Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 24, 1953, Page 24, Image 24

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Tuesday, March 24, 195S
( Coronation Motifs. Delicate Hand
i ....
n uaicaie now is stressed in
thU Sprlng'g costume Jewelry,
aasnion-minaea women look'
toif for Jewelry to match their
., iiw spring costume will find
It differi greatly from put sea
? sons' bold and dramatic niece.
One of the main reason for
this decided change is Spring's
new, softer-ln-character ready-to-wear
fashionsl Another im
portant factor, is the Corona-
: tlon, the biggest ..influence in
all this Spring's ready-to-wear
. and accessory fashions.
. with the spotlight on a
young, feminine Queen, the
delicate feeling is bound to be
.important throughout the en-
..' an field, of fashion, v
Here are some important
.trends, to watch for In spring
'costume Jewelry: . , ,i i ; i .
Enamel in garden and flor
al motifs either alone or
'with dottings of pearls and
rhlnestones for added empha
is. . . . - i
Giant Hoop Earrings gold
and silver hoops, simple in de
sign, but bigger than ever be
fore. Rope necklaces for Sum
mer and Spring bare-back
fashions; in unusual stones and
beads, high fashion colors;
many are matched to long
pendant earrings.
. Necklaces and chokers with
center motif usually metal
with stones or beads In front
cluster. ,
Coronation motifs crowns,
the British Lion, and coat of
arms motifs in richly colored
tones or clear crystal.
These are some of the out
standing features which spell
news In Spring costume Jew
elry. i -?..
Watch, too, for the return of
the large cluster earring
beads and stones massed in gay
groupings, the pendant earring
long and lacy with crystal and
colored stone drops; airy spray
ing, Important in Jewelry ,
bracelets, delicate floral motifs
in pins and dainty scatter pins.
Watch for dainty treatments
In filigree metal, more silver
than ever, emphasis on stone
and bead designs.
Colors for Spring costume
Jewelry take their cue from the
Coronation deep reds, gold,
emerald green, and amethyst,
a truly regal color. These royal
colors usually set - in bright
or antique gold.
White is important in ear
rings, necklaces, bracelets, pins
I in nugget-like beads encased
hi gold wire cages ana porce
lain and stone,
Blue . so popular in dress
fashions for spring is empha
sized In Jewelry, too, in med
ium clear shades to deep and
navy. . '
Whatever the- new Spring
costume in your wardrobe may
be, you'll find an ample selec
tion of inspired Jewelry pieces
to add that truly brilliant
touch., . . . - . . '
mttm sxcuMfvc facc rowofu mm
They've an ay lor sastuoo, sbea
French! that's why Leslie Caron
makes mmt she's always gletnocon '
by wearing Bar-Mil Cameo's Bonni
lace. And now Leslie k even more glam
orous, thanks to Bnrmilaee's am 60
gauge construction. This Glamour
Gauge looks like a more mist of
sheerest French laoe . . . and Bur
Mil Cameo's exelasire Face Powder
Finish flatters leg aomplesdon Kite
candlelight on the Seine.
And surprise! The new 60 gauge
Burmilace wear better than ever.
Fact is, Barmilaee won't rrm, simp
ly can'r ran! . . '
And wait 'til yoa eaei saocy
colors ... oo4a?la I
11 p-
I v I
Dawn - to - dusk swims ult
and sundress with identical
decollettes. Printed cotton
satin.- .-. Y ,
Easter Food Sale j
Dated at Silverton
Silverton Mrs. Leonard
Hudson, president of St. Mon
ica's Altar society of the Sil
verton St. Paul's Catholic par
ish, has named Mrs.- L. B.
Scharback as chairman of plans
for the 15th annual colored egg
and cooked food sale, to be
held all day Saturday, April 4,
at the Carter appliance store
on Oak street. The sale begins
at 9 a.m.
Mrs. Scharback has served
continuously for the IS years
as chairman . of this annual
Easter event.
Assisting me cnairman are
Mrs. Harold Boehmer. Mrs.
Henry Moll, Mrs. Anton Zas
toupil, Mrs. Hugo Boehmer,
Mrs. Hubert Esser and Mrs.
Orville Volker.
Flower Show
Jefferson The Jefferson
Woman's club Is sponsoring a
flower show and library bene
fit tea in the city hall, March
Entries will be accepted
from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Mrs. Bess Philippl of Sclo
will Judge the exhibits and the
show will be at 2:30 p.m.
Awards will be given sweep
stake winners.
A silver tea and program
By Color
- Color, color, color Is the
theme song of this spring1 hos
iery fashions. Everywhere hos
iery designers are giving "real
color" to stockings!
The wide color range In
Spring hosiery . gives today's
shopper a prefect opportunity
to develop beautiful coordina
tion between costume, hosiery
and shoes.
One of the greatest Impacts
on Spring hosiery styling
comes from the overwhelming
use of prints in new ready-to-
wear styles. Since the prints
are bolder than in previous
years with well-defined clear
colors, they demand tutor in
the stockings to be worn with
Another big Influence on
Spring hosiery shades is the
popular black and white
scheme shown In every type of
footwear v and ready-to-wear
fashions dressy, casual and
sportswear.. These styles re
quire lighter hosiery shades but
with definite color undertones.
Pink one of the outstand
ing pastels in fashion is featur
ed from ' the palest tint to
mauve to rose, and calls for
beige hosiery with a definite
pink tint. V
Beige the moat Important
Spring neutral, replacing the
past grey requires light,
but very-warm beige hosiery.'
The Coronation colors so
prominent in all Spring ready-to-wear:
deep reds, golds, blues
in Jewel-like shades have in
fluenced : stockings tremend
ously, and call for coordinated
hosiery with definite color un
dertones. : ' .
Styling in Sprint: hosiery
takes its cue from new shoe
fashions, particularly the grace
ful tapered heel which calls for
stockings with narrower heels,
aiso xinery tapered.
When Mt Katmal in Alaska
exploded in a 1012 eruption,
volcanic ash was carried at
least 900 miles, says the Nat
ional Geographic Society.
will be held during the after
noon and proceeds will be for
the benefit of the library.
GorMRCt'TnlndtdT Our
Easter Flowers
to dramatize your beauty all throuh
spring! Our handsome wide-brimmed sailors, wreathed
In velvet-tied bouquets, from a romantic
group of flowered straws
ft f ! '
The suit, as always, is the
leading spring fashion, and the
pump Is, of course, the perfect
suit shoe. This doesn't mean
that this year's spring parade
will look like last year's. Be
cause there's lots mats new
and different in both suits and
shoes. - 1
In suits the texture is the
news. Last year's fabrics made
much of lumps end bumps, of
rugged looking tweedy types,
boucles and poodle cloth. This
year's fabrics are much finer.
There are tweeds, but they're
lighter in weight, - finer in
weave. Gabardine, -which was
practically out of the picture,
is back in the picture in a big
way, and silk suits in faille
and taffeta will blossom under
fur coats' if the weather is
Lines are slimmer, as befits
the new feeling in fabrics.
Jackets are shorter so are
sleeves and lapels. The newer
version of the barrel suit still
smart spring fashion is
much less bulky. The little
Jacket atops at the hipline, the
sleeves are bracelet length, the
narrow skirt has an inverted
pleat at the back for grace in
walking., . ..... , v . i
Slim Lines, High Heels
mmtvmi " I I'M, ' V iinwnnwywwi
:-7,v,V. V " 1 ' - 1 '
hir,fti-i-irif.fi1iiiiillriffi iivrt-'lr ifMi-tlllntfMhi.iii'iiJiittttiiiii , rirn' riiilfftfiiliitf'i j
Jacket Softly Curved
The bolero suit often has a
short squared off Jacket,
double breasted, reaching just
to the waistline in more formal
types the Jacket again Is short.
softly curved, with gored skirt
ana modified flare. :
Black, navy, and beige, are
the big three in suit colors for
early spring wear with white
touches almost universal.. 1 .
The new pumos' nick un to
perfection the feeling in spring
costumes. They are lighter in
weight softer in construction,
slimmer in line, higher as to
heel. There is infinite variety
In pumps. The sling is a big
iavorne, out tne closed pump
runs it a close second for early
A tremendous hit fashion is
the pointed toe patent leather
pump,, with low square cut
vamp and very' high curved
heel. It's the most ' feminine
and flattering of shoe fashions,
wide open with a single curved
strap, or closed front and back
with open sides. So take your
pick in the patent pump. It's
the top of the news for spring.
Preferred to Classics
Also new-looking, very smart
ana sophisticated is the tail
ored pump, and again with
very high curved heel, in one
of the beautiful soft shades of
aniline calf, light wood tones
nd warm beige. :
- This also sports a feminine
touch in a low cut envelope
vamp bound with contrasting
leather. Women-ln-the-know
are choosing these rather than
the classic spectator to wear
with their new more feminine
tweeds and flannels.
Suede has its place, with the
honors going to black and rich
navy in more open types of
pumps to wear with silk town
suits and ensembles. In some
instances suede is combined
with faille in these - dress
pumps for more formal cos
tumes. ' .
Typical is an open toe-open
back sandal pump, with a sym
etric crossed straps of black
suede and faille, and high heel
of the silk. Another dressy typa
of sling is in navy suede, with
one side of the vamp closed,
the other side opened by nar
row stripping, and a single
curved strap to hold it on the
Touches of white are as im
portant on these first spring
shoes as they are on the cos-
tumes. Never have there been
so many white trimmed shoes
as this spring season, introduc
tag white as a major fashion
theme right through spring
and summer. ' ' .
Combines with Colors
White combines with black,
with navy, : with spring tans
and browns,' with bright red
and royal blue depending on
the type of the costume. Newest
of all is white with grey, which
may help 'to bring the grey
shoe back in the fashion story.
The touch of white' may be
a narrow ' piping, it may be
white stitching or an underlay
under tiny : tear drop cutouts.
f r i .
Ltei) ( i A
- Chesterfield Choice Per
fect spring coat for career
girls is this modified Ches
terfield in black and whit
pin-check worsted, double
breasted, with small black ,
velvet collar. It . is . worn
with a cute red straw poke '
bonnet by John Frederics.
Both solid valutes. ' -
Bow trims may be lined with
white. Sometimes the shpe'. is
half-and-half, in a ' zebra ef-;
feet. However it's done, it's- a '
fashion that fits in with pret
tier xootwear for spring 1981.
' and so becoming ' fH . j)
on your foot cJ J
You're sure to find the smartest finishing
touch for.your Easter costume in our wonderful '
selection of Red Cross Shoes. Do hurry in. See how
proudly you wear these graceful, new styles.
And see, too, how beautifully they fit. '
You look so pretty
feel so sure
of yourself in Bed Cross Shoes
TTuipiiial Win,
America's unchallenged shoe valua
$Q95. $1095