Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 24, 1953, Page 15, Image 15

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    TuMdkTt Much 14, 19SS
fl TFe
LE -
y SB
Weve had a lot of fun working with KPTV on the
Centennial contest recently conducted by the Portland
Only ten women 100 years of age or older entered the
contest. See complete story on this page.
Talking to Mrs. Sarah Whitney, 1370 N. 18th st. is
truly a fine experience in its own way. You admire some
one who has lived over a century. The things she rem
merabers from long, long ago. v
Being in the best condition that you could find some
one of this age, Mrs. Whitney is in very good spirits. Her
mind is still strong as well as her general appearance.
And her memory is the best we've seen in a long time.
, ' We congradulate KPTV for making such a fine choice.
... ', . . ., . ... . ..
Tele-Views heard the other day that Gorden Allen
local station owner expects to have his Eugene- Spring
field TV channel on the air before Salem's Lawrence
Harvey '. . just a rumor of course. , : ,
i" .,.''" r ' ' -
Tuesday, march 24
Senator McCarthy, 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m., investigation
of Voice of America.
Kate Smith Show at 1. Kateds, dance trio; DeMarco
Sisters, singing group; Barbara Stanwykc film "Jeop
ardy"; Story Princess with children's stories.'
Matinee Theater at 3. "Vampire's Ghost," John Abbott,
Peggy Stewart.
Star Theater at 8. - Bob Crosby, Karen Chandler and
"Rochester" as guests of Milton Berle. -
Fireside Theater, at 9. "Unexpected Wife" starring
William Bishop. Story of a returning war hero who is
met by his "wife" he'd never seen before.
Circle Theater at 9:30. "House of Tears" with Ruth
Ford, Carlos DeLeon and Bobby Gunther in a drama of
an unhappy married woman Jiving in India
Alan Young Show at 10. Alan visits his boss who has
a sprained ankle and brings him a home-made potato and
turpentine remedy.
Scott Music Hall at 10:30. Patti Page joined by Les
Paul and Mary Ford in a rhythmical "saga of show busi
Tootsie Hippadrome at 5:30 Jim Lynch bow and arrow
txpert as guest.
Pabst Bouts at 7:00.George Araujo of Providence, R.I.
vs. Teddy Davis of Hartford, Conn. 10-round, lightweight
bout from Cleveland arena, ;'
Hnllvwnrarl Ononinor Nio-ht at 8 ;0(i. "The Invited Seven."
Boris Karloff in a mystery drama that goes beyond the
flying saucer headlines of today -
I Married Joan at 9 :00. Joan goes on a diet and almost
dies of starvation because she wants to slim down to
make a TV appearance endorsing a salad dressing, '
Kraft Theater at -10:00. "So Very Young.". Patty
O'JNeil as 17-year-old whose lather thinns sne is too
young to marry. . ,
March of Time at 11 :00 Green Paradise of Goa.
Nite Owl Theater at 11:30. "Whispering Footsteps."
John Hubbard, Rita Quigley.
What TV Set?
Is the Answer!
Yealer Appliance Co.
37S Chemeketa Ph. 3-4311
Open Wed.-Frl. 'til 9 P.M.
Visit Our TV Theater
flie Sup"
flr., a
Installed in Your Home for as Low as
$2.95 Per Week
Valley Television Center
Complete sales, service and Installation. All sets sold and
Installed carry full 90-day service.
Factory-trained Technicians
Baigley Bros.
231 S Fairgrounds Rd.
Phone 2-5491
Negro Served 5 Years
Because Girl Lied
Kansas City, Mo. (U.B A 6S
; year-old Negro, who served
five years in prison on a rape
charge because an 11-year-old
; girl lied on the witness stand,
said today he was "not mad at
' Edward Oscar was freed yes
terday after a 16-year-old girl
admitted she lied when she
Identified him as her attacker
five years ago.
Oscar was sentenced to 89
years in the Missouri State
Penitentiary on a charge of
raping the girl.
...avcHs1 Aj
1 1
171 Grant St.
Phone 3611
Mrs. Wh i they Most E
Beautiful Centenarian
:. ',. ; - By david t. blackmeb
(Capital Journal JUAt-TV 'Columnist)
Over a century of living iri
a world that in that period of
time hai undergone . many
changes, going from stage
coach -to airplane and from
weeping skirts to Just below
the knee length dresses,, has
not daunted the spirit of Mrs.
Sarah Marie Whitney, 1370 N.
18th St., who waa awarded the
prize of being the most beau
tiful Centinarian in Oregon.
Television station KPTV in
Portland recently conducted a
contest to find the most beau
tiful women 100 years or old
er In Portland televiewing
area.'. '. :.- : '
; Ian Webster, public rela
tions agent for KPTV, pre
sented Mrs. Whitney with a
beautiful cop early Tuesday
afternoon...; .: V;. '.
' Mrs. Whitney is 103 years of
age with her birthday falling
on February 9. Mrs. Whitney
lives-with her daughter, Mrs.
Edna Price. Since she cele
brated her centennial in 1950
the family has tried to put a
curb on the festivities. - But
age and her remarkable per
sonality have made her a celeb
rity, .-, Every birthday is a de
luge of gifts, long distance
calls and a three-day event
turning into a three ring circus.
- The 101-year old lady baa
a phenomenal memory and
her mind Is as bright as her
brown eyes. She Is an excel
lent conversationalist . and
can hold an audience spell
bound as she tells of such In
cidents as the plague of
grasshoppers that devoured
her wedding veil as she tried
to save the .' doomed , Iowa
crop. 7
Winning the KPTV prize is
the first thing Mrs. Whitney
ever won . . , "I'm not excited.
she said. : Being a strong re
nublican. : Mrs. Whitney re
ceived a birthday card on her
100th birthday addressed to
"Mrs. Ike Eisenhower Whit-.
ney." ':- :.'"' -
Mrs. Whitney's day main
ly consists ? writing letters
On Television
KPTV (Channel 27)
(Oalr profraau lehedultd In fttfriMt
11:15 .m. PreexSom Rim
12:00 p.m. Th Bit Pyoff
13:30 p.m. Wcicotn Traveler .
1:00 p.m-KaU smith .. . . '
3:00 p.m. Betty Purnui - 1 -' -3:15
p.m. Arthur Oodfrey ,
S:90 p.m. Strike It Bleu
1:00 p.m. Mutme Theater ,
4:15 p.m. Search for Tomorrow : j
4:30 p.m. Lot of Ufa
:00 p.m. Howdy Doodr
:00 p.m. Namea the Same .
:30 p.m. Douc Bdwardi
6:49 p.m. Time for Beany
7:00 p.m. Two for the Monty '
7:30 p.m. Jinah Shore .
7:45 p.m. Newa Caravan
0:00 p.m. Texaco Theatre -9:00
P.m. PI re side Theater .
t:30 P.m. Circle Theater
10:00 p.m. Alan "Xoant
10:30 p.m. ftcott Muilc Hall J
11:00 p.m. Mr Little Uanie .
11:10 p.m. Nite Owl Theater
12:19 p.m. (Approx.) Sign Off
. and '
Solcm't Mott Complttei
Teltvition Ctnter'l v
Phone Day or Night
2-1611 or 2-4728
U:4B .m.-Oarrr Moore
12:00 p.m. The Bit Payoff
12:30 p.m. welcome Traveler
1:00 Kate Smith
3:00 p.m Double or Nothing
3:10 p.m. -Strike It Rich
3:00 p.m. Matin e Theater
4:15 p.m. eeercn. for Tomorrow
4:30 p.m. Lot of Lift
4:4S p.m. Peter Pan - '
5:oo p.m. Howdr Doodr
1:30 p.m. Tootele Hippodrome
0:00 p.m. tne It Rich
0:30 p.m. Doub Sdwarde
4:45 p.m. Time for Beam ,-4
7:00 p.m. FlhU
7:45 p.m. New Caravan
1:00 p.m. Hollywood Openlm Mliht
i:S0 p.m. Arthur Oodfrey
t.OO p.m. I Married Joan
0:10 p.m. ThLi Ji'Your Life
10:00 p.m Kraft Theater ,
11:00 p.m. March of Time
11:30 p.m. Hit Owl Theater
13:1 p.m. (Approi.) Slcn Off
Tfe1 I
1 Sf5 I
and listening to the radio.
respoadenee wlta relative)
and friends.
Newport, Ohio, was ' the
birthplace of Sarah Marie
Whitney, who was the daugh
ter of John and Mary Warner,
and it was in Ohio on October
25, 1868 that she became the
bride of Charles Emmett Whit
ney, who died in 1929.
The Whltneys came west to
the state of . Washington , in
1901 and moved to Oregon in
1905 taking up their residence
in Salem.'- v 4 -:. .': '
Mr. and . Mrs. Whitney
were the parents ef It chil
dren, 19 of whom are aow
living.. The children now'
living are Mrs. Rose Hage-:
dorn of Salem, Mrs. Nellie
Bunn and Mrs. Stella Lupton
of Portland, Mrs. Gene Stiv
ers Of Cherokee, la., Mrs.
Nina Becker ef Portland,
Mrs. Edna Price of Salem,
Mrs. Artie Majors of Port-'
land, Floss Reeves of White
Salmon, ' Wash., and - Mrs.
Louella Ennls of Salem. Mrs..
Whitney tuuene son, Pleas
ant Whitney of Brownsville,
Ore. They named him that
because he was snch a good
baby. -
Mrs. Whitney also has ' 25
grandchildren; 45 great-grand'
children; and 11 great, great
:. Despite .her advancing
years, Mrs. Whitney is of
very keen mind and la alert.
Up until the last eight years,
ahe -.- lived by herself and
busied herself with house-:
hold duties, in her home on
Saginaw St. She was also
an ardent gardener and took
orlde In her baking.
Mrs. Bricesaya the "still
bosses the kitchen." Truly one
ot the finest people we have
ever met, I believe that Mrs.
Whitney may go so. far as to
win the national Comedy Hour
Centennial Contest which
would entitle her to loads of
gifts and an appearance on the
Comedy Hour.
Poggi Likely to
M Freedom
Oregon City ' (U.R) -A ruling
by Circuit Judge Ralph Hol
min today makes it almost cer
tain that 57-year-old Joe Poggi
will be released from charges
of being an habitual criminal.
Holman yesterday permitted
a motion asking that a plea of
guilty entered by Poggi in 1828
to a burglary charge be with
drawn so that he could plead
not guilty.
Poggi, released from Oregon
stale penitentiary Friday after,
serving nearly 20 , years . fol
lowing an illegal conviction,
has been brought to Clackamas
county to face a new trial on
charges of being an habitual
criminal the same charge
that netted him the life sen
tence. ' "'
District Attorney Winston
L. Bradshaw said the judge's
ruling probably meant Poggi
would go free. '
"I believe it will be lmpos-
isible to gather witnesses and
build a case which would con
vince a jury beyond a reason
able doubt,'! Bradshaw said.
Gov't Now Supporting
Faltering Beef Price
The drop in ' beef prices
which has gone about as far as
it is likely to go.
The government is moving
in to support the cattle mar
ket for the first time in nearly
20 years.
The Agriculture Department
announced yesterday that it is
ready to buy quantities of froz
en boneless beef through regu
lar wholesale channels to help
stabilize prices.
sr Tht AUKLUd Prui)
Adnlrtl Corporation ....... v..
Alliod Ch.mlc.l
Allli Cb.lm.ri
AmirlcftB Alrllnei
Amtrlctn Power LiiK
America Tel it Tel
Ataertcui Tobacco .j. ...... ......
Anaconda Copper
AtchUoa Railroad
Bethlehem eteel v,,.
Boelnr Airplane Co. .....,....'..
... u
,.. S
... 11
... li
... M
... 41
... sev
Bor. Warner ...w
Burrowa Addln. Machll.,
California Packing
Canadian Pacific
... 16U
... S1K
... .
... 1U
... nv,
... MS
... r
... MVi
... ttv,
... "
... 1
... tss.
... 7i
... 7ti
... M
caterpillar Tractor
Celaneie Corporation .,.,,. ......
Chrreler Corporation
Cities service ,.......'...',.'.....
Conaolldated ZdUon
Consolidated VuUt
Crown Zellerbaoh. ...... ......'..
Curtlu Wrilht
Douilaa Aircraft .' ...
Du Poni 3a Nemouri......
Baetman Kodak
Kmereon Radio .f...r...t...'..
Oeneral Electric
Oeneral Poodii.........uM.......
fOeneral Motor. .-........
Otorala Pac. Plywood
Ooodyear Tire
Homeeuko lilnlni Co
International Harveelei
InUrnatlonal Paper
Johra Uanrllle
Kennecott Copper .......
... M
... BS
... im
... ISli
... (Vi
UbbT HeNell
Lockheed Aircraft .........i...
Loawat Incorporated .............
Lons Bell ,
IContfomerr Ward ;
Naah Kelvlnator ...........-.
New Tork Central v..'.
Northern Paclflo
Padflo American Plch .........
Pacific Oa At ElectrK
Paclflo Tel A Tel
... 1!
... SSV.
... 3Vt
.... 31V.
.... M
Packard Motor Car
penner, J. C
Penneylvanla R. R
.... 31V.
Ptpal Cola Co. ..'
Ptuito Radio
Radio Corporation .,,..'
Raronler lneorp. :.........
.... 131
.... Mi
.... .0
Raronler lneorp. pro
Republic Steel .............,.
Reynolds Metala- .,...
Richfield Oil
fiafeway atoree Inc. '
floott Paper Co. .....;''
Seara, Roebuck ft Co.
Socony-Vacuum Oil .;...'...
.... tilt
..... 61'
..... 01H
Southern Pacific -
Standard Oil Calif
Standard Oil N.J.
studebaker Corp.
..... w
..... 66
.11.. 14
Sunehlne Mlnlnl '.
swift A Company
..... v
Tr.naamertca Corp.
..... 3H
rwentleth Century Pox.
.... 1
.... 434
.... UK
.... St
.... IK
.... 1M
.... UVi
.... IsH
Onion OH Company ..
Union Paclflo
United Airlines ,
United Aircraft '.t
United corporation
Onltad atatea Plywood
United otates Bteel ...
Warner Pictures
Western Union Tel. ...
Westlnghouse Air Brak.
Westlnshouae Electrlo ..
.... 43H
.... J1
.... 4H
Chleaia Grain
ohif-wi. tP Oralni marched ateadlly
upward on the Board of Trade Tueedar
In complete reveraal of Mondar'a
performance. They recovered juet aoout
nil the around lost Mondar.
There appeared to be a food deal of
hmitr coverlnv br thoee who had ton
abort In the prevloue aeialon M wall
aa lome new lDTUtment burlni.
In back of the advance were lack of
moletuae in tht winter wheat wit, email
eaan train receipts, announcement br
Uie Airtculture Department that It
would bur beef to bolster aaailm cattle !
prleei and leu Taitb in a new Kouian ;
peace oiieneive.- -Wheat
closed 1H-1 hither. Mar
V.19-. corn fetcher, Mar
l.0OH-$l.0. oaU Vt-l hlsber, Mar
74H, rre IK to S cenU hUher, Mar
91.77-ll.76tt, aorbeana S to 4 cinU
h.srher. Mar U.01U-4. and lard 12 tn
30 centi a hundred pounds hither, Mar
10.00. . , i
Dr. Miller's
Car Looted
Of Wheels
Dr. Owen Miller, 1460 Sa
ginaw street, found himself
stranded Tuesday morning
when he went to his carport
to drive to work. ;
' Oh, bis car was there all
right, but It seems that
someone had made off with
four wheels and tires during
the night. v
.The thieves had carefully
blocked up the front end
when they removed the
wheels from there and left
, the jack under the left rear
They Jimmied the trunk
door open to get the fourth
tire, leaving the 194S Olds
mobile sitting a trifle lop
sided on Its one wheel as
they left.
Dr. Miller caught a cab to
The Spaniards set up public
schools in New Mexico in 1721.
All Grodes Any Amount
Highest Price
460 N. Front '
: w.V
A new type of mall service went into effect in Salem
. today when Postmaster Albert Gregg placed the first
letter inside the mail box which the Kiwanls club caused
to be erected at the comer of Court and Church near
the post office, for the convenience of motorists who can
Insert letters without leaving their seats. Standing at
Gragg's left is Jim Hunt, president ot the club. Others
in the picture are Kiwanis members. Bob Howells is chair
man ot the project and community service committee of
the club which sponsored the project. Postmaster Gragg
said only first class mall will be handled through this
box. There will be seven dally pickups, the first at 4 ajn.
which will catch northbound
allulat Tentatlre. subject to ' to-
mediate ctaania: Premium ouallty. mail
mum Jft of on. per eeni acidity 'da
ll.rt In Portland ea.tto lb.t first eroal-
Ity n-TOoi second auallty. (4-S70. Valley
routes and country poinia. a com im.
twrr-Wnolesals T.O.O. Bum auoaa 10
-wholesales irada A A i aeon.', ne:
a mriAm. a, aeora. dAcl K. 60 seara, 4Ci
C. s eoora, 4c. Abort prleea strlcUy
nominal. ' '
Cheaaa Selling pnea ta roruana
whol...lara.. Oraaon alnglea IH-4e
Oregon t lb. loaf, iH-lttc; trlplsu,
lUc less than singles.
E.rm u Wfealaaalara Candled gga
containing no lou, eiui Included f.o.b
grada medium. l4V-Mtte: B grade large,
49H-li4C. - ; .
Peruana Dabry Markal
Baiter Prlea so retaners: Grade AA
print, lies A carton. Tlci A prints, noi
carton, ttci B prints, etc
Eggs To retailer., orads aa large,
c: A lsrsa. fil-BSc: AA mcdluu,- aael
medium. W-Mcl a am all. nominal.
Cartons, 3e additional. -
M Price to retailers, roruana,
Oregon-singles, 4ttt-eoci l-lb. loares.
u-UVic: trln eta. IVio less Wan
alea. . Premium brands alnglee. . ase;
loaf. flOe, Proeesaad American ahHsa,.
B-lb. loaves to retail, 45i w.
Pealtry - - ... - t
uvo '.CttleaeaBtno. . l auauty. -i.o.n..
plants.) Pryers, m-J s, -110i 1-4
lbs., 30-llc; oraaters, ova us, ana oyer,
SQSId: heavr hens, au walgnts. 37-asci
light hens, til welghta, U-oi eld roost
er., lg-isci , -
Draaaad Chlekena Pryers. 3V.-1 lb.
43-5c: roasters. 3-44oi light bene, 31
32c; heavy hem, 3-31o: out up fryers,
all weights. 43-44C. '
RabblU Average to growers : lire
whites. 4-5 lbs., M-S7c; l-( lbs., l-Jlo
lb., old does, lo.lici few higher. Presh
dressed fryers to retailers, 41-4401 aut
up, ge-ese.
Coantrr KUIed Meab ' ' ''
Veal top auauty. 40-430 -. rough
beavles, 35-33o. '
Hegaijean niooaers, jd-ssoi sows, jigne
Lara be -Too grada wringers. 4C-4IC
ether grades, aceordlng toualltv
M.Uen Best awea and wetnera. 1 lf-
lle lb.
Beef Utility sows, 11-130 Ib.i aanner-
eutters, 3S-S7C'
rraak Draaaad Maata ''
Wholaaalera to reullers: Dollars par
Beef Steers, tholca eoe-IM lbs,
XJJtMtrmUdi CwHMtlt T-S Btwlliht tor
New 1953 Studebaker
thrills all America!
Huge crowd; jam showrooms to
the most exciting new car
fmipt tar fair l
in 9 My itylti
American ttmfirt
and hanihni tail
Itngir whttlbasn
and wider triads
txpamu ilatl
for bit vitililitj
nad-huzpng liability
in turn and curvtt
' All eieeVJi ter Stolihakfr AufnuUt Mm or Ovtririvtmi tlmniudnt Unlii tUu f nrlra teat
370 No. Church St.
train No. 830.
11.00-40.00; food. 34.00-W.OO; coramerelal
S8.00-tl.00i utility, u.oo-u.oot . aowa,
commercial, Il.00-t4.00; utility, 30.00
tt.ooi annsra autters, 3l.oo-ti.oo,
meal cala . icuoieo ataerai. flind
auarters. 47.O0-W.O0; rounds. 44.00-40.00;
full loins, trimmed, (9.00-TI.OOi trl-
anslH.; lora-ouarters, tt.00-
tt.ooi abucks,; - rlM, 44.00-
u.oo. . - .r a "
Veal Ooad. l-tl.H; aommirolau.
M7-41. - '
vaivaa ' -cmowa. aas-aa.a; .aoaaaieg-.
aiau. ai7-4i.
umba rnma apringara, ao-M ass,
tU-l; good, 440-44.
Hatlea-Good choice, S31-I1. ' ' "
rack Cnta Loins, Mo, 1. t-11 But, 141
K; ahouldert, 14 lag.. III-30; spanrlba,
1H-40: fraah barns. 10-14 BUU SU-U.,
Saaakad Bama-alUnnad, SJ1-M.I0. Be.
fined lard la drums, I11.60-1J; slab bac
on, ... ,... .. ,.,
Parlland MJeeellaneeM
- X
Celery CaL flat eraU. S-IH dot.. Paw, to. 1440. Ore.,
ai.H. as as la. aacu west oratoa yel
low, medium. l-tncn, t.T4
t II; Mo. ta, al-Uo; bollara, 10 lb. aaoks,
4-47ei Idano yellows, large, S4.w-4.u;
Mo, 1. white., large. 4.74-5 .
Palaleea Qre.-waab, ruueta. no. 3.
I4.10-4.7t; (aw down ta t4; bakeri,
ss.oo-aoci n ins, siaa A. gi.aa-i.ssi 10 .
meab. tO-ttct paper, 4t-t3o; Mo. S, to
lbs, l.Tt-1.90; Idaho bakers, bales, t-10
lbs, 100-li. sacks, .f-.40l
lb. No, la, . .
ay tj. a. No. green allaUa. da-
Uvered car lota (.o.b. Portland, nominal
ly t3t.oo tout Seattle. 117-40.
wee Willamette vaiiey mosur nomi
nal at as lb. sreaaa basis. .
Hiaee-mvea. U-Ile in. aoeorcuna to
welshta; green kips, IT-Ucl bulls, 4-U;
araen butoher sow bides. Y-Oe. ,
maeria wnoiaaaie eeiung priae no. i
larae Barcelonaa, -Sa-ato - Ib.i grower
nrlcea. orchard run. 14-lto lb.
Watnats Wholesale aelUng prlca, first
duality large Pranquattea, 3l-33e lb.;
grower pries, orchard tun, u-lOe lb.
few beat to IM. .
Obleage Onlans
Chioago (U.R) buppuss moasrate. de
mand fair, market about ateady.
Street tales (50 lbs.): Idaho and Ulan
Spanish 3-incb, and larger 4.50-4.74,
some best 114 Inch and larger 100-5.15,
PerUaaS Orala -.
Portland uPH- Ne eoaree f rains, -v.
Wheat (bid) to arrive market, basis
Ho. 1 bulk, delivered coast: soft WK.e
1.44: Soft white (excluding Bet) s.44;
White Club 1.44.
Hard Bed Winter: Ordinary 1.411 10
per cent 1.45(4: 11 per cent s.etttl 13
per eenl .4t!t. .-
far xeoeipts: wnsat t; Hour t: torn
II.- .. ,-, ....... . ,,- ...
It. WUtt MtnOt mad tknmt mkttl timt rUMl H
r te ne bradebafcer ivfth ,
Come In right away and order your
lft6 Studebaker. Be one of the first to own "
the car that everyone, everywhere, is talking
about. Tell us now which Studebaker
Champion or Commander V-8 you want.
Sedans, coupes, hard-tops-in colors galore ,
are all right down to earth in price. And
.... i , , .
they all save gasoline amazingly.
BoRssteele Sales &
floateim freee let sees Seatiei
!rS edeaee
nriMjSnM euey.
tStSTfJSTtt H (tt-n..) tat).
St.M-S.1t (Ue-lb. Wit.
an Maeh
i.ur r- UM-iM is . kas.
tt m-tM (1H wl.). . .
Stoi M Ham IK I Mlwtstwl, SMI
. sKriw Mi" ant, a, tfo tin a.
S-4tc: tatll. m.
tenarally t-1 blaiber tbaa tka Prtse;
above, tvarte grade A gnaarHlr awete
at too: aedium, lie.' -,
BallaHat Buylm trite; Prtmhus. te
TJc; no. 1, ta-ltc; Ne, s. fie.
Bauer wholesale grade A tateSnalj
ne B. telau. Tie. .,
PerUaad Sulalae Mathat . , i,
Portland U Trading was ale to
day on the Portland aalstde Parmara
Wholesale Produce BtartH wttb ajl
prlcaa nominal. . :f t.
Ckluae liveeaeek .
Chieate uTV- Alter a alow and wee
to 11 genu lower stars, tradtaf fa kan
turned fairly active needs east aeJea
generally were tteadr to W eeatt kewer.
oelly steady, ta fact
Cattle trading waa balped bp a ledaa.
Hen of l.tot an the eueetai aaatkla
aupplr. Prices tsaeraily wart steady at
strong an eteers. bellert ana eavs.
Meal, butoher weight beta aeM treaa '
131.00 to tao.ati aows were S31.SS t
llt.oo generally. .
' Oood lo prime I tears and rearllnsa
ranted from 130.00 to Its M and f ese)
and ebotee btlfera trawl II, St to
Cows eoald do no better tbaa -
Mo tbeep market waa astabuabeC. aB ,
earlr rounds.
. .... .'i'e' i l ((.':.;':'
Pertuwi Uveatoek ,, A
Portland OJJO-Cattla; tot; asUve.
eteady; good-low ehotee tae-eto k. red
ataera It.oO-Stt aanner-eutler aewa U- '
11.10; coma 14: ahelle; down to f : Mil.
Itr cowa 14.M-MI fceavp ' eeaaaaarelal
aows M.M. '-
Calves: tti steadyi fee akelee real,
era 14-11: choke 400-SOO lb. aarrea at- .
17; uUlKr-eommtrelal veelero -S4i
uuuty ealvee down to 14.
Bogs: 150; active, steady; glutei I, t'
bukhsra lto-311 lto. a.SMt; ebslea
lUbtwelthU II; ebotee let-34 see.
13-13.H1 ehoiee too-let lb. tew wja-lll
lighter, welghta 11.(0. ....
aheep: 100; etroog! ehetee lit B.
aprlur lasnbs 14.10: prime no as. ted
wooled lantbe 3a: alUlty lasgbe It; feed
feeders ealable IT: f eod-ohetoe aves
ejaetable f-ia. .
KiiioRsI (ni'.i
Card, Inc. .
An Orsgei Ctxfwillei
1 ah art Class A npv BerUel-
patinf noB-veting
,1 share Class B npr two
PArlicipatinf Totlrif eem-
1 share Clan C 1100 pr t
- cumulatlvt nan-Totliij .
praferred. -
hi mi Per IM
Orden iilmlietl ta lata sf
Oregon) executed ajr '
iHttmdma mkt
win wl - (
see and buy
in years
Salem, Ore. -