Rash of Training Injuries Plaguing Major Loop Teams By FBfcD DOWN (VBltecl rnu Sports Writer) A new raih of iprlnc train, tag Injuries claiming Allle Reynolds of the Yankees, Bob by Thomson of the Giants and Boy Smalley and Warren Hacker of the Cubs as Its lit est victims Is plaguing the major leagues. LEGALS ! Df TBI CiaCUIT COUBT OF TBI l STATE OF OBEOON FOE THE COfTNTV i or MABION lit thl Matter ol the Emu ol ADA I WILHEUflNA LUNDBERO. Deoease4. Df PROBATE NO. 14.666 1 KOTICS Or BALE Or HEAL AND t PERSONAL PROPERTY ir Pursuant to Order of tht court, here- v.ftofore duly made and entered of Record .In the abor. entitled mitter, the under- .lined U1 tell t 111 North Llbertr . street, Salem. Oregon, from and after the lit dar of April ltsi, at prlrata . ala the following real and perional property: -t 1 email lot of perional property. The following real property: . Paroel No. 1: All of Lot 13 la I Block I In Cook'e Addition to the :jr town of Marlon ae laid lot li ihown J. and deilsnated on the amended plat of Cook'a addition on file In the i office of the Recorder of Marlon 1 County, Oreion. Paroel No. 2: A atrip of land lyinf - between Block t of Plckard'a Addl V tlon and block S In Cook'e addt fe Ion County. Oreion, more partleular . ly deieribed ai followi: Bellnnlnl at 1 the SE Corner of Block 1 of Pick f ard'a Addition to the town of Marlon. . Marlon county. Oreion, and runnlni - T.thence E 60 feet more or leu to : the BW oorner of Block 3 In Cook'e Addition: thence N 300 feet to the KtV corner of laid Block 3; thence ..,W m feet more or leas to the NE '"corner of saw Block 3 In Plckard'i Addition; thence 8 300 feet to the v,.tlaoe of bellnnlnl. ' ' TOR CASH, to the hliheet latlifactory : vldder. and inbject to confirmation by ttve court. CHARLES W. CREIOHTON, JR., ' Administrator of the Estate of S.' ADA WILHELMINA LUNDBERO, , . Deceased. 311 North Liberty Street, Salem. Oreion ' Date of first Publication: March 3. 1853 Date of last Publication: Mirch 33, 1953 PPN March 3, , 16, 33. 1353. trOTICE OP INTENTION TO IMPROVE PERRY STREET FROM TWENTIETH STREET TO TWENTY-FIRST STREET NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVEN that the Common Council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedi ent and hereby declares Its purpose and Satrotlon to Improve FERRY STREET, i frem the oast line of Twentieth street ' te the weet line of Twenty-first street, SB the oity of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, at the eipenie of the abutting : and adjacent property, except the street sad alley Intersections the expense of hleh will be assumed by the City of ' k hHnfttn Uld SOTtlOU Of Mid Street to the established grade, prorld 3mt etreet drainage, constructing cement ' ejonerete curbs, and paving said portion r gaid street with a IV, Inch aiphaltlo concrete pavement 30 feet In width. In oeordanc. with the plans and ipecllloa- tlons therefor which were adopted by the Commoon Council March 9, 1663, : whluh are now on Hie In the office of the city recorder and which by thU reference thereto an made a part hereof. 1 Int Common Council hereby declares Its :.: purpose and Intention to make the above '' described Improvement by and through ' ' the street Improvement department. Written remonstrance against the above proposed Improvement may be tin with the city recorder at any time 5!tnta tVn dar. ifter the final publlca- tlon of this notice by the owners of the i property affected. Br Order of the Common Council 1IAXRKd' MCNDT, City rjecorder DftM Ol III uyuuueiMVM '"SETS final Publfcatlon March 30. laftl. March 16, 33, 30. rOTICE OP INTENTION TO IMPROVE MVERVTEW DRIVE FROM WNOWOOD MIVE TO LOT 13, BLOCK , MHO , WOOD VIBTA. wovnv to oivbn that the common Council of the City of Salem. SrSd hereby de.lTts PP0.e jnd Jtentlon to Improve RrVERVlEW DRIVE Som the north line of Klngwood Drive TTh. "est lino of Lot 13, If extended 'mortherly, Block 3, Klngwood Vista, In the city if Balem. Polk County, Oregon, Tl the ewense of the abuttlni and ad iacent property, except the atree ; and alley Intersection! the expenie of which 1 ?o the established grade, providing street "rataeie, constructing cement concrete Juris, and paving said portion of as d Itreet with a 3Mt inch asphaltlo concrete x pavement 30 feet wide. In accordance w'-Tthi plans and ipeclflcatlons therefor which were adopted by the Common cSincll . March ?3, which are now nn flltat in ine oince w . I on . V."w L ,.., .ri-.nrii thereto an fn.de a part h.of. The Common councU hereby declares its purpose and tatontloo to make the above described hnprovement by and through the street Improvement " wVi'tten"'- remonstrance ...tast the above proposed improvement may to filed with the city recorder at any time within ten days after the final publlca Son of this notice by the owneri of the "To'd'e'r'".'. Commoon CouncU ""aLTRED MnNDT. City Recorder Date I of first publlcatloon hereof U of fliii P' "" M' March 16. 33, 36. Sraepsls cf 'V'VfTi'.rib insuranc ' Comnjlasloner ! the atata m . $371,635.06 5!?f.-i"nl,"i;VoslU Hl.0M.t4. Premiums 4ue ani deferred ..... m r.fAmnt sand .7.. ! Inlereit and other investment income due and accrued... 4.607.67 assets 1451,346.65 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS m. .nrf accident snd health ollc ..... Poller and eonlracv cianu. All other liabilities 3.076.00 3,666.65 Total liabilities. capital Capital pald-op BpKlsl surplus funds Onasslined surplus except I 36.116 $300,000.00 364.66 330,956.14 Burpiu -- .... ,., 0 holders $431.331 .10 .... .ua.ili nnliey Mat 147.140, SUMMARY OP1 OPERATIONS lAccrual Basis) 1 ..j ..mitlv cnmld rremiuira - - e e7 Ml 13 erallons !??! " Ket Investment Incom Tat. II04,S6.J Pollc?b.oei.U . Tnoraiii in rftHRrVBI mi CommiaUlons, cUtm tnd ten- 1 i.i,aitsa a mt nlM aDd ;::.:::. n.rmt1n dtductlom 2.M0.40 Dlvldtnd to policyholder Wont tlSl.453 01 Net iini'frop operation!.! XMTldcnv to jiocKnoraer Mi sa . .Kauitlntr aurollia mdjurplui fundi (net) ...I M.W-' Total ..ISMM.H 1- ....1,e. naW'lBl iiiraliht fundi M,i BUaiTOW IN ORBOON FOR TH1 TEAR Orou prtmlumi tnd tnnultr conMertionj oera w- mM.tm tni tho ier W Dividend paid or creaiwa w policyholder! durlni the jrer Orons bt?ne(IU and claims, en dowment!, urrnderi and an- None None Principal office in Oreion. 1M1 BquiUble Bull dine, roruano. vrnoaa Although most of these were laughed off as "not serious" by the players involved, the In juries were of enough corue quence to delay the training progress of the athletes and disrupt managers' Diana for whipping teams into smoothJ wonting units. , Reynolds, the Yankees' 85- year-old World Series star, re- urea irom yesterdays 4-1 ex hibition victory over the Dodg ers after two innings with a pulled muscle in his back. "I've had it before," aald In dian AUle, "and I'm not too worried about it." Reynolds' Yankee team mates hoped he was right about the trivial nature of his ailment. But In some quarters there was concern about the lame back which also bothered the big right hander during the 1952 World Series. Allle may be forced to sit it out for nearly a week before making an other pitching effort. Thomson, who combines with Monte Irvln to provide the Giant's 1-2 home run punch, was struck on the right hand yesterday by Mike Garcia of the Indians during Cleveland's S-2 victory over New York. The injury was described as "painful, but not serious." Just to make sure, however, Thom son was sent to a hospital for x-rays. Smalley, the Cubs' first string shortstop, has come up with a lame back, and Hacker, ace of the pitching staff, has a twisted knee. Both were side lined as the Cubs trimmed the White Sox, 8-3, yesterday. : The Tigers also were hard hit by a variety of aliments. Bookie shortstop Harvey you've ever wanted in a truck ALL IN THE GREAT NEW FORD TRUCKS! COMP1ETELY NEW FOD tWANT-F-800 Bw Job! G.V.W. 22,000 lbs.. G.C.W. 48,000 lbe. Priced rower than any othe trock of coropewaHe pcrfbrmancel oyr 190 Ford -from Pickups to 55,000-lb. G.C.W. Big Jobs! Choose the one right Ford Economy Truck for your work! Widest transmission choice in truck hietory! SyTjchro-Silent type stand ard in every Ford Truck model at no extra cost! Fordomatic and Over drive available in half-tonnera at extra cost! Nw everrroKtti-voivoj trtvgines! Low- COME IN! SEE THEM TODAY! N. Liberty at Jot Block to v Spend Another Year in 'Pen' Miami. FU. 0)J9 Joe Black, whose brilliant relief pitching sparked the Brooklyn Dodgers to the National League pennant last year, will spend this season In the bullpen, too. . Manager Charley Dressen made that a definite announce ment today, declaring that he has changed bis mind about converting the fire-balling righthander Into . a starting pitcher. Dressen said he has enough starters without Black. "We have got four good start ers in Carl Ersklne, Preacher Roe, Billy Loes, and Russ Mey er," said the Dodger skipper, counting off on his fingers. "What's more," he added, "I think we can also count on Johnny Podres, Ralph Branca, Clem Lablne, and Ben Wade as starters." Black, who won IS "games last season, appeared in 56 games, 54 of them as a relief hurler. He became a starting pitcher in the World Series against the Yankees, winning one game and losing one, and Dressen had declared at t h e start of spring training that Black would be used both in relief and as a starter. "I don't think there will be any need for that now," said Dressen today. Kuenn has a sprained ankle; outfielder Bob Nieman the flu, and inflelder Owen Friend a pulled leg muscle. Two Dodger pitchers suf fered badly bruised legs during the week-end, both knocked out of commission for a few days by batting practice drives from teammate Pee Wee Reese. Billy Loes was struck on Sat- urday and Preacher Roe yes-1 terday. - I Truck models Center St. .y ; THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saltm, Or.gtm FANFARE Eugene Skier Wins Event at Donner Summit Soda Springs, Calif. () Ex-serviceman Olax Brunsvik didn't take long to get in shape for the Donner Summit Memorial Ski race. The 22-year-old skier, rep resenting the Trl-Pass Ski club of Eugene, Ore., won the 25-mile marathon Sunday, Just two weeks after getting an army discharge. His win ning time was 3 hours, 17 minutes and 15 seconds. - - Carol Weist, Trl-Pass Ski club, captured ; the women's 11-mile race in 3 hours, 8 min utes and 48 seconds. - Werner Schopfer, Oakland, captured the three-mile race for juniors In 36:35. Chuck Metzger of Eugene was second in 32:30. Worsham, Bolt Lead with 204's Jacksonville, Fla., VP) Lew Worsham and Tommy Bolt are the men to beat for the tbp $2,000 in the Jacksonville Open golf tournament, Worsham and Bolt were at rTyV , Li li ....... j Friction Six and two V-8's up to 155-h.p. With famous Truck V-8 and Big Six, there's a 5 -engine choice. New shorter turning! New set-back front axles sharper steering angle easier, faster maneuvering! New springs, new brakes! Longer springs for easier ride! New double cylinder brakes on heavy-duty Ford Trucks! Ford Trucks for '53 are completely new from the tires up! SAVE TIME! SAVE VALLEY MOTOR CO. 204 going Into Monday'a final 18 holes of the 72-noie Jsycee- sponsored event. . i Fred Hawkins, erstwhile leader from El Paso, Tex., slip ped to third place when he shot par 72 Sunday for 206. NCAA to Split Tee-Vee Take Kansas City () The Nation al Collegiate Athletic Associa tion is going to slice a million dollar pie for 51 schools whose football teams aoceared on tel evision last year, j The fact emerged from a 2 day meeting of the NCAA Ex ecutive committee which end ed here Monday. Walt Byers. NCAA execu tive director, said sponsors of the organization's 1952 control- j led football television program ' paid $1,151,109 to televise 33 : "live" games. He said it was-1 n't known yet Just how much ! APPLIANCE REPAIR Call as for prompt and apart work an all appliances -Mayes Appliance Repair Phone 4-5911 136 State hi. JMum Co Uutimed iiV- New Ford "DrtveriitxJ" Cab cuts driver fatigue! New. curved one-piece wind shield, 55 bigger for greater visibility! New wider, adjustable seat with counter shock tnubber! New 4-ft. rear window! New push-button door handles, rotor latches! New insulation and (fuietness! Gives truck drivers more working comfort than ever before! I MONEY! LAST lyWtjlt foM each school's share tt the pie would be. Actions by the Executive committee Sunday included: Approval of an insurance plan to protect all athletes against injuries in NCAA ev ents. Previously such coversge was provided by only 123 mem' ber schools. . Awarded the 1953 and 1884 baseball tournaments to Oma ha, Neb., sit of the last two tournaments. Received a report that the NCAA Olympic Fund Commit tee, under the chairmanship of Michigan State's Ralph M Young, collected $126,272 for the 1952 games. Ocean steamers can sail 2,- 000 miles up the Amazon. ' CAR It TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 r P.B.A.P. LONGER! Salem, Ore. OF DCLlllDLn C1QI23 iktr.M.4 .W44 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 . : UNITED REPAIR CO 253 N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and All Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliances Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owners '. APPLIANCE SALES SALEM LIGHTING & APPLIANCE CO., 183 N. HIGH ST. , "BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIGHT , New Store Across from Court House Square - Small Appliances Lighting Fixtures of All Kinds AUTO WHEEL ALIGNING Ph. 2-1801 UNITED WHEEL ALIGNMENT -190 S. 12th Now Under New Management C. H. '"CUFF" ERICKSON We specialize in Wheel Aligning, Balancing and Brake Repair, wheel and Axle Straightening. Call Us for Estimates or Pickup and Delivery AWNINGS-TENTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT l AWNING CO. 729 N. L1IERTY Canvas Goods of Every Description "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" BRICK WORK FRANK'S SERVICE INSIDE id OUTSIDE Fireplaces, patios, planters, brick steps, etc. Also patch ' plastering. Chimney tops. -ALL WORK GUARANTEED CHINESE FOODS CHINA CAFE 2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing In Chinese & American Foods Featuring "Good Foods - Well prepared" . Bring the Family CaU for Reservations tor Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC MORTARLESS BLOCK CO. 14th I E. HOYT Approved - Reinforced - Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks - Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSER BROS. 1185 S. 12th ST. , Garden Tillers - Power. Mowers - Paint Sprayers Air Com. pressors - Sanders Plumbing Tools Power and Hand Mower Sharpening - Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Til Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 UNA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOTORCYCLES SHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES 3007 PORTLAND RD. American At British Motorcycles - Indian. BSA, Matchless, Triumph Cushman Scooters If It has Wheels and a Motor we can BUY, SELL or FIX IT MOVING & STORAGE Ph. 3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER . S ALEM-PORTL AND MOTOR FREIGHT V v , "A Complete Shipping Service" . Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 290 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R. W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN ROAD 1174 Edgewater St) ' OR 3-5769 OILING.' WEST SALEM ROAD , TWEEDIE FUELS OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER Painting Contractors Ph. 3-4783 P. O. REPINE CO. 2585 PORTLAND ROAD Residential, Commercial, Spray or Brush WE GO ANYWHERE . . . ANY SIZE JOB Call Us for Estimates and Color Planning Service PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING t HEATING Repairing 85S Chemeketa ' Contracting Residential , Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS We give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-3157 130 $. llfciftT 310 Court, Downtown 2440 Crttr, Midkil Cut 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Daily 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. ISO S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays Radio Repair oTv-.8rPB. Ph.3-7577 MITCH ELL'S Rodio-Ttltvliion1 880 Stat Motorola " Dealers Pick up TELEVISION HEIDER'S RADIO t. TELEVISION - 395 N. HIGH Home and Auto Radio and Television Specialists In the Willamette Valley for 28 Years SERVICE INSTALLATION SALES Ptf t 4 ?i Ph. 39412 Ph. 26545 Ph. 2-6596 TANKS Ph. 37324 Ph.4-5751 Ph. 2-1423 Ph. 3-5584 Ph.2-4151 24 HOUR SERVICE Ph. 3-9123 for eW General Electric and Delivery PH. 4-2271