Wednesday, March 25, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Mew, Onto JwwtfslMS; Gift to Widow of British Hero Told McKey Fevers fatly - ? project it seeded for aatieoal defense ted So help eolvt Pa cific Hertbwett power short- KWYJ, , IS MM few Is. Ui, I , Spirit PiiM tftHc! ' InnfHtle StaflHf Eich lurk, 7:33 fcrfe t&s wef f Ge Cat SalTtiiefi" Seas. 1:H New York UPi Turn Work on Ic Harbor turned to fietttin. can general! and a BritUb col one! tat around the dinner ta ble baek In 1945, Their talk of her benefactor Unmhv ntaht deedt of valor. , . The atory was told of a Brit ith hero who before hit .death had earned almost every honor Great Britain could confer, in cluding the treasured Victoria Croat. ft had been learned that very day that the eoldier'a wi dow and children had been left destitute. .,' One of the American gener al turned quickly to the Brit iih colonel, counted out $100, and directed the Rrltnn in Aw. for permission to tell the ttory, . Eisenhower agreed with one ttipuiation, that the same ef the dead hero' not be used. Horkan quoted Eisenhower at savin c h never knew who ate srobleaa. A copy ef the when one of the two American f enerala, Mj, Gen. George A. Horkan, quartermaster general of the Army, revealed tee name of fata dinner companion and the woman't benefactor Dwight D, Eisenhower. ' Horkan aaid that he had ne ver told the ttory before "be cause I felt the general did not want it told." But Horkan laid ' Washington Wi Secretary letter was test to the director of the Interior McKay ditciot ed Tuesday he favors early construction of the proposed oi the budget Ice Harbor Dam on the lower Three ?retide8t ot the Snake River, United Slates died on July 4 tent the money; why tell hr John Adams, Jefferson and BSWT" " ' : : MME. CHIANG IN MANILA McKay said in a letter to Monroe. Rep. Helmet iB,-Tfah.) Manila Ms Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek, wife of Nationalist MUSTEROii he felt that Monday night'i China's President, arrived her today aboard a Fan-Americas Airwayt plane from San Fran dinner at which be spoke wat an appropriate Betting. It wat a dinner iinvrd Kv ih Mi. Contract and General 'V Repair - Ettebllthed 1908 45 Yeort in Salem fS4S.UMrfr Hm HSU cisco. ---! J' V , ' r.CIIES,F.Uu'3 STIFFtlESS (ward the money to the widow tionat Conference of Christiant wun wit menage: "From one toldier-to another," ' and Jew. : Therefore, Horkan ttld, he m Tim mtmt wmr p The widow aiill wat unaware leaked President Eisenhower 2.11 YeWe Grabr Bros. fee -, ;-, , i I s. aaa . ? as Valu nUiDRDPrWll Wf" FAYLISS I t AMD V f SAVE . I till K SEAN TT. W ASH TRAY ' n, r glue Bl lr(5iu ai-v ' Jf' '- IV X ' .; iu:: i OT 1 sf PRICES EFFECTIVE S- I -i . - m envw . a r . , PAYLISS 1 fl ' "MZSJH ( ttiww. II U4 111 if II . U ' al lalBA m-. -t s aK a ML: i . m -r in r . t . . V . . K v I a r am a a. aaav Ir " Li If laTLXfjit! IT'STAitTiNfiWI 111 WWff - -1 VLI!!1" T,uv? - AO 111 - fountain TurtibFars 3 l& TtEX ill Tax t T rv fffiBT A XI II as at a bbbf- f aar etitw . . , t it? al aaaa-' ' afliitJJBrfci poocrr WATCHES TI43 IN TtSI rrnnc PASTE MARCH 25tfc THRU 29th WED.-THUR. FRI. - SAT. AND SUN PAY U8 - -IVWtYTHlNG STARTING 1 LtuniaOBt ' Byet and Hands See tha Eyet More Watch the TH Wefl 'ELECTRIC CLOCKS Keg 5 1 5 I I 414 STATE STi SALIM ' AYLESS FANCY TALE" K CIGARS Made from a blend of rich mild Cohan, Havana, Puerto Rico and domettic tobaccos "Reg. QC joc M Valae w 3 f 20c rtiiad rreaetiy wf&ttaect Isgeedieatti 21606 25c OINTMENT ac ; ...9c 39c SUPPOSITORIES ggn 17c 15c CLORETS h?u , 3 t 29c MW'e i 'XMtgf. THERAPEUTIC FOIM jJISM n,U IS DKAKIUM PHOSPHATE CAC. m '1.49 BREOT8S YEAST TABS M MUST0M Box of 50,3.33 SPECIAL PURCHASE Imoerted BRIAR PIPES Colorful Myth EASTER BUNNIES Value PAYLISS FOR FINE EASTER CANDIES AND NOVELTIES OF ALL KINDS, BASKETS GALORE FILLED, OR EMPTY Rt. i.n fetdinf SNACK TAKES INOEU1LI LIPSTICK tfcadee 37e OREGON DAFFODILS 2 - 15c Fresh Cat lri Da; HEY! WANTA SAVE SOME MONET? IUY YOUR ARDiN HOSf AT FAYitSS NOW H WHCI . 1RANO MIW YINYI,4tIS PLASTIC HOSE S2: 5)99 - 50WOI " - Au-uavakjuHal S aFaaValat FrewCTSejrwrm a? aawra adf$ ff Hiijfc at . teeM m Ac4e Ate m rate 17 Jre4 FINE SWISS WATCHES Velvet to $10.00 Large Seiecttsa of Sijrtet for Ladies aai Met DIFINDAtLE mi GUARANTEED 2.59 Fl4it CLOTHES DRYER EASTER GREETING CARDS Sentimental, Snappy r leeiitiful ktllf tout Selection ihadowlVa IUI HOME PERMANENT FOI I WAVES AND NEUTIAUIiS IN ONE APPLICATION Ja PrieeSata8 1 1 7 l! M l WORK v S It I Wide Kit m ir 00 Attortment Of Shape And Sites illllilillllillHlllHIllillllllll 1 WHHI THEY 1a1.---bSSS 55 I