Tuesday, March J4, 1958 gOO SALE POULTRY IOE IALB Twin mUr, day-old chleka la New Hampshire, Fermentore, Red. Whit Leehorus, Austra-Whlte, . Wall Boeke, White Wraadotlee, Far. Burner cockerels. Le Hatchery, phone Mill I' WBIT LBGBOBNI, Aualra-Whlte, and New Bampeblr, chicks, 111 hundred, an. I-M4I. Palmer'. Poultry Farm, arookl. 171 PRODUCE OBOANIG OBOWN TREI . BIPINED . raniel and irepeirult. Potatoes, on- tona, apple, and null. PHIFP1P BROS, . PARK MARatBT, 1510 lucuti! Drive. Phona M1H. ft HELP WANTED MALE MKN-4f yon m Dot making both ends maal with the tnereaeed cost of Uv Ing, Invsetlgete kbit ad. Barn (ram 41N to 411,000 a year. Wa wtu tntar vlew applloanta Wadnetdar at u o'clock a.m. MM Broadway, gall" BODY AND fender man. Must be Jour neyman, fee Harvey, 12th Street Body Shoo. INI Bo. 11th. gals WANTED Ifan an abate crop baiaa lor aevoral acrel of cucumber itrew berrlse, beana or other cannery crop. W. T. Lord, K. I, Box 11, Hubbard. Ore. ten MARRIED KAN who can Duality to represent Puller Iruah Co. Our know bow and tralnlni with your co operation will aasure you of 10000 yearly Income. I77.B0 weekly guaran teo to atart. Phone 3-8387. aa71 I Promotion J AND ' 1 Expansion- Have Caused This Company An Immediate Need Por Qualified Men From 3 34 to 40 -. J Tears of Aee To Pill Present Vacancies' I Interviews will ,be conducted f WEDNESDAY ONLY if To select a men as our representatives In thii area. All applicants must have .4 ' ae appearance, food pejeonallty, M own car. and be able to travel live dan a week. Previous selling exper t's Jioce la not necessary, though helpful. -I ' -I Outran teed Income of $100 per week v.1,-" begins with training. ago part-time ..f men need apply. -$ Contact W. R. Olson ' Benator Hotel, Salem v ' Wednesday, March 35. IMS 1 10:00 AM, to fl;0g P.M. trail i HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED -Lady between 15 and 50, care 4 for two ohildren, aces 4 and 4. 136 j week. 4-4M3. Cb73 't Advertising f Advcrttslns aalaswoman; 5100 week; dar helpful; travel extensively; ex- perlenca unnacessarrt write Box as, Journa.1 or phone 1-4811, 4:30 to ; 1 p.m. only. ab71 fcoUBEKEEFEB wanted for . day work S or live In. 3-0774. ab73 taXPEBIENCED check-out Ctrl. Apply in person. Ebner'a Park and Market. - v Corner of Park and Market. tb73 ' WANTED WOMAN for llaht housekeep lnr. 5 tfaya a week. Call 37700 after s p.m. 'ab73' OBADTJATI NTJBSE8 Immediate open hit P.U. at Relief ahlftt, 113.40-113.53 ' per I hour ahut. Ml, ahaata Howl te, Mt. Shasta, California.- ib74 OFPICS MANAGER, with bookkeeping A experience and knowledge of collection i. procedure, preferred age, 36 to 35, 40 V hour week, paid vacations, salaTr $350 to $375. State Tin Service, 3-3459. In- quire Mr. Lytle. gb71 XACTICAIi NUB8E to ear for patient. Xlderly lady. 34-hour service. Room St and board. Farm home. $35 per week. CaU 3-1175. fb73 BEAUTICIAN WANTED t I wlU have an opening for an . .. perlenced operator, by the middle of ; ; ApriL Excellent opportunity. Apply ..i jsricn or New xors, 351 H. Liberty, - Phone 3-3031. b73 i WAITRESS Woodroffe'a San Shop, 3400 : Portland Rd. No phone calls. gb CAR HOP Woodroffe San Shop, 3400 ' Portland Rd. No phona calls. gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Office Jobs Bee us for quality Jobs. Benefit by oar knowledge of employers and by our ex- perlenee In the community. Check our listings Mondays Wednes days. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 404 state St. (OreiOQ Bids.) 4-3361 . gf71 WANTED SALESMAN SALESMAN Are you willing to work I hrt. a day and 6 days a week? If so. ' Investigate this ad and find out how you can earn $10,000 per year. Come to 1440 Broadway, Wednesday, at 10 o'clock a.m. nTl MAN PART TIME To work I hours, four evenings per week. See Mr. Storms, Hotel Marlon, Wed. eve., March 3t, I o'clock sharp. gT3 WANTED Part time salesman. Apply n ir. MDiriy. ask zor Mr, jteynoMs. g?3 LEADS. And mora leads. Yes wa have a tre mendous market for our produot. The PYRAMID HOSPITAL PLAN Is sued by Pyramid Ufa Insurance Com pany has an unusual opportunity for men dulrlng a professional sales Job with absolutely no canvassing, all leads are furnished free. There isn't enough space to tell you our salea men's success story but If you qualify tothe louowmg answer tnia, 1. Between 31 and 50 3. Own a late model car 3. Willing to work 4. Want a minimum of $8,000 yearly wun increases every year I. Bond able $. Neat in apearance We do not want men who want Just a Job. We want men who want above overate Incomes and an increasingly prosperous future. Write to Man iter, Room 515 Governor Building Portland, Oregon and person al Interview will be arranged, ssll FUBLIC RELATIONS FIRM wants local repreeentetlve for Belem. Dallee, Sll erton and Woodburn. There will be no out of town travel, but car re. quired. Those who are ouallll.d for thla type of work will be given Im ' mediate training. If you ar lnteretted tn making 1500 per month or more, write Don PJehter, 414 Llvesley Bid,., Belem, or oall 44533 from 1:30 to 11 noon, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day. 1,73 WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING. Free eaumetes. 35 years ex- pcrlcnoa In Belem. Phone 1-7533. hll MARRIED MAN wants llaht farm work. Furnlah cabin, 140 month. Paul Ingold, Oen. Del., Balem. h73 EXPERIENCED accounting clerk, and typist wanta office work, 4-1 bourt a day. Box 13, Capital JournaL h71 GOOD CHILD care, not crowded, near atata buildings. Phone 4-5555. his CAPABLE WOMAN, good worker, will beke, Iron, clean or care for alck per son from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 51.00 hr. Phone 8-7751. morning or, eve. 1 h73 DRESS maring, also men'a ahlrta, etc. Soma alteration Phone 44fru,. h7S CHILD CABE Enilewood district. Mrs. Bertlo Johnson, 1090 N. IS, 1-0S61. h75' BXPERIEVCED CHILD CARE Atea to 5 yeara. my boma. 1340 wnberBl. h73 BUILDINO REMODELING, plastering, brick work. No lob too email. 4-1315. hll WtEMAL'S DAT NUBSFRY Licensed and atata Inspected. Intents up to 3. Phone I-S01I. BKf WANTEDPOSITIOHS PLOWING and dltelnt. orover L. Ik mans, tall Bloaeom Dr., Balm, Phona Hill. Ml' NEW lane Rotarr ' hoemg. Free utl matee. Duene Wolaott, Phona Hill. Ml PATCH PLAttlBiNO, batemonte water- proofed bit plastering. Prank' eervtce, phonel-lse. mi PAPEB bangino, palntlni, fraa aiti. matee. Don Luccro, Ph. 1-6533. h73 GARDEN PLOWING , PHONE 3-8041 bit OARDEN, PLOWEB bed and lawn pre paration. Plowing, dlaclni. leveling, . lototiun. service Outer. Phone 43571. Ml (ILINQ WITH new U.I. BOTABV TH- ban, mono evening i-aili. Mi UOHT CRAWLER, doalni, dirt lent. ini, gracing, pnon 1-3330, hll IANDIOAPE maintenance, pruning, trimming, piantuts. lertllxlnx. Berv Ice Center, phone 4-3673. hTt CUSTOM WORK plowlsi and dUelng. ruone a-esea. lava niranwoo or. hit TBEE WOBK. Topplni, trlmmlni, re moving, injured operator, dona rarno. Ph. 3-0621. h7t FIRST-CLASS carpenter work. Mew. re- mooej, repair, no loo too emeu. Phone 393(1. Ml CARPENTBR Osbtnet work, horn re- moaeung. iree tiumite. can a-u, 4-1613. 1 - ' hB0 FOR RENT ROOMS WITH HOT cold water, heak nleely furnished room, 365 Center, JkTS NEWLY DEOOBATED, flnt floor, alao aecona iioor eieepini room, not and coia water. 411 N. Hlih. Jk7e nice light housekeeplnc room. Lady. ass ti. cnurcn. lfc7a room'&boTrd" wanted, I elderly ladlea to room and Board. Phone . )173 WANTED TO RENT COITLE A baby alrl dulre 3 or 1 bed. JILI room unfurnlebed houae vicinity fia lam General Hospital, college erads dependable., No duplexea, apartmenta. 3-0454. Ja71 COUPLE and baby daslra a bedroom nouse, vntn etove, reirlaerator to B0, Blihland district, 3-I878. )a73" ON LEASE Grade A Dairy a soon possible. Have lo head of Holiteln aiock. ttt. 3. boi 409, Moiaiia. Rer. Ph. Vermont 4181, Portland. Ja7l FOR RENT HOUSES 4 BOOMS, bath, utilities. Call After 1. 31 8. 13tn (rear). im73 UNFURNISHED BOUSE, for rant, 133 Statesman. )m73' UPSTAIRS DUPLEX, 4 large' cheerful rooms and bath. 155 per month. Wa ter, light, aanltary service paid, nice yard. Ph. 1-7577. Jm73' NICELT LOCATED, I 'room and bath home, basement, forced air oil fur nace, 545 per mo. Call Rawltna Realty 3-4684 or 4-1701. Jm ni BEDBOOM borne, located In Hol lywood district, 45 per mo. cau Baw- nna Realty 3-4014 or 4-1701. )m' FOR RENT Furnished duplex, $so; 1 -bedroom house, &6. A one-bedroom sew sot Use, close in, F. H. WEIR, REALTOR Ph. 1-illl ImIS' ONE-BED BOOM untarnished bouse. Water furnished. Adulta. 17 Market 6U lm73' NEWLY DECORATED bouse. Xlderly lady preferred, couple considered. In- - oulre 780 N. Cottage. Jm7l 3-ROOM HOUSE, 3115 Nebraska, lor couple and one child. $50. Phona 37154 evenings. . JmTI FURNISHED OR unfurnished 1-bedrooa cottage, garage. Inquire 38i Port land Rd. Jm76 LOWER FLOOR of duplex, 3 bedrooms, lurmsneo, garage, garden. it.oo month, water Included. Sultobla for adults. 3149 Center St. Ph. 3-3337. Jm71 S ROOM furnished house. Adult,. No pete. No drinkers, partyx. Taoutre 1115 N. 14th alter 3:50. p.m. jm73 t NICELT furnished duplexet, atrletli modern, 450 and 155 per month. Alto small 3 bedroom, clean unfurnished house, ltt block aoutb if Colonial House. Call 15711. tmW LOVELY i-bedboom la s alee dletrlot in west eaiem. Roomy, neat and clean. 150 per month. Call Rawlins Jteelty, 3-454 or 4-1111. Jm -BEDBOOM furnished rental, , newer, clean and neat, only KB per month. Call Rawlln, Realty, l-IHI or 41111. lm CLEAN AND neat 1 bedroom unfurnish ed aouse, attached eeraei, large liv ing room, Venetian blinds, alaetrla heat, 155. No peu. V, mile Beat 4 cor ners. Phona 4-1171 or ask for ken at 4171 Stele. )m73" WEST SALEM-Clean, nicely furnished l-Kom house and sarage, ISO. In autre 1111 Idgewater. HIM, Jmll SMALL FIVE room house at 1444 Ohe. meketev St. No garage. JmTI CLEAN. I bedroom, living room, kitchen, dinette, partly furnished. Adults. No pet,. Utillllea, 143.50. Fhona II3SI. . . Jmll OFFICE FOR RENT S OB S-BOOM SUITE, I alnlll. Oreion Building. Phone 1-4114. Jo (MOUND FLOOR office or ttora apace for rent. Call at Pitta Markat. Jo FOR RENT APARTMENTS BEALLT NICE, large 1 room furnished apartment, ground floor, private en trance, laundry faculties. Inquire 1111 Bute. i Jpii S BOOM apartment, private bath, $30 month. Call attar I p.m.. 1310 N. win tar. Jp73 NEW S BOOM court apartment. Phone 35113 or 45531. JP73 FUBNISI1ED 1 room basement apart ment. Private bath, entranoe, refri gerator. 145. M0 Union. Phone 15341. Jp73 CLOSE IN, nice modern S-room furnish ed apartment. Adulta only. Phona 35490. Jp7l MAN AND wife to take over rooming house, for exchente for utilities and apartment. Close In, write Box 37 capital Journal. Jp73 3 ROOM furnlahed, bath, refrigerator, laundry, its. 115 N. Liberty) 341 1 1 IP731 FINEST larte 1 bedroom, unfurnished except rente. Phone 3-1117. Jp74- ON OB ABOUT April 1, I room apt, red.corated. 1131 N. Commercial. 3-3531. JP71 l-ROOM furnlahed apartment. 170 N. Winter. Phone 1-3543. $53.50. JP73 lAIOI TWO bedroom unfurnished apartment except stove end refrleer ator. Oood deal to right party. Also nicely furnlshsd clean apartment. Utilities furnished on both. 301 South 16th. Jp7S' NICE FURNISHED apartment, reason. able. Phone 4-1730 or 3-544S. Jp7 1 BEDROOM unfurnished apartment with stove, refrigerator and T.V. an tenna, 901 S. 11th. IP7I' FOR COUPLE, or 3 girls, modern apt. near telephone office, etate buildings and ahopplng center, utllltlea paid, Including Washer at electric dryer, plenty of hot water. 454 N. Winter. IP73- STATE AT 13th. room furnished apt. 117.50. To see Pb. 3-4170. Jp74 1-BOOM NICELY Center Su furnished apt. 353 IP73 VERY ATTBACTtva court apartment, 3 roome and bath, oil heet, electric rense and refrlrerator furnkthrd Community TV aerial available. 194 So. 17th Bt. Phona 33131 data, o 33713 altar 4 p.m. 1P73J beautiful furnished apartment. Pre fer oermanent resident, 444 R, Cot tage. Phona 3-1117. IP FOR RENT APARTMENTS CBEAP BIN. eloea apartment, weed .ana, Brouaa tioor, pa. a-pet. jpta UNITEXltBID, 1 bodreem. mo darn aaarl ,parUeal, Clew la kna, alao trlctly. water, laundry, feeUHlee fat nuti.d. Ph. l-ini. jp7j. CLOU in, bouaekeeplni m. Dtuitlaa fnrraaned. til a. Char eh. 4 BOOMS Mlcalf faralehed, lal neighborhood. 1 block aaat Meatorlel hospital IM a0. Bummer. Ip73" PBTVATB THBEE BOOM fOrnUbad Kurt apartment, eleaa. AdalU, tat. I too Portland Rd. Ip7 SEVBBAL turnlehed apartmenu, good location. Inquire B. t. Stiff Pumlture. Phona I-I1W. Jp rUBNIIHID APABTMINT, HI. 1M4 siorw vommeroiai. rnau eeee, avett tnai. )P71 a-BOO If furnished court apartment, re decorated, close in, l-etie. imi ATTRACTIVE, clean, famished apart ment, ror one or two. rrivete beta at entrance. Cloaa In. Oarage. 140.00. Ph. S78M. Jp71 BEDBOOM furnished, electric beat. adulta, Hollywood district, phono 18300. JP74" rUBNISBTO apartmsnt, 155.00. Just re decorated, 1 bedroom, kitchen, living room, bath, altttrlc Mat, aleolila atoms, crrer, an utllitlaa paid. WALTErt MUSOIUYi; RKALTOB Ph. 1-llW . . Bve. HID rp74 NICELT PUBNI8BED apartment, Am. oaeseaor apartmenta. ao If. Bum mer, imt Lee Apts. B.'-m't Moat Dtttlngutahtd Addreat Poliowln, rentals can be shown now: 3-Bdrm, Available Now 110.00 i-Bdrm. Available Now ........ n.oo 1-Bdrm. Available Now 77.00 1 Bachelor Unit, April 1 , 11.50 For luxury living at moderate rates call at 5W H, Winter St. Pb. 4-1141. JP 'a eaaieiaeei MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVa i MOVE TOURBBLF ' BAVB U FlCKTJPa STARES VARB ' TXXACO (TATION 111 COURT ST. PHONE 1-1131 PAOB STEVENSON and AL MBPPORD a DENTAL PLATS REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST OASia DR. BARVBT 8BMLXR. DENTIST LAdalph BMt., State at Commercial Bit. baim ra. a-uii m BAVB TOU aometbing te stilt We will ecu it tor you wed., Mar. , 7:10 p.m. at AUCTION. Can 17J1I or 41711 V or bring to KUZIB AUCTTON, 10 Chemav Rd. m73 S-tLEM BAND Si ORAVBL COMPANY Contract Work ' -v Road Clearing - Ditching Bewer and Basement Equipment Rental 1 . ; Bitching by the Foot Phone Dayg 3-I404 . ; Bva,. 1-4417 or S.7411 .. ' Balem, Oregon aa Logs Timber WANTED! L. . Klumpp, 3035V'a'nd Rd Balem. Oregon Pb. 1-VS41 u71 BUUbDINO MATERIALS GARAGE 14x14 complete on your lot, 111.31 r atopic, ao owa payment. . Toa can fix that den ear add that extra bedroom the aama trap. Visit wltt va aearnl . . Portland Road Lumber Yard OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY Mis Port-tad Rd. . moat 4.4413 ma WE NEED TO MOVE IT TO MAKB ROOM QUICK!! Oadar aiding Bhorta 16.00 to 16.00 (ood for small building). Hem. Bdg. Bdm. length (not bad! Uxl 61.60. fix I a 44x14 49 K. 1x3 I' Bean Polaa ( few) IVel oath you baull 1 Baited Oadar pencil 16x11. aome vary good, some bad, fraa I ft, to 13c ft. Bop Peg 4 40 V. reu haul. Oar den atakea, ar what da you need' ' To fane la tba do ar ablld "itltkt for ploket," 114a lln. ft. TOUR BUILDINO SUPPLY FRIENDS" Portland Road Lumbar Yard MM Portland Bd. Phaae 4-4433 ma WRECKING HOUSE at 444 Center at, Lola of ihlplap, til, lxl and IHO Us, Aa aiding aad floerlnff, doom, windows. Lota f other materiel. Lath too per bundle. BRICK 1c, YOU PICK. Madson Wrecking Co. ataTl SHAKES Mo. 1 Feinted Cedar ahakao ..,.1 14 TrlPl lOxll lltaa frame. ....I17.H Bath tub,, oomplet , $41.00 Pint grade toilet 111.11 CAMPBELL BLOO. SUPPLY a Center near Frultlaad Pb. S-93! ma71 Price War Reverse trap toilet $35.50 JO" i tV' Wash basin in. 60 Cast Iron bath tubs, complete .$ei.u 40 gal. water heater' $73.50 New 4" soil pipe TO New shower cabinets complete ..$43.00 Medicine cabinet!, 14"x34" ....$ 7.90 500 ial. septic tanks a $$3.10 Unpalntcd cedar shakes $ 3.75 Painted cedar shakes ..$ 0.75 Overhead garage hardware ,,... 118.60 Waterproof wall board, 4x8 ,,.$ 1.00 Plywood. Interior At wtorlor i. Cheep 3 tab comp. roofing ,..$ $.05 Steel garage doors complete M.$I7.H No. 1 doore, 3 R"x$'S" $ $.60 New door Jambs ,,$ 3.50 Chicken house, barn windows.. Speelal New picture window $ $.00 C. G. LONG & SONS Phone 45031 (1 mils North of Kelter) ma HOOFING Compute line. Call Weitern Auto, 1-7177, for free estimate. Oam ble's Western Auto Supply Co,, 301 N. Commercial, ma77 Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles " No. Is, 11 Inches clear, 11; No. I, I Inches deer, 14. No cap wood or culls. Come and get them. Ted Mailer, Salem-Independence Road. Ph. Salem 3-1196. me' For Sole MISCELLANEOUS CAPTAIN'S chalra, bardwood, II lech, 16 the pair. Oltna woodrr'a, 1405 h. Bummer. nil METAL FENCES Chetn link or Omemental trpea. Res idential and Industrial. No yob too large or too amelL Material only or IaK rnmnlat. F.u .itlmiUL BORKMAN LBR. HUWE. CO. 144 atata atreet Ph. 1-3701 an THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salta, Orasoa Far lata MtSCELLANEQUS PAINTED SHAKES Mo, 1 VO - Bdla. Dipped - Choke at aalera - with ' waderaoroaa , .....,,,11.14 Without end re caret 114 ae. Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Fbana Mill .' Front a Court Bit. wa otv a a obbbn btampb TWIN MATT BX all I, ipc $1.94. oienn Weodry'a. IN, M. Suraer. n71 VACUUM CLBANIBaV-Cprtaht, tank, all reconditioned, 114. USED MERCHAN. fHBB MART. 170 So. Liberty Bt, phone eeyri. -rerme ei oourw, nil BUBBEB TIKE lawnmower, 41.50. Glenn wooarr, loos n. Bummer. n7i" FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, compoata, the aama quality aa laat year, for boma and garden. Fla,stonss, red lava atone and other trpea lor walla ejr gardena. Rua tle cedar fencing and trellis work. ' Phillips Bros., Rt. 5, Box 413, Balem. n. 4-10,1. B" . BALEU DIBSIL ' Boiler and ball bearing, for truck. and tree-ore. iin Buvertea moao. n TOP SOIL River tut and flu dirt, promptly delivery. Phona 3-1749. v n7, HOTPOINT BLIOTBIO range. 141.50 epc, white, smooth top, y high epeed cei rod elements and deep well cooker Bmsll, guaranteed. A-l. 35 otbere all alae, and prleee. Qltnn Waodry, loos N. Summer. n7i MABOOX DAVBNO and IWtol rocker, phona 1-4110. n71 SMALL piano, with beautiful tone, in agoguoni conoitiep. laeo a vo.iaae, n71 W 6B MORE tradl-ln ajlowanca o 6 our am aiovg tewatoa a new, oeau ful Mdntag electric range. E-z terms M balance, Olenn Woodry'a, 1N5 N. Bummer, n71 BAND VACUUM cleaner. Olenn woodry, 1101 summer. n7i- NSW COCBTAIL XABLE8 4II.W..USED MERCKAHDMS MART, 370 Bo. Lib. arty SI,, phon, 4N71. Terma of course, . n71 BOBPTTAL BED for sale or rant H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone I-Hat. b UNDERWOOD, NOISELESS, standard typewriter. Ph. i-imi niter s p.m. nil' USED washing machlnee, 19.15 and up. TBATBR APPLIANCE CO., Ill Che- meketa. n SHEBATON S pc.. walnut dining aulte. Rare value at 9 59 Monday ape oienn Woodry'a, 1S05 H. summer. mi- la, ALLOWED for your old water heater eat .IM. Kt M'""'u -.-w- irla water beater, Yeater Appliance, ate VQimuan- ra. .- " MEW MOMTAO kitchen hectare (Traab- burnera) ape II9-I9, oienn wooory a, leo9 N. summer. n71 MBW SWINQ rockeri calel 331.95, Olenn Woodry I. loot pummer. ti- BABOAIN HUNTER'S SPECIAL 4 drawer aarowooa onest, oaetent wan atructlan, dovatall jolata, ceatar gltdaa, while they last, 17.W. Ttadet lesula. in lana Ave. : all SELL OB TBAPS ahlnahlllaa. for good bouse trau,r. rn. -eeaa or ae a. 394 Fisher Road. alt MeCULLOCB CBAIN SAWS. 404 Zdgl water, West Balem, Balem Lowing Sup ply. Pb. 4-1441, r BEY POULTRY FBTILIEEB la" Terr good lor lawn aad easy to apread. St aack or yard, rhullps Brae., ah. 1031. n BABQADf BUNTEB'S SPECIAL drawer bardwood chest, eastern eon atructlon, dovctau lolnta, center giutea, whUe they last, 317.50. Trader Louie. in liana Ave. n75 SEAL DEAL) Brand new 33 gallon Bel deihuber electric water beater. Only 99. At Olenn Woodry', 140 N. Sum mer. n71 FOB balk ar trade 1440 puah button radio. HI. or M-ll rifle, ace at 1144 Brooke Arc. nil Sewing Machine Buyers When buying new or used cowing machine, call or write for our free colored catalog, fllnger Bewlng Center, 130 N. Commercial, Balem, Ore. Ph. 13613. nT3 GUITAR 17.60. Olenn. Waadrp'a, 1605 N. Summer. - - n7l Fertilizer Pulverlied, rotted manure, delivered anywhere. HT74 a 1-5073. n74 Gravel and Sand Anything In gravel, wholetale and retail. VALLEY BAND A ORAVEL CO. Ph. 1-4003. n' PIANO Baldwin Acroeonlc Spinet, blonde oabinet, ona year old, in per fect condition, only I6T6. CHUCK'S STEAK HOUSE, 1190 Portland Bd. n71 SBADOW BOX, 13.60. Walnut ' corner what-not ahelf, 41.94, bleak walnut ahalrs, walnut antlqua table,, An tique bad act, marble tope. Antique organ (rarg). Olenn Woodry'a, 1405 N. Summer. ntl CEBAMIC FIRING Uo per eu. 1110 liberty ltd. Inch, nil FREE WeeUnihouse gewtng maahlnea on all floor Samples. Save up to 40. YBATEB APPLIANCE CO., 371 Che maketa. ' a n COIL 41" Rollawar with mattrett, 435. Olenn Woodry'a, 1406 N. Summer, nil PORCELAIN chickens 999 ornaments. Olenn Woodry, 100$ N. Summer, nil PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing. Por your floors or linoleum. YEATER AP PLIANCB CO., 37$ Chemeketa. n CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric poles, fence posts, bean posts and stakes. Phillips Bros., Rt. $, Box 493, 3 miles cut of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3081. n GIRL'S BICTCLE, good condition; boy's bicyclt, excellent condition, 34$ so. Winter. Call after 4 p.m; n73 NEW BABY crib, hardwood, $ rt. with new inner spring mattress only $3905 complete. Why pay morar Shoo Glenn Woodry'a, 1008 N. Bummer. n71 REFRIGERATORS, NEW and used. TEATER APPLIANCE CO., 379 Che meketa. n COW FERTILIZER IS yard, $S load. Phone 36031. D7$ ANTIQUE CHEST drawers, needs refln- Ishing. $$. Olenn Woodry's. 1005 N. Rummer. nTi DEEPFREEZE home freesers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 37$ Chemeketa. n S PC. WALNUT dining suite abovo av ert, very IPC. Monday $7i.so. Also bleacb oak mahogany Duncan Phrfe drop leaf Chrome all at low, low prices. Olenn Woodry, 1005 N. Sum mer, nil REDUCED! $10 per day until sold. USED ONE I INCH DRUM TYPE FLOOR BANDER. 340 SHEETS OP SPEED OR1T PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH Ii60. Starting price Feb. 26, $575 MARCH 29, $345 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT COURT STS., PHONE l-llll iwa alva SAtR Oreea atempal n ARMLEBS DAVENO, 116, Olenn Woodry, 1405 N, Summer. nil BUNK. RED A reel buy, 134 95. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 370 Bo. Lib erty, phone 44371. Terme ol coarse n71 I COLLECTOR'S ITEM! Antique muule loading ahotgun. Olenn Woodry's, I 10 M. Summer, Bit Far Sara MISCELLANEOUS SINGER ELECTRIC walnut cabinet sewlu avaehlnat welk in, praaaar loot. Hat eeatrel and ee- tae light. A-l condition, tear anted, anly I7I.M. Sinter Sewing Center, 110 K. Commercial. n73' BAM AIMS BAROAneS B.w cheat of drawera, M rs. ' v SNov llaoteum ruga, 44.W-. Hew 4' door mirror,. $3.41. Mew and tablet. 4134. New sill aottoa ruse. 434 44. . 4) Mew I way floor lamp. It 94. Oleaa Woadry'a, 144 B. Suaamer. ' . . . all SINGER TREADLE ' drophead aewlng machine, fully quar anteed. FuU prloa 111.94. Singer Sew ing Center, 130 M. commercial. 73 BBOPLCAF TABL1-411A0. USED MIR- CRANDIBB biaht, lie ao. uaarty phona 44111. Terma af oouree, all f-PISCI sua aabtnili ll-plaas eel 41 w.arever eooxina nieneuai waenutr raachlne; new Infra-red Bollywood broiler oveni aaarllUe. rnaava " nil' CHROME in 4 not. aid, new price tlt. to. Come la and aee thla one at aalr 111. UBBO MEROHANDISB mart, 3ivi so. Ubarty at, ph. 44171. ' Terma of course. D71 JhDST BBCErVBDIII A BHIPMINT OP BINOI MINT STOCK FBNCa IN ALi. SOiSS. oivai under atram. woo l neno or atretoa out of aba pet Made of fla- aat quality self a teal. Adltute to too- tour of land. 31 in a line vital, BAvaii i 10-ItOD BALE 113.15 WARD'S FARM STORE TRADB AND BTOH ST. SALEM n71 WS PAT TOP eeee price far your furni ture and appuancet. Qiva ue a can. USED MERCHANDISE MART. 110 Bl. Liberty St., pbana 44311, Terma of Car Radios - Brand new Motorola Custom l-pleca -. push-button, 49-53. Pontlea ipealal prlea 414.14 Installed. No down pay ment, $3 par week, approved credit. BatH Ortea atampa, too, MASTER SBBVTCB syTATIONB, TMP. B75' BLONDE O.E. RADIO comb. I apaad. S aaott Old.., new price iisa.ap, our pnio Viee.ap. come ana aee a real targam. USED MEROHANDISB HART. 174 So. uaenr at, pnon, 44171, Terms or aourai. ' aTl NBW SMAU. ilea portable aawlas ata- anina. rnooa eteoj alter itia p.m. ,- . . n7i OBOANIC yklTILMlR. Pre, of weed aaada, and odorless. Sack ar lull or ders dtltvered. Phone l-llll. nil Keith Brown SPECIALS '' Ctrade . 900 ft. lt-RL Fig 70.00 II. 100 ft. 1X4-RL Bin "V" . Celling ..40.00 M. 409 ft. liO-RL Beaded Cellini 40.00 M. MOO ft, M4-RL V It Canter "V Bdg 10.00 M. 700 ft. lxl RL Fig ..40.00 M. 1MO ft. BL 348 Fin 00.00 M. 10 It, lal ab Channel Rue- tlo, 40.00 M 1000 1X11 BL BIB Fin. 10.00 Soma damaaed Plywood and Sheetrock teal low priae, hm it. iit-sit o a ait. Pit..i.oo u. too it, taa t s at ir, Fig. ,,,116.00 tli Keith Brown Lbr, Yard ph. l-llll 'v. Pi eat a court St wa orvB in oaxnt btampb Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Walnut meats, and walnuta la Ibell. Highest cash price on delivery, HUtUUH KIjUKFJEIN MVlllHU tU. 44 H. Front 01., Salem Pb. 3-1633 nee WOODRY WANTS Planoa. Phono 3-5110. na WANTED Metal lathe, am all site, In A-i conoition, not too old, cau 35773, to I. na73 LOGS WANTED . etud Mill. Length r 4 er 11 I". Diameter " to 14". sawmill, Lrngthi 13' and longer. Diameter S" to 60' Ton prices paid, Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phone 1136 na ELECTRIC BANGES. Woodry'a. 3-5110. 'np.,a9apse''i FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature, Purnlture, Car AT PERSONAL It's "yea" promptly to employed men or women. 1-vtelt lean . , . phone first 0 You select best payment date, 0 Between payday loans. phone, writ or $om$ In TODAY I Personal Finance Co. 105 S. HIQH ST., SALE! Stat License Ho S-12VU-168 loans over 1300 qp to 11500 and up to 30 months to repay pjadt by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon. r7$ STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WAYS TO END YOUR MONEY WORRIES 1 Furniture Loan 2 Auto Loan I Livestock Loan 4 Co-Maker Loan 6 Slrnature Loan Maximum Small Loan 1304 Maximum Auto Loan 1500 111 Bo. High St. Phorfe 3-4133 M-333 r76 PRIVATE MONEY Special Ratea and Terme On Larger Loans ' : Long and Short Time Payments BOY H. SIMMONS 131 So. Commtrolal St. Ph. 3-1141 1 i . AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 153 South Church Parking a-plenty . 1-1461 Lie. No. M-160, S-161 BEB DB FOR FARM, CITY OR ACREAGE LOANS BEST OP TERMS WB BUY Real aetata mortgagee a aontraeta State Finance Co. Ill So, High St. Pb. 3-4131 5 Interest If you heve Idle funda aeeklnt In veilmmt, then you ore the type of person to whom we can be of eervlce. Por over Twevtr-tlve Yeara we have been helping people In tale community find proflteble work for their money. During thle period we have promptly paid 44 aeml-ennael latereet payment totelllng manr Thouaanda of Dollare. We ere currenUy peylng 14 INTEREST on funda from 1504 to I5O00. General Finance Corporation 131 a. COMMERCIAL BT. Salem. Oregon Phono l-llll FINANCIAL WANTED-4444 from privet, party, an las aoree qiuaaiut aaii ana anion land north af Balem. Phon S-aioi between 1 a. at. and t p. at. r7l , Us. S-Ill and M-331 ' . and 's, HOT . SIMMONS ' , XrlBURANCB AND LOAHB Bear "Top Trades" ' 11:41 Dally BSUI 134 Be. OBrlBRAb FINAHCB CO. LOANS 134 Sc. Coat marital St. Tat, 3-4141 PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup Mo. U 1044 B. Commercial, ph. 1-141 or 1-4517. 91 AUTOMOSILES 141 FONTIAO Sadenette, condition fair, $140. Caeb. Phon.. 1-4041 day',. ,13 FORD M0T08 COMfLETE ComplettlT verbaulad, icbored, an plttort, erenkahall, velvet, guides, adjustable . lifter., perfaat condition throut hout. Owner In army, must sell. 604 Whlt tlar at, Phone, SUverton 4351 altar 4. qii a PONTIAO 1-door tedaa. Radio, hett ar, nydramatle. Will trade auulty for '44 to 'a Ch.vrelll. Prion, 1-1961 a! tW 4. 71 1941 FOBD PICKUP. For appointment phona 3-4441. - Location, 1174 Batel Ave. qis SACBIFICB 1141 Pontlac Torpedo Se dan. Radio, heater, extra alaaa. 1150., : i9 ponuao e-ooor aeaan. Radio, heater, very claaa, 11.50. U0 Madison. Phona l-llll. v qll V1BT SEASONABLE II Mcraury with eitrat. 1-4174 attar 4 P.m. 73 141 CHBV. Club Coupe Bilra apaolal aond. Private party. 11,411. No trade in. Pb. l-llll. qll 141 C8EV. 4-DOOB sedan. Very good condition. Only 13,000 milsa. New halterr, I new tires. Phone 11414. - '. . al3 1944 CHSV. ton pickup 4 spied trana-mtaslon,- biatar, very clean. 1417 Pine at, Ph. 4551, ailverton, qll '44 FOBD V-4 Club Cpe BliH. oompllte Ir blanVed out. lowered back and. Mew Mack IlnUh. Oall 4-1741. q7f 194 8I1D40N Super 'I'. V.Vr good eon dltlon, lllll. Ill Markat alter I. q7l MUST SELL Make any offer. '41 Kaiser Traveler. Radio, healer. 1-1346. q75 II ford, Y, ton pickup. Pno of the best. Phons 4-1567. . q15 FARM EQUIPMENT " " SEE WARD'S NEW LINE OF OARDEN TKAtTWKai won ipaii priced RIQUTI 104,64 to I4l.lt . , . Ita-ItP to 4-HP. Ward tractors are priced to ault. roue teDiinm, noma tn aaa aee them today. WARD'S FARM STORE TRADE AN DHIQB ST. ., , eULBU . b71 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING. RADIATOR TROUBL8T Valley scoter no. axneria win aoive oue nraiw lama aad cave you money, pre ajitl aiatet, ipdy pervlee. center at Ub arty. qe TRUCKS ;-.-v 1964 0 M.C. hall. ton pickup. Ph. 1-9141. (941 WILLTB 4-wht.l drive piokup. Al most new tire,. Phono 35111. qdll 14 OHEV, truck, van type body, con- wwajwci ecvo, mono a-acet, qqia1 1941 1-TON studebakar truck, with helit. it it, grain oao, low mileage. 3310 papra SPECIAL AUTO USED PARTS """" JBaiB, Watvtv. WUI WdV Acme Auto & ' Truck 5 ";" Wreckers 83SS Portland Road MIAH a AM BHOF OtUVB-IN HOUSE TRAILERS EQUITY llli n-f(. Liberty house trailer. rn. o-oub. . leao TRANSPORTATION TBANSPOBTATION wanted for two lo vnioaao or uecroit. will anara ex pantit and help driving. Rtferencee . aaonantH). Apru ittn. mono 4.111s. X7I '.. DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINEI All makes uted machinal add, rented, renelrid. Boon, 441 Court. Ph. 1-4111. " c BULLDOEINO Bulldotlna road, alearln teeth. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrvlew. Ph. (-1141. 069 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash registers. All makes, sold, rented, re paired. Roen, 454 Court. Ph. 3-6773. : o DBEISMAKINO Alteratlona, hemstitching, buttons, buckles oovered, buttonholes, lira. H. M. AUender, l-llll. ' o0 DRIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Beep Drive" way. Call or aee Mr. Snelllnr, Valley Mo tor Co., Balem. Phone 1-1141 or 4-3074. o RXCAVATINO Ben Otlen a Son. Rxcavetlni. grad ing, land cleertng. phono 3-3060. oil INDUITBIAL TBCCXS Fork-lift truck,, tntlde and outside work. Hyster, Clark, Mobile lift, 3000 and 4000 lb. machines. By dar, week or month. Ph, 3-341. Capital city Tranafsr. e INSULATION Insulation, woatheretrlpo, screena. Pre, cellmates. T. Pullman, Phona 3-ltll. oil MATTBISal Capitol Bedding, renovates, full Una new mattreasea. Ph. 1-4019. a OFFICE PURNTTUnB A lUPPLIES Desk chalra, files, filing supplies, safes, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer atands. Roan, 451 Court. 0 PRACTICAL NURSES REOIITRY Licenced ' and non-lleensed . practical nurses, or domestic. Cell 1-6073 . 096 SEPTIC TANKS Hamel's aeptlc tanke cleaned, Una aerv Ice. Guaranteed work. Phona 37404. oil Mlke'e S.ptlc Service. Tanke cleaned. D'rooter cleene sewers, drains. Phone 1-9411. 084 Bewer. aeptlc tanke, drelns cleaned. Ro-to-Rooter Sewer Service. Phone 3-5337. o- TELEVISION TV Bales, Service, Antenna. 1170 Lena Ave. Phona l-llll. oil' WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleanere. Industrial floor i waxing, houeecleanlng. Phone 3-3331, i 317 Court. 0 ' BUILDING MATERIAL O. W. KLANG Wrecking Co. Bulldera cheep auppllee. 1-1394 evenlngt. oil' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Canfleld'a Laundry, Repairs, Reflnlsh Ing. 1440 S. lllh. Ph. 4-1401. Plek-up, Delivery. Q99 TYPEWRITERS Bmlth, Corona, Remington, Royal, Un derwood portabtee. All makes uted mschtnea. Repair! a rent, Roen, 451 Coorl. a' BULLDOZ1NO Bulldottng road, clearing teeth, Virgil Huskey, 101 ralrvlew. Ph. 1-1144. 0S LODGE A SALEM LODGE No. 4 A.F. A.M. Wed., Mar. 25. M M, degree, 7:30 PJM W MidWillametto Obitucrics Siloi W- Archer ' Albany fills Waslay Arch. tr,. 68, died at his farm home at Sclo Sunday following a long LUnen. Tba funeral will ba at the Sclo Baptist church tin der the direction of the Fisher funeral home. Burial will be In the Willamette Memorial park. Mr.. Archer wai a native of Green county, Tenn. Ha had also lived in Mankato, Kan., removing to Sclo 18 years ago. He married Luis Carter In Greenville, Tenn., - Nov. 17, 1904, and sha, with four daugh ters and three sons survive. ; The children ara Ray, Alba ny; Karl, ' Portland: Herbert, Red Cloud, Neb.; Mrs. Joseph Schultz, Sclo; Mrs. Eldon Ev ans and Mrs. Clyde Finegan, both of Lebanon; Mrs. Harry Hofmann, Leavenworth, Kan. A brother, Harrison J. Archer, Uvea In Portland and three all ien also survive, Mrs. ' Jske Faddli, Morrlstown, ' Tenn.; Mri. Marlon Ferrlll, Rogers villa, Tenn.;- Mrs. Bert Carter, Moshelm, Tenn, - ' ' - Leo William Moore r Albany Leo William Moore, 89. died at his home Saturday. Services .will be held at the Fortmlller-Frederloksen chap el Wednesday at 8 p.m. Burial will be in St. John's eametsry. Mr, Moore was a native of Tex8s - and married Florence Birdwell at Rockwall, .Tax., Nov. 13, 1918.1 .ri v. They came to Oregon In 1640, living in.the Talbot com munity - until two years ago when they moved to Albany, Surviving besides mi widow are a son. Carl Moore, Albany; two tf otheri, Calvin and Jama Moore, both of Texas, ana a lister, Mn, Larry Shivai, Tex- Jane Alice Thomas u ; Sllverton Jane Alloa Thom as, 22, died Monday in Los An gel, She wii born January 7, 1681. ' in Washlngttm . atata and lived in SUverton much o( her Ilia. r - -:v-!' Bhe la aurvivad by her hus band. Jack Thomai, and dauib- ter, Janet, in boa Angelas; nar oarenta. Mr, and Mrs. Boyd Newton of Salem; two brother, William ot Salem ana Norman ot Klco. Nevada; and thraa sis ters. Mrs. Ardla Waissantela mrA Mr. Mltr Taat Rtahl. hath i of SUverton, and Mary lather Newton, Salam. i .f,'. Funeral aervwaa mu ba son - the Memorial, ehaoel, Ekman funeral home, with Reverend Douglas Harrell officiating, Burial will ba at MUler ceme tery. .,. - v .'-;, Charlotte Tapper; : Albany Mrs. Charlotte Tapper, 87, resident of Linn county since 1882, died at her home, flJTD I, Aioany. jsaiur- aay. , -.'.-;,. - - -, ; The funeral will ba held at 2 p.m., Tuesday at the . Fisher Funeral home. Burial will tn in Willamette Memorial park. . Mrs, Tapper was born in East Prussia, coming to the united States at the age of 22, locat ing in Crete, Neb. She had liv ed near the Sanderson bridge for more than 00 yeara. She was married to Henry D. Tapper, at Crete, Neb., Feb. 21, 1887, He died in 1840. -. Mri. Tapper, is survived by five daughters and four ions, they are Henry, William, Rich ard and Fred Tapper, all of RFD 1, Albany; Mr. Susie Douglas, Eugene; Mrs. Lena Jeffrey,' Sumner; Mrs. Ollle Millard, Scott Mills; Mrs. An na Baldwin, Oakrldge; Mrs, Fred Wolcott, Corvalli. ; John J. Wilson Albany John Jamaa WU- son, 70, died of heart disease at his home Sunday and will be burled in Rlversida ceme tery Wednesday, following services to ba held at 2:80 p.m. at the Fisher Funeral home. He wa a native of Ontario, Canada. Ha. had lived at Oak land, 'Alaaa, CorvaUl and Hood River. Ore., before torn- lng to Albany three and a half yeara ago. : He married Grace A. Oglt'i- by at Corvallli in AprU, 1901. Surviving ara the widow, a daughter, Mrs. W. T. Christy, Albany; a ion, Jsmei A. WU- son, Waldport; two brothers, George E. Wllaon, EddyvUle, and Hugh W. Wilson, St Charlei, Mo.j two lliten, Mri. Mary Cranx. Lo Angel and Mr. Elizabeth Patterson, Cor- vallii. Radiant Glassheat, Inc. WILL INTERVIEW SALESMEN FOR -SALEM BRAKCH m ,; GLASSHEAT, America's neweit and moat mod arw hooting method (F HA opproved) ia opening Se lam office and worehouie. . . '. Experienced full rim ambltloui taleiman with car will hove excellent opportunity for unlimited earningi . . . Call in person. V " ' . .' -.': GLASSHEAT, INC., 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. Fi-t 11 Paulino Gilchrist . " Dallea - Mrs. PauUava OlV Christ, 50, 121 Washington Si dled in the Dallae hcarpltal Monday, March U, attar an ex tended Ulne, " j Mr. GUchrhtt waa ban Jbb.' 29, 1003, at Bclo. Her parenta wara John L. and Lillian Oil key Sims: Sha married John GUehrlat in 1825. He praeadad her in death several yeara age Funeral services will be bald In the Christian ehurca of Sclo at t p.m. Wtjdneadsy, March SB, with th Rev, Shelbora of- , lielating. oj -.v.-' -.' Surviving are thraa alstanv Mrs. U B. Harris, Dallaa; Mrs- ' M. O. Hutchinson, Portland; and Mrs. G, M. Flook, MUl City; and three brothers, WU 11am Sims, Sclo, Kanneth,Xai anon, and Ted Sum, Shads. 1- Olive Erickson ' SUverton OUva Zrlckaoa, 84, lata xasidant of 418 Norway atreet, , SUverton, died . at a SUvartpn hospital early Tuea- ; day morning after a short ill- nesi. She wu born In Norway j in 1888 - :'; " She ia lurvived by three ions, Ernest of SUverton, Alrin of Scott MlUi, and Edward of Portland; a daughter, VArny :; Erickson Of Bsism; three sla ter, Mri. John Rea of SUver- ; ton; Mr. Carolina Wedln to North Dakota and one In Nor way; a brother, Gilbert John ion in Minnesota! and four grandchildren. - "t '. Aimouncement ' ot ' funeral services will be made by Ek man Funeral homa, SUvarton. Carl Drost Stayton . Funeral apvvicaa for Carl Droit, who died at hia home , in Monterey, Callt, March 19, wiU ba bald at 2 pjn. Wedneiday, March 2S, t tn ; Waddle Funeral Homo, Stay ton with the Rev. N, N, Neu feld officiating. Burial wlU ba In Lone Oak isamatary, a V Mr. Drost U survivea vy nia , wUa, Vivian, and a dsughter, Mary Droit, v. MAT ntPROVB BAT f iAV '. Portland CJJD . District in glnear CoL Thomas H. Upe eomb today ald th Corps of Engineers will hold a haarlng at TiUamooK on Apru ao w hear; views of residents regard ing needed navigation improve- 1' menta to TUiamooK tjay,;;!;;:; DEATHS 1 , Get. Ncu san . - .. M...M -n-u-fc .fxahiata- .- Waah.. aaaran tv, at toe aa. at - Survived bp parenU, Mr. and Mri. Oor don Bbaart, Hoaaa Ukv WMb.1 Wd flbr, Albert Nelson, Moaa Waah-t granoparente, aar, aM ... ... lng aunt and uncles, 'Mr. and Mri. w.nM HavnnorL BtlveTtani 344." and .. s.i-. r- -mi W j T. i. -tT.rr. wtui : '. r..T , .7 NeUon and Mr. and Mrs. Nlcbolaa Kal-. eon, all of Monmouth, and Mr, and Mra. M, II. Melton, Independence, ontfcsia aervlca wiU be bold Wsdnaaday, , March . n. at 3 p.m. m skii i.mwi - Company., .., --; ,. fj;:.,i;:.'- Oaara aydor . ';': Oeoraa Snyder, at aba resides 15 Locust, Brother ol Purl Border, Portland. Clara Morrill, Atnaar, Jure, - Florence Porter, wiuaralna. Ore. An- arjLtlluaD ixiwu a in aav v a vara -- wr Anton s. volk, at kbo tuUmt Ulfl N. 5th ftt Maroh n. Bunrlved bp wife, Mrs. tfary Volk, Salem: -daughters, Mrs. a-n- BaUlaH. Uh afNraa aMkaibaar tin La Brown mnd Mrs. Sosa Miller. Oil at B.tatawav atitM fnti VaII -IStrlulp 4a.1l ' Oeenta Votk, Bermuda, and Henry ad Albert vol a, otB or Mwmi m nmiwr, John Volk. Aberdeen. S, D. Also Sttrrtv- avl h 91 uiiiahlti1rB. IgBtUMe BUB wtl be held WednasdAT. Mapeh 11 at - 9: a.m. In rt. Vincent Do Paul Church with interment in seicress Memorial Park. Recitation of the roearr wlU bo Held Toeaday, March H it I px Oloutb-aMrrlck Chapol . Denald W. Tantls - -.-, Donald W. ant la. Poruaad Karen ; at. Lata resident Of Roedperl. Bus- . band of Mildred C. Tantls, Reedaint; father of Thomas . Tantls, Itassttrorg, Laura Tantls, Saierat eight mmtebtld . rea also survive. RltuaUsttt oarrteao will - lid arlalU raw, BBBIjitM A. A veVaat At BJB aaVaaaflaialela ' day, March M at 1:10 p.m. In tba W. T. Btidon Chapel. The Bar. Loal B. White win officiate with tateniaal at Baaaaaa . Memorial Park. . Bdward Havel. .4 tba nataanea. IB BurbaU road, Balaa, March 34. Survived by nu wue. Mra. Biate Havel a axtlaea. . Beveral brothera and slate rt, Includlns Charlaa Havel of Agenda, junta. I Mlllk navel auoe, A ansae; loo ajawai of Cuba. Bansae. Announcement of rp liee later by Ylrtll T. CMMew Co, pr. T. T. Lam, BA Sr. O. Chan, BA. DBS. CHAN . ; . LAM CHINESE NATDBOPATHS ptalr, Ul North LnrtF Office opaa Saturday only is a. ta to l ant.. 4 to 1 a.m. Coaaalaallaa. blood prasaur and cuin teal r tree ox enarca. rracticod aine 11T. writ lor attractive gilt. Bo (atlon. r. t.v .1-.. V-)ri