Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 23, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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    twday, March 23, 1953
Pan U
Jir Corners Firemen Plan
inetit for Salvage Gear
ur Corner The Four
ers volunteer firemen have
luled their annual visita
nt1 upon residents of the
I Fire Protection district
begin Monday evening,
w 23.
ch evening all week, up to
Including April 4, firemen
call on each home in the
let for their cooperation In
community benefit. The
al ball and open home
be April 4 at the coramun
tall and fire house from
to 8:30 p.m.
at year the proceeds went
a new tanker. With this
d protection they have
'assured of a reduction in
woperty insurance rates in
district In the near future.
proceeds this year will
M salvage equipment, In
ng waterproof tarps to
ent water and smoke dam-
e general public is Invited
e open house April 4, from
to 8:30 p.m. in the com
ity hall and fire house,
plains Richard McKee and
k Borden will be In charge
he demonstration of fire
st and chairman for the
house will be Assistant
Chief Dale Jeffries; chair
for the ticket sales, Frank
en; general chairman. Fire
t Ted Miller.
Uowing the open house,
l will be both modern and
re dancing from 8:00 to
, M.C. for the square
Ing will be Mrs. Frank
e. Callers will be "Pete"
won, Jay Blair, Nell
rn, arry Creider and Mrs.
ing in the community hall oa
Friday evening.
Cub Master John Akin pre
sented the awards as follows:
Bobcat, Darrel Smith; wolf,
l Mierman, David Hein, Bil
and Bobbv Dunisnn niir
Shrake, Richard Lee, Ronnie
Mcllnay, Douglas Gordon;
wolf gold arrow, Wayne Wolfe,
Jack Weekly, Rodney and Lar
ry inman, Dennis McLaren,
Larry Akin. Steve
Hon gold arrow, Jack Kurrle;
denner stripe, Ed Gonion; as
sistant denner stripe, Mike
Nixon; webelos, Wayne Mur
ray, Jack Kurrle, Douglas
Green, Gary Nieland. Kennv
Followine the tiretentatlnni
dens 1. 2. 8. 4 and B nreiented
a program with the theme of
me Marcu Gras. There were
skits including the dancing
bear, animal circuit. Tnrfiam
Mutt and Jeff, tumbling twins,
concluding with den chiefs Ed-
ale rariter and Frert Arm.
stronc oresentinff "A rw tn
the Life of Mortimer".'
Hostesses for the evening
were the mothers from Am 2
There was a handicraft riioniav
and the attendance banner
went to den 3
maid Coulter, who has
4 hospitalized for several
c with a broken leg, at
lome at 248 N. Elma Ave.,
Corners, must still wear
last for several weeks,
maid Marquiss underwent
psilectomy at the Salem
nral this week. He is at
t at 4265 State St.
(use guest in the Lawrence
home this week is his sis
Mrs. Mary Hammerly cf
ghlight of the vacation
I for Cub Scouts and their
fits was the pack 105 meet-
195 S. Commercial
The Four Corners Home Ex
tension unit heard Miss Er-
mlna Fisher, county extension
agent in home economics ex
plain the preferred method of
rug and , upholstery cleaning
in the home", on Tuesday at an
au-aay session in the . com
munlty hall.
Acting as hostesses were
Mrs. S. H. Cable, Mrs. Chris
Rentschler. Mrs. S. W. Rurria
Mrs. Stuart Johns, Mrs. Merrill
Thornbere. Mrs. Loren Rit-hrv
Mrs. Ernest, Walker was the
demonstrator in the first of the
oramea rug . workshops, on
Wednesday in the community
nan. this was an all day meet
ing with nine present.
On Wednesday, March 25
will be the aecond workshop
day, beginning at 10:30 a.m..
Mrs. Ernest Walker and Mrs,
Alfred Knieling as project
leaden, with sack lunch.
Mrs. Ilia Cariten wu host.
ess in her home on Wednesday
at a 1:00 o'clock luncheon
comDlimentlns' her dauehter
Mrs. Oliver Rickman, upon her
nirtnaay anniversary.
Covers were placed for the
honor, and Mrs. Charlen
Dunn, Mrs. William McKinney,
Mrs. S. H. Cable, Mrs. Fred B.
McKinney, Mrs. William Allen
oi ijeoanon ana xne nosiess
SUverton Mrs. Ed Erickson.
mother of Ernest Erickson, en
tereri SUverton hrMmtal Mnn.
day for observation and possi
hie surgery, rier case la
ported to be "serious."
Keiitr Rev. and Mrs. Rob
ert GoerU arrived in the Kell
er district the past week. Rev.
GoerU will take over the pas
torate of the Keizer Commun
ity church. 'He recently has
been acting pastor at a church
in Los Angeles, and before that
he was Christian educator in
the South Hollywood Presby
terian church.
During the last war Rev.
Goertz served four years in the
U. S. Infantry and alio the
V. S. Air Corps, after which he
attended the Bible Institute of
Los Angeles and graduated
from the Bible Institute ef Lot
Angeles. .
He is a former Oregon man,
having been reared in Dallas.
He went to school with Lee
Wiens, former pastor ef the
The Keizer Grange will hold
Its regular monthly meeting at
the Grange hall on Wednesday,
April 1. There will be a pot
luck dinner at 6:30, to which
the public 1 invited, everyone
to bring their own table aerv
ice and a potluck dish.
The Keizer fire department
gave a covered dish dinner, at
the Fire Hall last Monday eve
ning. The auxiliary furnished
the food. Monday is the regu
lar drill night for the firemen.
The last pinochle party of
the season will be held by the
Keizer Grange at the hall on
Chemawa Rd., Friday evening,
March 27. The public is Invited.
The regular meeting of the
Keizer Ladles Sewing club was
held Thursday, March 19. The
day was spent In quilting with
a nO-host lunch served at noon
at the home of Mrs. M. O. Nich
ols on 24th St in Salem.
Members present were Miss
Ethel Hall, Mrs. R. B. McClay,
Mrs. Ben Claggett, Miss Ruth
Rolofson, Mrs. J. A. Gardner,
Mrs. Paul Smith, Mrs. A. X.
Cummings, Mrs. Roy Melson,
Mrs. John Derrick, Miss Alta
Hall, Misa Dessie McClay, Mrs.
J. H. Jennings, Mrs. O. D.
Noren, Mrs. Luther Melton and
the hostess, Mrs. M. N. Nichols.
' The next meeting of the club
will be held April 2 at the home
of the Misses Alta and Ethel
Hall, IMBj North 34th St
Lebanon Pavement
Asked by Residents
Lebanon Petitions are In
the hands of the city council
for the paving of two streets
this summer. Accepted are re'
quests for improvement of El
more from Franklin to Flltert,
and Rose from Third to the city
limit at Seventh.
Councilman Kenneth Fuller
urged residenta wishing street
improvement this summer to
present petitions to the city re
corder before the deadline for
this season's work on April 1.
On Television
KPTV (Channel 27)
lOahr prooromo ittioolil oStoatil
fillies like a radio
Trader Louie will give you top trade on your radio, furniture,
tools, guns, in fact most anything. Just phone 3-8558 and
he'll dash out to your home and give you the fairest offer
in town.
Trader Louie's
Huge Trade-in
i Allowance
Applies ai Partial
r Full Down Pay
ment which moy
"Two Convenient Locations
(870 Lana Ave.
Phone 38558
Local TV repairman tells us that some of bis lead-in
wire is going haywire. Says trouble is in the manufac
turing of the wire. So public please note that not all of
your troubles are located in the aet. In a large percent
age of the time they are the farthest thing away from
your set.
Reports reveal that the public is atill tampering with
the set when the trouble is KPTV. Portland's station has
been having their share of troubles this past month.
Crosley Distributing company is having a big blowout
at the Marion this week.- Combining business, education
and social life all into one big evening.
- , '
Senator Joe McCarthy's investigating committee which
is currently peeking into the "Voice of America" will be
seen on KPTV Tuesday morning at 7:80 a.m. to 9 a.m.
KOCO once again is broadcasting major league base
ball. "Samson Agonistes" is the title of the Warwick
Radio Theater on KOCO Thursday night at 10 p.m. -
Kate Smith Show at 1 :00 Tommy Wonder and Maggie
Banks, comedy dancer; Jack Cassidy and Pat Marand,
. x a art ' "iL nr it .ia - t
singing stars or man iou were nere,- ujr voieman
Trio and '"Cracker-barrel" interview.
B. F. Matinee Theater at 8. "Slums of New York" with
Mickey Rooney. . -
cnance oi a L,uetime at 7 :uu. s rencn singer Jean sab-
Ion as guest.. "The Marvel-tones" a multitalented vocal
instrumental-comedy group; Rhea Jackson, operatic
soprano and "The Cabots" a modern ballet trio.
Short Short Drama at 7:80 "Act of Bravery" a story
of a desperate man who attempt to save his wife and
family. Richard Kjley and Ross Martin.
Chevron Theater at 8 :00. "Night of Fear." Constance
Dowling and Marjorie Lord in story of two women hating
and yet helplessly dependant on each other who face a
night of crisis together in a suspenseful drama.
. Voice of Firestone at 8:30 Nadine Connor, Metropolitan
soprano as guest.
I Love Lucy at 9:00. Ricky lands behind the eight ball
when Lucy takes up "numerology." Lucy cancels a bar
ber's appointment for Ricky when the numbers show the
day is wrong. '
Robert Montgomery Playhouse at 10:00. "The Centri
fuge with Patrick Knowles and Lisa Ferraday; suspense
story of a research scientist who finds him.
Senator McCarthy, 7:80 a.m. to 9 a.m., investigation
oi voice oi America.
Kate Smth Show at 1. Kateds, dance trio; DeMarco
Sisters, singing group; Barbara Stanwykc film "Jeop.
ardy"; Story Princess With children's stories.
Matinee Theater at 8. "Vampire's Ghost," John Abbott,
reggy Stewart.
Star Theater at 8. Bob Crosby, Karen Chandler and
"Rochester" as guests of Milton Berle.
Fireside Theater at 9. "Unexpected Wife" starring
William Bishop, . Story of a returning war hero who is
met by his "wife" he d never seen before.. . .
Circle Theater at 9:80. "House of Tears" with Ruth
Ford, Carlos DeLeon and Bobby Gunther in a drama of
an unhappy married woman living in India who blames
tier own failure on her surroundings.
Alan Young Show at 10. Alan visits his boss who has
a sprained ankle and brings him a home-made potato and
turpentine remedy.
Scott Music Hal at 10:80. Patti Pag joined by Les
Paul and Mary Ford in a rhythmical "saga of show busi-ness."
' 1 and ,
Salem's. Meet Complete
Television Center
2-H11 or 2-4721
noma i
am-m bis mm
11:M .. Wtlcomt Trofouor
i:0 im. aut anna
1:00 p.m Dotblo H HelMM
t:M pm Sulkt It Mob
0:00 p.a M.UDto ibmw
4:1ft p.m. or go for Taonw
4:10 p.m Loro of Ufo
l:0 a.m. wu U1 Bleiok
1:10 p.m. HopHom Ooottdr
:I0 p.ok-.'
4 to .m-Tlit in aw
T:M p.m. Cfctact of Lllittml
1:10 p.ov anort Dinu
1:40 p.m. ! Cmvu
S:0 pmcntma Tnttttr
: p.m. Volet of FlrMMai
1:00 P.M. I Loto lu7 , , ,
It f.. tut Button
10:00 j-okt Maatsonn?
11:00 .m.-B41d Comoro
11:10 p.m. into ovl ThooMr -
11:00 o.m.-Tbo Bit hrolf
11:10 B.U. Woleomo Trtvolu'
I:oo p.m. koio amnii
S:00 p.m. Bottr rvrnoH
S:l p.m. A. Oodlrtr
1:10 p.m. arrlko II Hleh -1:00
p.m. llitlnto Tboolor
4:10 p.m. aooroh for Tomorrow
4:M p.m. Urn of Lift
00 p.m. Hot!? Doodr '
4:00 p.m. Nomo't tho aomo -
JO p.m-Dout Bdworfit
0:oft p.m. Ttmo for Btonp
1:00 Two tor tho Honor -
1:00 p.u Dlooh Sboro
1:40 P.M. nwi ooroTU
0:00 p.m. Clrom Hour f '
0: p.av-P1roilao Thntor
0:10 p.m-lrtlt Tntottr
10:00 p.m. AIob Toubi ahow '
10:M p.m. fcoll Wutlo Boll '
11:40 p.m. Ur lilUt Uortlo
11:H p.m-MlU Owl Tbtolor
Blind Problems
Are Televised
Tor the first time in televis
ion history a series of televis
ion films portraying and in
terpreting problems faced by
the 230,000 blind people In the
United States Is now being
made by the American Foun
dation for the Blind, New York,
and the Industrial Home for
the Blind, Brooklyn.
The thirteen films, using ac
tual settings of the two spon
soring organizations and their
own personnel, some of whom
are blind, are being prepared
in cooperation with the Pub
lic Affairs department of the
American Broadcasting com
pany. '
John Daly, famous television
and radio personality, Is doing
the narration.
The films run under the gen
eral title of "Men Toward the
Light," and each will portray
a different phase of normal liv
ing for the blind under such
subtitles as "When You Meet
a Blind Man," "Man About
Town," "Woman in the Home,"
etc. ' .'
"We feel that television, even
though i those of its who are
blind can't see tt, can be ef ,
tremendous help to prove to
the sighted that we. lead nor
mal lives and are useful and
constructive citizens," declared
M. Robert Barnett, executive
director of the American Foun
dation for the Blind. ' : ,
As a means of public educa
tion these films should make a
great contribution, according to -Peter
Salmon, executive direc
tor of the Industrial Home. .
After the films have ruai
their course en the television
network they will b available
to any organization Interested
in making the general public
more aware of the efforts now
going on to help the blind over
come their handicap and take
their place In society, tt was
announced. '
SUverton Mao In Reno
SUverton Vayle -Dicker-son,
of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford '
Dlckerson, ia In Reno NeV., .
with the Standard Oil service
station department. ' i
Many motor ear horns are
tuned to E-flat and G, a tone
which is said to carry farther
than many others. . :
Factor Trained Serrieo
and IrutallaUon
IMS State St. Phono 1-1(71
1870 LanaAvei
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absolu9elv L?u2li
a boautif ul 02 channel UnF-VIlF
-ommtmI tT 1 S MM Ml JV JW - ' v Tt, M i .
Just fill out the
coupon below
2200 Fail to Vote
At Dallas Election
Dallas In the semi-annual
audit of the Polk county voter
roster the office of County
Clerk I. B. Hamilton found
soma 2200 persons who have
not voted in the last two an
nual elections,
With a total registration for
the county of 11,900 this means
that more than 18 percent of
registered Folk county voters
have been neglecting
right to vote.
- According to law these per
sons are being notified that
their registration will be can
celled If they do not appear and
re-register within 90 days.
It 1 estimated that 80 per
cant of America's motor ve
hicle traffic is concentrated on
7 per cent of the nation's road
Built-in All-Channel Tuner
Standout Picture With Interlace
Installed in Your Home for as Low as
$35.00 down, $3.50 per week
Valley Television Center
Complete sales, aerrlee and Installation. Alt seta sold and
inatalled carry fall 10-day service.
Baigley Bros.
s Furniture
2)15 Fairgrounds Rtl.
Phone 2-5491
171 Grant SI.
Phone 111
j NaiDit.
j- bunch at inxi ywaoti
To SooovrrMv In ojMoeosta I
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1 . A SpSM, vow m4 oaoP otlliimm, I
Mlttlil at pot) 0 to, .
fhn MPs
mm 15 WE STORY
On Tuesday,' Mor. 26, rodio station KXL, 750 kc, will
make a series of scientifically selected phone calls jn
the Salem orea.
ANY person that Is called AND knows the name of
the CROSLEY DEALER It entitled to play "CROSLEY
QUIZ." The quiz consists of 3 questions.
Clip out the obove coupon, fill it out and mail it to us
RECT ANSWERS. DON'T FORGET ... we are your
CROSLEY DEALER. Mail the coupon today, you may
be the winner.
9mI It oPt VHP
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ttow yaw oo)0) oa avre eJ eeste
evory VH and UHF oratlof) ohaS
ror comoi dorol What's oWVa,
yovH for avary VHf srotlae SW
eeoiu im at oo ox S arnMi rlnV
owl soiling aorvkomen ta aJut
your Ml, wHhovt buying aew porlt,
orltheut gKring up single VH oro
Nonl You'll got thorn oil vrl by hrm
Ing tho dial en Ihli brondiow, blo
otroon CrotWy wHh bvlfMn UH'.
N Mm winner f Hit 4C1tOSlEY QUIZ" ftai porrthoied
Crosley TV set before or during the eotrteit, tho
Hrrkpot trmount will be paid In CASH.
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Tho Stores That Will Civo You Better Installation and Service