Tuesday, Much U, 1953 - : - - i f Box Jacketed costume of printed shantung, features a Jacket trim of black a ilk twill, and short -sleeved, coop necklined dress. (A N. T. Drew Institute Photo). Nary - bios fleece epe tola with long rolling, close-high or 'open - low' neckline! It's bordered with deep rope-fringe and tassels. The bright scarf by ECHO. Union Hill i ! . ; Union Hill The members of the Union Hill Woman's club met at tha home of Mrs. Henry Peters Thursday afternoon for the regular meeting of the club. Mrs. W. M. Tate ' presided during the business meeting. ' , The annual club party for the members and their families will be held with a 6 o'clock supper . on the evening of April 11. Mrs. Howard Rogers, pre gram ehalrman for the after- aeon, conducted contests, won by Mrs. .; Ray Johnson, Mrs. I.. W. Cooper, Mrs. A. L. Rot ten border, Mrs. Maurice Heat er and Maroe Johnson.:; Tha next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. A. L. Kosten border in two weeks with a "Favorite Dish My Mother Used to Make" luncheon at IS 'clock. . . Each member is to dress to represent the gay nineties. ' : Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hitch cock are vacationing in Cali fornia. Mrs. Hitchcock expects to visit her sister at Taft, near Bakertfleld. They expect to return home by way of the aoast route. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tate and daughter, Elizabeth, left this week for a motor trip through Nevada and California. They expect to return home by the last of the week. 1 m ftMtvaM Olprfeatphsaa) First a Fad Mesh Is Now Here to Stay It started as is fad now it's a fashion. When new-born bab ies wear mesh bootees and their fathers wear mesh sports shoes, it really looks as though mesh were here to stay at least for some time to come. Mesh has a completely new look for spring '5. Last year it was having growing pains. Designers had not fully real' ized the possibilities of using mesh to give shoes that lighter look that is so much in lasnion, In town shoes, now, nylon mesb combines with suede, pat ent or calf to give pumps and sandals a new -delicacy ana charm. . Typical of the new feeling Is a high banded sandal lor tne town coat or suit, combining blsck nylon mesh with black patent It's an open sling, on a high heel, with three wide bands of black mesh edged with patent riding high on the instep and a very narrow band of the patent to form the back of the shoe. Couldn't be prettier, more flattering with ont of the new black silk town coats, or for mal black suits. . In a slightly more closed sling pump of navy suede and mesh, the buckled back strap and heel are of tha suede, and curving bands of suede make a grace ful pattern on the mesh vamp. Natural or eggshell mesh has done a lot to give new flair and beauty to spectator ana casual shoes. Black patent is exceedingly smart with this in narrow stripping! or half and half treatments. Eggshell with tan leather either in strappings or with mesh vamp and back and heel of leather make shoes that look crisp, cool and fresh. White or natural flesh is also combined with brilliant reds. blues and greens in soft glove type leathers to make soma of the mora exotic of tha casual shoes, wedgies, platforms and similar styles. Another very important fash ion la tha all-over white shoe in smooth leathers combined with mash in banded or strip ping designs, also In open and closed pumps. For cocktail and evening slippers nylon mesh in new textured weaves, emnrold ered beaded or In very, lacy patterns makes tha airiest of dancing shoes. Donald Donald Tha annual Mason- ic homecoming was observed recently with the ladles serving a ham dinner. Serving were Mrs. Hazel Yer gen and Mrs. Farcy Will, assist ed by Mrs. Bud Yergen, Mrs, A If Nelson, Mrs. Ed Shannon, Mrs. Ed Millar, Mrs. Melvin Durette, Mrs. Robert Colvin, Mrs. Ray Wertx, Mrs. Harmon Yeary and Mrs. Karl Enlgeman. Mrs. Bud Yergen decorated the tables using ferns, bridal wreath and daffodils. Tha speaker of the evening was Mark Hatfeild, state rep resentative for Marion county, and dean of man at Willamette university. Ho spoke on legis lative Issues. Gordon Baker, district dep uty grand master of Salem was also present. Other lodges represented were Oregon City, Canby, Sher wood, Woodburn, Mllwaukle and Salem. There ware about 70 present, and It was a closed meeting. Bob Graham of Multnomah CLrfct cjfL A loMITM fMWMrtittcn 'tat jvfop, WJ . vcncfeeMcc A youthful-looking akin Is a moitt eUa a smooth skin, a softer akin. That's why a Sertaeacence-carad-for-iUa belies the yean more , bewrtifttllr tbsa yoe'd dream poetible. V - i ' ' v. I They Look Alike Sisters' similar checked suits, with matching hats, are happy aprlng-tima choices. Scoffs Mills Scotts Mills Patrick Jack son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Jackson, arrived Wednesday afternoon from Korea, where he served in the U. 8. Army, While in Korea ha was hos pitalized for wounds received in action. Donald Casey, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Casey, recent ly enlisted in the Air Force. A farewell dinner was given in his honor Sunday at the home of his parents. ..;',' '" Present were his wife, Mrs. Don Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Dunn and children of Sa lem, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Caugh enour of Silverton and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Talley re turned home recently after spending several months in southern California. . , Mr. and Mrs. Allen Krax berger of Myrtle Creek are spending school spring vaca tion at tha home of Mrs. Krax berger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ettlln. Mr. Kraxberger teaches m tha . Myrtle Creek schools. .' ri::-; ::.'-;' Ivan Smith left last week for Detroit, Mich., where ha plains to purchase a new ear and drive It. back home. - sta route he will visit with relatives in Missouri. Residents of New Caledonia use a dead squid tied to a pole to catch lobsters. Tha lobsters "freeze" la fright at the eight of the squid and are picked up by divers. .- - ; ' ' : lodge No. 1, of Oregon City, presented L. Glenn Yergen with a 60-year pin. Mr, and Mrs. Bud Yergeh were Sunday afternoon oallers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heddon. The Heddons live in a houseboat on tha Col umbia Slough and are members of the Columbia Yacht club. West Siayion West Stayton Mrs. Robert Hartman (Marlene Odenthal) left the States Feb. 20 by plane to Join her husband in Hawaii Ha is stationed with the Army. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Lao Odenthal. Johnny Lynch,' son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lynch,' re turned home 'after being re leased from the Army follow ing two years' service. Lynch had been stationed in Pennsyl vania.' Word has been received by friends of Robert Youngs that he will leave Korea by March 20 for the States. He will have completed' his two years of service with the Army. He is tha husband of Rosalie Mack, who has made her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mack, and is employed with tha Willamette Builders In Aumsvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McClellan attended the basketball game in Corvallis as guest of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Truman McClellan. This is the suit you'll wear right now . . . youll live In right through Fall! Fashioned by Leslie Fay of pure silk shantung that actually resists water stains, it boasts a sheath-slim skirt ... a ring waisted, glitter-disked jacket. And best of all, it fits you to a T if you're S'B or under. Navy, black French blue or nutmeg. In Brief sixes 12 T to 20 T. SSl.tl SMART SHOP 155 N. Liberty 'Polished' Look Typifies Bag Collections On your shoulder, under your arm, or in your hand you'll be carrying a very ex citing costume complement this Spring, Handbags have never been more varied in color, in texture, in design than they are this season. First mention should go to patent leather more exciting this year, and featured in many new variations. The new look in patent is "the soft touch." Bags are draped, pleated, shirred in flu Id molded lines. Patent's Im portance is reflected also as smart accents to fabric and leather bags. . . . Counterpart to the popular patent leather shoe, .the pat ent bag is a perfect companion to fashion's exciting prints, and is smart contrast for the important neutral costume col or , beige, v ; :' . . V Jtt A new leather finish ani line is stirring up a lot of fashion excitement in ' calf bags. This finish gives calf a tailored 1 gloss with clearer tones and a wider range of col ors. Clear reds, blues, tawney beiges, the important citron yellow, are all seen gleaming brightly in new, handsome calf bags. Straw handbags, such favor ites last year, are now better than ever! Many striking col ors, new textures, and whimsi cal decorations add real verve to every costume. Linen bags are definitely in the fashion spotlight as perfect co-ordinates for the many lin en dresses and separates being featured. - Straw cloth, in multi-color- Butteville n,.(iuiilBnnnie and Jun ior Hathaway, children of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hathaway, spent their spring school vacation vis iting their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Tre- malne and children in augenc. Spring vacation days at Butteville school were used to work on the well and plumb ing. Ray Martin is using spare time to work on the house he is building at the corner of Butte Ave. and River Rd. This is the site of the old range hall which was torn down. Lon Stewart is helping with the carpenter work. June and Lawrence Weinert will be spending their spring vacation from classes at Ore gon State college at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Frank Weinert. Mrs. Carl Hartley was a St. Patrick's Day hostess for a demonstration party. Several former neighbors were present to' renew old friendships. Those enjoying the occasion were-MrS. William Ryan, now of Forest Drove, Mrs. Robert Donehew, now of Cutler City; Mrs. F. E. Detrick, Mrs. Neal Hazelton, and Mrs. Earl Chris tie, all of Newberg. Neighbors present were the Mesdames Emile Racette, Alvln Price, Walter ' Aldrich, Karl Engleman, Ray Yergen, Ed ward Jones and children; J .L. eoatney, Sidney Graham, Wil liam Russell, Fred Dentel, Glen A. Yergen, L. Glen Yer gen, Frank Weinert, Edwin Mil ler, Alois Hillner, Ray Martin, Dan Clark, Beryl Brelthaupt, James Johnson, John Kasmus sen, Phil Hathaway and Anna Beerman. The Wee Cooks t-H Cooking club gave a mothers' tea Tues day, March 17, at the home of their- assistant ' leader, Mrs. Walter Racette. Mothers present were Mrs. John Rasmussen, who is also leader, and Mrs. Lon Stewart, Mrs. Ernest Crook, Mrs. Stan ley Riley, Mrs. Pete Krupicka, and Mrs. James Johnson. ' A musical program was pre sented by Marilyn Rasmussen, Karen Crook, Jimmie Johnson, Judy Smith and Jimmie John son. ';. ..'. Club members are Marilyn Rasmussen, Judy Smith, Connie Stewart, Karen Crook, Rose Krupicka, Sandra Yost, Glenna Riley and Jimmie Johnson. The young people of the Aurora and the Butteville Con gregational churches attended ed patterns, forms an overlay for linen in some handsome styles. In others, wool-knit in sharply contracting bands, rib bon embroidered in festive peasant manner and held to gether by beaded , fagotting, beads and Jet trim all give linen bags a gay, fresh look. Potent , dork, glooming, foshionoble . . . shining elone or touched . with white. See our fins Offoy of Troyllngi . styled (or those accustomed to poytsg store. SIYMOUR THOY ' , ';:." Y.' "'' ON TYl.af f , I f 1 I F3 12.95-13.95 t . . - ' . . : . - v: A HQBQDC KILE'S 1 - .1 1 Ctal- PH. the congregauouM - rim Fellowship conference in Eugene mku -- . . Rev. Robert Hampel was the leader of one of the discussion groups at the conference. Young people attending were Bonnie HathawayLoU Weln- Give and Enjoy CANDIES this Easter Etrttr Fmrttt! Delicious Assarted Chocolates, taste Pend Bex 1U 24b. lex 2M Deceroted, Choc elate and Pastel Butter Ben Eggs with Smooth Creamy Centers I 1 1 GO BOX 404 sJPPsrijiii i in iiftSi:S 800 BOX 7M INDIVIDUAL EASTER EG8S tjWeet, wtwIaMaM, eafeyeblt rimeali mmi riweeeli . CW Ctnn4 - Cmaa Ctm tot m. DiwuliS - PHI SWm l tti - Cnmm CMtan ... im . CSMileH ttmni t,km,w lee I. Cmtm SW 0M FRIDAY NfGNT TIL t 481 STATE ST. ..t . rinniii Beard. Eleanor Wescott, Joan Beeser and their counsellor, ' Mrs. Phil Hath away. '.;''', '. " :) ; All were dinner gueetron Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- 11am TMtnatM.' T," SptcU Easter Marring TmcTI This Beautiful Gift Box of Assorted Chocolates and Creamy Pastel Butter-Bonsl , Pound Bex M . i-ib. hi 3 M 1 S " iii ii in i jmJmmmlj M atti" '"iVf" ir-r"" -y