& U Tu day, Uiuch 24, 1958 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Baton, Ortfoa ' EA8TS3 PARAES-Tici I Narrowed Look, Rich Use of Fabric, Novelty Treatments Enhance Styling in Reason's Coat, Suit Collections "Infinite varietv" 1 that might well have been coined for thli spring's coat and tult fashions. Not for many spring opening has there been to much newi in sllhou tte and fabric as that found in thli year's presentation. ' Women love iulU and they love a change to keep them in tereitlng and refreshing from fashion'! point of view. In this ipring'i suits, there is sure to be a silhouette that's ideal for very woman. ! They are being shown with narrow boxy Jackets, In. oval shapes that hug the Upline, and in a compromise silhouette ware neiiner fitted nor siraignt, fcut is a very wearable and becoming newcomer. There are striiht eut lacket that may be worn boxy or cinched with a wide contour belt. There are suits with snatching stoles , . . suits with few- ' Enchanting ensemble of a printed silk dress with coat of. wool jersey lined in matching print (Photo: N.Y. Dress Inst.) sculptured lines that accent the waistline and curve over th hipllne. , . Each of these new suit sil houettes is destined to add an exciting air of newness to the Easter Parade of 19S3. - To add even greater empha sis on the variety of the spring suit showings are the softly tailored suit which resembles a dress, the silk siflt for after- five wear, and the costume suit. The silk suit Is often shown with a one-piece dress and sep arate jacket in silk pongees, foulards, tie silks, and small patterned brocades. The costume suit rates high as a fashion success this spring Designers have done interest ing treatments in the choice of fabrics used. This suit Is usual ly in three piecesjacket, skirt and blouse. The jacket Is lined in a wide range of fab rics from jerseys to printed silks and cottons with blouses in the same fabric. The slim skirt lends itself beautifully to the fabric, con trast that is so fashion-important this spring. The narrow boxy Jacket, either tapered to the hips or snown witn suis in the sides, Is doubly smart in the fabrics that have texture interest' Thick tone-on-tone woolens, boucle weaves, nubby wool tweeds, and. lacy poodle cloths are featured . In tne jackets, ; while a blending smooth fabric is used In the slim skirt. i - There are many formulas for creating the costume look. This is achieved by a blending of various fabrics that comple ment each other, such as a worsted crepe blouse, heavier weight skirt and a jacket of nubby tweed or surface-interest coating. , ;H 1 ; Colors , in the suits at the showings leaned heavily to ward the pale tones, from creamy white to sandy beiges. Pastels are important, too, with creamy yellows, pinks, blues. and some . lavender. Navy holds a heavy lead over black and gray, and is very popular. The exciting variety in the coat fashion picture is achieved through silhouettes that range from the, column or linear coat to the inverted V line., " The narrow, long-line coat is distinguished by its top in terest; a new kind of bulk and width that is definitely 1953! The deep, easy armhole is much In th limelight with a new, softer width at the shoulderline. This new wwtn Is achieved without padding, but depends rather on the In teresting placement - of tne shoulder seem." . ; ..- : There is almost limitless choice in the length of the 1953 coats. The 30-inch topper is curved around the figure, the two-thirds length topper Is smartest when narrow, and the seven-eighths length is a newcomer with its narrow, ta pered look. Other points of interest in the coat picture are: the low ered waistline, achieved with low-placed pockets or seaming . . . the clutch coat, devoid oi buttons .in. narrow and taper' lng affects ... the poncho coat, which hook or buttons under the sleeves . . . and coats with separate capes or stoles. Necklines add greatly to the infinite variety found in this Spring's coats. The collarless neckline is a fashion leader, usually with a cardigan effect Built-up collars are worn high about the face for a very so phisticated air. Large collars. ranging from big rounded shapes to deep sailor styles, help to underscore the impres sion of shoulder width. In fabrics, surface interest is still most important with poodles giving way to fleeces and softer, fin lines, wnere poodles are shown, they have a lighter, almost frothy air. Zlbelines. , flannel coatings, worsted Jerseys, and frosty-el feet tweeds are consistent fa vorites at the showings. Neutral shades are strong est with beige the top favor ite. Yellows Head tne partei choice, and blues, coral reds, greens, and navy will be much in evidence on the Spring fashion scene.. . if.' 'LfriX a- " i i - r a RJ IV 1 i; i i ii If, ' v oVJ H to I II I Anticipation; Fashions Are Softly Styled The newest look in matern- lty fashions is inspired by baby clothes and little girl dresses! ' Mothers-to-be will find their dresses for Spring, 1953, feat uring such trime as smocking, fine ball fringe, rickrack, white organdy bows and collars. These Ilttle-girl touches are featured on broadcloth, pique, and checked, gingham. Little puffed' sleeves, copied from the French school smock, and nov el yoke treatments all height en this young look. Maternity separates for cas ual wear are definitely gay and brlght-hued. Denims, sailcloth, terry cloth, cotton twill, and ginghams are top favorites In the casual field. Matador pants and plus-fours with ribbed cuffs are topped with full sleeveless shirts in gay awning stripes. The peon shirt with a tiny collar, shirt sleeves, and shirred back is being shown blight calico print cotton, Gray wool, Jersey suit pair ed with a reversible coat of new Italian linen-and-wool fabric (Photo: N.Y. Dress Inst) solid broadcloths, and checked cotton. Textured effects and glazed surfaces add fabric interest to maternity . fashions for day time. , : .- For dress-up, sheer or gan xlne taffeta, silk shantung, and New Vivids Aid Pastels, n Gloves Mora delicate and feminine styling is the keynote of the Spring '63 glovb fashions. ' Everything U combined to eolnt us the feminine look of the new glove styles choice of colors, delicate and petit lines, dainty detailing. r- , l.-i-i m .11 noon uupvr w wt v " color used on white. This is featured in th finest of leath ers and the most popular priced cottons. Newest color approach Is whit touched with pastels such as pink, yellow and char treuse.. -.. !,. ... ' ," v Color contrast is splashed on the glove in clever underlays, embroideries, appliques, and inserts. These white with col or aloves are perfect accessor ies for this season's wmte- m-niinri mitholor nrlnta. now so popular: witn tne many suits, dresses, and coats that feature crisp white accents. Pink Is on of tne most im portant color notes for the hand, while beiges to mated tne many beige fashions, and bright citron yellows are . def initely prominent '. -- Nylons, in woven and string ityles take top honors for wide range of exciting colors and novel styling, with many printed styles to add a touch of Inspiration to the solid color ensemble. -; Double woven cottons and cotton strings are versatile in color range and styling, many of them detailed with crochet, plastic patent and straw. These three new detailing materials take their cue from other out standing spring accessories the crocheted bags, tne im portant patent shoes, the straw bags, shoes, and belts. . Embroidery Is noteworthy in gloves because of the new and striking way in which it is featured arranged in delicate motifs or widely spread to eov er the entire glove and brought down to the very fingertip to provide unique r color nign lights. With the many beautiful colors, dainty, original detail ing to be found in these new gloves, in all price ranges, ev ery woman can turn "a pretty hand" for Spring. embroidered ' Irish linen - are fashioned into two piece Spring - into - Summer , suit dresses. . ...'. Straight from the Easter Bun- , L-l.-. L-!-.f..l - I II I II nv i pastier, vriimiii ui . . . i I ' ' f X. it t. J.l.e.. I. I Y VS-. 5 ' uuimj pueivie, ... , I . s S W VT , fervour ! J, Sparkling Sprina 5 - . ..- Ufa - K open .-; . monday , yf r -I FRIDAY t . " "STORE OF ENCHANTMINT' "-"I I TIL 9 P.M. , CAmOLMrOfTWacWTOll ' ' J . .. . - - I . in3 wonderful fabrics! 7 perfect-size styles! band made bwttonrwtesl . beawUfwgy bound seams! self -covered shoulder pads! bottom secured by stay buttons! eswpcrb band finishing! spot and ereaae resistant! The famous 4-season suit you Just can't believ ot a pries like this! The LIFE SAVERS SUITS You love for their perfectionist fit, thtir top flight heavenly Burlington Rayons: Candy Cream (smooth), Candy Nub (textured), crisp Candy Checks. 16 flavors, sizes 1 0 to 20, 9 to 1 5, 1 4Vi to 24 Vi. Come for the sweetest buy i . you ever made at any price! Open Friday Nights 'til 9 .19.95 '" I 409 Court Strict Now::: J Ways to Buy! 4 LATAWAT CHA&QZ ACOUNT J BUDGIT PLAN lAHBeUdntnsltwlU your seletttoa) v..v v i t, i v x V I . V I. . I ! 1 - AX 4 h n U u r ..f It SC5 T"