Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 24, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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    Taeaday, Much 24, 1953
President May
Rule on Huts
President ' Eisenhower him
elf may make a decision on
a problem confronting the 01-
ven mauioy, accorcung to a
letter Rep. Walter Norblad hat
written to John Trunk of the
Northwest Nut Grower, Dun
dee. .' .. -
"Regardlnf the Imposition
of filbert quotas as have been
previously recommended by
the tariff commission," Nor
blad writes, "Harris Ells
worth, Buasell Hack and my
self today went to the White
, House and talked to Bernard
Shanler. one of the executive
assistants to President Eisen
hower about the entire prob
lem. -
-He Is fully aware of the
dancer which, our filbert in
dustry faces at the present
time if these huge quantities
of filberts from. Turkey are
shipped to this country. He
also fully appreciates the fact
that those shipments may be
made in the very near future
and Is studying the problem
"I anticipate that a decision
will, be made before too long
by the president himself on
this subject"
Dies at Dallas
Dallas Elgin Levi Mc
' Cleary, former superintendent
of 'the Dallas water depart
ment, died at the Dallas hos
pital Sunday after a lingering
Bom ' at Silverton, Ore,
September 3, 1803, McCleary
was the son' of Dennis Mc
Cleary and the late Amy Mc
Cleary. He made his home in
. Silverton until moving to Dal
las seven years ago. McCleary
was married to Ellen Marian
Abbett at Silverton in 1928.
She survives him.
McCleary was a member of
the Dallas Presbyterian
church and of the Silverton
Masonic lodge.
Liberty The Ladies Council
of the Liberty Christian Church
of Christ will meet Thursday,
March 20. at tfca home of Mrs.
Luther Billings on Skyline
Boad at 8 p.m.
The guest speaker will be
Ann Chapman of Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Seeger,
Margaret, Jerry and Mrs. A. B.
Browning spent the spring va
cation in -the bay area, San
Francisco, and various places in
Nevada. They reported much
snow and rain.
Klamath River
Compact Passes
Without a dissenting vote,
the senate Monday passed and
sent to the governor - a bill
creating a Klamath river com
mission. ,
. It will work out a corn pact
with California for distribu
tion of water in the Klamath
The five-man commission
would include one member
from Jackson county and four
from Klamath county. The sen
ate also sent to the governor a
$29,000 appropriation for the
commission. .
Sea Philip S. Hitchcock.
Klamath Falls, said there is
great urgency" for a comnfe
heniive survey of the Klamath
river and its tributaries.
He recalled that there hai
been at least eight attempts in
recent years to divert the
basin's water to California, in
cluding one proposal to build
a- 800-foot dam near the
mouth of the Klamath river
and divert the backed-up wat
ers as far south as Sacramento.
Man Dies in
7338 Hr. Coma
Lebanon After 7.338 hours
of unconsciousness, Wllmer H.
Greer, 84, diedat his Lebanon
home Sunday morning. He had
been in a coma since an auto
accident in the narrows be
tween Sweet Home and Leb
anon on May 20, 1852.
Funeral services will be held
Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Hus
ton Funeral Home in Lebanon
and interment will be in the
IOOF cemetery. i
A native of Superior, Wis.,
Mr. Greer was born July 29,
uw ana came here from Min
nesota nearly five years ago. At
the time of the accident he was
employed at the Santiam Lum
ber company.
Survivors include his widow.
Marian, and 1 children: Rus
sell and Bobbie Greer of Leb
anon, Weldon Greer of Kansas,
Mrs. Donna Monk, Montana,
Mrs. Wanda Branenburg, Spo
kane7"Mrj. Ardlth Jensen, Nor
folk, Va., Mrs. Wilma Sabins,
Mrs. Lois Kleint, Phyllis, Doro
thy and Beverly Greer all of
Greer is the second fatality
of the accident. Oliver D
Goodwin, 22-year-old driver
of the car in which Greer was
riding, died 30 minutes after
reaching the Sweet Home hos
pital. Two other men riding
in the car were injured but
have recovered. .
The four were on their way
to work when they met a load
ed logging truck driven by
SelmerN. Brown. The peek-
er log was not bound at tne
time by chains, and dropped
off, crushing the passing ve
hicle.. , , , . . '
Rum for Minors
Costs Man $500
Silverton Robert Fred
Pfaff, 8530 N. Smith St, Port
land, was given a $500 fine and
VO daya jail sentence tor giv
ing liquor to minora, in Judge
All O. Nelson's court Minors
involved were a SUvertss sir!
15 years old, a' Silverton boy,
16, and two Mt Angel boys, 15
years of age. .
. Jail sentence was suspended
provided fine and costs are
paid and defendant leave liquor
alone and obey all laws. .
This defendant was also
given a fine of $100 and 20
days in jail for operating
motor vehicle after operator's
license had been suspended.
Defendant was extended some
time for payment of fines and
Action Auction
Services Many
Woodburn Many new of
ferings have been made for the
community action auction to
be held Friday evening. March
27, at the Woodburn armory to
raise funds for and undisclos
ed but worthy local project.
The auction is sponsored by
a number of local organiza
tions and individuals and the
entire community it taking
part in the event ;
A number of valuable ar
ticles have been donated and
everything from, a car wash
and polish job by five Jaycee-
iiik, to Muuwjvh board ad
vertising by President J. F.
Lacey of the Rotary club have
been added to the "slave auc
tion" services." .
The car wash and polish Job, I
offered to the highest bidder!
will be by Phyllis Engle. Elsie
Simon, Marjone Enos, Dot
Scarborough and Donna Buch
anan, v . Among other services
offered will be cooking an out
door dinner for six people by
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Wengenroth;
making a picnic lunch for two
fishermen and furnishing night
crawlers by Arisen Olson;
serving a steak dinner for two
people, food furnished by Sue
Glatt; serving and washing
dishes for an evening dinner by
Mildred Miller. Polly Wads
worth and Sue Glatt; providing
a limit of trout cleaned and
pan ready by Buck Buchanan;
two day - diaper service by
Gerry Sawtelle and- Carol
Eden; 'and giving a lesson in
hula dancing at an American
Legion meeting by Myrtle
Smith. ' ' '
tton of the dam across the Co
lumbia River at The Dalles,
They said the dam - would
flood their ancient fishing
ground at Celilo Falls, thus
violating their treaty rights to
fish there forever. .
They , are chiefs Wilson
Charley, and Watson Totus,
both of Toppenlsh, Wash.
1 wLZJ
229 Cfceattkotal
Indians Request
Help to Bled Den
Two Yakima tribe Indian
chiefs asked Gov. Paul L. Pat
terson Monday to Join them in
their effora to block construe-
. Portlandtan Major brands
of coffee were selling at 03
cents a pound In many retail
stores today. The new price
represented an increase of 4
to 0 cents a pound.
Paris () French police
swept down on a dozen of
fices of the big communist-led
General Confederation of
Labor (CGT) early today and
arrested a number of . Reds,
among them Andre StiL a top
editor of the communist dally
newspaper LHumanite.
Survivors besides his wif e aa
taxes on all of its operations
outside of Eugene.
Wt fcurtRtM Our Mm and Tall Yw lb (Unlit,
Tie Your Vocation
Into Plans for a New Car
See Loder Bros. About a
Prepaid $354" Vacation
Without obligation to you, wa wMl g Mr acquaint you
with a program with an ideu that wtt afford you fun
from now until you hava complete a1 the entire program.
465 Center
Phone 42261
Ph. 1-7170
Moke on appointment today to look your
prettiest for aster.' Let ut put your hair in
stylo for Easter and Sprint) with our now not
urat curl permanent.
Loveall-Miller's Beauty
I 2nd Floor Miller's A
are two daughters, Carol and
Mary Ellen McCleary at home;
a son, . William Dennis Mc
Cleary at home; his father,
Dennis McCleary of Portland;
and two brothers, S. E. Mc
Cleary of Silverton and P. L.
McCleary of Portland,
i Funeral services will be
. held at the Dallas Presbyter
' ian church ; Tuesday, March
24, at a pjn. with Rev. Earl
Bembow officiating. Conclud
ing services will be at Mt.
Crest Abbey Mausoleum un
r der the direction of the Boll
man funeral home at Dallas.
The body will lie in state at
the ' BoUman Funeral home
ntll 1 eon. Tesday.
To Make Eugene
Power Pay Taxes
ttnnipa 'would be tavpff - nn nn.
. (rations outside of their cities
under a bill introduced in the
house Monday afternoon.
. Authors of the bill are Hep.
loran L. Stewart, Cottage l
Grove, and Sen. Angus L. Gib
son, Junction City. They said!
they Introduced it at the re
quest of school district 19 of
Lane county.
' Purpose of the bill is to
make the Eugene water board,
which operates Eugene's mu
nicipal power system, pay
I get a
request f
be surer
LOANS OMds st ISiimir
latt year to mployad
tiad and tinfW in att
walks at lift.
If yoa are staadily anipkqnd and
caa aaniue conrantanx nxxiuuj
pajnaanta, chancaa for a prompt
yaa" are aicellant. Phona 8nt
for one-vilit loan. Write or com
in to Oiwul todty. St why so
many agraa, "It a
rVunasf to be aural"
Warn aa fa $1500
Qreamd Fleor Oragen BMg.
PtMTMi 2-24M Sa4am, Ore.
Rax E. Darts, YES MANagsr
taiaa anr Saw aa hr Ptriintl
rinanfa Ca. ml Marian Caanlr anan
tha lacastrial Laaa CanaaalM Aft af
lm aaaa k mMaiK a) an wumVa taaai
tMai Uam Sr. HH, B-IU
cowirtttt reset
MISS RUTH BAKER, Estate factory representative and home econo
mist will demonstrate' the Estates Wednesday! See the many fea
It's a
Duncan Hines uses an IM ESTATE Electric Range
' because if s the range with the
63IU, 0At(, BlWSCtii features ,
on the Hew RCA ESTATE !
r a
Worb wonders on steals, chops.
fruit or vegetable noaa
fat and druiniaaa ai
oir . . . imparts a aooat
grilled flavor that's absoletely
nniquel Woaderfnl for griddle
Lift the griddla, aad prestot . . .
yon nave a super-giant aaat for
kettle canning, aoupa, or any targe
veuel (np to 25 qt.) cooking, leav
ing 4 other units freel
waea Converto-Grid ji
not m use, its flash-to top
cover (nne scid-reantant
porcelain enamel as the
rest of the range) gives
you precious center work
tpace ... w b il vprifht,
k'l s splasher backl
RCA ESTATE is the Range with all these features
The New RCA EstaU
carries tMs
Dwstca Htntt label
What other range on the market combines all
these features? The Converto-Grid that's prac
tically a range in itself! ... the big Balanced
Heat oven that bakes biscuits, pastries, a
casserole, with perfect results every time. Bar-B-Kewer
separate meat oven that gives
"charcoal-done" flavor to roasts and chickens.
Plus, minute minder . . . chrome top lamp , . ,
divided top . . . 7-beat top units . . . Electricooker
with up-down unit . . . super-size utensil drawer
. . . plus a dozen other work-saver features.
See the ALL NEW RCA ESTATE. There's not
another range on the market that can touch it! CONVENIENT TltMS
The Ccaraerto-Gfid graft csssleafcs,' Mt
sad vegetable slices. Under gnddte is a sapor,
giant 5th unit that wnl bold vessels p to 25 qt
capacity. When not in use H "bides away" wider
a sparkling white enamel cover to provide a
coaveaaeat cerSr work space. ,
OVcNi This glass ovea
ansa a oWs baking ... all
as oacel Yet RCA Eatates
aaasnvef seat
OVENs Gives delicious
"charooaj-done" flavor to
whole roasts, hams and
csnckeas with RCA Estate's
radiant heat. Doeetss aa
CONTROL! Caa be set for
oven, BarBKswsr, aopti
aace ostlet or cooker.
Aatomatic Clock tarns
aaaaB appliances on and ofl
when yoa're bsay or away.
Mmtrte Minder times top
of raoge ccoksng up to 60
WINDOWt -Eye-angle"
oven window and licht lets
yoa watch your baking
wHhoat atoopi or open
ing oven door. Double
beat-nroof glass rlimmalw)
beat W
nits offer new eookiag
simplicity.- Swivel -act ion,
eaty-to-ciean. Electncookar
unit lifts to surf ace level
giving S top units. Cbroms-
nog onp-euaroa.
DUNCAN HINES, famow authority on
good food, tnes an RCA Estate Range in hig owa
kitchen because no otberj-ange offers so many
cooking methods, so much cooking capacity. RCA I
Estate's specialized cooking areas let yon do afl
your cooking at once serve everything piping
hot at the peak of savory perfection.
We're snre that once you've seen this beaatBnl new I
range . . . and examined each convenient jfeaturo
for yourself . . . you win take a tip from Duncan
Hines and choose RCA Estate for your kitchen.
I 9
M lit