Pagt 2 In the Valley Edited by MIKE FORBES ' PTA Carnival Draws Throng Woodburn The carnival, . sponsored by the Woodburn Parent-T e a e b e r association, held Friday night at the Wash : lngton school, was a grand sufl- ceis in spite of the inclement weather with more than 500 " people attending. Co-chairmen ior the event were Mm. Ralph Pickering and Mri. Elmer Wi- tham. ' Eighteen different conces sion were act up. The moit popular were the cake walk, with Mri. Dean Blihoprick and Mrs. Edward Coman in charge; the candy booth, conducted by Mrs.. Harry Van Aridale and Mrs. Lyman Seely which sold out completely early in the evening, ana ine coumry aiore, WHO VIH"1 I.UII1WCU w. charge assisted by Lyman See. ly and Mrs. C. H. Ahrens. Also very popular was the hot dog stand, Ralpfl Pickering in charge, assisted by Layman Baird. Frank Doerfler, John Schmid and Dave Cavett. Cashiers were Mrs. Guy En gle and Mrs. Russell Blevans, assisted by Mrs. Frank Doerf ler and Mrs. Nellie Muir. Sco Sclo Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Leach and children of Bandon were recent visitors at the ' home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Me- Knighl Donna Quarry of Salem Is visiting at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Tony Krossman. Mrs. David Potts has been 111. Howard Robertson ha been 111, but is improved. Mrs. Robertson la finishing the school term for Nellie Set ert( third grade) who 1 at tending school at Monmouth. Next Friday night, March 27, the musical comedy, "The Gypsy Rover," will be given by the high school, under the direction of Mr. Densmore. John Mazachek' bid was ac cepted by the directors of the Scio Mutual Telephone associa tion, for the building of new telephone office. Frank Kalishck of Iowa has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Joe Menhart. Mrs. Menhart is his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Deb Long of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Don Barrett and daughter, Marsha, of Portland, visited relatives here Friday. The Munker's Community noon at the home of Mrs. Hal pierce, with Mrs. Glen Thurs ton as co-hostess. . Clothing and gift were col lected for the children's home In Corvallis. Faith Harding and Roberta Ward received secret pal gifts. A farewell gift was present ed to Mrs. Pierce. A group of ladle from the Mary - Martha group attended an all day missionary meeting ' at Lacomb, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Laddy Elliott and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen - Thurston and Sammy visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jolley in Lebanon recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Goller left for New Mexico, Friday where they plan to make their home. PMONI .(7 Academy Winner Shirley Booth COME BACK LITTLE SHEBA" Hugo Haaa STRANGE FASCINATION Reeemary Clooney . LaurtU Melehlor In Technicolor "THE STARS ABE , SINGING" -a Peter Lawfonl "BOGVE'S MARCH" PMOMS S-S40T John Wayne Maureen O'Hara In Technicolor "QUIET MAN" "Abbott CoaUBo Meet Caot KMd" In Color MTU Gregory Feek "GREAT WHITE HUNTER" Randolph Beott Chaa. Laefhton "CAPT. KIDD rd Lyons Lyons The afternoon card club met at the Rebekah hall Wednesday afternoon with Ber- niece Bridges aa hostess. A 1:30 dessert luncheon preceded sev eral tables of 800. Mabel Downing held the high score', Goldia Bratsfield low and Mabel Bass received the in-between prize. Present for the party were Goldia Brassfield, Leona John son, Wllma Free, Oarnett Bas sett, Doris Hoy, Ethel Huffman, Doreen Helemn, Dorothy Helemn, Thelma Nydegger, Ruth Lyons, Eulalia Lyons, Mabel Basi, Leota Worden, I Margaret Kunkle, Alma Olm- stead and the hostess, Bernlece Bridges. The March meeting of the Mari-Linn P.T.C. club was held at the schoolhouse Tuesday tlAat March 17. with Miss Norma Miller presiding over the business meeting due to the absence of Mrs. Merwin Knox, president. Mrs. Virginia Fulkner, from the Red Cross office in Albany, was present and showed pic tures of Gamma Globulin, the new weapon against the par alyzing effect of poliomyelitis. Santiam valley grange had 33 members present for the visit at the Sclo grange Tues day evening. The Introduction of visitors wa exemplified by Santiam valley. Those making the trip were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sletto, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Julian, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Myers, Mr. and Mr. Jerry Coffman, Mr, and Mr. Leo Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bail, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taylor, Mrs. Alice Hu bcr, Mrs, May Pattern, George Berry, Johnnie Lambrecht, and Casper Gerath. A large group of the Metho dist Youth Fellowship group went to Albany Tuesday eve ning for a skating party. They were met there by Rev. Dixon and his M.Y.F.. group from Shedd. Mrs. Martha Hiatt received word of the birth of another great-grandson bom to her grandson and wife, Mr. and Mr. Richard Thoma of Leb anon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen left for San Francisco, Calif., Thursday morning where they will be guest at the home of hi cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Allen. Jacqule Smith, Jewell Hart nell, Evelyn Julian, Mabel Downing, Modena Carleton and Vlrgeen Scott from the Lyons Extension Unit attended the Home Makers Festival held at Sweet Home Tuesday, where they displayed metal craft. Also shown was a floral table arrangement made by Ger trude Weldman. Mr. Fred Duffy of Mill City and Mrs. Kenneth Morris and daughters, Beverly, from Prinevllle, called on friends in Lyon recently enroute to Me hama to visit relatives. Wednesday overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thell were their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walton and daughter of Salem. Albany Pavement Albany Declaration of ln- tnttnn in (mnriw, 43 hlnnk-a nf Albany's streets, introduction of an ordinance regulating. television antennae and dclega tion of a committee to act tow ard completing runway facil ities at the Albany municipal airport highlighted Wednesday meeting of the Albany city council. The street improve- ment projects involve estimated expenditures totaling 5121,- 476.08 of which the benefitted property owners would pay $iuy,031.ub wim the city pay ing $13,844.55 for covering sur facing of intersections. Spark plugs must operate in temperatures around 1,500 de grees. QUACK II QUACK Meant "Enroll Now" NEW SPRING This Alio Meant; Select Your Dane Studio Willi the Same Car You Select Your Family Phytician Brand New Classes PAUL ARMSTRONG STUDIOS 135 S. Liberty Ml. Angel KC Events Doled Mt. Angel The Knight of Columbus held meeting last week to plan for a number of social event scheduled for af ter Easter. A benefit dance and card party is slated for Thursday evening, April 9, In the St. Mary' school auditorium, with the card playing smarting at 8 o'clock and the dance at 9 o'clock. The net proceeds will be added to the Mount Angel Seminary Burse fund. Plans were made for the an nual communion breakfast for Sunday, April 1, with all members to be present at the 8 o'clock mass in St. Mary's church for corporate commun ion, to be followed by a break fast In the school dining hall. Guests at the meeting were members from the Oregon City and Canby councils, the latter council extending an invitation to attend their dance April 8 at Canby, and the Oregon City council Inviting the members to a special event of their council on April IS. Student from Mount Angel Seminary presented a program after the business session. Dayton Dayton Miss Lois Hopkins, senior at Dayton union high school, was chosen to reign at May Queen by the student last week. She has chosen as her escort, Harold Hedgecock. The maid of honor will be Miss Marcena Fowler, also a senior. Her escort will be Bob Monroe. The junior princesses are 'Mary Ann Klupenger and Bet ty Neilson, who will be escort ed by John Smith and Johnny Johnson. The sophomores chose Rob erta Stilwell and Luella Mcln- J" "r'T" " co"Ia , . ... , - uy niujora caner nu ny wievenger. The freshman princesses are Betty Youngblood and Jo O'-' Dell and their escorts are Lar ry Wirfs and Victor Harling. The May Day festivities will take place Friday, May 1, in the Dayton city park. E. W. Mandigo left Friday for St. Louis, Mo., where he ha entered the Carter Carburetor school for three weeks, special lging in electrical system and carburetors. s Mandigo has just purchased the R M Auto electric shop in McMlnnville, and plans to open soon after his return, the first part of April. 4 .House guests for several days recently of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mandigo were her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Marr of New England, N. D. They were en route home after spending the winter months in California. The Past Matrons club, OES, met with Mrs. Clark Foster Tuesday evening, March 17. Mrs. Margaret Mock presid ed over the business session. The next meeting will be April 21 with Mrs. Lulu Her- m an sen in her new home on Three Mile lane. A baby daughter was born Monday, March 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford (Skip) Ashmon of Dayton, at the General hos pital. The child weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and has been named Jan ice Jo. The baby's .father is with the navy and now in ' Korean waters. The maternal erandoarents i are Mr. and Mrs. Claire (Gus) Acxerman or Dayton; the pa- ternal grandparents are Mr. ' and Mrs. Roy Ashmon, Rt. 1, ", - 'm""lvule Mr. and Mrs. L. Phelps spent Sunday with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Youngberg at Carl ton. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Remme went to Corvallis Monday ev- crung to visit in the Robert Magee home. They brought their grandson Steve home with them as he was having spring vacation at school. Although it has been be lieved that snakes move their ribs to produce locomotion, x-ray moving pictures show that the ribs are stationary at all times. II TERM Tap Ballet Acrobatic Novelty Singing Ballroom Phone 2-7523 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Countryside Garden Club Shapes Program for Year ButtevUle The Countryside Gardener Garden club held their regular meeting at the Union Hill Community club hall. Mr. Vernon Ellen, presi dent, presided at the business session. Club dues were raised to $1 per year to include the state federation due. Club project for the year is to cooperate with both the Aurora and ButtevUle Congre gational churches in planting the church grounds. Committee members to plan with the Aurora church are Mrs. Robert Colvin, Mrs. Loren Giesy and Mrs. E. B. Fountain. To work out plans with ButtevUle church are Mrs. Ray Yergen, Mrs. Dan Clark and Mrs. Beryl Breithaupt. Plans for a Christmas flower show are well underway aa Mrs. Loren Giesy, general chairman for the show, ap- Hubbard Huboara - our cnarter mem- bers of Arion Temple Pythian i tr,Vellng vase for the best flow- and water bond election result Sisters were honored at the w tangment present. led In 7 votes for and seven Tuesday evening meeting. Th.ntmln..h.nJMint the measure. Those Escorted to the floor for presen- were Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Scholl, Mrs. Edith Painter Phelp and Mrs. Ella Btauffer. Mrs. Elmer Stauffer, assist ed by Mrs. Hardesty, presented the gift. Mr. Russell Rollof son, assisted by Mrs. Norman Stauffer, introduced the honor ees and pinned on the corasges. Escort were Mrs. George Leffler, Mrs. James Plant, Mrs. Lester Will and Mrs. A. F. de Lespinasse. Mrs. Harold Colgan, MEC, was in charge of the ceremony, A short musical program was presented by children of the members under the direction of ; Mrs. Jack Mooraaw. St. Patrick's motif high- lighted the social hour with .HID. JUVtl Mrs. Lenore Schoor, Mildred and Mr. Edward Schoor as I hostesse. Herbs for accent and variety xe. Link club of In wa demonstrated Wednesday 'dultry Rebekah lodge pon TCar!f' Vredenb"rg .OTed a CMd part, ,t tte and Mrs. John Coubrava at the IOOP haU Tbm6v evening. Hubbard extension unit. . . ... The prepared foods weref Fourteen tables were In served in conjunction with a P'8 dessert provided by hostesses,' Mr- Cordla Morrison, pre Mrs. B. C. Morrison, Mrs. sident of the group, announc Wayne Bridge and Mrs. Zane ed another card party for Yoder. lApril 16. During the business session, !' The regular meeting of the Mr. Norman Reiling, county club will be March 28 with committee member, talked Mrs. Eugene Schroeder. briefly on the 'spring festival, i Mr. and Mrs. Van K. Law Mrs. E.- C. Boyd talked on son and son, Walter, have re Norway, turned from a visit in San Mrs. Bridge, Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. Edward Koutney Vvere ap' pointed on a nominating com mittee. Kenneth Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Graham, cele brated his 13th birthday with a party at his home Wednesday evening. Present to help him ceieDrate were craig ana Steve organization was announced Ensign, Floyd Dominick, Arjll heTe week with Richard Schrock, Ronnie Cooper and FuUer pregident. Dale Graham. Dr j c Robinson is the ta- Recent dinner jjuests of Mr. structor. The group meets and Mrs N. A. Mann were hlsjSunda afternoons at the Rus- S.SlerMandr'br0iheDi!1"laIr!ll Sheldon farm, west of and Mrs. George Paice of Hel- j Amitv OrnT6 6n r0Ute I MDer are: Richard Full-toTe,jejnvgLUu.received!-. ua- Richard a long distance telephone call 5urnj' Jerr?, 1WUUam,,'1 Pat Sunday from their son, John, ' Heathman, Delores Stringer, Airman 3c in the U. S. airjDr- M"is w"ner nd Mary force, stationed at Keesler air ! Jo Sheldon, base in Mississippi. t Amlty teacher attending Thalia Rebekah lodge will 50th anniversary of Ore meet Tuesday evening. March 8n Educational association, 24, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rebekah : Hall. The Ladies Aid of the Hub-' bard Community church' will meet Wednesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. A. L. Murphy , at 2 pjn COMING THE FINEST THE GREATEST THE ORIGINAL Of ALL ICE SHOWS shipstbds m JOHnson AMERICA'S 7 CH rls Coepon In, 8: 3d P.M. Matinees Sal. No Son. lea Feme f 1 913 Moll Order Appffeotiew PORTLAND ARENA, N.W. 20th and MARSHALL IndoMd b check O Money oor 0 ior of - rk m t Men.- ll.M-S3.QO-S2J0-St.5O, Tabid Ivo. Met. 111 choke doH 2 no1 ctlottt -2ono Pleas enclose slemsxttl eH point ten divisional chairmen. The chairmen are Mr. Hen ry Moor, nativity Men and ceramics; Mr. J. W. MeClure, schedules; Mr. John Rasmus sen, staging; Mr. George John ton, entries; Mr. Ralph Balr, publicity; Mr. Percy Ottaway, registration; Mr. E. B. Foun tain, bird; Mrs. Claude Shaf fer, tale; Mr. Ray Yergen, clerk; Mrs. Vernon Ellen, judge. The club' aprlng plant and garden accessory sale plan got underway with the appoint ment of a general committee composed of Mrs. Ray Yergen, Mrs. Gerald Rannells, Mr. John Emrich and Mr. Beryl Breithaupt. The sal win be on May 9, probably in Aurora. J "How to Recognise Our Com mon Bird" wa the topic for a i talk given by Mrs. E. B. Foun - tain, program leader for the day. Floyd Smith showed several types of bird houses and bird feeding station and told of in- ' teresting bird habits. w... n,n rlrk m th dnh to to Tuesday, Apru 14, to ac commodate the visiting speak er. New officer win be elected at the April meeting. Amity The Amity Woman's Clvie club met Thursday afternoon at the P. E. Meeker home with Mrs. William Sproal pre siding. The library committee re ported a traveling loan of 39 books received recently. A cooked food tale wa Planned for April 4. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Jennie Meeker of ! Woodland, Wash., and Mrs. Howard Stephen. Mr. Van K. Lawson will be the hostess for April 16. i Francisco. Their son, James Lawson, completed his service as an MP in the U.S. Army and returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walling jhave returned from a visit at Roseburg with their grand daughter and family. The Amity Riding club "ere: Misses Verda Crook, ;tuie tins, Helen jrouger, jo- 7ine Miller. Mesdames Mi ona .-".y, Gladys Prins- mer, May Lucas, Joe Barr, Hugo Schwab,' William Plue and Albert Yoder. FAVORITE PIE V 1 - m4 Mail feetey t:3i) ! . . n. l:M A lilt TM. Eve. f"c .PhonO - oddroiieo' envelop. SCJ 23 "AtflJ Jefferson Jet fareon Ennl Hawkins, representing resident st of me soutnern racmc ranuMted a street leading to hi property to be paved, at the regular meeting of the city council. John Henderson protested to closing the Union St. railroad crossing near lit resiaence ana the city agreed to pave the street In front of hi property east, then north past the Haw kin property, to Intercept Hazel St. H. C. Holeman presented a petition for the closing of Pearl St. in south Jeffeison. The council agreed to do so. Nell Stephenson presented a copy of charter ana oy-iaws of the club organizea by young people and to be known a the Road Runner. They received the approval of the council. Enni Hawkins wa appoint ed civil defense director for 1 Jefferson; The council also granted the opening of an alley paralleling 3rd St and running north one block from 'North Ave. -be tween 3rd and Marion Rd. Recorder Paul McKee g. mti.a ih. rh.rt.r amendment serving on the board were J. J. Denson, Leola Knight and Vel ma Hlggin, judges; Lona Arm strong and Leta Knight, clerks. ' T b Jefferson Christian ' church will have a pre-Easter' evangelistic service beginning ! Monday night. March 23, and! continuing to April 3. Service; begins at 7:30 each evening. I The evangelist will be G. Fred ' Hoy of Richland, Wash. I The W.S.C.S. of the Meth- odist church met at the home, ClfELllE IS V0UQ CC3AHCE TO absolutely HHLHU a beautiful 82 channel UHF-VIIF Just fill out f he toupon below xa f I Address. Phone No HERE 15 City Stat . I Thursday, March 26, radio station KXL,' 750 kc, will make a series of scientifically selected phone calls in the Salem area. ANY person thot is called AND knows the name of a CROSLEY DEALER is entitled to play "CROSLEY QUIZ." The quiz consists of 3 questions. HERE IS ALL YOU DO Clip out the obove coupon, fill It out and mail it to u immediately. WE WILL SEND YOU THE THREE COR RECT ANSWERS. DON'T FORGET ... we are your CROSLEY DEALER. Mail the coupon today, you moy be the winner. LISTEN TO RADIO STATION KXL, 750 KC. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT If the winner of the "CROSLEY QUIZ" has purchased Crosley TV set before er during the contest, Hi iackpot amount will be paid In CASH. 275 N. LIBERTY ST, of Mrs. Scott Hawk In south Jefferson Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Minnie Smith was assistant hostess. The lesson was given by Mrs. Earl Phelp. The devotions were in charge of Mrs. O. A. Hall. Three guests, Mrs. W. D. Glasgow, Mr. D. L. Brown and Verle Rodebaugh of Portland, were present ' Mr. and Mr. Glen Sim and family have as their house guests, Mrs. William Hanson and son of New England, N. D. Mr. Hanson 1 a sister of Mr. Sims. Webfoot Webfoot The Webfoot Home Extension unit wa en tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lyman In an all day meeting, Wednesday. Fourteen members and one guest, Mrs. Marion Warner, were present. Mrs. Alma Hart- man Wells, county agent, was lessons leader on "housekeep ing shortcuts". .A potluck dinner wa served at noon. The next meeting will be held at the Pioneer church in j VB IVII MIC fllW.IIIIK inu a flantjm In Ik. mt A mt ine uayion graae scnooi aiier noon and will be held jointly with the Neck district unit, Thursday, April 2. Mrs. E. W. GrabenhoTst, a returned missionary, will an wer questions on India. niEu4TOr4)ri New Shewing Open (stt Iml Flynn Mamreen CH&ra "Against All flag" Also sUchard Cente "The Rolderi" THE STORY I m - I . I J OPEN FRIDAYS TILL :00 F.M. Monday, marcn a, isaa Unionvale Unionval Honoring Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler for her birthday, which was Thursday March 19, a fried chicken din ner wa served at the home of her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Fowler, In Grand Island district' Wednesday evening. Mr. M. Braat and daughter Miss Doris Braat, were addl. tlonal guests. Mr. and Mr. Joe R. Pneir of Broadmead were Thursday evvmfig, euoBftt) vi ineir aunt Mrs. Fowler. ' Jo R. Panek, 49, has enters the General hospital clinic at McMinnvllle for treatment of heart ailment. Norris Jones, formerly nt Unionvale, who has served in the army overseas, was at the nome oi nis parents, Mr. and Mr. Fred Launer, at Amltv three week, re-enlisted and is stationed at McChord Field Wash. ' "MOM 2-7829 IMHH MIMMt, NMMWaT Gates Open :4I Shaw at 7;U ENDS TUESDAY! In Technicolor nmim Miuut JOtrUlD" ether Williams Plus "DESPERATE SEARCH Hewar'd Keel Jl-INCH DC IUXI CONIOIC tin iMcutKn. In wide-angle am hf o kig, dear pMw. UMr vnr one UW onlnnnoi. freonr ontoano k owWmotWty ff m VHF stations tocrf. fxed t fot UHF 4r no converters er tuner trips to attach ff no serviceman needed to adjust your set for new UHF. station Now you cm ko sure of gonkig every VHF end UHF station thot vr comet here I What's me're, you'll get every UHF itation that epeni M at toon os H opens with out colling a lervkeman to odutt your tot, without buying new parhs, without giving up a imgle VHF its- Don I You'll get them all just by turn tog the dial on this brand-new, big- tcraon Croiley with built-in UHF. FOR FURTHER DETAILS raSMZZIZalL"""",l,' U PHONE 3-4615