Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 24, 1953, Page 36, Image 36

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    TMMdar, March 24, 1958
if A
I. i tn ruin i ThirrTrxi iVit narfgi ift-iii -i-Mi
Smiling stage veteran Shirley Booth holds movie acad
emy award for best performance by an actress in a starring
role after it was presented to her at Eastern portion of
telecast in International Theater at New York. She won
"Oscar" for her portrayal of housewife in "Come Back,
Little Sheba." The 45-year-old Misc Booth it believed the
first to. win the top award in a first picture. (AP Wire
photo)' .
More Agressive Stratgey
Favored in Korean War
.Washington W) Some senti
ment for a more aggressive
strategy in the deadlocked Ko
rean War was evident today
among ' senators who heard
Gen. James A. Van Fleet detail
his complaints that American
forces there don't have enough
ammunition. ' '
Van Fleet,,, recently retired
after nearly two years as Al
lied field commander in Korea,
called for harder-hitting at
tacks on the Reds. But he said
he doubts United Nations for
ces have enough ammunition
to repel any major offensive
the Communists might mount.
"Sure, if there is a sitdown
and no lighting," Van Fleet
said, "there is no ammunition
requirement; therefore, no
But, he added, "should the
enemy start something, which
is unpredictable, then do we
have enough to meet his offen
sive, and I say 'No.' "
Van Fleet said stocks were
Dallas Jaycee-Ettes
Present Style Show
Dallas Wednesday the Dal
las Jaycee-Ettes were both
hostesses and guests at a style
show given at the home of Mrs.
John Barnes.
The show was given by the
group so that they could show
each other some of the basic
styles to be worn during the
coming season. ,
The stress was upon those
items that are ba&Jc to a well
planned wardrobe, rather than
the passing fad. Some of the
clothing shown had been made
by women in the group while
other garments ' were loaned
for the show by crroer s ae
nartment store.
The show was organized
by Mrs. Norman Guedon,
chairman; Mrs. Matt Williams;
Mrs. Frank, Sclaccottl; and
Mrs. Eldon Sevens. Mrs. Law-
rence Cook assisted with the
selection of garments from the
stock of Crlder'f.
Hostess was Mrs. John
Barnes, assisted by Mrs. Maur
ice Edwards, Mrt. Stan Malo
and Mrs. Hal Peterson.
so low at times that he issued
orders to cut down on artillery
fire, and that the troops "have
to be in trouble in order to
shoot" the heavier mortar and
howitzers. "
At another point, however,
Van Fleet said he understood
the situation is better now
than it was when he left Korea
last month.
The general spoke out in tes-
timony heard by the Senate'
Armed Services Committee be
hind closed doors earlier this
month. A transcript, wlth(se
curity information deleted, was
made public by the committee
last night.
Morse Warns oi
Tide Lands Bill
' Washington W) In an
open letter to the ceoole of
Oregon," Senator Wayne
Morse Sunday criticized pro-
Sal to turn marginal oil
ndl over to the state.
He gave four reason! for
Opposing measure introduced
by Senators Holland (D., Fla.)
and Daniel (D,, Tex.). He
said:.- ' i
1. The oil lands ' and simitar
resources belong to all the
people of the U.S.
2. A coordinated federal
policy it , needed for orderly
development and to provide
adequate reserves for defense.
3.' The oil revenues should
be used to offset defense ex
penditures, possible debt re
duction and tax relief.
4. , Revenues from the oil
should be for education.
. The bill Introduced by Sen.
Holland would give coastal
state ownership of the land!
ud to their "historical bourn
darlea." The Denial bill
would give the states .37
per cent of oil royalties from
lands beyond the boundaries
set In the Holland bill.
I S ,. . - ... , i
" ft'
Raps Blue Book
As Obsolete
A legislative committee is
going to confer with Secretary
of State , Earl T. Newbry to
try to get the Oregon Blue
Book improved.
Rep. Francis Ziegler, Corval
lis, promised that his Ways and
Means Subcommittee would
look into the matter after Rep.
Monroe Sweetland, Milwaukle,
launched a sharp attack on the
book as being obsolete, care
lessly edited, and only of limit
ed use. , : ,
The book,' containing infor
mation about Oregon and its
state and local governments, is
published every two years. The
next edition will be printed
late this year.
' Sweetland, calling the Blue
Book "a very inferior job," said
it is useless because it comes
out long afer elections. Con
sequently, ne saia, tne current
edition "has hundreds of
names of officials who no long
er are in office." ,'
' He asked that It be printed
at the end of each year in'
which there is a general elec
tion. '
une or nouywooa I veterans unu a cuinpaiauv urw ,
comer, Cecil B. DeMlue and Gloria Grahams, are equally
: happy tl they hug gold statuette given them at the annual
Academy 4ward presentations, at Hollywood. DeMUIe
won an Oscar, his first In 40 years of picture making, when
bis movie "Greatest Show on Earth" was picked at the
best picture, and he was given the Irving G. Thalberg award
for Consistently high production aehievemehs. Miss Gra
ham won her Oscar for belt aupoTtlng actress, (AP Wire
photo) - I
Lamp Designs Stress Materials !
Lames for the home of to
day are attracting unusual in
terest for their new designs,
new textures, and new combin
ations of wrought iron, metals,
woods, and ceramics.
The strongest trend in lamp
design is toward modern and
American Provincial.
Bases of 'the modern table
lamps vary from unaccompan
ied black wrought iron, iron in
combination with brass, polish
ed brass to wood combinations
and china. Shades are usually
parchment or fabric. Novel
ideas show up strongly in the
Provincial field of lamp design.
Copies of old apothecary Jars,
chemists' ' equipment, brass
scales form the bases.
In 1 the cln-uD field. ' black
wrought iron trivets are used
for the base to hang against tne
wall, accented with a ProVln
cial print shade.
For dramatic lamps, tnero is
a wide choice of brass includ
ing Danish and Swedish stone
ware and glass, . Italian and
French ceramics, carved wood,
china and copper. ,
Recruit Drive
Now conducting a recruiting
drive for men is headquarters
and headquarters company,
first battalion, 162nd Infantry
regiment, 41st infantry divi
sion, Oregon National Guard,
Sllverton. '
The outfit is the one that re
cently was named the National
Guard unit in the nation with
the highest percentage of qual
ification for outdoor firing
competition in 1882. ..
This la not the only troohy
that the company has, howev
er, for it has the Pershing
plaque, of the National Ouard
association for being the top
rifle team in the Sixth Army
area in 1882 and in bout idbi
and IBS! won the top hoaora
for indoor rifle marksmanship
In the Sixth Army area.
Now having a total of five
officers and 8 enlisted men.
the .company has room for 41
more enlisted men and will be
contacting many young men in
the area to Interest them In
filling those vacancies in the
company) which was federally
recognised March 18, 1047. ;
Company commander is
Capt. Waldo Gilbert and other
officers are Li Lloyd Patter
son, battalion communications
officer! Li Ben Kckley, muni
tion and pioneer platoon lead
er; and Li Richard Case, bat
talion motor officer Master
Sgi George ManolU it In
Charge of administrative work
of the company
Sabrejet Pilot
Ace Anonymous
Seoul () An American
Sabre Jet pilot who flies
against communist Migs under
a cloak of personal secrecy
may become an anonymous
Jet ace., ,, v
For personal reasons, the
pilot doesn't want his name
revealed by the air force. .
He already has shot down
three more and damaged two
already a record that few
Sabre pilots reach In Korea.
The only thing officially
revealed about the' secretive
pilot la that he flies with the
Fourth lighter wing and that
he has "30 or 40 missions" to
go before completing his com
bat tour. ... . ,.,
Officers at the wing say the
anonymous pilot Is well liked
by fellow fliers but his iden
tity it a mystery outside the
With two mora Migs, the
"jecret pilot" wlU be an ace.
There hat been a handful
Of combat pilots la Korea,
flying Sabre jett and fighter
bombers, who have wanted to
keep their names secret, -'
Norblcd cn 1::
To West 6srn::ny ,
Frankfurt, Germany
Rep. Walter Norblad (R., Ore.)
and two other U. 8. congress
men were to leave here Mon
day for the West German capi
tal of Bonn.
There they are to confer Witts
German and U. S. high commis
sion officials. The three ar
rived here by air 8unday for
the conferences at the Invita
tion of the West German gov
ernment. ",i
Other congressmen making
the trip are Representatives
James G. Fulton nad Robert J.
Corbett, both Pennsylvania re- .
FROM . . .
Off yew home a real beauty treat
ment wHh new wallpaper! Sea our wide
. selection of style and patterns. Free
stimatei. -
Hutchcon Paint Store
162 N. Commercial
Phone S-MI7
DUttnctiVe Occasional ta
ble it made of birdseye ma
ple veneers combined with
solid beech in light or dark
1SI N. Llbfrry
fhtrt J-J11
Open Friday
Night Til 9
Housing Conditions
Arouse Lebanon
: Lebanon Residents of the
area abutting the old city
housing project have requested
the council to clean up its
premises and to "at least do re
painting." Fred Spores, spokesman for
the group said that neighbors
objected to the condition of
the housing area, claiming that
it tends to devaluate their
Both Mayor Elmer Fitzger
ald and Councilman Glenn Gil
lenwater, chairman of the
public property committee,
agreed with Spores that much
is needed in the way of im
provement in the project.
. Glllenwater said the emer
gency low rent housing section
is not planned as permanent
structures and will be removed
when need for such housing no
longer exists.
A cleanup of the housing
area has been placed in the
hands of the public property
I III J I '" '"X
4 WMtf
Sea this today
10 down en Terms
Buy this smart-looking Modern Armless Sofa Bed
priced to fit your budget during Words Bedding Sale.'
Use it as a sofa in the living room, playroom or sun
porch ideal for small apartments, too. Then at
ftighr, when you need an "extra" bed, it converts so
easily into a 45 by 73-in. bed that sleeps two. It's
the perfect onswer for sleeping overnight guests or
for daytime seating comfort, Covered In attractive
royon damask choose ffom decorator colors to
harmonize with your decorating scheme. Coil-spring
seat and back construction on steel No-Sag spring
base. Soft cotton felt and sisal padding for comfort.
Strong wood frame is glued, corner blocked. Bed
ding compartment. Shop Words Furniture Dept. ond
Save! -
Don't fail to see these superb open Stock traditional pieces for your dining
room in matched swirl mahogany or selected cabinet hardwoods . . . repro
duced by Drexel from priceless heirlooms, ond brought to you by Gevurtz.
Truly fine furniture including dust-proofed, center-guided drawers, solid
brass pulls, and a satiny 28-step hand finish that becomes more lovely with
every year.
INCLUDES 42"x62" Pedestal eitentlon table
with one 12" leaf, 62" buffet, 42" breakfast
chin and ladder bock side and arm choirs. )
eh little down on a big bill
275 No. Liberty
Open Fridays Til 9 P.M.I