iiroDimiinici Calistoga, Calif. (Special ts Capital 2uaal) Salem t aaater manager Hugh Luby risked over the sarin,, training Ute it the Salem Senmtort taesday, declared H ready, M departed Wednesday . aaerning far tha Bay araa. Luby Dlanned to iwnri all i t r . Wednesday ; contacting owners and manager! of Paci fic Co it league teams in hopei of completing arrangements for player help. ,s. .. v5if, ,. Th 8 earn tor Manager wai alae anxious te talk with pitcher . Bah Celllna catcher Art Thrasher, who have . aat yet aigned their 1151 eentraeta. Betk are Hv ing la the Bay area new. ' The Salem Senator! will train at the Napa county fair ground! for tha aeeond straight year, A few chilly winds are still . whipping in-, from '.the mow-covered mountains sur rounding the Napa valley, but the playing field la in good shspe,' and ready to take on some - hustling baseball cleats. While ks Calistoga, the Santera will bo sjuartered at the liar ' Italia . hotel, beat a tea-minute walk away from the ball Bar a. , Spring training is due to open Monday morning, but few players are expected to check in to Calistoga late this week, and work out Informally. Hi y V ) Fight Talk '' fl-vim LOCAL UNITED MISS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND PEATURU Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, March 25, 1953 Pag IS Former Heavyweight Chamo James J. Brad- deek (risht) chats with BUrkT Hinliii ia Hollaad, Mien., where the Utter, la training for a title de fense match with Jersey Joe Waleott ha Chieage April 1. Braddoek complimented the present champ ea kk "eem Mnatton" punches. (CP Telephote.) - , Gambling Suit Against Rupp May be Dismissed Lexington, Ky, (ArWAn at torney who filed a half mil Han dollar lawsnlt for alleged rambling losses and named Kentucky Basketball Coach Adolph Rupp, a, eodefendant, Wednesday asked dismissal of the action. v J. A. Edge hat week Hied Thirty-Nine Cars Entered For '300' Race Indianapolis, VP) Five new entries Tuesday raised the field to 19 for the 87th annual In dianapolis 500-mile auto race ' Stay SO. The entries included three of the outstanding young drivers or recent years. -Walt Faulkner of Long JMaen, calif., who twice has held the aon-aompetltive rec ord for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, was named to drive for Sid Street,, Kansas City, MO. '"p. . " : Mike Nazaruk of Freeport, Long Island, N.Y., second in the 19S1 race, will drive for Lee - Elkins of - Kalamazoo, Mien. Elkins entered a sea ond ear without a driver. Art Cross, of Laporte, Ind., wno won tne "Speedway Rook' le of the Year" award for fin ishing fifth in his initial "500" start last year, was nominated by Ray Brady, Norristown, Pa. Brady named Len Duncan, Flourtown, Pa., to make his first Indianapolis start in a new ear called the Kalamazoo Spe cial. All five cars entered are con ventional four cylinder, r drive vehicles. IWLA Sports Show at Armory Next Weekend - Anticipating the largest at tendance In t h re e years, the Salem Izaak Walton League of America sports show will be held Saturday and Sunday in the Selem armory. Over twenty exhibitors will display the latest in sporting goods, from trout flies to out board motors. If special inter est will be a line braiding ma chine, which for the first time, will allow many sports men to witness details of line construction. .... In addition to tha wide dis play of hunting . and fishing gear, there will be exhibitions of duck calling, retriever han dling, plug and spin easting, archery, and continuous out door movies. "You'll Remem ber Oregon," a colored picture of the entire state, will be a highlight of the show. The show, the only one of Its kind in the northwest ttiis spring, will be from 1 to 10 p.m. on Saturday, and 12 to 7 p.m. on Sunday. he suit naming the coach, gambler Frank Costello of New York and Ed Curd, for mer, reputed Lexington book maker. ; . . ' The motion did not atate why Edge asked that the suit be dismissed. Judge J. Church Ford set April 15 for a hearing.';- ' . V Earlier, .Mrs. Lucille , Chambley Bradberry, Ath ens, Ga., had sent Edge a telegram , demanding . that . the salt be dropped. She said K was filed without her consent or knowledge. : The ' lawsuit listed Mrs. Bradberry ae plaintiff .suing in behalf of her brother, George, for $573,257.79 in triple damages for. alleged gambling losses by her broth er and others. W. H. Towasend, Rapp'a attorney, baa petitioned to have stricken from the rec ord all allegations relating - to tne noted coach. A. hear ing Is set for April 15. . Townsend's motion asked that references to Rupp be erased 'on the ground that said al legations are sham, false and wholly; unauthorized, by the alleged plaintiff." Motfhsws-Beshore Bout Rescheduled For April or May Portland . New date for the postponed scrap here between Freddie Beehore and Harry "KM" Matthews haa been set for either April II or May (, according to Tex . Salkeld, National Boxing' Clnb promoter, " . i Salkeld announced the new dates after a long-distance telephone conversation with Jack Hurley, Matthews' man ager. The fight was postponed when Matthews became 111. He will have his tonsils re moved early next week. Johnston Hurt As Oregon State Loses to Cal Berkeley, Calif. al.n Binch hitter Tom Keough doubled to center, stole third base and home in the ninth inning yes terday to give California a 4-2 exhibition baseball win over Oregon State college. Keough, regular Bear right fielder who had been sidelined with a strained shoulder, reached second when Beaver Centerfielder Bud Shirtcliff and Second Baseman Dan Johnston collided going after Keough'g : short fly. Johnston received a alight concussion. Cal Pitcher Al Matthews took over on the mound in the ninth and put out two " OSC batsmen to receive credit for the win. Norm Wellman was the loser. . Johnston of the Beavers slapped . out three singles In four trips. otmod atote' oei 'aw ooo 1 10 C.lUomi. . .Mi S10 0014 7 Wtllro.n 'and Tdokm; Oltaion, OIU- mut a, Mtmwt mat oran. Bearcat Starting Lineup For Saturday Uncertain Coach Jean Lewis still la an- deckled en a number ef aest. ttons with the season' opener looming Saturday for his Wll lanrette University baseballers. The Bearcats' curtain-raised comes against the State Prison Grays; v-"-' ; Lewis probably will utilize most of his hurlers In the opener meaning that Andy George, Benny ,Holt, Mickey coen and Dave Gray all will see service. In the catching department Harvey Koepf, a one-year let- terman, has the inside track but in the event he is switched to first base, Les Akeo, fresh man, from Hawaii, would be the nominee for receiving duty. Pete Reed, Erie Klepp and Sam Halna all are la the fight for the first base post bat If none, of these lads fill the Mil Koepf will be switched, . i - Second base is one of the few position! definitely filled, with Dave Perlman, a three year monogramer. . the choice. At shortsop it looks like Elmer Haugen, a Salem lad, but Hau- gen is under tbe breath of the draft and in the event he ia called in the berth mar ao to either Bill Nelson or Jack Serlvens, both freshmen.. - Feasibilities at third Wao are Tex Klrkendall, Jerry Doaa and Stan Kersel. Klrk endall fat a freshman; Kersel a soph and Doan a transfer. In the outfield Duane Shield acd Denny Elsasser are front line prospects and other candi dates are Chuck Lewis. Gary Hold, Rod Hales, Chuck Naoni and Mike Munz.' Another pos sibility, Bob Platenburg, is tem porarily out of the running be cause of a shoulder iniurv. Lewiston Opens Spring Training Lewiston,' Idaho Iff) The Lewiston Broncs opened spring training for the 18BS western International league season Wednesday, r . ; , f.,i- Eleven players were in camp for the start of General Manager Bill , Brenner's con ditioning program. Nine more were expected during the day and Brenner said as many as S3 may be on hand by the end of the week. Oakland Owner Praises Loop No-Draft Rule Delia Sehorn Wins Hay ward Sports Trophy Portland (U.PJ Delia Sehorn. member of last year's Olympic swim team, was possessor to day of the Bill Hayward tro phy awarded by the Oregon Sport Broadcasters' association to the outstanding Oreion ath letic ngure of 1952. Johnny Carpenter, associa. tion president, pointed out Mrs. Sehorn'! 12 national rec ords already confirmed and four still awaiting approval when he presented the award at the group's annual banquet here last night. Plaques for achievement in particular sports went to Mrs. Sehorn, Wade "Swede" Hal b r o o k and Margaret Dobson, and scrolls were awarded to Judy Cornell, Traver Camp bell, Clay Hopper, Herb Haber- lach, and Bob Altenhofen. ones with his longtime spar mate, Al Smith, and said he would keep at it every after noon until the fignt next Wed nesday.' Layne, of Salt Lake City, also went four rounds at an other gym, one with Marvin Baker and three with Grant Butcher. i . Araujo Favored Over Red Top Cleveland. O. U.R Georse Araujo of Providence, R.I., was better than a 2 to 1 favorite to day to defeat Teddy (Red-Top) Davis in their featured 10 round bout tonight and win a shot at the lightweight cham pionship of the world. Promoter Larry Atkins said the winner of the nationally' televised bout at the arena to night would get a crack "within 60 days" at the winner of the match between Champion James Carter and Tommy Col lins at Boston April 24, By GAYLE TALBOT Phoenix, Aril.' FV-At least one Pacific Coast League own- la convinced Bis slrenlt haa made definite progress toward eventual big league status ha tne year sinee K obtained "open" classification and was given a means of protecting its promising yoang players from trie draft. . "I'm a realist," declared the energetic Brick Laws of Oak land. '1 know we can't so big league Immediately. .But we will gradually build, especially with boys from the Coast who have no real desire to go East and would prefer to stay near their homes, other things being Laws, in support of his be net, disclosed tnat only one member of this year's Oakland squad declined to sign Ez Charles Prepares for Layne Fight San Francisco W.B Former world heavyweight champion Ezzard Charles sparred two rounds with partner Andy Walker yesterday in prepara tion for his forthcoming bout here aaainat R l.ivn. " I KIIIOn f1Al,nAri IA al.n - An,- ?iket which would exempt him from the next ; major league draft. "I waa surprised," he said, "but maybe I had a good selling point. In the ease ef the young player I think I convinced them they would be better off playing three fall years here and then, when they're ready, being sold to a big league team for 150,000 than being drafted right off for 110,000 and then being farmed out. "Certainly I intend to go on selling to the big leagues, just the same as they sell to each other. But I want to be able to keep the nucleus of a strong team for the benefit of my fans instead of being stripped every tyear by the draft." It waa a bitter experience of Laws which led to t h e Coast League demanding and getting, with the blessing of Commissioner . Ford Frick, . the clause through which It s'trj2JfIlE2SJ' I Sn32Ea2a5I!3 I I Ph.-33l I I IMPORTANT NOTICE W ore looking for reliable perries, mm or women, who want to ope rote chain of now soin merchendisina ma chines. WE WIU SECURE LOCATIONS FOR YOU and sot you up in business. This can bo handled in your spore tims f you are net employed on Saturday it can bo handled in 3 or 4 hours work and be built up to a business that should pay $5,000 and up par year whan fully established. Physical condition or education is ef no great importance. NO SELL ING OR SOLICITING no waiting for 1 or months to build up the business. It pays you a profit tha first day. t THIS IS NOT A GET4ICH-QUICK business but it should glvo you a STEADY, PROFITABLE income for tha rest of your life. A CASH INVESTMENT of $394.00 it all that it required, which it secured by equipment. " If you can qualify and bare tha necessary capital ond a sincere desire for financial security, then write at once for personal interview, giving ago, past experience, eddrets and phone number to Box 24, Capital Journal. can protect Its youngsters fee three years. He bought an outfielder, George Metko vlteh, for 125,000 and then saw him-mapped p by Pitts burgh for 10,000 In the next draft. . . -..-.;, "Now that I have protection I can afford to buy such a play er," Laws said. "In fact, I paid the New York Giants a very good price for Outfielder Bill Hpwerton, whom I expect to be a real batting star for me. I am even helping him build a house. He's getting a good sal ary, he's happy and he says he never wants to go back to the big league. 'You might be in terested in knowing that only two players on our entire squad will receive less than the $5,000 major league minimum this year." Amateur Boners Appose Ai Salem Armory TcnsCo .' with the state AAU boxing ekampienshlpa hi Portland jut week away, amateur flsticnf ten front throughout Oregon wUI get ia their late tame-up lleks tonight In a Salem Cher run boxing card at the Salem armory, starting at 1:15. ' j Proceeds from tonight's bouts will go to help pay os penses for the Oregon cham pions to i the national . AAV tournament m Boston. HesdUning tonight's eard, from the standpoint of interest to Salem fans, probably u me Wlllard Nelson-Jimmy Puseus battle. Nelson is the looal fav orite, while Puseus is a pronv leing young battler from Eu gene. " : - - " " Virgil (Curly) Byer, 'an other home-town - favorite, will be seen in action to night, appearing against either Johnny Cats of the Portland PAL club or Gerry Forth ef the Portland Air Base. ; . l ' At least 12 matches 'will comprise the card. Many of tha bouts will not be lined up until Figure Skating Championships Open Today Hershey, Pa. W The Unit ed States figure skating cham pionships opened a . four-day run Wednesday with world ehampions Tenley Albright and Hayes Alan Jenkins seeking a clean sweep of this year's triple crowns of skating. MUs Albright was the first to start in pursuit of her goal, competing with the other sen ior women in the school fig ures. While Jenkins was to start his bid later Wednesday. Each won the North American title of their class in Cleve land, O., two weeks ago., The other major crown, the Olym pics, is not in competition until 1958. Bearcat Golf -' Squad Set to Open Season - The Willamette University aolf team. 'mis season under the mentorshlp of Coach Jerry Frei, will Uunch the campaign March SO in a match with the Portland University Pilots at Portland. ' The Bearcat Unksters, oe- fendlng champions of tne Northwest Conference, will again be headed by Bill Wit tenberg, PortlsiKt senior ana one ox me norwwwa d young swingers. . ; ' ' Other members or toe squau are Ken Balnes, Dick Church, Kent Myers, Ellis Von Escien and Warde Sligh, The remainder of 'the wu links schedule: April U Portland university at Salem; April 14 Oregon State at Cor vallis; April 18 Lewis and Clark at Salem; April al Un fleld at Salem; April 18 Pa cific at Forest Grove; April 10 Portland State at Portland; May I Lewis and Clark at Portland; May 7 Llnfield at McMinnviUe; May 11 Pacific at Salem; May 1 roruana State at Salem; , May IB Northwest Conference meet at Salem. : ' . . ; ' Kiner Likes Looks of John And Ed O'Brien Havana teV-Balph Kiner, slugging star of the Pittsburgh Pirates, has put ins stamp oi approval on the twin rooxies, Johnny and Eddie u unei. The 12-vear-ola sarmer dbs ketball standouts at Seattle University "take a good cut at the ball." Kiner said. Watching the 5 feet 9 ath letes clear the left field fence with booming drives, Kiner declared: ' ' I'm surprised that both are able to step up and hit the ball with authority after more than six months without play ing." :- . , .: Exhibition Baseball (Br The AuoolftUd pnu) : ' chrtiuid (a) 11, au dimo vol) S, at. LouU (HI I, clnclnnMI (N) 1. Nnr Tor () I, Chtoaio (At S. vhit-inhlfc IN) I. Wuhlntton (A) 4. UtlwukH (HI I. PhUMilphla (A) 1. BrooUra (N) I, Iftmtntl n) e. Ohleuo (Ml 10, at. laaU (A) I. Mtv Tor (A) t, Boiton (A) S. J f i - Fights Tonight Wll. a r 4 (Battling) . Nelson, popular young Salem boxer, will bo seen ia actio during, to-' night's amateur boxing eard at the Salem armory. Nelson meets Jimmy Pusous, rising ajng star from Eugene. The eard, wfH w1! hxtlada. mi least It amateur fights, starts at :! p jn. 2994 Fails to Make Top Ten v In ABC Meet C Chicago ) Sadiart CorpL of Cleveland, bettered Ms 1052 team total Tuesday night with 2,994, but still failed to make the top ten in the American Bowling Congress tournament. Tbe Cleveland team's 1052 total was 2,914 and the Quintet went on to More heavily ia the minor events to take the erown with 9,348. ' . , Steve Nagy. "Bowler of the Year," paced the Radiarts, shooting 623, but this was 19 pins shy of his team effort last year when he started his march to the all-eventi title. - few minutes before the start of the card, as the youthful leather-swingers will meet in the dressing room, as usual, and snatches wjll be made en the basis of tha boys' ability, their eooditirM, etc. - y The league Point Naval station boxers, who have taken heme many trophies from tha Salens armory, are returning again tonight . Sig Unander, state treasurer, will present a special trophy for the most outstanding boner on tonight's eard. , - '-1 J 5 C i - - Wrestling Fans ' Attack Kindred After Match Wrestler Don Kindred ami at toast three fans took awinaa at each other following last night's main event between Kindred and Tony Rosa at the Salem armory. , .! ; The Negro wrestler had Just defeated Ross in the third and deciding fall of their match. ' The fans were rUed at Kindred for the tactics he had been us ing during the entire match With Ross, r --:Vh;. -.V; ": When Kindred won the third fall after a lot of hair pulling,' H was more than soma of. the fans could, stand. As . Kindred stepped from tbe ring, two fans leaped at him, scuffling with him near the ring. Kindred didn't hesitate to protect him self. -Y Y.v,; While being escorted to the dressing room by a Legion naire,' another fan took a poke at Kindred. Kindred made a -leap for him, but was calmed down long enough to get hint downstairs and out of trouble. In preliminary matches Jack Kiser defeated Jack Lipscomb and Buck Weaver drew with Gino Niecollni. ; CH5B Phonj rH" 4-1451 Xs 195S.(cr.r.rcial ONLY 24 DatillOBonbtaof CASCADE A.ERC. Where prices are low sad stock! complete. Let sat save yon dough yoar awtdoer needs. Reg. 18.50 Tapered Fly Line Reg. 25e Trout Spinners, single blade. Reg. 10c Trout Spinners, doable blade Reg. 12.75 Canvas Fishing Creel, many pockets. . Reg, 29.59 Lemonwood Bow, noils to 45 poinds. Reg. 4Se Snelled Hooks, sites lt-lg-U, la pkg. , Reg. 25e Knotless Tapered Leaders, nylon ...... Reg. 15c Pkg. of Hooks, assorted sties fights Last Wight 1 i ttt'l "Sit' 1 Yf in 4;Bi .II I Iff 5 Vm Aaoiw OarlH OIwtm. IN, la Anitlu. outootntvd Bnar War, in, nan, n. Duar JUkUm, lit, Tmp, taoekS sal Xankan, M7, Turktir, 1. MUal Buia, Sla. ism BUckveoo, ItOVi, raUraon, H. J MtiwlnKd Ova- Btntoa. 1M, PMlMlUiaiU, 10. Wuhlutoa Xollr Mia. IN, Wuk Juton, topped B6o.lt Or,nt let, Xaa napoiii, N. c., t. whiu ruim, m. T. nitbia BmiI. U1M. wnlt ruin, knixkaa cnt Mir? LtpMo, Nnr Tork. 1. Braokln (Bldinn! Orr) Ar thur Pmlir. Ul. Niv Orliknl, eat pointed Htrokl "Bmhj Paet" Jenti, ltWt. Dtlrolt, W. rmlint, Ma. OMbaei BolmM, MS, BkMelord, Homd BtllT WOtn, IN, BmnaoT. i. O ' LonAaa Bobbr Dawaoa, rrlv eat- polnt-d Oordon SuiU, Bnilanfl, 10, mlddlewtlihU. JUST LIKE THE CSS D OLD DtlSI GREAT STRAIGHT BOURBOU The Bourbon By of (Ae Ctntonf Iff M ll AlMrtta't tip-lllllll f mim. .. limit tint 1113 'A STRAIGHT BOUUON.NwSKCY . li fSOOF . iWi'ONAL WtmURt f0WrC tOM0ATKl,.W TORH,.h.J Cm II u Reg. Reg. 22.25 Values in Limp Spinning Lines, all sixes. I5e Arrow Shafts, Port Orford eedar. , $Xtg .'..20 ,'..2S .S2.49 ,$.BO -..2S ..ISO 49 S 15 SCOUT SLEEPING 100 Itopok fitloJ, ilppor oporv big, water repellent cover, eernopy head flap. BAG m Rag. (12.50 Imported German Barometer SS.SS Reg. 14.95 Tubular Glass Fly Red, right aetien. . , .1M Reg. 117.00 Tabular Olaas Spinning Rod, 1-foot , .99.SS Reg. 11.95 Solid Glaas Spinning Rod. ... . . . . .9S.9S Reg. 214.09 SoUldi Glass Boat Trolling Rod ...... SS.9S Reg, 95.95 Aetion-Glaa Tubular Castlnr Sod..... ata.BU Reg. 95e Gompasa, Imported from Germany. ... . . . , .490 Jo UMBRELLA TENT 9x9 awe, wmS Moor, window, nwe- $ (o)50 quKo proof door, wore r-p roof. ' Reg. 99-59 109 Wool Blanket, asst. colors . .... I .$4.91 Reg. 922.(9 Sleeping Bag, wool filled, pair model S14.9S Reg. 91.95 Pap Tent, new, waterproof, eomplete. .9)4.99 Reg. 21.95 4-Buekle Bnbber Overahees, brand new SS.9S Reg. 92.40 Dos. Hacksaw Blades, per dosen. ....... .9t Reg. 95e Mess Kit, genuine V. S. Army. . . . .49 Reg. 91.95 Canteen, alnmlnam, with eevsr, V. S. , .9 249 Bt sure and visit our booth at tho Izaak Walton sports show, Mar. 28-29. Set tht new fibre-glass boat all boat enthusiasts are raving about. See it on display in our store or at the show. Bring your spinning reel or easting reel In for free leaning ond check-up. Wo will toko If apart, eloan It and put in new grease, no charge. Repair parrs In stock for most reels. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT 1405 N. CHURCH OPEN TILL 9 fM. IVtRY WICK NIGHT v Kit v.. . J. fy Vi :;rnr'