Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 24, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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Installation tor
Auxiliary Planned
Silverton Pait depart
ment president ol the Veteran
of Foreign Warf auxiliary. Mrs
Arwln Strayer, Salem, will be
the Installing officer at the
April 1 open meeting at' the
armory fireside room. Mrs. Bob
Zdgerton, preildent, and her
at latin otficen will be in-
ducted. Flans were announc
ed at last week's meeting of
the auxiliary.
' Work credit for the auxil
iary reported included 40 si
Ing hours and 87 skywatch and
Brownie hours.'. Mrs. Leland
Morgan planned a cake-walk
stunt as a budget builder which
netted $8. Mrs. Carl Specht
read a story on the need of
1 111 .1 UJmiUImi f
mailer towns. Aid Society Feted
aiyrton Group
s poppy general
She is ot select her
. The auxiliary will sponsor
cooked food sale at the Hande
Hardware store, Saturday,
: April 4....-;.
' . Named as general committee
for the installation of officers
meeting are Mrs. Mike Lynch,
' Mrs Olaf Tokstad, Mrs. Ber
tha Ostegaard: Mrs. Walter
Geren and Mrs. H. A. Marco.
Serving as hostesses at last
week's meeting - were Mrs,
Hallle Williams and Mrs. Harry
"ywrwyi" wins tmma0 vmrnmrnfyft y ft jtwunfww -
vV'-y v it -I .Vs j'
7V Ciih un
. v
Barnett, Mrs. Dorothy Mi
chaels. Mrs. Charlie Hunt, Mrs.
Leon Hansen, Mrs. Pat O'Brien,
Mrs. Covll Case, Mrs. Mary
Gilhuly, Mrs. Hazel Smith, and
Mrs. Lloyd Kennedy.
One of the main projects of
the American! im chairman Is
the presentation of flags to
various ' schools - and Scout
troops. There have been 36
American fiu presented by
Mrs. Dal MauK uus un year.
The annual essay contest is
now under way and the win
ners will be announced at
t.. tt. The tonic for this
years essay Is "Democracy Is
What we Maxe u. -
Tneaday, March 14, 1188
Sturtevant, H8 H. 18th,
Salem, was fined $80 and given
a 30 day Jail sentence en dis
orderly conduct charge,, wing
profane language and creating
a disturbance by Justice of the
Peace Alt. O. Nelson. On pay
ment of fin and costs, Jail
sentence wa suspended. '
Pythian Sisters
Plan Activities
; llverton At the Thursday
meeting of Home temple No.
II, Pythian Sisters, a rummage
ale was planned for March 28
at 110 South water street
Those desiring to donate ar
ticles for the sale may call
Mrs. Delbert Iverson, phone
4024 for pickup, The sale is
to start at 10 o'clock. The
Pythian Sisters are also to
sponsor cooked food sale at
Sproutz-Reltz store on Satur-
' day, April 4.'
Plans were completed ftSr the
entertainment of guest groups
complimenting the grand chief
of the grand Jurisdiction of
Oregon, Mrs. Albert Grlnde, on
Thursday, April 3. The com
mittee will include all Home
temple officers and Mrs. Marie
Hope, Mrs. Karl Haberly, Mrs.
Emil Loe and Mrs. Carl Specht
On the committee for decorat
ing the dining room are' Mrs.
J. O. Taylor. ' Mrs. Myrtle
Stumpff, Mrs. R. E. Borland,
Mrs. Lewis Wavra, Mrs. Ida
Winslow, Miss Merle Bowen
and Mrs. Bert Green.
In charge of the upstairs are
Mrs. Sam Stadeli and Mrs. L li
sle Cooley. Providing the gifts
will be Miss Merle Bowen, Mrs.
Henry Anundson, Mrs. Casper
-Oveross, Mrs. Ted Loreniten and
Mrs. Clarence Morley.
The members planned an
all-day housecleanlng program
to begin at 8 ajq. Wednesday,
April 1, the workers to pro
Tide a no-host luncheon at
soon. s.:V.',".
Visit From South
Silverton Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Morton (Muriel . Webb)
have as their house guest an
uncle and aunt ot Mrs. Mor
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webb
of Spokane, Wash.
The Mortons and their guests
drove to Redwood City and
Cloverdale, Calif,, where they
visited the members of a for
mer Silverton family, Ed Min
er and his two daughters, the
former Ruth and Edna Miner.
Enroute to Silverton the Roy
Webbs were guests at the San
Francisco home of a son, Roy
Webb, Jr., and at Tisalla, with
Mrs. Hattie Bentson. also a for
mer local resident
e e .
Club Elects
' In tha early days of New
Mexico, sheep were raised for
Heat, and ranchers, having no
good market for wool, permit
ted anyone who would do so
to shear sheep for a dollar
per 1,000 animals.
Trtcrl youraolf le
Like the balance of your
favorite rod, CABIN STILL
is balanced at 91 to erertry
combine mildness of proof
with richness of flavor,
M kt proof jf risk ki farvsi
Jtosry drop mods. meBsmsJ
Silverton Members of the
Woman's Missionary federation
of Immanuel Lutheran church
entertained the Ladies aid of
Trinity Lutheran church and
other organizations on Thurs
day "afternoon. Mrs. '' Elmer
Johnson, president of the Im-
manuel Lutheran group, was
hostess to the 100' guests in
the social rooms of the church.
Scripture and song devotions
were led by Mrs. John' Over-
lund. Mrs. A. W. Nelson wel
comed the visitors and Mrs. Jo
seph A. Lv" -' responded for
Trinity gr
April 2- ..- been set as the
date for the Willamette Luth
eran Circuit convention. ' Im
manuel Woman's Missionary
federation will entertain visit
ing groups and the speaker will
be Dr. S. C. Siefkes, president
of the Northwest district of the
American Lutheran church.
Mrs. Relder Poverud spoke
about "The Passover." Vocal
duets were presented by Mrs.
A.-W. Nelson and Mrs. Joseph
A. Luthro.
Presiding at the urns during
the tea hour were Mrs. Elmer I
Johnson and Mrs. A. W. Nel
son. Committee lor the after
noon Included Mrs. R. J.. Van
Cleave, Mrs. H. C. Banks, Mrs.
O. G. Ellertson, Mrs. George
Crockett, 'Mrs. H. G. Renback
and Mrs. Norris Hanson. .
' This group of Cascade Union High School students is
shown after the presentation of 18 American flags to the
school by the . Americanism committee of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars Auxiliary of Marlon Post tSl.
Help Sign Flashed
By Soap Box Association
Flags Received
Woodburn Mrs. James
Livesay was elected president
ox tne woodburn Homemakers
club at a meeting held Friday
at the home of Mrs. Frank
Wright, the retiring president.
Mrs. W. B. Dunn was chosen
vise president and Mrs. Archie
Murphy secretary. Sixteen
members were present and an
swered roll call with hints on
houteeleaning. Mta. Clara Bonn
was guest Refreshments
were served by the hostess. -
The next meeting will be
April IT at the home of Mrs.
uunn on settlemier avenue
and will feature an exchange
of plants.
Help Wanted!
That was the sign hung out
this week by the Mid-Willa
mette Valley Soap Box Derby
association. 1
With final plans for this
year's race nearing completion,
committee chairmen are asking
for organizations and indlvi
duals to volunteer to help put
on Salem's biggest kids' day.
The most immediate need is
for inspectors for the racing
bugs that are a-building. Chair
man Wilmer (Bill) Page, Jr.,
says he needs about a dozen
men who can serve as inspeo
tors to see that the boys build
their bugs correctly and safely.
Each man will be assigned1
about 10 boys for whom he will
have the responsibility ol in
spectlng the racers, giving ad'
vice and answering their ques
tioni. Each racer will need, to
be inspected about each two or
three weeks, depending on the
builders progress.
A clinic for training Inspec
tors will be held in the near
future, Page said, and he would
like to sign up up the necessary
number of inspectors before
the clinic is held.- - . .
Inspectors are also needed
from the outlying areas where
boys are entering the race, he
added. They, too, will attend
the clinic. - .
Paae can be contacted at his
home, 316 West McGilchrist
street, phone 2-4B78) by any
one interested in being an in
spector. :
Other help that will be need-
ed later on includes help with
Mission Film for
The - motion ; picture ' "Of
These My Brethren," report
to the American church on its
mission of rehabilitation
around the world will be. pre
sented at the First Presbyterian
church Wednesday night The
program, is one of a series be
ing held kt the First Presbyter
ian church with emphasis on
"Christ's CaU to Mission and
to Unity" of the National Coun
cil of Churches. '
The pictures shows the food,
health, and housing services as
well as the preaching mission
carried on by the proceeds
from the 'One Great Hour of
Sharing" offering. -
hotici or xaiiq on mu.
otlaa la hereto glren thai the Miiel
Aoeounl M The united flute national
Bank of Portland (Oregon) aa Xxecutor
at ine ntitt ol AU H. page, aeoeaaea,
hu been filed In tht Probitt Depart-
mtot ( 111 Circuit Court for Mrlon
Counlr. Orwon. and that April S. 1BSI
at aha bour al a'elooK a.m.. in to
aourtroom of MM Court hava batn flxtd
44 tha toot and plae for bearing oojtc-
tlona to auch Pinal Account and for
MULtment thereof, at which time anr
pereon hiteruted In aald aetata mar
appear and file objeetione thereto ' In
ermine- and aonteet the eame.
Dated and tint publlahed Uareh 10,
Aa auch Xxecutor .
John A. HelUtl
Altoreeir for Xxeeutrlx
Pioneer Truet Building
Salem, Oregon,
alar. 10, IT, 14, II, MM
on mwiii.
Ssanler glvei ye the Credit
yew need ad remember.
Ha Dafll Havat Ta Pane Cimm
tairo Penny far Hie Pfivitogel
Otosses moJ to exact
forestripHen of yewr
elitereoJ Optwiiehtst,
street banners and
signs, help on the big Saturday
parade, workers for building
and manning concession stands
on Derby day, several steno
graphers or typists who can
donate a couple hours of time
a week and help for other mis
cellaneous Jobs. ,:
Volunteers who wish to help
on the concessions may contact
Chairman Lloyd Evans, 3375
Maywood drive, phone 2-8228.
Evans says he particularly
would like to have some youth
organizations, boys or girls,
who could help man stands and
work as vendors in the crowds
for the .two days of the trials
nd the Derby. -
Other volunteers should con
tact Derby Director Bill Byers
at his office, phone 43328, to
join in on Salem's biggest ama
teur sports event of the year
the Soap Box Derby.
A presentation of 18 flags
was made to the Cascade High
School ' at ' Turner by the
Americanism committee of the
Veteran's of Foreign .'Wars
Auxiliary and Marion Post 661.
Those taking part in the pro
gram with short speeches on
the American flag and the
meaning of Americanism were:
Mrs. Dale Mauk, Americanism
chairman of local auxiliary.
Mrs. May Mason, Department
of Oregon Americanism chair
man; Mrs, C. N. Briggi. ureil-
dent of Marion Auxilary VS.
W. and the commander of the
V.F.W. Post, Barney Barnett
Those presenting the flags to
tne students were: Mrs. LeRoy
Simpson,. Mrs. Dorman Crowe,
Mrs. Al Aeschlimann,' Mrs.
Charles Hagan, Mrs. Dave Hoi
weger, Mrs, Don Stupka, Mrs.
Clarence Forbis, Mrs. Barney
AfMlto 16
Now Fcwmini New Clan
. World Famous
Golanri Accordions
TJse of accordion for instraetlon and sup
ervised practice periods.
Two periods each week for seven (7)
weeks in oar store studio.
Ton can earn Achievement Award ap to
' $28.00 value en new GALANTI accord-.
. ion. . .- i:,,.'. ..( .
. srjoo
Read These Simple Rules
1. Must be between ages and 16 years,
S. Most have had NO previous experience
on accordion. : "'
I. Most agree to be present at each class .
. meeting for 7 weeks to be eligible for
r Achievement Award.
(Nor contest, but an award of merit for Individual achievement on the rnstrument)
Note: Only limited number of Instrument available for use on this saeciol offer.
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