Tuesday, March 24, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Selem, Oregon Ptf 4 EASTER PARADE! TT Swallows Are Week Late in Arrival Here About a week later than a year ago, the swallows have reached their nesting places at Dr. Will J. Thompson's Biverdale Park on the Wil lamette river a few miles south of Salem. A few advance scouts reached the Thompson place s few days ago but the main body did not arrive antll Monday , morning; A year ago they reached Biv erdale Park March 18 and In Your Easter Bonnet .. . ,v rap n.. r. rn.h Tn full dress rehearsal in London. eight matched greys draw the gold state coach in which Queen Elizabeth U will ride to her coronation The coach, which weighs four tons, was completed in 1761. (UP Tele- The birds were reported as having arrived at San Juan Capistrano, Calif., in 1951 it was March 13. March 19. photo) i -if . .lr..XLx,t w'stai- if ; lj "n flint I 'ilirilV- Teen Talk ly VIVI AN MOWN , AP Newsf eatures ; prlng fiwwnakes Snow wbiU If the toft bit for thli year' Easter bonnets, as witness these two fresh and youth ful examples from Laddie Northbridge's Junior collection. Left, little white cloche bedecked with coral velvet ribbon and white lilacs; right, white straw bonnet with one huge red geranium in back. (AP Wirephoto) Kaster is for rejoicing aU . ever the world. Here in the United States . much excitement occurs be- : fore the big day in the aelec ' tlon of Easter cards and fash ionable new finery. The after church breakfast party, Easter wad and egg-rolling con tests are favorite ways io cel ebrate. What resourceful American girl would resist these opportunities to lasso compliments on her new Eas ter bonnet and perky togs? Sunrise services, popular in Europe, are becoming very popular in America. Many families gather on hilltops at the crack of dawn for services : and hymn singing. North and South, East and West, a spirit of music and pageantry brightens the world at Eastertime. In some for eign lands bonfires, folk danc- as and torchlight parades com- memorate Easter and the com ing of spring. .. t : 1 Let us glance around the world and see how young peo ple In other landa celebrate. South of the border, Mexico makes Easter the gayest of all holy days. Young people and grownups shoot off fire crack ers. Bullfights, song festa and folk dances are held every where. Shop windows arc dec orated with little sugar lambs wearing garlands of bright paper flowers. Spain .celebrate the day in much the same manner with holiday feasts and revelry galore. But in Denmark, it is 'customary- to spend Easter quietly at home or visiting one's family and friends. . In the British Isles, Easter eggs re exchanged, there is danc ing on the village green, and handball is played for a Tansy Cake, a traditional custom. April in Paris la more than springtime and romance. It is Eastertime splendor as this fashion center works hard to have every seam and hem in- new raiment en Easter Sun day. '. ' Trench youngsters are told that church bells "fly back from Rome" on Easter morn ing after being silent during Holy Week, bringing bonDons 5 is Happy Easter A greet ing card reminder that all good little girls deserve new Easter bonnets to admire as this bunny does, preparing for the big parade. tact in keeping with the tra dition that all ahould wear and colored eggs to those who have been good. When they rush outside to see the bells, parents explain: "They've left their sweets and flown away." Holland begins celebrating Easter on the Eve when young Dutch people march through I with the eggs. the streets carrying sighted lanterns on long sticks. Later there is singing and dancing Ire the market place. Tulips are in bloom and windmills are turning in the breexe as choirs sing Easter hymns. . In Norway and Sweden, out-of-doors Easter services and spectacular ice carnivals are held In mountain resorts, skiing and skating contests fill the afternoon. Parents and children decorate Easter eggs, and hide them for others to find. , Passion Plays are presented in Germany, Italy and many other European countries. These dramas recreate the Easter story. In recent years Passion Plays have been held in Oklahoma, South Dakota and Illinois. The best known is the one staged at Oberam mergau, , Germany,, every tenth yearaince 1634. Candles are blessed during Easter services held in Italy and young people use them to kindle festive bonfires before the church. Blazing sticks are then taken home to kindle household fires for good luck Italian pastries are wonderful at Eastertime.' Corona di nove. Is baked in circles and decor ated with Easter eggs. Ital-ian-Amreicans take the same dough, shape It into Easter bunny patterns and top it i Pastiere is said J Tarn-Dye Wonted ... A favorite fabric for spring is superlatively handled by Philip Mangone in a suit precisely tailored yet soft enough for late afternoon wear. Yoked bodice features tab detail and square buck le of rhinestones. Cuff-link buttons and curved flap pockets signs of season. to be another delicacy, cover ed with a lattice work of sweetened noodles. Several Easter customs ob served in Germany have an cient myths. Hilltops blaze with traditional bonfires from which farmers roll burning hoops into their valleys to bless the soil and bring rich crops. Young girls are told they will become beatiful If they bathe in water dipped from rivers at sunrise Easter morning, and perform the en tire ceremony without speak ing a single word. Easter eggs were once sent with Biblical messages, In European countries. But since the mid-19th Century, they've been replaced by colorful Eas ter greeting cards in Ger many, France, The Nether lands, England and America. llDtoNRJW'S Itti2IJ LaU H-iU The MAW STORE HOURS 9:30 to 5:30 P. M. J Friday Nit till 9:00 P. M. Suit Easter's Own Favorite Color Beautiful A 1 1-Wool Fabrics Soft Styling and New Detailing . Tailored With Extreme Care GET YOUR FREE SPRING FESTIVAL TICKET HERE ON THE 1953 PACKARD AND MANY OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES! Q 9 4 PENNEY'S 160 N. LIBERTY, SALEM, ORE. . Gray Easter , . . Statue gray Is the color, feather weight flannel is the fabric and Harry Frechtcl is the designer of this suave suit slated for top honors in the big parade. The frosty white pique collar and cuffs button In for easy removal. Jacket has feminine tailoring. Penney' glamttr rttipe f&r Emttert PRETTY YOU, PRETTY HAT! Cnsnplimins, westning aaitor, scoop hell bonnets, young ffahe-faee coronets io Spring's loveliest col ors. ..all waiting for you, now, at Penney'il Do tome in toon to try e so, so sjMany...kV4 sj thorn, Inst peak yew pot to so lete SECOND FLOOR Swoot yoeuag straws ! Sprinff't new styles, slrift-y with veiling... oprigftd! 4 98 PRION AHD Beautiful . . . ail In handiome soft texture navy wool fabrics and they're cut and tailored with a ' care worthy of such superb material. Expensive looks ... done with simple, line, flawless detail. Rayon crepe linings. These navy suits go anywhere, anytime. 3 WOOL FABRIC 32" Yes ... Washable Crisply Tailored Lined Reed-slim styles in a wonderfully practical new fabric! Wash these, let them drip-dry, iron only lit tle, if at alt! Penney's hat many styles for you, right now, in checked patterns, solid colors; misses' sizss. SECOND FLOOR PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR ' j .X. .':f::x..hl. Jnl ri SHORT COATS... Cfeamyweol sawds) Most-wanted woolens! PRICED FOR SAVINGS, NOW) k nubby wool boucles! soft fleeces! TaV plaids! checks! Irarryl . ML, Subtle wool checks, with tah detail.