6 V . 7 f i J 1 j, ' , , w r- , PrOUd Of PiOOUe Nelson, left, president school, , presents sportsmanship plaque to Earl Curtis,. . student body president, at Dallas high school Tuesday. ; In background, from left are Rob Olson and George Curtis, co-captains of the basketball team; Coach Gordon Kunke, 1 and Mary Chambers, Mary Bell, and Mary Gerllnger, yeU ,' '. leaders. Plaque was awarded the school at Oregon State l basketball tournament last week at Eocene. Dallas was awarded first place for sportsmanship. Sixteen teams par ; ticipated. .... , . . -. .-. . Luaby Arrives TrapSinif) Coruiip Senator Manager Checks In at Cdlistoga, Calif i Calistogs, Calif. (Special to the Capital Journal) Salem Senator Manager Hugh Luby checked into Calistota Monday night to make preparations for the opening of Senator spring training here next Monday. . ' Luby is registered at the Rio Grande College Quits NCAA; NAIA Says Come On Rio Grande, 0., J, Rio Grande College was out of the National College Athletic As sociation today of Its own voli tion because the NCAA refused to accept the record-breaking exploits of Clarence (Bcto) Francis, the sensational scor ing star who smashed nearly every mark in the books. Coach Newt Oliver annouc ed yesterday that Rio Grande had severed relations with the NCAA because there is no use letting an organization handle our statistics that makes their rulings retroactive." In New York, NCAA offi cials refused to comment on the withdrawal. They pointed out that Rio Grande was "never" a full-fledged member of the organization, but just an asso ciate member. , Oliver- said his school would still belong to the NAIA (National Association . of Intercollegiate Athletics, of Emporia, Kan.). He point ed out Out the NAIA eon firmed by telephone that Bevo's records are "official in every sons of the word. - Olive, who brought Francis to Rio Grande after coaching him in high school; said he mailed a letter to Howard Hob son of Yale University, chal lenging the Ivy League school to play Rio Grande next bas ketball season.. - "Now I am asking you," Mr. Hobson, the letter said, "as a professional man, to put yoar team against mine and let the whole world know if year motion con demning Bevo's records Is true." . Francis and the rest of the team - appeared to endorse Oliver's action wholehearted ly. . :: , . If we stayed in the NCAA and if we set any more records next year," Francis said, '1 guess they would have been written out of the books too." Noe to Play In East-West Game After All Eugene UJO University of Oregon basketball star Chet Noe was scheduled to report for practice today in New York to play in the East-West All Star basketball game March 28, it was reported here. Noe had earlier received a "feeler" from the sponsor of the game and had gone to Den ver with Everybody's Drugs, the Eugene AAU team, think ing he would go from there to New York. Last week, how ever. Coach Bill Borcher said he had' received word that Noe hadn't actually been invited to play. ! ' :- The big ' center made All- American last week in the AAU tourney as he led the Eu gene team to the semi-finals, including an upset win ever the Phillips Oilers. Final Indoor Archery Shoot Set, Lebanon Lebanon One more arch ry shoot on the indoor range is planned for both youths and adults, Club President Mel Schmidt said. The Juve niles will shoot this Friday evening, and the adults next Monday night Archery will then be shift cd to the outdoor range at Golden Valley, where a tour- Louise Suggs Wins Betsy; Rawls Tourney Spartanburg, 8. C. IM Louis Suggs, the top money winner on the women's profes sional golf trail, raised her "take" for this year to $4,710 today with the addition of the $875 first prize in the Peach Blossom-Betsy Rawls Tourna ment. ' i'. The 'Atlanta, Ga., star won the purs in the second hoi of a sudden death playoff yester day . against Miss. Rawls, the local star in. whose honor the. tournament was named. Miss Suggs and Miss Rawls had reached the end of the regulation -84 holes tied at 218 stroxes eacn oi auss euags toured the final round in 72 and Miss Rawls in 75. They halved the first hoi of their playoff, .but Miss. Suggs won the second with a- far four to Miss Rawls five. OSC GOLFERS WIN Sacramento, Calif. W) The Oregon State college : golf team. en route to the north ern California intercollegiate ney for local archery fans will championships at Palo Alto be staged April 12. Schmidt Thursday, stopped ; off here said the tourney will carry a Monday and defeated Saera- 24-eent target fee for adults, mento State 21 to Stt. land IS cents tor children. taste today's SCHENLEY the betMastrng whiskey magesl ft l I I m m ssi si ss Jj pa natal OLD $TAG6fl Evtry MktMow drop lOP KENTUCKY BOORBOH 765 m mm m 4 65 GWPf WOTrWl fHWTS givai yen Double-Rkh t otto I $A4 m ftiur aaassf i "t- ANCIENT AGE lb irvhtsfcey with Age in its flavor $3 40 $5 PINT vnm a Ktmwxr cnuiGW ioimsom wmokiy m rtoc'Evwr ceor 6 veais cxd PEDDLEFORD $5.60 The Bond of $465 Omrf Good Fellowship Qtm OWUD W KM i tBVIKtt Ultaajrlf , 60 INT $4 I. V. HARPER The Gold Medal Whiskey MO MOOS www purr fsjgp somto m am$7XSL The gnaM of off Bourbons ' OLD SCHENLEY MSB. 8 WJMB OU no ftoor ofna m sok "I'. ' Mayor Joins Fight to Get Portland Arena Portland (V) - Mayor Fred Peterson and ,two business leaders plan to carry their fight for a Portland sports pa vilion site to Washington, D.C, The pavilion is proposed for a sit in the area where Van- port formerly was located. But the Air Fore had acquired the property for ammunition stor age, i. - Peterson said he, R. L. Clark, vie president of the Pacific International Livestock Exposi tion, and Carvel Linden, preil- ,dent of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, plan to go to Washington, D.C, to offer the Air Force another sit in- re turn for the 640-acr Van port tract. Fior d' Italia hotel which will again serve as hosts for the Sa lem team during the Solons spring training stay in ' this Napa valley community. Luby cam from Salem to Calistoga by way of several Pacific Coast league training amps. While visiting the amps, he lined np several deals In which PCL teams . will option out players to Sa lem. :'7 M He was particularly success ful in lining up some pitching heln from San Diego and Sac ramento. Some pitchers from those Coast teams will report to the Senators early next . Latest addition to the Sa lem team is Freddy Heller, shortstop who has been with Albuquerque and Sweetwa ter toe past two seasons. Sa lem signed Heller as a free gent He had been working at with the Oakland team when Luby spotted him. Luby reports that Henry K Witherspoon, the giant -sized Negro .slugger, had come to terms, and will r e p o r t for opening of spring training, next week. Jerry Ballard, a first base man owned by Sacramento, may be optioned out to Sa lem, Luby said here Mon day night. But it's not defi nite yet, he reminded. . Three players owned by Sa lem shortstop Gene Tanselll, pitcher Bob Collins and catch er Art Thrasher have .not yet come to terms. But Luby expects Collins and Thrasher to do so soon. . " Cuba's Zulueta Defeats Smith . Brooklyn Iff) Having gain ed the edge on Wallace (Bud) Smith, Cuba's Orlando Zulueta was looking forward Tuesday to doing the same with Paddy Demarco next month. The sharpshooting Cuban lightweight, contender, llSMi, went One up on Smith Monday night when he won a split 10 round decision over the aggres sive 138-pouno Cincinnati Negro ' at Eastern Parkway arena. Tbey fought a draw nearly two years ago LOCAL UNIT1D fMSS ASSOCIATED PRCS NIW1 AND PUTURO ' Saka, Oman, Tuesday, March 24, 1951 Pag 11 Amateur Boning Card Seti for i omorrov at Armory An ssaatonr boxing rd will be presented by the Salem Cherrlans at the Salem armory tomorrow night, starting at 8:15. Twelve matches, fsa- nrlng the top amateur talent In the state, win taslided on th card. .! The matches will serve as a warm-up event for the AAU Stat Boxing Tournament scheduled for the Portland ar- Mulder Resigns basketball Post ' : At C-Catholic Portland Jo Bob Haider, head basketball coach at Cen tral Catholic high school for the last four years, said today he will- resign effective at the end of the present school year to enter private business, Father Willis Whalen, prin cipal, has 1 appointed Harry Scarff, Central's football coach for the past seven years, to fill Mulder's post. He will . also keep his lob as head of the grid team. . Joe Brugato, head coach in three sports at Cascad Locks high school, will take over as Junior football coach. Mulder has been on of she most successful hoop coach in th state. - In his four years of coaching his teams won 102 games and lost' 21. Each of th teams reached th state class A tour nament at Eugene. They fin ished fourth in : mis ' years tourney. v.. i-i-. Mulder has not revealed the moiy on April 1st. Winners of th Portland tournament will b sent to the National AAU Boxing Tournament in Boston, Mass., on April IS, 14, 18. Proceeds at th Cherrlan -sponsored snatches tomorrow ar to go to help defray th expenses of winners in th state tourna ment to th national vent Feator beat that wmi'i card 1 to matching f Salami WUlard , (Bat tling against Jim Pmcm f Kugene, recent winner f th Diamond Belt championship in Vancouver, B.C. Matching 300 Game in ABC Tourney ' Chicago W A bowlers' dream gam cam true for Ray Mlhm Monday.' He shot a per fect 30012 straight strikes in th American Bowling Con gress tournament - v. . Mlhm, 46-year-old v Oreen Bay, Wis., merchant and a 180 average bowler, almost col- laps when fa fired his 12th straight strik. Th pressure, h said was terrific, adding 'Tm glad that's Th too score by Mmm, who was competing in his 20th ABC meet, was tn latD paneet tn th ABC's SO-year history. It was by far m outstanding )a ture of this year's tourney, now in its land day of its record fij-day stand. - wm'i S00 earn in th mid dle same of his three-game singles series. He started with 179 and finished with 178 for 887 total, which put him fax behind the leader, John Muth, r Nelson against m f Ore gen's beH fighters shews hew rapidly ycumg Nelson has been eUmblng tn fight irdrn in neestt fenths. Net ' sen Is expected to give Fna v, as a let tt trouble thi We needsy ving at th nt .. mry,--,''-,i-.:v,;'r; Vlrsil Dver. anothr Sahm i fighter with plenty of promise. ss likely to be matched witn cither Johnny Cat of th PAL 1 club : or Gerry Forch, of the Portland Air Base. Dyer has been meeting many of th top- ' flight boys in bis weight at various matches in the North west,' and is coming : along nicely. It is predicted that Dyer is right near the point of being the top-lad in his class very soon now. He is setting to be the fan' favorite. . . , Bay Smith,' state president of the Oregon' Association Amateur Athletic Union, an nounced Monday that State Treasurer Big Unaader is the boy voted the outstanding; fighter en Wednesday's card. Reserved tickets are en sal t Wlcklund's sporting- goods store and The Rialto. General m tickets will go oa sale at the door night of the filht.. flchtslast tllsht Ml ailusa SMteUk Oak. n. vnmMk u. Twin s. wni i IM, nnMin. t. ml, tupft Warn SMlr, esn t. nature of the business with Jr., of Milwaukee who has which he will become afflli- 727. But he collected M end ated. ' - I the ABC diamond ring award. . MS, Ma !. Iron, s. t lmMfa, sw. Um OjrUru. Mtu. Avbina. (toSMd BoMr , XSiUM, MS. lawnuaa. vs. 4. fjjgZ NEW FUTUHS IVMYWKHI-New unified bumper grille, one-piece front and rear windows, 2-stop safety front doors. New years-ahesd styling, essential to a sound investment, keeps trade-in value high. . 1 NlW KUWUMANCI- Greatest yet in cur txctmMy V-8 history. And your choice of S great drives: silent-ease standard, Touch-O-Matie Overdrive, and smoother, more efficient no-shift Mere-O-Mstic . MOST lUXUMOUt INTHIOM viT-Costly, rich-textured fsbrics are painstakingly created over deep foam rubber. Colors are dramatically combined and haf monised ioi custom (Sect, inside and out. - TRY T w i mm J! Tm4 Umm Cmmpwtft IM Mmlmmy ") Tcarw Fmwml m At dmwitm Htmf 3.G1TIHI mm .AND YOU'LL GO FOR THE NEW 1953 WARNER MOTOR CO. msm 430 N. Commercial St. Salem