Tuesday, March 24, 1953 4 .1 ! S.:: if i f 1$ ! i r S j f . i S i s 1 .r " .EASTER PARADE THE vArH At, JUUKWAL, gaum, Oregon i , v. ( ' .:.",-..J 1 1 f -1 ' I A YOUNG MAN'S FANCY LIGHTLY TURNS TO THOUGHTS OF LOVE.. Overnight, it seems, the countryside is bright with new-leaf green and the faintest dusting of soft-hued blossoms. And suddenly you real ize that Spring is here! Gone is Winter's drab ness..,the world is aglow with new beauty . .. you find yourself completely enraptured with wondrous Spring . . . We've caught this Spring time gaiety, too, with our beautiful assortment of diamonds for those whose fancy turns to , love during this wonderful time of year ... "; See Salem's largest selection of diamonds, and you' find everything here, to add to a lovely new romantic life ... So come in, now, for a preview of our Springtime diamonds . . DIVIDED PAYMENTS NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGE ' ' LIBERTY at STATE i t WHEN IT'S vy sty- i