Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 24, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    (lay, March 34, 1958
liss Moseng
arty Feted
ilverton Ml ln vr
B. bride-elect nt f!n
fell O Coaullle. su tA
evening at m mliMiisn.
jps shower and social hour
i MTf . Ii. A; Meyer host-
s fpuest invited from Salem
ire: Mrs., Darrel Jahn, and
fi. Arthur Zahler; from Port
d, Mr. G; L. CantreU, Mm.
wnoein wintuer, Mrs. Anne
later and Mri. Don Moseng;
. u. rtoisen, corvallls; from
dock. Waih.. Mn. J". F.
te and Miss Afnu Sorts-
j Sacramento, Mrs. Clifford
enna: and or Silverton Un
Irold Larsen. Mn. Norman
i adds, Mist Margie . Moseng,
at. E. uiven, Miss Altbea
fryer. Mrs. William Schwar
, (is. Carl Zimmerman, Miss
onnit Opperud. Mrs. Francla
lank, Mrs. Kenneth Henjum,
vs. koss Marquam, Mrs. Mil
p Thostrud, Mrs.. W. Gross-
If kle, Mrs. Odin Johnson,
fra. , Alden Clemetann. Mr
. Barles Borte. Mrs. John n
Mrs. S. G. Melbye and
lis. Alvin Thomas.
Assisting the. hostess durlne
fe social hour were Mrs. Nor-
ttn Oodds and the Misses
Iren and Mary Meyer.
SThe wedding has been an-
lunced for Saturday evening,
JDrll 18.' at 8 o'clock, at Trln.
: f Lutheran church, Silver-
m. i
I ,
ye Show Set
r Wednesday Eve
v tSilverton Mrs. Larry
, iennell, president, is remind
fi Hr the local folk of the an.
al style show beinir anon.
fed by the Junior Woman's
lib. Wednesday evening
arcn za, Detween features at
palace theater, around
Woodburn Miss Beverly
Jane Hughes of San Mateo,
Calif., formerly .of Wood-.
bum, has announced her en
gagement to Enoa W. More
land of Detroit, Mich., now
located at Klamath Falls,
Ore. Her parents are Capt
and Mrs. Everett J. Hughes
of Munich, Germany, for
mer residents of Woodburn.
A summer- wedding at
Woodburn Is planned.
o'clock. Fifty per cent of the
profits goes to the home for
crippled children at Eugene,
the Junior Woman's federation
project for the year.
- Dress rehearsal is being an
nounced for Tuesday afternoon
at B o'clock at the theater.
Mrs. LaVerne Bergerson, as
sisted by Mrs. Edwin Heinc
nen, is general chairman of
the show. The program theme
is "Alice Through the Look
ing Glass." r f.
A special meeting for check
ing up on finals for the show
was last week-at the home of
Mrs. Lowell Hoblitt. Visiting
guests were Miss Bertha Gott
chaik, Mrs. John Dennison and
Mrs. Archie Timmons.
Woodburn DARs Aro
Commended by State A
Woodburn Belle Passl
chapter, Daughter of the Am
erican Revolution, met last
week at the home of Mrs. Ray
Baker, Elliott Prairie, with
Mrs. Dora Scherich as co-host
Reports of the 19th state
conference in Kamath Tails,
were given by Mrs. L, ,' Kell
er, regent, and Mrs. Karl En
gleman of Buttevllle who at
tended, representing the local
chapter. The increase in mem
bership of seven during the
year of Belle Passl chapter was
noted as being the highest in
percentage Increase in the
state. Commendation had also
been expressed by the state
press relations chairman for
the news coverage report.
Mrs. Engletnan. ' a member
of the state board of governors
of the Pioneer Mothers' Mem
orial cabin at the Cfaampoeg
state park, announced the erec
tion of a caretaker's cottage
and tea room oh the grounds
to be started this summer,
made possible by contributions
of material and money from
people interested in the pro
motion of state parks and other
historic spots as well as money
contributed by chapters In the
state. ,
' The cabin is a replica of an
original home in- the historic
town of Champoeg, destroyed
by flood, the seat of the first
provisional government in the
Belle Pass! chapter plan a
silver tea at the cabin in May.
The invitation committee, Mrs.
H. F. ' Butterfield . and Mrs.
Mark Thompson, were author
ized to send invitations to chap
ters in Portland, Hillsboro, Sa
lem, Newberg, Oregon City, Al
bany. Lebanon and Salem.
A letter was read from, FranTJ
P. Doerfler, superintendent of
the Woodburn schools, thank-
Today's Menu
A Sapper Meaa
Broiled Tuna Patties : ',
, Salad Bowl
Bread and Butter '
Applesauce and Crisp Cookies
, Beverage :
Broiled Tama rattles
Ingredient: Two 8 -ounce
can chunk-style tuna, 2 eggs,
3 tablespoons tine dry bread
crumbs, salt and pepper, dash
of garlic salt, butter or mar
garine, chili sauce (if desired.)
Method: Drain tuna; separate
into email piece. In mixing
bowl beat eggs with fork un
til yolk and white are com
bined: add tuna, bread crumbs,
salt and pepper (to taste) and
garlic ' salt. Press down In
bowl and. divide into 8 por-.
tiont: place one portion at a
time on ; waxed paper and
shape into , patties about Vi
inch thick. . Transfer carefully
with spatula to broiling pan;
dot with butter. Broil about
3 inches from source of heat 3
to 4 minute; turn carefully
with spatula and dot with but
ter; broil 3 to 4 minutes or un
til hot through. Makes 4 serv
ings of 2 patties 'apiece. Ac
company with chili sauce if
ing the chapter for the pink
dogwood tree which they pre
sented and was planted on the
grounds at . the local high
school. v-?1'::-.-'i';i
: Names of friend eligible to
membership were presented
and 'invitations to join the
chapter will be extended to
them. "".
, An invitation was accepted
to hold the next meeting, Ap
ril 16, at the country home of
Mr. R. N. Pomeroy near Pe-
dee. Thia will be a no-host
luncheon meeting. V
Refreshment were served
toy the hostesses.' . . .,-;.
Mr.. Mrs'. Rogers. s
Feted on Anniversary
Woodburn Mr. and Mr.
Fred Rogers e f Woodburn
were honored Sunday, March
22, on their golden wedding
anniversary at an open house
in the social room of tne
Presbyterian church. About
129 friend and neighbor
called to congratulate them.
The event was arranged by
their son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. George
Roger, of Woodburn. Greet
ing the gueat were Mr, o. it-
Withers, Mr. Harry van
Arsdale and Mrs. J. B. Gay,
Mrs. R. L. Anderson was in
charge of the gift table, and
Mr. J. W. Richard paased
the guest book. The cake was
cut and served by their grand
daughter,. Mlas Eileen Roger.
Mr. Dwaine Roger presided
at the coffee urn and Mr.
Fred Smith of - Portland cut
ices. Assisting about the room
were Miaies Barbara , Bau-
mann and Joanne Williamson,
Member of the Presbyter
ian Aid society and other
who were in charge of the
kitchen were Mrs. Alfred
Moon, Mrs. . Roy Faulconer,
Mrs. Frank Wright, Mr
Archie Murphy, Mrs. Harrl
Nelson, Mrs. H. F. Butterfield,
Zsafo Baa) us a.-
lira.. Clarence Wampole and
Mr. Margaret Johnston.
Solo were) ung by Ken
neth Thompson and Mra Har-
eld Eichateadt and back
ground music was played
throughout tfi afternoon or
Mia LorU Larson.
Many gift were presented
to Mr. and Mrs. Roger, in
cluding a large bouquet of
rose from the Woodburn
Woman' club of which Mrs.
Roger 1 a member, and a
bouquet of flower from Mr.
Rogers' twin itr In
Nebraska. ' ' -
Alice . Crocker and Fred
Roger were married March
25, 1803, at Perctval, Iowa.
They came from Idaho to
Oregon in 1940 and to Wood
burn in 1943.
Their son, George Roger.
live in Woodburn. -
They have ' three) -' grand
children,' Dwaine Roger of
Canby, Eileen and Ramon af
Woodburn, and tore great
grandchildren, Barbara ' Jo,
Lorie Jean and Cheryl
Roger af Canby, an af
war present '
1 S3 S. Liberty Ph. 1-3771
: Salem'ttarfeetSawInf
: Machine Star .
mmw CHANIM ' I 2?
Qwpat""!! mbwfMl SprktUt
. aVfVMll kFty VVOMNR Or? I
'Z. 410. COUHT. .:
Op) Fridoy Nifhtt til 9 p.m.. . .
We ive and Redeem fenny Saver Stamp
Yes, Double Stamps
On All Cash Purchases
Free Tickets Here For
Downtown Spring Festival
hrffoclocaS oft cxcIiIaq
eiHvev R
ami. a new aaimiia. fl . .. a 1
alWe)l WwjJOCtfJ iVofSl
FroM--plvt Strcstflvorl
V t4i tottc of tto iovmI MofciH yovr Mood wllfc fom.'
oVffofont pociiwoi oitiJ obo bo Itio iWil to try
Oecheas ef Verk "led
Red" Bpatick M ne axtre
chore wtra newDiKlieaa
f Verk Colocn Far-
$4 vehie for
WU (oil in love wWi
. .. the new. Moc-loden Due hen
e York, rfi loooef kMing...aer poteM toc4 And wM each
4 or. bom yov recetve Psmc MrcMAun creamy
"ted Red" lipttick-a oiff for a Rnd ftme onlyl
, t rtiou net m
Order Extras of Your Pictures
Tour friends, a well a
the folk, will all want
prints Order extra aete
when you lev yonr
film fer developing . .
or bring la year favor
ite nag ativea foe extra.
Large rise ptetnre mad
from yonr negative are
only cent each.
' -j'ifi' in lildil
tWirrsiating . rWdryisa. Utftm
Jewel-Ore vanity with -Creea PowdV
and pail, hinged mirror top and Indelible
"Sub-Deb" Lipstick ia the baiuS.
405 State St.
Corner ot Liberty
' mih firmer, h yvm&fid comsar$-
tmootker, mere mditmt-iookmg tSun
The inl1iamj
TaaVaa Jet M
at a week afesr. aaartaog She
i9fC'veBcest io yoeT lopear-
aace. la aix week time the
i eaa be starttiag aad
Oaty nee
does a atsadir Jot) tor bteety
faBsAing to fjsm jd eoneot 8a
conloeir at tbc tesae St
bcaMsfle the (kin.
Dm! Step Ball-way
There am sassy b
preparatkna that beep yoar km
kwk softer, tmoothcr, younger.
Bat that i only baK fh Job.
Taeemi Mm a oHom of the
To look rlly yoawger,
leqairea, firm resflieist oontourt
of face and chin and neck. And
no eraam or lotion dona, can
change yoar contoete, bat
Atsmm and to tJsaple saetbod
af still diii waam ep lazy
.Yew's Lev
. lust tb ailnmii a day, mafi
I the AraBna Tteaaosemtstw.
And wkhia a weak of pee-
eribed daily
ieefint of aatgang sj&ajs.So,
don't atop haKway, doat be
satisfied with yat a nicer
younger looking sain . . -correct
your contour, too . . . go 0 the
wy for a more yoattftd I naty
balance ... with Marie Eerie
simple, sensfbr Arahnn Con
tour Corrective Treatment.
cf.4 botriei tellt for USM
flut tax of coaimc.
1 New -Full Footed Ace '
NO OVERHOSt You don't hove to wear a tecond pair of hose
over your tuii-tootea AtttLAiiit MObitKY. ,
NYLON SHEER. Knit of nylon ond rubber threod. ACE ELAS-
IIC HOSIERY resemblej iervlce-weight nylon. ,
Your leg trouble ore "lupporred In ttyle" with attractive easy
to wear ALE ELASTIC HOSIERY. ' , ; j
Fashioned by B-D maker ef ACE ELASTIC BAND AOM