Monday, March 23, 195S 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Or.gon Giinf ighter's Return y USUI WNINWIIN (A Mewsfoatnreek CHAPTER t When Eva saw Charley Bonn come out of the bhiloh the man euvered to meet him wldway across the street. The old homesteader appear! worried. He said, 'That aliowa what Stramberg will do to grab a piece of Strip graze. Unk made It look like a peraonal grudge betwixt him and Rimbaud, but It was meant to be a ehopdown, pure and simple. "Is Jim (till at the aaloon?" Eve eked. ' Bonn nodded. "I tried to' talk him into leavlns town with me, but Rimbaud said he had to help Llmpy Smith finish off a quart of bourbon. Some darn foolishness about how important It was to drink twentv toasts." "So Llmpy has taken up with Jim," murmurea eve. Ana corn she said something that didn't make sense to Charley Bonn: "Sam isn't a drinking man, thank God. Bonn was wondering about that as he drove oui 01 town witn his wife. When he repeated Eve's ' words to Maria she said, "The poor girl had a drunkard for a lamer, and is set on having a sober man for a husband. Anyone with a lick of sense would understand her feellnar the way she does." "But what's Rimbaud being drunk got to do with it?" Bonn asked. "Ha could've been an old flame of Eve's for all we know," Maria suggested with feminine lntui' tton. "Seems like I remember hear lng Faith Shumway mention something about him sparkln' Eve oaegarae wnen ne was nere De fore." "I wouldn't put no store in what Faith Shumway says, one way or the other," Charley muttered. "She's got a waggy tongue." You'd of thought Eve was some Burro Alley trollop the way Delia treated her." "Maybe it's the other way around," Charley said. "What do you mean by that?" "Nothing," Oharey muttered. -riotnin' at all." Ponso Peal had replaced ttie smashed lamp above bis bar and ' now helped serve a crowd of cus tomers attracted by the fight. "It's an ill wind that doesn't blow some good," he confined to Pinueane. Buck Aubrey came Into the Shi Mi and Joined Lew Stromberg at uie oar. "Ernies rignt arm is broke," he reported. "Doc says tt'tt take upwards an hour to fix a fast." "Serves the wild hellion right for Dusun- up a poser game just wnen I was wlnnln'," Joe Gabbert com- Pjained. "Whatever got into him, Stromberg shrugged, maintain ing the attitude of a mildly In terested observer. "Soma personal . grudge," he suggested. Llmpy endeavored to sift to bacco into the paper, most of It missing. He gave up and put the sack back in his pocket, again swaying, and announced, "But Doc Odegarde was a erackerjack sur geon, regardless. Look how he carved this knee of mint," As Rimbaud turned to look at the sturoD Smith raised for lnsoec tion, he saw Hugh Jubal and Red Shaf ter come through the bat . wings. Remembering that Jubal was Stromoerg's foreman. Rim baud thought: That makes five of tnsm la town. He decided he'd had enough bourbon. "Doc ' cut right through the joint Llmpy bragged, and lifted the leg so high he lost his bal ance. , Rimbaud attempted to grab him, but Llmpy staggered sideways, eol . Udlng with Hugh Jubal, who swore , Irritably. Smith caught at Jubal 's vest to right himself. Dost ues me for a post!" Jubal protested. Re gave Smith a shore that sent him sprawling Into the spittle stained sawdust, whereupon Red Shatter cackled, "Behold the face on the barroom floor!" Jim Rimbaud endeavored to con vince himself that this was none of his affair; that Llmpy Smith was just a drunken dishwasher who'd always be shoved around by someone. It was In the cards. But even ss that reasoning ran through his mind, Rimbaud said sharnb. "Thus no fit way to trMt a crlDDle." "And who are you?" Jubal de manded. I It occurred to Rimbaud that the I Roman Four ramrod was like Lew 8trombtrg in the way he looked at a man. use ne was uie mm attid. Icnorlns Jubal's Question. Rim baud helped Limpy up and heard Red Shatter say, wny uie gaum vou roped in Rimrock Pass this evenln' the one we thought was Sam Mai ben! Rimbaud brushed sawdust off Smith's shirt. The fall had dazed Limpy, for he asked, "wnst hap pened?" "You got man-handled by a anenkina- ambuslier." Rimbaud said loud enough for all to hear, and escorted Limpy to a enair at the deserted poker table. There were eleven men at the bar, all watching this, and now Lew stromberg said, iiugn, urn s Tim Dimhaiul" Jubal glanced around. "The Jim Rimbaud?" Stromberg nodded. He motioned to Buck Aubrey, who followed him out to stand beside Jubal and Shatter. They were like that, four abreast, wnen Rimbaud turned away from the poker table. A faintly derisive smile slanted Rimbaud's whiskered blackened I cheeks as he observed the Roman Four line-up. It was an old estab lished trick, he reflected: a tradi tional use of excess power to smother opposition. He had seen It I in uncoui county and on count less occasions across the border. Yet now, as he came on. Lew Stromberg said, "If my foreman wayiaia you ne made a mistake. I and is willing to admit It." Wholly surprised at this unex pected admission, Rimbaud peered at Stromberg and knew something mat ne naan t even guessed be-1 fore. But the Dumllne knDllcitkml 01 tnat znowieage oaiiieo him. De spite all Stromberg's arrogance aoo ail us vanity, tne man was dominated by a calculating cau tion that seemed in direct oontrast to his nature. Not cowardice, sure ly, or fear of physical harm, but a caution spawned by his creed for Rimbaud halted dlrncUv In front w ruow and said, "I'm listening." (T Be Contained) Carol Curtis Pattern ftBififfTElV you ounooK Irish Roses in Crochet. The rose Is crocheted in shaded pink thread, leaves in pale green thread, edging around white background is in pink; fine edging to finish pillow case and sheet trim is In pure white. Big squares measure 4 inches, smaller rose inserts are 3H inches. Desiam achieves a lovelv. lacy, pastel-colored effect on guest sheets, cases, towels, runners and you'ii want to oo uie inserts in ail white, too, for tea cloths, for pale pink linen table mats. Send 30o for Irish Rose Insets in Shaded Thead (Pattern No. 310) complete crocheting directions, actual sue oetau, nmsmng in structions. YOUR NAME. AD DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to oakol ourtis, capital Journal, 652 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 6. Calif. Enjoy good cliewing wtettofetlhappKr) Qh Wtigfcy a Sptirmint Carol Qve you fuKttle lift ferp tima ! pletiantly. kp packcrg handy " fwrsw or pouter BetmuB .eto is- ROOM ft BOARD HERE'S AN ODD THIM6...I SEEM 10 HAVE LOST MY SENSE Of TASTE... I DON'T MEAN iW k APPETITE HAS DIMINISHED. BUT FOOD DOESNT HAVE ANY SEPARATE AND DISTINGUISHING FLAV0R5....EVERyTHING HAS A PLAIN AND UNSAVORY TASTE' , NO M0NDER..,F0RTHE LAST COUPLE OF WEEKS tXJVE HAD VOUR NOSE OVER SO MAW WILD PERFUME f MIXTURES, THE SMELLS HAVE WORN DOWN THE TREAD ON YOUR SENSE OF TASTE V STEVE ROPER ' . , I j "MS- lFwHO ARE HOI. J- TM--UH-.A FP.IEND 1 f out VA ear THE T un-muie WANTS vou 1 r ii mill in i Ao Kj&:ssxxysj . vyavrvArv Aor POGO vmwd nu. i Rna ktxu reu. J """l MiMnvilSref YkcP VVV mVZx 1 ORPHAN ANNIE ii 1 1 r to . . ia r . i i i If tXmiK-T KIT? " J II KIMOOFflMflHBWBl 8 lA.0 HER TO I I AS1KNOW,. OH-W I I KU, ' ; .J If I sHLTTn3f m J t Si It V9im II Is Z--f k I II m MaiL"u bs5 J tiv" ii f ' t . 1 1 fym i i i LIL ABNER . . yMjfrAdoa? Vr f yaowoftK long hoorj T souhps II 1 uoofFW rrToouTsHDSrrv. job X she'u. take tw job AT much-butS HtNSrri wzziaJL"- arr onroadmL I BAt K Boke mrst daw. labv-6ur J po'th'&asv nwmiFTnr v . ar . wsv 1 ma tji m .k. a 1 vsm ps . "ta. bb 1 HOPALONG CASSIDY . . ... . f "1 I HE'6 ONE Or' THEN IN AFRAID I YEAH...ABUT TEN 1 TT 7' WHAT 16 WW? 'EM.'THATii 6TEP6 MU6T BE f 6TEP6. INW THAT W I PONT KNOW WHAT6 BEHINP I INTEREST IN THE6E HOPALONfi TAKEN TO KEEP STOREROOM . 6TART i W ALL THI6, BUT IF VOU PIVERT V LIVESTOCK RANCHER5? CA6ilPV, YOU TWO 0UT OF WALKIN' , 3ENT6. A I THE RIVER INTO THI6 FLATLANP X. ZZfA FOREMAN. I MI6CHIEF UNTIL I YOU'LL FLO0P OUT THE . 125? TiM OF THE THI6 JOB 16 I 1 igjCJ I CATTLE TRAIL U6EP BY lSr BAR-20. COMPLETEP . - a fiim)iJUi ik' EVERY LIVESTOCK RANCHER: J S 1 J('"lTx? i3 f iVlN THE BUCKSKIN AREA jBS&sSL R XrTZS- - JL2 MTJTT ft JEFF ' -1 153153 g3 1 f WHAT IN THE WORLptT WA9 W BUT SOU r Ul- J&Z,&: Ej j REX MORGAN, M. D. "" . 3x1 r - - - - , : k. , C KO. ejLA.'l'M ANP KtMBMrSM, WON IAPV, I WANT ll I dA nUHeWfCA OUTtlPg. . . 1 . SS BHXTSFVl THAT TO HAR NO MOW TAiX OF YOUt J I 1 1 II t pruui ths AJ- OIVEN ne THS "I LIAV1N 7WI5 TOWN. ..UNTIL IVB J E v I VflKJ JNVH 111 II WAAi II II pul DONALD PUCK " : "I I f HELLO. V WHAT?.' USTENJI C WELL HERE I AM - I I I III I larJ-r OKfTMAC... pick ms up at 5eZa ?Zifc?ZSS,HlSU ' wIht-on t7mbV I Jili-KSReEr - MARY WORTH J S . EWELOPtHOPEH.lCOaLDNT AN 0UT4IDE ""S Tf':miZ;i,r3 1 ..lj 7NSXSO5vyUAR...50tHPWy BL EXPECTED NOT TO KtK.- REAWN6 A55I6NMNV J-CiK,".'.rVi" N 1 S mmoisiheke,here)ntcn, ararO forsome ---- f.SbT,, W "-Oii. 1 PROGUAVIS TUESDAY P.M. ' KGW KOIN KEX KSLMJKGAE KOCO I t HBO SIS CB1 11M ABO 1W MBC Ht Ke. IIM IBS i Ntn Ntm r Tw lulal StUu ltii Bm ! U Cm M It Km Mlllaa N.wi glhr t. Da ) :; rF' X'u Hum rrlr JidOmi or ft SpMn D ! , '.ft BIbmi Hull frtr Jm Ommi Mrsa Mail gISf SlehU ?T akM Wlf flIIUw r jk srld.r Hult Md. , SMI OtUu On. rukw Sir hI SlrkwMS Iplsir HuU MO. i.iA WIS. Bnwa Klrkhsa Kir WmI J. atkictlu SpUiff Nivi I:Jj ""r te "" J,llb" K" Mull SsUir Ml J,'M pisUi BUI Hal. SpkU. Csl Tlsaiv Niw , spllir ktsili JITS r. r- ir-ll . OiSfnr Cil Tlaair Mull Splsir' MiliSp .'h t. Juu A. QiSfrip Lin Llka a Maila SpUir Mitlr Dm', Wtfa A. O.srnr Mllllinalra Bhappar Spllir MilaSr i.aa Wiliaaii OaSfrap Bivsa Mail! Oar Tawa Jlai Dandy Mifla Mat. IIS Traralars OaSfrap BIU Bias , laaiaaaAaaia sbiw - MmIs Mat :IS Dr. rial OaSlrap Far laa Nawi 11m DaaSp Maila Mai. .Jj P. Oirriwar Mmap Olrla full Bloni sbiw Mula Mai. 4. Aft Maila Bai Klrkhia TaaM rallaa Lawli KlUlai Krar WarlS Nan :5 Mull Ba Balh Aiklaa Saalrral Himlanrap Maila Marl. Haia'l ta.Vali 2,tn Mailr Bia Jlai Wakalr Case Cart Marau Mail! Marl SMand Look ;'45 Hlti at Dap Tamfallr Hlppr Till Baat Bapaa Mailt Marl WaiaM Tl 5;s Niws El Marraw Mirria Cirelc Sri. Pmlaa Maila Marl Bhaweaas :1B Nnri Niwi V. rinklar Sit, Frnlaa Mula Marl Shawian :)( L. MiCaU Vfarlr TaSar C. Baotlir Bkr Klar Maila Mart Vallap TlMI giS'li. fitaraaa Irrink Oaat Bat Oarrai Skr Kim Mule Marl Saas la Ban. S'MBilai Malic Jahaar Waatharmaa 0b. Biatlar Mula Marl ICaallillrkl :fl Silaa Maila DaUar Himi ta. NW Nawi Slia Oil Canalallrbl :Jt rlkkar A Mr Ftliad QaaS Aniwar Mia Niwi :45 MaUp Irraa Iiittalm Sam Harai Inearaa tar. :aO Bark Ihrlaar Faapla An Sllrar larla Baparlar Baiarr 7:15 Bark Skrlnar Faaar illrir lasla Baaalas Stan Slap. 7. Id Switii , Mull BaU Mlebaal T? Oaai) , Mail! 7:4.1 Jil Flibaai Maili Ball Skarai BaatMira Baartl ' :S0 Maa'a Famll L. Thapaaa Srrapbanalla Hltb Trick KM 1 WirH Newi On Spit SrmpbeBltta Adrenlin Trick KM i:JO CalralaaSa al Mr. anS Mn Mut Taar Maala Track lips j:s5 Amarlta Wartb Nalrbbar Mailt ' Trick lira S:to Martla A Darli Dap Iiwa 0I Bird; Traak IMS :S Iawla Darla Dap Maatlnr Fallan Laajli Traab 14N l:M Fraedaal CSJa Staffard Tawn Milt. Wbal'a Caak Traak lip) 1:4 Friadaaa PS Japlar Mln Maaltar W. Maila Warld Hnra 1:10 Baparlar S Star Flaal Flml Id. Bihlnd Stan - Nltbl Sana i:15 Bparla Ftaal lalaai Dioca Tlpaa Nawiraal . Nlibt Sau :U Tba Cbaia Inlmliwa Danaa Tlral Nawi Mull :I5 Tba Ckm Narr Bbaw Danaa Tlma Hammer Oai Tap Want 1:10 Niwi Orran Danaa Tlma Bamniar Oai Naatarna 1:16 L MeCn Mtfadlas Danaa Tlma Mlanlrbl Naatarna J:M Iraaiarp Danaa Tlma Miladlas Naatarna :4. Manara Band Danca Tlma Meledlea Ncclarna ls:Slaini Oil Sim Of! Idihh Tina Ixira Boar Isirn 0. Don't fret over o down paymant. Wo toko molt anything en a trade for a beautiful floythconp See Us First tor the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Lsna Ave. Opes Monday and Friday Evenings Phone 18551 WEDNESDAY A.M. T0 1 1 :45 A.M. !:t Mula Tlma Nawi Oman Fata VW Niwi Braakfaal Miladlai :16 Mula Tlma BFD Orarai Haar Tlmakaafar Nook Maladlai :0 Maila Tlma KOIN Klaek Ora. Faraa Nawa Braakfart FnrmNawa 1:48 Farm Tlma KOIN Klack O. Farm Br. Marck Tlma Keak Nal. Nawa ?:M Coin try Ed. KOIN Klaek Nawa Remlnmr Bmklail Medltatlaae :1J J. L. WUla Nawi M. Aaraaibr Braaklarl Naak KOCO Slick 1:10 New, Nawi Bab Oarrad Oanr Braakfaal KOCO Klaak 7:48 KnoiMaa. B. Babbllt Bab Haian SamBapat Naab KOCO Klaek !:St Old Sanps Can. Nawa Braakfaal CaaU Brawn Jim Diner Nawa :16 Old Saasa Nawr Clab Famllr Allar Jim Dandp KOCO Klaah :H Mule Ban Grand Slam Braakfaal Darin at Jim Dandr KOCO Klaak :I5 Mule Bar Beaamarp ) Clab Beet Jim Dandp Nawa l:6 Mule Baa W. Warm a A.M. BAT! Dr. Sward tBaek Fanaa Bapptnam 1:15 Mula Baa Annt Jennp Tadar'e Star Cpll Cmntrp Matlnaa TnnaTlma :I0 Amir. Trail Hilaa Trent Friend la Faetar'i Call Baeb Fanaa Plana Fla 1:45 T. Llndlihr Oai gnndap Need Baa. ClaBlcr Matlnaa Iralrn K. 11:10 BaetHi Bee. Bead Life D. Gardner Glaa Bardp Back Fanaa Kara 11:18 Baitaee Bee. Ma Ferklaa Chel Bantlar Tela Tael Miltnit Baaarda 11:10 llrlka II Dr. Malena My Traa Anawar Man Baek Fanaa Bara l:4f Blb Qnld. Llrbt Starr Mnele Malmea Baaarda ll:Sf Daakla ar Mra. Barton Whliparlna Ladlaa Fair Baeb Fanaa Kara 11:15 Natblns Ferrp Maian Girl Marrlaa Ladlaa Fair Matlnaa Baaarda 11 :W Bob and Bar Nara Drake V. Llndlabr Queen Far Baek Fanaa Bara 11:45 Bab Hope Brlphtcr Bar Barnap Keep! Dap Matlnaa Baaarda DIAL LISTING, KOAC, III tffAf Taeidar F.H-lllM, Newef 1:00, Blda la Cowboyi 1:M, Eipaelallr far Wamani 4:00, Warld Berlewl 1:00, Cblldran'a Tbeatari 4:00, Nawa and Waatben :, Oraaan Lerlililam 7:11, KOAC wednaedar A.M. 10:00, w Nawe and Waatbari 10:10, InaelaDr far Wemen: 11:00, Orapan lebaal af Aln U:1B, Naan Fnrm Biar. Itmlnp Farm Bean :W, Midllatlaai 10:00, Slpn Off. New Empire In Making Chicago () Robert S. Mac farlane, president of the North ern Pacific Railway, said Fri day "a new empire" la in the making In the great Northwest and the Pacific Northwest." He told the Executives club of Chicago that their city "is the natural gateway" to the growing Northwest economy "because of a network of steel rails." "Many factors are contribut ing to the growing economic importance of the vast area .which lies between Chicago and the North Pacific Coast, but the most spectacular, and probably the most significant, are two great basins the Wil liston and the Columbia in both of which Chicago hai an important interest," Macfar lane said. "Currently there are 157 producible oil wells in the American portion of the Wil liston Basin, and exploration and drilling continue at a rapid pace ... "Fully developed, the Co lumbia Basin actually will put under intensive cultivation twice the acreage which the 1950 census shows as cropped in the states of Delaware and Rhode Island. In terms of peo ple, the growth will be even more striking." By Ahren ACROSS L EvorgreoD tree 4 Lose bright ness t. Assist 11. Number 13. Greedy 14. Device for ogirtf clotb 16. Sacred clt? ol India IT. Low monot onous sound 15. Prophet 10. Spaed tt.Tinj U. Engages la a game 14. Caver with Bars of 27. Couple 30. Word of choice 31. Hakes precious 34. On condition that St. Uluminsnt 37. Right of way over an other's land 38. Turkic 42. Snug room 43. Round 40. Sour 49. Embellish H. Salt of nitric scid 52. Prod 53. Culmination 54. Adult bovs 55. Malt liquors Isl' I THM A DHC R I IrJ Solution sf Saturday's Puizls contrirtlM 56. Plant color 57. Snoop DOWN L Short watch chains 1 African arrow poison t. Takes up again 4. Distant 5. Declare 1 1 p nth i1 1 r p i16 111 " n - m nr r mn w ir-iriB gP m if IP !rrw!rr m pWk-M wzzzw 5T isr g,-- 1111 I I H 1 I 6. Act of going out of sight T. Masculine nickname S. Hobuit (.One who thinks slwsys of self 10. Gave tern- porarily H.VIcm 16. Rugged mountsla crest 17. Through: prefix 20, Supplication! 22. Sea sagls 24. Swamp 25. Period 28. Perfect 28. Bo victorious 29. Frequently 32. Scarlet 33. Plaster 36. Blow 38. Settle la tsnts i 40. Land measures 41. Wine cask 43. fine Cubaa tobacco 41 Pagsn god 45. Hoarfrost 47, Roman rood 48. Refuse M. Spread to dry 53, While ALARMING STATE