Wednesday, March 15, 158 Paf 14 FAN f ARE lyWaft Dltze TRAINING CAMP NOTES THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Mw, mv , . , lb? :t Urn Japanese Borrow Baseball Terms From Americans Phoenix, Arts. I The tint thinr yog BOtiee oat ine Tokyo Gianta, the champion bill dob of Japan, is that their nlforms boar the word "Tok yo" In block lotion aeroas the ehott The explanation of why didn't epell H ta Japaneeo b implo eneo yon know n. Lefty O'DouL the old big league outfielder and proaent Pacific Coaat League manager, officially named thorn the Tok yo Oianta on ono of nil trip out there yean ago. There la bo Japanese equivalent of the word Gianta, and, ai the dub's ; original . unlforma bore both words, it would have looked illy to have one In Japaneae and the other In zngiiin. It beeame aooeeaary to drop the "Uianta" in time, a Japaneae playen were small er la thoao daya than they are bow and the "Gianta" kept eliding down aader the belta. Bat they crack with the "Tokyo." The anlformi are Made In thla eoantry and are exact copies el thoao worn by Hie New. Tor k Gianta. ,-Ever aince the Japanese adopted baaeball and west crazy about it they have run into eimilar linguistic dlfflcul tiei. Aa they had no worda of their own for the familiar term of the game run, hit, home run. atrike and the liki M waa necessary for them to uae ours. During the war, they dropped theae and made up some enatx ones of their own, but it din't seem the aame, and the instant the conflict ended they went right back to the old, familiar diamond chatter. The Japaneae team la traln - lng in thla country at coat . of around $100,001 and ta ' ongaged in a heavy exhlbl- tlon achednle against major league and Coast leagne clubs. Dp to date It has won eight gam'ea against a doaen losses and has greatly im pressed baaeball men with the obvious improvement la lay since the last Japanese team was here in 1M6. . One big league scout said that he would guess the Tokyo club could hold its own in fast Class A league might oven get along in Double A after another such trip as the pre sent one. The last time they were over, he said, they play ed only about college caliber ball and knew none of the xm- tr points of pitching. Spring Training Injury Lift Shows Dtclint Mew York Mayue the playen are getting tougher, or perhaps they are taking set ter can of themselves these days. In any event, the spring training injury list this year has been microscopic. Furthermore, most of the in Juries have been minor. A check, of the major leagues' camps by the Asooi- ated Press Tuesday showed just M players have suffered injuries directly attributable to spring training 17 in we National and II m the Amerl can. .. This if a Jar cry from the days when the managers fear ed to take their teams to camp, so many broken bones, fractures and other assorted ailments showed up. The Detroit Tigen, who al ready, have been consigned to the American League , cellar by the experts, have the heav iest list -seven. Only the Boston Red fox have not listed a single ailment. The world champion New York Yankeea and the Brook lyn Dodgers, seeking their second straight National League .pennant, also have come through in good shape. SCORES in the ALLEYS Capitol Alleys narosTBUi, mo. BUrftowar Mitt ) . B. Vu Haw MS, F. Malarlaaa 4M. rhlm Ml. M. CtM 411. NaMaaal Bat ter, 1 a. Caawroa 4U, U. Dobba m. w. wnii en, o. uwi bm- taolomaw 647. nw-rt sum ) aiwooa Me, B- cranroft Ml, B. abJpmu Ml, F. Wlilttikit in, D. Boko 141. Saakm (1) I. f U iff?, . WIIW McAlllitar 444, A. alawart 104, M. naaa?Maa' itaaa ( i. aa mi. - ami ill. o. Hum Ml, Oiuhlu wa. a. Dm 4TI. SMim4 riaaaaa () r. Clark 111, J. AUrleh Ml, U Jonu en, b. ommm 4m. t. oimt mi. Blu Lata raakara 4 O. Uor4 411. j, aur 4M, r. m m, a. rtnn n$, BV Luiholt Ml. Mink Jakaaaa AU- aaaaa (I) A. BUI 4M, J. OolYtB 444, B. Prowl m, B. Panlah in, O. Oaa- aav 410. r.,l,'i Dklrv lilt) A. Wrliat 4n, O. Mull 44, a. Bolllaltar SIS, at. CUT 4M, L. Bdlnaa Ml. BUI MMI 1. nmnnlall tlL J. OaarrtaltoB IM, W. . Lown 4M, b. MeKlnnir 471, T. Ktrr All. Klih'taam uml and aarlaa Blwooari llaaoarr, m lad Mil, BUb lad. in Bawara Bartholomaw f Katlor.ll Bat tarr, lit. Rlib lod. Mrlu BlU Crar- nft at Blwooa'l Maaoarr, Ml. INTJCBTUIAL BO. I Wtak'a Brlaat SMI l) D. Polk MS, L. Hrari M4. J. D7 4M, C. Irla 44. B. IUIDJ Ml. Balaar MiretMMtl (1) O. Braaalar 411. B. cranroft 411, J. Oooro- lar att, W. Xaehtar 111, A. Ptdtnon CM. ElWl Bwl BiUll (I) L. BtUll Ml, B. Row 411, X. Hill 4TI, M. Amundl ue. T. OlbMn 111. Brom'a Jowoton (1) , C. Huutn IM. K. HUJ 4, V. Hu n 411, B. PilorMD 441, R. Biuiin Ml. VMtr ra Stoio (I) L. Churthu m. D. Schmidt 4M. B. OtlT 111, 1 Bolt 411. B SullWu 111. MoCiin Pm4 SoIm (I) B. TrtompKn 407, B. Com took IM. S. Thnrmu Ml, X. WUkilU 417. W. MtCum 110. Whlti.k.r. WolAu (I) P. Wtd. Uktr 141, B. Wicken 441, I. Chirrlni. ton 4J0, H. CkockI Ml, X. Loiui lit. SnUir't BlMlrlo (1) J. Bunnont Ml, , U KlCIln 413, A. Mcolxon 4M, J. ronr 471. I. Arthur 4M. Bm Bnlkan 4 B. CM 111. M. OorMr HI, P. ParklMii 4M, O. Mim SM, U WMtphll 4a. Okolii Mot kM (I) K. Wleklnr 4M, B. Ltixlll 441, B. Honor, 4M, B. Hart 114, OtioppoU 4M. - PorUsaa mO Hi Coka ) O Bomlrom Ml, 3. KiUor MO, B. atalor 7, J. Martin Ml, L. Xaodlo 404. Barm Bartwara ) C. rllekard 4M. O. loan 471, II. Povall lit, w. Baeka 411, m. rarnar Ml. Bltb toam earaa- MaGuna Pood aalaa. SM. HUh loam aarlaa Tallar Pana etora, MM. Hlib lad. oana aad aarlaa Harold Comitoek of MoCoai Pood aalaa, mi ana mb. University Alleys iadict' rxAimo iiAai i China Cafa 4 Oardnar Ml. Law laia 4n. Ruacktr M. oattaar Ml. Po hi I7. Botarla Braa. (I) Alaahlra IM, Prudmta M0, Mtn 111, Du 111. Allbrlitot 471. Browaa Jawalara 1) LaTouraaol Ml, Rounda Ill, OHbba 4M. Jaekaoa SM. amllb IM. Nartkirait Paallrr (I) Llnhard Ml, Bartholoaiaw Ml, Ooold 111. Karona 111. DotrlMr Ml. Bar Slmawni Ina. (41 Unroll 41L town, 4M, Smith 447, Moon Ml, Halar 4M. Cam BUblaaa Mkk (0) Hop tlniar 173, Rietiia 171, Ado M. D. Carr MI, O. Oarr 141. Planka CaMtraaUw (I) Praaib Ml, oroiorr 474. Plant IM, TmU 4I, Sohroador M7. Oaod BaaHkaalilat (1)- Kroici Ml, aw 41a, UMioa iu, Clark M4. Oarbarlao 111. Ohaaka Br Uw Daa (I) TMkla 4M, Oaraonttr IN. Ttionaa Ml. Lamka tM, Xwiekar 4M. Bin Oak (I) MoainuaM 4M, Biadiir im, CoiTia 410, nua 4M, ' Tnomoaon 410. HUh team aarlaa ao4 Sana Planka OonalrtKtloa woodura, mm ana too. Him tad. Mrw vra Mrenor Bhtk raa. SUM M. BMtm, MS. stuuniu UU4KIX Baa'a Aalaaaaatro (I) WUban 111, Alaahlra 471, Borrla til, Morria 117. Pa arlla Ckaaalaal Oa. (1) Valdai Ml, SUM 4M, Jaoobaon 4)C Smith 4M, Lanaa Ml, bmlul Baas Bm. Ml Oolbura Ml, Khnmal 4tt. Rabola Ml, MaaallaKt 4, apruia 111. Manaa raa aaoa (I) -. ball 111, Smith 4M, Hotau 441, Carlloa Ml, aanobn 4M. AI BaS. Baattor Ml Bohaehar Ml. llatthaai 411, Ball 117, Rowlor 441, Knulh M7. Prar Im, laiarano 1 Blmona aj. wood NO, Boaka M4. Bol ar l, Oook 4M. Barklaad Laaiaor Oa. (I) B. Webb 10. B. Burklud 413. Baraa Ml. P. Wabb 4N, D. Surklaad Ml. Mootrr Paaraaaor (I) Tlekla 411. Oako 411, aiooirr aoi, oouiaa obq, Taioot ail. Taa-a nrBttu van viaek 4a. Bwooto Ml. Rubor no. Sohuata 401. Mai- ion an. xaao-a uaao vara (1) doik ta, S. Saab Ml, Carr 4M, Uonhart 111, P. Saab 111. Hallrwa! Uaaa (1) OlUaaola Ml. Portor Ml, owaaa Ml, Balloua Ml, Ada U. Stattlar Sopplr Ca. (I) Irani IM. c. atalllar Ml. Braaoht M4. P. atattlaf 4M, Valdai M7. Bliti tod. tana aad Mriai - Joha Nubor ol vaa'a Pirklni . M7 and 0. Hlth toam tana Vaa'o Parklni, 1041. Hlch Man aorlM . Doa'a Autotsotlra. on. Duck Pins ' MBN'S OTT UAOTJB r. V. Drar Im. (I) B. Laata 4M. B. Oromwood 107, L, Oila Ml, D. Chu- Mia an, rt. storana mi. rraalr Olaaa tl) W. Howall 124. V. Tork Ml. Thomai 17. X. Kallli III. T. wood 430. miiamaiia art Tin (II aehola no, A. Horicnoaek 4M. B. Hobar 371. N. Potior 4M, A. Mow 111. Kara Badlo (1) B. Qautb ar 171. K. Hamal 107. . vmk d, u. jjvaa jv, a., koto aa. Darta Oil Co, (I) H. Millar IM D Davli Ml, H. Btbarf no, o. Blanton , j, ratrla l, Qailltr Vard Can III B. Campbell Ml, B. Snawrora IM, a. van wn w. altaa Tlra (I) T. Ron 441. B. Don. nallr 111, O. Oook Ml. D. saaln Ml a. wnila 403. Cappa Uaad Cara (II H. Bmlth Ml, X. Aldarman Ml, C. Cappa 3P5. P. Millar 4M. 11 Camii 111. rwaoSta Paal Ott (II D. Cauthlar aao. a. acnan too, l. Harmon III, M. Pollaikl 114, A. Ponar 4M. Laa Rawaiaa 111 M. H1MMI 4M, R. Hublar III, a. johnioa mi, b. IMkar 471, Lao uappi lot. Hlth taam Mrtaa aad luao Cappa TJaad Oara. MM and 111. Blah tad. Mrlaa araia Marar (W Art TUa). 111. Huh rod. ma Ralph Malar (Ua Kiw- aaai, aaa. UUXsnLVtWMWi PAINT MY UWN7 OMMHC J MStHfjri MOftCBOP Orgulc Moroop MtjBLi baildi ap lawni mZJ I ilag Ntcnre's Njjj;! OSC Rowing Crew Loses . Osklind, Calif. () The University of California post ed a five-length victory over Oregon State Monday in a crew race marking the opening of Pacific Coast Inter-collegiate competition. The winning crew was umea at six minutes 29 seconds over the 2,000-meter course on the StandOakland Estuary. OSC's time was o:03. Oregon State's crew meets Stanford at Palo Alto Wednes PAPIB VP IN CANADA Vancouver, B.C. -A 7- a-ton increase in the price of newsprint was announced Tuesday by Powell River Sales Co. Ltd. The compsny said the new price $122 a ton will apply to Canadian consumers. t-' li irmiV-H i ok. BBuaa. tkaul 4aB aAHl t4 to dttfMt Mm iu 4 to I vMUrdv af tb BUn tor ftrt tanlnM durlafl wblth B0 IMTH Omm BMJW- a mw w Joins Beavers Dine Hostel- 11, former Sacramento la fielder - oatflelder shacks road map distances at San Francisco, as he prepares to drive to Olendale, Calif., to join the Portland Beavers In their spring training. The right hander who had a ,IS7 batting average for his par tial 1952 seaaon with the Solona waa sold to the Pert land club of the PCL for a reported waiver- price of 15,000. (AP Wirephoto.) alaadato. Calif, lis Tha Portland. MMuara jo - .r,. -HHHrlritHSl ui kattar lodai SacUIro 11 M I via oar IBa roaiaa. m"T TT.r' " iiiuora ahauad hp 14 hlta. BUHartaa. Calif. ja-Tao aid aroM- lom rlrall. Ballrwood "a."lB both will aa kuairr for a wra war raan UW aiaat haro ta aa aaUajltloa Ansall droppad a nrprUlns S M a ti.M u tha Saallla Ralaiara paa trdw Sd " atara. roaloUa. lalaatt nZL.TT .rrrrr .Tr - Bill raoiat - --jTSi a laif auaut, "", ""V .w.7 I ulad w nari iot mi - - ajap a awnt imh oxblbmoa Baaaaau avnaa. ... - WW.. AnM rilbttl uvu BMn hfora voakaaad aa tha auhib. BU raplaoa- aat. Minora auiuni. atvppwa anlas BoIob rallr, Joa Brovla doublod la tha alihth to atn tha aaaatora two mora ruaa. bat alnth ith thra aura ran. Tha oluM raaol Mala toollht la lodl, OaJU. , u,m..r Hal baaa OJMtM M roata lor tha atara. Golden Gloves Boxer Dies Ps. Hi' age boxer, appearing in nil la atm, m m. itUlM. fcVMiMii . 7 .rVn,-hrr..T I night a lew hours H ing !.ZjUJZrtGlove boui at St, Joeeph'f SMttu Ratnian, , Catholic club. taSi,,r". im AuaiM The victim, 17-year-oid cm- 5T. Zvt1a sub ta ev Bfn. I 4a n Jnhnion. took a nine count pajlioiuar, IV anaaiai - w " ' M thatr battuw attadt prorai atroaf , th, 1Ir,t round 4J,, thrCC- m m2. round contest with Charles Ca- , , ... ... tor, a uincaater Doy, ana men Ban DImo. Oallf. mo-Baa Dleto win . . . -a it.. ka oat for roraaia and M raatora lu was counteu out aai i.oo ox ui racantlT-brokan arlanlaf alraak today I third. He reKained COnsclOUC- whan It UaiMj'pr a aMood tlma la a w.lir.j Hnwn . ! nw with tha daraland Indiana. h1 walked OOWn WO Indian battar ai xoaoa . atens rrom ine nnx TJUl COI- sraad-alam horaar and a doubla IMl l- - , . . . Wlht to drlra In flta runi for tha bla 'lapsed 4 Roofs Need To Be LOCKED UP Too! Completely Applied! Ho mart LOCK SHINGLES Monthly Payments As Low As Popular 3-1 Design 1 7" On Soar Easy Payment Plan ... or PHA Lean. Just one gust of wind can lift up or blow otf ordinary shingles exposing your furniture and home to the mercy of a storm! Homart's patented locking device enables them to withstand winds of over 100 mphl Yet their out standing quality costs you less . . . and you get the bonus of unsurpassed weather protection! , j ... . VH , M ,, , . . ....... ,. IXOLUSIVC 4-STAR FIATURE "'(KXXfflll f 100 doubla coverage Applied by experts j Tf5 WSJ kw Finest of materials Sold only by Saars i$SLkJ akkBBaaj ' -11aaa-Bapa " SlaMJaP GUARANTEED 12 YEARS Iron Railings - ' PraeUeaj DaeoraUre Beaaty Set of I... 35.90 Laada kaautp to Bar porch, M In. Ha apaelal flttlnia naadad. Includaa hardwara for wood or mMonry. . Plastic Wall Tile Asphalt Floor Tilt Insulating Boards ears 4-Btar gtetare, Now . Only;. . . .. 48e Pillow top contour ilrai rloh, deap look to oaoh tua. Laitlat raarbla taad coloral Baay to olaan with damp raa. Am. 1x7 bath malarial onlr MI.7I. , BlBBtaa iBte Any BaMsa fcneeth Irorp rainied iBrfaee 9x9-in. Tile aa low aa. 7e i:.. a '' 1 ahaBa,, aaaaaar-" '' '' - LMtlas aaaatr at low oat ooatl Idaal for kaaamaat floori. Pattarn can't vaar aft. moa alaar throuah tlla. Maar oolara. Am. Mali room Ma larial onlr lll.M. ; c 4x8-foot Sheet. 2.24 X'i Mtr to build now prtlUoai r rtirut old wall tU iiodmU tottl Deeorattt, taralfttw Hid rtdaeti BOllttl Pin Shingle Design That Never Needs Palntlngl Dust, Wind, Moisture Resistant, Want Deteriorate! Insulating Siding Cuts heat loss, repair bills 790 lundle covert SO re feet If . handle Hc4Tart shinglc-resign lidihg offers you tha aoy, Inex pensive way to moke your home lovelier, btttar Insulated ond valued higher. Tht shingle design gives attractive horizontal shadow lines. Choice of color selection. Aver age 24x36 home material only $263.30. ' Rock Wool AleafoMOnSear tasy Payment Plan 95 04 Mill . Attic In fuel savings ondn year 'round fcmfort, Sears blown ln Rock Wool pallets pay for themselves! Ask about Rock Wool Insulation today. Saars will arrange for eom pleta installation ond financing. Save at Sears. Phone 3.9191 ISEflM 550 North Capilol, Salem APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 . UNITID RtPAJK CQM N. LrlMTY Authorised Repair on All Major Appliances and All Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliances , Ivan Royce and Walt Claus, Owners ' APPLIANCE SALES Ph. 39412 SALIM UOHTfNO ft AffLIAiSCt CO., 1 1S N. HMH IT. '3ETTXR LIGHT FOR BETTER SIGHT" New Store Across from Court House Square . Small Appliances Lighting fixtures of All Kinds AUTO WHEEL ALIGNING Ph. 2-1801 UNITED WHEEL ALIGNMENT 1901.12th Now Under New Management C. H. "CUTf' ERICKSON We specialize In Wheel Aligning, Balancing and Brake Repair, Wheel and Axle Straightening. Call Ua tor Estimates or ' ' - Pickup and Delivery AWNINGS-TENTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 fAUM TINT ft AWNtNfl CO 729 N. UIERTY . . '' Canvas Goods ol Every Deaaription , ' "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" BRICK WORK Ph. 26545 PfiANK'S SERVKE INSIDE and OUTStDE Tlreplaces, patios, planters, brick steps, etc. Also patch plastering. Chimney tops. ' ALL WORK GUARANTIED CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAf E 205S FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing in Chinese Ic American Foods ' , Featuring "Good Foods - Well prepared" - Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties ' CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 MORTARLESS ILOCK CO. 14th ft I. HOYT r Approved - Reinforced - Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks - Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks - Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Soles-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSER IROS 1 18S S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers Power Mowers - Paint Sprayers Air Com pressors - Sanders - Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mower Sharpening Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 1. HfftH ST. . Armstrong V Congoleum-Nalrn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets , ,: Estimates Gladly Given! , . . . IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTtER SUPPLY CO 1110 UNA AVE. Water Syatems Deep Well Turbines ' Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe . Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING ' - Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOTORCYCLES Ph. 2-1423 IHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES 1007 PORTLAND RD. American etc British Motorcycles - Indian, BSA, Matchless, Triumph Cushman Scooters - If It has Wheels and a Motor we can BUY, SELL or FIX IT" MOVING & STORAGE Ph. 3-8111 ' RID STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT 'JIA Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 290 8. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., SSI COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph.2-4151 , ROAD 1174 Edgewater St OR S-S769 OILING WEST SALEM ROAD . , TWEEDIE FUELS OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER Painting Contractors Ph. 3-4783 F. 0. REPINE CO 258S PORTLAND ROAD Residential, Commercial, Spray or Brush WE GO ANYWHERE ... ANY SIZE JOB Call Us for Estimates and Color Planning Service PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON IROS. PLUMBING ft HEATING Repairing IS8 Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial . ' Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS 24 NOW SRVKE Ph. 3-9123 I We give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. S-J 157 IMLllwfT 310 CHrt, rnwariwn 7W tmr, rfefca) Csotsr ' ' ' 24-HOUR SERVICE' Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Daily 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. ISO S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P.M. and :00 TM. to 0:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays Radio Repair oT;., Ph.3-7577 MITCHELL'S Radio-TelerlsioB 1180 State Motorola Dealers for General Electric Pick up and Delivery . TELEVISION PH. 4-2271 H EIDER'S RADIO ft TELEVISION I9S N. HIGH Home and Auto Radio and Television Specialists in the , Willamette Valley for 28 Years MRVICI INSTALLATION - SALES