In "the -'Valley ' Edited by MIKE FORBES Sheridan ; Mr. and Mrs. Letter Nairn of Sheridan are the parent of r HELD OVER Fcurtii ssd Fissal Week Dusty Brooks And His AH-tar Harlem Revue Featuring The Rrowa loaabshell JaanitaBrewa aad Bulem Jul Band The Hew Inn IWPertlaadEd. j t ( in om area last year, "I t i 'if J Fa' f HOW WE STRETCH Em small economies add ud to large 1 . Every family theae days knows how important it is to make dollars stretch. And so it is in the telephone business, too. We've always been oonocny minded, of course. And we never stop trying to make go farther p'T?- j S. This machine does double daty digging a trench and placing cable in a single operation. Previously, machinee were used to dig the trenches, but the cable had to be placed in the trenches by hand. It's capable of placing fifteen feet of cable per minute, a saving of up to 60 per cent in time. ..which means that Jobs are dons taster and cost leas. '1 I a daughter, born March 15 at the McMinnvllle hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Morrli are the parents of a daughter, Kathryn Ann, born at the Mc Minnvllle General boepital March 1. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brandt of Sheridan and Mr. ahd Mrs. Coye M. Morris of Portland. I Mr. and Mrs. Wilroer Fouliot of Sheridan are the parents of a son, born March 13 at the McMinnvllle hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert nozart of Willamina are tfte parents of a daughter, born March 19 at the McMinnvllle hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones of Grand Ronde are the par ents of a daughter, born March 15 at the McMinnvllle hospital. ' i FraiUand Meeting; FrulUand FrulUand Women's Circle will meet at FrulUand church ' annex Thursday, March 26, at 2 p.m. Mn. H. Thomas is president; Mrs. Stanley Fagg, secretary. ENDS TONIGHT OPEN S:iS "AGAINST AU. FLAGS' "THE KAISERS Starts Wednesday OPEN :45 Aba tUaalty CMeats "ARMY BOUND v V .asisuBi ! jA -"ausun H I. 1 m ..mum mm pimwerf program nao ia use ihrougnout me company helped us than ever. Take our cars and Aurora Aurora The Boy Scouts Court of Honor, held In the Knights of Pythias ban in Au rora Thursday evening, March 19, with the Aurora troop, No. 624 as hosts, featured several second class awards made to members of troop No. 624, and a star award was presented to Wendel McLln, son of Floyd McLin, principal of the Au.ors grade scrool. - The Court of Honor includes Hazel Green, Mt. Angel, Wood burn, Gervais, Hubbard and Aurora. The 27th anniversary of the Maplewood Grange will be ob served Tuesday, March 24, and a special birthday cake will adorn and main table and be served during the refreshment hour at special ceremonies hon oring five memberi of Maple wood with 25-year jewels. ' Seated at the table and wear ing 25-year pins will be Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fenske, Gerd Eilers, F. M. Ferguson and A. J. Zimmerman. Music will be furnished by the Alaska Junk Co. of Port land. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wurster were i Itf v anrl Ibfver fWfar "Nmlmrm Pati. i DANCING IS FUN! Try Lesson Free Private Clan . Dance forties, Too! , Paul Armstrong Studios 155 S. Ifceriy H 17513 CHUCK'S MARINATED STEAKS A choice steak bathed a Hoen oi fame to areaatc a muy line in wanderrai steaks are an experience ia feedl pnees as aigner tnaa SERVED Chuck's 3190 Portland Read i (If V YOUR TELEPHONE DOLLARS savings as we work to hold down costs of bringing you service trucks alone. ' S. Installing aerial cable k easy for thie mechanical cable "lasher." A hneman starta U on its quick trip from one pole to the next, and as H is pulled along it se cure the cable to the wire strand which supports it. It's as neat as a sewing machine stitching a seam. The result: faster, more economical operation, and substantial sav ings in telephone dollars. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon aid and Lonnie Nelson of Long view. Wash., and Lloyd Nelson of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Neman Hurst had as their Sunday dinner guests Mrs. Hurst's mother and her brothers. Mrs. Jennie Zieg- ler, George and Bill Ziegler of BarloW. Mrs. Lena Mae Lambert called on friends in Aurora Thursday afternoon. Mio June Weinert, home economics freshman at Oregon State college, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weinert of Aurora, was recently elect ed to the board of trustees of Jameson House at Corvallls. Butteville Mrs. Charles Martin is re covering from bruises received in her home when she fell from a stepladder while painting. First aid and x-rays showed no broken bones. Robert Lindahl is in Hutchin son hospital, Oregon City, with a broken leg received in a fall at his home. ' The Women's Fellowship of the Butteville Congregational church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Cecil McCarty in Donald. Mrs. Hartwell wnite led the devotional services. the hostess, Mrs. Cecil McCarty, assisted by her lister, Mrs. Frances Metholt of Canby. Grand Island Grand Island The Grand Island Mothers circle and Com munity club sponsored a jitney supper from 6 to 7 p.m. at the school house Friday evening. Adelbert Smith, assisted by L. W. Scoggin, was the auc tioneer. They're So Good!! In wine, sfl sod Berts with Just ' ICTUS W f 111 Jul i flam. These Mutating aad. erauury steaas REGULARLY AT ' " Steak House Salem Phone S-M92 1 I i f. increase gatoUne mileage more man V v " t y:,m.-JW.-iWVH:i,,.:,.:.!..JV;i: By keeping tires fully inflated, by avoiding fast starts and following other good driving practices, tests indicate we may save as much as $160,000 on a company-wide basis this year. And we're working in many other ways, large and small, to hold our operating costs down. Roberts County Deputy Gordon Gil bert and Mrs. Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Howard, of the SUverton Hills grange were visitors at the grange meeting Saturday night. " Glenn Bidgood, agriculture chairman, reported on the po tato beetle and strawberry weevil. Mr. Gilbert, SUverton Hills, also reported on the strawberry weevil. Mrs. Roy J. Rice reported on her work at the legislature and told of the procedure in passing bills. Lecturer's program consisted of Dledge to the flag, two con tests, a song by Frank Judd and songs by the group. . Those attending SUverton Hills grange Friday night on their county annual visitation program were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sollenberger, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Higgins, A. D. Gra ham, Mr; and Mrs. Louis D. Johnston, Mrs. J. J. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Rice, Mrs. S. L. Minard and Mrs. Charlotte Jones.. The Home Extension . Unit wiU meet at the grange h Thursday, March 26, at 10:S0 a.m. with Mrs. John Hanna and Mrs. Oliver. Holcomb project leaders. Their subject will be "Herbs for Variety and , Ac cent." Mrs. Warren : Wallace left for Brooklyn, Wash., Thursday, where she wUl spend a week or more visiting her mother, Mrs. Myrtle Burke, and other relatives. Mrs. C. E. Brenneman and two daughters, and Mrs. W. E. Heacock and two sons, all of Eugene, spent Wednesday at the home of their po rents. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Forster. Mr. and v Mrs. Lawrence Johnston and daughters, Shar on, Beatrice and Shela, Corval lis, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Engel harn, Salem, were supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Johnston Sun day. Unionvale I Unionvale Honoring Miss Donna Lee Edwards, a bridal shower was held at the social , room of the Unionvale Evan- gelical United Brethren church I Friday evening. ," 1- i ' v 1 4t U fit " i 4 t . i . 46' f4 - fun milaptr gallon. f Siliktit , 4jf 1 We're saving pennies . and dollars, too! These economies are typical of the many ways both large 'and small that we atastch your telephone iollars. And over the yean, they add up to big savings in our oper ating budget... savings which en able us to bring you fine telephone service at prices which make your telephone a good friend of the fam ily budget. YOUR TELEPHONI IS ONE OF TODAY'S BIST BARGAINS IpPacificTeiephone Thirtv.fiv relatives and. friends attended and presented Daffodils ana viojcib were the flowers used in the bou Kamea were enjoyed. Cake, jello, coffee and punch were served lor reiresnmcnis. Mrs. Roy Stoutenburg gave the benediction. Pratum DMtnm - Pratum Com munity club held its monthly meeting Friday night at Pra tum school, with a swias steaK dinner. Spring flowers and caster decorations were used thrnuehout the dinlnS room. Three hundred and two din ners were served. Mr. Chambers, of Tinkbam Gilbert store of Salem, en tertained the. large crowd aHth a Television nroeram during the dinner hours. After dinner the following nnimin was aivenL: aeveral vocal solos, Huburt Asp in- well, reading, jtaipn ueuuer, vocal' trio, Cannon Roth, TWtr Tiitt Alice Grant: reading; Mrs. Elmer Hansen, piano solo, vaieta nay; aaui "iraiura piayer. i : Th nrMirient Sav LUlCV named the ' following com mutes for April meeting: Program Mrs. Dave Ramseyer Jr., Mrs. Albert Schearer, Willis Goebel. Refreshments Henery Beutler, Mrs.' Joe Slater, Mrs. Albert Gerig. Dallas Dallas Circle A of the Pres. ! byterian church met Friday at the home of Mrs. Earl Benbow. Mrs. Al Burlebach presided at the meeting and Mrs. Norman : Baker led devotions. . ' 1 During the meeting final plans were, made for an apron and food sale to be held during Apra The bulk of the after noon was spent working on tea towels for the coming sale. The meeting closed with re freshments and a social hour. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Tracy Staata and Mrs. Dave Grant, both of Dallas.-. The next circle meeting will be held the third Friday in April, the first Friday not be ing scheduled as a meeting date due to the fact that it is Good Friday. The meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Walter Mulr. i i Strawberry Fete Plans Developed ' Lebanon Strawberry fair board members and chairmen of the committees for the 41st annual celebration are now meeting- regularly to plan the 1953 event. Plans will be out lined this week, budgets sub mitted and actual promotion will begin. -: ; v . A limited number of glo- cards for auto bumpers are' available free at the Chamber of Commerce office, to publi cize the attraction on June 4-8. Three - Presidents ' of .' the United States died on July 4 John Adams, Jefferson and Monroe. S OPEN C:45 P.M. ENDS TOWTI. "HUT WHITE IWNTR NTS" I IPP" j tad "(iUm HDD" TOMORROW! AT REGULAR PRICES! MUSICAL FUN! wooooeooeooooooeooeA.'i-ii. mr mni.itin urn IIIIU MtTd.llllt IIAtUI sa sis siiiEl CO-FEATURE! TtoBaHtt-StrattitfSafi mmmu-trnm CarkiOvtlm! COSY COT ICS iMnDsffl-tmmcn mmiisM-xmsirHi fOGAS BUCHANAN ni i i iiii.iiinwai r?AZ m e!IosaT3oej fl Rosemary Claaney I LaariU Mekhler f ; In TechnicalOT I S. "STARS ARB i , SINGING" I I Peter lawfsrd "ROGUE'S MARCH Jj MM Hubbard Hubbard The annual Mys tery Mother-Daughter banquet viriiiv ovenlne was hiohliahted with a decorated birthday cake complete with candles ana yel low daffodils, brought by Mrs. r..... T-aMW fnr her foster daughter, Miss Sally DeArmand who could not be present. Mrs. Harry Reed, president, .mfiui tha business session with the minutes of last year's meeting read by the secretary, Miss Arlene Strewn. Mrs Howard Jones was elected president with Mrs. E. lu carrett as vice prewaeni, and Miss Eleanor Aho, secre tary for next year. Names for the past year were disclosed and new names drawn. Gifts were distributed. Mrs. Jerry Spurlock won the mother's prize in a balloon bursting game and Miss Jo Mc Narv wan the dauehtcr'i nrize. Miss Strawn received tne spe cial prise. Mrs. Leffler was pre sented with a gift for Ming a member of the group the long est having been among those Held Over! MHU K9MWII TnM PWHMY1 MAT. DAILY FROM 1 TM, ACADEMY WNNIR! DIRECTORf COLOR!' ' HERBERT JOHN FORD asd MERIAN : MAUREEN ; lARtt VAYIIE O'HARA FITZGERALD - - KsassxwiicBMmtum inilM CflDls rJUnn rlllfll A I1FWUC HCTURI (Mm r eiii.e .i.iajju.wi ji r.ii.ui ariM.i I M.Mir e:iti-iMmiRi)He-e-:iaf:iKB,llUH ox Office Open 6:45 p.m. Starts Tomorrow! James . H S STEVJfvRT o $. Janet ' UIGH M c Robert ,:, m u MM I i mm MITCHELL CO-HIT! WHOOPEE! THC FLEET'S IW ( ' SHORE LEAVE. ..ond Tuesday, March 24, 1953 who organized it. Appointed on the dining room committee for next year were Mrs. A. L. Murphy and Mrs. C. K. McNary; and on the kitchen committee Mrs. Floyd Dominick, Mrs. AI Barendse and Nella, Mrs. Spurlock and Nancy. "7hohi2-782 UltM tAIMHV WCanttl M Gates Osea f: Show at 7:15 Ends T suite (Toes.) In Technicolor UJONNUU HttrUKI" . Esther Williams Plus "DHKMTf JUKH" Howard Keel i. YATES C COOPER'S Ass rnMKe - ' Saw rw r nttM S. MKXT ' maurice walsh COLOR ENDS 10MT1 (TUE3J Tsm lack ShsM" asd "Slrwgs FtKlOSfiOl it't "SHORE" FUNf,