fage 16 FOR SALE HOUSES SUBURBAN HOME $4950 Plua 111,404 FHA Itu-uta yoa home. '"rr. LOW PRICE OF $18,950 ' LOCATION 1095 MAINE AVE. Ma Pa win trade this lovely I Mm km with any I7M Hun feet af floor spase. hut of thett flan .salens. In with lam ramtlleo hat this opportunity la toads la raw nulln nana far ; Brio ame. . v . BEN COLBATH, Realtors . 1UI CENTER ST. OmCI DIAL 4-448 OR 2-4512 EVE. PHS.: S-5371, 4-1705, 4-1703, 4-9714 OR 1-5928 BUY FROM BUILDER , "SAVE MONEY" 1770 Davidson, 1 block Mat Ltillc tchool between Howard and Cross St Xew 1 B. Room V Oak floor. Xxctllent bathroom and kitchen. Xneloied utility - Oil beat Attached farage. Open for Inspection Sunday. Phone 1-1063 for anore Information. , FOR SALE HOUSES Uat PULL PBICE, bun serosa has. set aueaeoa arss-unso oau acre wita boou located la wait aalam. PCI MJCS far this furnished OvfJDL lap at down, flrtpl.. anal let aood rental location. S1000 down. Xa. aall RAY DAVIS, e-8417. ED LUDNBIAL, REALTOR, til N. Hleh. Ph. I -MM. a71 . CHOJOX CORNER, 1071 X. OAPITAIi 4 tarn bed pertmtats, I bath rooms, an electric 114,40 aua. ntu Eatep, . ' 34744. ; . T AUBURN ROAD . 4Vbe4room horn, t up and t down, t hU of plumblnf. Hardwood floors up 4um comn. tiust newiy asewrated. aw ' tMbtd isrtii, lane Jot. This horns he a $10,M0 appraisal by r.H.A, liski as aa oner. n cm wall prank tlasio S-MJO OR 4-2870 , , McKillop REAL ESTATE m Onttr atw aUlra i v. VALUE PLUS - A weU-biiM I-B.1l. homt Sett than I m. old. hwd. firs., coir fireplace. lot of bullt-lni, lovtlr yard. A real value at ItSOO. F.HiA. term. Ask for - Sop Ctmkiln. ' DUPLEX $1,000 DOWN Saeh unit fear oat bdrm.,1 bdwd flrs, 9io. rant k wator liMttr. pi ' lartd. haa aaraca. A aood looozna In- vattmont, or Jlvo la ono and 11 tho Uttr aiako tbo parmtoU. A raal bar a aTBoo, asc xor Mb ctnuia. Burt Picha M B. Blh at. cXIIta: I-M1 aTt a rjaWPT, saat, titan small noma a aar Laalla aab. aa amall lot. Kdwd. floera. idaal for amall famllr. BrooifB pnpartT aaar UBLXB sen., top laaallon. aiaa aaron lot wlLh sta. pvd. la, tasatr ajtrs. for avnar, plot I apt. . taaatls. IU.H0. Bra. aall DJ-I70t bd unaxatAL, BSAirott, s v. BaaB. Fa. I-Otto, a7V wBX taBB CAB, track or altr Jot at awa parmant far l-badroom homa. Bllaar aBrarlat. Fhont 4-WU. a7l SOUTH SALEM t aadreaoi boat, ernMnation llTlm taarn and dining room. Kitchen, and Book. Xnalda utilitT, aUetiio raua and tafrtfftrator tost. Cloaa to trada school. This it aa oldtr houu but la Tory met fv.tto. m em cau x. . ford S-M30 OR 1-0011. McKillop REAL ESTATE IF YOU ARE LOOKING Will aunt koma, I badrooini. dan. Baak apaea, full baaantant with 71 r at aaa, Bnalawood dutrlct. Prlcad u aall. OaU rat Kamptr, S-M07 tor ap. arataunt. 1. i amaaiu bbaitob - i.uaa a7l 005 CANDALARIA DR, Ovatr lwaTln7, nut nil thla lortly Itonit. t baxtroon.1, da, spacious sr- awwd nrlnc and dinlnr room, nook, - Ilia bath, doublt tarati. Call Pat Kttnptr, Wm, for appolntmtnt. I. U jnWtflEU RBALTOA - 11114 a71 OMIT atata for thu tpaalout tklar homa. Bat a alta adnata aa aa ont floor, . aiaan as a pin, aannd at a dollar. Brt. aau atr. M.kaa.r, -i7ia. xd lukin bbau bbaiavh, on b. nth. n an HaDTJOXB) for aulak aau. Modarn I aadraom houaa, aoad tarma, Ph. 4-alM. all BT OWNIB, aaarly aaw a aadroom bamamakara draam. aaa at laao Wal ter, niona 4-M74. Juil 47190. 41.000 down. v all BanBOOM homa an But Waahlntion" ood aaaamant, all furnaoa. A food aay. BBDBOOM homt aa aaratr lot, aoath laui. amy itaoo. F. H. WEIR, REALTOR 1117 BO. Coml. ah I H11 a71 WVXUOMD a aadroom. alaetrle haal, . aloao at taboal, ttorat, Walklas Ola tanaa to town. Cornar lot. Tramadlata poaaaaaloo. atno. cau I-IU. a7l ONLY ant tn town I FTVB nkt badroomt, aeparatt Ita. dlnlot rm tlrtpl., Tounsatown kltohtn with dlahwaanar, dbit. plomblns, mtplt floor., 100 x 100 lot, p.rad at Xaatmoraland Dial, rtamambar, thla la a ranehtrlt homa all on ono floor for only 411,000. Bra, aall FECIC, 1-6111. BD LUKITTOKAL, IUALTOB, ill If. Kith. Ph. a-4M. a7l CLASSIFIED ADTaiTlllKa Par Wat aa Par Ward, tlmaa lto Par Ward, tlmaa Ita Par Ward, 1 maatb aaa No Bafaada atlalmaaa M Warta. BBADaas U Laaal Nawa Calama Oaly. Par War It Haalmaaa M War Te Plaea Ad la Berne Day's Paper, Phono S-I4M Before 10 ajn. FOR SALE HOUSES TO TRADE OR SELL CASH ahe proud nn af tela beeutlful - : FOR SALE HOUSES WAaHiiaoTuir eoHDoc Thla 4 bed roam with a Ills LIT. Room si a plHsant tlvablt noma. flra- pises, Insalstsd. wall Improved yard and our 110,000. z. A. Mooiaontn, Realtor, 444 Canto l-Wll; Wit. a-7411. a71 BT OWNEB, a room homo, bassmsnl, sswduat fumaee, 10,74, 1110 Hood at. Ph. MOM. am aaaaaaaaaia FOR SALE LOTS lot Miias no restrictions mm. no uu. eio aa mo. area mo aitn at Candlawood Drive and Braoka at. j-son. xrs. 1-7811. aa71' LABoa LOT, eloia In, tarau. Ownarr 1070 Cantor. u7l 'a.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... FOR SALE FARMS io acres " -roam fcouia, aaat. H,0W. aerat, tood land, poor bauH. WMM. To tall or trada la on l.rx.r farm. F. H. WEUl, REALTOR MoT Bo. Oom'l. Ph. .n '-' b71 U ACBie, all plan tad t. whtat, wltfc na. moaarn piaaaaraa a aaa r. noma. Family fruit, raw mtauUi amth of aalam. Met tlo,M. aaa thla today. Oonartl Baal Batata, tu On tar. Ruma " Ml U a., frontaaa aa taw. nrti a ww L.B. lauo, kit. tut, tollat At ahawar wau U-ln. aailna, alao. ptuop, only Qraat -A" Dairy. Ml aorta, 1st. barn, M ttanahloBt, a food anada, 10 A. Ir rar. paatura, I tprlBst, all yr. ttroam. m.; fBDHh 033,000. OUtar aaa lama At atrtatu to anooaa .vm., vimo m aa aao oon wail. Burt Picha r If. Bits at. V . Bras.1 4-ster Ofllca: -404T ' Ml FOR SALE ACREAGE WANT GOOD tratltr homt at part par s-iw. m waua, Owj n. aiw, bbTS w'awaTaaawwaapptB.JI4, REAL ESTATE , INVEST IWWMM SHW UIVWIUIl own Part of downtown alm. Larit Iraslaau bldt, around floor laaaad Bad f iturrtlnar that (atvautna a floor vacant and Just waltlnt to taka bu'ldlnsr. TnAuwmti ni uu. a tt It arltad to ttra m a aaattjataivmaj VTllira. . k ' $700 PER M0. t7N par month tnooma. aat thla aaaotUul ratuantlal aourt. l-kdrm. nulla, fflnaa. h.i.i .T!! aytrhtad. Ubaral tarn, to takt JHH. iu u , non-aaiattnt. Mo pnont tnlormailoa. ahowa ky ap- HOME & INCOME Urt la thla aood t taka In III par month from parma- - u, .luni.aab Mtma an tamo lot. rrrratt drlrawaya, prltata " tar for & 410 V PBaat 4-IMt, Bra. I -MM, 4-1104. 4.01 Tl 071' ROY TODD REAL ESTATE ENGLISH STYLE Btaa Hvlas with ftraplaoa, dtalnt, iieoan. auiit-ma, dan, ita. maatar adrm. with lit. aloaatt bath with Mia floor down, a nlea adrma. and nan hw up. ruu oatmi, ou rurn., aunkaa tardan. Abundanca of ahruha. 4 biu. to atcKlnloy teh. Prlca Trada for 1-bdrm. homo, Call Mr. WimvmtUt BwoamBD. INCOME PROPERTY Two a partisan ta, taoh aonauttnt at iiTina, Biwnaneita. aadroom. which art rantuir lor 114.04 par mo. plut own- wt m -nom aoina wiu llrint, kltch an with planty of tat. toaoa. utlllir Lot Sijail. Haa. only 4 yra. old. Hakt a o.i.i. ait.ouv. Tarma. call Mr, Vandarrort, taleamaa. , HOME AND BtreiNESS Nlea 4-bdrm. homa with llrint, dln- ".. uau, oatn. aaw wall back on lot which haa 110-11. irontaat on hi way and It 110 ft dcap. Maw 40114 aoOdlnt an tha front of lak rM. TV repair ah op. una la a tood buy vu aar, aimvaon, a aj ra ni an, ROYTODD REALTOR 410 atata atraot Offln PDont 1-441 anatpaoa l-44 or Tandtrrart I-4MI REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES NOT JUST A HOUSE A homa In flna locatloa. In ptMb roa aookl walk down town. Full PaMmans. compisiaiT iwmoom i m. Fored-alr oU. Flraplatt. vtrr tiatla. st m Si llTlnt room, II diolnf yooa. Full prtat only flt.TaO. Ttnni. ... $900 DOWN ; a-aadroom houaa. Only 4 ratre aid. ItM outaldo lty. 74 I 147 lot. rra. rd. oaraaa. PuU BrlM It only 44400, If yoa naad room and don't want too larsa aa inraaunana, ta.( ania ana. THIS WON'T LAST a-badroom homa with tite to. ft, buKU tltr. Bat ally watrr baaldaa wrtrata waU .1 tlraplaeaa. 1 hatha. 101 by ISO lot. But by door. Haar school. Kztra workahop. Inanlatad. Onir 4 yrt. old. Trtoo It only 411.410. U A COMFY HOME la at. Vhutnt mil. Only yrt. aM. Bpaatout rooms. Poroad-atr oil lur nact. Inmlotad and weathtrttrlppad. Mo lawn to acad. Ko flowart or thrubt to plant. Only 11144 down. Pull prlot 110.400. OAU. FOB MR. XJOOIMS BVB. PH. 1 -trial, ar MR. ouawtord, rn. ra. 4-HIIL. If no anawai, aau t-uat. ! Highway Frontage aaa ft. frantaa. an SOB. Alao front aaa an prd. at. back tidt. Idttl aourt tlta ar mote any lypa 01 Own.r will ttparata or will conaldar smad laaaa. m prut nt,wo, FURNITURE BUS. ' Vary datlrablt location. Vary titan stock, tow orarhtad. Wall tatabuahao. Thla la a raal opportunity for tha riant man. Mo phono information. MARKET t AjsA , mr makir. WaU astab- lbhtd. lfltl Toioma $148,000, Nat rant onlr fib Ptr mo. wiraoia aocsiwa. Thla it roallr worth tout lntsitlbstlon If rou ara IntaraaMd la tha troctrr bualnaaa, ApproSt 111,000 for atock flilurei. CALL FOR DAN X8AAK, m TE, 4-1511. If aa luwir, call 4-3341. REAL GOOD 30 ACRES Vary modem a-badroom homt built In 1411. 30 by 40 barn. Ohlekan houaa, maehlna .had. will. toU. a acral tana aarrlta. Bo ma fruit and walnut traaa. Wa conaldar thla an.tnalltat buy tor 110,400. REDUCED TO $13,750 IS-aora farm with U vndtr taltrra Uon. S-badroom houaa, bara, mahin shed. IS acres trowing- ctops. itohodl bus. ae aerta lrrlaatad. Thla la a bur. .?: 10 ACRES Jtoyal Anna htrrla. Clott la.' Coll adapUbla to barrtai. Mo bldta. Fall pnea onir ttooo. Tarma arraatad. 3 ACRES : Bide. atte. Knar school. Dark toll, Mo waata land. Ideal for a aountrp homa with lota of elbow room. Full prlot HMO. Tarma U daslrad. 7 ACRES with a yr-round atraam. a-badroom houaa. Uodarn. Oil hatt. Bomt fruit tract, vary sood aprlns. Almoat 1mm. poaa. Pull prlct 48760. Batter hurrr. CALL FOR UH. IJCAVZNS, BVX. PH. I-1TJ5. If no anawer, call 4-2111. 1SORTOAOB LOANa JO-Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor tnnaa roonaa: 4-3311 or i-tijo ton PORTLAND ROAD Brt. Phonaa: 4-4711, 4-1444, 4-40W ar 9-lsei af aa antwar, pbona 44ta NELSON OWNER SAYS SELL 11000 DOWN IWOLlbWOOD D18T. 3-bdrm. homa, fplact, asw wlrlat, aaw piumblnt, tood location. Conyan lant to 1 lata app., atn. hospital. Xnala wood school. Prlca $4800, Call Kra. Woottsn. $1000 DOWN I BDRICaf, KDZn Thla J-room tour homa iituatad aa a roUioc kaoll baa too d'lrw, approx. 4 it, old., Insula tar., lot Tl s 311. Frtoa 4ft0. CaU lira. Wool tan. OWNER-BUILT BOOMa NORTH Wall built larit a-bdrm. homo that haa a 14 a 14 Urlnt rm. plut a tood Bleed dlnlnt rm.; 14 x 13 kit. Thai 1-Tatr-old homt la altuated In a loraly walnut orchard In a sood nelphbor hood. Tho full prlot hut 49200. call AL Watte, S-4344. 8 BEDROOMS OWNBR TftAlfleFeUiRKD Thla ranch ttylt homt It looatad In a faat-trowlns ouburban ntlthborhood. Btautltul llrint rm (to x 11) finished a hardwood, 8 admit... a bathrma., fplaca., pauo with fplaat loraly back yard, ideal for children. Price 111,400. 14 ACRX8 FOR 10 ACRES Will trade thla sood seneral farm with nice a-bdrm. homt, bam, eh tok en houaa, ahad. tood toll, plenty af water, tor entailer farm of approl. 10 aerca. Price tlO.WO. Call Mr. Oalla ahtr. Nelson. & Nelson eJFBCIALraiNO BBALTOR 704 M. Blth at. Pb. 8-4444 071 tllltl .411114 lllttltt fltltlll 4III1IIMII 4111111114 tattaaiaaa taaaiaam Farms "SSS25K" Homes IIIIIIIII44I44II44III 4444IM444 41 IIIIMIItl llltllll 41 44411144 441144 44 44411! tl 44 SULLIVAN AOHEAOB Bart k) the aortatt which you're been waltlnt for. 4 acre, near Frlntle. Vtrr modern ranoh-atrle home, a-bdrm. with fireplace, open beamed talllnt and knotty pine kitch en. The total price only 411,300, Call Boa nana, area. 1-4741. THB THRIFT! BUYER will want to aao Ihlt j-oedroom recently redeooreted noem m ane Hienmood tchool daitrlct. ThU la tha older type houae that aarea yoa money. Very nttt with rou or eoruot and nullt-lna. Thla houae onlr 41,400. CaU Bd Brtalol, area. . e-aaie. BUSK aoHOOL LOCATION-Hort U the elder roomy houae you're been looaint lor. ruu dry bailment. Quiet, ahadr atrrat, a BB and a aleeplnt porch. Price 44,400. or will trade for auptoz. cau need Ballon, tret. 4-4431. Honce TO FARUKR8 Wt need larma w trade for California proper ty. It yoa would Uke la lira la the tunny couth, sirs ua a aau. Aak for ncan fiejaon. 44 Acuta Turkey, poultry or dairy arm. juniir aa wiutmeite eou. itorth af ealem, cloae In. The houae la In enellent tondltlon. 8 bdrma. with a tuU baamt. Good bara and 4000 to., ft. at brooder hoaae. Only 494,004. Call MT. Zllaewlta, tret. 8-1117. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 8441 Portland Bold Ph. 4-4411 Blench ettkee, att . Blth Pa. 4-4in THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Mtm, OrtfW. REAL ESTATE u LOVELY GARDEN WITH FIREPLACE It anly ana af tha attru yaw - find la thla a-btdraam bama. aa Itat dlttrlet BntHwood. Tali la aa flna a htmt as wa Bart orar Btaa 411,10411 1 NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE A LOOK ', aad aat lull what 14404 bars you a nry iianaaaj a-badroow homa. Wall abaw yaw thra aay ttma. HERE" IS A NIFTY' Drlra by IMS Maria aath at- than am aa a aa. ; plaaa. Urtt Urlnt room, dlnlnt TO I 4 BEDROOMS Owner wanta amaUar homt. It raaaa. dBtm. flraalaaa. aatramlaa ap with lata at ttoraso apata. Leeatad m tha laarmarttaad Daat, WANT A REALLY NICE PLACET Such a tood location, tot near MeKlalay achat- Mata float haa ' badrooma and dta, larsa llrint room, dlnlnt raam, btreh wtcdwerk ' In kltcbtn, fully flalahad bttamant with ltrst play raaaa aad titra piumblnt, til furnaca, clana frost trim. Lot at abaw raw thra. Brand - . aaw. 17,40. Ohmart.(& Calaba. Realtors en court at. , art.: Banrr TorrandT Mail Tad Bl tlnh Grabenhorst Specials DOTCB COlXWiai-Thia. adrma. laaludlnt maatar bdrm. and dan, llrint room It x 44, din. mi., kllehan and hook. 154 acta prbt.. foil baamt.. dbla. ttraaa. Lot. woodld lot. Price 117,444. CAU, PBTiaB B. . .. OKTStB, 4MLB8MAN - OHTLDRBH LOTS TBI NaTOHBruJOOD (aa will you)-Caaranltnt to achooU and traaaportatlon aa dead and atnet, a bdrmt, llr. rm, with fireplace. Dm. rm., kitchen nook, lull bath, atiuir room, all an , ont floor. Auto, all forced-air furnace, insulated dp waatneratripped, i,!,,"2!A wlred autdoor flrtpltct, aa excellent home. 111,400. CALL J. S. LAW, BALaBHAN , .?P'aJ1".JK''a-ta ' lu a - aaat. lit. at., ttta. rat., kitchen, bath Aj bdrm. down, 4-rm. apt ap with bath. Tory aim la aatloa. OAU, a. H. OKAEKfHOJ-T, JH., CO-OP. BROXTBt f " AFAJTNT atxcellant location, 4 aalti plat owntrt tuartera. com plataly futnlthad. Very tood tondltlon. Prlot 133,000. Tarma. POT far lhar Information CALL B. x. LATMOtf, autLBsMAH. VJanrenr anrr.w naa ran rm -- ,. , . ' din. rm., kltohtn with nook, alio be throe m, a bdrma. down, a an. full ' baamt-: dbla. aarejra. ll tiAt. mwm nvnn s- ri GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS Ml a. Liberty Bl. Ph. Mm ' ' Breabjg, 4, Sjyndaya eal Patar . Potter 4-4O0t j. B Law e-tllj h. r. Larmoad 1-4461 : BETTER.BUILT HOME ' Bur with sontidtnoa from ana af Salem't baiter buUdera. Terr wtU- planned 8-bedroom homt with 144 to. ft. Door apaoo la ana at Balea't moat deslrablt looatlona la Entlawood. This attractive homa is tflared at fair prlot of 114,400. CaU Tlbbetts. . MANBRIN SPECIAL Nearly new a-badroora homa, Terr tood floor Plea with tnaVle amity, . alea lanor fenced lot. Tha owner will tontldar trada for l-badreom J' S'-S. !?' """"a- "" eaU for appoiatmtnt. Price .amy -4100. Cau Ttbbetta. v BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPING . Thla (-year-old 1 -bedroom homa la cm a trend rot with Dowtn end shrubs talort, nice email flab pond, sood trees, hoot hat alee Urine : b,s1rr4uo, wMi SPACIOUS 2-BEDR00M SUBURBAN suburban Urlnr. Lane llrint room with tood, bit dlnlnt room, B .e,!.k"Ih" V1U l0" aUt-tns. EaceUent hath and a drtaai tomk JtUlty and Play room. 8 eomplate bathe, wall-to-wall sariatlntThciirlt . . Cau"m! " "" tt anamrbaa ita! 413.000. ' 8-BEDROOM, WALL TO WALL CARPET, i $7900 a.HSf'ffw'!!!'"!? VWT s-odroom with wtll-to-wan ' 3-BEDR00M, KEIZER Tory slot a-bedroom homt fa relitri owner wanta It mora tale Iowa. C.U Che! l-'Klroom In trada. Brlttr harry. Fan price 1100: 5-BDRM HOME WITH FULL BSMNT. , 7fJw l5wm roaloU of flu Brtn. H atn, doable 111140, cJ'S'X " 1 " ' 8-BEDR00M WEST SALEM Thlt homt hat a badroomt down aad ant ap, haa new Yaunttlawa atok and ttblntt. llrint room la x 11. nTuuiSt, Van!!. M H x 10, ob pared atreet. For appointment to tot, aall Dale Mart era. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) , 304 N. Capitol Off let pbonoo: t-4444 ar 4-171 Brenlnc phonaa ChH.4114. Dale narbura 8-W44 aTl1 REAL ESTATE ROYTODD REAL ESTATE 15 ACRES A raal nlea aattlnt la ahad treat with wondirful flaw. Fartlla land with w'wrBi aorta in ptrmanant paatura. pood 4 bdrm. homa. Barn, chlcksn nse., othtr outbuDdlnn. Olost In to town. AU tchool buses br doors A our as aMno. oau Mr. Todd, INCOME PROPERTY Two apartments plua ttparata homa tor Uvln, ouarten which has 1 rooma and bath aa owner'a homa. Houae neat door hes a apts. oonalatln at 8 rooms At bath each. Furniture In apts. In cluded. Lot approx. 1301IH. The rent freeu apartments win per far your name. Pal prlca 414,410. Can Mr. ROYTODD REALTOR 40 State Street office Phone 1-4441 Era Fhont: Todd Mm tile $10,000 Modarn. lete-buut, 1 B. B. home. Oil forced air turn. Lena L. R. car peted wall-to-wall. Plreplece. Lot UHxllo. Cloae to atorea and tchool. Fared a tract. Oood tarma $9,250 Clean, modern, 1 B. B. home. Plrt plaea. Pull basement. Auto. aU fur nace. Cloee to acnooU. Fairmont Hill Dili, Will take entailer II. I. home in trade, oood terma. $7,950 Very titan 1 yr. old I B. B. homt eoutb. Auto, oil floor furneee. Lane lea. eiieve oown. $7,350 1500 00 down. 444.00 month bun thai clean, lale-bullt, modem I B. B. home. Oil furneee. Pared itreet. cloaa a out and schools. Fence back yard. Will ecu furniture. Very reasonable. jmmeoiBlo poeeeialon. OAU, STANLEY BROWN WITH State Finance Co., Realtors 17 S. Bllh St. Ph. 8-1U1 Brtalnss 1-1441 tTf REAL ESTATE roam, tatldt atura raeta. rr-a aaw-a efferlaa thla hai kltahan and Beak, a carta Pbaat atl 41114 Loula Lonns aat - Morrfcon BW44 Haddy 44144 REAL ESTATE Coffee Shop wit Bottled Beer Privilege' Ona af tha oldest oattbUthtd aorfea ahopt In Saltm. Located m eieelleat frlntt area. t4M. Mo telephone In formation. Liquor by the Drink : Modern reatturant with club erl.l. late. Out af town nn well bn.u. hlihwiy. Oood laaaa. or raal property vu we ..uroaeava. Garage with Gas Pumps aiceuent equipment. Located In sood tarmlnr oommunlty. Houae with aen v. ,iuuuu iu.u toaa. tta.aoo. . Sew Shop and Dry Cleaning Agency Jutl rlihl tor elderly paraon. Leaa that SMALL HOTEL a rooma, at kanlnt eomsoanlty. oaad leata at rtaionablo rent. 14404. Terms FOR RENT aaaan furnlahed hoaat, 4M per latoth. 8441 N. Capital at. aalam. Ore, 4-441 Bra. 1-4411 eW JOE PAL00KA REALTOR Ta aV2(aS Tyl1,. tVJT 6WIMAWS OajASNLY A KMJTWL Vefty CVM6R0US AT WOT TO TWAIN. AUSTRALIAN PAPERS AfiE COVEMNS THC TRAsNlNOC .VSE AJJO neK wertri ivitK. 1 LOOK-OUTS ON ear rujau nuo lwiia-s lPrSOjAaMtO 6SAT7CKO OF THE Costrsi EaSefT. PXWTS Aref rUJ5 Lit wr CAfa. REAL ESTATE COLBATH HAS THE BUYS 1300 DOWN . ad eat at per aaenta ataket yea the aaae f tale aero Blue I ar 8 bra. haa all lav kuchen wood lar euiea, atiuir rav. trail ' thower baui, aa Bare4 el. la aalam. cur 7 waer. orttr ItiM. WAIT V-V tewt Tktat WIU, BB OOJII. the. 4'. $49S0 FULL PRICE Oaf MAW aiu carta Ut, KB. kalh. anftntahad in iiti tnaOAy aarea. lam aarea. a tea Paw aa. A CWT BOMB. LOW aaaivtA. ramat. Bit. Pa. 4171. MAYBE? aj4e) event wis aaeae ra fata thu hwaa teareaaaa hsaee laai aau af the eaay baautK Pealarea a bdmwv, nlea vat, wnh aaak, hetwd. tire, aa aaav fa reeaay aiuahed tarete. OCU.T traaa.- era. aa. aiiua. , WHOPPER BUY PCHk Ttat PBIC-I OP ONI. TOO WAMT A BUTT THE tWS THIeV a h new. aaaa aaa t dot ma.. era. awed aeaetractMa with platter katertara. Meat clean. Both reared ai taecaaa at tat set month. Let 74x17. Fiat aarate. ALL TH1B B tree. Berth taratta. Bra. pa. 4474. ALMOST NEW AMD MADB TOST FOB TOD I nice- Bleed bedrooms, lortly LB with coved aeutnt at Trench cornar eapboardi, hdwd. Cra, bath with tub a) ahawar. kitchen with many tuUI-lna, utility rm. In city an pared at. OHLT 47140. TBRlia 4444 dawn. Bra ph. 41744. DON'T HESITATE MAKB A DATS TO BBS THIS eOTclr a-bdrm. homt, lane llrint rm. with tirepiaca, eua. rm., kitchen r brtlat. na.. full aaemi. oU heat, double plat. Pared alley ek car axe. THU U ZONX 8 AMD CtVOtJ TO MSIXH FRANK' LOCATION. OflfaT 4444. are. n. 1U71. - BUNGALOW - Cm WALLS) 4TT. Blth a lane adrma. , on mala fir. Nice LB, Dh, bath, Nlaree baamt., oU fumtce. Oarate. TS7B X OHLT 4740. POS7BLB 41000 err a. fa. tilts. A 2-YR.-0LD hdrms. Camblnatlon llr. din. rooma, OU Beat, hdwd. fin- util ity rm. titra atoraaa rm. Attached terete. ALL FOB 4410. POaWBU 41000 down. Bra. Ph. 34371. Store Bldg. - $500 Dn. PLCNTT PRSB PARXXMa HPACTC PLCS lam trtantlt lot, a tore bulld lnt, llrint quarter,, attached sarate. THIS PROPERTY IS SUITABLE FOR MANY DIFFERENT TYPES OF BOS- j ACTUAL YALTJB. PRICE I4MO. NO rauHt SNrvjcUBATTON. SEE TAJ1 MAGNIFICENT A MATH-TAJCma BEAUTIKJL vjastw ntUM A- BaAUTIFUl, BOUK, plut lorslr rard, patio with outdoor flxsplMa watarfaU. Doublt parata aoaaactad to homa br braaiawa with .wMui uihjtb. fluni, naa axwa party nnM plpad oU furnaca Ai laundry rm. ft bdnna. on mala fir., 1 bdrm. on Jrvd. avfvvAMix w, tut, wiia nrapiaea, un. sib., nun now ob new aiat. won' dtrfal kltch tn h bath. Bra. ph. JM7J. lidte lTf9 Of 41709. . , FARMS & ACREAGES Opportunity Knocks BEYOND BELIEF. Thlt nice 1 acres at lit Norway at. la aurerton, plua war, nose, aunoii new amall home with aar port, uotalda fireplace, nice treenhouae m ft. Lota of flowert, Plata Included in sreenhse. bnalneas. PRICB ONLY WW FOB ALL. (WILL TAKE 1-BDRM. SALEM HOME IN nwe ur to 410,000.) 20 ACRES ;. t NICE LAND fne hint), t-bann. older home, bath, hen has., tar ace, eprlnt water. Prlca 44400, lnoludaa tractor tk , equip, pnia nus tow. - 3V4 ACRES . no 3 mflaa K.W. Only wiMi w aown. 130 ACRES DAJRT PABM SBniP. a mHca SB. Price reduced to 411.000. SEE T. T. ANDxRSON FOR A PABM BVB. PH. 41714 VAN BOBN 41744 ANDERSON - 41711 34178 CiAZKIfBY - 41701 erncBSLu, a71 $150.00 Dn. 3-badroom homt en 3 larta U Hardwood floors, full bath. Outalds altr, north. A llttlt work would make tblt a aka homa. Balanea $55.00 par UUDUl, t HOUSES & FULL ACRE Ont 3-badroom homt with lane kltohtn, also a ent-badyoom homt wun piumoinr. rarad itract, low tar ta. clota to aehool. Bua bv atJiMtr. ly chsap at WO0.00. iST. VINCENT 4-btdroom. Xana llvlnc room, larta ainiDf room, itrta utility room, plas tared homt. Farad atrtet on bus lint. A well-built medlum-aced homa, i- ttlltnt for trowing famllr. A food buy OVvW.VV, REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml aouth Blth atreat Phono No. 1-9303 mono orenintai e-1171 1-1841 IH1I 4-1144 4-1114 1-1311 47ie 000 DOWN 4744 bure thla naerlr new 1 bed roam home. 1U14 llrint room, ltrte attle, corner lot, pared itreet!. 40 a month. B. A. MeOLAOPUN REALTOR 44 Center at 1-4411, Era. imii e7l To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 a 44494, 24552 f 1 1 1 , 1 Ml WEVr 607 MAN EAT1N fiHARKS HEM. YOtTftf III. TlAtes. THE RES ALBiAys NCJT AJXOWEP TO . ' .im 5rYW A -TV WARHW J . Tr WANTED SALESMAN ' INTERVIEW FOR TIRE SALESMAN will be bald by the Oeseral Ttrt Bubbtr Co. at Tl BUM at. from . 1 w 1 dally. Balm and bonua. Biperienoo helpful but aot eeeentleL ateady amployment ataurtd. PH. 1-2458 . . , W. V. "PAT LYTLE ; , STATE TIRE SERVICE " tl7,e REAL ESTATE THE RIGHT INVEST MENT aa bqoal to a urrnm or toil Business Building- aet thla, Mr. tnreitorl It return! U7 per month. Heallnt plant la au tomatic buUdlns atael reinforced con crete, 1 yean old. Good buaineaa loca tion. Proved returns. AU you do la twipt tome ttr on the roof once erery two ar three yeara, check In on the furnace once erery month or two, col lect the rental,, and pay your Income tax. ail back and relet, let thla buUdlnt do your work for you. $700 Per Month aalem't beat rteldcntla! aonrti. Top hatch cloae In location. 4 yra. old. Vacancy almoat uneherd of. 3-bdrm. apts. partly furnlahed, extremely low arerheed. mveatltete now. No phone informttlon. ahowa by appointment. Beat the Rumors Buy BEFORB net AFTER. Ltrte buaineaa bids, around floor leeaed and yetumlnt the Inreatment. Bhtlrt 3nd floor Ttcant and aultahla for tood ladaa hall ar aorernment offices. In- come will tar eioaed Inreatment wit whea fuUy occupied. Bee thla bulldlnt bow whilt the price it runt. Home and Income Do yon want your own homt and Income All on one lot. Bualnaat tone and potential bulldlnt area. Thla nronertr haa two homes, one com pletely furnished and peylnt 458.00 rental. Lire In one, rent the other, 410,400 bun It with 13000 down. BUY a tood pleot of Rtll Battts. IT end It will keep rou. 1410 Fslrsrounds Road Ph. 4-13H, XV a. 1-Kll, 4-1700, l-lill t7le 9 MILES FROM " -SALEM 84 acre., 4 aerat tint near orchard, a real producer, balance cultivated and permanent pesture, year around atnam with Irritation poiaunuties. Seven room houae with basement end furnace, tood barn with cone, floor, ohlcken houie. Very dealrsbls loca tion, fins set-up for stock or dairy, Print only 111,400, 45,000 down. 38 "ACRES Only I miles from Caltm. . acrta orchard, 10 acraa farmed and balance pasture, a oeoroom acme wun dbbb ment. wood furnaca. barn with 1 tanchkms, 1 car caract, ehioktm house. Tractor and farm Implamtnti included at 914,900. ,. Murphy KtSrKent REALTORS' 44 North Church Phono 4-1311 Bras, and Sunday WUloushby 4-4117 c7l WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If your property It for as Vs. rent atr exchange, list It with no. Wa hart all kinds of cash buyers. TAT FIN AN Caw CO., RXALTORA 151 6. Kith St. WI AU badly la need af l and --bed room homes, in ireslio Slat. Also need homt anywhere with ainiall down pay ments. What hare your AI JBKAX, KKAWOR. PH. 43311 If ao answer, ph. 4-2248 a FfE ABB- In need of tood housca to sou, In or near Salem. It you wish to uat your property for salt, tee ORABENHORST BROS, REALTORS. 131 a. Llbetty Ph. 1-1171 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE my equity ta my larta, Daanuiai d-doroam nomt in Sacra mento, California, for homa or other property in suem. Fhont 3-4020. cb7J RESORT PROPERTIES COAST CABIN. 2 lots, II4&0. Trade for truck, car. 9-0774. cc70 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MONEY BACK GUARANTEE 1712 to I232S torutment tlret you your own Independent business operet tas; a route of new money-maklnt 6c dispensers handllnt new, fast-movlnt eoniecuont in orut storaa, oaiet, clubs, but depots, etc. Route set up for you by our experts and protected b fir and tbelt Insurance. You must hare ear, reierencea and $712 to inn. which Is protected by an Iron-clad 100 Money-Back Guarantee backed by a 10 Million Dolls r national In auraoce company. Devotlnt a few of your apare hours each week to the business rou should earn up to $80.00 weekly apare time, full time mere. Liberal flnanclnr assistance to aid ex pansion. For -full Information write tlrlntr phont number and address to Box 21, c-o Capital Journal. cd72 I CNIT apartment house, food location. wbikmi smaii noma on trade, terms, Owner 1025 center. cd7 IT LEASE ob cafe, on busy highway, tood business, sell for (16,000. Ph. VeM. 3d76 MACM1LLAN OIL, wholesale route, also i ikk ami acctwwoTies, it wanted. Phone 42001. svriita FURNITURE FOR SALE BA BRAIN BUNTER'a SPECIAL 4. drawer hardwood cheat, etatera con atructlon. dovetail lolnu, center slides, while ther teat, 117.10. Trader Louie. 1470 Lena Ave. 47.. NEARLY NEW two place davenport act; .iivui uinctie act. L-BU aner 4:30. 131 Oaki Apt. No. It. d73a ttJsllW llaju VUP. AUSSIES WATER BUGfj. I SEE 6REAT CROWDS IM r SrVIMAtluA WHEN THE' ATTERNOOWS. WAKEN S UP, S UP. SEE THAOHEftE'S A SHARK Tuesday, March 24, 195S WANTEP-LESMAN .j.araaaaaaaaaaaaraa .; WANTED FURNITURE MIDWAY AUCTION Wo buy an tell. Phone 4-tJSI. dt7 WANTED Oood wad furniture and eppUancee. Phone 3-eOII. da da AUCTIONS Auction! ; . WED, 1:80 TM. ":. Daveno, Swlnt Rocker, Radio-Phone, oomb., Cb-ome Set, Round Oak Table A) Chttra, Traah Burner, Electric Rante, Wtahlnt Maohlno, Twin Beds, Tools and many other thlnts. Drtwlnt for fret tlftl y. - KEIZER AUCTION -10M Chamawa Road Phono 1711 cvma MIDWAY AUCTION TONITE 7:30 O'CLOCK Rock Uaple Twin Bedroom Sat. SUvertone Radlo-Fbonotraph. Thermador Elec. Rantt with Heater. XaftH Electrlo Ransa. ABO Washer Hotpolnt Washer O.K. Mantla Blnter Vacuum. Hand Carved Camphorwood Chest. Tables Se Chairs, Chest of Drawers. Sprint 6 Mattraasaa. Ji maar PthtT pieces of furniture. 3583 CHERRY AVE. Ph. 44451 Ralph Airman, Auctioneer dorr FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOB BALE, Ret. three quarter Montr SorreU aeldlnr. Oood drlU horse. Ladle, horae. Phone 4-3630 ovt. tT CHINCHILLAB Proven breedtn ar yount mated ptlra. Easy terma. Writs or phono for free llteratun. Ylntori welcome. Creat Chlnchlua Ranch, 4000 Portland Road. Ph. 4-1041. - etl LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF Whits fact Btnftrd. 14c. Locker pork, 160. Bothlnt down, e moa. to pty. Ouatom ktlunt. TraUer loaned free. Salem Melt Co, 1811 S. 35th. Ph. 1-4MI. ee aeaa'a'aaaaaaaiswas RABBITS WINQ NEED 41418. ' TtABBITS-lSS auto. sot. California BUCKS and Sou, Phono e-auci. eaio viazter no. tb87e babbits wanted. Anr tits and tuan- iitr. Aiao pareoroa oroedint atock for aale. Phone 1-7107. eb78 PETS to orvE AWAY-coDla haaky, t '-" 71 MOOSE TROPICAL FUH, acmlpmant. suppllea. 1 mUas tram Laaeaster -on Macleay road. Phono 4-1771. Cloaed Wednaadaya. . tease MALE DOGS 1 tpsnteL t shepherd, ta . lve swsr. Wsnt sood horns, Fond af children. Ph. 4-1082. sc71 CHOICE CANARIES 13(0 Chemekota at. Ph. 1-1335. ,M BOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1031 MoCor. one block east of N. Capitol. 14 blocks north of Madison. Ph. 1-4197. 1 oc71 rrrrrraiaiaajajjiij FUEL BUY ANDERSON'S htndplcktd allb. wood. now 1 tords lll.oo. Phono 1-7741 St 7 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. np your Pretto-Lose, Brlouets f..04 " Com'L, phono 1-7731. tea Oregon Fuel Co. ' a LAB AND 8A WD TTRT : S. & H. Green Stamps Phono 8-4438 4041 Brosdway Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL FOR 30 DAYS Planer trlmmlnts, 41 load, phons 87731 ee Hiway Fuel Co. , Sawdust tube aerrice, all kind, ot wood. Phone 1-4111. WALNUT SHELLS, 30 sacks for II. or si ton. 13 ton delivered In town. Mor ris Florfeln Packlns Co. 440 North Front. ... West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. 14" CLEAN IMU-dlATE DELIVERY Pickup' wood 1S2 Edsewster Phone Salem 3-1031 - rrrrrreeeri a a reapers FOR SALE POULTRY GOLDEN BROAD and New Hamnahlr.' chlcka, hatched averr Monday snd Thursday. Our thlcka trow fttttr. - u ,cuerv. aaau stale at. Ph. 1-1141. f 4-STAB pullorum controUed chicks avail- uiv uaw . warns, ueaity, vltorous chlcka which ara direct deaccndinta ot pedlareed-alred flocks. AU ara from US. approved pullorum controlled flocks! 100 as Maw ,. a.n . WARD'S FARM STORE iraca Hlth St. aalam WANTED Colored fryera, colored and ' """ ea. nuneu prlcea. Lee'S Hatchery, phono 1-3811. fe By Ham Fisher ARE GRcAT BUT . tnfbc THE WELLrLL BE DARNED. 6o5s ru. JUST HAVE TO DO mm A SrtJWER.. airwaK t71.i.' - Journal Want Ads Pay