Tueaday, March 14, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon . ' I r i 11 1 Pit t-i-f ASTER PARADE California Interprets New Silhouettes and Style Notes with Exciting Variations Top Left; Newton-Elkln'a "Sylvon Pump," new, lor. t Spring with It long-tapering' linei and white Jet, leaf or namentation. Distinctively mart for '61. - ." Brllht as the tunihine, color ful ai the deiert in full bloom, and aa exciting m tbe ocean on wind-awept day, ia the fash ion feeling of the California collection! for Spring into -Summer! Slimmer llnea come through for tbe new aeaaon, in coat and dreu eniemblej In tapered, at-home panti and in leek fitting ahorta. ' ', ) Rich silks, fine linen, dra matic i cotton are all ued to interpret' the new dreue baiieaUy-aimple in line, and devoid of the extravagant flourifhe of the part. Sleevelet, bare - topped and haltar dreue a well a the newly important fpecta-' are emphasized imartne by tor frock with subtle weater top. California, too, give royal emphMl to - the enarmble theme. Coat and dreue are team mate in every major California collection. Jacket over dreue, are designed in the ensemble mood, too, Ever the leader in creating distinctive awimwear, Califor- nia give smart emphasis to the elasticlzed, smootn llnea pui- flattering suit The strapless top i heartily endorsed in all the leading swim-wear showing. Cotton . pucker, . denim, gingham, pique, cotton satins. and elasticized nylon and or- t't'4kc 1 rYour clothes will look so much smarter : over a Life Foundation You step into Fornifit's Life Foundation, and ' instantly. Your figure become one sleek, unbroken sweep. With butt high and young. Waist dimmer. Hip and fhighs trimmer, smoother t , . . You'll love the lailored-Uhfit perfection of a Life Foundation. ' Formfit's clever way of combining firm control with free-action comfort.; It' the key to A Sweetheart of a Figure I See for yourself,1 Be fitted by our trained corsetiere today. , Nylon Ufa Foundation -with plunging notkllne, shewn Other from $13.50 VP fl Irai from SI i75 "P QreMot from $6.50 P Ion are among the fabrle lead- era in awimwear. - CalJfofnla lead to the fabric parade with tbe dramatic entry of straw eloth excitingly in terpreted into easy-going cas uals and date-time dre-up. Golden State designers too, deftly manipulate denim, lin en, cotton suitings and all the Wonderful synthetics with a rew ease and decorum for "un der the aun" and "under the moon" faihion. For fun and tun fashions are alwaya pace-setters when they wear a California label I Tailored short are , top! They team with Indian princess overblouiea . . . with modified middies . . . with shirt-tall jacket . . . with poncho-styled shirts and brava topper with tand-away neckline or turtle- necked ribbing. : Terry i printed, ' plaided, plain, and used with wide va riety and distinction, in all fun wear. Golden highlight from the California collection: cotton with a "town" air ... . halter fashion . . . costumes! Coin and polka dots .'. . embroid eries and rich trims!. The gypsy look . . . the Span ish influence . . . Indian inspir ations . . . and colon borrowed from the world's most brilliant palette. : Pleated skirts . . . iwinglng kirt . . . ensemble theme in awimwear. Dutiful, beautiful denim with either a little boy look or one of sophistication! A like-never-before suit, sea son! Casuals a you love them! Conversation.- inspiring prints whispering silks and fas cinating fabrics! From the sophisticated, to the fun fashion California presents a queen's treasure of fashion inspiration for milady, whoever, wherever, she may be.- . ( o ; - V"' . Head Dresses Wear a Crown , The Coronation theme, to in-, fluential in Spring millinery design, is also strongly reflect ed in bridal headdresses. Pearls and rhinestones mounted in rigid settings shaped like royal crowns, or heavily starched lace in the ahape of a regal headdreu and studded and out lined with pearl are lome of the ityle which this season'! brides may wear when they are the queen for the day. England' largest river, the Thame, is smaller than the Mississippi when it leave Min nesota. . She will adore the wonderful New Easter Clothes now in Johnson's SUB-TEEN Assem bly Room ... a separate department devoted to glamour Sub-Teens only! See the new Easter Suits, Just 17.95 New collection of Spring Dresses. Sub-Teen sizes 8 to 14. 5.95 to 12.95 '( iU fa ttu 4tt.9M Johnson's Sub-Teen Assembly Room - Balcony , ' Spanish-motif Shorts and Blouse of seersucker with a "gay-blade" cincher. . m v ft i L ' " Swiiri laj Stripes used effectively in this coat-effect dress, Gray,' navy, and brown with matching stripes or sparked with white stripes. Hi Hat $10.95 i Chichi $10.95 Fashions Palette Offers a Light, Bright Color Theme; Pale Tints and Royal Hues ff.ahtnn extend rich, vi brant palette of deep tone and nri matels to delight milady when creating her Spring ward robe picture. From the palest off-whites to hi warm, caramel shade . . beige win top honor in every collection. The naturaj" too hnwi nromise to eleaant wool en, textured (ilk and rayon, a well a In linens ana conons. Vnn ln.the.nink to roty red,.there'i a wondrous glow to red. .there a wonorona iiow w i - --- , - - , , pastel highlight) took fot Wending and background tone . ... I Mm-M Mtl4dl on1 til lit trlffC. . wkv'1 tnnca. Intense eorili. and-naie ftlnk to dramatise and to alamorlse. True-blue, blue-greens and nainr are th "OUt of the blue fashion notes mi the eel scale. . fink, and ntmii nia lib iirminl and twacrieM blue. while wools highlight the true blues and navy blues. Hair Styles Take On a Regal Air HairityleS, a well at ready- to-wear afld accessory isimons, ihow the influence of the Coro nation. . ' i niu tiit at1s rmHtH the eUboraw high dressing of the earlier Eiutbetnan perioo. limoothiy from the face with I curl tilled on top or towara tat) Dies, ana em anon ai w nape of the neck. Another style show the Bait Arin hirh and filled hUh Oft the crown With short, brush ed up feather cut at back, Ttuu Mm Mrfeet seii slhgt for the coronet, 46 popu lar In Spring milllntry fash- tim initiHiment which ft be lieved to bate received the historic telegraph me age, "What Hath God- wrought." in the early testing of. the munleatloti, It a tnuteuin plec at Gorneil University, ri.t. .tnn nt mom greens, pale, silver greens and neutral, yellow greens are wondrous new accessory and basic tint. Citrus colors . . . orange, lemon and lime . . . remain fathlon favorite for Spring. Violet ha a winning way with women and will be een throughout the collection, but not i a leader. . rirsr take a back seat to beige, et remains a popular lot rjfint and suitings. . Slack and white remain con stant in fashion Importance! White Influences fabrics in Milkv.toned nastels or whlte- fleeked mixtures and white- grounded prints; tweeds and bmieles really get a "snow job." Ye--color, whether "hot or cold" Is important in the rich tapestry of color fashion for spring. A grama tie drap la t ash ever one hip; it's an etching afterntfon frock handsomely Interpreted in toast and White Silk Jttlnt, Gb$$m The Perfeet leflnnlnf . for rhot - Lovely Easier Outfit m A Of f AMD m tutrtc " tri MNftW i -' , j' - AvfWrf ivf tteak ' skhl fXftf tuAtm, Or toft Itskstfeol, sMassI aktttllal "t't wWtW9 WrM aWTrTI ajTWVrV WFItl O apWV McHoiv rtW itrtttch bodu . bserftrfWMllrf lilt wtdait Ctrwfitn The Towne Shop Capitol Shopping Center r. - QjOU fLji r I JS':;m Free Lance $3 0.55 u - .mi ' ' 1 Double Play $10.95 foot-easing comfort like this in the same pair of shoes Eda $10.95 Jaunty $10.95 "Pinna Mek Acklim) iooeirv 105 N. HIGH ST.