Pit , THB CAPITAL JOURNAL, gaktg, Ortgo : " 1& f r. 1 ..... 4 V Cap ital Women Edited ay MAEIAN LOWRT FlICHCR Coffee To Honor First Lady 1 Member of the Part Prsi aent club of Capital unit, American Legion auxiliary, ara ntcrUlnlng with an Infor mal coffee nxt . Saturday morning to honor Mr. Paul L. Patterson, wifa of Oregon' governor. - - Tha coffee will be between 10 and 12 o'clock at the home of Mn. Albert C. Gragg. Queita will Include all membera of the pait preaidenta group. . Mra. Pattenon if a pait ore aldent of the Hillsboro unit of the auxiliary. Mra. Frank Water It chair man lor the coffee. Other -fitting In arranging the event are Mm. Walter Kirk, Mr. O. E. Palmateer, Mri. Donald Madison, Mra. Arthur Johnson, Mra. Robert Wyatt, Mra. Helen McLeod. The Baiter motif will feature the serving table. Mrs. Leon Brown. Mra. Stan- ley Krueger and Mrs. James H. Turnbull, all past depart ment presidents oi the auxili ary, are to pour. - ,. doing to Portland '. On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Patterson : la to be in Portland to pour at the style show and tea planned by Ore- gen State eoUee Mother elub. V'f V n z w x Many to Attend Style Show gUyton The engagement of Miss Doris Lambrecht, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lambrecht of Stayton, to John N. Mack, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mack of Aumsville, wa an nounced recently. Crabtrees Worn Being welcomed home from a trip to the south are Mr. and Mrs.. I. D. Crabtree, who have been gone since January 8. They returned Sunday evening. They headquartered at Phoenix and took trip to Death Valley, Riverside, Chandlers and other places. En route home they topped at Furnace Creek Inn In Death Valley and at Klam ath Falls, visiting relatives at the latter place. :, a . a r " .' ' VISITOR here over the week-end from Martinet, Calif, was Mrs. Benjamin Whisen and, guest at the home of her mother, Mr. Jam W. Matt, he also visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sullivan, who with their family ware at tha Mott Borne from PorUana, : ' CHI OMKGA Mother elub fa meeting an Friday at t n,m, at the home of Mrs. Louie duBuy, 908 North Capitol. In- ; rltation i extended especially to mothera of new membera of the sorority to attend, ef ettMNy I Y5U5 Dr. Springer Talks to Group The Oregon beaohe at low tide and what is found on them made up the subject for talk given by Dr. Martha Springer of Willamette uni versity before the Rotarian Women on Monday afternoon at the Golden Pheasant. Dr. Springer showed picture! of the beaehe. Guest at the luncheon In cluded. Mrs. Jan Thompson of Buhl, - Idaho, guest Of her daughter, Mr. Brook Moore! and Mia Jean Smith, home from University of Oregon for the vacation and guest of her mother, Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr., at the luncheon. . Mr. Ivan Stewart reported on the Rotary Conference in Portland last week-end. Mrs. Moore introduced the speaker and Mrs. Stewart gave the in vocation. ,i Surprise Party A surprise dinner Was en- Joyed by the Salem laundry employes ana their families Thursday evening at the home of Mr. Minnie Deppen on N Fifth St. Mrs. Deppen retired in January, Those who -attended wet: Mrs. Willow Farmer, Mrs. Ivell Haley, Mr. Nora Brook, Mr. and Mr. John Bucurench, Mr. Bertha Johnson, Mrs. Al Rasmtlasen, Misses .Eva and Viol Lohman. Milt Lillian Reitchk, Mi Bessi Mitchell, Mrs. Qlady Woodruff, Mines Esther and idna wiege, Mr. Anna Rice, Mr. Bessie Jae nickie and daughter Dorthey, Mrs. Sarah Sandusky and son Litter. Mrs. Roxle Herring, Mr. Lela Welchel, Mr. Frank George, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey aaumgart ana son Merle, Mrs. Edna Davis', Mr. Emmett Can- dell, Mr. George Gunderson. Mr. Elizabeth Bunion and Mr. tnd Mr. Bramley. 1 I a t, a a PLANS for the district con ventlon of the Woman's Relief Corp were discussed at the meeting on Friday. The con ventlon will be In McMlnnville on March 30. Many requests for ticket are coming in for the Salem Spinsters club's style show; next Saturday afternoon at the ! Marion hotel. Dessert will be at 1 O'clock, the style show and bridge following. Additional models announc ed are Mrs. Russell C. Haehl, Jr., Miss Marjorie Becke, Miss Joyce Armstrong, Miss Lois Mulcahy, Miss Diane Perry. - Additional names lor tnote nlnrtnlntf in attanrf Include the -! following: Mrs. P. Dixon Van Ausdell, Jr., Mrs. Charles E. Wlnken werder. Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. 1 Stuart L. Johnson, Mrs. Robert Shinn, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mra. Velma Farmer, Mrs. H. O.! Malson, Mr. William J. Bus ies, Mrs. C. C. Wlemals, Mra. Frank Brown, Mra. Hubert Williamson, Mrs. Ernest Hobbs, Mrs. Brazier Small, Mrs. Hon' aid Jones, Mrs. Louis Lack mund, Mrs. Arthur Atberton, Mrs. Jamea Allenby, Mrs. Ralph Cooley, Mr. Robert Elgin, Mrs. Gerald Holland, Miss June Haugen. Mrs. John Leavich of Portland, Mrs. Rich ard Wintermute of Portland, Mrs. Raymond Busick, Mr. Edwin Fronk, Mr. Robert Knipe. Mrs. Henry A. Meyer, Mrs. Gordon D. Bicxier, mrs. Robert Slddoway, Mi Mar caret Lovell, Mrs. George C, Alexander, Mra. E. O. Stadter, Jr., Mrs. Donald Reinke, Mr, William McElhlnny, Mr. War ren Doolittle, Mrs. Andrew Foster. Mrs. Charles N. Flltton, Mrs. Merrill D. Ohllng, Miss JOvce Croucle,. Mrs. Gordon Cotrall, Mrs. Florence S. Mul cahy, Mrs. Esther Ryan, Mrs. Carol - Nelson, Mrs. Jamea Lytle, Mrs. David Scott, Miss Nancy Hershey, Mrs. Richard Lee, Mrs. Richard A. Rawlin son. Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Mra. Jack Wittliff of Astoria, Mr. Peter Getter. NUCOAislfiooiielobtty- MWm HITO BE ALU Mil ! First to give you food value In every tingle tngre dientt No beozoate preservative no jyothetic flavor in Nucoa! Even Nucoa'i mony color come from Nature, from golden carotene. JJeryffitog in natu rally deUdou Nucoa margarine is good for you. Next ttDM you buy, buy Nucoa I 0 1 fc-V Wed Reeently Among wedding of the winter wa that of Mr. nd Mrs. Don Brant (Janet Barnwell). (Kennell Ellis itudlo pletur) Coffee Thursday ; Honoring Mr. George H. Flagg, a former neighbor, Herman Jochimsen l enter taining at a coffee on Thurs day morning at her home be tween 10 and 11 o'clock. Mrs. Flagg is here from Portland with Mr. Flagg during the leg islative session. Assisting at the coffee will be Mrs. Earl Sneil and Mra, Daniel J. Fry, who are to pour, Mrs. Charlea H. Helttel, Mrs, Raymond Busick, Mr. Harold M. dinger. Mrs. Robert r. Wulf and Mr. John A, Heltzel. HONORING former mem' ber who are home from col lege this week, Winifred Heard chapter of Trl-Y will entertain with a no-host supper on Wed nesday at 8:30 o'clock at the YWCA. . . . ATTENDING a reception In Portland Saturday were Mr. and Mr. Harry Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Schultz, and grand vice chancellor of the Knights of Pythias, Donald Judson, and Mrs. Judson. The affair honored the grand chan cellors of Oregon and Wash ington, Edward Johnson and George Holt. Spring Dance Mooregon club entertained at its annual spring (ami-formal, Saturday night at Salem Golf club. The Hawaiian theme waa featured and lei .'were flown In from Hawaii 'espe. cially for the party, Jim smith waa general chairman. Ralph Wyant waa In charge of refreshments, Bob trossier or the ticket, Mr. Eldon Caley of the music. Mrs. Wally Gutzler and Mrs. Cecil Johnson of the decorations. Miss Hennies Is Wed on Saturday . An event of Saturday, March 11, wa the wedding of Mitt Shirley Henniea and Ronald. D. Rentfrow at the First Chris tian church. The Rev. Dudley Strain officiated, at the 8 o'clock ceremony. The bride is the daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Loui Hennies of Turner and the bridegroom it the ton of Mr. and Mr. 0. V, Rentfrow of Tigard. Mr. Jack - Smith was the soloist and Mr. Joseph Cra- cfoft played the wedding music. Pink snapdragons, white stock and blue iris dec orated the altar. Lighting the tapers Were MISS Sonl Nohl- gren and Mst Cleta Martin. The bride wore a white sat in dresa fashioned with a man darin collar, long Sleeves end ing in point over the wrist, tnd a full skirt with train. Two rhinestone Clip, worn by her mother and aister, - Mrs. Rex Ostrem, at their weddings, adorned her dress and she wore a pearl . bracelet and choker. The finger tip veil was arranged from a tiara trimmed with teed pearl tnd ihe car ried a white Bible topped with a white orchid, pink rosebuds and itephanotlt. Miss Hennies was given in marriage by her father. ; Mist Launa WaUon was the maid Of honor and brides maid were Mitt Janie Mc Collam and Mrt. Robert Clau ton. All of the attendant wore dresses m shade of blue and carried nosegay of spring flower. ; . ; Jeanne Grave wa flower girl and Bill Hennies, brother of the bride, waa ring bear er. . - Best ' man was Franklin Blank. Jr. Robert Dyer and Jame Bradshaw were grobms. men and usher were Jerry Wipper and Dick Burton. The bride' mother wore a navy blue lace dress with pink accessorial and a corsage of elf rose. - Mr. Rentfrow, mother of the bridegroom, wore a navy blue dresa with white accetioriet and a cor sage of rosea. A reception for the couple followed the ceremony in the church parlors. The table waa centered by a four-tiered wed' ' AT THE Roy L. Houck beach home at Neltcott for the week end were Justice and Mra. George Rossman, Mr, and Mra. Carl W, Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. David Eason, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Scoy of Jeffer son, Mr. and Mra. Karl B. Kugel and Mr. and Mr. Houck. Here From Stanford Miss Virginia Patterson, who it here from Stanford univer sity for the spring vacation with her parents, Governor and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, has as her house guests, Miss Diane Hasselo of Monterey, Calif, and Mist Connie Pierce of Westfield, N. J., both Stan ford classmates. Through Thursday and Fri day Mist Patterson and her guests will be tt Tunberline. They will return south next Sunday. Sigmas Meet Seventeen attended the foun der day luncheon for Sigmas, Saturday, at Chuck' Steak House. Bridge waa played after the luncheon, Mra. A. L. Rig by winning the prize. The next meeting for the group will be April 20. A SURPRISE birthday luncheon wa given Saturday for Mrt. Fred Drager by those in the hbuse engrossed and en rolled bills room at the legis lature. loin The Demand for- 3 PIPS WORLD'S IMfiBTSUOtATIOf ding cake. Camellias Wera used to decorate the room. At' sitting about the room ware Mr. Rex Ostrem, Mis Joartn Fisher, Miss Judy Lundy, Mr. Robert Dyer, Mrs. James Fry. rear, Mr. Richard Burson, Miss Carolyn Marshall, Mitt Margie Drager and Mist Eve lyn Hennies. When - the couple left on their wedding trip, the bride wore a deep purple suit, white accessories and a white orchid corsage. They Will live at 890 South Commercial when they return to Salem. Mrt. . Rent frow attended Oregon State college where the 1 a mem ber of Alphl Omlcron Pi so rority. Mr. Rentfrow It a sen ior at Willamette university thia year. Auxiliary Announces Sale Dates imuiiinn far Aorll 1. 1. 1 and 4 it the annual sale of article conducted By me mar- ion-Polk County Meaicai o eletyto assist patiente at the tuberculosis hospital. The articles sold are those made by the patient. ... Tha dlanlav and (ale will be conducted in the building on Liberty etreet, Just back of Sally'a. Mri. Lynn M. Hammerstad is general chairman arranging the event and is being assist ed by Mrs. Morris crotners, Mn nnn Woadard. Mrs. ROS- coe Wilton, Mrt. Maynard Sniffer. :: . Bdgrens Honored At Farewell Dinner ' Mr. and Mrs. Gust Edgren, who will be leaving soon for a trin to Sweden, were honored at a aurprise party on oaiur dy evening at the Carl Burk land home. Co-hosts with the Burklanda were Mr, and Mrs. Gust Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnsonn. Mr. and Mra. Edgren will leave Salem on April II, and will sail on the Stockholm from New York City on April 21. They will be gone three months. A smorgasbord supper was served at the Saturday party. The table centerpiece was a floral thip, and the colon were blue and gold, the swemsn colors, Gifts were presented the Edgren. - Attending the party were the Edgren. Mr. and Mrt. Gust Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson, Mr., and Mr. Lloyd Weber, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson," Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnsonn, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mag nuson. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Darr, Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Lattln, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mattson and Mr. and Mra. Waldorf Bolin, both couples of Wood burn, Mrs. Alex Bodeker of Lyons, and the Burklands. Missionary Speaker Women of all Methodist churches are Invited to hear Mis Marie Church when the will speak on Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the Carrier room of the First Methodist church. Miss Church ha .been doing missionary work in Japan and Vnfmk havlntf Tofl iff, osl in th United States this year. She was formerly on the staff of Ewha college which was lo cated In Seoul and Is now situ ated In Pusan. Following . her talk, there will be special music and tea will be served. n imioii(P( iff t. It ft 1 h is ' iiiiiiiliMI "inTTiliaWii.ririii your complexion really can Mr. Nanny Hickman Birthday Event Given. Sunday Mrs. Nanny Hickman ob served her 82nd birthday to day. In celebration of t h e event, a surprise family din ner was given for her Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meletta, the latter a grand daughter of the honoree. Twenty-four attended ' the gathering. Three of Mrs. Hick man's six living children at nHrf. Including Mrs. Ruth Beam Of Salem, Mr. , Mabel Curnes of Portland, Mrs. Ben M.vwi nt Bronlu. There are 4hr anna. Merwln G. Hick man of Stlverton, Paul Hick man of Alliance, Neb., ana Charles Hickman Of Osceola, Iowa. Mra. Hickman has lived In Salem the past eight years,, coming from Iowa. FROM LONG BEACH, Calif,, come announcement of. .the birth of a ion on Fri day March 20, to Dr. and Mra. Donald Deering . (Patricia Joan St. Clair). Grandpar ent are Mr. and Mrs. John J. St. Clair of Salem and Mr. and Mr. Harold Deering of Portland. Mr. Lucy V. St IWay. Marc 34, 1951 Miss Bauer Dnae-ciecr Mr. and Mr. George Bauer announce the engagement ot their daughter, Ml Kathleen Bauer, to Jay B. Surgeon, ton of Mr. and Mr. Henry Baer. . No data 1 set for the wed ding. The bride-elect 1 em ployed at th telephone com '. pany. Mr, Surgeon 1 In tha naw Ait tha, atafj ftf tha naval hospital at Mare Island,, and next week will enter tha lab orstory school tber. , Club Hears Artist Talk: The Rev. Melville T. Wire waa the speaker at tha Junior Woman's club Monday evening. He showed many of bis etch ing of northwest scenery, ex plained how he made them, and , discussed framing and group ing of pictures. Mrs. Clifford A. Bowder wa a guest. The group met at the home ', of Mrs. Maurice Walker, and assisting the hostess were Mrs. Harry Ewing, Mrs. Robert Price, Mrs. Terry Randall and Mr. Theodora Jenny. . ;' , VISITORS in the capital Mondav war Mr. and Mr. ' Carl R. Baker, who have a. ranch on th McKensi out Of Eugene. . a Meet Wednesday South Sa lem Lion club will hold it ' Wednesday luncheon meeting at the American Legion club. Shown during the meeting will be the official Soap Box Derby picture, "Where tha SON Shines." Clair of Salem grandmother. Ii i great ANNOUNCING DALE CARNEGIE CLASS IN EFFECTIVE SPEAKING HUMAN RELATIONS LEADBR8HIP TRAINING PERSONALITY . March 25, 7:00 P.M. VISITOftS WELCOME SIT in on THE FIRST SESSION See how the bale Carnegie Course helps evtr- converse interestingly, win friend and Infla come fear, gain self-confidence, find profitable and satisfying perspectives, speak effectively. convene interest! ence (sell) people, Capital Business College For Full Information S48 Court Phone t-Stit aJLai, .. . .i a (gILA?G CC JtOQOPC YIL T00YC3PAS u G Tw tweje) Site) Tubes KtmltV r Yj v iS2sS9 www At Your Dealer Now ! """.llTgn Limited Offerl Act Pattl In lerao rtditnl shsilat t Nalurtl, Rachel, Rasa Rachel, Light Rosens, Dwp Rose Rachel, Medium Rntetla, Roselts Bronis ! ; Hli Q Ltt an expert show you how t8 use Basic Sheen Elizabeth Arden s incompmbk new foundation Do com In ond meet Miss Lois McKinney Mis Arden'l personal representative. Let her ihow you how just a few drops of Basic Sheen (smoothed on in a moment!) will give your skin thot wonderful dewy rodianee th beautiful new look. So litle does so much and even maturing skins can glow ' delicately , . , with the speclol hormone enriched version of Miss Arden' on and only Basic Sheen! BASIS SHBEPf . . . 5.M . ' BASIC SHEEN with homoni ....6.30 (for ihi maturing thirtvj) i JUST ONE BRUSHIK3 DRGVS DAD DMS3 OrlalneWig In Hie Movlti ln o,mooi" tett with actual Mug prollon than a nan-ehtoro .. (men aVd wemen who had phyll toothpaste. Al the end of oven InpWng brth), Colgate Chi. four hour, II was proved Ulv rephyll ToothBasIa was proved la toj?" rduct(ea at bad breath I art more tWougWy, and give longer tfiB first MaktSunVcaBttmMliintfttsofi