.Pan II THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Um, Orafoii WtdBMday. March 15, 158 Business Men Talk on Europe Washington UV-Mutual Se- turlty Administrator Harold E. Stassen said Wednesday a pri vate survey of u countries which have received American aid indicate! eom steps can .. be mad tor mora effectiveness aad Um administrative eoit Stassen talked to reportara at tha White House alter 55 business men reported to Pres ident Eisenhower on their re . eant aurveye of MSA bene ficiary countries. They were divided Into teams for each of the European Aid nations ' plus Formosa, Indochina, and the Philippines. Clarence Francis, Bronxville, If. Y, president of General Foods, was In charge of the "evaluation operation." Stassen said some of their reports are classified but an ever-all report made to him by tha businesiimen will be made public in about 10 days. The group will come back here May 7 to sea what MSA has done to carry out tha recom mendations. . President Eisenhower re sponded with informal remarks to Francis oral statement of their findings and Stassen ailed the response "very In spiring." The applause could be heard outside of the execu tive offices is tha White House lobby. . VMMIVl) lUJ HlrUrM Af Klamath Falls Klamath Falls () Elemen tary and high school teachers here will receive $300 addi- ; tlonal year starting next Sep ember under a new salary scale approved by the board of education. The minimum will be $8,025 and the maximum $5,825. Top figure goes to those with mas tor's degrees 'and 14 years of aarperience. , v The union board was told - by Harold' Palmer, widely known for developing new techniques in commercial teaching, that he had accepted teaching post in the Eugene school system for next year, and would not return here. Linn County Land Sales $847,272 ' Albany Value of real estate changing hands In Linn coun ty during February, totaled $847,272, as Indicated by in ternal revenue stamps attached to deeds filed with County Re corder Stella Hoover. The to tal of transfers, according to transactions compiled, was 156, which is 110 less than the total for February, 1852 and 29 un der tha Jknuary 1953, 'total : which represented payments totaling $1,389,816. ; : , ; ALBANY GJBL WINS Corvallls UJ Betty Btell snaehar, 18, Albany, has won the 1932 $100 Safeway Stores college scholarship by taking first place in the 4-H livestock breading project, It was an nounced here today. corned Vrtci igonlzing pain k i ili,Utitcw5iT.i ImQh fcvtan erf aim DaaMTT Ol limpU pUa rausm paww ncrunj nim imlssL fist I nM. A nor iooix bout It - kro or tmim jith ptrKareud ptpsi ' utmmnn mm auppmwmmt CAT AMYTNINC Wttl .FALSE TEETH ! If to km IKMabit wkk ftmm mm rife, aach, um mm mm- I PUHi-lisaM. Oh a.W-Uaa AaMpMfMii ii mm ii aii fimh mmrn M fom ptae. tnHmm toi mmb Imm MM OA oMmMmi paMM ym ajM BOO IMMCS mi Mb to t mm or loom, bat MHIMIWI lP n soap caf HaMi bunUi m dinrad. Momt bfc m E EEB Happy Is The Day IVhen Backache Goes Away . . . Kawlnf backftch, low of pep and nrtjy, W(Uci)M and dtitlnraa miy b due to alow, down of kidney function. Doctors say good Kan? inncuon is Tcry important to fooc alth When omeaTtryday ernidlUoo, such as strata and strain, oatuet this Important function toalow down, many folks sailer nas . tft&f backachs feel miacrsbla. Minor blad ar Initaitons due to cold or wrong diet may auaa ntt lnir up n I thu or f rtquent paasarra. Don't neglect your kidneys If theaa cnndl woe bother you. Try Moan's FUb- mild d. ttrttie. It's amaslng how many time Doan'i EIt happy relief from thee dfseomforta lp tha It miles of kidney tnbes and ftlteif flush out wast. Ask for nev( large, economy 1m and save money. Gat Uoan's Pills today! Cry lilTTnn I COLON and STOMACH PILES (H.morrholdi) AUMINTS Trtftte mum Respltal eperttlea - wnn m Mil INMNI THI DIAN CLINIC OM 10 anlll I H4n MM,ll flUt. 2 mil I t.m. Mandor, WtdMWor M tH4wt. ilrcvrMtk PhnlclaM . . . In r 43i4 yr. BUV YOUR EASTER SHOK piV! . v . AT THE SHOE BOX! "SALEM'S ONLY CUT-RATE SHOE STORE" . AND SAVE!! Thots' right folks - The Shot Box has nationally advertised, nationally famous s hoes being sacrificed In time for Easter. We have the finest quality and the largest selection in town. We are overstocked and overbought! Therefore, this Gigantic Liquidation Shoe Sale in time for Easter. Come in - Look around! Buy now and save! -THE MANAGEMENT. Buy Now for Easter onil Save! SACRIFICING Open Friday Night till 9 P.M. msm SHOES AT ASaicuasoi. FOB MM FAMILY ALL PROFIT DISREGARDED SALE STARTS Thursday, March 26, 9 A.M., and Will Last as Long as Merchandise Lasts! DRASTIC ACTION! 9 COME EARLY! AVOID THE RUSH! OUR STATEMENT TO THE PUBLIC Powerful and unavoidable forces demand that draatle action be taken AT ONCE! We are crowded to the raft ers. We most UNLOAD this GIGANTIC STOCK RE GARDLESS of COST or LOSS. Aa Immediate ACTION la essential, we are offerinc the most SPECTACULAR shoe barf alns In our entire boa In ess history! For many years The Shoe Box has told nothinf bnt the moat de pendable types of recognised QUALITY shoes. - The same steadfast policy ot utmost satisfaction la back of every dollar's worth porchaaed In this sale. We want te impress an yon that every article in this sals Is golnr at UNHEARD-OF price REDUCTIONS. If you vain year hard-earned dollars, visit oar store, see for your self! It't shoe baylnf opportunity that yon dare not miss. r THE SHOE BOX HO i 1 INCLUDED IN THIS 1 DRASTIC LIQUIDATION Is a BANKRUPT STOCK Of Nationally ClAe Reg. $13.95 to Advertised MU65 $15.95 Values Many Styles Many Colors LADIES 2000 fAJft Nationally advertised, na tionally famous women's fioes, to be sold at V hair erlrinal sellinc price. . , Now Is Hit Tim to fava Ladies Hi-Htels Values to $.M Isataaal llaslil mMWj Jfjrwl IsUaaaf f sbUm $388 Nationally Advertised ' Nationally Famous mm HBAMD SHOES lonr Dollars Buy More at The Shoe Box 9W ULm Weenan't SPECTATORS JUf.ft.tl BaltPrict Irvwi mkI WMtt HttMdWkHt $88 ARCH SHOES VahMt Is $11.95 Sg88 WEDGIES Many Colors (Ml D SECRET Behind THE SHOE BOX'S Ridiculously Low Prices lbs shoes youll find m cur stores sell regularly for $10, W, $20, $28 and higher. Our extreme low prices are possible only btoaiae we buy p odd lota from the finest stores and spe cialty shops In America. Also, we buy out snort lota, cancelled orders and aaJesmena samples from some of Amerioat most renowned 'manufacturers , , . and you will be pleasantly sur prised when you see them I leg. $5.95 $288 WHITE HI-HEELS ValasstoflO.tS later) rl ff (tiler $488 Ladies you wUI see such fom m shoes rhete being told e kolf f rhtir wriginol selling rie. , . Jehsiuen rteraheha Red Oress ' Air Itep Uiti chober Debs Dellse Debs PsUale Madsaohelle Rice OTTrfll I. Miller SALEM'S FIRST AND ONLY SHOE STORE l'W'f.f sJH7srm'fM';'firCTTi'atf!t 'SailH.;Tti'igP SAVE $ SAVE $ SAVE $ SAVE ATTINTION ALL MOTHIKS GKSANTIC CLOSE-OUT ON CHILDREN'S SHOES SAVINGS UP to 60 BUY NOV AND SAVE BIO BOYS' MILE-HI $ SHOES 5& Children's $OM Oxfords Cm Why Pay More? NO REFUND, OR EXCHANGES, Valaeste s7.M ODDS and $ EKDS III Pra-Baf . 4.9H Children's $188 Oxfords u, Values to fl.PB BABY $ SHOES lN .FREE! COMIC BOOKS SUCKERS To All Children GIRLS HERE B THE CHANCE TO GET THAT EXTRA PAIR OF SHOES FOR YOUR WARDROBE FOR PRACTICALLY NOTHING GIRLS Look Tear Best In Fair af Oar New FLATS Wft kaWt) Ami k at caltn aad aVss. Whlta-Blae-Red-Black ' $288 R(. $.tl SADDLES WhHe lack WWi LnHmt $88 Vaines to ST.tS Girls' KB MtOWR LOAFERS $388 GIRLS BUY YOUR EASTER SHOES HERE KOW AND SAYEI The "Fomily Shoe Store" SALES FINAL 357 State St Next to the Midget Market Buy Quality Here for Less! Open Friday Night Til 9 P.M. Phone 2-1047 MEN Nerer before and never again will you gat such HIGH QUALITY work and dress shots at such LOW PRICES! NATIONALLY TAMOCS WORK SHOES leg. $9.95 UqaldiKM $588 NATIONALL Y FAMOUS DRESS SHOES Vibes Is 512.95 flrrl Ouslltf $588 EAVTDTJTT Engineer Boots Keg- 514.95 Hnf OhIHt $888 LOGGER TYPE BOOTS Rsgelirlf 517.95 $KQ88 HEY FELLAS, Gat a Pair Of These Genuine Shell $U-288 Cordovans Rertlt.91 MEN'S CREPE SOLI ttfulirly 510.95 LOAFERS $588 Felloi, Try and Beat Thesa an ana cream Itoslerlr 512.95 SADDLES $888 lHSli HnMILOn.