divide. Maiben's piece Is off to Vat north about five crow -flight miles from the divide. The wagon road winds around ' from Big Mesa and branches off at Isabella's Camp. But it's a food piece farther that Wrrianks," Mmtjaud said and rods out. M.. 1 -WW... .W HMIU lu aav mAim ivui www wvwu u JM. MKA kiwi UbM (, day, be supposed. At' least th headquarters ew, which, accord ing to Ltmpy Smith, consisted o. five men. Two others, who hek down a line camp an the Pothofet nrobablv hadn't been in on yester day's man hunt. But there wai another Roman Four man unac counted for in town last night a fellow Umpy called Boornr Bill. "Big as a Percheron stud, sfcnttJi had described him, "and a trifle loco In the souu." The smoky years bad taught Jsm Rimbaud the value oc ngiianoe en the trail ao that now, oeaervlng that distant dust plume had van ished, he angled off the read. The unseen rider, ne ocmm. dm nan Ad somewhere south of the road on a ttusn-outcnea na uuu bulged the long slope. H pres ence up there might not snean a thine. But from now cat. day cr night, the threat of ambush wouMi be a tugging cccnpanioa, and: wariness would be his only shield. He crossed the atop acme enne miles north of the mjt. ana presently re-entering the Spanish Strip road, followed tt to the broad crest of Big Mesa. Hera he halted.; scanning his becktrlal and giving; the roundabout terrain a ouesuns attention. No risen dust showed anywhere and no sound disturbed the windless, sun-wanned air. When he turned into a westward trail he noticed two set of horse tracks one set beaded toward the road, and another est angling awav from 1L Keening to one awe of the tracks, he observed a simi larity In the hoof-prints, as sf they mignt nave oeen maoe oy me same bone. But the tracks were five or six hours om. ne juogea, and so disregarded them as his horse eased down a nan steep-tilted trail Into ' Bnbrace canvon. ....... Presently, as the roan drank from a nool in a boulder -strewn creek at the cay on bottom, Rim baud had an overwhelming urge to take a swim. This was more water than he had seen in months. Not enough to swim In, really; but a man could splash around in K and get nimeeii wet au over; Rimbaud scanned the towering wall of JlKsaw Divide, which rose high above the canyon. This might oe one or me places isoman rour wouid watch in aunt lor aam Malben. But he detected no sign or sound of movement anywhere on the divide, and water was hueelv temnting. 'Til risk it," Rimbaud decided with a gambler, fatalism. Tvlne the roan to a dumo of brush, he took off bis clothes and eased Into the pool. This was better than any barbershop bathtub. It reminded him of his boyhood in Texas; how he used to ride ten dusty heat-hammered miles for the boyish pleasure of taking belly- splashers In a muddy river. There had been no other boys to share the fun, but he had whooped and hollered, making believe that he was accompanied by rollicking companion. He recalled the fine feeling of the water against his iiesn wnen ne nrst lumped in, ana how his father had poked fun at him. warning that he'd grow up weo-iootea,: A long, long time ago .-. . '.; Rimbaud vras aolashlns around and thoroughly enjoying hbnself when a voice called. "IS that you. eamr" , A woman's voice. ' (Te Be Continued) '. Benson Wants Ouster Of Foes in Aq. Dept. Washington ma secretary of Agriculture Ear T. Benson aid yesterday if employes of I the department don't accept the administration's farm philoso phy he will get rid of them as fast as possible. Benson told a National Press club lunch meeting he believed "grat majority" of Agricul ture Department employes "are faithful public servants and were glad to we the change in administration." , , W.W Scout Meeting Tfoodburn . The monthly meeting of the Woodburn Cub Scouts will be Thursday night, March M; at the Washington school. Change in - the date from Friday to Thursday is made due to conflict with the "Community Action Auction,' scheduled for Friday night at the Woodburn armory, accord ing to announcement by Cub master Ralph Pickering. Vsud evllle acts it the theme for the month. A help on the job Dn'tklwandrai. Ostw WligVl Sptemint C-m, cManJcKHln(u BOOM A BOARD "ty what you'rt wing I tnioyploiant.hiwtng I (I EL2E22nll By Ahren T THAT LINIMENT 1$ CV. SECRET IHT FEE--VOO..p MIXTURE I AAAKE AN' SELL TUH 0ff THIS AWFUL ODOR. i RASSLER5...DEY ALL SAV IT WIKS W COULD SPRING A RUSTY U lllE A MIRACLE ON SPRAINS AN' M LOCK...EASy ID H6URE g rUUD MUSaES...BUT CA SMELL K HOW THIS CURES A V vmjBCJWL0VERA60AT...S0lFy'f PULLED MUSCLE.. JT X , - ,YUH CAN MIX A I 5HRIN13 BACK FBOM r I I POIFUME THAT1L I V THE SMELL S STEVE KOPEK , - I S THAT'S WHAT If-AND OONY TRY TO l?SRri SiltJia S : THE LADV STOP ME. DA RUNG, OR Ik f -ZjB OTivs , J 'X MAYBE- UJGER UXDeNsAID. LOUIE 1 t'U'SERENAOe YOU COULO HE7 TORCHYf j DON'T SO 6OO0 K ; R'SHT MTO YsfFHMMA-LOOItUP JVcTt JVlJ j ii , iT0GOfy-rr 9auHoa4jmmmm n XT THener-iMe . vr;a -vi &&i&i&&- " V' ' sntwwwwT afO l . ". l&Z&RK-?- iff ava iii i r&g ;-jp&r. ih&m ORPHAN ANNIE ,t- ,-v ; - II III I II' T IIT7 . . 1 I I IBTT MJU BK, HB VMD JUST "N I I - AND UP THfiT "f I vou wr jutxa sea-TV 1 J ,1 wgnep rr berjre wroiseu I I UU pwrHoTHeHU.- oh I I umi. aa unm lcstt 1 eint CUH I III I mfoc n mv nenr wWN rVl III m MK nroTM. I I . I In are nou ustE J mbss kpr&jh- I L1 He walked out of hes- ill I CjSLNr --TlTT7ri I EP TMA-iS TH' LAW, T ' " "" 0&fmj wzmL-- MMm&i& wzmmMmm HOP ALONG CAS81DY v ; ... :. : ..-...',: - ayawS'S3S,ew,waw1w1w1wSjrSW35MMaw, ZV I wm I I vin Trw. r-mrj -rr irr jusrr-ri I : - T 1 THE4E H06eEd BEFORE 60ME- I AS WXON4 AS H TAKES THE LEAP, MYOLrtL FIND EXPL06WE6 AND A J BODY. 6EE4 'EM AN' FINDd TH' L UTRIKINA OUT AOiS THE FLATLAND DIcVSINfi TO0L6 IN THE RVS IfA TVJ 6AL0OT4 WE'RE IV. M aIH rUftrest , I : FOR OPENING THAT RWER lwUOIN' IN6I0E J I -jr I laawwaaaaawwaaaaaw. - I Bwwe3w '-.CSdl r' 7 Bwvaww-ssik.- . .- 3 fj-Mi n . ... i ii ; ifj j v if .11 I ArtlTF JOwCF . -(VeH?l A POOR AMD V II AD."50NNV. 1 1) . T J II THAT'S OHE THEY J1 UTTUC KID I WMECP 15 : V "-f J-C h CANT PRlNT3 rfaavrie. tixf 1 nr iitxai H-s-fli mr-umw i REX MORGAN, M. D. . ( . . . 1mmmmnSZZa&m,m9 mum VI I " vrui'n m u TT) KM I k J IT "wAONT !W?T OF AN ACT.'mP'.n I mlnttinC 1 rr wa au run of th V N 1 x wwirwee...iuTx. Ml ft WAS WATDAN0 THOU!H tt A V ACT, V0OUNr IOU, gteakAf V N0' ,1 I II T"" FRST T16 MV UFg' V , I im wucow; x aw you I V j'vi fau.n in tove .'j . , esX "ETVgtsS-tali I I . AwMaear I " A VS a DONALD PPCK ' : .. ' -'. ' '. '. , MARXWORTH ' ':- ' ';' . . - ' RADIO PROGRAMS L FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at aar Television Theatre. : i , , v Bee them in action before joa kajr. Packard-lull, Imeraon) Reytheen, WaatinghatiM OPEN FROM f A.M. te 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Eveninf t by Appointment YEATER APPUAKCE 4 TEIEVISIOM (0. 375 Chemakato , , . . Fhoa 34311 THURSDAY P. M. ' KGW KOIN KEX IKSLM KGAEIK0C0 jjp eis nbo ere ci use aao imbso list a- in uu Km Nm7 N.W. ' rl H.rWx t TtSwwi SmilSHa Ikniw " Kilt KmI lit. OH U Nm SUt. Nm BaurC Ntwt :JP m. mas Hut rrtr Isak Owus or est , sm rtsak Bu m'r HspslaaM t Ht Vmrtr Jstfc Owtwi Msile . . ShhI Bssii Vruk Bst lit B.S. Wlf. HIUTwHh. KsrWMl. , Isek Bww4 Sns rrsak Daug 1:1: SMIs Dallas Qaa. ruk Bar WMt Blkaa Bmri Bmk Mailt Mai. :W W. Bran Klrkhaai . Bar Waal Laikr V BatarS Bwaai Hatla Mai, mm la Baa Bhkhaai Bat Waal Baaek BaaaK Sua MalaSt i:H nala BUI Mailt , Cal Tlaatr Ntara Baatrw Baaai MalaaY :t rarr.ll OaSlrtr Cal Tluar Oar, raaaa Batata Baaai Mtlttr itP l Jaatt . OtSfrtr Ukt Mailt BatarS Baaai MtlaSr - ' :IB Dtt't WHt OaSlftr ' MllUaaalta Btl't Sktwti BtttrS Baaai M.IXt l:M WalatBt GaSlrar Mailt Birat Oar Tawm. Ilm IlaaO Mailt Mai. :it Tranlar GaSlttr . BUI Bias SUrtaa Shaw . Malta MM. 1:M Or. raal OaSlrar ' rar Ika Qlrb Ntwa Jin Daasr M.ri. MaL :4 D. Oarrtwar Cart Mataar Vat tkt Olrt. faala Sltai Shaw Mailt Mala! 4: UfaBtaatlf. Blrkhaai Tlar T,at nit. Ltwi. B4t Btratr Wtrli N.wt 4:U Mailt Bt Balk Stktos Sari Cut B.alaiwar MaalaMart Qaaat Star 4:WI Mail. Baa lla Wak.ll Sart Cats Cart Maaaar Mail. Mart SaatnS Laak i:it BltaatPar Tta.lallr HtpT Ilia Saat Harat Mailt Mart Waiaa'i Fi. :M Nawt . IS Marraw Mtrrla Clrtk Sit, rrattaa Mart Shaw Cm :15 Ntwa ' Niwi Yin. rtaklai lit. Fran Maala Mart Skaw Caw 1:11 L. MtCaU WarliTaSa; C. Baatl.i skr Bias Mailt Mart Vallaftas. i:4f I. Vlttrtta Frank Oaia Bak OarraS Skr Bias Mailt Mart Stan S:M Balaa with. Tim. f.r W.ath.rmaa IQ. Btattr Maila Mart CaaaJtUikt Mailt Lata Htaia SSItlati N. . W. N.wi sin Oft aaS SUrar J:fO BtS Skallaa Bins qaaS tanrar Maa , . Ntwa ;fa Btd Bktltta Blai Cratbr Llitaatof Sal Baraa , SI Ban a.M Bit Starr . Aaitrkaa . Sllvar Baila Cltta Bli Baiarr 4:jt Bli Starr. War SUrar Baila Mailt ' start Bau : 4;M Balak Vlalttas 0raaailaBS CaataiBalat ... Mailt 7:4B ESwaiSt Tlraa Warkaait far WW " aMaiBssfrt f :S0 Man'a faaOr L. Tkaraaa Laailaaa Crlraafla Traek UM " i;5 Warld Ntwa Oa Satt Smabaatlti Crlart rilara Tratk 14H :sft Bar Baiara Dat.'BrMa Taltttf Mailt Tratk '1M ;f Bar Baiari Pat. Brlda Taiaarraw Mailt ' . ' . Tratk 14M aJo ratktr Mttt Mini. . Nt'wt Ttaiar." Gl.a BarSr . Tratk 14M )'.j Eaawa Matt Mlllla AatbtStr Or, Palt. Lawla Tratk lite f;g Caairaaalit Ja Staffarf Starth far Wkal Cttki Tratk MM j:ir, far TBI Ir. Mill Stan Mailt Nawi (SO liptrttt S-Star rtaal nasi BSINaa Bablad itrr Warrtik Bsartt rtasl Iatarrlawa Paatt Tim Nawartal . Warrltk I.0 Gtldta ptttrt lna (V Paaat Tlait Nawt Mailt fas 45 fltata ' Orthattra Daata Tlwt Crlat Villa ' Waal' Je(l awt Orian Oaata Visit Crlraa FUh " . Nattaraa Lw.a MaCaMOriaa Daan Tlait Mailt Nattaraa 1:30 Cltr Caanall Trial. rr ' Daatt TIm Mailt - Naataraa ;4 Cltr Caaatll Bandtlaid Paatt Tlaia Mailt . ;' ' ' Nattaraa Blia Off hlraat Ipaatt Trait Isiia Off I : lllia Off Don't I rat aver down payment. Wa toko moat anythin on trede for a beautiful Otiythcoiip Set. te Us First for she Pteest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1 1170 Lena Ave. I Open Monday and Friday Evenings Phone 11558 FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:43 A.M. :H Mailt Tfaa IVBB Nawa Farai Br. INawa Brtakfaat :1S Mailt Tlmt ttro Ortiaa rana Br. rtaaakaavar Naak M.lttr :(g Mailt Tlma. KOIN Blaak Farra Br. Ntwt Bnakfatt rarai Htwa ;4f rarta Ttata KOIN Blaak Farai Baar Marak TUaa Naak Nawi i;M Catrr Bdltar Ntwt . - Ntwt Bttataiwav Braakfaai BOCO Elatfe :U Jakaar Wllto Nawa M. Arr.niky Braakfart Naak BOCO Blatk :M Nawa awa . Bak Oarrad Braakfaai Braakfaai BOCO Blaak :4S K. Manntai B. Babbitt Bab Bataa Saai Baraa Naak ' BOCO Blaak :r? Old Saaia Ntwt Brtakfaat Catfl Brawa lla Daadr BOCO Btoati :1S Old laaia Nawa Clak PaaflT AHar Jla Daadr BOCO Blaak :M Maila Baa Oraad Blaa Braakfstl BMIa Baar Jla Daadr BOCO Blatk :48 Maila Baa Battaarr Clak salt Baar Jla Daadr Nawa Mailt Baa . W. Warraa Nawa Dr. Sward Hatiaaa Btrlai IS Maila Baa Aaat Jam Ttt.r'i liar Caaaaatarr Matlaaa Sariaaaa ' it) faila Baa Baraa Traal Brtak Baak Fattar Call Matlaaa . BipaUatt ig Undlahr Gal gaadar Brttk Baak Bar. Caaatai Matlata Tlaaa Fat. M-M Baitaii Bit Baad Ufa Baa Oardaaroin Hardr Matlaaa Ban Fartr Ma Farklaa Cktt Baatlti T.llt Tttl Matlata Batarda la.aa Sulk. Btk Dr. Malaaa Traa Starr Aniwar Maa Matlaaa Ban lt:jji Strtka Blth Paid, Lliht Traa Jtarr Mailt Matlatt Bttlrdt H aa Daabli ar Mra. Bartaa Whlaatrlai Ladltt Fair Matlaaa Ban fji Ntlblai P. Mam Girl Marritt Ladltt Fair Matlaa Batarav H-N Bak and Bar Narak Draka V. Lradlkar Qa. far Par Matlaaa Bart :4glBab Bapa BrilhttrPar Baraty Ktaa Qa. far DarlMatLBaa Batarda FH Mai.: BOIN M 1.1. a.a. la tt p.a. BIZ al t, J ta am DIAL LISTING KOAC. lit F.M.: l:ta Cklld rXWVa Tkaattr: l:M. Baaart fna laraatl S:M, Nawi a Wtatbtn S:IS, Ortitn Ltalilatartt 1:11. Fata Atari 8:M, BBC Thaattri S:fe. Mailt Tbal Bad am; S:U, tdllatlaai ISM, Sin Off. tfOAr rrMr A.M.: W:SB Bt rVy"VV )!:(, BaaarlaBr far Wa twai U:ll, Otatart Mailt :SS, Nawll U:ll, Fara Baara, Marias aanitr aiaata. Arrest Eugene Man - Albany Jack Marvin New some, Eugene, is at liberty un der $150 bail set in district court, when he pleaded inno cent to a drunken driving charge following nil arrest at the Jefferson junction on Mi Pacific highway, by , stat police. Arrested with New some was Charles Smith, 71, Springfield, who pleaded guilty to a charge of being drunk on a public highway. He paid a $50 fin and costs. ACROSS ' 1. Cereal seed .Records the speed a. Kind of. wood la. Evergreen tree 11. Harden 14. By way of 15. Whlppinjs ' U. Military student M.Psrt of a curve ' n. Exclamation 22. Metal 24. Relieve 27. Greek letter 28. You and me , 10. Pull after 12. Put on 12. Commonplace 17. Boy 18. Color 19. Depart 40. Symbol for ruthenium 41. God of love 43. Ventilate 48. Organ of scent 47. Vegetable - 49. At no time IL Insertion of false passages ' M. Billiard stick 17. Vinegar bottle M. Female sheep IW.riniih 60. Armies 11. Allow DOWN l.Away 1 Trouble Solution ef Yestereaye Pusxl IVeiUge . 4. Bound I. Bay CVery numerous T. Period of time ' 1 I- P WW P r I7 P Ei o III -Wfftfff ill-"" if "i gF-Tpcr-f Ww-m T - g 3" & m sr t p sr jr-Jf f fr r irpir-Afgrr-- mr-m-tf i gqpr f . YTlm I 1 1 iisr 1 Bristle (.Alligator pear 10. TransfresslOB 1L Possesiei IS. Scale 17. Anger 20. Pome fruit U. Pertaining to . the eye of a besn U. Incline the head 25. Turns add ' IS.roIlow 2S.TiUe of knight SI. Peruke Si, Took for one's ews 25. Beverage M. Composition for nine 41 Perceive 44. Rent again 45. Bsy window 41 Curved structural member 50. Large tubs 41. Frozen water SS. Father of Joshua It OoM Instructor 54, Be fn debt 55. Openwork fabric