Marshfield Wins Prep Title; Dallas 6th Ear jk W Marshfleld'si Strom's game-winning shot, fast breaking- riratea slashed! Krouah. a 6-foot, one-inch their way to the Oregon high' jumping jack who alio grab school basketball champion- bed 17 rebounds, was high hip by scuttling Eugene, 82- scorer with IT points. Hi 11 19, in the final fame of the itrom scored JS. state tournament here Satur-I For Euerene. Henkel. a euard. day night. Spike Hillstrom'i lay-in bas ket with 80 seconds left and Ron Jones' free throw provid ed the winning margin for Marshfleld, ranked No. 2 in the Associated Press prep poll Eugene, rated No. 3, pressed the favored Pirates all the way. At one point in the sec ond period, the all-junior Eu gene team had a seven-point lead but couldn't maintain it. Marshfleld led at halftlme, 30- 28, on the strength of some fine shooting by Forward Tom Crabtree. Here Is the order of finish f teams in the 1SSI Oregon state Class A basketball tournament, conducted last week at McArthur court In Eugene: First place Marshfleld. Second place Eugene. Third place The Dalles. Fourth plaee Central Catholic. Fifth place Hlllsboro. Sixth place Dallas. Seventh plaee Cleveland. - Eighth plaee Clatskanie. - Eugene moved ahead again and was in front, 49-45, at the end of the third quarter. But Hlllstrom, a atoeky guard who a 1 moat single handedly carled the winning rally, and Center Fred Kroush fired In baskets to tie the score at 50-50. With Hillstrom scoring Sev an points and Kroush two, Marshfleld swept to a 59-55 . lead with three minutes left. However, Jack Henkel, who 1 turned in a great clutch per : formance for Eugene, hit two baskets to tie it again. This set the stage for Hill-i PIN PATTER By BENN VALDEZ Saturday was the day when one of the big bowling events of the year commenced for most Salem bowlers. The annual city championships got under way at the Capitol Alleys with two squads of teams rolling in the evening. Doubles and singles began at noon Sunday and ran through eight o'clock. Defend ing handicap champions from - last year are Marlon Motors . In team, Gene Kltzmiller and Floyd McNall In doubles (they also were scratch champions), and Floyd Gould in singles. Carl Schrocder will also be back to defend his all events championship. Bowler of the week is Frank Evans who Saturday started out what he hopes will be a successful attempt to defend his city all events ' crown. Frank was the initial winner of the beautiful tro phy now on a rotation basis but to go to the first man . to win it three times. You can bet there will be a mad scramble among the better bowlers in town to retire it to their private collection. We don't believe Frank will win it three times in succes sion but he looks to be the man who will wind up with it some day. The only way we could win it would be If everyone else dropped dead. One of the closest team matches we have ever fieard about took place in the University City League recently between the Master Bread and Hayden'a Capital City Bindery teams. Master Bread won the first game by one pin, Hayden's the second by one and Master Bread the last game by one pin to win series by one pin which gave them three points for the evening. Quite a blow for a team to lose one game by one pin, much less to lose .two and series by that margin. Quite a match) Two of the hottest bowlers In the elty right now are Tom Brennan, lead-off man for his own Brennan Tree Service team in the Capitol Major, and Pinky Hartwell, anchor-man for Karr's 5 Old Misers, also In the Major - league. Pinky at the present time Is working on a string of 4 straight six hundred series In the Major league and la climbing rapidly In averages. Looks like he Is trying for a repeat In high averages. Tom hasn't hsd a bad series In weeks and haa hit for 650 and 635 the last two league sessions. Pretty fair trundling by the two thin men of the majors. Tom Is the only man we know who could literally hide behind a broom. One of the fcm bowlers asked me why I didn't write more . about the ladies and I couldn't answer her because they are never off my mind. Anyway, herewith are the standings in the two top ladies leagues in town. In the University Classic, Plank's Construction of Woodburn is leading the pack with 22 hi wins to only 7Vi defeats. Back in second place is the BIU Osko Insurance five with 17 wins and 13 losses. Pacing the league in individual averages is the veteran Ginny Gar barlno with 165 followed by Dot Albright with 162. In the City league at the Caitol Alleys, Chuck's Steak House has a slim 1 game lead over Bradley's Meats. Chuck's have won "22 and lost 10 while the Bradley only 11. High average is sported high for the city. Close behind barino shooting for a consistent high averages the men do but very bit as intense and wins each group. Right nice gesture turned in by the Gerlinger Carrier teams of the Rose City Inter-City Classic league In Port . land when they threw a little party for their sponsor after winning the state championship. One of the few bad spots still left in bowling la the way some teams treat their sponsors. Nice to see a bunch who have not forgotten the man who pays the way. Quite a bit of trouble getting teams into the city tourna ment this year due to other tournaments being run at this time, the state basketball tournament at Eugene, and of course income tax time so a lot of fellows have asked why not hold the city tournament in the fall. I think it's a good idea but would like to hear from some of the rest of you. Anyone with an Idea one way or other drop ing Co. and tell me what you think. Then, on May 3 the city association will hold their annual meeting and final decision will be made. Chuckle of the week is on man for Brennan Tree Service Swede has escaped being stuck on a beer frame so last Wed nesday nite he got it twice In one game. After league Swede had nothing to say and went homa early. It's a long road with ao turning, etc. . and Forward Don Ainge each had 14. Marshfield hit 23 of 35 field goal attempts for a percentage of .418. Eugene made IB in oi for .308. . It was the first state cham pionship since 1947 for Marshfleld, which Is coach ed by Bruce Bofflne, a war time player at the Univer sity ef Oregon. The Pirates' record for the season was 29 victories and two defeats. In the semi-finals Friday night, Marshfield handed The Dalles, ranked No. 1 In the AP poll, its first defeat of the sea son, winning in overtime, 75 71. The Dalles won third place in the tournament by over whelming Dallas, 84-44, Satur day night. The Dalles set a four-game tourney scoring rec ord of 294 points, breaking the old mark of 257 made by Lin coln of Portland when it won the 1952 championship, The Dalles completed the season with 27 wins and one loss. Central Catholic took four th place by downing Cleve land, the Portland city leagne champion, 55-40. Hlllsboro salvaged a fifth place finish, defeating Clat skanie, (4-46. Total attendance for the five- day touranment was 58,463. That was only 3,319 short of last year's record. CHAMPIONSHIP PINAL farebfleM (91) (Ml larani If Pf IP Blck.f Crbtree.f Frouab.e Lewle.a Hllilrm.a Blielow,f Jonaa.i Powaia,f I TAinie.f 3 1" 3 S 3 a 3 1 4 11 0 5 1 1 TStolt.f 3 17 Wllby.c S 1 Hnkal.t 3 lrRaaor,a 1 ITultle.t 1 Hbaaa.f 3 Tolali 33 II 33 13 Total! II 31 II M Frank Evans bunch have won 21 and lost by Betty Schroeder with 166, is that gal again, Ginny Gar 165. The gals don't carry the the rivalry in the leagues is and losses mean the same to me a card at Paulus Bros. FacK ' Swede Anderson, quiet anchor' In the Majors. All season long t , K. r State i Quarter acoraii - leinbfllld .II I Kueena ..IT 1 tt-SS uuud ItM tbreai: ktareblltld (III ftlek. Krotuh 3. HUUUont 1. Mill 1. Power. 3. and oJnee. Buaini (IIW aim. 1, Slott , willaaikkr 4. Benkal 3. and Baior 3. 1 ahnollni avariaai: " POA PO pal, ilirabfllld al .411 uaana S3 IS Official: Lab Patforeon a ad TlrM Avaruon. Attendance: Teai iibi aaaaiwf. THIBD PLACI PINAL Tba Dallaa (Ml lad) Dallaa I Heme!,! I t II It PI IP la II IP 1 13 Curtli.f 3 3 S Jonat.i a a afoore.a 3 3 iLundrl.l 10 I Hanei.l 1 3 3 lOUon.f 3 aomikr.i 4 3 30 Klimlr.3 1 1 ITSrndll.l 3 3 llHlrrl.f 3 4 3 Htlmn.e 1 I Jon 3 t 3Ho)drf,s I 5 S 4 S I 3 t 1 Pul l ( 0 Haad.f 1 1 Hrdt.t ZleflmD.l I a Laraon.f S 3 IS 3 4 t a Totall 31 II If 31 Total! II II II 44 Quarter aeoraa: Th Oallai 30 II 3 nallaa I II I limed free tbrowi: Tha Ofllu (I) Janei. Uoora I. Fill 3. and Bead. Dal laj (111 Curtlu 4, OUoa. Domaaebei iky I. Biandll 3, Harra 4. Shoe-tint averaaei: POA PO Pel. Tha Dallei Tl la .aae Dillil .. II .311 offlclali: Ralph Harper and Cammr Ecbanla. POURTH PLACB PINAL Central Catballa (Ml 40 Ctatalaad fa ft nf tn Altnhfn.f MeHuih.f Duffv.c Weber.a Ootlfrd.f Murphr.f Bndina.f Drtkvch.f Bntnt1o,f Panal.f S 4 II ITCln.f I 11 BtmpU 3 II Nenow.e. 3 Uollar.f Totala If IT II H Totall Quarlai aeoraa: Central CatnolU ...II if Cleveland ' 13 orriclala: Ed Wellnlu and O'Nell. Attendance: 43H (afternoon aaaiioai CONSOLATION PINAL Hllliboro (Ml (411 Clatikanla fl It Pf tp Cmpton.f Xckert.f Mthlaen.e I I 4 13 Oibrne.f 4 I 3 IHarm.l 3 UPhlirn.e I llemlth.i 4 10 HCik r.k I 1 PlUar.f 0 0 Hertno,t 1 OLahtl.I 1 4 ernan.e Sdlnia.t OrDfirt.K Hlenrch.a Berter.t Dohertr.f, Pool.f Ruabnr.f 4 10 3 S 4 Total! 31 33 13 II Totall II 14 31 41 Quarter Korea: HlUffioro IS II IT la-SI Clatakanle 11 II 13 1041 Milled free titropi: HUlaboro (I) Compton. Micnelien I. Grnhart 3. (flat- axanle llfll oaborna 3, Harrlion 7, Fabliren. McCraakr 3. Bmltb. Pillar. flhootlnr tveraiei: POA PO Pet. Hlllaboro .....41 31 ,4T7 HCIatlkenll M 14 .343 Offlclali: Len Patterson and Vlrall Bvanion. Dallas High School Wins Sportsman Award at Tourney Eugene Dallas high school, sixth-place finishers in the Oregon state Class A basketball tournament which ended here Saturday night, was awarded a plaque for displaying the best sports manshlp In the tournament. The plaque was present ed on the basis of the behav ior of the Dallas team not ' only during its games, but during its entire stay at Eu gene. Conduct of the root ing section, and the conduct of Dallas students about the streets and hotels of. Eugene was also taken into consider ation. Two Pirates,; Two Indians, on All-State Five Eugene, W) Marshfleld, the new champion, and The Dalles each placed two men on the Oregon all-state high school basketball team selected by coaches Saturday night after the state tournament here. The Marshfield men are For ward Tom Crabtree, who made the second team In 1951 and 1952, and Center Fred Kroush. From The Dalles, which placed third in the tournament. coaches picked Guard John Lundell, the meet's leading scorer with 7r points, and Bill Moore, named on the team as a forward. Phil McHugh Central Catho lic won the remaining guard post. Runner-up Eugene placed three men on the second team; Forward Don Ainge, Center Norm Willoughby and Guard Wendel Rasor. Other positions went to Forward Dick Haynes of The Dallas and Dick Atter bury of Medford. Pung Holds Two Stroke Lead In Betsy Rawls Spartanburg, S. C. MV Jackie Pung held a two-stroke lead going into the final round of the Peach Blossom Betsy Rawls Invitation Open golf tourney Monday under threat ening skies. The last 18-hole round of the 54-hole, $3,500 event was moved up one day because of rain Sunday. Mrs. Pung, playing out of Glasgow, Ky was last year's national amateur champion and is a former Hawaiian ama teur champ. She had a 139 for the first 36. Betsy Rawls, the sentimental favorite on her home course, matched Mrs. Pung's first round 69 but dropped back to a 72 Saturday, Women's par is in. ra n p; ip 4 1 1 I 1 I 11 I McNeu.s a l a i v 4 Baihor.f 1113:11 ' " OHalU I 1 I 4 II sWKVia IVrnotj.f ISISO Jg GpW ID 'A II a II 4 10 MftOTS I vij -A k si'- L Sign Right Here, Boys signs Seattle University basketball stars, Johnny, (left) and Eddie O'Brien, to a baseball contract at Seattle. The New Jersey boys will report to the Pirates' spring train ing camp at Havana. (UP Telephoto) 4 4 3 II mm aa a a e s i IT"" TRAINING CAMP . NOTES esaei Fullerton, Calif. (U.B The Los Angeles Angels, licking wounds inflicted in two week end losses, will' try to get out of their rut today when they play host to the Cleveland In dians' "B" team here. The Angeles put up a good fight yesterday, but a three run homer by Tommy Brown in the 12th inning of an over sized ball game gave the Chi cago Cubs a 5 to 2 win over the Coast squad. Los Angeles collected 17 hits as cqmpared with Portland's 14 in a Saturday slugfest, but the Beavers still managed to nudge out the Angels, 10 to 9. . Hollywood U.R The Holly wood Stars will host Cleveland in Gilmore Stadium here today in an effort to add another vic tory to their four straight exhi bition game wins in a, row. Larry Shepard draws today's pitching assignment for the Twinks while Bob Lemon starts on the mound for Cleve land. The Tokyo Giants scored in the eighth and ninth frames against Hollywood yesterday, making the score 4 to 3 in favor of the Stars. They threatened to tie up the ball game when hurler Gary Hegedor stepped In to pitch the final out. Another last-minute perfor mance saved the day for the Stars Saturday when Holly- wood pitcher Erv Dusak came in the final frame to squelch a threatening St. Louis Browns' rally and give the Stars a 6 to 5 victory. Glendale, Calif. (U.R) A 9 to 3 win over the Seattle Rainiers added fire to the Portland nine today, but the Beavers know it will take a three-alarm ball game on their part to out-do the Invading Chicago Cubs. The tide turned lor rortiana against the Rainiers yesterday when Charlie Grant uncorked a triple. The Cubs, currently win crazy, overlapped the Angels 5 to 2 yesterday and don't count on letting the Beavers mess up their record. San Diego (U.R) A record of 12 exhibition game wins against both Pacific Coast Lea gue and major league oppon ents Inspired the aSan Diego Padres today in their workout for tomorrow's tilt against both Pacific Coast League and major league opponents inspir ed the San Diego Padres today in their workout for tomor row's tilt against Cleveland here. A pinch double by Walt Po- Lundell Top Scorer in State Hoop Classic Eugene, (U.R) Johnny Lun dell, all-state guard from- The Dalles, won the 1953 state high school basketball tournament scoring championship here Sat urday night by building his total to 71 points. His mark was 95 points short of the all-time record of 168 set last year by Lincoln's Swede Halbrook. Close behind Lundell was Albany's Dave Shelby with 66 Ph. 4-131S I Pittsburg Pirates' scout, Ed MeCarrlek (center). - cekay and a squeeze walk by Buddy . Peterson with bases loaded gave the Padres the ne cessary margin yesterday to shade the Chicago White Sox "B team, 8 to 6. However, it was the Chicago White Sox 'B" team that snapped the Padres'. . seven- game winning streak Saturday with a 4 to 2 score that evolved from eight Chi-Sox hits. Palm Springs (U.R) Seattle has , acquired first baseman Gordon Goldsberry- in a straight cash deal with the St, Louis Browns, bringing back to the Rainiers one of the stars who led their victorious pen nant team of 1951. Goldsberry is considered one of the best fielding first base men in the business, He reports to the club tomorrow when the Rainiers play Los Angeles at Fullerton. . . Seattle dropped a 9 to 2 de cision to Portland here yester day. Oakland, Calif. (U.R) The Oakland Oaks outfielded the New York Giants team and handed the Easterners a 1 to 0 defeat yesterday before 8,300 fans. Allowed only six hits them selves, tne uaKs field pack a nine-hit Giant attack by quick and accurate ball handling on the diamond. In the final frame, rookie Bill Howerton singled to right field, to score Johnny Jorgen sen. . - , ' ; " . . Sacramento, Calif. U.R The Sacramento - Solons made it seven training game wins in a row by defeating the New York Giants B team llto 10 yesterday. Trailing by five runs in the last half of the 11th, the So lons lowered the boom on Giant pitcher Allan Worthington and smashed home five runs. Wor thington was replaced by Ma rion Picone who gave up the winning hit to Jtay Dandridge. San Francisco (U.R) The San Francisco Seals scored their first win over a major league team in four starts when they defeated the Cleveland In dians 8 to 4 in 13 innings yes terday.' . Shortstop Dave Melton bat ted home the tying and win ning runs for the Seals as he rapped out a double in the 12th, then scored to tie the game 4 to 4. He then hit another double In the 13th for the winning run. Exhibition Baseball (Br The Aiaoclated Prill) Sandaa'a Beaalla SI. Louli A 3. Cblcaio (A) 1. San Diet o (PCL) 3. Cbleat o V (A) S. Ban rPanetaco (PCL) I, Cleveland (Al 4. 113 lnnlntil. New Tork. (Al II. Cincinnati (Ml II. Cblcaio (Mi I, Lot Amelia lPct.1 I (11 Innlmil. Ullwauklee INI I, M. loul, (N) 1. Oakland (PCL) 1, Mew Tork (N) I. Baeramento (PCL) 11, New Tork V INI 10 (11 lnnlnm. Boiton (A) n Brooklrn (N). rain. Philadelphia (Mi n Detroit (A) ram. rhUaditpbia (A) n Waahinihm (Al rain. Salardai'i Beaalli Brooklrn ini I, Boiton (A) 4. Beattla (PCL) I, St. Louli 'B' (A) S New Tork (Ml 13. Ban Pranelieo (PCL) 0. Cblcaio (Al I. Cbleuo (N) 1. Holljwood (POI.I , St. Louie (At I aeeruninlo (PCL) 1, demand A I. Obleaio V (A) 4, Sin Dleta (PCL) 3. All otber tame, cancelled. Why Suffer Any Longer When olhera fall, tua our Chlnne remedjei, Annlna lueem for looo rein In China. Mo natter with what allnenti rou an alfluted, dlecrdera. ilnuutM, heart, lunti, lirir, kldneri. ai, eonatlpallm, aleen. dlioetei rheumatism. iall and gladder fern, akin, femtli complaint!. CHARLII CHAN cniNsss mas Ca. Offlaa Bean I ti I Til, and BaL Mir 334 M. Ciaeaorelal Pane tin . SALBM, oas. 1 iocai unitid mar associatid press page 8 Noe Named to All-Star Team. At AAU Meet Denver (U.R) Everybody's Drug of Eugene, Ore., lost its battle for third place In the national AAU basketball tour nament here Saturday, but two of Its players won top recog nition. The Eugene team bowed to Grihalva Motors of San Diego, Calif., 36-48, Doug Talbot top ped the Oregon scoring with 14 nolnti while Chet Noe, who suffered an attack of flu the night before, could muster only 11. Tourney officials and sports writers named Noe to their all star team. Others were Dan Pippin, Ron Bontemps, Howie Williams, and Frank McCabe, all members of the Peoria Ca terpillars; Jim Hoverder, Glen don Anderson, and Hugh Faulkner, all of Grihalva; and George- Yardley jand John Arndt, both of Los Alamitos Naval air station, Long Beach, Calif. Rocky Doesn't Like Being Rated 3-1 OverWalcott By 08CAR FRALEY ' New York (U.R) Rocky Mar elano waa just a wee bit wor rled today at being made a pro hibitive 1 to 1 favorite over Jersey Joe Waleott In their heavyweight title bout at Chi eago on April 10. Rocky's theory, according to my agents - at his Holland, Mich., training camp, is that if he defends successfully against Old Joe it is no more than what is expected. But if he loses, . Marclano becomes a bum." You might think this guy was a pushover from the odds they're quoting," the Rock ex plained with a frown. "They seem to forget that everybody had be behind him when I caught him with that knock out punch. , "I'll tell you one thing," he added," "I'm not seUing him short. This figures to be a tough fight, maybe my tough est." Rocky, already down to a sharp 117 pounds, had that point driven home sharply this week when he first saw piotures of his Stepember title fight with Waleott. It was a private showing and Marciano, sitting in an easy chair, fought the bout all over agin. When the picture showed Waleott hammering him to the floor, Rocky bent almost dou ble as if feeling the funch again. Soon he was lashing out with his right hand to the tune of explosive "goofs," complete ly lost as he relived the drama of his greatest moment. And when It was over the champ leaned back with a sigh and admitted: "I didn't realize it was that tough of a fight." ' The exhilaration of becoming champion and the mad jubila tion which followed that Sep tember night In : Philadelphia FLY UNITED'S MAIN LINE AIRWAY 'NarthlMun. Malnllnert Itavt at 1:25 A. M.; 1:15 P. M. tits 7:30 P. M. PORTLAND . , SO mln. SIATTU ... a IVshrs. favthbaana! Malnllnerl leave WS A.M.;4JSP.M. wi IrOO P. M. MIDFORD . . . 1 hrs. SAN FRANCISCO 4 'A hrs. IOS ANOILIS . ? hrs. Airport Terminal. Call 1-J4J3 or an autharliad travel aaar.1. United tan ikies COM PA If IHt PAIS. AND rotm oo iv ai Salem, Oregon, Monday, Marcn a, Cecil Edwards Supports Sports Council Proposal By JAMES D. OLSON Formation of a state sports council, composed of repre sentatives from all conserva tion organisations was advo cated by Cecil Edwards, legis lative counsel for the state Isaak Walton league at a con vention of tbe organisation held In Salem Saturday. Edwards told the gathering that such a group could coor dinate all conservation efforts, present a united front and really make the cause of con servation of natural resources in the state a real potent poli tical force In Oregon. ' "At present we find or ganisations, all intent on . the tame purposes, going In opposite directions In an effort to gain their ends," he aaid. Cooperation shown the Izaak Walton league In the present session of the legislature by swiftly swept from Marclano's mind the gruelling battle which he had been through. There seems to be a sus picion lurking In the back f his mind, also, that he might have been extremely lucky that night to catch Waleott with that round house right which blasted Old Joe into Limbo. There were only two more rounds to go and, with Waleott ahead en points, time was running out for the Rock when he ended the indeci sion with one paralysing punch. Which - is why, strangely enough, both men are planning the same type of fight when they collide in Chicago a slam-bang, all-out attack. Walcott's theory is that, if he tried to win on points by going the distance, the same think may happen to him as occurred the last time with one wild punch drawing the cur tains. The Rock is intent on mak ing sure that Waleott doesn't outwaltz him for a full 15 rounds and does not want to run. out of rounds before he can nail Old Joe. I . . j! Easier f Better j iLess Cosf J nsavaB a IIW'TLsf'lafl Special InrrofiufiDiy OFFER I sjal. WAUHIDi TL il,kt' -"V eerier YSsSrfM a Uaahe. A gkr T- J n tr I a aietlll X Here's your chance to buy maieriali and equipment a give your roomi fresh, exciting beauty-and save moiwyf You get Pittsburgh's populsr Xubberiserf WALLHIDK ,-new and eaiy-to-use on almost any kind of interior wall surface, including wallpaper. Its velvet-like sheen is so durable you can wash-or scrub it-repeatedly. You also get Pittsburgh's new wall-painting kit which contains the new FLEETWING well brush that covers ' seven inches in width at a single stroke. Also a sash brush for narrow trimwork, and a metal "Klip-on" Tray. Come in soon-this offer lasts for only a few days. PITTSBURGH PLATI OLASS COMPANY 214 N. Commercial mws and futuris 1953 allied sports and conservation groups such as .the State Grange, : the CIO and AFL and the commercial fishing interests, are an encouraging sign, Edwards declared. . Edwards told the group that in lieu, of criticizing game en forcement by the state police, the organization should pre sent a constructive program for cooperation between the game commission and , state police. ' - Ha advocated that all ef forts to bring about a change ' in the enforcement program be abandoned for the pres ent. The current enforce ment ' program, - Edwards said, "Is like dandelions In your front yards, you have them, yon can't get rid of them, so learn to love them and get along with them." , . Edwards also presented an other suggestion for explora tion purposes only, that of a fractional cent severance tax on timber to be earmarked for game propagation a nd man agement. - i - ' ' "The removal of timber im pairs watersheds, game cover and increases game and fish propagation problems," Ed wards said. "Other states have experience with such a tax and I believe this Is a sub ject that the organization ean well consider seriously in a study during the next two years."- , ,' ' Basketball Scores - OaSOON CLASS A TOCBWIT (Br The Auoclated Praia) - CbantpLnahlp Marablltld 13, Euiene II. Third and Blub riuaa' The Dallea 34, Dallaa 41. Paarth and Seventh Plaaaa ' antral Catholic; St. Cleveland 4a. Plflh and Blfhlh Niam Hllliboro II, Clltikanli 41. MAIN EVENT Tony ltoaa vs. Don Kindred SEMI-MAIN Buck Weaver vs. Sine Ntee-Unl OPENER Jack Klaer vs. Jak Mpacomb SALEM ARMORY . TUESDAY, 8:30 P.M.' Sponserss by Am. Uglon Ni. 9 wean's. Scrrtn RnHh 0 rwlwr griics 5.19 FLEETWUtO WaH-Palntirifl KH