Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 24, 1953, Page 27, Image 27

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Tuesday, March 24, IMS
Bride Fashions Delicate Look
Ther is much in the wav ot
fashion news to interelt the
! bride-to-be of Spring, 1853!
There's the "debutante" look
, with the fuller-than-ever eotil-
lion skirts created of the alrieit
'of fabrics ... the barer look inj
v. Driaai ana Driaesmalds gowni
: . , . and the new importance of
f bridal separates. t
(s The "deb gown" for the bride
ii definitely of the formal gown
deiign with a fuU skirt that
billow out from tiny welst
line. This type of wedding
gown is floor-length and is de
signed of the sheerest fabrics.
Foremost among . the . fabric
choices are: nylon tulle or net,
laces, with a definite emphasis
on "imported," plain and em-
Lingerie Wears Dainty Air
Lingerie for Spring takes on
the costume-look in charming
ensembles that reflect evening
dress styling. There is an im
portant innovation in the dress
. length nightgown with match
ing dress-length negligee. ;
There are pajamas in shortle
lengths, frequently rompers . . ,
in long lengths . ; . in tapered
pedal pushers all with a
costume look. ? . -
The close coordination with
ready-to-wear is emphasized in
the slimmer slip sheath
skirted styles ; with strapless
bra tops, camosole or tailored
form-fitting bodices, linen slips
to wear with suits in place of a
;. blouse. Petticoats 'are Import
ant but are pared-down, and
have smooth hiplines. ; , '
fin silhouettes slimness is
the new look in handbags cued
- by the prominence of ready-to-wear's
slim silhouettes. This
look gives a renewed import
ance to the slender underarm
bag which is prominent in all
Spring bag fashions. The box
bag In many new variations.
the shoulder strap with a larg
er than ever bag are the sil
houettes of Spring's brilliant
galaxy of handbag fashions.
Season's Fashions
Give Extra Thot
ToTall Girl Need
Tall ffirln will (ska heart
when they see the first Spring
Showings at their favorite
store! More and more atten
tion is being given to the cus
tomer who's B'7" and over.
Appearing this Spring are
separates, dresses, swlmsuits,
and knitwear in tall sizes, sup
plementing the : proportioned
suits that have been available
for some time; '.
broidered organdies, and silk
The barer look in bridal
gowns is achieved with the
strapless bodice, always shown
with a separate cover-up Jacket
or stole, or through the wider
decolletage and off - shoulder
treatments. If a net yoke is
used, it is highlighted with
pearl embroidery or lace appli
que where it Joins the bodice,
In addition to the' floor
length gown, the ballerina and
the waltz length (Just above
the ankles)' are leading favor
ites. ' -'
Separates are gaining much
importance in the . bridal pic
ture.' They are usually shown
In a waltz-length skirt, bare top
bodice, tiny Jackets.-lace gaunt
lets, and pleated cummerbunds
to achieve the one-piece look.
-Enchanting separates . are
shown for thebridal party, too.
They feature styling that makes
them appropriate for formal
wear later. Satins, silk taffetas.
nylon net or tulle, laces, and
embroidered organdies all ap
pear in , -the separates field
Furthermore... there . is equal
representation of informal.
semi-formal and formal de
signs in the three popular
lengths. '
An exciting newcomer in the
bridal picture for. Spring is the
color, Forsythla Yellow. This
pastel is being shown in wed
ding gowns of embroidered or
gandie, . as well as in dresses
for the attendants.': . '' v
i 3 i
A front senium effect falling into a fishtail in back, high
lights this Spring 1953 ivory wedding gown. Styled of
imported ChantiUy-type handclipped lace, the gown is
short-sleeved with matching lace mitts. A nylon tulle yoke
fills to the Illusion neckline. (Photo N.Y. Dress Inst.) i
Story of Silk Is Ages Old; Its
I nteresting History Told
From the day that the four-!
teen-year-old bride of a Chi
nese Emperor discovered silk,
it has spun Its gleaming thread
through tales of Oriental
splendor to the latest fashion
aloriet of today. j
More than 4,000 years ago,
Hsl-ling-shl, while playing
with cocoon dropped it in a
hand basin of warm water. She
watched, fascinated, while a
delicate tangle separated itself
from the cocoon, when she
drew it into the air, one incred
ibly fine filament unwound
endlessly from the racoon
Hsl-ling-shl had discovered
ilk.:i;:'V.v.i;: ::.:.y
How much of this legend Is
fact and how much is fable,
but It is true that silk was first
discovered in China. And, until
the fall of the Chinese ; Em
pire, one day . each year, was
set aside for the Empress of
China to feed the silk worms,
and so pay homage to Hsl-ling-
shl, the "Goddess of the- Silk
Worms." . -,' :- t
: For nearly 1000 years, the
Chinese guarded their secret
of the silk cocoon. Death and
disgrace faced the traitor who
disclosed the origin Of suit to
the outside world. t
Mot until 800 A.D. did Japan
learn the mystery of silk, and
it was atill later that India
learned to grow the silk worm
and reel the thread.
.The perilous ailk routes
cross the heart of Asia were
biased by caravans transport
ing silk to Damascus, the mar
ket place where East net West.
Silk found it way from Da
mascus to the Roman Empire,
where it became so highly
prised that Julius Caesar pass
ed an edict limiting it to bis ex
elusive use.
Today. : every American
woman can enioy the luxury
of silk! The development of
the power loom enables weav
ers to produce the finest silks
at lower costs and America im
ports more raw silk than any
other country in tne worn.
Silk is the strongest of all
natural fibers and lives incred
ibly long wear, which belies
its delicate.-luxurious appear
ance. It takes dyes with clarity
and purity, and can be woven
to almost any desired weigm.
Now with new emphasis -
silk appears throughout the
fashion picture from the
filmiest lingerie to the loveli
est daytime fashions and tne
most glamorous formal gowns.
, Fireworks of Mack seqalns
and rhinestones are splashed
over this white Alencon lace
That Important all 'round
fashion, the knit dress, takes
on new importance for Spring!
Styled with a softer air, knitt
evening gown.
Dress Institute.
Photo N.Y.
are appearing, in woo, Orion,
and cotton. The turtle neck or
bpen necklines are replacing
the class-Jewel neckline. "
liberty street
Red 50 and 60
Hundreds end hundreds of new, chic
taster Chopeeua In liloxy f color
SMend Fleer
OUdiei-U. B;ln
MUty Tiupe
XoRt Bluh-BelM
tl m I (f (Q)
A New Spring Coot . . , the smartest woy we know to
itort off o brand-new season in style! This special
group is the-most mognlficent we've seen! Choose
from a boundless selection! Cashmere blends ....
imported Confetti Boucles , . ..Tweeds . . . Snow-Flake
Boucles . . . Fleeces! Fashioned with care and beauty,
.Some are lined with fine-Taffeta, others with
mirocle Insulated linings that keep you warm on cool
days, cool on warm days. Spring tones of Blue, Grey,
Pink, Gold, Beige, Green . . . sizes 8-18.
acKaoie, crease
resistant and
(Above) Glitter and pseudo
pearls highlight the daisy em
broidered collar! This coat
dress buttons to the hem with
great white buttons. Linen-like
rayon "Linarney" In
Pink, Bermuda Blue, Navy,
Brown Honey. 14 V4-22V4.
(Left) Lacy eyelets and dyed-to-motch
lace medallion ac
cents the flattering neckline!
Gently flared skirt fits neat
and trim at your waist. Rayon
"Linarney" In Pink, Bermuda
Blue, Navy, Brown Honey.
14y-22V. ,
Fashions Second Fleer
amous Revelation Nylons!
Seml-annuol sale of our own brand Nylons! All women who have
worn "Revelations" know how they last and lost, know how
flattering they look and fit! Buy now while they're on sale!
60 gouge, 15 denier, In Tearose, Willow, Gladiola, 51 gauge, 30
denier in Misty and Rose Blush. 8V2 to II.
Hosiery Meln Floor
Reg. 98c pr.
! I
' . '
3 Pairs $2.50