Monday, March 23, 1953 e menace ByKetchaml i SUtLDING MATERIALS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8a1, Orefon IUHMN6 rVUTtRIAll 'amcvrcf there, taw! owtaTCHaopieewCwAyi FOR RENT HOUSES lOWta nOO of daylex, 3 ttdroonu, furnished, garage, garden. IK.oo month, water Included. Suitable lor Him n ceattr mi. an. 1-3337, Jm71 f ROOM tarnished house. Adults. No pets. No drinkers, partra. Ihqalrf 1185 M. 14IH after 3:lt p.m. Iran' NICXLT furnished duplexes, strictly modern, tM and lit per month. Alio mall S bedroom, oleen uafornlehed House. 14 block aoutb af Colonial How. Call IMBa. Jm75 LOVtl.f l-BZDROOM u a nice district rn km Hiiia. Koomy, bhi and eltan. 19 par month. Call Rairlnu Realty, 3-WI or 4-17I1. jm MISCELLANEOUS BIE-Hm TRUCK TJ-DK1TO MOVX TOUXntbV SAVS H PICKUPS STAKES TAN! TEXACO STATION oodrt sr. raoKt 3-ini nan mnMcm and az, utrrom . St DtOT-AL PLATS REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY SEULKR. ntirrUT Adoian 81., Stito a comamial at,. SALEM PH. l-lil) 1-heuruum furnished rental, newer, clean ana neat, only ISO per month. Call Rawlins Realty, 3-4M4 or 41761. . . Jm" NEARLY NEW, 1 bedroom cottage, un furnished except stoves. Ph. 3-7100. Jm70 CLEAN AND neat 1 bedroom unfurnish ed house, attached larage, lane liv ing room, Venetian blinds, electric heat, $85. No pets. Vt mile East 4 cor ners. Fhont 4-1973 or ask for keys at 4o75 State. Jm73 MODERN cloas In 3 bedroom house, with garage. S63 Mill. Jm70 WEST SALEM Clean, nteely furnished 3-room house and garage, ' ISO. Jn qulre 1311 Edgewater. 3510a. Jm71 SMALL FIVE loom house at 1440 Ohe ' rneketa fit. No garage. Jm73 AVE YOD tomtthlnt to sent Wa will u lor you wad., Mar. It, 7:30 p.m. at AUCTION. Call J7J1 ar 41735 or bring to KEIZER AUCTION, 1030 uemawa HO. m72' BARGAINS IN BUILDING MATERIALS faratct,. ..rate, ylaea, venule .ere, M sleVh heat .M?r.lj isStS i?: ,,u ,m4 .! Water pump, eltetrla rotor, as burner libs aew. M ft. at t" telvaalttd rfTJart.1111 ,M'- M " ,"d O"0" 4 """" tr location nay be hard to find, but wt era easy te teeda wiul OOf lot win be own 7 a.r, a ,M , "..Tenle, , Harry W. Parsons Wrecking Co. 1540 WhMU A VI. Ph. l-im, (tin, ................... ...........-j tIftttt ,,rMJ, For UU MISCELLANEOUS trass power owtboard motor, i I ptaatM oar oarer, like aew, tie. as. wraer type oioctne stove, food condi tion, $30.00. 1 small wood cook atove, $10. Inculre 1354 Ith St., Weat Salem. B70- S-HOBSE Johnson outbosrs raotoy, late model. aivoa ve. , n70 PERTILIZES-PulverUed, rotted manure. (delivered anywhere. 1-0774 or 1-5073. 071 'Gravel and Sand Anythlnc In gravel, vholeatlt nd retail, VALLEY BAND & O RAVEL CO. Wn. 3-002. For Salt) MISCELLAWEOtW 8ALKM fiTMIt. Knr wd (nil Whai im Sm Wowfd Mr.SCILLAHtOUS Wanted win nntt. and lnut tn MnDDTB VT 1twnia,v ' 4W N. Front 8t Salim pn. J-Tesl at WOODRT WANTS Planoi. Phona 3-5111. ran WUnibousa lewtna mashlnas on an noor Bmmvm. fiave op to 40, YIATZX APPUANC1 CO., 375 Che miktta, a PLAST1-KOTI rtnoiraa bo waxlns. For your noon oy Uoolcun. TEATER AP- FLtiANCE CO., 7ft Chemtteta. CEDAR TELEPHONE and lctrlc poles. icu to pua.ft, octin yvmia na tiaKU, Phillips Bros., Rt. 6, Box 49 S. 3 miles east of 4 Cornan. Pb. 4-lll. SALEU BAND & GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditching Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Foot Phone Days 3-9408 Svu. 2-4417 or 3-741J flalem, Oregon m CLEAN, S bedroom, living room, kitchen. dinrtl. partly furnished. Adults. No pettv UtUltlca, 143.10. Phone 3133. Jm73 OFFICE FOR RENT OB f-BOOM SUITE. 3 alngie. Ortgon Bouamg. Fnom j-4114. jo OROtTND FLOOR olflea or store apace i or rrai. can at ntt uartcet. jo FOR RENT APARTMENTS LOVBXT, NEW, prlraLe, 3 room, for nlahttt apart, on Mm Crack, garage. CIom to ahopptng etntar. state bnUd- lnra. try valkmg dutanea xrom town. on aMa una. rn. 3-ma or a-uz7. REAIXT NICE, laraa 3 room furnished apartaant, ground floor, prlvata en traaca, laundry faeOIUes. Inqulra 1372 Stat. JP73' t ROOM apartment, private bath, $10 month. Call after I p.m., 1390 . Win ter. JpTl' NEW BOOM court apartment. 3SM3 or 44431. Phone IP731 FIlRjrMHED a room baaement apart ment. Private bath, entrance, refri gerator. $43, 000 Union. Phone 35348. JP73' CI.OSB DV, alee modern 3-room furnish ed apartment.. Adults only. Phone 38400. IP7S Logs & Timber WANTED! L. E. Klumpp, 3055 P'tl'nd Rd. saism, Oregon Ph. 3-7643 m71' BUILDING MATERIALS GARAGE 14x32 complete on your lot, 113.38 per month, no down payment. Ton can fix that den or add that astra bedroom the same way. Visit with us soonl Portland Road Lumber Yard OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY SMt Portland Rd. Fhona 4-4413 GARAGE complete on your lot to your specifications, as low as $18.00 per month. No down payment. BORKMA1 LBR. Jt HDWB. CO. 1460 State St. Ph. 3-3701 ma70" EFRIGERjITOllS. NEW and ui.d. YEATEH APPLIANCE CO., 375 OlM- meketa. n nm IDEAL fertiliser it's organic peatmoss, with poaltry droppings, only 95e a sack. Valley Farm store. Ph. 4-4034. r.70- DEEPFREEZE home freesers. YEATER APPUANCE CO., 378 Chemeketa. n REDUCED! $10 per day until sold. TBXD ONI INCH DRUM TYPE PLOOR SANDER. 300 SHEETS OP SPEED ORIT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH 1180. Starting price Feb. 26, $575 MARCH 24, $355 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT It COURT STS., PHONE 3-8111 (We Give S&H Oreen stamps) SINGER ELECTRIC walnut cabinet sewing machine, walk ing preseer loot, knee control and sew ing light. A-l condition, guaranteed, only 178.50. Singer .Sewing Center. 130 N. Commercial. n73' SINGER TREADLE drophead tewing machine, fully guar anteed. Pull price llfl.M. singer Sew tar Center, 130 N. Commercial. n73 3-PIECE gun cabinet; 13-plece set of wearever cooking utensils ; washing machine. 'new infra-red - Hollywood broiler oven; sacrifice. Phone 3-4860. 72 MAN AND W-VE to take over rooming house, for exchange for utilities and apartment. Close in, write box 21 Capital Journal. Jp72' I BOOM furnished, bath, refrigerator, laundry, $36. 5S3 N. Liberty; 346 16. Jp73' 3-BOOM AIT., furnished, 130. includes water as lights. Phone 3-8841 week days. jpfl9 FINEST large 1 bedroom, unfurnished except range. Phone 3-1117. Jp74' ON OR ABOUT April 1, redecorated. 1335 N. 3-5133. 3 room apt. Commercial. CHEAP BENT, clean apartinent, wood range, ground floor. Ph. 3-M3S. Jp73 CLEAN. WARM 3 room apartment, close In, only $39.00. Lady preferred. 645 Ferry. jpio' CLEAN t ROOM furnished apartment. ground floor, aide entrance, adults. close in, 36375. rt70 COLUMBIA APARTMENTS. Furnished or unfurnished. Modern 3 rooms, electric heat, garage. Bus close by. No pets. Phone 3-9334. JP701 UNFURNISHED, 1 bedroom, modern court apartment. Close to bus, clec trlcity. water, laundry, facilities fur nished. Ph. 3-3536. , Jp73 COZY, COMFORTABLE, 3 -room apart ment, close In, reasonable. 674 N Church 6U w Jp70' CLOSE IN, housekeeping room. $35. Utilities turnlhed. 581 N. Church. JP72" 4 ROOMS Nicely furnished, quiet neighborhood. 1 block east Memorial hospital. 60S So. Summer. Jp72' BEAUTIFUL furnished apartment. Pre fer permanent resident. 444 N. Cot tage. Phone 2-1687. Jp PRIVATE THREE ROOM furnished court apartment, clean. Adults. S45. 3560 Portland Rd. Jp78 SEVERAL furnished apartments, good location. Inquire H. U Stiff Furniture. Phone 3-9185. Jp' FURNISHED APARTMENT, 36. 1968 North Commercial. Phone 45658 even ings. JP71 S-ROOM furnished court apartment, re decorated, elosa in, ph. 3-0546. ip71 ATTRACTIVE, clean, furnished apart ment. For one or two. Private bath & entrance. Close in. Oarage. $40.00. Ph, 27830. JP71 I t BEDROOM furnished, electric heat. adults, Hollywood district, p b o n e 38300. )P74 p FURNISHED apartment, tss.QO. Juat re- decorated, 1 bedroom, kitcnen, urine room, batb, electric heat, electric clothes dryer, all utilities paid. WALTER MUSORAVE, REALTOR Ph. 3-5109 Eve. 3-9939 3p7f WE NEED TO MOVE IT TO MAKE ROOM QUICK!! Cedar Siding Shorts 19.00 to 35.00 (good for small building). Hem. Mr. Rdm. length (not bad) M.X6 39.30. x is 4x10 1930. ix7 v Bean Poles (a lew) 3 V4c each you haul I, Raked Cedar pen els 16x16, eome very good, some bad, from 5c ft. to 13c ft. Hop Pegs 1.00 M. you haul. Oar den Stakes, or what do you need? To fence in the doc or child "sticks for pickets" 1M.C lln. ft. "TOUR BUILDINO SUPPLY FRIENDS' Portland Road Lumber Yard JUST RECEIVED! II A SHIPMENT OF HINGE JOINT STOCK FENCE IN ALL SIZES, oives under strain, won't bend or arreicn out 01 anape! Made 01 fin est quality galr. eteel. Adjusts to con tour of land. 33 in 8 Una wires. SAVBti 30-ROD BALE ai3.flS WARD'S FARM STORE TRADE AND HTOH ST. SALEM n71' WANT TO BUY! 1MI rh.v dltloo, private owner. Ph. 3-7736. re7e LOGS WANTED stud Hill. Lengths I' 4" or 13' r. DMaseter f" to H". Sawmill, Lmethe 14 ana i.ncer. Diameter a" to at". Top prices paM. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phone 1131 .,. WANTED Oood piano, ferrM. Fbone 1-tfn. maboganr pra-ne7. ILECTS1C 3-31 It. ANOES. . waodrr's. FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature, Furniture, Car . AT PERSONAL ifj "jes" promptlr to employed men or women, 1-vtalt loan . . , phone Out. Tou select bast parment data. Between payday loans. Phone, write or eome In TODATI Personal Finance Co. 106 S. HIGH ST., SALEU State License Koa. s-ln, Itvlw Loans or.r tug up to tlaw and a? to 20 months to repay made by Personal Plnance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act ol AUTOMOIrtlS IN CV. Powertilaa Tadar. ll.tM miles, la aerr aasl af oondllloa. Mi Orno Are oallaa. Ore. Phoaa late. M 1M1 ford Deluxe -. LKKt grey, t-loar eMaa. 1 awner, 1. Mar be teen n warn. Drtre. taw i-ww. 1f lt CaTIT. K tea rump see ad toau sa lesion, neater, tarp eleaa. le7 ptaa St. Ph. cltt, SUrerlM, 71 tM roau Custom use Mat tadat te dan. it.ttt aetaal asll.e. Iltrt Call p-nee IT m ll m wane Drue, aw AUTOMOILES $ for $ OAJTT MAT OU MM POH TALUS PONTIAC 83 Ssdan, hydro, RAH SI Mdn, hydro, H ... 41 sedan pt., hydro, 49 Club epe., RAH ... CHEVROLET 80 Belair, OD, RAH ... 48 tsdan, RAH BUICK 48 sedan, RAH PLYMOUTH 4 aodan. H BKST TOR LKSS 41 Buiek t. p., RAH . 89 International okD. 41 Ford sedan 80 Ford Model A epe . . 40 Chevrolet , $2898 1999 1498 1298 1898 898 9B 198 S98 398 298 98 198 ALWAYS m POD BEST AT KELLY OWENS CO. Mt If. Ueartr nana I-411S ej7t' 'at ro0 1-t Club ON., rah. aamoleu. fj waiiie stu. Lawerad baet eat. New waca imian. call 4-3741. ej73' UM HUDSON Super 'I'. Terr food COB- oiHon, iittt. Mt Market after I. . 73 HDIT SELL Malta any atler. -4t Kaiser Traraier, wadto, heater, l-tttl. 7J. roan, ton pickup. One af aha (est. rnone e-iaP7, 075. tt FORD CPE., good condition. Must oe eoia tnts week, 3736. Phone S-736, daya. 3-6S73 evenings. 070 f ARM EQUIPMENT SEE WARD'S NEW LINE OF OARDKN m.iune iuh 1VOSI PRICED RIOHTI 1M.M to 343.10 . . . lu.ln t-HP, Ward tractors are priced to suit pour pocketbook. Coma In and aee them today. WARD'S FARM STORE TRADJJ AN DHIQH, ST. SALEM mm AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAVINO RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley vu. pc.m wui aoiva your prob lama and eara you aaonay. rree esti mates, speedy service. Center at Lib. erty. Oregon. fit- PRIVATE MONEY Speolal Rates and Terms On Larger Loans , Long and short Tims' - Payments ROT H. SIMMONS 13S 80.. Commercial St. Ph. 3-tlll AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 Booth Church Parking a-Pleaty Ph. 3-3487 Lie. Ha. M-1M, S-1M oe TRUCKS I960 O.M.C. half-tun pickup. Ph. 3-0141. qd71' UU 3-TON Studebaker truck, with hoist. 11 it. train bed, low mileage. 3610 Portland Road. qtm ltt ltt-TON Chevrolet truck, covered wyy. ..'.p. coir Electric Co. qd70 Like New Used Cars AT MODEST PRICES 1963 FORD CUSTOMLINE ' ? 4-DR ...$200 DISCOUNT Fully equipped, guaranteed 3,000 miles. 1951 OLDSMOBILE "98" HOLIDAY COUPE ....$2605 Locally owned, spotleu, fully equipped. Save 11300 of new orlce. 1951. PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK 4.rit? . x This is the eleanest 1981 Plymouth In town. . . . 1961 HUDSON "HORNET" 4-DR. ... This Ji the famous blf "8" 148 H.P. sn- gine, hydramatlc, A beautiful color A truly a beautiful ear, 1950 PACKARD "135" DE LUXE 4-DR. . 1982 Motor, radio, heater, overdrive, plug loads of other extras. 1949 FORD CUSTOM "8" CLUB COUPE The cleanest, sharpest '49 in town. Radio, neater, overdrive, wnitewall tirei, under coat, low mileage ' 1948 PONTIAC "8" STREAMLINER SEDANET Loaded with extras. Spotless inilde and - out. 1948 OLDSMOBILE "98" DE LUXE 4-DR. You can't buy this much car anywhere in , , xne worm lor so little money. You'll have to tee and drive It to believe it 1948 PONTIAC DE LUXE CON VERT. CPE. ............. ... We have Just spent $200 reconditioning this clean, popular convertible. Perfect condition thruout. 1947 OLDSMOBILE "78", DE LUXE 4-DR This car is original thruout. Every acces ', sory available, plus white wall tires ac centuating it's beautiful black finish. 1947 BUICK SUPER CONVERT. COUPE ................. V.:i. ' 1 New motor reconditioning & clutch, near ly new lop. Kamo, heater, electric win- 1585 2265 1695 1250 1150 1295 1250 950 1150 rag is fcr, Cajccdj Fed, 5:1 j Portland () The Portland office of the Reconstruction Finance corporation reports that it had approved 910,000 one-year loan to Cascade Food Products of Salem. The loan'i piu-pom is to sj- slst In financing a defense eon tract, the snnouncemtmi said. The firm, owned by W. Kmery Hobbs, can applesauce. Jams and jellies. CaiflMe Oalaae Cbitetf ajue SsipaUef taa derate, Sa nans, lair at slitnur lawn prttta, atte. kit allahllr waakar, " Track salat M Dm.) I Caleraaa seas. Uh U. S. 1. t-lnah asad lanse. aaa, Minnesota Yellow Olaaat V. S. I, S Iruh and larser, tar iM Ttsat Telle) Bermudas v. e. 1, t ta t-laah, aar d.OOl lows TelMw Olatat V. e L l-taeh and utrttr, apraalaaau aa. AM, '- Crystal While Weat sasaralte taae auallty, I to s-tMh aaul alas t-kaah aavt larger pari tar e.oti troekurt aaMt eta. IrveraS lobkiot ttratt Stall kUahlaaat Tallow Olohas O. S. I, 7 mtt ejant J Inch and Isieir m.u u- . at str test 3-tosh tad Uraer atatl akow tag sarouu appnniuaat ear 3 .31. Slreel ssles (w Idaho, OTtaon, ptab and coMtaan asanlth t-rncj and ' Uraer t.n-t.t. uitZtT aT. s2 f "5?JM' " taaeiwtt Tal tow OtoltH M..Wl T..M OntJd I toah and larter, tWI to a-taek, 4 oo- 4.3S. few 4.30! IfMIM nmiMl Wvn. Wai 3-lnoh aid Urtar. Aste J at t-bch dows, completely to go. serviced and 'ready Every one of these fine cars has been road tested , for defects, reconditioned and re- tested. You can buy a car from LEE one day and leave on your vacation immediately with out worry of mechanical failures. , : : r LEE'S : Chi. see Bra la ' ' :": ' ') Chieaie uti Talk af a fnmA aw.. tlan peaca . offenalva,11 toppled with fairly liberal receipts af tath treta, pradaaad a servoaa aaat Iwa In tralaa am iha ssaatol Tr.s. day. "" aloaad 1H - tVt lower, hup I3.3IH-V.. earn Its aa a .u wl Mar ii.MK. tstt arm, iste JS. m SH-iHltwtr, Km iLl. ti.MW, s to t rawer, alar W.KH-H, sad tare M I te tjaats humdred pounds lower, Matte llt rertlaal Otala . '.V ' rortiaixl lav CMrtt traimf wnrteted. Whaal raadl. aa urhVTaS Hunm eaaas; s.eei toit WQItt white club 1.44. Hard red winter: Ordinary Ml; M per eanl S4S: II m mbi aaa, . Z cent Hard white aaart uaoetaS. - afonaay'a aar raealttU. aatia aa ley 1; nour 13: torn 14. . '. (tnhidtts Kei) 1.44 1 DEATHS PHONE 2-1827 HOUSE TRAILERS aooirr lttl 31-lt. Lloerty bouse trailer, .li. " taS0 BBS OB FOR FARM, CTTT OR ACRXAOI wans oEoT OF TXRals WE BDT Real estate mortgagee ek contracta State Finance Co. It7 Bo. Rlth St. Ph. J-4131 r 3541 Portland Rd. Phoaa 4-4433 ma Price War Reverse trap toils. , tas.M 30"xl8" Wash basin I17.B0 Cut Iron bath tuba, eomptttt ..(69.50 40 val. water heater $72.50 New 4" Mil pipe TO New shower cabinets complete ..$43.00 Medicine cabinets, 14"x34" 7.60 500 al. septic tanks $62.60 Unpalnted cedar shakes ,.....$ 6.76 Painted cedar shakes $ 9.75 Overhead aar age hardware ....a. 118. 50 Waterproof wall board, 4x8 l.flO Plywood. Interior ft exterior ....Chean S tab comp. roofing t 6.95 Steel aarage doors complete a.,. $57.50 No. 1 doors, 2'8"X8'8" $ 6.50 New door jambs ,....$ 3.50 Chicken house, barn windows.. Special New picture window $ 8.00 C. G. LONG & SONS Phone 45051 (1 mile North of Kelser) ma Car Radios Brand new Motorola Custom 1-plece posh-button, 49-52. Fontfac special price 879.M installed. No down pay ment, $2 per week, approved credit. BAH Oreen tamps, too. MASTER SBKVIUC foTATlONS. INC. 1)75 NEW SHALL size portable sewing ma chine. Phone 14805 after 7:30 p.m. n?2 ORGANIC FEKTILIZER. Free of weed seeoa, ana xjoriej. sack or bulk or ders dellfered. Phone 3-8127. n9r Keith Brown SPECIALS , .70.00 If. .40.00 11. ROOFING Complete line. Call Western Auto, 3-7177, lor free estimate. Gam ble's Western Auto Supply Co., 101 ff. Commercial. ma77 Grade too It. H4-RL Fit 7M It. 1X4-RL Slnt "1 Celling too It. lil-RL Beaded Celling ...40.00 II. 3900 It. lxS-RL V a Center "V" Sdg iom jj, 700 It. lxt RL Fig 80.00 M. 3900 It. RL 68 Fin 30.00 II. 70 It. 1x8 RL Channel Rus tic 40.00 M. 1000 1x10 RL S4S Fin ..80.00 M. Some damaged Plywood and Sheetrock real low price. SO00 It. lxl-EM C Btr. F18..1O0.O0 M. 700 It. 1XB 4 to t-0 C St Btr. 'It 116.00 M. Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Ph. 3-9111 Front Court St. WE orVX 8 ft H GREEN STAMPS STATE FINANCE CO. SIMPLE WAYS TO END YOUR MONEY WORRIES MACHINERY 3t-3 M. SAWMILL machy. 330-h.p. dlesel motor, adter, pond saw, unloading rig, tto, ready to to. UU, Independence. . V70 M A R K E T QUOTATIONS 5 TRANSPORTATION 1 Furniture Loan 3 Auto Loan 3 Livestock Loan 4 Co-Maker Loan 5 Signature Loan ' Maximum Small Loan 3300 Maximum Auto Loan 8500 S-318 17 So. High St. Phone 1-4133 M-333 r7t Lit. 8-111 and 11-338 and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Tradea" 11:03 Dally KSLM 1300 Xc. GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 111 So. Commercial St. Tel. l-tltl TOP SOIL River slit and fill dirt, promptly delivery. Phone 2-1749. n7P MAROON DAVENO and SWlm Phone 2-olW. rocker, nil' Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. 2, 12 inches clear, $5; No. J, 8 Inches clear, $4. No flap wood or culls. Come and tet Ultra. Ted Muller, fl ale m -Independence Road. Ph. Salem 2-11P8. ma NURSERY STOCK COME IN and see our line of aarden supplies, shrubs and beddlnr plants. Middle Orove Nursery, 4920 Mlverton Rd. mb70" For Sale MISCELLANEOUS L VirtTI.V VI'DVIBnrn sntrimtnt. Am. basiador apartment. 550 N. Bum- iner, Jp77 Lee Apts. Salem's Most Dletlnsulshed Address Following rentals can be shown now: 3-Bdrm. Available Now 110.00 1-Bdrm. Available Now 7t 1-Bdrm. Available Now 77.00 1 Bachelor Unit, April 1 (1 Ml For luxury living at moderate rates call at tn N, Winter St. PI). 4-1141. Jp' lo Place Classified Ads ' Phone 2-2406 30 ALLOWED for your old water heater on this new 43 -at Hon automatic elec tric water heater. Tester Appliance, 371 Chemeketa, Ph. 3-4311. n SELL OR TRADE chinchillas, house trailer. Ph. 4-2433 2694 Fisher Road. for aood at nil' or aee SMALL MA NO, with beautiful tone, In excellent condition. 1660 So. Cottage, n71 HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent. H. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9185, USED washing machlnei, $9.65 and up. YKATRR APPLIANCE CO., 375 Che- metreta. n BART BUGGY, good condition, only lift. Phone 35003 before 4 p.m. n70 5 ANTIQUE Clocks. Oood condition. Rea sonable. May be seen after 6 30 p.m. and all day Saturday and Sunday at 390 S. 23rd fit. n70 ' r i rvrrrySl " ' ' 'ST' 1 awa I ' I r7t- TKANSFOaTATION wanted lor two to Chicago or Detroit, will ehare ex penaee and Help driving. Reference, tichanied. April 18tn. Phone 4.1129. X71 DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES All makea used mechlnes sold, rented repaired. Roen, 4t( Court. Ph. 3-t773. BULLDOZING Bulldoatnt road, clearing teeth. Vlrgl Hualiej, 1010 Falrvlew. Ph. 3-3140. o' CASB EGI8TERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash registers. All makes, sold, rented, re paired. Roen, 450 Court, pri. 3-0773, o DRESSMAKING Alterations, hemstitching, buttons, Ducaie. covereo, outtonnoles. Mrs. H. M Allender. 3-U. oM DRIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" way. Call or aee Mr. anelllng. Valley Mo tor co., saiem. rnone 3-3147 or 4-1074. EXCAVATING Ben Otjen & Son. Excavating, trad lng, land clearing. Phone 3-3080. O80 INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Fork-lift trucks. Inside and outside work. Hyster, Clark, Mobile lift, 3000 and 4000 lb. machines. By day. week or month. Ph. 3-3438. Capital City Transfer. 0. INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrips, screens. Free estimates. T. Pullman. Phone 3-506S. oeo MATTRESSES 5 Interest If you haya idle funds seeklm In vestment, then you are 'the type of person to whom we can be of service. For over Twenty-fire Years we have been helping people In this community find profitable work for their money. Ourlna this period we have promptly paid JW m I -annual Interest payments tfltautnr many Thousands of Dollars. We are currently paylnt ft INTEREST on funds from $900 to 99000. General Finance Corporation 13 S. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem, Oreton Phone I-H81 McCI 1.I.OCH CHAIN RAWS, 608 Edie water. West Salem. Salem Loitlnf Sup' ply. Pb. 4-1941, IV DRi POULTRY good for FERTILIZER Is very lawns and easy to spread. By sack or yard. Phillips Bros., Ph. 43011. n' Sewing Machine Buyers When buylnt new or nsed aewlni machine, call or write for our free colored cataloc. Sinter Sewini Center, 130 N. Commercial, Sslem, Ore. Ph. 33813. NEW S-PC. bedroom set with new boi spring Innereprtng mat. can oe see at S3S0 Maple Ave. BlO PAINTED SHAKES Mo. 1 VO - Bdle. Dipped Choke of colors - with undercourie ll.M h. without undercourss .11.60 sq. Keith Brown Lhr. Yard Phone Mill Front a Court Sti. WE GIVE S ft H OREETt STAMPS FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, eomptuts, the same Quality at last year, for home and garden. Fl sin tones, red lava stone and other types for walls r gardens. Rus tle cedar fencing and trellis work. Phillips Bros.. Rt. , Boi 4B), Salem. Pb. 4-3011. B PERSONAL ALCOHOLIC'S ANONYMOUS, Oroup No. 1. 3088 N. Commercial. Ph. 3-8419 or 3-4517. pOl Capitol Bedding, renovates. Pull line new mattresses. Ph. 3-4066. o OFFICE FURNITURE tt SUPPLIES Desk chairs, flies, filing supplies, safes, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer Siena, Koen, f&fl court. SEPTIC TANKS Harriet's septic tanks cleaned, line serv ice, uuaranieea work. Phone 3-7404. 073 Mike's Beptle Service. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleans sewers, drains. Phone 3-fl4fl. oB4 Sewer, septic tanks, drains cleaned. Ro-to-Rooter Sewer Service. Phone 3-6337. TELEVISION TV Sales, Service, Antenna. Ave.Phone 49832. WINDOW CLEANING 1870 Una ol Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waxing, housecleanlng. Phone 3-3337. 947 Court. o AUTOMOBILES HFT MAN! -A real buy: A '43 llerc with all axtraa. Body work and A-l from tallllght to headlight. Phone 38371. q70 1M CHKV. Club Coupe Extra special cond, Private party. 11,996. No trade in. Ph. 3-M13 q71 '47 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-door sedan, excellent condition. Ph. 3-0051. en 5 8. lima Ave. q?o '4M FORD 4-door aedan, good tires, mo tor, Need some fender work. 1945. Phone 3-6973, q70 WILL HELL EQUITY In 1951 Pontlac 3- or eeaan. Lynn warner, Amity, Ore gon. q70 1049 rilEV. 4-DOOR sedan. Very good condition. Only 33.000 miles. New battery, I new tires. Phone 17474. 7I BUILDINO MATERIAL O. W. KLANG Wrecking Co. Builders encap supplies. 3-7aB6 evenings. o91' VENETlANnBLIND LAUNDRY C infield's Laundry, Repairs, Reflnlih lng. 1440 S. 13th. Ph. 4-6403. Pick-up, Delivery. o90 TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington, Royal, Un derwood portables. All makea used machines. Repairs tt rent. Roen, 466 Court. o BULLDOZINO Bulldoxing road, clearing teeth. Virgil Hunker, 1010 Pairriew. Ph. 3-1149. 095 LODGE A SALEM LODGE No. 4 A.F. AvAt A.M. Wed.. Mar. 25. M.M. dtgrtet. 7:30 P.M. 72 PORTLAND" PRODUCE LIST Battcrfa t Tentative, subject to Im mediate change: Premium email tr, maxi mum .39 of one per cent acidity de livered In Portland 09-720 lb.: first qual ity (7-70c; second quality. M-fl7c, Taller routes and country points. 3 cents less. , Butter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk ruhes to grade aa 93 score, 87o; A grade, 93 score. 65c; B, 90 score, 64c; C, 89 score, 04c, Above prices strictly nominal. . Cheese Belling price to Portland wholesalers, Oregon singles 434 -4Se; Oregon 5 lb. loaf, 49Vx-61c; triplets, ltto less than singles. Eggs to Wholeaalcre Candled eggs containing no loss, cases Included f.o.b. Portland, A trade large, 9tt-B6Vfcc, A graoe meaium, 64W65ttc; a grade large, 49-MViC. Pertlaad Dairy Maraei Butter Price mo retanera: Grade AA print, 73c j A carton, 73c; A prints, 73ci carton, T3; b prints, ssc Esse To retailers, Orade AA large, 60c; A large, 57-Mc; AA medium, 68c; a meeium, do-37C a amaii, nominaJ. Cartons. 3o additional. Cheese Price to retailers, Portland, Oregon singles, 49 -50c; -lb. loaves, 63-63'c: triplets, l'ic less than sin gles. Premium brands singles. ftflVic: loaf, 60Mc Processed American ohetse, 5-1 b. loavea to retail, 4Vx-46tts lb. Poo (try uve CUekena (No. 1 aualltr. f.o.b. PlanU.) Fryers, 3V.-3 lbs. 30-Slc; 1-4 lbs., 30-Slc ; oruters, A lbs., and over,) 30-3 lc; heavy hens, all weights, 37-28c; ugnt nens, ail weight, 33-36c old roost ers, 10-13C! Dressed Chlekeas Fryers, y4.3 lbs., 43 -46c; roasters, 4.1 -44c; light hens, 31 33c; heavy hens, 36-37o; eut up fryers, all weights, 43-44c. Babblta Averaaa to growers: Live Whites, 4-1 lb.. 36-37e; 6-6 lbs., 38-26o io., oia floes. io-nc; few hlfher. Wruh drlsied fryers to ratallera, 61-64o; eut UP, 60-09C. Country KlUed Meats Teal Top quality. 40-43 tts.. routh heavlet, 25-33c. noes Lean blockers. 30 -Sic: sows. Haht 34-36c. Lamba Top trade iPTlngera. 40-43a: other trades, according to quality. Mutton Best ewes and wethers, li lac lb. Beef Utility cows, 14 33c lb.: eanner- cutters. 36-37C Preth D reiied Meats wholesalers to retailers: Dollars per owt.: Beef Steers, choice 900-700 lb.. 38.00-40.00; good, 38.00-39,00; commercial ao.w-?.w; uuilty, 33.00-35.00; oown, commercial, 11.00-34.00; utility, 30.00 31.00; cannera eutters, 36.00-31,00. Bf Cuts (Oholce ateers). Hind quarUrs, 4 7,00 -0. 00; rounds, 45.00-49.00; full loins, trimmed, 63.00-73.00; tri angles, M.00-38.00: fore-quarters, 33.00 36.00; chucks, t7.0O-4O.00; ribs, 48.00 93.00. S7 48' OWd' ,4,MM; merclalB, Calves Choice, 143-53.50; commer cials, 937-46. Lamba Prime sprinters, 40-60 lbs.. 643-46; tood, 640-44. Mutton Oood choice, 631-34, Park Cute Lotus, No. 1, 8-12 lbs., $53 57; ahoulders, 16 lbs., 135-39; aparerlbs, 145-49; fresh hams. 16-14 lbs., 855-59. , Snakes Hm flklnned, 657-83.60. Re fined lard In drums. sli.B0.i: i.h h.. Portland Mijeellaoeom celery CaL nst erata. l.iu rim T-.u-t-.o. nw to .ou. ure., 63. SO IS. 60. Onlana 60 lb. lacks West Orevon vl. Iowa, medium, 14, 00-, 60: 1-Inch, 14.79. 6.36; No. 3s. 63-36ei bollara. io ih 46-47ei Idaho yellows, large, 14.90-4.76; No. 1, white, large, 4.7&-S 00. PeUtoea Ora.-Wash. russets, No. 1, 64.60-4.7l; few down to 4.: bakers, 1 5. 00 -60c; 36 lbs., slat A,; 10 lb! meih, 90-98CI paper, 49-63ct Ho, 3, 60 lbs., 11.39-1.60; Idaho bakers, bales, e-10 lbs., 13.90-3.00; 100-lb, aacka, I5.35-.40; 36 lb. No. Li, 1 1. 3b. Hay-O. 8. No. 3 green alfalfa, de llvered ear loU f o b. Portland, nominal ly 636.00 ton; Seattle, 637-40, Wael-Wlllametu valley moatly nomi nal at 45c lb. grease basis. Hle CbItii, i6-3ie lb, aecoMlng to weiihta; green kips, 17-19e; bulls. 4-6c; green butcher cow hides, 1-9e, Filberts Wholesale selling price No. 1 Is rt Barcelonaa, 34-36c lb.j trowar pricee, orchard run, 14-16c lb. W a Inn la Wholesale selling price, first quality lerre Pranouettee, 33-3? lb.; i grower price, orchard fun. iw I few st to lie, 240 N. CHURCH SALEM MARKETS Oaaaallet treaa tefarte al Saleaa testers ..iot sua gaiaasne at sjaaltal taaraial raadere. tBartaa talrr.) . Retail reed Prloeei " ' Rabbit Pellela 33.33 (80-b.) bat), 4.W-S.70 (100-lb. bail. Btr Hash 31.30-tS.4t, ' Dalrr Feed ts .58-3 .33 fen iw k..i M.06-J..3 (100 U. Pealtrr Barlna Prices Colored fp... 30c: old roosters, lee: colored fowl, ate: Leghorn fowl, 3te, roasters, 30e, Sets: ' Bojfnr rrleea SJsts, AA. 7e! large A, 3c-5oe: medium AA, 41c; mediirm A, 43 4fio; email, 38c. wholesale Pricee Eae whotM.l b.i.. Kviimuiy o-fo nigoer inan the prices above. Large trade A generally quoted a. ddc. medium, 010. untierral Burlna Dries: Pr.mi,m, at 73c: No. 1. f8-70c: Ho. I. no. Ratter Wholesale trade A parchment. Portion Livestock " Portland (Wo Cattle! ISOOl tlow; fed etcers 30-1 higher: cowa stead, to too nigner.- cnoice 1000-1090 lb. fed steers 31.10: tood ateers 31.M-33.3SI commer cial 30-31: commerclel helfera It: good fed heifers shore 30.50: csnner-cutter cows 11-13.50: ntiutr cows mix ed utility, commercial beef cowa 17.M; heifer type cows to 10; heary commer cial bulla 11. Calves: 350: alow; steady to weak; good-choice vealera 36-30. Hogs: too; steady: eholce 1, S butehera lau-isa iob. 33.50-34: cnoice 3 light weights 33; 350-300 roe. 31.50-33.33: 150- 170 ids. 31-23.50: choice xo-150 lb. sowa 19.50-31; lighter wellhts to 31.50. Sheep: 850; steady to atrone: .nod. choice fed wooled lambs lt.50-30.ft0; choice No. 3 pelt shorn lamba 30; feed ers 17-17.50: good-choice slaughter awes trope to 500 higher at 0-10. Dean staaet . . u . it as. Henry Dean aKvayi. taf.nt ' t Mr. and lira, claait S. aiaert laa 14th at., at a loaal kanitat, Karen Also survived w Aa.. ta. ae.w atuart, Salem, and madras tats, icy, awl Mra, o. c. Stuart a-4 It?, amd Mrt. R. o. Pattoo, au at Salem, oravo aMa atmeei wui be keld si tat nat ion cemetery fa Albasur. Tweed.. w...k 34, at 10 a.m. with the Her. Brocfa Moore ofllclallnt. yjewtU-Btwartai cam. pent w cnartt. alerSaa NakMat Satvrt ' Oordoa Nelson Bkbart, near aaaarata. Wash., laarch It. at th. u. ar ia w.-T Survived by parents. Mr. and Mrs, ot ' r--nt saeaet aaaaa, waan.i gland- . . n a r, aioan nelson, Hoeea Lata, .iwwhto. aar. bsm Jan. a, M, Batata, Monmouth, itad th lellow lnt aunta and uncle., Mr. and Mra,' Kanry Davanpoit, Slrrerton; 1ST. aaa Mrs.. Teerr, Sclot Mr. aavt Mra. J. 1- Nelson and Mr. and Mrt. mehalat Bel- mm, u oi aaonnuratii, aaul ttr. and Mra. : M. M. WeUou, Independenae. Oravealaa earrKaa will ke held Wedaetday, March , at I p.m. aa aalantt Meaaarul Part, nnder direction of the HoweU-Xdwarda Company, Antoa X. Valk 1 Anton J, Volk, al the rtaldenee. ltlt N. tth At.. March 99. aurar., h r- Mre. Mary Volk, Salem: dauthttn, Mrt. Calara Salsrrom. Mn. va bh.mimw w. Leo Brown and ts.. Wjua will. - n Salem; aona, Tony Volk, Turlock,' Calif.: Ceorge Volk, Bermuda, and Henry and , u '.rttM1 " -asmij , Brother, John volk, Aberdeen, & o. aim surviv ed by 93 trandohUdran. AnnaauMtaaant of servlcai will at anada la tar ar tkt Clouth-Barrlek Company, Oaaeta Saylar ' f i -, ..F,ii". 'ZI'Q -taWttrat tf U0 Locut, March 13. ,... ,.. li aervlcea later by aha w. I. Batdaa C Cbosteold ftfltTS wirtjtt-ttrii ttssatBta , MUSMOLE Chleara Llvestoefc Chicago tVn A moderate run of hni limited ahlpplng demand Uonday and prices lormeo at aiaaay io 35 cents low er levels, Cattle were bunchfed In trie number arriving again, and the market moved to steady to 80 cent lower marks as compared with last week's close. Most butcher weight hogs sold from 630.00 to 630.65 with the load-lot top at $30.76. flow took 617.36 to 616.00 generally. Good to prime ateers and yearlings aoM from 630.00 to 636.50- Oood to prime hellers made 619 00 to 634.00 while cows topped at 116.00, bulls at 118,00, and choice vealera at 137.00. Sheep failed to establish an early market but receipt were the largest tor a month. Estimated salable arlv.U Inclntl.rl in - ooo hogs, 18,000 cattle. 300 calves, and 4,500 sheep. Bifocal classes were invent ed by Benjamin Franklin. Prescription-like medicine stops Sour Heartburn-Gas i'uti outfit of acid itomachdUtnsi! Now It's netdleu to suffer bumlojr pains of ' arid Indigestion, taa, heartburn-thanka to "prescription-type" formula of F. H. i Prouder, Pb.O. Medically-proved Plunder's Tablets soothe away pain with arid-neu j ranting mm. xou eat moat anything you uae-w.ia.out rear or dutreaa. Amaalngly quick relief pwaranlsed or money beck I Out Pfunder's Tablet today. 100,000,000 sold. f iteming of iiMPLE PILES fteairtol Ointment r in Joaoi'a cu fast to oil and soothe tender pens aa Its medication relieves itchy irritation. For gentle cleansing use mild Realnot Soap. Wonderful Relief for ITCI1IE.6 SKIII I Zemo, t doctor's antiseptic, promptly Miovea Itrhlnl, Hops scratching- and to haipt heal and clear raahes, acaema, paoriaaia, rlncworra of akin and tcalp, dua to external causa. Buy Extra Btrtnglh Zemo for the mart aweBa.. National Credit Card, Inc. o o o CREDIT CARD An Orsgoo Corperitlon OFFRHIS UNITS Of STOCK (wJiIIbj sf; 1 aha re Class A npy partlcl patinf non-Totinf comman I share Claas B npy ttots partkipaUnf Tertinf eaan- mon. 1 share Class O II9M pr i eumnlatlvs non-Totlnf pre erred. Af $1001 Per Unit Orders (limited to Stats af Oreson) executed kj 7tat6uUttan uu, kt, Tlaw, Sldg., orrlond 4, Ortsoa Dr. y. T. Lam, u. Dr. O. Chan, J5. DBS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS t'pststra, Ml North Liberty Olllce open Saturday only 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., II lo 7 p.m. ConiullaUoa, blood nr.uur. and urlnt U.u trt free of chant. Praetleed tinea HIT, Write fee attruttiM m w- Kkii- tatlon Urboora taaaa! a, CMU