Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 24, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    Pait 10
Governor Signs
- Governor Paul L. Patterson
has signed, a bill which pro
vide! that price tag must be
placed on any ballot measure,
passage 0f which would result
In the state losing revenue.
Two yean ago the legislature
passed bill Introduced by
Rep. Henry 8 e m o n and the
late Senator Carl Engdahl pro
Tiding for price tags on reve
nue measures. It was the in
tent of the authors of the bill
that the price tag should ap
pear on measures that requir
ed expenditure of fundi or
measures that would result in
lose of revenue. - 1
However, both the Marlon
county circuit, court and the
state supreme court held that
the 1991 law did not cover loss
of funds to the state. The bill
signed by the governor corrects
this omission and the price tag
will now be required on both
types of measures.
The bill was Introduced by
Rep. Semon and Senator An
gus Gibson of Lane county.
Hollywood, Calif. UJ9
Screen actress Hedy LaMarr
has legally ended her fourth
marriage by divorcing Mexi
can nightclub owner Ernest Zd
Thirty-one Salem residents
and IB from over the county,
drawn for jury service, are re
quired to report at :IB am,
Tuesday, April 7 at the court
house. . , .
Titty additional names were
called for reserve duty if and
when the regular panel list be
comes exhausted,
i The regulars include:
Harold B. Allen, Goldie B.
Amack. Bernhard Benson, Min
ta Boyer, Leo N. Childs, Burns
Christofferson. Pauline it.
Davis, Thomas G. Donall, Lee
Dow. Opal B. Venlx, Ray i.
Goode, Mabel I. Graber, Ella
M. Halik. Robert G. Henderson,
Agnes Ann McElroy, Bertha
Isaacson, Mabel Jenkins, Hulda
A. Jewett, Pearl A. King, Mar
ian E. Lorenz, Bessie F. Lucas,
Katherine M. Maguren, James
L. Mahula, Maynard A, Nelson,
Robert W. Norris Jr., Henry
Newman Jr., Josephine Peyn
ter, Conrad G. Prange, Russel
E. Pratt, Gladys J. Seamster
and Henry a Stevenson, all of
Eugene F. Barrett, Clement
J. Ebner, John A. Frey, Alan
D. Wlesner, all of Mt. Angel;
Fred E. Bert, Edna H. Collins,
Ray J. Glatt, Mary V. Gorman,
Evelyn H. Qulgley, all of
Woodburn; Alura Chance and
Ruby W. Lord, Gates; Anton
Dahl, Opal Loe, Vera Savage,
Katherine Unrub, all of Silver-
ton; Donna Jeanne Hopper,
Marlon;. Pearl W. Kemper,
Monitor; Mabi!. Parker, ' De
troit; Ralph F. Yergen, Donald.
The reserve list:
The reserve panel, subject to
call should regular list be ex-
hsusted. includes:
Dan W. Agnes. Coralee Bak
er, Ruth K. Barber, Vanlllio T.
Bean, Bertha J. eergiuna,
Clifford D. Braaten, Jean C,
Brimacombe, Hannah G. Bur
dette, Johanna W. Byrd, Min
nie Bell Camaron, Donna Cum-
mings, Grant A. Day, Delmer
G. DeSart, Elbert i. uicicson,
Laura Ditmars. Patricia Doo-
little, Viola Dutoit, George P.
Elliott, George A. Gabriel,
Katherine R. G arson, George
A. Gabriel, Katherine R. Gar-
son, George H. Grabennorst jr.,
Roy Hasedorn. Herman C,
Hammer, William S. Hudson,
William H. Joyner, Robert J5.
Ladd, Virginia Lebold, Glen A.
Lengren, Delbert G. Parsons,
Herman Rleck Jr., Henry E.
Roth, William R. Roth, Mar
garet Shinn, Barbara D. Smith,
Mayme B. Smith, Edna M.
Straw and Leon H. Winger, all
of Salem.
Balthasar H. Bielenberg,
Victor P. David, Mt. Angel;
Rose K. Bell, Edna E. Herrold,
Stayton; Leooa Brown, Max V.
Hubbs. Margaret L. Lux, Sil-
verton; Dorothy Doerfler, Sub
limity; Jean M. Gearin, New
berg; Tony P. Koch and Joseph
M. Kavanaugn, Turner; u.
Laura Lryesay and Bernard
M. Smith, Woodburn. .
General Clark at
Hong Kong for Visit
Hong Kong CP) Gen. Mark
Clark and his wife arrived
Monday from Indochina for
two-day visit
The U. N. Far East com
mander said the French in In
dochina face the communist-led
Vietminh in front, behind and
all around.
Clark also said he saw no
end to the Korean struggle.
Hazel Green
Hazel Green Mrs.- Dorothy
Zlelinskl bas spent the last
week taking care of her grand'
children while her daughter,
Mrs. Dennis Manning was In
the hospital seriously 111 with
yellow jaundice and the virus
flu. Mrs. Marm.w was able to
leave the hospital on Thursday
to return to her home near
Clear Lake and there she will
be confined for several weeks.
Little Rodney, Infant son of
Mr. ana Mrs. Bud : Lowery,
was taken on Tuesday to the
uoernnecner Hospital In Port
land where he is under obser
vation. A call to the hospital
on Friday gave the report that
he had improved.
Visiting with friends here
in Hazel Green' the past week
was Antone Peterson from
Cheyenne, Wyo. He had visit
ed in New Mexico and Califor
nia with friends and relatives
before coming here and visit
ing the Juls Faar, J. E. Brines.
and the H, Omholt's.
Mrs. Orville Klampe, chair
man for the Red Cross drive
in Hazel Green, has reported
that the drive In the district
has been completed and has
gone over the quota set for the
community this year. Those as
slating her were, Mrs. Glen
Looney, Mrs. Ray aUcKlbben,
Mrs. Harry McKlbben, Mrs. C.
Garvison and Mrs. Don Zlelin
skl... ,
Mrs. Willie Bealer. Mrs.
Bertha Melssner, and daughter
Betty, are here visiting rela
tives and mends in Oregon.
They have a brother and visit
ed him In Lebanon, and with
friends here in Hazel Green
who were the Halvor Omholt's,
Juls Faar and the J. E. Brines.
They are from Chili, Wise,
and vacationed In California
before coming to visit in Ore
gon. ,f .
Mrs. Edna Brines, a sister-in-law
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Brines Is here from Yakima,
Wash., visiting with them,
Mrs. Gusta Johnson and son,
Ed, called Friday afternoon at
the home of M and Mrs. H.
Omholt and enjoyed luncheon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zlelin
skl entertained In their home
with a dinner In honor of Mrs.
Ziellnskl's mother. Mrs. Ben
Travlss of Mount Angel on her
birthday. Present for the din'
ner were the honored guest
and her husband, Ben Travlss,
their son and family from
Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs. Jsck
Travlss and .daughter Susan,
the hostess and their daughter
Mrs. Elmer McClauahrr is
home now recovering satisfac
torily from her recent opera
tion.' . -
Mrs. Ora Grata entertained
in her home the Labish Gar
den Club, with Mrs. Harry Le-
.. .KiutM. Mrs. Art
a7k.V Vded ovjur the
meeting. The next meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs.
John Garner on Hazel Green
Road, and
will be Mrs. Boyd Msdlll.
m mart 1a hold ft
silent auction at the meeting
in April. , -u.
.r.A uk c Weltv from
Salem were guests at the H.
Omholt home as was
rhnhrr. following lunch
eon they all drove to Silver-
ton to attend wnien srvicw
u. Thn Thnherr is Stay
ing as guest at the home of
Mr., ana Mrs. unwo u -while.
Th Hani Green' Commu
nity club met on Friday mgni,
March 20, at the school with
Elmer McClsughry presiding
over the meeting. Mr. Mc
Claughry give the entertaln
nunt tnr h last meeting of
this school year which will be
April 8. Serving on we re
freshment committee for April
will be Mrs. Mabel White and
Tuesday. March U, 1158'
Mr. Elmer McClaughry.
u . - .
The Labish Center gave two
shows for thet entertainment
after the meeting. -,
a eamllv satherlnc was pres
ent at Mr. and Mrs. Lauerence
Ziellnskl's home Friday after
., March 20. to celebrate '
Mr. Ziellnskl's birthday. Pres
ent were his mother, Mrs. Ma
tilda Zlelinskl of Salem; two
of his sisters. Mrs. Earl Ham
mer and Mrs. Morreu urary
and son Morrell; a brother, C.
v Tlollnnkl and son Jimmy.,
arid two of Mr. and Mrs. L.
Ziellnskl's children, LeRoy
and Louella. A birthday cake
..... aarved to the STOUD With
their refreshments. ,.-w t t
If you know and love cars, you will recognize a true "original"
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beauty that brings with it a thrilling hew sense of road mastery and control.
all nw
Power Paclfd Beauty
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STAN BAKER MOTORS, 525 Chcmeketa St.
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W - U n J ' M stews
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You poy SmoN
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ly Amounts to fit
your own budget,
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Yoal apprecJate the Cowesy, Convmience
ad CemieWetSon given you 4wn you ar
raoqe for credit at Dr. Semler's. There's ao
deley or red tape ... no bank or finance
coatpeoy to deal with. YOU DECIDE how
mm your credit payments should be, and
Dr. Semler wil accept any reasonable plea
yeaj prefer.
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Enfoy the benefits of Modern Dental Science.
Ask Yew Dentist about the advantages 'of
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compMtd 1 to a days et at. ymr-ri tamam cohs
eepMd) ... pay Mar, en liberal dealt Terms. Special
FAMILY BUOGET MLAN owHobt If man than one In
yowf fmtwly Mods Dwtol FoHc
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