Wsfaoaday, March IB, mt THE CAPITAL 30VKHAU Ukm, Onto J I i Te 1 , - LE-VlEWS Radio-Television t i y DAVE BLACKMM A falam television salesman informs us that Monday nlSht waa his night to stay horn with the baby . . . ; Saya he couldn't find anything to do ao decided that he would tinker with his TV set. Just joking of course but wanted to get in a dig at the TV act owners that are onatantly tampering with their TV aeta ... , ' . : Been trying to locate some Red Skelton f ana In this area and having a hard time dojng ao . . . Portland eolumnlsta claim Red is long gone ... Tele-Views waa going to stage a challenge on the subject, however. The Skelton fans in Salem must be hiding because we can't find any . , , Drop as a line If you still like Red. . The Burns and Allen Show on KPTV Thursdaya at . 8:80 p.m. is currently rating very high in the Portland ",, viewing area . Salem TV fans enjoy the comedy team . . . (See story en Burns and Allen elsewhere on tnis page). , ! , e ' ; :. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 Tootsie Hippadrome at 1:80 Jim Lynch bow and arrow expert as guest. Pabat Bouts at 7:00.Geor Ara'ujo of Providence. R.I. ve. Teddy Davis of Hartford, Conn. 10-round, lightweight Bout irom Cleveland arena. 1 Hollywood Opening Night at 8 :00. "The Invited Seven, Boris Karloff in a mystery drama that goes beyond the . flying saucer headlines of today I Married Joan at 9:00. Joan goes on a diet and almoat dies of starvation because she wants to slim 'down to make a TV appearance endorsing a salad dressing. Kraft Theater at 10:00. "So Very Young." Patty O'Neil as 17-year-old whose father thinks she is too young to -marry. March of Time at 11:00 Green Paradise of Goa. Nite Owl Theater at 11:80. "Whispering Footsteps.1 . John Hubbard, Rita Quigley. y THURSDAY ' ' " ' " ;- ; Kate Smith Show, at 1 :00. The Kateds, DeMarco sisters and America sinss. Matinee Theater at 8:00. "The Girl Who Dared." TjMmo flmir PaIam PaaVbmi Mviua vs tj p x vwnoviii . , , MY Hero at 7:00. Beanblosaom's marvelous memory wins him an important mission to Washington with a "Top Secret." ' Burns and Allen at 8:30 A make-up man whistles in Geo. and Grade's dressing room at they prepare to do "Romeo and Juliet." The superstition prompts Grade to hide the car so George wpn't have an accident. ' The Unexpected at . 9:00. . "Leopards in Lightning." Grpup goes into the plateau country of Congo Basin and members of the safari were never heard from again. American detective unravela the mystery. , ' Ford Theater at 9:80. Dan Duryea, George Brent in "Double Exposure." Hollywood Wrestling at 10:80. Mr. Moto and Hans Schnabel vs. Lord James Blears and Bobby Managoff. 1 (tag teams). ', George Burns Can't Answer All Questions About Grade When anyone asks Oeorfe Burns "And how Is your wife, Grade?" he usually finds hlm Mil at a Ion for words. And little wonder. George Burns happens to he married to a Uttfe woman named Grade Allen, who must easily be the most, unusual little woman In the entire his tory of the human race. During her career. Oracle has run for the office M pres ident of the Vnltcd States; she has played her piano composi tion "Concerto for Index Yin' ctr" at Carnegie Mall and In the Hollywood- Bowl; her sur realist paintings made seversl thousand dollars for the Amer lcsn Red Cross some years ago; she Is the author of the mys tery. "The Grade Allen Mur der Case"; her current daily column runs In some ninety' odd leading newspapers; and, among other things, she lee tures. stars In movies and on television, and Is the mother of Sandra and Ronnie Burns. Because George represents the long-suffering, trying-to- be-logical, plain,: average American husband, end Grade, In her own way, represents the lightly giddy, illogical, friend ly, confused but triumphant American housewife who al ways spends a little more than she should on nets, this couple has become solidly identified in the hearts of millions as Mr. and Mrs. America. That the people enjoy see ing themselves as 'others see them is evidenced by the fact that the George Bums and Grade Allen TV program rates among the top comedy shows of the nation. - ' Oracle waa bora In San Fran cisco on July H, the daughter of a aona and dance man. and fogan acting when she was three, eventually, she ana ner three older sisters became the Allen Sisters, song-and-dence act Irish Jigs and brogue were Grade's specialty. When she disagreed with the company manager over a question of billing, she left the act and sedately undertook a secre tarial come hi New York. . Meanwhile, George . Buns was getting on with his career after a fashion. - George was born (January JO) to a family of fair means on New York's last Side, which has been the proving ground of so many comedians. At seven. he started in as a member of the Pee Wee Quartet, receiv ing $1.28 for his first evening's work. Later Gus Edwards took over the act, but by 'that time a changing voice made it neces ssry for young George to wy something else. He Joined a roller-akating act, and by 1832 waa doing a comedy Song-and-dance turn with Billy Lorraine. It was at this point that Grade entered his life. Grade, playing hook ey from her secretarial school, made a trip to Union Hill, N. J., with a friend who was try ing out an act. Backstage the mar George Burns, and tetey became friends. Later he dissolved bis part nership and teamed with bar. Since he had written the act, he made himself the comedian. Grade asked the questions and he gave the answers. However, he admits tods y that ane was the natural eomedieane and at the first show everyone laughed at her questions. Aft er the show, he switched parts and has been playing "straight" overstates. For a whue, oeorge and Oracle were a "disappoint ment" act, one used aa a lsst m i n a t e replacement. Then times got better and they be gan to have long-term vaude ytlle contracts. Oracle had been with the RelUy show ao long that during the first season of their aet she eouMnt drop her Irish brogue, so continued to saw it Later, aha adopted her present suc cessful characterization ef the dlaay girl." After four years aa a team, Bums and Allan signed a six- year contract with RKO thea ters. (Morse decided ne uvea Grade, but she couldn't make up her mind. He finally gare a ten-day ultimatum, and they were married. ... - . Their first hit act was "Lamb Chops," and its success brought them big-time bookings even the Palace theater in New York, mecca of all vaudevll lians. They played in Burope. In London, In 1930, they made their first radio broadcast, ap pearing for 15 weeks for the British Broadcasting Company. During the later part of 18?0, George Burns and Oriel Al len made their film debut m short subjects fa' Paramount While George end . Grade were playing the Palace theater to' New York, XkUe Cantor, who waa en the same bffl, asked Oracle to do live asmutea with Use em his radio show. She did, said was so well Ukod that aha and Qeorge were signed to star on their own radio program which waa an immediate hit They continued on radio until 1850, when they switched to TV. Their program la filmed an Hollywood for re lease throughout the action. Oeorge and Grade live aa a conservative two-story home la Beverly Hills, and have-two adopted children Sandra, born July 28, 1934, and Ronald (Ronnie), born July I, 18IB. Off the air, George seys Oracle is a typical housewife who reads, books and "ties P the telephone, just like other ween- lfMInn nloturaa In which nArtf. Itiima mnA flracte. Al len have appeared Indude: Big Broaacast ox ivsz, internation al House, College Humor, Six of a Kind, Many Happy Re turns, We're Mot Dressing, Love In Bloom, Here Comes CnnVIo BIB Braarlcaat of 1018. Big Brosdcast of 1037, College Holiday, college swing, ana The Grade Allen Murder Case, 11 Ant Parammint! Samael fed Distress, RKO; Honolulu, MGM; and oracle an au. una Mrs. North, and Two Oirla and a Sailor, both SiGM. n President's Rccipo for Chili Con Carno ori TM For mis White House story of the week Bill Costello gave President Dwlght D. Msen howers favorite recipe for Chili eon same, and then con fided that he had a tew mimeo graphed copies at listeners wanted them. That waa ftsaday. March 1, at 10:48 fJtt. (PST), and H lit p the switchboard at the CBS Radio Washington affili ate WTOP all afternoon. By Monday midday the supply was exhausted and the aslmeograpfa had to be restarted. Here's Ike'a recipe: j- "Into a large Iron skillet or Dutch oven put about two or three heaping tablespoons of bacon grease. When hot, cut up six to eight aaeojum-eued onions and one large or two medlum-sised stoves of garlic Let this glaae or cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasion ally, then add two pounds of ground roundsteek or chuck meat, not too Jat When ffiis has tost Ms ted color add a good tablespoon ef salt and two ounces of -chili powder. Stir well and add otjavacd-eoe-hslt quarts of hot water. Bed slowly for about 48 mmwtes to an hour, than add two er three cans ef red beans. Do not nee kidney beans. Then also add one beeping teaspoon of ground eumlnsaod and then ..' make a small mixture of floor and wa ter to add to the whole as or der to take up excess grease and give the gravy greater con sistency. ltrla recommended that this be cooked several hours before If a to he served or even better, a day ahead of time, and then reheet it at meal time." ..',-: y-r;3 ' ' The recipe dates back to the President's . Kansas - boyhood days, and fumishee a one-dish meal for eight to 10 people. FOR IX ERT TV RADIO SUVMI See TefoYislon Sen. (o. lilt S. 11th Phase 4-Wt WIN TITIE MITCHELL'S ISM nieto ft Phane 1-TS11 Choral Symphony Kiwf afw fJIrwIloa .; DR. FRANK BLACK - TODAY 6:30 P.M.KSLM , lsreflMtoyoebyYet . CADILLAC DEALCtt On Television KPTV (Channel 27) WBDNSBBAT 11:41 a.ak-Oarrr Moett li:M .nw-T la Paroll ltoa w ami in 1:00 b-Ootibla or ntXUu ; 1:3 P.B-trlk It BMB 1:00 MftUata Tlttr : .m ewrcli fat Taami - -:M -m-i-or at Wt -:oo p.mHoar rxxxj? t:M p.m-TMUU aiprndriaia a:oo paatrua n ate :I0 pjk-Doua MvarSi :tt Tlmi let Siuir f:00 pja-PUnU T. i-m Carataa . :00 pm-BUlrwooS opaaaw mm a:IO Arthur Oodtrti t:00 pa I atarrM Jou t:0 p.B-Ttla It Tom tata 10:00 p.Bk Kraft IkHM 11:00 pjauareli at Ttaa 11.10 P.VL Kita niaatar The Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words PRALL'S 220R.lNrrr Wisss 4-4742 1400 Examinations for Postmaster Cancelled Waatitnainn Bi Th Tiun- hower administration has esn- celled out more tnsn i,ud ex wilnafiona .Inr loha . aa noat- masters, most of them report ed to nave Been won Dy ojemo crats. 1 The avowed aim of the ac tion, announced Tuesday night, is to "establish higher stand ards of eligibility," George Washington was the only President ef the United Statea who never lived in Washington, D.C. OUMOfiT NOW QUALITY TELEVISION Offers First With the Finest in TV See the Sensational NEW DUMONT All Channel Tuner GUARANTEED TO HAVE: Lees "Snow" than all other models e Clarity, clearer picture e Tons Unsurpassed ' Installed in Your Home tor as Low as 2.95 per week Valley Television Center MARR RADIO end ' TELEVISION INC Salem's Most Complete ' Television Center 2140S.Com'l Phone Dsy er Night 2-1611 er 2-4728 , XaVBSDAT 11:00 a.m. FriKlom "lull 11:10 a.mHMlrwoo4 Real ll:4t a.av-oarrr man - 11:00 p.nb Bit Faroir 1:S0 p.m. Wilumi Travtltra 1:00 p.m-vata omiu anow 1:00 p.nv-Thf rtmlalna Aaala 1:11 p.m-Arthor Oodlm- 1:10 p.m. etrlkt It Rich ! 1:00 pjB-MftUnta Tbcittr 4:10 ettreb for Tononow 4:10 p.m-L0T ol Ult 4:40 p.m. etianiw Than IMUaa 0:00 p.mBowdr Doodr 0:00 p.m. Rtnli Rldtr 0:H p.BU Doui wrd, Main 0:40 pjb. TIbm lor Btanr 1:00 p.m. MT Htro 1:30 p.mDlaah Chora 1:46 Km Caravan 1:00 p.m Otoucho Man 0:10 p.m. Bursa an4 AUtn 0:00 jn. Tht TDMPMtod 0:10 p.m. Tord Thaatn 10:00 p.ra-acartln Kant 10:10 pa WriaUlnt 11:10 p.m. mu Owl Vbaatt . tin i r fTNnCf" "TWU VALLCI JIVIVH Complete sales, service and Installation. All sets sold sad Installed earrr fall 0-dT service. IN SALEM INWOODBURN Baigley Bros. Furniture 171 6ranl St. mm 1 BvtryMy iit So smooth it leaves you breathless w iJu armxktt nam VODKA Sie. Pierre Smirnofl rn. inc., nmora,-onn. cawrt street tmwm HAS ii v ir ini u Ik via y u FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY f aj (1 II n f m 1 1. a,' 6 i II . mm for ootaw, onttnno tohon, . Pf,, ,llmfryous n,J fringe oreos. Shown 7mL "C ' ' for weok or rfeedqmravs, DvwneMra, Ceit aVreet TV 90 39995 Mohogony veneer cabinet, beautifully finished. 245 sq. In. 1 screen. Oeesplets eeleetiea el Philee TV II sad TT H ehaeeta avaUahle ' TV 90 459 Mohogony veneer toblnat . . . fits in ony room. 245 q. in. Kreen. WE GIVE AND REDEEMS GREEN STAMPS 231S Folroroundt Kd. 'hone 1611 Phone 2-5491 0 J - .