Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 25, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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Middle Grove Amitie Club
Holds Annual Dinner Parry
S MpmaatetiTM fee AIHsd
Lane w ess plate at reus
aeal aootr-ltiw of the
jesid'a lfi loM-dartenos
Rtd Star Transfer
Has cfeowit n. i-mu
Middle Grovt The annual
family ' nlfht covered dish
dinner for members of the
Amitie Woman'e .club -was
held this year at the March
meeting in the school houie.
Attending were Mr. and Mn.
Melvln Van Cleave and three
children; Mr. and Mn. Ernest
Crum, Carolyn and John; Mr.
and Mn. John Schafer and
three children; Mn. Wilbur
Wilson, Mr. and Mn. Harold
Anglin and three, children;
Mr. and Mn. Cleo Kepinfer,
Gay Lee and Tonl; Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Kuenzi; Mr. aod
Mn. Lawrence V. Hammer;
Mr. and Mn. Tred Seharf ;
Mr. and ,Mrs. John Van
Leaner), J
Mr. and Mn. Charles wen-
ger and two children; Mr, and
Mrs. Lewis Patterson, Lewis,
Jr., Steve, Karen and Tleresa;
Mr. and Mn. Wayne Goode;
Mr. and Mn.' Emory Goode,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Reynolds
and three children; Mr., and
Mrs. William Kleen . and
daughter; Mr. and Mn. Del-
wyn Kleen; Mr. and Mm. To
Hammer and three children;
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Perkins
and three children and Mr. aod
Mn. Paul Bassett. .
Serving as hostesses were
Mrs. Reynolds, Mn. Wilson
and Mrs. Schafer.
Tor entertainment Lewis
Patterson' showed a travelogue
movie and two ether short
films. ' ' -
The March meeting of the
Middle Grove Mother's elub
was held Monday night at the
bkadedwiihCnln KwhdSpMts
schoolhouse. Guest speaker
was Dr. Walter Snyder, super
intendent of Saieru ecnoots.
At the business meeting the
report of the Parent Teachen
Salem council meeting was
given by Mn. Charles Rob
erts: the health chairman, Mn.
Delores ' Unruh, announced
that Middle Grove mothen
would be asked to help with
the April well-child clinic at
Four Corners April I. .
Mrs. Charles Roberts and
Mn. Unruh will help, but need
one more to assist. ...
The cheer chairman, Mn.
Melvln Van Cleave, announc
ed that cards to four, who
were ill had been sent. The
school cafeteria cook, Mn.
Push, is still absent from her
work because of illness.
Wallace - Tumldge, school
principal, announced that two
moving pictures would ' be
shown for the program at the
April meeting. The atten
dance award for mothers prei
ent was given to the fifth and
sixth grade room. Appoint
ed as a nominating commit
tee for next year's officers of
the elub were Mn. John
Schafer, Mn. Pete Austin and
Mrs. Loren Chamberlain.
Hostesses lor the social
hour were Mrs, Unruh; Mn,
Roberts and Mn. Milo Wilcox.
; Middle Grove Associated
clubs will neet at the school
house Friday, March 17, at
7:30 pjn. Amitie elub will
provide the program.
Back for Trial
-t.t-..!I moot
hjoy the rich flavor of Ms famous oM
Ktntoky brand. Hk6-YoOUKdcr
waWtey fchaaW wftfc 70 Meewof epirffs
$A40 $070
'" WATMrUl ai PnAIltS 4-
School Boy Commits
Suicide by Shooting
Condon OUD A 11-year-old
school boy' died here from
self-inflicted bullet wound in
his head after he left school
mid-way through the day, po
lice reported today.
Milo Woods attended morn
ing classes and played on the
school ground at noon. When
the teacher rang the bell for
afternoon classes, he ran to
ward home, officers said.
Mrs, Bentley Rice, his moth
er, discovered his body soon
No reason for the boy's act
was given. -
Albany Aligned ia elr.
cult court here Tuesday on a
first degree murder indict
ment, jonn bod oturgiu was
given until Wednesday at
pjn. to plead, and Circuit
Judge Victor, Olliver appoint
ed Sam Kyle to represent him
as counsel.
Sturgill is under indictment
here for first degree murder in
connection with the kflllnc erf
Lot nugnes uiunore in an Al-
bany jungle, hobo camp in
Linn County Sheriff Georae
Miller maae two trips to Cali
fornia after Sturgill. Just be
fore his arrival the fint time.
the accused man obtained
writ cf habeas corpus, which
held up his return to Oregon.
The Oregon authorities.
Miller reports, were ready to
make a showing in court. They
had with them SturglU's finger
prints, taken In Albany only
a few days before Gilmorc was
killed. Sturgill, In applying for
the-writ naa denied ever hav
ing been in Albany. The court
acted cn motion of the district
attorney, of Alameda county.
for lack cf evidence support
ing the wrifci.?
Wednesday, March 85, IMS
Oregoa ' ' 11
' a Th- two who do not
Salem Reserve Units
To Summer Training
Some S.000 to 7.000 reserv
ists from seven states will
take their summer training at
army posts in the state of
Washington during the com
ing summer, and among them
will be units from Salem.
July - and August ; are the
months that the Salem out
fits will be reporting for their
two weeks of active duty at
some training camp. -,
Units of the 104th infantry
division (army reserves) will
go to Fort Lewis July M to
August 9. Included In this
group are the units of the
929th field artillery battalion
from this area and members
of E company of the 413th in
fantry regiment.
August 9 to August 13 arc
the dates for summer train
ing for both the staff and the
student detachment of detach
ment No. 1, 0229 ' ARAUS
Portland USAR school, locat
ed a tthe Salem ORC armory.
Woodburn A ham dinner
will be cooked and served by
memDers oi Father Rubis coun
cil, Knights of Columbus, on
Palm Sunday, March 29. Serv
ing will be from noon until 1
p.m. The . public -is invited to
attend, y :..;,v r:-S
Demos Agree to Let
Morse Have Rear Seat
Waslunrton UK The Senate
Democratic Policy committee
agreed . yesterday ; that Sen.
Wayne L. Morse (Iad.-Ore
can air on Democratic side High School
m turn Dcuiii ia uie kmc row mi -Un.a usv mimrf
of the northwest corner." , k. M,t of the
Morse, who bolted the Re-
ni(rai -,.. . louowuig year. ...
Mn. Ross Simpson will serve
5 llamas Officers
political campaign, wants to
sit on the Democratic side. He
said he was tired of overhear
ing some of the remarks of his
former Republican colleagues,
Charge Hitch-Hikers
With Radio Theft
as president; Mn. Art Woods,
vice-president; Mn. Clinton
Ruiter aa secretary; and C. F.
Heins aa treasurer.
An item of interest to all who
attended was a plaque which
Carl Morrison, high school
principal, explained, was
awarded to Dallas high school
for outstanding sportsmanship
man, ln the recent state basketball
Albany A Halsev
who Tuesday morning said he I tournament,
gave two Washington youths a I The group voted to send the
ride from Halsey to Albany, now president to the state PTA
complained to' city police IS convention wmcn will be held
minutes after he had arrived I In April at Medford, Ore. The
here that the two who had ac- executive board was appointed
cepted the ride had stolen a o study methods of financing
radio from his car; Police such a trip.
Chief Ray Maddy said. ' . ; Uty dollars was voted for
Ray Lucas told oalice he ltne . youth exchange oroiect,
picked up two hitch-hikers and This plan brings a foreign stu-
brought them to Albany. Lucas oent to xauaa to study in the
parked his car, .returned to ltinln scnooi tor a year and to
few minutes later and dis- "v wttn '" family. The
covered the theft . , ; I Plan is sponsored by the Amer-
Police had the two youths lean Field Service,
under , arrest ia less than an I Leighton Dashiell opened the
hour after they had been noti- program with a prayer and
fled. reading by Marjorle Nelson, a
Police charged that Kenneth mgn scnooi student.
Lester Freeman, 30 and Harold ' The last meeting of the year
Hennlnc Snell. 18. both of wiu dc neia April 27 when the
Hoquiam, Wash., took the ra- w officers will be installed.
dio from Lucas' car and sold
it to Johnny's Furniture and ri-:L If
Hardware. S04 JJ. JUtonn. 1.. WriflK Of rVCrOSene :
for 3. Imployes of Johnny's IKlllS Oregon Infant
the youths and
Lucas identified his radio.
police said.
They were to be tried in
municipal court.
Trumans Scil from : :-
S.F. for Honolulir
Los Angeles (UJD Former
President Harry S. Truman
voyaged to Hawaii aboard the
liner- President Cleveland to
day after a feast fit for a king
two-month-old Bennie Byron
Benda died yesterday after he
drank kerosene from a can he
found in his home here,
The tot was dSad soon after
bis arrival at a Roseburg hos
pital. He was the son of Mr.
and Mn. Donald Benda.
Dallas On March 23 Mel
vln M. Boyles was sentenced
by .Judge Arlle Walker to
and playing the piano for some seven yean in the state peni-
of his old World War I buddies, tenwary r forgery,
The Democratic former Pre
sident sailed from Los Angeles J j!j 't To dma ten
harbor yesterday with his wife, Zftht tfi.itl
Bess, and daughter, Margaret, jmiiifxif skin and quick
for the Pacific island, and his , Vl!4f
first vacation since leaving the gWTTfTi aaeai OINTalENT
White House,, 1 1X113 II JULaaa SOAP
Grow Hair on
Siamese Twin
rhiraan Rodney Dee
nrmiim. the , head joined
Siamese twin . who survived
separation from his brotner,
may have, a natural head of
hair when he grows up. :
The 18-month-old young-
tr idwiti improving arm
his 18th epention 1 oya
His acalD. built UP of skin
nfta from his awn forehead
contains sufficient hair foUi
cles to provide regular trips
to the barber shop as Be grows
older, say plastic surgeons
at the Univenity of Illinois
Ressearcqj and Iducational
hospital. 'They ' said he has
come .through the tcalp-bulld-
lng process in good snaps
"cosmetically." There wlU be
scan, but not very noticeable
ones. He still wears his ban
dage like a little chefs cap.
Rodney's twin brother,
Roger ' Lee, died about one
month after the crucial oper
ation which separated them
last Dec. 17. v
Woodburn Teachers
Woodburn ' Offering ; of
contracts to all but two mem
bers of the present teaching
staff of the Woodburn public
schools for the 1953-1954
school year has been author
ized by the Woodburn school
Krrf The- two wno ao
intend to return tor the next
u-hool year arc Charles S heron
football coach, and Miss Bev
erly Slaney, art instructor,
whose resignstioni have been
accepted. '
y DOHTtf fOOlD
v Waifcday op aad J.
' aynUMtkdttaifwitifH
7 , dotbo dtu . . . but ' 1
v ) Mn. Stemrt'a liquid '
xf Bhilai miit a brittuat
. rajHMM to ell wfaite W
7 Si brio. Vm ia nfulw :jL,
7 m autonatle nailnie. JZ
tr n:. i buy n
ut dlui::g
Journal Want Ads Pay
f Don't b I
New irora Specialist
At Payless Tomorrow 1 0 a.m. to 6 p.m.
If you are planning a new lawn let him give you helpful infor
mation on the type seed needed for the lawn to fit your needs
and likes. ; - v '
AEG. flwlO lb. STIRUrM
Will produce the finest turf
nd year around luxurious . ;
. carpet af rowth.
f'iSWIIilfffS "fflpSW'tK!1 'Wf "8; ' 'S' 1
Feeds Lawns
Kills Weeds
Contrail Insects
"Golf" Lawn Food
Ona pound covers 100 iquore feet. Oryank and
mineral substance prevents drastic burning of
new lawns. Makes new lawn grow Fatter, mora
Sturdy, and Richer Color!
; 25 X 2 JS
REG. 80c LB. "FORE"
5-lb. bag 2.77
Nw 1.11 ym haw to.
tec 53 mor. Mcuritr uuit
underarm odor and peftpiration.
New Airid, used daiif, ii pmrcd
53 mor. cffectln than aar
other leading deodorant in keep
jog ttoderamu dry and odorjen. 1
New Cream Deodorant Provtd
53 r.!0HE EFFECTT.t
' hi Keeping Underarms
Diy id Odorless
Used dally, Arrid protecrsl ways! ,
I. Keeps underarms dry; Prtrtoa ep
pearancc of penpiration.
2. aH for clothes. Does cot roc dmsw
Sires clothes from sains, :
3. Takes odor out at persplrotlan.
j dttjdoriies instsntlr on contsct. .
4. Antiseptic. A smooth, wake, gentle -ectioa
nujithiog ctetoi. . '
(. Craamy. Will not dry oat.
' Mora men and
women use ARRID
than any ether
. deodorant. .
. r;.0RE;Ricn CATSUP ;Xl''
Nov flavor-guarded by pl
best screw-on cap
YswbyouufernnJsoo's, .
V ' Saw-Seal SoewOa Cap, be hif
rf j V "'"' drop of cstsup is u richly satisfying u
k' TSfc, ' nm. And rtmtmber ,
t x 'iSaJ!kV7. I Deonisoo's gives you more rttd taSsup
tmm.m (51 in every drop because more tomttoes
fhrv' SJt 2 LS&ki v or no World's Chanipion CaJiomia .
r eVs tV Tom'stoes, and mote savory spices go
, v jj?. XA into erery bottle. Mike your foods uite
' ? xSPS j : n I Jl ill Stennisoris means Delicious
t -Y iSl ' " - w" "' '!i f ' ill It iaf tl '. CanHeWltNtotaHlMa'ir'M
' . ' ' f . 4