A .;i-,";.(,ii(ii'jtJ'.j.I.aiiii-i,.a.'L. . . K. Tnencav, March 14, 1151 Page U , THE CAFrTAL WWAL BMtm, yraj . KovviV rnr - ' Saleni Bowling Tourney Reaches Halfway Point Br BBNN VAADEZ . The aanaal lalem Bowling AteocUtion ehajnplonahlpt got udw way at the .Capitol Ai ley a over the week-end with IS teams an oo tint, , - . --Jumping Into an early lead in the handicap division were the Itailway Cafe five with a huge 8008. In the scratch di vision, Barb's Sporting Oood '. racked up a 2744 to bead that class. The defending city champion Cupboard Cafe team failed in their bid to hang up a aaeond consecutive city title, t Jn doubles, Ed McClutkey and Dean Henderson lead the way with 137 9 while Dick Phippi and 'Lyle Ertigaard have 11BS In open elass. The defending champs, Gene Kita mlller and Floyd McNeil also failed in their effort to de fend their 10B2 crowns. Kltz- rolUar did come through with a big 030 scratch in singles to lead both handicap and scratch divisions with a handicap 697. ' Brownie Valdai is the open leader in all-events with 1717 on aeries of S85, 887, 895. - The Trallway Cafe duet of Qene Kltrmiller and Art Vpston are 1-1 in hand! cap sll'tvenU with 1987 and 19SS respectively. Brownie has 1895 for third place so far.''- -i, .-.,-'! - The tournament will con-' elude next Saturday with 24 teams shooting and four full squids of doubles and singles slated for Sunday. Trophies and cash will be awarded to the winners on the Mb of April. -.. .) -....;, (Srw lellewf, all aaaaieaa) TSAue: Nvl Air reciittr Milt WoDdkum, Orwos 11941 Hammond Sodr compear mil Bawllneori'a carnal dir uunarr mot uouiaa ia mwi u Rossi Kindred Renew Feud At Salem Armory Tonight Tony Bess and Don Kin-1 nme tttitiif4i'3i Tony Boat aad Don Kin sired, a eeaple of wraatlera who don't waste an onnee of . love on each other, collide in the main event of tonighfa weekly professional wrestling program at the Salem armory. - Ross and Kindred added Ore to their long feud last week in a tag team match in which Kindred was one of the participants end Ross one of trie referees. " Much thunder' ansa from last week' tag tearoar, with the match finally ending up in no decision at ell. since Ross wanted to award the vie tory to the Larsen brothers and tut other ret, oien stone, wanted to five It to Kindred and Frank James. Needless to say, Ross didn't make himself any mow popu lar with the two Negroes as a result, and flnce Kindred ha had a rivalry with Rosi for a long time, matchmaker Elton Owen decided to lot that to at each other in tonighfa main ovent. 7 ,'',' :-.;.!.;' . The aeml-flnal event also promised to have lot of action. Olno Nleollnl and Buck Weaver, both terrific- ally fast and clean wrestlers, r- meet in that one. Nleollnl will have the advantage In experience. Weaver's pet ' hold Is a neckbreaker, while , Nicollnl's is the abdominal , stretch. Jack Kiser and Jack Ups tomb will meat in the 1:10 opener. Both have made only infrequent appearances in Sa lem in the last few months, and Owen say they will have to prove their ability again if iff'' ttt 5 r- if 2 ,T .. ,.,-v' ': TO' s A J v f 4 ft 1,. STWI OMUt aulSMrt: Blrt'l apwUas owd Met; Tbrutwir ciu n iiMt CurlWi Dcirr rni; om rtk INi TitlhiMt e 1001; etlam Tills Companr tMOi VuMr etrrlct station! u.thnU Mill aalis Xlkl UU: Cup board Oft MM; PUnk't OoulruoUou mi; sat matt un; miiur ou com piu mm; Otxxiii'i Mirmt mm mwIob Creimery ixn; jott npuanut a'tv. douelbb: UcUullm-OiurlD UMl T. Webb-8. BorkUnd IMe: H. Wlbt-D. BurkUnd 1M MBn.atolM 11MI Dv Uirri 1 -BUulroa tow; MUoa-Dtiltr IMil SahMd-Kiitaai 1101 madh-PUBt HOti rrlMdn-Luts liOd; Deten-Cnat)r um Ldoef-awiawir im: coimiu-KMhtdr- 10MI Wtttlir.aommir 11M; Corrlfiaiuiklla UUi OoaldOUd ll; Hum MdXlmaur UMl lull- cttcrrlttftoo 1017; Blpllnger-Hammond UOd; Jotmson-DUBCdB 1290: a.ar jonn un llKl cordldfOlbddn MHi Oadaob Wtraui lldl; Melidrt Surlsu UU: Huno-Nuljr 1070; WhlU-Brtucht 11KI; aekw Mrtfus 1MO; Hcoiuaur - Btn ddnoB Mill WrlthUBdlund UMl ail itrenvMJDdr till: ScbrotddT-DoDdbu t7l HnuMr-LdBBltu 1U0I BUHrlch HlUrUn UMl MtidOB-ldrTminiiiuB 1111; xrudura-rniapi ia; unddtr-veuu-ptk mi: rin-Rld 1113; McNati. KitmUier 1131; DpiIob Uoiut UWi acr400tt lllil YOUU-UtttHB 103, emOUK: McMulUn tot: Ouerln 586; T. Wbb 1111 a. Burdluid W 8. WtkH SMI D. BurkldDd III; Ol0T S07I BUl.r Mil IMvtnport M0; Bill III; Alien M7 UirrtU Mil SokJlrom IMi Sdhiald 170; rahn 111! Vraah UTi nank lift rrle en Mil Luti 111; Pallon lt; Dully lit: txaftn M0; Cwuir 171; Lane 490; echalddffar Mf Odomlar 5M; aommer wei owridaa Mi; etrikila Hit could HI: caw IBl TJiomMon I7i; McKin- nnr rt7i lAwrr wi; OMrriBiton Nil Hoptdaff M; lUmroond M7; Johniorj no: Dunoan m; oordler Mi; Olbson dIS; Oddaoti sol; Kermaa Ml; MIHrl did; SprltH Mil Hiutil til; Nuliir U7; wnitd ani Branch! CM; ilooius. key 110: aandenon 830; W. Valdei 31t Olodl ; Wrlfht Mil WlUDd J3I Sal trem M7I MIU Mil Schroedir Mil Ptaann M Moaner M; Iiunlf an 171; JfUltflch 111: Blllerleh SOOi Ualion 07; LeTourneiH soli Xrtnaard 2i PMpm SIIi Undur Mil VeUuoek MS; Iflllwe rtkar IHi Bartum Mil Mc Mall CM; KltonlUer M7i Upiton 71 aidtw smi aawo sin ewtt ess; rouu oi: uatlion its. ECriss CCross ay obbjs sofrm. $mh mil mmii soma aeiter -Kornet At least two factlona are trying to get the Oregon state class B high school basketball tournament away from Salem. One of them would take It to Portland's brand new Lincoln high school. The other would move it to The Dalles. The latter has guaranteed the .Oregon Schools Activities association 12500 night if the three day B tournament is held in The Dalles. Holding Its Own Her For the last three years, the class 8 tournament has been conducted and made money at Willamette uni versity in Salem. Before coming to Salem, the tourna ment bounced around from one corner of the atate to another in an effort to find a spot that would keep it out of the red. Salem was the answer. The tournament shows a slight overall profit for the three years it has been played at WU, under the able eosponsorship of Wil lamette university and the Exchange club of Salem. . OSAA Dollar-Conscious We could elaborate from bare to the middle of the used car ads on why we don't think the B tournament should go to Portland . . . and we're pretty well convinced that enough of the right people agree with us to keep It out of the Oregon metropolis. But with a group of sports minded folks in The Dalles willing to pat up a guarantee of two and a half grand a night, the OSAA, always eager to make a buck, might be persuaded to transfer the tour nament to that city. Class A Tourney Loss Justified t baiem's loss of the state class A tournament to Eugene in 1946 was justified. The class A tourney had simply outgrown the facilities at Willamette university. So Salem needn't feel badly about losing the big tournament. But. if Salem now losea the B tournament to The Dalles, or to any other city, it can't be blamed on the size of a gymnasium. Our city's civic pride would suffer.. Let's don't let it happen again. lit Semi-Final Back Weev. er, one of Salem's all-time favorites, will meet 0)ne Nleollnl in the semi-final ovent of tonight's profes sional wrestling card at the alem armory. Tony Boss aad Don Kindred slash la the main event. The card atarU at 1:1. ' they want to got to the top matches. . SCORES in the ALLEYS Duck Pint UfJIM' UOWS WWaawUd VaiMr Bw)-. at Jnt M, M. rolMIMt tM, ulHai, g. aM Md Sri I" idatla OU l ( - audit ms, a. wm4 sm. ft wf 1, aavahuak lit, P, Otl Ml, M,Ur aroaS (1) b Beam MS, B. TddBS Ml, V. Wlllw t77, B, OUmer 101, C. Thttlade WeeeraUVa Sea Skee (I) r- A. Wdtatl 171, aialiiry;. Hn III, D. Kins M, P. York 111 una aad aerlae Oauthler IN and Ml. Bill Dm :h Uav aaroe mA miIm Bandle OU, tM and 1M0. University Alley LADlia' MINOB UUOVI m N1 Cftl 11 D. Cosa 171. 4. w.kn mo. n. Frtdirlek 111, A. Joirn aton in. Ballyweod Merekaata I" B. SUlerieh 171, M. Keller M. b -man IM, A, Bckatrom 111. Lee'a line Care (Ilk) U iHllan Mt, J. Oreenlea Ml, J. aaron IM, 1 Bdlake Bee a WUaia'a (I) Boaa SM. Vrlu IM, Obernat MT, MdFHlaa , atrav M. leedaet (1) Bredm jm, rarley 117, Ub4w Ml, VaMusek fh, frleMa VMteae'i Heal Market (t) OfMerr . raee Mt. MlUer 111. roulta IM. Vlltaae IM. VaUy OU Ce. (II D. Menu Mi, Jim UeBow M7, Jadk Dt Bow m. Comitoek Ml, Wllkalla M. nun team earne emauir OH Co.. 1M7. HI ill team atrUa Salem Hard ware, 1001. Kllb Ind. aeries an4 fame- Break Xvani (rrank'i Produeel, IM and 117. OU-er 100 urlei Jim Youni, Ml; jana aone, smi wmie wait, m. Lareen, Bealler (U) S. n. ri Mtakett Ml. a, Hllla IM, O. Darlei III, Ml. M. Ourlkt 171. ameke 8ke 111 S. Arthur III, D. Tionli 117. a. Hoile 171. B. Battln 171. Barb'a Bporilnt Oeede (I) D. Valdei 4M. P. Wendt i. w. vimi m, v. Clertnon 100. Wealern faaer Genrertlni Ce. () v. Ptarion 4l. v. Jonnton asa. n. coaa well 117, M. Xvperlr ll. Nehl Bereraie (O) J. Inn 3M, J. oannon aei, d Vallen HO. K. Llndiey 110. rllah team lame and aerlu Lee'a Bine Cara, lit and ll5. Xleh Ind. lame w. Valdea, 111. Hlik Ind. aerlei L. rallen, 40. , , .... naKii'a iwaw lAAnra Matter Bread (I) O. Smith MT. B Oardntr Ml, T. Junta Ml, M. Bnwa du. W. Paulua aM. Oil Watd'e (I) J, Vallen 1st, B. Keller ate, a, Solum Ml fl umyl. B. Dairy 111. Lee'o line Oan (I) L. BlUuuer 4M. J. OolTta Ml, B. UU IM. M. edy 7I. B. Bulky m. Oadwell on (I) R. Luke Ml, O. renter M0, O. SmrrM ail. . oeanea eie. cr, ceraeenBerea eee. Meaee tVedla (1) I, MeCaUlalor Ml, aj. Alexander ana. s. BMlna eoe. Darer 433. J. Otekard MT, Matkla Brea. ill T. xiiinaer Mi, a. Tsaa en. a Mayer Ml, r. Blmeai IM, a Oaadle aio. Bayaen'a Oaaltal Cllr BKerf (I) M. iticrioii MS, w. aaraea Ml, a, a- . boin die. f. Ada eee. wiiieey ail, Benllem Hardware Oa. (II O. Merle- loo, 471, B. HOB ill, 0, nillllH Ml, o. Boliechtilok 401. T. Maaaer 471. Thar Lodre (1) J. Joharea 411, t. Norbr 4M. K. ortnaon 441. B. Amurtd. en Ml, O. Jeeten 4M. Oenerel linanee Cera. (I) M. Bowont 474, L. Cappa 137, j. naiey jee, o. ewrena bit, o. , OariUdort 411. 1 ribA team fame aad eerlei Oad well Oil, 1011 aad INI msk Ind. same a. Duy. 111. Biia lad. Mriea 1 Oappe, MT, otAaaro uaasira VUrlfwar oteaaen (II Bkfler H fur Ma. avuiroan eai. nauaea 177, Bartwell SM. Oaakaard Cera (11 Ben- demon m, Wklie 171, Braaslit ML, Me- viuer eee, oioni jp. rraak'e rradaea (1 Merrell Ml. Junta 114, Baa Ml, Jaakaan Ml. Breni aee. amaiiay ou va, iai rrudenie aas, Mlll.rlch IM, Malaaa IM, Tetu IM, Le. Teurnuei 141. Salem aUtewara (a Weal SM, b. Morru lid, Pearl 141 Loses in. Triede no. TraiiwarB cara (ai Menaii tsi, Kltamtller 171, Upeton 111, Ltltt MT. Rlchee Ml. Barba SaarHnr Oeeda (I) W. Val dea 170, c, Stettlar ill, r. etettisr 4M, D. Valdea 111, B. Valdea 170. Albany Laaea (II OeMai eoe. Bunnell 414. WlakM dst, OllearUi ML Mattes tM. Capitol Alleys ' COMMERCIAL NO. 1 NIcholaen'B Insurance (l M. Cady 111. D. Adanu 404, B. Bertram 401, P. Xcksr 411. F. Bolton 411. Wlaklaad'l Bperllaa- oaeM (l o. Bdndrla 4M. O. MorrU 411. L. Harra 441, T. Oanaaa Ml, B. Lawleit 111. oeiaiee ai aueerion (II J. Ben tM. P. Prank 171, 0, Howell Ml, o. Herr . O. Bentson HO. Weedrr'e Paral- ara (I) a. Otlntir U, V. Parry Ml. D. Woodnr ill, c. Foreman Ml, B. AdOlpH 48S. Orval'a Vied Care (I) H. Wllkerson Ml. M. McClery 490. O. Lent. 490. S. Kitchen 030, W. Cllne Jr. 130. Salem Title Company (I) D. Toreeson 493, D. wllaon 417, V. McMullen 441, X. Hill IM. P. Delantr 4ns. Knlaht'B of Colambaa (4) L, Bout ny 471, T. Bleaier 443, w. Link 441, M. Arte 451, 8. aieilcr 111. Mlrloa Creamery (0) P. Fenyon 111, M. Al len 401, M. Pekar 431, B. Klnt IM. Rawllnson'e Capllel City Ldry, (l K, Nelion Ml, D. Rlniland IM, w, SprliBi 111, I. Oallather 141, R. Mel (ert 411. Starr Poede 111 J. ahUr.n III, O, Lenires 471, W. WalU III, W. OuitUB 410, a. Lttllholt Ml. Blik team lame and lerlM till and nil. (New hleh teem I.. lieeue lor aeaaoB). Hlih Ind. I erne Jim Sheldon ad Starr Pooda, 147. Bleh Ind. iin.i BoB Lanikotl el Starr KB TRAINING CAMP NOTES ionasssBaesBfloceOi Jerton. Calif. W.P-The Los Angeles Angela will find it soothing to get back to the racme Coast : xgue ranks today when they engage Seat tle in an exhibition tilt. The Angela found the going plenty rough yejterday when me cieveiana Indians' , team rapped out 19 hits to wallop them, IS to 7. Anaheim, Calif. (U.R) Bolly wood and Portland, each still lamenting josses . to major league teams, will clash here today in a game that will be more up their alley. The Chicago Cubs "aid fare well to California yesterday by overcoming a six-run bat tle explosion by the Beavers in the. second inning and to emerge victor by a o to 0 score. .. . Cleveland's Indians heart lessly allowed IS runner to expire on bases but rescued enough runs to overwhelm the Hollywood Stars, I to 4 in an IMnrung game. ' Sen Diego, Calif. (U.RV-The an Diego Padres will try to save face for the Faelfie Coast League with the big leaguer tonight whan they try their luck against , the Cleveland Indian. After the major leaguer had a field day with PCL teams yesterday, it will be up to the Padres, who have been beating both coast and big league team during most of the practice season, to restore PCL prestige. gacrarnanto, Calif. V,K The Sacramento Solon blitz ed Travis air force base 18 to S yesterday, making it their eighth straight exhibition baseball win. Over 1,000 fans watched Johnny Hack lay out a home run and Ray Sisler make five runt to lead the Solon. Win ning pitcher were Ken Kim ball and Oena Johnson, who held the rlleri to five hit. 6aklnd, ' Calif. (U,The last holdout of the 1B3S lea ton, Pitcher Bill Ayers, was back in the Oakland baseball club fold today. He notified the Oaks man agement yesterday he would get her as toon a ha eould as! arrange transportalton from Newman, 3a. Stanford, Calif; Wo A fluke run helped the San Francisco Seal defeat the Stanford Indian B to S in an exhibition baieball gam her yesterday, , The Seal break eame when Joe Grace and Joe At- bini walked with one out. Then Reno Chew hit into an apparent double play, and the Indiana headed for the dug. out, .. But Grace want home any way and the umpire ruled Cheto safe at aeeond. t ' EXHIBITION BASXBALL (By The Aaioolated Preat) Ohleaso (A) I, St. Louie (A) 4. Cleveland (A) I, Hollywood (PCL) 4 u luminal. , Wuhlaiton (A) t, Maw Tork (A) fc Chtoaio Oil , Portland (POL) I, Hew Tork () I, Tokyo Olaata I. Philadelphia (Hi it, Milwaukee IB) I Brooklyn N I, Philadelphia (A) . Clnolnnatl "B" no f. at. Leula 1. etaraland (A) II, lot AasilM Plttiburalt (W) re Havana (TBi) rata Oregon State Baseball Team Scores Victory Sacramento d.BThe tour ing Oregon State college base ball team opened its invasion of California with a S-4 victory over Grant Technical eollege yeaieraay. . , Winning pitcher was Jim Nierman, who was relieved in the seventh inning by Bailey Brem after the home team scored four runs. Bob Buob led the Beavers' attack with three hits in five tries, including a ninth inning nome run witn no one on base. Jim Ruggle had two hits in three tries for OSC while Wayne McCurdy led the losers with three for five. While each team made nine hits, sloppy defensive play by Grant Tech set up the victory for the visitors. The Sacracents were guilty of ten errors while the Beavers made three mls cuea, :!. . Orsion Slate ,.,,.,111 Wl 1011 t 3 OrBnt Teih 000 M0 4004 t 10 SSSPa'Wr'" 1 .i warwwaaaj All Bourbon All 8 Years Old And Full 90 Proof Ago alone doesn't mala a whiikejr great ... but when that whitkev it choice to bfgtn with then aged for eight long year and bottled at full 90 proof you ean trust that whikT to bo truly exoeptional. . Taste Melroie 8 Year Old Bourbon today. You'll be eonvincedl J "' 'iVefc more, iW a etofcJrstsj . TV JTT Tnatyounelf to thi vtry be." C28 Ob 940 e? Pint EIGHT TEAR OLD BOURBON nation MimaoN vbisuy t to moor, muou dutoxus, wc, r . That phone number Is . . 3-3131 FOR THE BEST Hauling Storage Fuel , VaNtrtia , LARMER TRANSFER end STORAGE 89 No. Liberty "Oar reputation to year aeearity" . Klermaa. ttm (T acd fhewiMl Bp. porlr aoc Bakaiish. r i ' i ' ... i ' .. Lew Worsham Wins Event At Jacksonville Jacksonville, Ka. O Lew Worsham'a victory in th Jack sonville Open gold tournament Monday could be an omen, of things to come in the National Open at Oakmont, Pa. t b 1 summer.' : . Woreham won the National Open in 1047 after he tied for first in the Jacksonville Open, though he lost a playoff here to Clayton Heafner. It will be home ground to Worsham a host professional to the National Open at Oak mont. ,! . He proved how well he ii on hi game by (hooting four straight rounds of 68 and beat ing Jim Ferrler, San Francisco veteran, at hi own gam putting. That gave Woriham 272 for the 72 holes to Ferrier'i 273 and tied Ferrier's record for the course. . Tommy Bolt finished In third place with 278. wonnam nrsi him 2,000. rawler collected 11.400 and Bolt $1,000. Frank Stranahan, Toledo spark plug heir, was low ama teur with 283, m tss tSPonxrHT... (pK wBYfWIP fflg BUT "THBY THyyouruiw PBowSargJ INBOYtml rVaW OONfTKJCTION INtlOBAND OUTSIPe FOR PLUS POMt' WDIKS UKC NO OTHtH at land of party no matter what kind of party yov plan. It will be) more enjoyable K you terve Olympla Beer, favorite refreshment of millions of temperate people. Olympla has light, delicate flavor made pottlblt by skillful brewing, the finest of imjredienrs and, of course, the famous water from our . ' ' aawBBBBl BBWBBBBB M .aaataw do you JiKe i)est V ...a lawn party f i Jy ! wb,ar,e"eee el Otymeia, WeAingleiv ; ' ...a dinner party i . Rf - 'rf' JyWM 'WaX ..."now you tell one" party TTN. OLTMPIA BREWING COMPANY Olyinpia WasaingKU S A. ( (QS5(5Q J Vlillon olwcyi welcome between Vi30 end 4.30 every )oy .