7; 6 7: I i" . . l! 1 1 1 a .,..".'.. - (. ' ' " . , , . .- , ' v - ....... ' tueedey.' Mtrch II, 1188 II EASTKK FARADS .v,..., v..- "' ' . I ' Sun, Fun and Casual Togs Exciting In Spring-to-Summer Sportswear t V5T ( v For him and her swim coordinates in itriklng, striped acetate lastex. That handsome styles feature sleek fit ting trunks for him, and a flattering strapless one-piece for her. The first appearance of the newest in sportswear on the fashion stage set by the Spring Openings is always eagerly awaited! ' - . . t This year it Is being ac claimed with "bravos" for. its versatility, fabric interest, and color excitement. Playtime Hogs are more fun than everl Patio pants. Spring's version of the terrifically-smart matador pants, are a big favor ite. They are very slim, very tapered and are. being shown in printed calico with a matching blouse and a wrapover skirt of plain color denim, in heavy cot ton chambray. with fringe-trimmed carpenter's-, pockets, in striped and plain denim, cotton tweeds (cuffed below the knees), and in many other ver sions. ; .' ' .. .-. ..' Slacks follow this slim, tap ered line, an dthe newest in shorts is the longer style, the- Bermuda or walking shorts. The slim - fitting, sleeveless tank ttop is the favorite team mate to slacks and shorts. The ever-popular Tee shirts gain a new look with high, wide, and stand - up collars. Contrasting colors point up collar interest. Very-new-looking and very wearable are the blouses, jack ets, and shirts worn loosened up as over - blouses. Narrow belts are used to identify the natural wajstllne. Middy !e on Easter ieauty with P Wf .cut S I W 90W I J t, Erich of New York Oive your Beauty a Springtime Lift with an exolting new hair style and . permanent wave by Xrleh of New ' York. Zrloh will create a lovely de-.slgned-for-you eotffure and one of , Irion's skilled operators will give ! you natural-looking, long-lasting permanent wave. Can for an ap pointment today I : Csricli of New York 1N. Ufearly ; blouses worn loosely still rate high in Junior sportswear. Printed cotton sun dresses will play a major role In the new-season picture, in a range from small allover patterns to larger-spaced types. Texture adds a note of interest In sub dued or embossed types. The bare look is featured in strapless styles and In the deeply-scooped neckline. Little cover-up Jackets appear in in teresting new versions. Skirts Invariably billow from a tiny waistline. Jackets are big fashion, especially in the collarless styles that accessorize with scarfs so beautifully. Longer and tapered, they appear in both nubby tweeds and smooth- surface fabrics. The boxy jack et,, in the very square line, is the season's runner-upl Spring blouses are outstand ing in their detailing and ex citing trims. Linen in pale col ors, briUiant-nued cottons, pon gees, and novelty nylons are making news in dressier sports wear. Town and country togs for the woman who loves the cas ual approach echo the best selling trends In misses' sports wear. Slim, easy lines are fea tured In Jackets( shirts, blouses and skirts in women's sizes. In active sports togs, swim fashions capture the greatest attention. .The trend toward modesty still holds this season in more covered-up maillots and princess suits. The strapless top remains the fashion leader in swim wear being shown almost exclusive-ly. Fabrics are news-worthy with lastex appearing In new treat ments. Lastex faille, cluster tucked or pleated, Orion lastex, and tweedy lastex are destined to be top favorites. Nylon, pop ular as aver ior its quick-dry ing quality, .eye-catching cot tons in gay prints, ' ginghams, and denims appear In imagina tive styles for the 1988 mer maid. . Newest cottons for the surf are brighter, bolder and more cleverly designed than ever. Beach , jackets go to new lengths of flattery in tunics . . . straight jackets . . . middy car digans .' . . sailor shirts and coat dresses as a quick cov er-up! -Terry cloth, both in plain col ors and patterns, is still the best-loved fabric. Gay cotton jackets do double duty when worn with slim toreador pants. Women golfers will welcome the new knitted touches to fa- vorite classics. . . the color matched - sweater trimmings, cotton mash bodices, and new mesh top cottons. ... all de signed for an easy golf awing. Spring sportswear deserves the applause it's receiving and promises a top performance in fun-loving wardrobes. The dipping line is the new est high fashion note in belts, inspired by Parisian styles and interpreted by American de signers this Spring. Dipping lines suggest the elongated waistline in different ways: one style featured is of shaped, polished calf with notches at the sides for a firm er fit; It iweeps down in a tap ered flap over one hip. From Lady Fair Ten will truly make news in the Easter parade with hat, gloves and bag from Lady Fair ... All the Latest styles now being shown. Don't miss our stunning new Easier Bonnets In Imported Swiss Braid Straws and many other exciting materials . . . All at Budget Prices! i vy- i f - v Gloves l00,. 200 Hats T,.5" Bags I'M" Drop By Lady Fair Today and See Our Most Complete Selection! ' m JLadLy Jbatr 383 Court St. - j' l : i v , i !; " ! i,-, 7 "V , j , : : ' , i, I Fr- . V f "5 !i.tts)m. : Wrap-around Halter Swira Salt of worsted knit (above) and the striking hostess en semble (above, , right) with colorful worsted jersey cuffed stovepipe pants and black felt atandaway tunic. Rayon Crepe Used for Softer Lines -... MMM KarW in faih- XUIJWIl " ion, playing an important part in interpreting the new softly flowing silhouette. a Ihi.ih a haairallv nneslina fabric, crepe is welcomed by women everywhere, Who have hoped for a return to the gen tler, softer lines. Today's top designers love the soft flattery of crepe. Dior, Coronation Designers' 1953 Theme" ' The- Coronation of Queen Elizabeth of England has been a source of new inspiration to the American designers of ev erything from top to toe. ; i Never before have we had such an array of jeweled fash ions from tiara like hats flashing with more Jewels than Elizabeths crown to Jeweled ribbon footwear, daintier than Cinderella's glass slipper. Especially in costume jewel ry has the Coronation theme captured the designers' imag ination. The crown motif ap pears in everything from tail ored ' metal to scintillating make-believe stones. . , Tiaras have already been ac cepted as a formal halr orna ment and will twinkle on even more heads under-the Spring and Summer stars. Definitely, every woman can, be a Fashion Queen.-; r '-'ir-lyK,, : The jeweled suit Is one great favorite for Spring . a suit that can go everywhere, even after-five. It may have bands of pearls and rhineetones around the neckline or hipline, or just a motif at the hip or collar. It may be of worsted br rayon. . It's your Coronation Suit to make you the Queen of the Easter Parade. Colors from powdery pas tels to jewel brights reflect the Coronation theme. Even hos iery adopts British names for its color names. Although there is no one authentic group of Coronation colors the whole picture i or xasnion seems to have brightened by the forth coming crowning of a queen far across the ocean. ' Fashion will certainly derive much stimulus from having a queen on the throne of Eng land and a well dressed lady in the White House in Wash ington. From Mamie's bangs to Elizabeth's crown there's now a new source of fashion inspiration and women have a new incentive to look their prettiest Young Miss Hats Have 'Like-Mom Style, and. Detail "Young miss" millinery for Spring makes news in its use of bright colors, new patterns and textures In straw,- the im portance of white and the use of black as an accent. In addition to the popular bonnet and caps, new floppy shapes, flat crowned padre hats appear strongly for the young er set up to teen age. ' Black velvet is used for pin ing 'around every -type of shape bonnets, padre hats, scalloped shells for band ings! and bows on linens and straws. Flower clusters on the side, flower ; circlets on bands. under brims are featured pro minently. : -,.-..! Romper swim suit of Or- lon-and-wool jersey.- " Per manent over-all pleating.'' Trigere, Irene, Adele Simpson, tnd others jiirn Its fltild jrace to neck-tohem bleating, subtle draping, and th aheath-llkt line. v-'-'r The curving contour If poled i h uanins aown. the tail ored dress, the two-piece frock. ' Emphasis goes to surface ex .,,.. r.ninff from fine sur faces to pebbly, corded, and i honeycomb effects. . The new trend is dramatUed in brilliant colors, rich dark tones, and clear pastels. Black is the favorite for sophisticated smartness. -? $ v v.j' : . 4- A Wholly New Concept in Mske-Up ! A Atwfef tnm HmM mw tins Skk 't Hi I km Js...Mtfrf'i nm towy if 1 Never before In the history of make-up has there bean such -; a radiant shining foundation that gives perfect coverage ...as true, as shining-clear as . nature's own high-lights. . i For a long time, women have wanted such a foundation. - And now, the greatest creative name in Beauty has presented ' lust such a flowing cream . . It is called. Basie Sheen; ! a truly superb achievement by Elizabeth Arden. Miss Arden !has created BASIC SHEEN for all women, making a special version with hormones for the woman over thirty, so that she may have the benefits of these modern ingredients (estrogenic hormones), which help replenish aging tissue and regain vital young loveliness. 1 Miss Arden has worked tire lessly with her laboratory staff so that the texture of Basic Sheen has the fluent ertamin$u that really covers. When' you smooth it on even though it feels butterfly light every tiny line and imperfection is concealed completely by a liv ingglowing translucent beauty 1 . When you use Basie Sheen . . . arid do it soon . . .you will be absolutely amazed at the way it receives the soft glow of rouge . . . the brilliance of lipstick . . the faint purs veil of powder. And how tvry rnacA prsttter your finished make-up looks! Basis Shsen comes in six radiant shades: Rachel, Ross Rachel, Light Roeetta, Medium Rosetta, Deep Ross Rachel and Rosette Bronx. , How to Apply ' ask Sheen for th most ' IsautWu) Rssutts ' Cleans the skia thoroughly -with Ardena Cleansing Cream '.. combined with Ardena Skin , Lotion. Next, patthe face with . a firm pad, dipped in Skin , Lotion. Fat akin thoroughly . dry (if you are using fasts Shttn with HomoM w sug gest at this point an extra step i i Apply Ardena Special Hor mone Cream; pat in; remove : with tissue. Use Velva Smooth Lotion to remove every bit of . excess cream).- . Now take a few drops of ' Basic Sheen (use sparingly); smooth and blend it over face , and neck until dry. Apply cream rouge; pat on powder. ' Before applying lipstick it is a good practice tqiise a bit of ' ice over Hps. BASIC SHEEN ' .... in a plastic squeeze bottle, ' a superb make-up foundation ' ... .00. BASIC SHEEN... 1 in a plastic saueeze bottle with ' ' Hormones (7000I.U.of Xstro'V genie Hormones per os.)... 6.(0. Mtasiwtot S10 Court St. LEATHERS, DRAMA! Leather is a smart newcomer on the spring fashion scene! Soft, supple suede appears in coats, jackets snd costumes styled for spring wardrobes. Suede Is used effectively to add a dramatic accent to knit and nubby tweed ensembles. Send your Easier bouquet ' In en envelope on Easier Cards Edward Williams IJ(0WI "Heme et Hsllrnirk CirtV 'i ' i i Wt w-lh Fine Ke" FROM ilV uZ WOOLEN Mill" 111 yfrffryS DOZENS OF SMART NEW FABRICS TO OIVI RIAL INSFWATIOK TO YOUR; fjfr fLaS ' SPRING SEWING! NOW SPECIALLY FRICEdT Poodle Cloths -Suede CloW y Fleeces and Novelty Weaves i JYk ; Wools and Orlbw III 'j viprliif MlehVasjir.litm m4 ShtriuAlmX 1 1 Wfft LINING FREE WITH ANY. ? til lAw V SU,T 0R COAT LENGTH I t SATURDAYS;! H?r 260 S. 12th St. , i ? ; f