Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 24, 1953, Page 33, Image 33

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    VHmJ f-l ''."'.
Tuesday, March 24, 1953
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Soft Floor Coverings Display Newest
Textured Treatment arid Vibrant Colors
Coordinated for All Popular Decors
- If one bad to choose single
word to describe the soft floor
covering! tht art being Intro
duced for the new season, It
would be "Textured!"
' Texture li keynoted in ear
peta and rugi from needle
tufted twlit cotton to luxurioui
combinations of wool with ny
- Ion and carpet rayon, and If
created through the um of col
Beit new to the budget
ooneclou bomemaker 1 that
raott of these neweit floor cov
ering! are modestly priced.
The charming 18tb Century
floral carpet which won top
nlace in many home across the
country, now galna a damask
.. .. i 4 ...
J li H,V 1 ! I-, , i 'J I 1
I . .:: - - - 1 ll II
Cot Royal N. Baker of McKinley, Tex., the world'a
leading jet ace, i greeted by hi wife, Sarah, at Travis
Air Force Bate, Calif., March 81 aa he returned from
Korea. Col. Baker, who had 10 months of duty In Korea,
bagged 12 HIG'a during 127 combat million!. AP Wire
photo) '
Farouk's Favorite?
? Shapely Una White. 20
' year-old American dancer
j who said March 21 In Ven
i lea that ah has been getting
i flowers from. ex-King Fa
i rouk of Xgypt, primped up
! before etage appearance
j in Milan, Italy, last year.
.! As brave tte, who said her
i. teal Bam la Carolyn Mar
: flotdan of Newton Center,
, Usee., reported that Fa-
souk sent her a huge basket
of 400 rosea March 20 at the
; Venice theater where she Is
appearing m a mu. (AP
Egypt's Queen
Back af Home
Cairo, Egypt W Queen
Narrlman returned to her na-
tlve Egypt before dawn Mon-
day giving up the faded splen-
dors of royalty In exile for life
as a private citizen.
, 4 K
Egypt's government allowed
the 19-year-old estranged wife
of former King Farouk to come
home only on condition that she
enjoy no special privileges,
even though her 14-month-old
son, Faud n, la king of Egypt
When she stepped, pale and
tired from an Air India airlin-
from Geneva, Narrlman end
ed 23 hectic months that saw
her elevated from a commoner
to queen of Egypt's twenty mil
lion people, and deposed by
popular anger against her play
boy husband.
The future of her king-son Is
uncertain. Sources close to her
family said ah would renounce
all claims on the baby. Her
mother, who went to Italy and
then to Switzerland with her
daughter when sha left Far
ouk, was quoted as saying to
day Narrlman would divorce
the ex-king and probably mar
ry an Egyptian Identity not
j. ' Woodburn Mr. and Mrs.
Osfd fcnith and sons, Wee-
tor, Bobbie, Bonnie and Terry,
'returned last week, Wednes
day, front a vacation trip to
: aouthern California In their
ear. They visited YosamH Na
tional park whore they saw
'their first wild bear, and also
vtsitsd friends In Santa Bar
bara. Summer weather was en
joyed arntU they returned to
Mr. and Mrs. Burton WUle-
lord have returned iron six--weeks
vacation trip in Call'
fornla and Ariaona, visiting
friends and relatives In h two
I Mr.. M. & Carrier of Bend
'enact the week in Woodburn
with her daughter and family,
nr. and Mrs. R. Ketchum
and Diane. Other guests over
, eha week end were Dr. Ketch
' Barents. Dr. and Mrs, R.
D. Ketchum, also of Bend.
i Mrs. leota Porter has re
t,.m4 after a 10-day visit
ith tM daughter. Mrs. X. W
Boatrom and family at Seattle.
1 Charles Com well returned
recently after spending sever
al days In California where he
attended the regional eonven
m tnw the Pacific coast of Na-
iKn.i selected Morticians at
Palo Alto. Membership in this
organisation is by invitation
only and limited to BOO firms
an the United States.
. Mm. Cva M, Landon ob
served her 94th birthday anni
versary recently at her home
in Woodburn. She received
birthday greetings from all
parts of the United States. No
special celebration was held
due to Btaeas of Mrs. London.
Recent guests at the Layman
Balrd home in Woodburn were
two eouplea whom they had
known in North Dakota, Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Lysengen and
two children from St. Thom
as, N.D., and Mr. and Mrs. Os
car Anderson of Vancouver,
Mrs. O. R. Randall entered
St. Vincent's hospital In Port
land that week tor major sur
gery. '
St Mary's Episcopal Oulld
will meet Tuesday at 8 a.m. at
the church for a day of clean
ing. A sack lunch will be
served a noon, with coffee fur
Mrs. Sidney Strike is ton
fined to her home with a brok
en collar bone and broken
right wrist due to a fall on the
street in Salem Tuesday. At
the Strike home during the
week were their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Bantaas of Vancouv
er, Wash., the former Marie
Strike. . .
look with a tightly-twisted yarn
Ancient mosaics and Greek
key patterns have all been
adapted to modern tastes in new
carpet themes.
Choice of fibers Is wide and
varied, led by the perennially-
favored all-wool in every color
and pattern. There are interest
ing blenda of wool with ape-
clally developed man-made
Cotton, a favorite everywhere
may be found in every imagin
able color. There are woven
cotton carpetlngs with thick,
clipped pile, and budget-priced
needle-tufted cottons with
strong latex backings to bold
them firmly to the floor.
Earth tones beige, green
and gray are still the major
choices. Brown, cocoa, and
nutria have edged out grays.
Grays verging on charcoal
gold tones, from lemon yellow
to rich bronze, appear as accent
colors In solid color carpeting!
A soft apple-lade and a tree-
mots green are new carpet
tones. Rose with coppery
warmth, and peppermint-candy
pink appear among cotton fib
ers. , i . .
Blue; recently a rarity, has
reappeared In soft muted tones
In nearly every line. Aqua and
turquoise allow up In cotton,
solid color wool, or blended
Accent colors include avo
cado, most, olive and lime
greens, Jonquil, yellow, wedge-
wood blue, cherry and lipstick
red, amethyst and coral.
Interesting and new are black
and gray accented with white,
cocoa, gold or cinnamon.
Posse fo Have
Ladies' Night
) Ladies' Night," the annual
dinner given by members of
the Oregon Mounted Posse,
Governor's Guard, will be next
Friday evening, March 27, in
the Mirror room of the Marion
The dinner will honor the
wives of the possemen. Ore
gon's governor, Paul L Patter
son, and Mrs. Patterson will be
Seek Damages
For Chinchillas
Dallas Damages to the ex
tent of $2020, plus costs, are
asked by plaintiffs George F.
Van Goethem and Yvonne M.
Perrego of Mr. and Mrs. Ben
H. Friesen, in a lawsuit filed
March 21 in the office of Polk
county clerk, F. B. Hamilton.
It is alleged by the plaintiffs,
who are partners in a chin
chilla farm, that the defend
ants did, on Oct 25, 1852, af
ter obtaining a proper burning
permit, proceed to burn brush
and other matter 'on the de
fendants' property, with the re
sult that damage was done to
the plaintiffs. It It alleged that
due to negligence on the part
of the defendants, and inade
quate measures for prevention
of fire spread, the fir did
spread to the property of the
plaintiffs 'and do damage of
various sorts. - ,
Before the fire was extin
guished it had burned over sev
eral acres of pasture and done
incidental damage to buildings
on the property of the plain
tiffs, the complaint states. In
addition, smoke from the fire
is alleged to have suffocated
two female breeding chinchil
las valued at $800.00 each, and
one male breeding chinchilla,
valued at 2400.
Plaintiffs ask damages to the
extent of damage done, less
salvage value of the pelts of
the dead animals, and to in
clude coats of prosecution of
the suit. The plaintiffs are
represented by the firm of
Rhoten, Rhoten and Speerttra
of saiem. . r':
Truman Goes
To Semi-Pros
Kansas City. Mo. W.B Har
ry' $. Truman1, who officially
opened major league baseball
seasons by tossing out the first
pitch-while he was President,
will get chance to use his
pitching arm again this year.
Mr. Truman has consented
to perform the chore this sea
son at Grandvlew, Mo., base
ball ' park for - the opening
game of the Heart of America
Semi-Pro league,
on hand to meet and greet the
member of his official ztardJxrealuments, while finance
Co-chairmen for the exeat chairman is U. u. x oungquist
are O. D. Youngquot aadf camrstsssest icr tee evening
Glenn Ccnklin. with Jack i wtH be under the direction of
Scott in charge of Use fcgd j;Ctena Omklin -Flowers
and tabic deeorataica : OCSicen are: Captain, Ralph
are under the supexvisHa e SfeBffi tirxt lieutenant. Jack
Floyd Seanuter, Xzrra Wrti::lJiit'rn.,jm: second lieutenants,
and Cecil Mollert. Sbamam pO. Dl Totzngquist, Glenn Conk
Bos track is in charge d i-Es tod X A. Inglis. - 1
Druggists' Prescription
For Relief of Itch
When vour akin is irritated
with pimples, red blotches and
other sxin Diemisnes rrom ex
ternal causes, you're craty with
itching torture, try 8anltone
Ointment Itching stops
Sromptly. Smarting ditappeara
nmediately. Sanitone Oint
ment is also wonderful for
itching feet cracks between
toes and Athlete's foot
For Sale
tmta at Liberty fhoas t-llll
W with to thank och end vary on of you
who mad our First Anniversary Party a suc
cess last week. The Vacuum Cleaner Clinic'
hopet to eonrinu with your sales and eorvic
needs in futur years. Again, w say thanks.
s Reach
With This All New G. E. Swivel-top Cleaner
Revolut 1 o n a r y new
swivel-top lets sen.
clean an average slie
living room without
once moving the clean-..-
Most efficient cleaner
Extra - large "Throw
Away" bag! No dust
bag or can to empty!
Circular exhauit no air
Powerful suction no lets
bag fills.
8 Scientifically-Designed
, 4-5502
Today for
4S3 Court St.
Come in or Phone for a
Phon. 4S302
at hramilton 6
Furniture trends may come and go, but
the connoisseur luxury of your Karastan
will always be in fashion
The most practical rug you could own . I
and one of the loveliest
- . . . i. . .
1 . i
by Karastan
Connoisseur Luxury With ludget Price Tag
Only a patterned rug like Tudor could give you so much
beauty ond luxury combined with so much wearpna
worth. Tudor has the magnificent design and silky-soft ,
texture you see in priceless collector's carpets'. But It
also lives comfortably in rooms used, and used often,
by th whole family. The pure wool pile, woven through
to the back, gives amazing service. The design hides
soiling and footmarks. Even the price tag is keyed to
young households. - '
27 different sixes in stock or on order
2.2x4 $ 35.50
3x5 ......... 57.00
4.6x6 ....... 100.00
6.6x9 ....... 220.00
9x10.6 355.00
9x12 365.00
9x1 S 465.00
9x18.....;.. 565.00
10.6x12 ..... 445.00
10.6x14 . 520.00
10.6x16 ..... 595.00
10.6x18 ..... 670.00
10.6x20 ' 745.00
12x12 ....... 520.00
12x14 ....... 610.00
12x16 ....... 695.00
12x20 870.00
12x22,.;.... 955.00
22x9 77.OO
2.2x10.6 ..... 90.00
2.2x12 ...... 102.00
2.2x15 ...... 130.00
3x9........ 101.00
3xxl0.6 118.00
312.. 135.00
3x10.6 118.00
John Davis, Color Consultant, available at all times to discuss your decorative problems
As Long as Two Years to Pay Park Free While You Shop at
amnion d
HOURS FROM 9:00 AM. to 1:30 P. M.
230 Chemcketa Street
Phone 3-3 169