(v patI 4. Tuesday. March 24, 19SS 14 .THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon STEVE ROPER RADIO PROGRAMS Gunfighter's Return no au I m lie RSI rlV WONT V SQUEAL,'-BUT THAT'S THE LAST TIME TOBCHY BUitS wtj WIDNISDAYr.M. YOUR DncTV nuttr. ly LESLIE ERNENWEIN I AT Newtjcattrreel v r 9 y- I ;(B(HH"""" 1 WI,tU. 0 Itll 'mmmmmmmf iPTHANKS TOVCU, MR.. sooNAa OAU7T a luoh w 7?. iv rr-i zj- vri m Tnarrv work ea it 1;: '; I I ; 2 Hush Jubal glanced at Btronv berg, reveaUlng in trtat brief ges ture a (lavish obedience. The thought came to Rimbaud that they'd fought the CivU War to free black (laves, yet here wai a . white man in bondage to his bee. "Speak up," su-omberg com' ' mandtd lmnatlentlv. Hugh had no liking for this and showed it in the grudging way he aid, "Well, it wag a mistake." "That not enough," Rimbaud aald. An expectant hush settled on the room; silence so strict that the ticking of a clock above the bar was a distinct disturbance. Anger brightened Jubal's brown eyes: it atalned his frown-rutted brow and was a growling undertone when he muttered, "I'm sorry nap ramed." "You should be." Rimbaud said, i i. w tell Ltopy Smith the same tunc." : Jubal's eve bussed wide with disbelief. "For lust shovln' him off?" he demanded. - . "Tor knocking him down." ' Perspiration glistened against the sorrel stubbie on aun s long bar. He wiped his bloodly nose on an uphunched shoulder and peered at Rimbaud with eyes hate-polish-ed to shining amber. "What you trying to do?" he demanded In a wheeling, outraged voice. But he made no attempt to draw his gun. "I'm teaching you some proper manners," Rimbaud said. Downchlnned and rashly smil ing he moved In with the relent less stalking of a hungry tiger. He had been sleepy and half drunk a few minutes ago; now the red rowels or pnysicai combat roused attempt to clinch. Rimbaud flung him oif scoffing, "Dent use me for Pat Finucane, who had come around the bar to assure himself of an unobstructed view, exclaimed amusedly, "Ain't he the droll one now, vnat Kimoauoi" The mockery seemed to reluve nate the battered Roman Four ramrod, cursing insanely, swung both fist and targeted Kimoauo wun a mac King oiow that peeled a strlc of skin from Rimbaud's - temple. . He knocked Rimbaud back with a solid right to uie cr.esi. ana wnen Kimoaua oharged him again, Jubal arched his body on the bar's beveled edge and kicked out viciously, trying for uie groin, ova lumoaua croucneo and caught the boot in t-jth hands and noisted it high. - Upended so violently that only his shoulders touched the bar, Jubal loosed a long-drawn yell as he went over, that frantic outcry merging witn a crash of tumbled whisky glasses and the thudding impact oi ms oooy. Ktmoaud hurdled the Bar, ignor lng Fonso Peal who protested, upper lip and formed pimply beads xou u wrecx my piacer itma hu forehead. Indecision Jubal was uo on one elbow, claw. gripped him so that he was like lng for his gun, when Rimbaud a man teetering on the ton rail slugged him. Hugh fell back and of a corral fence, and In this mo- gave itunbaud a oianx, un-conv ment. nt aiutnenaion Fonao Peal prehending look. said excitedly, "Smith was drunk Then his mouth sagged open and disorderly," ana ne was mrougn. Without shifting his glance from wmoaua graspea tne back or Jubal's face, Rimbaud said, "You Juoai vest and dragged him slow. kMtn mit of Unix. Peal." Then he UV along the narrow runwav, asked, "How about it, Jubal? How Rounding the bar's end, Rimbaud about It?" ' - . ... , glanced at the poker table and ob- "Not by a damn sight!" juoai served wibi umpy umitn was shouted, emphasising his refusal asleep with his hear! resting on by shaking a fist. "I ain't a polo-1 the green felt. Something about srlsln' to no drunken bum!" . mac amusea tumoaua: ne cnucx He wss like that, with one hand led, thinking how odd it was that up, when Rimbaud tilted forward Smith should so serenely ignore and hit him in the face. - uie commotion ne had caused. Jubal's souall curse was echoed nemoieiy aware oi many laoee by the meaty impact of another at the doorway, Rimbaud dragged blow that mashed his nostrils. He Jubal out into the soiled sawdust floundered Into Lew Stromberg and dropped him face down. He and was still off balance when wiped oiood-smeared knuckles on Rimbaud caught him with a aledg- his pants and looked at Lew lrar light to the ribs. Wholly con- stromberg, who stood with a fused by the swift savagery of Roman Four man on each side of Rimbaud's attack. Jubal skidded in him, and asked. "Any objections?1 a half' turn, then reeled back There was a ruddy flush on like a drunken dancer doing an otromoerga irown-creased face, awkward sashay. " His, black eyes held a metallic .Men at the bar moved hastily shine and a aueerlv plerclnff ln- aslde. maklns room for him. and tentness. It was as if he weren't someone out front yelled gleefully, I quite sure what he was seeing and -ngnii, xngnu" must oe sure oeiore speaaing, juoai oracea nimseii against tne Any oDjeouons?" Him baud assert again. no," stromoera said, his voice oddly mild and devoid of anger. no oDjecuons." Rimbaud arlnned. He dromiett a double eagle on the bar and said to Fonso Peal, "Set up drinks for the house." -. . . Then he walked out. and (ten- ping oulckly throuah a crowd on the stoop, angled across Main Street toward the Alhambra Hotel. it didn't occur to him that Eve Odegarde might have been In that group of spellbound soectators. or a sham olaritv in him. And a that she would watch until he en- familiar exuberance. This was how tered the hotel and then whisper, a man felt when he fought with his fists; when he used knuckles ana muscles instead oi outlets. This was the way a man was sup wsed to flarht. "Slug him Hugh!" Red Shatter urgea, "owing at ami'- Jubal swung, and missed, and tried to duck away. But Rimbaud . cuffed him back with lancing rights and lefts to the face. When Jubal grabbed him In a desperate Two in One! In one pattern. pocket-skirt for denim or. sailcloth ana a spiasn oi cotton piaia tor the band sleeve blouse. (The blouse comes in long and short sleeve lengths, tool) Ever-fresh In any season any xaoric No. 3674 is cut in sizes 8. 11, 13, It, 17 and 18. Site 13: skirt takes . 214 yds. 38-tn. Blouse with bias bands takes 2 yds. 35-ln or 38-ln. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and cuse. - Address pattern bu REAU, Capital Journal, 852 Mis sion Street, San Francisco 6, Calif. ' Patterns ready to fill orders Im mediately. For special handling of rdenttta nrst class mall include an extra So per pattern. "Good luck, Fiddlefoot." (To Be Continued) Carol Curtis Pattern a , ... MulU-Color 8lrawberrles. Bright as surnwoernes growing in early summer fields are these luscious- looking strawberry-red and green transfer designsl No embroidery Is needed as uie color transfers di rectly from the designs. Four strawberry clusters measure 4 by 3 Inches; two bandings for aprons, towels, runners, measure 8 by 2 inches. You'll like these deH signs on linens, on summer frocks. send 30c for the Multl-Color STRAWBERRY DESIGNS (Pat tern No. 489) complete transfer and laundering Instructions. YOUR NAME, ADDRESS. PAT TERN NUMBER to CAROL CUR TIS, Capital Journal, 662 Mission street, enn Francisco 6, cam. ROOM ft. BOARD BUT LIS-EN....DONT 5IDPYER. rvMmuic c etc nua Carre urn r UllC IM'CCII Tl ILI DACf! CDC L'zz&l X rrM rv. . Jul. iwri wjwfc. x C rW JtLKtl MUSU.feUl.rVe LINlmfcNI FOR CURIN' SPRAINS AN' MUSCLE KNOTS ....Ok RASSLERS klKE IT EXCEPT THEy SAY IT MAKES EM SMELL LIKE AN EMBALMED WHALE..,SOIUr)W VUH TUH MAKE A POIFUME I CAN MIX IN IT By Ahren REALLY?... VAELL, itll be EXPENSIVE, JUNIOR, J FOR. MY TIME AND THE COSTLY INGREDIENTS ITLL RUN ABOUT AH 100 COes THE HOLE ' ' ' S : ORPHAN ANNIE .'-- I ThC Wfte VER f f rxirOWaX.-YIWFKSERIN' 'X 1 JEtXSE SEAL f I 0408 IAWVER- I WVWeON U MWVBE-HB 06ST. J ON QETTWTH' I I Sl WANTS T'BEE IT JUWSE 1 I 6EEM LIKE A i I HIS MIND. P B CMO TO 0RS I HBKT TWaSOUT I ' P ?s LIL ABNER , . -: . i. i . ',. v;,'-,'- AH'LLTAKCT QOODfT-VOUBE J I Onr-C,W-P.' T ??-BUT- VO' T 1 1 BUT-NOT COItg'KO JT '? I I WAL-AH I aifikfV V'tETTEB AfyXy SPRB1N0 POTTNEO AM CAN'T SAID y&0 DO I BASSUfT tSTH' OHfT GUESS A GO I ioH SaSTml TPRCTTtOt) FOR MC.TARA LE60FF TAKE THAT ANVtHINS J BBST TO &f MUSTkfT AH'UL t SoeSNVWOMTTEM aV 25LSffiS5?S2!ir Xfmm1 TS PKOrE5-.I PROrEO A FUTURE ) OOflFoSxC TH'K---: 2ftW S y-sOU' MW.TJ BA AH'LTH?g JOBfAH J ) JgiSg BOP ALONG CASSIDY . ' . V . ' " 'i"''' -""j'' . .V ' . I i I MERCY.' IF THAT DIVERTED RIVER Xsual 0A KNOW AN EASIERl L1 FUX3D6 THI6 AREA ,I6NT IT APT f 1 WAY Q' DROWNIN' A COUPLE I f IN Y5U cV).'THI6 STOREROOM TO 6WEEP AWAY THI6 6HACK I 5URE.:.l k O' PE6ERT RAT6 T , J I OUfiHTA HOLD YOU UNTIL ly5; AND OUR CAPTNEi WITH IT Ji V "Lli jOUR JOB 16 FINISHED.; p jT ( "j llj T T I tW MVTl ft JEFF .. 1 . .. : - :-- i ' ' ' , WMH WHAT U I WANT f WPEED; I Ifl HAVEN'T MUCH 1 1 . yES, 1 CiWk. I MORNING, LADY 71 FOR ? J TO START V f TO EAT IN THE CCWHA1X (VEAlWlL I REX MORGAN, M. D. . '. - ' ' : t "15'!SmmTk " '-'1 I PIO YOU AND VOUrT YSS, BMOlf fwELl, IT WASN'T VSHV X OBVIOUSLY VOU P1PNT " V 1tS f;iT POCTOR FR1BNP JlTWASJUST PLEASANT FOR M6... 1 I ... WWeN VOU THREW , I k Tl Vv ILtJ HAVE A Nice, X THAT.,. 5rTTlN6 OUT IN TH6 Jl I VOUR ARMS AROUND A "" I A Jll ij-JM itlttl SOClABLe BVENIN6, ) 90CABLB CAR; FOR TWO tWISAMM HlA ANP CrSMP HIM.' g-g( JA mij2 f ?-9HeilA7 - J ANP WAITINS FOR , -40jm- "1 t-CT, VV I L PUIASAYT.' VOU TO GET, Jl PlDNT JTr I DONALD DUCK ' ' MARY WORTH ri r : l i I n l,,. i r ' rn-. : ' r ' 18 lia5Sg.. r! vuv WEU.DR.THAOEIWJ...7 J?1' I OlfinvO lMOrCTlAJU... till T7 mmmm mmml "COR10LANlK"ACTrCTur S-l luc ia I I WINU I'LL JOtNTHIS COZY ' ?V it -" H THr5 MAY NOT BE A REA0IN6 J I LSSSS5 "JU . rlur m rtt o.-ti ou aUu. LIH"??1 i3T 5r-i-y J REPORT SOME 5TUDCNT IS J IAT if rW W aiwf" pvT TOt C-I IT V I WLr 'MmtuMie-a-i-tts $ ' iW) sWcBck I ' KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO It'll S L. cImCIII IN , ' ? ' ' 111! Frill, f.r! OwtM a.j M't SpUw ! , ' M Lt., i, uitit.. Hu Ksr Wwl (lrkrt BslSw M MilMr Mu itrrTnJl !..T j.-iilKM UkwM SpUw Kss (MM : J! ;1.Wh. """r ; U II rUi ?.2fl.r "I Tlr ! t.r. Mm MUM, ' i "wM. ci::;i:; """" " ?!!!!? SUfUi Imw (llrtoa n.w MMto MM. l.'S.OrrU Mr.'""" ""'"" ' M..I. M.U , TBi i n. R...III.I KlUhii Tlnlnu taJUaUwU Brim. Till. WwMNtwi lMltal Sa B.lrr.l C.f BlKtww Maila Mart SUrTla. I'TSsv;; umiamM MilMri Ikinw :T!Jf ?.i.N..V stui B MwliHtt Unua U H.CU WnU ftu CM BnUn WHS Bill M..1. M.rt BtMrl Tutalu .Ilk PM ' " WMthMMS OpprlHisUt MsiltMsrl. CanllalUal MS?..lT Tu,h.. B. M. NW K... SU. Of. JO Cm Ii0 M7S..JMP Hkal'aMj GaaSlUI. '' " ; Vw" 8:1 MrSaaJarp U.e 0 LUt Isaai Baw. s Kara i-M BaS Bapa (laaa Laa BapferlMaala ?"", 15 Bok Bapa Om Staaa Ua Bawar Miala llara Slai JS Walk a Mil WarM Affair HruUn Dr. K lart Maala ilj Walt . Ml Far Theater Dr. Ellaaca , Hl l:M Map'a tan Ntwa Srmphatialta Spalllw Track 1M 1:11 Nan Op Spat Smphaaatla Canlaat Track lips : 1:10 Qraat Dr.Chrltilam Ml. rrciHenl Spelllnt . . Track HPS 1:P QUlaralaaw Dr. CkrliUap Mr. Pr.iU.al Canlaat Track I4P ! Oraacba r. B. I. Talai Tanar (Ilea Barif Track 14p :S Mara taaca a War rallaa Up - Track l9 :10 WaraaTkal Ja Staffer Maala la SpalllPl TraakllM :E Tpaa laalarMIca Mr Bailaai Cenlait Wca :(4) aerlar I (tar Final rinal Bdltlcn BablaSSIarr ,. Nliht laop : II ipa'ta Fiaal Iiiterrlawe Danca Tlaaa Kcmnal Nltkt Suae :MMaaleHaar Maala Dull Tin Km . ' ' Maila las t:48 Maala Bear Mailt Par.ce Tlaia Dar Man Want 1:W MailaHaar OrtaaMal. Daaea Tlaae lit Marier Naalarna ill Maale Hear OraJleladlaa Daaea Tlaia Meladlaa . Neelarna :M CllrCaancIl Treaaarr Daaee Tlpja Meladlaa 1 . , Naetaraa : W Cltr CaaoeD Bandelaal Papca Tlaae Meledlaa Naetaraa ' l:Srlum on BUeat I IMaela I IPaBaaFartr Don't fret ever a down payment. We take tnoit anything en trade for a beautiful ' naythcontfgj get. See U( First for tha Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Una Ave. '' Phone 55 . Open Monday and Frldar Evenings THURSDAY 4 A.M. TO 1 1 :45 A.M. g-M Maale Time INewa pre, Faraa Newe Braakfaat W. Me ed ea ( IS Maala Tla B.F.O. Ora Die. Fern Faraa Nai Naak W. Meladlaa n Maala Tlraa SODI Bleak Ora. Farae Ncwe Breakfail , Faraa Nawa 45 Fsraa Ua KOIW Bleak Ore. Farm March Tlaaa Weak "ewe 7Z caanlry IdT KOIN Blek Flrit Idlllea BeamhuTM Braakfaat MadlUtleaa 'is Jahaar Willi Nawa . M. Aaraaakr Breaklaal Naak KOCO Bleck "ewe 'Newe Bet Oarrai Braakfaat Breakfast KOCO Black IS K. Mannlar H. BabMlt Bat Baaaa Baaa Barat Naak KOCO Black "ITET Old Sanaa Carela Braakfaat CacB Brawa Jlai Daadp Nawa i:fm Old Senai Nawa Braakfaat Faea. Slier Ilaa Daadr KOCO Black i: an Maale Baa Orad glaaa Braakfut BarenclB Jlaa Daadr KOCO Black jljlj Maala Baa Baaaraarr Braakfaat BatcaafB Jlaa Pandr Newe .M Newe W. Warrea 9 aaa Idlta Nawa Back faaea Happlneee ilTaMailaBaa AaatJcnar Tedar Sirs Meledr Mc Matlaaa Tanellaie X.'u Maale Baa Belen Treat Friend la Faator'a CaU Back fanaa flan a Fat. 9.45 V. lladlahr Oar Gal Saa Need Bar. Ceantei Malta ce Dinah Share gafi B. Raraaler Bead af Ufa Den O'rda'r Glen Hardp Back fenea Bare I lit B. Beraelda Marrklna C. Haulier Tela Tail Matlaaa Beeefdt ('n suite II rich Dr Helena Traa Starr Anewar Man Back fevca Bare... . (:'4.i! BIHha It rich Paid Lliht Traa Slcrr Made Matlaaa ' Beccrlt l.fj Dal ar Neth Mra Bartan Whtaeerlnr Ladtaa Fair Back fane Bare 1-jaj DUarNath r. Maaaa GlrlMarriei Ladlee Fair Matlaaa Bacaila . l;Sr Bab a Bar Kara Drake V. Llndlahr Qn. far Dap Back faaea Bare :S Bek Hepa Irlahter DatBarnai Baal 0. far Par ' Matlaaa ' Bacardi FM Mas.! BOIN IS 1.1, i a.ra. ta u p.m. KEX MJ, S ta ( p. pa. DIAL LISTING KOAC, IS KOAC Wedaeadar p. aa. l:H, Ore. sea Baparlar: :U. Maala af tha Maatarai 4:M, Serenade In Blaei S:M, Chlldran'a Thealart s:M, mieara aaaad tahlai :, Newa and Weathers :tS, Ora reai Lailalatarai 7:1S. Eranlna Faraa Bean t:M, Badla Sharlhandl :, Newe, Weath er 1 S:tS, Medltatlanl ll:ee, sin Off. Tharedar a.K. 1I:N, Neat U:W, (aheal at (Iri I1:H. Ceacetl Ball U:W, Nam 11:11, Neca Farm Heart i:M Far Wamenl ' X:SS, laaalrlns Maalelam t:ts, Ora. Seheel af Sir: S:N, Oraaaa Be partari 4:N, fjnlrareltr Bear. Clear Lake Clear Lake Miss Ermina Fisher,- county home demon stration ' agent, demonstrated the cleaning of rugs and uphol stery to the extension unit Fri day, when Mrs, A. A. Elchel berger was hostess to the (roup. Plans were made to the unit's part in the spring festi val. ' ' "Gifts from Cloth" will be the exhibit, with Mrs. Everett Whelan and Mrs. Arthur Sor ensen named to arrange it, and the job for the day is cleaning. Named to nominate officers for election next month were Mrs. A. A. Eichelberger, Mrs. A. L. Fast, and Mrs. Louis Ad ams. : Election of officers was the main business of the Women's Service Guild of , the EUB church when it met at the home of Mrs. Hal Versteeg. Mrs. Lester Rose was elected president; Mrs. Howard Schlag, vice president; Mrs. Oscar Bair, secretary; and Miss Lois Soren sen, treasurer, '. . . v . t The Rev. R. S. Lawrence as sisted with the business meet ing, and Mrs. Schlag presented the evening's lesson. ' ; The word 'alphabet" U de rived from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet "alpha" and "beta." ACROSS : 1. Article of belief f. Berate 11. Grating 12. Diminishes gradually 14. Concerning 15. Food fish 17. Babylonian god 18. Paddle 30. Casts side long SI Obete 22. Stair 24. Hall score JS. Tender 26. Strenuous 28. Hindu . loldiera 10. Biblical King 31. Rodent . ' S2. Frugal 35. Expire 38. Egg-shaped ' . SB. Play about robots by Capek 41. Body Joint 42. Nothing 43. Cross stroke of a letter 45. Pikelike fish 46. State ol the , union: abbr. 47. Implement 49. Behold 50. Impassive 52. Spouted speeches 51 Sharpening tone 55. Mora recent l p 0 md 1 maA km Solution af Yesterday's Puxsla DOWN 1. Originate 1 Smallest state: abbr. 1. Shads tree 4. Hebrew month ' 8. Cancel A 1' I4 f H" t; 1 w W? r JT W'SiW XTsf W JT?o 5 ZZgtLZ'W"' zrzzzwzr 1111 '' I I 1 I P., I, Backs ot . boats 7. House pet , 8. Goddess of the harvest irootball , position! abbr. 10. Dismal II. Twelve dozes 13. Satisfies 1ft. American -general It. Ivangelistit meeting 21. Standing 23. Danger 25. Small particle ol fire 27. Went swiftly 29. Before 32. Carols 33. Fly 34. Avaricious 35. Jail . tests and certifies - 37. King of iba Jews 40. Vast 43. Mix 44. Conflagration 47. Rubber tree) 48. Statute 51. Mystic Hindu .I.M,I.II r j. . "r"V"v" J. oymooi ror W' llhtruHi