FORSALE HOUSES SUBURBAN XOMZ TO TRADE OR BELL $4950 CASH plug 111,000 TO lou-ukai yen trie proud raw ef this beeettfal born. LOW PRICE Or $18,950 LOCATION 1095 MAINE AVE. . Ma Pa win trade this lovsly I wtdroom home with over 1700 must. fast ss flow awut. Many f thoss flnsr fsatures. Too with lam feaUUa. hart fell soporltmlty to trad, la nut smallsr horn. Iw BEN COLBATH, Realtors 1SB8 CENTER ST. OFFICI DIAL 4-4484 OR S-4S5S EVE. PHS.: I-5S7S, S-176B, S-170J, 4-2714 OR J-8928 FOR SALE HOUSES HEW, BEAUTIFUL 1-bedroom bout. In Eaatmorelana. Large ooudi. sr..- - .hl. nn Med fOV COmfOrt. 111,004. Erl Ssamster. Ph. 43581 lor appoint ment. " .mm rnu MICL buym liiUI hss. OD hillsld. trss-Unsd bslf s with good spring, located in wess m. (KM FULL price lor tblt furnished DUPLEX, up at down, flrepl., exosll Ink. mad ttnttl locstlon. 11000 town. , Zri. oil RAT DAVIS. 4-611T. ED LUKDfBKAU REALTOR. t II. High. Ph. 3-4850. CHOICE CORNER. 1071 it. CAPITAL t furnished psrtmsnts, I bath rooms, , til electric 116,000 ttsn. pnetie cstep, U709. BT OWNER Bpselous bwlreora homo In MB salsm. Ovsr 1700 w. It. floor spec, plui attached gsrstt. Mil 10 lot with town and shrubs. Pries, 11,000. Call 1-7411 for appoint, to ' 110 it7M DANDY, nut, clou small homo , nor Leslls Boh. an small lot. Hdwd. floors. Ideal for fmall famllr. INCOHB propertr noar LESLIE son., top . locstlon, nlc aornsr los wicn aw. pvo. . Lte. roomy utrs. for awntr, plus apt. rentala. 111,500. Bra. aall ED.1-8104. ED LUKTNBEAT. REALTOR, in N. Hllh. Ph. 1-4080. a71' MODERN t-BEDBOOM noma, eomplsts ly furnlahad with alaetrla rania and refrlssrator. Lynn Warner, Amity, Oraion. a70 IPACIOUS, nearly naw I bedroom houtt, lam elossts, buut-lni aalora. Oak floors, flreplaca, oil furnace, base ment, doubla caraia and patio. IMS Plr St, Ph. 3-OvO0. a70 Snlt awos for this ipacloua alder bom. Hss nlet bdnna., all an one floor, alean aa a pin, aound aa a dollar. Eve. eel! Ilr. Mstsgsr. 4-17U. ED LrjKTjv. BEAL, REALTOR. 491 W. Bllh. Ph. 3-1680. an HiOT NEW, but In exctJUnl eondltlon l-bearoom born. Fn. 440B. aio KDVCtO tor quick "sale. Modern" 3- , bedroom bouse, cood termi. Fb e-eaoe. aT3 trLTKA MODERN California redwood borne, well to wall carpet, Tbermldor ranie. IflMO.OO. CaU 4-6833, alO Ws OWNEV, nearly new I bedroom homemakeri dream. See at 1840 Wal ler. Phone 4-4674. Just 7W0. $1,000 down. BY OWNER 1100 ml !U 1 bedrooms. 40850, near school and bui. Terms to be arranied. 180 West Madrona. alO ' t BEDROOM home on Cast Washington. Good basement, oil furnace, A good buy. t BEDROOM borne on corner lot, South jin. uruy nsoo. F. H. WEIR, REALTOR MtT Bo. Coml. ph l-MIl aTl' T BUILDER I -bedroom. 1 blocks to naw hlsh school. 115,000. Phone 4-5301 or 4-1171. Ex. sua. a70 stTBNUBED 1 bedroom, electrle heit, oloss to aehool, stores. Welkins dis tance to town. Comer lot. Immediate possession, lens, can I-un. aTS fcerLT oss la townl prva nice bedrooms. eparata sis. cuninv rm., iiropi., Touaastown kltehen with dishwasher, dbla. plumblna, mapla floors, 100 s 100 lot, pavad St., Eastmoreland Dlat. esBsaber, this Is a ranch-atrla horns v aB aa one floor for only ,19,000. Eve. all PECK, 1-B41I. ED liUXINBEAL, REALTOR, 4n H. Hlsh. Ph. -Kgo. a71 FOR SALE LOTS BAMS LOT. fa, terme. Owner, lam Oenter. aaTS" toeeae'e'aaaeao POR SALE FARMS North Marion Co. FARMS Money-maker. Irrtseted bottom farm ac MoiUy Chehalla j wU. loame. Irrla. rlshts on all. Modernised 4 B. Rm. home, tine las. barn, maoh, ahed, 1 ear t erase. Excel, lend A loo., Bear Woodburn, Beat. Tr. stream. Hurry aa thlsl Will be tor sale only a ehort time. 0U.0O0. Bis loni term . loan avallsbls. BARGAIN OF THE YEAR! OB at, slurhUy rolllni. WU. loam, at edss of eltr. Excel, sub-div. haiii- bllltlio. Val. frontaaa on psv. rd. Very ooo ouy a, sio.TOO. Tsrms. REDUCED TO SELL SOME TIMBER 41 acres, aU WIMematte silt, on pavement, near town. Oood income on srass said and nuts. Modernlicd 1 bedroom home, I barne. Eat. 100 T. ft. marketable fir. Include, crawler tractor and tools. Very ,ood at ll.- wou . POULTRY & BERRY FARM CLOSE IN I ac on pav. rd. C enemies. Oldsr moo. s a. run. home, 3 ear , erase, 1 story pltrr. hi,., brooder at barn. eneaj at sovou. assy tsrms. Higginbotham Real Estate FIRE 4 AUTO INSURANCE Downtown Plrat Ntl'l. Bank Bids, Offls Till ' Eva. bin Woodburn . bTO ' 10 ACRES room house, cast. 14,000. acres, cood land, poor house. 15500, To jell or trade In on larter farm. F. H. WEIR, REALTOR 114T so. com'l.. 1-1411 Ml' CLASSIFIED ADVEBTIBINO Psr Word 4c Per Word, 1 tlmee. 10e Par Ward, llmee Me Per Word, I month We No Refende Minimum 10 Wards. READERS In Local News Colama Only, Psr Ward Ts Mlalssam 11 Warde To Place Ad in Same Dkys Paper, Phone Z-Z4M Before 10 a.m. OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ACREAGE want good treinr home as part par. merit on t aorta, (aa Welle. Ml x. Hleh after 1 p.m. bb71' REAL ESTATE SECLUDED CASTLE ' FOR I956 -Sown you eu move into th.a large ituooo uudoa wiuiTOwa. firs- very large llv. rm., oak lira., lit bdrmJ. down, Uro flnlibd nn. pitftira (room tot 1 bdniw.). Ituldt vtiutr nn., brMMVftr, Itrt -e iiwiOrir V acrf. Clrcalw lrtT Wiy. THIS COOTTTRT-TOWH JBTAT1 OAlf J3K YOURS IvR SiHO. TKUU, 0 DOWN nd IflB.OO p BOatb. IT COST YOU MONEY TO KEEP OK PAYING BENT. OET WISE and bur thla nka S-bdnn. homo with LR, DR, large modern kitchen. Inilde vtllltr nn, attached tareee. Paved it., nice location on M. 33rd St, Price la only 00300 with $050 down and l par month, DON'T LOOK PURTHER Here U a bar worth? of your tnepeetlon. See thla T-rr.-old J bdrm. home with hdwd. fire., lovely llv. nn., nice roomy kitchen with nook. Nice attached fame with plenty of rm. for your work shop. THIS OOES FOR THE PRICE OP mo. TERMS POSSIBLE, KM down. EE MRS. OOLEBBEE, Eve. Ph. 39371 or BEN COLBATH, Eva. Ph. KMI OFFICE DIAL GOOD 35-ACRE FARM Oood 3 bedroom home, barn and oth er out bulldlnts, most all to cultiva tion, on psTemest, 4 miles cast ef city. 116,500. 2 Acres. 2-Bdrm. Home 660001000 down, vreen shakes, well built horn, not old. I everec all In cultivation. Out north, Lake Lablsh way. Art Madsen Realty 1334 Stat St. rtL 3-65A0 3-4ilt INVEST (Salem Is Orowlm) Own part of downtown Salem. Lane business Didr., ground floor leased and returning the Investment. Second floor vacant and Just waiting to take the. overflow from the hlsh school bu'Jdlng. Income will far exceed In vestment cost when leased. Investigate bow while It la priced to giro you a handsome return. , $700 PER MO. 6700 per month income. See this beautiful residential court. 3-bdrm. units, finest rental tree, very low overhead. Liberal terms to take ver. Vacancy almost non-existent. Xo phone Information. Shown by ap pointment only. HOME & INCOME Live in thla good 3-bdrm. home and take In 656 per month from perma nent renters In furnished home on seme lot. Private driveways, private utiiitlsi. a fine buy for only $10,500. sawn aown. 1S80 Palrxroundx Rotd Phone 4-1905, Evs. 1-1053, 4-1705, 4-4573 C75" IMIlt Ulltl lllltlll SIHtlll ItllMIUtl smiiim . IWIIUWt SMIIIIIH mrv .tiimtiimiMiH TTcn, DUI sttiiiiiitiii sjial iMiiimuitimtiit iwuutit tt tiimiHi iiiititl it titititt tltttt it tmii u N SULLIVAN 635,000 Eight apartments and three first floor buulneis outlets In eortcrste building, located In Silverton. ThU Is one to make the Investor's mouth water, Cel Mr. Ktsne, Rvesft 3-4076. ISO OZPORD-New P.H.A. 3 -bed room home lust competed, 6000 dn., pua P.H.A. costs. Drive by evnd check the home. Located between 8. Com'l and w. Nob Hill. THHee BEttROOm-outh near McKlnley achool. Large kitchen and 1350 sq, ft. Hist Is oil forced-air. Owner will take house up to 66,500 In trsde. 613.500. Call Bob Davis, eras. 67500 J Three bedrooms and only six years old. Outside patio and fireplace. Thts you must see .call Xd Bristol, eves, sob it. TAVERN This place hag dons the unpossioie. isocatM in mill town with a net of ever 190.000 e both the res taurant tavern. All equipment In- C1UOM. 610,000. 33 ACRES near Brush College, Just Oft Wallsce Rd, Three-bedroom home in fine ehspe. T acres Ror si Ann, i acres oi i-yr.-otd prunes, 4 acres of Bartlett pes re. 3 acres apples. Own er will divide firm to suit buyer. Priced to eeu 314,000. Call Mr. Zltse- W1H, fTfl 3-1131. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR IMt Portland Rd. 107 N. Hlih, Brsneh Otllcs Pb. 4-4J1) Ph. 4-5431 O70' I BR. HOUSE, basement, furnece, fencM yard, furnished, 10. Terms. Cell l-lisl svenlnss. Journal Want Ads Pay I- ' . . j REAL ESTATE Mi ? ii im vi WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES CONSIDER CAR . . ave etneat an ibis I 1ml aaleida alty aarth. 1 ksdrooms with att. farace. Sep, itmty room. Insulated. Near school and bus. Pull price only WOW. LEAVING STATE wr ttlaan ahneet new homo ood area. Well to wall aarpets. OU heal. Laraa atulty room. IneuUUd. nnflnlehad apstalrs. Ooodry number at fruit trees. M by J10 1st. Pull i. ahW seftoo. YOUR BUDGET BUY van. t Mromni OB 1 floor. Mrtpltct. OU bMt. WMtotMtripiwd. iBiilktsiL VtvL jL In lood oolMUtlon. FHA Uru If dtttrtd. Tail irk 10,- ." VALUE PLUS out af atata owner says sell It. a aU4 tiAitia In very BOOd aondl' it aBKveL utility room. Ineulated. Pvd. St. All. taraie. 11 by 10 llvlns room plus extra dlnlna room. Pull price only 17,(50. CHARMING Plus select location. In Tory nosd condition. Autamstla bast Several fruit trees. 1 bike, to Entlewood school. Lawn and shrubs. Tool house. Oernse. 1MU pries only W.tOO. PHA tar mi CALL rOR MR. ORAWPORD, EVE. PH. 4.B0S0 ar sen. iduuina e-o. 4-tete. If aa answer cell 4-231. $6000 WILL hi nu la tbi rocT7 builneii. On Iop of tbt It'i toot Jlort. Ortrbfad U Ttrj low. Rtnt only 150 ptr no. Builntii U food. ThU U an pwrtunitr xor ft nan an wut. Oimtr must II. 6 UNIT APT. In aood location. Spaelou loft. In mn $30f Pr bo. ull bMmnt. In ood condition. Ubtral rm. dfull prleo la onlr HS,00. NCOME $140 PER MO. Almost naw bus. buds. Very food tenant. Extra lane lot. Room to build another bids. Perkins area, pull price only 111.000. CALL POR DAN fBAAK, EVE. PH. 4-1SI1. If as answer call Hill. 32 ACRES WALNUTS Attract wop about IB tons per rr. In Mcelltnt walnut area. Very food oompltUly remodeled 6 room bom, full basement. OU beat, t-trse fire place. Kttra suest house. Pvd. front ate en 1 iMes. t ear rtfe. Uaehlnc shop. Owner wilt sell 38 acres with out bidts. ror or tne entire traei for $31,000. Liberal terms. 3 ACRES With smaller bom. Garate. In food repair. Near Salem. Insulated. Only t yrs. old. stMII price $5000. Terms. 3 ACRES MINUS With modern older type home. De sirable diet. Closs to sohool, bus and store. Pvd. rd. Offered for sale to oloae sstats. Pries has been reduced to 17150. CALL POR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH. 1-4715. If no answer cell for 4-1341. M ORTOAOE LOANS 10 Tear Maturity AI Isaak & Co., Realtor cmiee raones: e-3311 or 1-7830 I01S PORTLAND ROAD Eve. Phones: I-473S, 4-M14, 4-5030 ar 1-1511 X ao answer, phono 4-M4I $150.00 Dn. 3-bsdroom homo on 1 larse lots. Hardwood Boors, full bath. Outslda ol city, north. A little work would make this a Bko homo. Balance 155.00 psr nwu. I HOUSES & FULL ACRE One 3-bedroom home with large kitchen, also a one-bedroom home wun pjumoinr. pared street, low tax ee, close to school. Bus by door. Real ty cneap at vhwo.oo. ST. VINCENT bedroom. Large living room, large ninina room, terse uuuiy room, plas tered home. Paved street on bus line. A well-built medium-aged home, ex cellent for growing family. A good bur el 46950.00. . REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South Hlsh Street Phone No. 3-1203 Phone nsnlnss: 4-1071 l-llll 1-4171 4-1311 4-6311 1-1311 ell' ROYTODD REAL ESTATE , 15 ACRES A real nlc. ssttlnt In shads tress with Wondsrful vlsw. Pernio land with ssvsral acres In pennsnent pasturs. Oood 4 bdrm. home. Barn, chicken h other outbuudlnta. Oloae In to town. All. school buses by door, A ood buy at HMO. call Mr. Todd. INCOME PROPERTY Two apartments plus separate house for living quarters which has 3 rooms and bath as owner's home. House next door hsa 3 apts. consisting of 3 rooms k bath each. Furniture In apts. In cluded. Lot approx. laoxiao. The rent from apartments will pay for your home. PuU price 610,650. Call Mr. Todd. ROYTODD REALTOR WO Bute Street Office Phone 14591 Eve. Pbona: Todd 1-1731 .71 $10,000 Modern, late-built, 1 B. R. home. Oil forced air furn. Lena L. R. car peted wall-to-wall. Plrsplaes. Lot ast,x330. Close to otoree and sshool. Pavvd street. Oood terms. 89,230 Clean, modern. 3 B. R home. Plrs plaes. Pull basiment. Auto, all fur pecs. Clou to schools. Pslrmont Hill Dl,t. Will tak. smsller II. s, horns la trads. Oood t.rms. $7,950 Vsry slesn 4 rr. old 3 B. B, home south. Auto, oil floor furnsce. Lsrss lot. 11,500 down. $7,350 1500.00 down. 150.00 month bur, ths, alaan, lat.-b.ullt. modern 1 B. R bom.. Oil turnac. Pared etmt. dole to bus and schools. Peneed beck yard. Will ecu furniture. Very reatonable Immediate pouattlon. CALL STANLEY BROWN WITH State Finance Co., Realtors 117 S. Hlsh St. Ph. l-tlll Evenlnn 1-I5I1 S73 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED 5 to 10 aorta with lood home, eloss In. Al lassk, Rlt, phone 4-3311. If no answer, 4-3341. e NOTICE! If your propsrty It for ssle, rent or txensnis, list II with us. Ws havs all klndt of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 133 B. Hlsh St. WE ARE In netd of sood housea to sell. In or near Seltm. If you wish to lut your property for silt, sr, ORAKENHORST BROS, REALTORS. lit s. Ubsrti Ph. 1-1471 aa THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, laltm, OrsrcH REAL ESTATE "Before You Buy Give Zeeb's a Try" Our llatlnss sra all exclusive contracts. To will not find sham he any other office. They have been APPRABJED to aall and we ere proud I to ofler each and ovary one. we are NOT members of the mdUple 11st 1ns bureau. If you have been Ibinklna of llsllaf your propeHy ar If you just want to know what It's worth, plsaso feel free to saU fat any fro. appraisal service. 4 A. trntmpr. just off Lansaster Br, Basel, far vdv. Tes sasae year terms. Thai 4-bdrm. home bae aU the room you'va ksaa laoklBf for. ebis, pint, on t ss A. of wiuamstts sut. An ta suit, sa pavad rd. aad asar sen. Truly a rsal valus, 114,500. Modern 1-bdrm. pUlrd. buno Inside utility rm., att. ssrssa sa Is a. Iol Locatod just aataida city Umiu close to bus at son. astaa. Tanas ar trade. 1 1-bdrm. Oallf. style stucco tun., flrepl.. full kassat, SO ran, aaty f bike, from St. Vlneent'e. A real value 410.W0. When you ssa tbU 4-bdrm. -yr.-old 1-story boms with kwd. flrs. throushout, flrsplN sit. surest, Its. thsrmopane plcturo windows, aa - Is., lot, you'U bs convinced It's ths home you need. Very low da. pay mens. Price ,1 1,150. 1-bdrm. ranch typo homo la Bnllswooa district, with overytblaf. Dble. sarste. Words win aot So justtea to thla valao. Price only . 114,500. 4-bdrm. horns with two t-kdrm. aottasss, walkln aUstanco to ahosw plns eenUr and ststs bulldlnse. Own your owa borne and aava Income, too. 117,500. . 1-story brick business bulldlni that will show you 10 net on purehaat pries. Tou will ssa that Ibis Is a seeuro Investment, excel, location. . s 1.600. 1-bdrm. homo In Entlewood Diet. Hdwd. firs., flrepl., beaomssi, oil heat, a REAL BAROADf at 11,500. Lovely 1-bdrm. home, aloee to schools and bus. LR, DR, st, wall-to-waU carpet In LR D., basmt, bsautlfin yard. PrHsd at I11.5O0 Nslthborhood Orocsry store, shows food returns, win trade for homo or aorests. ZEEB'S REAL ESTATE 1835 N. CAPITOL Evs. Ph. I-totS. Leslie School District 45.700 yrs. old. 1-bdrm. Unflnlshtd upstairs. Llv. lutchta tnt dralnbosrds. Mica ysrd Si shrubs. Oardsa spacs. PHA tenns. Four Corners. M.lOo I yrs old. Nice 1-bdrm. Llv. Plrsplaes. msldo atllltr. Lit ' 10 x 150. Nice garden epace. 11750 down, can be bought furnlshsd. Englewood 110,500 A sood buy. 1 bdrms, llv., dinette, kltebsn. fall bassmsnt, auto, oil furn. E. ranra At rsfrlf. Oood tsrms. East 15,300-1 acres. Lats built. 1 bdrms., llv, din,' full bassmsnt. t flrsplscsa. Party rm. Oil hsst. Small barn. Wondsrful aotl. Tsrms. Keizer District 111,500 Beautiful 1-bdrm. ranch stna. Llv, din., Utohsa with nook. Inside utility. 3-car tarsss. Lot approx. acre. 4 yrs. old, Pamlly fruit da bsrrlss. Qarden spacs, ' View Property, Kingwood Heights 617.5003 yro. old. Modern style. 3 lane bdrms. Ur din., kltehen. Inside utility. Birch paneled fireplace wall with book ibelraa, Jjerse lot. 00x170. Fruit, nuts s berries. Oood terms. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor Ill S. Hlsh Andy Halvorssn . A. E. Beckett . am Ere,. At Sunday WF!2 .j.i .ei LOVELY GARDEN WITH FIREPLACE Is only ona of ths extra, you will find In this 3-bsdroom horns. Excel lent district Enilswood. This Is as fins a horns as w, havs ever listed. 113,50011 Lsa Ohmart NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE A LOOK and ses just what 18500 burs you a vsry convenient and eomiortabl, 3-bedroom home. We'll ehow you thru any time. HERE IS A NIFTY Drive by 1150 North 14th St, then live us a can. I bedrooms, flre plscc, lerse llvlns room, dlnlni room, lnslds utility room. ITS PRICED . . TO SELL. 4 BEDROOMS Owner wants smaller home. Is offerln, this home bslow coat. 1 bed rooms down, fireplace, extra nice kitchen and nook, 1 lars. bedroom, up with lots of atoraie apace. Located In the Esstmorsland Dill. WANT A REALLY NICE PLACE? . Such a good location, too near McKlnley school. Main floor has fl bedrooms and den, larse living room, dining room, birch woodwork In kitchen, fully finished bssement with lerse play room and extra plumblns, oil furnace, stone' front trim. Let us show you thru. Brand new. 117,500. " Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 477 Court St. Phone 14111 - Mil Eve.: Henry Torvend 11833 Ted Morrison 3M4I Louis Lorrai 39510 Rslph Maddy 11481 Grabenhorst Specials DRIVE BUYS . ECONOMY HOMES 1057 South 13th 3-bdrm, basmt. ,500 down 15050 00 1310 Broadway 1 bdrms, oil simulator 14S50.OO 153S Evergreen 1-bdrm. M z 135-f t. lot 13750.00 CALL PETER H. OEISER, SALESMAN TWO-FAMILY HOME - CLOSE IN Basmt. apsrtmtnt with ssp arate ontrsnes. Llv. rm, din. rm, kitchen, 3 bdrms, and bath. Upatalra, . llv, rm, din. rm, kltohen, 4 bdrme. and bath. Beautiful oak-studdsd lot. All furnished tor only fayftoo. CALL J. E. LAW, SALESMAN MR. INVESTOR 1155.00 psr month Income, restaurant building with llv. Quarters, adjacent to parkins area and other business bldss. Building! snd equipment In excellent condition, good loses Price 116,500. CALL C. L. ORABENHOR8T. ; - MANBRIN GARDENS Wbsr. pets and children an welcomed.' 3 bdrms, lull basmt. Spacious llv. rm. with Din. rm, very con venient kitchen with brkf. area. Let. beautiful yard. Pries 113.800. CALL H. E. LAYMON, SALESMAN " MOM At POP Variety atort, good operation, good location, living income. Total price 13300. CALL PETER H. OED3ER, SALESMAN . GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS lit 8. Liberty St. Ph. I-H71 Svenlnss Sunday, call Ptter H. Oelaer 1-0S88 J. E. Law ..sii, vr vr T REAL ESTATE 9 MILES FROM SALEM 34 acres. 4 acres fine pear orchard. a real producer, balance cultivated and permanent pasture, year around stream with Irrigation possibilities. Seven room house with basement and furnace, good barn with cone, floor, chicken house. Very desirable loca tion, fine set-up for stock or dairy. Price only 613,500, 45,000 down. 38 ACRES Y Only miles from Salem, 1 aeres orchard, 10 acres farmed and balance pasture. 4 bedroom home with base ment, wood furnace, barn with 6 stanchions, 3 ear garage, chicken house. Tractor and farm Implements included at 14, 500. Murphy &Kent REALTORS 451 North Church Phono 4-3l Evm. and Sunday Wlllousbby 4-4137 o71 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE my equity In my larte, oeeumui i-oedroom nome in Sacra mento, California, for home or other property in Salem. Phone 3-4030. C673 RESORT PROPERTIES COAST CAHLN. 3 lots, 414M. Trade for truce, car. 3-0774. 7p Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE J-UMI, I-eiM, 1-0414 PH. 8-8081 District Salem Ph. MM Mrs. Walls - K7II BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MONEY BACK GUARANTEE 6713 to 63335 Investment gives you your own independent business operat ing a route of new money-making 6c dispensers handling new, fast-moving confections in drug stores, eafes, clubs, bug depots, etc Route set up for you by our experts and protected by fire and theft Insurance. Tou must have ear, references and 6713 to 63339. which is protected by an Iron-clad 100 Money-Baok auerentee backed by a 10 MUllon Dollar national in surance company. Devoting a few of your spare hours each week to the business you should earn up to 660.00 weekly spare time, full time more. Liberal financing assistance to eld ex pansion. Por full Information write giving phono number and address to Box 31, c-o Capital Journal. cd73 I UNIT apartment houss, good Voostlon. Consider small home n trsdt, tsrms, Ownsr 1131 enter. axni JOE PALOOKA ID SURE LIM T'M A'SHCILATNfiONES TMf V &OT tXXH HEPE ' ARE saTvr'eosnt' tr AN PINKUfl. , v i v i iii i i ! m' is ! i.j iv: -in-wr i. .aJW'n v vise m v m arTiTiLJJjlyv.-eL;v T-1I1-U I JEAIb f 5-J I . -T -s 1 WT.' I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MACMILLAN on. wholeeel rout., als. truck and aeoeaaorisa, m Phon. sows. odn BUSINESS a INCOME ti.v oat Twang acuity In units and two bedroom home auto court. Ocean view on Hlway 101, sai ns. is Don olUi SsBrms. Pacific O0t ! DDodj Bay. "10 FURNITURE FOR SALE miBLV new two Dleee davenport act; also chrome dinette est. CaU efter 6.60, 336 Oakl Apt. Wo. 16. dM WANTED FURNITURE HerrnwAT afTfrrioM Wa buy and sell. Phone 4-0032. WANTED nrvati tiierf furniture and appliances. Phone 3-6096. da AUCTIONS Auction OF FURNITURE ATSCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS sad. CENTER ST, SALEM dd70' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHINCHILLAS Proven breeders young msted palre. Easy tsrms. writs or phon, for free literature. Visitors wslcoms. Crsst Chinchilla Ranch, WOO Portland Road. Ph. 4-4061. .83 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEP Whits fees Hsrsrord, see. Uieker nork. 85c. Jfotntng cown. mos. to pay. Custom killing. Trallsr losnsd frss. sslem Meat co, isso a. 15th. Ph. 1-4858. sa RABBITS WINO NEEDS BABBITS-1IW Stats. 43911. ebt CALIFORNIA BUCKS and doee. Phons Sb87 4-3051, 4410 ciaxter m. BABBITS WANTED. Any sl and cuan- tlty. Also purebrsd breed Ins stock lor oale. Phone 1-7107. eb7v PETS MOOBE TROPICAL PISH, equipment, suppllss. 3 miles from Lancastsr on Maolsay road. Phone 4-8773. Closed Wsdnesdays. e88' MALE DOGS 1 spaniel. 1 shsphsrd, to give away. Want good home. Pond of children. Ph. 4-1053. ec7t CHOICE CANARIES 1340 Chemeketa at. Ph. 1-4385. OC14 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1938 McCoy, one block ssat of N, Capitol, lvt blocks north of Madison. Ph, 3-1897. ec75 FUEL BUT ANDERSON'S handpleked slab- wood, now 1 cord, 114.00. Phone 3-7751 or 4-4353. ae75 Cabitol Lumber Fuel Co wok up' your rreato-Losa, Bnaueta and Wood. 191 So. Com'l., phone 3-7721. te . Oregon Fuel Co.. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phons 1-6531 . 1087 Broadway es Capitol Lumber Fuel Co bFBOIAL FOR 10 DAYS t Planer trimmings, 18 load. Phon, 87731 Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tube eervlc., wood. Phone 1-8444. au kinds af os WALNUT SHELLS, 30 sacks for 11, or wi ton. S3 ton aeuvered in town. Mor ris Florida Pecking Co. 450 North Front. ... West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 1" CLEAN IMMXX)IATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1538 Bdgewater Phone Bel em 3-4031 FOR SALE POULTRY GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire chicks, natcnea every Monoay ana Thursday, Our chicks grow faster. Fox's Hatchery, 3830 Btste St. Ph. 3-4809. f 4-8TAB pullorum eon trolled chicks avail. able now at Ward's. Healty, vigorous ehtcks which are direct descendants of pedigreed-sired floclu. All are from UJB. approved pullorum controlled flocks I 100 aa hstched New Hamps. ...617.50 WARD'S FARM STORE Trade High fit. Balem f71 WANTED Colored fryers, colored and let horn hens. His heat prices. Lee's Hatchery, phone 3-3861. t POB BALE Twice weekly, day-old chicks In New Hampshire, Parmenters, Red. wnite xeer.orns, Austra-Whlte, White Rocks, White Wyandottes. Par- menter cockerels, Lee Hatchery, phone dWDOl. I1 SPECIAL New Hampshire pullets, 19c ee. valley Farm Store. Ph. 4-4624. no WHITE LEGHORNS, Auitre -White, and isew Hampshire chicks, 616 hundred. rn. Z-W43. raimsrs poultry rarm, Brooke. (76 PRODUCE ORGANIC GROWN TREE - RIPENED oranses and grspsfrult. Potatoes, on ions, apples and nuts. PHfPPIP BROS. PARM MARKET, M9o Lancaster Drive. Phone 1-1101. If. HELP WANTED MALE married MAN who can aualllr to repreeent Puller Brush Co. Our know how and training with your co operation will assure you of 15000 yearly Income. 177.50 weekly guaran tor to atart. Phone 1-1357. ga71 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 . J I 'y "".' ' "W'n A iACK- I VKS1R...TWS AUSTRALYtR ET 1 --l T JiCK snoir-CSA.Y I I I rS AAIRINO' J 1 M-TW" A-tf3ASHER- IN OTHER WOIOSJ "Wl H " 1T S -a ltrwc TVntLasr JM BMC If I- I 1 AAlsfiJ I aAje?l i sTLSm SB BBS'S i . . 1 "T-aatv I sytvsa.. j- 7. i g HI I IE r I 1 Mm wsapayaws-- WANTED SALESMAN INTERVIEW FOR TIRE SALESMAN 1U be held by the Osasral Tire at Rubber Co. at 710 SUM at. from I to 4 dally. Salary aad bonus, aspstlsnc. helpful but aot Titratlel Steady sanpiayxasBt assured. PH. I-J45B W. V. "PAT" LYTLE STATE TIRE SERVICE sm EDUCATION TELEVISION NEEDS TRAINED MEN!! PAY $3 TO $5 AN HOUR , , APPLICATIONS ARB NOW BEING ACCEPTED PROM MEN IN THIS AREA WHO ARE EARNING LESS THAN 15000 A YEAR AND HAVE A SINCERE DESIRE TO MAKE A PRESH START IN THE MULTT- MILLION DOLLAR TELEVISION FIELD. MEN APPLYINO MUST BB BETWEEN THE A0E8 OP 17-55. THIS LOW-COST TRAINING PRO GRAM WtU, NOT INTERFERE WITH TOUR PRESENT JOB. TV FURNISHED WE TRAIN YOU WITH ACTUAL TELEVISION EQUIPMENT, INCLUD ING PINE TV RECEIVER, YOURS TO KEEP, EMPLOYMENT SERVICE TO ASSIST YOU IN LANDING THE JOB OP YOUR CHOICE. IF YOU ARE SINCERE AND AMBITIOUS TO BREAK INTO TODAY'S PASTEST OROWING INDUSTRY WRITE TODAY I . ...... WRITE TODAY USE CLIP COUPON . Sure ! I want to enter the high-paying field of Television SERVICING and MAINTENANCE Rush me full information ADDRESS HOURS I WORK., MAIL TO TELEVISION TRAINING, BOX 11, CAPITAL JOURNAL HELP WANTED MALE Promotion AND Expansion Have Caused Thla company An Immediate need For Qualified Men Prom 34 to 40 Teara of Age To PIU Present Vacancies Interviews will bo conducted WEDNESDAY ONLY To select 3 men as our representatives in this area. All applicants must have g neat appearance, good personality, own a ear, and be able to travel five days ft week. Previous selling exper ience la not necessary, though helpful. Guaranteed income. of $100 per week begins with training. No part-time men need apply. Contact - W. R. Olson Senator Hotel, Balem Wednesday. March 35. 1963 10:00 AM. to 6:00 P.M. ga71 HELP WANTED FEMALE Advertising v Advertising saleswoman; 6100 week; gar helpful; travel extensively; ex perience unnecessary: write Box S3. Journa.1 or phono 1-4916, 4:30 to S p.m. only. gb71 WANTED CABE In Christian home for elderly lady. Phone 43187 or o. - gb70 WANTED WOMAN for light housekeep ing. 6 day week. Call 37700 alter p.m. gb73 GRADUATE NUMBS bnmedlate open ing P.M. h Relief shifts, 613.46-613.53 per hour shift. Mt. Shasta Hospital, Mt. flhasta, California. gb74 WOMAN WANTS housework lot elderly woman or motherless home. Write Box No. 36, Capital Journal gb70 OFFICE MANAGER, with bookkeeping experience and knowledge of collection procedure, preferred age, 39 to 35, 40 hour week, paid vacations, salary $360 to 6S75. State Tire Service, 3-2459. In quire Mr. Lytle. eb7l PRACTICAL NORM to care for patient. Elderly lady. 24-nour service. Room and board. Farm home. 636 per week. CaU 3-1176. gb73 BEAUTICIAN WANTED X will have an opening for an ex perienced operator, by the middle of April, Excellent opportunity. Apply Erich of New York, 351 N. Liberty, .Phone 3-3931. gb73 WAITRESS Woodreffe'a sen Shop. 3400 roruana ml no pnone cans. go CAR HOP Woodrotfe'a San Shop, 3.00 Sb Portland Rd. no phone calls. WANTED SALESMAN Advertising Book Matches Dally Cash Profit Full or Part Time Make 14.00 - $7-00 - 630.00 ON THE SPOT PROFIT jelling UNION LABEL advertising Book Matches I Every bus iness hot prospect. Produced In West Coast Factory; lower transportation; faster servlcet Glamour Girls, Been- ks, Hillbillies I ALL BASBBALL TCHXDULESI Doiens of other styles get orders FAST. FREE MASTER CHJTi-TT. MONARCH MATCH CO., Dept. 333 8. Monterey Rd. at Tully Rd.. San Jose. Calif. g70 MAKE BIG MONEY selling Industrial Brusn una to gas stations, stores, fac tories, institutions. Protected terri tory. Full commissions on repeat or ders and customer shipments. No ex perience needed. 136 profit on start ing Sample Offer. Write Harper Brush Works, 3333 Main, Fairfield, Iowa. i sst7ft WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING. Free estimates. 33 yesrs ex perience in saiem. Phone 1-7151. hll MARRIED MAN wants light farm work. yurnian saDin, i month. Paul Intold, Oen. Dei., salera. h73 EXPERIENCED accounting sHrk. and trplit wants office work, 4-1 hours a dsy. Box 35, Ctpltal Journal. h71 WEEK DAY baby sitting Job. 3370 Hjrds Bl, hvn GOOD CHILD sars, not crowded, nesr stat. buildings. Phons 4-5888. h75 Monday. March 13, 1951 WA NTEP SALESMAN EDUCATION WANTED POSITIONS CAPABLE WOMAN, lood workor, will bags, Iron, closxt or cars for alck per son from 10 a.n. to 1 p.m. 1140 sr. Prions 1-7781, morulas or ore, h71 DBESS MAKING, also men's shirts, .to. Som. alt.ratlons. Phone 44101. h71 CHILD CABE Entlewood dlitrlct, Mrs. Bertie Johnson, 1N0 N. 18, 1-M83. h75 PART TIME Job after 4. Box H, Capital Journal. M0 CHILD CABE Pick BP Phons 15515. sod Oliver. h7 WBEMAIS DAT HVBSEBY Uerassd and state tnspsottd. Infsnta up to 1. Phons 1-5015. hlO PLOWING and discing. Orovar L. Ha mann, 3405 Blossom Dr., Salsa. Phon. 1-1111. nee NEW lawns. Rotary kostng. Pro. astl matee. Duan. Woleott. phono f-1117. n7 PATCH PLASTERING, ba.ament, water- proofsd by plastsrlng prank'. Service, phone 1-1545. hll PAPER HANGING, painting, fro. otl- meUs. Don Lucero. Ph. 1-5531. h71 GARDEN PLOWING PHONE 2-3041 h74 GARDEN, 1-LOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Flowing, discing, leveling, rototlllng. Servlc Csntsr. Phon, 41571. h75 TILING WITH aew U.E. ROTARY TIL LER. Phon. .venlng 1-tUl. h!4 LIGHT CRAWLER, dosing, dirt lotti ng, grading. Phon. l-Mio. h77 LANDSCAPE maintenance, praalBg, trimming, planting, fertmaiag. ssrv Ica Center. Phon. 4-1571. - b7p CUSTOM WORK plowing and discing. pnone 1-4145. I8S5 Blrchwoos Dr. h84 TBEE WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insure! operator. John Fame. Ph. 1-1818. hla- PIRBT-CLASS earptntar work. Nsw, re model, repair. No Job too omall. phono 38281. h71 CABPENTER Cabinet work, horns rs. modeling, xrea estimates, cau S-Mll, 4-1133. hto EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Good Jobs P Dental aselet., txp. 1000 P PB opr., will train, nitea ,,,.1171 P Oen. office typ IL00 per hr. P Assist, bkkpr, typ. ,171 P Reopt., steno 1300 Steno., apt., figure. 1111 P Bxkpr., gen. ofllc ,350 P Cashier, gen. ofc 1171 M Salesmsn. .utslds ...lal. M Aect. sr. H7i The Btat Way to the Beat Jobs COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT ORE. BLDO. PH. 43111 Also, Portland Ofc, Mt Corbett Bldr. a 170 o..s,........... FOR RENT ROOMS IN HOLLYWOOD district, on bus line. home privileges, everything jrarnlshed, couple or ladles. Reasonable. 905 Tam arack. Ph. 3-6779. jk70 NEWLY DECORATED, first floor, also second floor deeping room, Hoi and cold water. 461 N. High. Jk76 NICE LIGHT housekeeping room. Lady. 685 N. Church. Jk73 WANTED TO RENT COUPLE WITH 1 small children, dealr. oearoom, unrurnisned nouse la Xtiter District, before March 11, Ph. 38401. Jt7o WORKING mother with .hlld want. room and board, plus child .sr.. Morning or ovsnlnia. 3-0710. Ja7Q. COUPLE A bebr slrl deslr. 3 or 1 bed room unfurnished nous, vicinity Sa lera General Hospital. Colin, grads dependable. Ho dupleies, apartments. a-0484. j.7i VEST NEAT and gulst young ooupls, with omall ehtld, deelrn a furnlehecl 1 bedroom houss, within walking dis tance to town. WIU leess. Ph. 4-3841 or ph. 4-5713. js70" COUPLE AND baby desire 3 bedroom nouse, wun stove, rtfrittrator to 150. Hlthltnd district. 3-t7. Ja71 ON leasb Grade A Dairy aa soon sa possible. Have 10 head of Holatela stock. Rt. 1, Box 405, Molaua. Ret. Ph. Vermont 4181, Portland. Ja71 By Ham Fisher YCUft COMBStA7IOM Ct AUSSIE SUNGJtMD WtA arm muxvtH. of the isw