Saturday, March 21, 195$ THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Ortf on STEVE BOPEE TABLOIDS ON CECTMNLY er's Return MAKE A SIMPLE MCE OP y HAVING GOOD CITIZENSHIP EDITDtt PIAVINS MONDAY P. M. SOUND UKE A OA5S "fjJN FORMER, KGW KOIN 8 THRILLER, KIT S f SI 5TtVc,f KEX KSLM lyUKIf MNENWIIN KGAE tut . e K005 MBC sis cki . lit BBC UN MBC IAP ataaalaatam, i zatnuKF 1 M"ur) r ought to Gunfight T&r il WE'LL 66T ABOUND 1 MAKf VOL! PASS " I TO ROPER-BUT FWSTJOUT VCU8 CALLW6 I A II y' " ml kWWfct IMVa-.Vfl . Tun. KfBBBlBBaa ' Btaalaa WUa maiia DUla fuu, Bu. I Plata Bill rt, ft. rana Paa'a Wlft JMB Otl II Wakaaa IDr. faal tula a... b an Bull Art lakar rarala Kaaa rlraalaaa FlfaalaBa 111,., u.. Aunt l.l.-J airkkaa Klrkbaa. IMula Tkul. uaeirar (laAf,. Gaalrar Gairra-,.. ObSIib, Klrkkasi aalk AlklBa Wakair aba Tin..ll, "llB Nan tri m 1 Ka kid Mir Waal Waal ar Waal KlrkajaaS uek u kkak CkLTIn.., Eis iiaaaf MarrlU " Wlllaa Rwafia Taa aire a... .- I WarH Nawa aamaia air ak all Bar aa ana Bay WarlS Tadar rank Oaaa Tap Traaaa Xava Car MJa Mail. ' Mtlllaailra Maala ftataa Bill Bl.- rat Ika atrial laatiaa Gtria taa.l. Biatrial Caiejcarl !,,, iaypaaa Main IBak Ba.k Bab Bawk Caramaae Tkaataa Talapkaaa Baai aim Jam Alae Jaaaa Baperltr kaaraa BH-.I KaafMaatlal lataailtalaf Km M.r.B Icitr Oaikell OMjMDaBneU IBakU Th..t , alia Tbaalar bb aaaaaa Maila . IMaaia IV. rinklat Cbat Beatl? auras Salter Baikal Saiaaf Snear Halle ' Maala War tan " Dallaa Nawa Maa MaQatr rellaa Ub Maala Nawa ' DaVal If. Daal Balka ISala.r ISalatr llallar ftaa'rl glial aaa're Ban a..,! an... Iftte'rS Baaaa i. kfl4 Maa. MiWAj wewa Mnala Mat, Ulm Dial aaaw Jlai Daalr aaw KUa Baraat an nan Vl la.. I Maala Mart IWMlhma. 1 . . . uaaa UaUalM btirta Mat. Maala Mat, Maala Mat. Maala MaL ami Mat. Maila Mat. Maala Mai. Wartl Mm Baaaarak tMLaat Waaaa's Vf. akamaaa Skawaeae VaUar Bail, IMaaia L. Thaaiaa Oa (at Taiaat lean TaJant laaal IlklMkaa Bkakaaaa -Ja KtilrJ Jaalar Mill Lai a Baota Lana B . . Bearr Tarla nau ai Fa RvMnhitBatt. SraiFbaoatta Talaa af Taaaerraw B klaa BI..1 lalarrlawa Paraai IM. BaM.ia In. BUMbIh tTraaaarr Baak laaal baaaat Maa Bajaa ICaall Tbli Galaaa Bakaaa Lai Oaarta ua 11 UaU Maala ' khawtlma Favarlaai Nawa . . Maala Flaal Iillat waaaa Tiaaa iDaaaa Tl.a iDaaaa TIbb IDaaaa Ila IDaaaa (Ibm Baaaa Itrn IDaaaa tiaaa Daaaa tiaaa IMaiia Mart ICaallallakl oil tail ajaaawuioi want Nawa M Kara Qlaa Barda Vallaa Uwla What Caaka Maala IUhlna ai...l Mataal Nan Nawa Hall 'BUia MKalta Malatlaa EaaalaUakk Malta aarll Bart. Taaak llkl ttraak ItM ITraak lira flratk UN frrack ItM rrraak UH ITraak MM Nlaa riaaw rSka Nllkt laai Maala Baa Waal Nlckl hai H1 hat Nitkl Baaaa NUkt laa TUESDAY -S A.M. T0 11:4$ A.M. it. Maaki T ava OB Ban rarra Baar Maaa Baaakfaal Waat. Mata Maala Tlma BFD Oram FirmBoBrl IlaiakalMI Naak Waal. Hakaaa Maala Tlma BOIN Blaak Farsa Baar Nan Braaklaal Farai Hava r"a laatt BOIN Bla.k Fatai Bail- Barai ar Baa Naak Nawa Caaalrr 14. ion Blaak Flral lalllaa Nawa Braaklaal Mailtauaaa ' Jabnar WW Nawa at Biraaakr Brakktaal Kaak Baaa Blaak Ban Nawa Bak Oarraa) Oaaa Braaklaal Baaa Blaak B Maaatat B. Babbitt Bab Baaaw gaai Barak Naak Baaa Blaak OU lonca Caa. Nawa Braaklaal Cam Brawa Jlaa Daalr Baaa Blaak " 014 ianaa Dam Tatla Braaklaal Faaallr Bllar llai Daaar Baaa Blaak Maala Baa Graad Slaaa Braakfaat Baraa af Jin Daaa Baaa Klaak Maala Baa Hoaeroary Clab Baal lira Danr Nawa Kawa W. Warraa a a.m. tdit. Nawa Back Feara Baaalaaaa Maala Baa , aaaljaaar klara Iaar Malaar laraaaaa Taaa Ilaia Maala Bai Ralaa Trent Braak Bank Paatara Call Baak Faaaa Plaoa Fat V. Uaalakr Oar Oal Braak Bank Baa. Caaatai laraaaaa Mia. Caraaa Baak . BaaB Llfa D. oardnar Glaa Bar4f aak Faaaa Bkra BaraaMa Ma Parklaa Ckat Haall'F Tats Taat laraakda - Baaaria trlka II Dr. Malana Mr Traa Aaawar Maa Baak Faaaa Ban Blak QaUa. Llakl Btarr Malls laraaaaa Baaaraa . Daakla at Mra. Barlaa Wwiaacrlai Lallaa Fair Baak Faaaa Bars Ratklaf Ferry Maaaa Olrl Marries Ladlaa Fair Serenade Becerda Bab and Iky Narak Drake Llndlaba Qaeea lar Baek Faaaa Baya Bak Bene Brtrkter Pat Baraar Beat Day jtaraaaas Beeerda OAC DIAL U8TIN0 KOAO, Ml Maadar A. M.i 1S:S, Han S.Waaaat liN, Orar. Baaattarn lilt Malta: Waatkeri 11:11 Baaealallr let Mae a; 11:B, Sebaal Fain llrM, Ceaaert l U:, Maws ft Waatkeri mil. Rasa lak ear 111, lekeel at Alri :, Far IM, Cklldraa'a Tkealeri l:U, Baaka aad Faaalai 1:41 Oreraa leilalllarei 1:11, Ire; Firm Heari :W, U. af Ore.: t:M, Maile. r- ICarol Curtis Pattern Crocheted In StrawUx. Crochet d in straw yarn In three colors, ftvlte, navy and red It really Is tunning! Crocheted by using the hree different colored strands of (raw yarn together, the effect thieved Is distinctly different and tractive. You may want to use austels and white to wear with Hsp cottons or mid-summer shan ung street frocks. The big "pomr om" or a lavish flower trim can purchased in any little mil aery shop or department store, tat can be made in two and one Alt hours and is Inexpensive, too! Ainrl !kv far CVtrrmlete In&truc- ibns for Crocheted, Three-Color, .TRAW YARN HAT (Pattern No. 86) YOUR. NAME, ADDRESS, 'ATTERN NUMBER to CAROL ftjRTIS, Capital Journal 652 Mls lon street, San Francisco S, Calif. LUTHERAN CLEANUP DA SUverton Among week-day activities for Immanuel Luth eran church folk is Included Tuesday, March 24, "Clean-up Day," the men and women vol unteers to be on hand at8:30 in the morning. A sack lunch with coffee and a hot d 1 1 h luncheon at noon will be serv ed the workers.' m 2727 SIZES t. 2. 1, 4 Show-Offs! A wardrobe stretch ing ensemble Is practical for all agesl This coat and dress re In one pattern and have duplicate de tain In collar and yoke panel lines. Both are ea$yto-make! No. 3727 la cut in Uses 1, i, t and 4. For size 2: dress takes IK yds. 35-ln. with U yd. 35-ln. for contrasting collar. The coat re quires 14 yds. 39-in. or 194 yds. M-m. oROOM It BOARD By Ahren IT WAS BAD ENOUGH INHALING THE JUDGE'S HOMEMADE PERFUME UP HERE. BUT NOW THE WHOLE HOUSE P-EEKS WITH IT.. ..WHEN I CAME IN THE FRONT DOOR MY NOSE REARED UP FR0M.THE SMELL OF HIS' LATEST CREATION.. .-A COMBINATION ODOR. OF BRASS POLISH AND LIBRARY PASTE.' I AAADE HIM DO HIS EXPERIMENTING DOWN IN THE BASEMENT ) INSTEAD OF THE ROOM NEXT TO MINE.. ..NOW THE SMELL IS COMING j UP THRU ALL THE FURNACE REGISTERS; U7. 1 roGO PUT IT )Ca TMi MTHlNftC MMCA1 dUSPlCIABlLiTV OF 71 IF&ATIONC nVl . . CJOCUIT KNCWOWl, IT.HawMPRX ORPHAN ANNIE mm W(S mvn WWII rWUWWA VtMfmD MU mjrmro -r l' ,1 MOVBQM. ' 1 -Y ALL I DO FOR THAT V " " I owflV8aHeAo- ghoreI A I UaHYAH eVEHESffiTOl VW M- WUTM t K3T? J WHV, HE ASQ0O0 AST0LEMETOQ0 aVajCK TO TEXflS AN BCH THERE! . LIL ABNER iDONTVOODOJESrl I THBTWFEWalT V HIM? M raa a ml L( BUXUHCLeTEX-V v 1 IKfitXI OOTHflTl UH-HUHl I TTSffiTH' I RECKON. I hrv'. C AH L-LOST JC-'OOH PO Ul BAB- aUJ I NOW, AH HEJTXIZKS WMUTTHET I I J . ""T- fcl 'Jaijv mah ru. exec tv'r ild mEJm ailac, I aMNTAJOfi? J I i 'jT"!i J DEAR? yjm,TT). A FAT CHANCE OPANNONE (AF 'aia-" -i.'1 bbTB BaaTaTaTI Ijn I. k, .iBTBBTaW mm T aafL 111 1 I HL It 1 nnWal ! l"lJL!a B5r AN' ifffW I I THEY'RE HERS EVERYTHING ,. I " VEAH.-.A' T L 1 TH TWO I TO MAKE OMtPBNiNa MV ! I I I -rLsXP'Sm l 1 EJ WnATo THE MEANINU X MEW 'RUT T Irvjiz I timuw b DTiuntua I V II R OF THI690NL.Y TWO I LIKE A PAIR OF HOW MUCH I DAM AND DIVERT I M mS 1 H MEN WERE HIRED A FAKER4" SHOWED, HAVE YOU I THE lHOfcN 1 i I HA. TO REPORT HERE f UP ktlKT Ma'am ' I I tm n aua I U(a, 1 . "IP V LS'Zm I ' BLUNDER J . vaWK Vir irti-iMa V M-iSW Lf51 '7 I i;i lilt Hi MUTT ii JEFF ' I- -v m I THEHeIs NO EAV STREET lU P HOT ONL.V 1 A1.i7thT "t"'? w'u'O rirtaji- ' rl I. I Uvi anueirua T llTO SUCCESS IT MEANS Ill-TUST niTl .... J ZZ. I v IV II VrMlDctrl p- liun , ucr. 1 1 PLENTV Op "all IT TUF II 1 . I JF. I a..tkaai.K' ..iaaTlJaa ILiTlAa.r,a.aFA.4JiaaakaBll .. IMBi ia, , 1, -UfSJgJJ 1 7r a REX MORGAN, M. D. ' a nt about , i 1 i kht .w"'7."I. THB HOME OF SHilLA T J K MAKB A MAU aCaWVA 7 SaC-lT5? kJS .. . . - 1 """ bbi aaa bt hi irWaW DONALD DUCK , MARf WOTH ' ' " COtLEfiE WHERE WE IS A iOCOR- f;" nTnLr TVIv?iT" ''W'PI I WOULD IVEft'" J I UNAWRE I CHAPTER Tba drunken UkwaatMr will- ad riaibly. lie lookad, Rimbaud ttakjht, lite a lost do nobodr wanted; ft nomaleaa. lonel mon grai that Mil booted oft their Deck atoopa. ' Romwea ov nnaria itet. Rimbaud said, "Hold up your f laaa, unifo, and 111 pour you ft drink." amlth Mwkad at him ausol- otously. "You ftlnt funnin' with me?' "No." Rimbaud ftasurad Urn. noylnt the frown of cUamat that rutted Flnueane'a oheruble face. Wall drink a tout to your friend Doe Odecarde." umpy aquuitfta ftt mm, nu toobhlesi mouth aaaed ooen with wonderment ai Rlmiwud filled hit law. . weVidrink to rfanelaoo Dur- ango too, and all the brave one woo Qita t een twoasuan." Kun- beud annouboed. "By Ood, well have ut ft real celebration r' Tney were on their third toast. standing; with raised llaases, when Lew ttiromberg came into the saloon. Bad Rimbaud been watch- ins he mlt-ht have observed the brief, searching glance Lew aent toward ft rear doorway, But Jim Rimbaud was saluting: a dsDarted cosnrid of the Sonora Serenade; To Caotain Rafael Hernandez. Insurreeto terrificol" - Lew Strombenr eased over to the poker table and was Idly watehlnc the play there when Ernie Link called sharply, "Toil ookln for. me, Rimbaud?" He stood in the rear doorwav of this long; room, making an indis tinct ahape far back In tht smoke hated shadows. Rimbaud neered ftt him. won dering who he was and what he wanted, Then, recalling what he'd seen in the bar mirror, Rimbaud understood that it was Ernie Link. "Let's drink us another toast." Limpy Smith suggested. "Vamose.'' ' Rimbaud ordered. taeaalng what Link was up to. uet away irom me, incno et 'away.'' s, ... . Smith couldn't aomnrehand the abrupt ohanse In his drinklnc oompanlon; the astonishing shift irora eoueiunc oneeriumesa to frownlM ersvitv. Rimbaud had seemed so different, Ilk he want ed to be sociable. But he was like all the rest, chasing a man off Ilka he had amalloox. It was down. right pitiful, "What hit you all of a euooanv umpy asaeo. And at this tame instant as Rimbaud drew hi sun, Ernie una shouted In a shrill high- pitched voice. "Stan aside. Umnl Step aside I " . . But it was Rimbaud who warned Wheeling away from the bu he smashed the front bracket lamp with shot that merged with the oia a unra gun. That ouuet whanged past Rimbaud's head to snavter front window. Using the muule flare for a taiatat. Dim. baud fired twice and ataooed aalda land heard Link yelp, I'm hit!" Runbaud fucked ft glance at Lew Stromberg, who stood In the bright Island of light over the poker table, iThe Roman Four boas was fiat tenea animt the wall with the others. He very plainly wanted to stay our, a uus iignt, . j . "What's rolna- on In harat" man shouted from the street. Rimbaud nrobed the vondarr nnwwi ana wsiiea. run in nam. Even though Link was wounded, he might be playing possum, wait ing for another trv. Th anaakv son nan iigurea ne wouta nave au uie oest 01 it, itandlng-back.taiare and lhootihgata lamplit target. But Llm trv Smith had ant In tha way. ITim realisation brought ft oynnai, amne n lumoauae com pressed lips. The drunken dish. washer via about the anrriaat companion a man could have s id ing mm in a fight, yet Smith had turned out to be his- guardian annei nere lonignt. Sheriff Sol Roblllarde banrad through the batwings, his heavy cneeas nusnea wiin exeruon. Bareheaded, freshly shaved, and wearing a white 'shirt minus lta detachable collar, Roblllarde look ed more like a city politician than a sheriff. "What's ail the shooting about?" he demanded. "Oo ask Ernie Link Rimbaud suggested and nodded toward the rear noorway. Hokttermg his gun. he turned to Limpy, who stood propped atralnst the bar. and aairl "Now we drink another toast, amlgo." "Who to?" Umnv aakail straightening up., - Rimbaud grinned, rw an,,. ing untU he filled the glasses. Then, ignoring ourioug bystanders who had crowded into the saloon, be said gustily, To Limpy Smith, the beat one-leaved maa west of the Pecos!" - The pistol shots, beard througtv. out JunoMon. had set off a welter of excitement. Rumors ran ftkM Main Street like flash flood, flowing mora fantastic with each repetition. A shirtless man leaned from second-story hotel window and shouted, "They must've chased Sam Mai ben right into town I" Another man, hearing this m he ran down Residential Avenue, voiced the opinion that Malben had been shot on Main Street. By the time these reports reached Dulcy ftav'a Dlace an Burro Alkrv they Included the etaxilnig new that Sheriff Roblllarde bad chased Malben Into a vacant lot and was atvootlnc it out with htm. man to man. - .. "Good gracious)" Dukr exclaim- . yd, hugely pleased. "Sol wlU be ft ncror i . The Whole town was aoafflevaal with excitement. In the few mo ments it took Eve Odegarde to walk from her home to Btelnfelda Maroanuie ant heard announce ments that Sam had been cap tured, that Swede Sever Ida had ahot Ernie Link, and that Jim Rimbaud was mixed In the shoot ing, now, as aha identified Delia Stromberg in the sidewalk crowd. Eve asked, "What happened?" Dallft gave her brief a lance and shrugged, thus expressing; an Inherent dislike for the woman : ner father had wanted to marry. But . Charley Bonn's wile aald. Ernie Link came out Saloon Street with blood streaming from his right aim. Charley has gone ' over to find out what happened.'' Eve went toward the hotel and presently, meeting Sheriff Robll- iBxue, asaea, was an we snoot tog?" . "Ernie Link and Jim Rimbaud, Roblllarde said. "Did Jim get bit too?" Eve asked. , .' "Not ft scratch." ftoattlarda iw. ported. "There's a bad one for any nvtn to tangle with, that Rim baud. The man Is a born fighter, and has the luck of the Irian be sides. Ernie ahouldVe known bet ter. They aav he etartarJ It am ' that he aleo pUtol:whippid Swede Scvertde out here on the street. 1 ve warned Lew Stromberg there's . to be no more of that stuff, or Link will be locked up." "And what did Mr. Roman Four say?" Eve asked with frank aken- ticlam. "Well, you know how Law Is," : Roblllarde, said evasively, "He told me If I'd catch the Spanish Strip cow thieves that need ar- resung gnere a be no room - In ' jail for ft Roman Four man." "Do mu trunk Bam Miaben h thief?" Eve asked, and whan RoblUarda'a eyes . avoided her steady appraisal, she prompted, "Do mrSoi?" It's not ft cfUastloa of what 1 think, on way or the other," RobUlarde explained with the aaetioed fhiency of a born poU !iftn. 'i have a warrant for Maioenn arreit, which will be ex. eouiea to tnt neat of mv ability. After that It's up to judge knd jury.- Eve that Sol allow anything to Interfere arlfh hie ambition to become mem ber of the territorial laarlalatnra. A man needed bb enw outrit. ha. hind him to reach that ltr1 goal. And Sol Roblllarde, who had one borrowed money from par-lor-houee madam kstandad tn reach it. ... , . he wondered where Bam waa now, and If he was hungry. The poor man had been chased for noun. He might be Ikying out there in the brush aomewhara IMMinJ I fm -J . J . ., vi awi. aw wnaaever happened to him would be because of her. Lew Stromberg had made that plain enough the last tune he'd called on her:.; he'd said. youH regret your fonuah athoiao many times, and so will Malben." (T Be Oenthraed) Silverton to Hear rom Curtain Talk Silverton Rev. Arthur Charles Batei is announcing tpt'clil meeting at 7 p.m., Tues day, March 24, at the Drst Christian church of th Christ ian Men's Fellowship. Judge Alt O. Nelson, avhn re cently met flie "common mn" on his native soil In ten differ. ent countries of Europe,' la to d me tpeaiter. His tonle will b "Why the Iron Curtain?" shrugged, understanding ol Roblllarde would never Acnosa L Marrow opening . t. Angry I. Infsnt's bed 11 Not wild 11. Gone by U Wss serried 15. Unmoved It. Legsl ectloa II. American Indian 12. Wild animal ill. Watch closely H.Spir it. Social gather- ing M. Drinking vessel 17. Tilt M. Trail , 41. Exist 41 White vest- tnent sa mL'L,.. 45. Disputatious 41. Singing vole a, .B?,bl?.u. S?oIch river IX Part of the mouth H. Sound of pain ze. nug 27. Spring It), Gain by work II. Predicament 60, Martin 11. Rustle 12. Bitter vetch M. Trial DOW 1. Move 1 Halt 1. Demons ottrllen of Yesterday's Punt a. Mark aimed , at In curl ing I. DuU finish I Chills end fever 7. Jus bug I5 P h il! t f W N'6 11' 5 r 1 to?it p mWW w pff (.Muscular contraetlra I . Garment 10. Not bury 11. Beversge 18. Destroy 17. Lure ll.IsrseUt trfb 12. Negligent 29. Turn right 24. Beam of light 25. Source of metsl 16. Stir togeue ' 17. Term of eddresg 28. Kettle 29. Some 81. Mitt 82. Ripple against 11 Prickly seed covering SJ. Dock 88, Oo by csr 17. Large plants U. Protection for a wound 18. Oame on horseback 40. To a point oa 41. Declare 42. Military ssststsnt 41. Falls behind 44. Internal fruit decay 48. Peom tl.CoUecttoa rEN-ROOM AROMA jai MARCH II