Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 23, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Monday, March 23, 1953
Capital Women
Kaer-Cooley Wedding at.
Church Sunday Afternoon;
Reception at Sorority
Miss Elizabeth Adele Cooley,
daughter- of Mn. Robert W.
PrentiM, was married Sunday
afternoon to William Edward
Kaer, Jr.; son of Mr. and Mrs.
William E. Kaer of Olympla,
Wash.: the 4 o'clock service
being solemnized in the first
Presbyterian church with Dr.
Paul N. Poling off letting. A
large group of friends and rel
atives attended the wedding
and reception.
Candles and white snapdrag-
s ona decorated the church for
the service. Miss Lois Ann
Peck of Portland was soloist,
Mrs. Ralph H. Dobbs playing
' the organ.
Miss Joan Hobart of Port
land, Miss Alice Olrod, Miss
Gwendolyn Fry and Mrs.
James Swaschka were the ean
dlelighters. All wore pastel
olored dresses.
The bridal dress was a floor
length one of white bengaline,
fashioned with panniers down
the skirt, long sleeves and a
round neckline. A half-Juliette
cap, decorated in seed pearls,
held In place the walstlength
veil. The veil was the one worn
by the bride's mother and
aunt. For her flowers, the
bride carried an arrangement
of white orchids. The bride wss
given in marriage by her step
father, Robert W. PrentiM.
Attendants In Bine
' Miss Anne Forristel ' was
honor attendant She wore an
embroidered powder blue or
gandy over blue taffeta dress.
She carried a fan of pink net
with blue hyacinths and pink
rosebuds on it.
Miss Karen Kaer and Miss
Katherlne Kaer, Olympla, both
sisters of the bridegroom,
were the bridesmaids. They
were dressed alike In embrold
red blue organdy over light
' blue taffeta frocks and their
fans of pink net had the blue
hyacinths. .
Sharon Lee or Portland, cou
sin of the bridegroom, was
flower girl. Henry Becker, Jr.,
Portland, cousin of the bride,
and Douglas Kaer of Olympla,
brother'1 of the bridegroom,
were the ring bearers.. -
Robert Oringdoulph of Fort
land was best msn. Ushering
were James Goldrlnger, Ken
neth Kllbourn, and Richard
Lauer, all of Portland, and
Donald Morrison of Yakima.
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Prentiss wore a powder
blue faille ballerina length
dress with . corsage of pink
rosebuds. '
Reception at Sorority
The reception was at the PI
Beta Phi sorority house at Wil
lamette university.
Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs.
Charles Feike, Mrs. Harry
Howe of Lebanon, aunt of the
bride, and Mrs. Monroe Cooley
of Albany, aunt of the bride,
cut the cakes. Mrs. A. F. Mar
cus, grandmother of the
bride, Mrs. Harry Griffith of
Portland, grandmother of the
bridegroom, and Mrs. - Charles
Gibbs of Portland, grand
mother of the bridegroom,
were at the coffee urns.
Mrs. Francis J. Forristel and
Mrs. Sara Prentiss of Corval
lis were at the punch bowl.
Others assisting at the recep
tion were Mrs. William F.
Johnson, -Mrs. Earl Eshelman,
Miss Bernice Imlah, Mrs. Hen
ry Becker of Portland, aunt of
the bride, Mrs. Harmon Har
vy, Mrs. Virgil Sexton, Mrs.
Carl W. Emmons, Mrs. Oscar
I. Paulson, Mrs. George A.
Rhoten, Mrs. E. A. Brown,
Mrs. Keith Brown, Miss
Jacqueline Bagan, Mrs. T.
W. Creech, Miss Mildred
Chrlstenson, Mrs. Hope Ed.
wards, Miss Ola Clark, Miss
Mary Feike, Miss Norma Cam
field, Miss Pebble DeSart,
Miss Elaine Stanley Miss Su
san - Perry, Miss JoAnne
Greene, Miss Joan Marie Mill'
er, Miss Leslyn Burdette, Mrs.
Earl W, Cooley.
For traveling the bride
donned a pink gabardine suit,
worn with pink skull hat and
black accessories, and a white
orchid corsage. ,
Following a trip to the Ore'
gon beaches, the couple will be
at home at 1626 S.W. Mont
gomery street, Portland, after
March 10.'
Elizabethan Styled Satin
Dress Worn, at Wedding
Wed Saturday evening in an strand pearl necklaces. Their
Rainbow Event
Due at Tillamook
Annual event In Tillamook
this coming week-end will be
the grand assembly of Order
f Rainbow for Girls. The
three-day session will begin
en Thursday, Miss Sally Stin
nett of Rlckreall, worthy
grand adviser, presiding.
Planning to go, with the
group from Salem are Mrs.
Zina Sharpnack, Mrs. Emery
Wood and Mrs. Arnold John
son, mother adviser.
Rainbow Girls attending
the grand assembly will be
the Misses Arda Lien, worthy
adviser, Joan Neal, Margaret
Hlldreth, Marlyn Lorent,
Nancy Bone, Nancy Rust,
Eleanor Mlezvia, Patty' John
son, Susan Nelson, Janice Gil
lespie, Ada Hartman, . Mary
Stevens, Diane Clough, Betty
Johnson, Karlene Quiatad,
Janice Wood,. Eileen Osko,
Barbara Allen, Lo Anna Mun
dlnger, Beverly Walls, ' Pat
Sexton, Sharlene Scott, Don
na Haugen, Barbara Sharpe,
Judy McDonald, Carol West,
Peggy Reid, Shirley Freeman,
Beverly Mocabee, Mary Wik
strom, Joyce Stettler, Shirley
Taber, Louise Henderson,
Danell Hamilton, Judy Keller,
Carol Williams, Judy Kuhn,
Janice Roteler, Sandra Hill,
Rosemary Stephenson, Susan
Grier, Janice Coffel, Arlene
Sneddon, Karen Covert, Sally
Son Is Born
From Jackson Heights, Long
Island, New York, comes an
Bouncement of the birth of a
son, Robert Howard, on March
31, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Mader (Jacqueline Johnson),
formerly of Salem, urandpar
ents are Mr. and. Mrs. Law.
rence Ted Johnson and Mr. and
Mrs. Albert J. Mader, all of
MEETING Friday evening at
the Salem Woman's club will
be the Neighbors of Woodcraft
The group will assemble at
B o'clock for advance night
ceremonies. In charge of the
formal event are Mrs. J. Mc
Neil, chairman, Miss Pearl
Bairey and Mrs. Cora Smith.
Sunday with a group of Oregon
State college friends to spend
the college spring vacation
week at Sun Valley.
Sisterhood Meets
The Temple Beth Sholom
Sisterhood met last week In the
temple vestry room. Mrs. Theo
dore Linn presided.
The program chairman, Mrs.
Jules Jacobson, presented a
panel discussion. The women
who participated on the panel
were as follows: Mrs. Morris
Blum, Mrs. Abe Steinbock,
Mrs. Aleck Cohen, and Mrs.
Abram Volchok. Mrs. Abe
Samuels was the moderator for
the discussion.
Refreshments were served
by Mrs. Martin Chessman and
Mrs. Ernest Bergmann.
Tri-Y Chapter ,
Margaret Meaae cnapter ox
Tri-Y will meet Monday eve
ning with their adviser, Miss
Janet Kirk. A special eollege
council program will be pre
sented with Miu Alice Glrod of
Willamette university, Miss
Diane Perry of Oregon State
college and Miss Ann Carson
of the University of Oregon
present to tell about different
aspects of college life. Mem
bers are to meet at the YWCA
at 7 p.m., and from there will
go to the Kirk home.
HONORING Dr. and Mrs.
Clifford F. Hill, who will be
leaving soon for San Diego, a
surprise party was given Sat
urday evening at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wood.
Dr. -Hill has been called back
to active duty in the navy and
will be leaving the first of Ap
ril. Mrs. Hill and their chil
dren, Tommy and Kathy, will
remain here temporarily.
Attending the party were the
Hills and Dr. and Mrs. Charles
Grsy, Dr. and Mrs. Woodson
Bennett, Dr. and Mrs. Lynn M.
Hammeratad, Dr. and Mrs.
Charles Mills, Dr. and Mrs.
William Crothers, Dr. and
Mrs. Richard Hill, Dr. and Mrs.
Lewis D. Clark, Dr. and Mrs.
S. D. Wiles, Dr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Springer, Dr. and Mrs.
Owen Miller and the Woods.
wm tsakk
impressive ceremony in the
First Methodist church at Cor
vallis were Miss Virginia Ruth
Johnson and Earl Winfield Mo
Farlan of Sweet Home. The
bride Is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Tracy W. Johnson of
Corvallls and Mr. McFarlan
the son of Mrs. Charles R. Mc.
Farlan of Forest Grove. Dr.
Daniel W. Walker read the vows
at the S o'clock candlelight
It was an all-white wedding
except for the touches of spring
colors In the bouquets and
headdresses of the bride s at
tendants. Clusters of white
stock decorated many sets of
candelabrum! at the church.
Palms were at the background.
Down the aisle was a white
cloth. The altar was covered
with a satin cloth and at the
base was a fan bouquet of the
white stock.
Nancy Allworth of Corvallis
was soloist, Mrs. Albert Marsh
the organist,
Mrs. Kenneth J. Lenaburg
and Mrs. James Armion, both
of Salem, were candlellghters.
They wore simple white robes
and carried candles decorated
with a single gardenia each.
The tltian haired bride wore
an Elizabethan styled wedding
dress of white heavy slipper
satin. The bodice was spanned
with a wide satin bertha gath
ered in scallop effect. A stiff
satin cowl collar rose from the
bertha at the shoulders to frame
the neckline. The sculptured
bodice was styled with a low
waistline and was fastened
down the back with self-cov
ered buttons. The long fitted
sleeves, pointed over the wrists,
also were - fastened with the
buttons. The full gathered
skirt terminated in a court-
length train. A coronation note
was the stiffened Belgium rose
point lace crown from which
cascaded the fingertip veil of
imported silk Illusion. The
bride carried a cascading bou
quet of Eucharis lilies and White
hyacinth blossoms. Mr. John
son gave his daughter in mar
riage. Sister Honor Attendant .'
. Miss Barbara Drake Johnson
was her sister's honor attend
ant. The four bridesmaids were
Misses Gayle Juve, Beverly
Hofstetter, and Merle Rhoten,
all of Salem, and Miss Bette
Gathercoal of Corvallis and Al
All , live attendants wore
identical frocks of white bil
lowy nylon net over taffeta.
The dresses were fashioned
with scalloped cup-like bodice
tops In decolletage effect and
were strapless. - The scooped
out necklines were filled with
soft folds of net. The net
stole-collars ' were attached to
either aide of the bodices, glv-J
tag a stiff cowl collar effect
The bridesmaids wore white
headdresses were Swiss made
wrist length gloves and single
straw caps of open scroll de
sign. The honor attendant's!
cap was in Sawlne blue. Miss 1
Gathercoal and Miss Juve both
wore olnk cans and Miss Hof
stetter and Miss Rhoten, both!
lavender ones. All attendants
carried, colonial nosegays of or
chid and pink sweetness, the
frills around the 'nosegays and
the ribbons matching the head
dresses of the five.
.James M. Gleeson was the
rinfl beArer.
Wendle Gronso of Lebanon
was best man and ushering
were Burton H. Amos, Robert
Brandt and Daniel Poling, all
of Sweet Home, Robert Hollis
of Salem, Dale McFarlan of
Forest Grove, brother of . the
bridegroom, and Fred Gleeson
of Corvallis.
The bride's mother wore a
periwinkle blue dress with
rhinestone trim, elbow length
white gloves, a white hat of
Italian straw, and a corsage of
pink phalaenopsls orchids. The
bridegroom's mother wore a
rose colored dress with beige
hat and white gloves and a
corsage of white phalaenopsls
Reception Follows
The reception following was
in Wesley hall at the church,
oink being accented in the
white theme for the decora
tions. The bride's table was a
round one, covered with a white
damask cloth that was caught
up with pink sweet peas. The
cake centered the table and was
encircled with flowers. Assist
ing at the reception were Mrs
Homer I. Sands of Eugene, aunt
of the bride, Mrs. George Glee
son, Mrs, Fred M. Shideler
and Mrs. E. E. Seibert, all of
Corvallis: Mrs. H. R. Sinnard,
Mrs. Herbert N. Nelson, Miss
Eva Seen. Miss Adelaide Lake,
Mrs. James J. Gathercoal, all
of Corvallis; Mrs. Wayne R.
Hamilton of Richland, Wash.,
Mrs. James Bunnage of Port
land, Mrs. Robert Northrup of
Portland. Misses Patricia Jones,
Flora Schuster, Marlene Kott,
Carol Severson, Lorna Bryant,
Bette Perin, Mrs. Mikal Mik-
kelsen, all of Corvallis, Miss
Mary Sue McNabb of Klamath
Falls, Miss Ann Hedlund of
Racine, Wis., Miss Janet Mc
Cracken . of Roseburg, Miss
Charlotte Niccolson of Port
Following a trip south the
couple will be at home at 1020
street, Sweet Home, after
April 12. For her going away
costume, the bride wore a navy
blue tailored dress of paper
silk shantung with pleated
coat, a Milan straw pleated hat
and navy accessories, ana a
corsage of white orchids.
The bride was assistant last
year In the woman's depart
ment at the Capital Journal.
, Injoy Hi thrifty cuts of beef from Safeway with
out straining, tfia food budget. We're featuring
short ribs this week they're from U. S. CHOICE
and U. S, GOOD beef, the tame at our vary
finest tteoka, ...
Cut from the same beef as our
finest Steaks!
Initiation Event at
Of S Chapter, Friday
Initiated into Trinity chap
ter, Order of Eastern Star, on
Friday were Mrs. A. L. Cum
mins, Mrs. Bertha Ellison, Mrs.
Wilma ' Knapp and Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Shipler. '
The meeting was the first
friendship night of 1SBS for
the chapter and visitors were
members of Salt Lake City
chapter of Salt Lake City,
Utah, Acacia chapter of Stay
ton, Naomi chapter of Dallas
and Ainsworth and Salem
chapters of Salem.
Honored and apeaklng for
the good of the order were Mrs.
Otho Eckersley and Carl Sny
der, worthy matron and patron
of Salem chapter; Mrs. Edris
Woods and Richard Carlson,
worthy matron and patron of
Naomi chapter; and Mrs. Wal
lace Humphreys, worthy ma
tron of Acacia chapter.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rosen-
baum were chairmen of the
refreshments committee.
Social afternoon club of the
chapter is planning a card par
ty for Thursday evening at the
West Salem city building to
begin at 8 p.m. The public is
Invited to attend, and guests
Amaranth Event
Guests at the social evening
of Hanna Rosa court, Order of
Amaranth, on Saturday were
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Koenig,
Mr. and Mrs. William Ashby,
Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler,
Miss Shirley Reid,, William
Graen and Mrs. Jack Miller.
Winning honors at cards
were Mrs. Charles M. Hess,
Mrs. William H. Parker and
Mrs. Newton Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Faught
were cnairmen of the refresh
ments hour and assisting were
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Payne, Mr.
and Mrs. Malcolm MacDonald,
Mr. , and Mrs. Claude Lester,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Archibald,
John Miller and Mrs. Blanche
are to bring their own table
Ywrtrt Never Sees. Anything Like hi
l s Amatlitfll Just spread on this oon-flamma-We,
cleaiMmclling -miracle" jelly ... then
wipe off with warm water! One application re
V?.?". hUck- nard-eruited. "baked-on"
"' wkp any kind of even . . . porcc
uun, imuvtl ZAST-OFT today.
Jer 694
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U. 8. Choice and IT. S. Good
T-Bone Steaks
V. S. Choice and V. 8. Good
Round Steaks
V. 8. Choice and C. 8. Good
Ground Beef
Pare lean fresh beef
, 79'
Standard Pack..
Sliced Bacon
Canned Picnics swin, .....
Assorted Lunch Meats
Halibut Steaks
Fresh Oysters selected
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Polish Sausage Sings
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Toilet Soap, reg. size bars
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Mazola Oil
Salads and cookiny
Steinfeld's best
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Luncheon Meat Afk
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Gerber's Oatmeal Jt
Baby cereal f-oz. pkg. M '
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