Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 21, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Oregon Press
, Women Medt
Here 2 Days
' n."""1 ,prin worluhop lor Oregon
Press Women will be an event in 2
and 28. The headquarters will be at the
Senator hotel. Margaret Thompwn HilL
Sorti? .0l lhe,kroe Erp?i
Portland, li president of the group.
The meeting will open at 9:30 o'clock.
Workshop ipeakers on the Saturday
morning program will be Miii Genii
rr- wdlrector f
the state department ol agriculture t
flem" .'M, 40 iei1,0f e wkM
field; and Miss Adelaide Lake, faculty
onT dePartment of journalism,
Oregon State college, who will discuss
her work in the field of teaching In jour
nalism, at 11:15 o'clock. ,
The luncheon will be In the Camellia
room at the Senator at 12 o'clock, noon,
Charles A. Sprague, editor and publish
er of the Oregon Statesman, to give an
informal talk on an editor takes time
out to take in the United Nations. Mr.
Sprague was an alternate delegate to
UN, during the late fall,
v Among workshop speakers for the af
ternoon session will be Representative
Maurine Neuberger, Portly, at 2
o'clock on the field of research, photog
raphy and free lance writing; and -Major
Lane Carlson, public relations, 6th
Army Corps, San Francisco, who is to
discuss work in her field, at 3 o'clock.
v The dinner In the evening, Saturday,
will be a buffet one at 6:30 o'clock in
the Coral room at the Marion hotel.
' Duncan McRoberts, Milwaukie, is to
tell of his work in Formosa and China
1 and will show pictures. , '
Also at the banquet awards will be
announced in the Oregon Press Women
contests for daily and weekly newspa.
. pera the past year. ;
;? The meeting will conclude Sunday
morning with a breakfast in the Ca
mellia room at the Senator, officers for'
the new two-year term to be elected at
that time. .
ROTARIAN Women are meeting
Monday afternoon for their regu
lar monthly luncheon and pro
gram at the Golden Pheasant, the lun
cheon to be at 1 o'clock.
Dr. Martha Springer of Willamette
university k to be the guest speaker.
Mrs. Maurice Walker will entertain
the Salem Junior Woman's club on Mon
day evening at her home, 1100 Green
wood Drive. It will be a social evening
beginning at 8 o'clock. ;. Y . ...
A display of etchings and picture
frames will be shown by the Rev. Mel
ville T. Wire for the program. '
Court Capital City, Catholic Daugh
ters of America, is sponsoring an eve-
' ning of recollection on Thursday, March
26, at St. Joseph's Catholic church. Mrs.
J. M. Gallagher, retreat chairman, an
nounces that Father Alcuin Heibel, OSB,
well-known priest and lecturer, will
conduct the services from 7:30 to 10:00
All Catholic women of Salem and their
friends are invited to attend.
Happy-Go-Lucky club will meet at
12:30 o'clock on Wednesday for a no
. host luncheon. Mrs. Albert Hoevet
will be hostess to the group at her
borne, 1876 South 13th.
Women's Catholic Order of Foresters
' wljl meet for a no-host supper at 6:30
p.m. on Tuesday at the Salem Woman's
club.. Mrs. George Gruchalla and Mrs.
Philip Lutz are in charge of the event
Election of officers will take place
during the business meeting which fol
lows. ' ..... j
Mrs. Leon Hansen will be hostess to
the P.L.E.&F. club of the Pythian Sisters
on Wednesday evening at her hdme, 160
East Miller. Mrs. Axel Jacobsen is co
hostess for the 8 o'clock meeting.
'-Pes' in
Washington, D.C., March 17
Dear Marian:
Again this past week visitors from
Oregon or with Oregon connections have
been calling in the office of the Depart
ment of the Interior to greet Secretary
Douglas McKay. Among them have
been Howard Bobbitt, Portland attorney
for the state board of medical examiners
and a frequent caller at the Capitol at
home; Dr. Walter E. Snyder, superin
tendent of schools in Salem and John E.
Taylor of the state department of edu
cation in Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Clark of Corvallis; Mrs. J. E. Kennedy,
Portland, well-known to members of the'
Daughters of the Nile in Salem and a
friend of the McKays; Mr. and Mrs. F.
R. Brown, Albany he is director of
the National Wildlife federation. Ac
companying the Browns, Miss Amelia
Zuhlsdorf of Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Walrad of Gresham, all here for the fed
eration meeting; Herman Kehrll, execu
tive secretary of the League of Oregon
Cities and a frequent Salem visitor; and
two friends of a former Salem Zontian,
Miss Helen Barrett, in the persons of
Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar Pinckney, of Aber
deen, Wash., where Helen and Mrs.
Pinckney are associated with the same
hotel. Mr. Pinckney was a fellow-Oregon
Stater of Secretary McKay in 1917.
From Cottage Grove, the former may
or, Frank Doleman, and Mrs. Doleman,
brought greetings to the Secretary. Miss
Sallie Peabody, singer with the Fred
Waring musical aggregation, a Portland
firl, stopped by with some friends, par
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LEAVING SOON for Portland to make their home are the Uoftt K. Pntnam family,
children, Bofer, Jr, Stephen and Marcia, are pictured above.
7HrHE QUEENS" .will be the subject
r III of Dr. R. I. Lovell's talk for the s
Salem Woman's club on Friday.
Special guests for the 2 o'clock meeting
will be members of the Junior Woman's
.club,,;.; ; . -.
A program of whistling solos will be
presented by Miss Harriett Aller. Her
accompanist will be Miss Elizabeth
Shields. ..;,;." , ,
Tea chairman is Mrs. Grant C. Rogers.
Her committee includes Mrs. Sol
Schlesinger, Mrs. Carl W. Emmons, Mrs.
Winifred Pettyjohn, Mrs. Chris Rensch
ler, Mrs. Willis A. Jones, Mrs. Ralph
Schlesinger, Mrs. J. Howard Shubert,
Mrs. W. B. Showalter, Mrs. Percy H.
Kelly and Mrs. J.'E. West. .
Evelyn deVries circle of the Leslie
Methodist church will meet on Wed
nesday at the home of Mrs. W. K.
Hughes, 3680 Scenic drive. Mrs. L. E.
Richter will assist the hostess. Mrs. C.
. W. Stacey will give a travelogue of her
recent trip through the United States
and Mexico. Cars will leave the church
at 1:15 for those wishing transportation.
Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary
will meet at the hall for a social eve
ning on Monday at 8 o'clock. '
"This Is the Hour" is the title of a
movie to be shown when members of
Hadassah meet Monday at 8:30 o'clock
at Temple Beth Sholom.
Dr. John R. Goldsmith will address
the group on behalf of the United Jew
ish Appeal. Hostesses will be Mrs.
Morris Ullman and Mrs. Alvin Ross;
ticularly to thank the McKays for at
tending the Waring show and Bill Bowes,
Jr., son of City Commissioner Bowes,
Portland, winding up Air Force service
with a visit in the east.
An informal and pleasant coffee
cocktail party for Mrs, J. R. Johnson,
Corvallis, was given by her daughter,
Miss Ethel Johnson, on Sunday at the
letter's apartment in Kew Gardens on
Que Street. Among the Oregonians in
the final half hour were Congressman
and Mrs. Homer D. Angel), Miss Gene
vieve Cooper, and Miss Grace Townsend.
The first lightning and thunder storm
of the spring hit during that period and
, the comment was that a similar storm
could be expected almost daily at 4:30
p.m. when summer starts.
The weather Sunday delayed the
McKays' departure for the Virgin Islands
from the scheduled time of noon until
9:30 p.m. as both New York and Wash
ington airports were having difficulty.
This meant an overnight stop at Miami
but this morning they were on their way
again to the Islands.
I have more inspiration than usual to
write to you tonight, Marian, as the en
velope with all the friendly and much
appreciated notes from the Zontians of
Salem arrived today. So many of them
mentioned reading these Capital Journal -letters
and thought I: If that many busy
people take time to read my ramblings,
what better incentive could I have.
' ; i L I
Dancing Party
Planned Monday
Monday Night Dancing club's party
for March will be Monday evening at
the American Legion club, at 7 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gibson are chair
men for the evening and on their com
mittee fire Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burling-'
ham, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Harrison, Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Brown and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert M. Fitzmaurice. .....
Circles of ' Jason Lee - Methodist
church, Woman's Society of Christian
Service, will meet on Wednesday at the
following places:
- January-July a,nd February-August
circles at the Gold Arrow restaurant
for dessert at 1:30 p.m.
May-November circle with . Mrs.
, Claude Mix, 1960 North Church, for
dessert at 1:30 p.m. The March-September
circle will join the May-November
group at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Mary
B. Smith will give the lesson and de
votions will be led by . Mrs. Walter
Nystrom. '., .
April-October circle with Mrs. Glenn
Prather on Roberts road for dessert at
1:30 p.m.
June-December circle with Mrs. E.
W. Gallagher, 710 Highland, for des
sert at 1:30 p.m. i .
Bernard Malnwaring, publisher and
editor of the Capital Journal, will be
speaker at the dinner meeting of the
Business and Professional Women's club
on Tuesday evening. His subject will
be "The Ramparts to Preserve Our
Wit.- George Causey, public affairs
chairman, and Mrs. Cecil Hobbs, na
tional security chairman, are in charge
of the meeting. Mrs. Louis Neuman is
is to arrange for special music. The
group will meet at the Golden Pheas
ant at 6:30 o'clock. .
Frank Hale, young son of Mr. and
Mrs. P. W. Hale, is to be five years old
on March 23 and a series of events are
honoring him on the occasion.
Tomorrow, he will be feted at a fam
ily dinner at the home of his grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frrfnk Schampler at
Turner. Monday evening, a dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Cushing will
honor Frank. Next week-end, the Hales
and Frank will go to Wlllard, Wash, to
visit the paternal grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. G. Hale. A family dinner will
honor Frank and bis mother, who is ob
serving her anniversary in early April.
Stayton Recently announced was the
engagement of Miss Doris Lambrecht,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lam
brecht of Stayton, to John N. Mack, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Micheal Mack of Aums
ville. No date is set for the wedding. Mr.
Mack recently reported for military ser
vice. The bride-elect is a senior at Stay
ton Union high school.
Mrs. Louis Maurer will be hostess to
the Salem Navy Mothers club at her
home, 481 North 18th, on Tuesday at
8 p.m. Marine and coast guard mothers
also are invited to attend.
(JuUa-uultr tulo leure)
Mrs. Patnam and the
HE Y-Teen and Tri-Y Mothers
club is meeting next Thursday.
March 26, for dessert at 12:30
o'clock in the YW. ; :
' Mrs. Harold O. Schneider, president
of the YW board, and Mrs. A. A.
Schramm, a past board president and
now ot the 'building -committee, ' will
speak to the group on "Who's Who and
What's What in the YWCA." .
' Mrs.' George Beane will be toastmis
tress for the dinner event planned by
Salem Toastmistress' club on Thursday
evening. The group will meet at the
Golden Pheasant at 6 o'clock.
Speakera will be Mrs. Sue Booch, Mrs.
J. M. Hartley, Mrs. Louis Neuman, Mrs.
A. J. Ullman and Miss Constance Wein
man, General evaluator will be Mrs.,
Marlon Wooden. .
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WED LAST Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. David Kowlli (Joanne Fry), shown
here leaving the church following the servlee. The bride Is the dauihUr ef Mrs. John
Fry and Mr. Kewlls Is the sea ef Mr. aad Mrs. Chris J. Kewita, Br.
Miller-Simpson Wedding at First
, Congregational Church- Today ii
Wed this afternoon at a ceremony In
the First Congregational church w ere
MUs Edlthanne Kay Simpson and Law
rence Arthur Miller, Dr. Brooks Moor
of the First Methodist church reading
the service at 3 o'clock. . . . -
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Rockwell Simpson of Salem and
Mr. Miller is the son of Levi A. Miller :
ef Hubbard. .
; Spring blooms and candlelight decor
ated the church for the service..: Light
ing the candles were Misses Glenna
Parks ef Albany and Bean Fletcher of
Salem. . Both - wore yellow : organdy
. frocks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin W. Potter sang,
Jean Hobson Rich playing the organ.
In White Dress . -
- The bridal dress, floor length, was of
white nylon lace and tulle over satin
worn with a long-sleeved lace Jacket
, which was styled with Peter Pan collar,
the sleeves edged with tiny pearls, The
dress had a deep peplum of the same
lace. For her flowers the bride carried
pale pink feathered carnations and ate
phanotis with white orchids in the cen
ter. Mr. Simpson gave his daughter in
marriage. ' - .
Miss Freida Carlson of Portland was
honor attendant. She wore an orchid
lace end net over taffeta dress.
Miss Elaine Peterson of Sherwood and
Miss Kathleen Wilkes of Salem were
Town and Gown
Program, Tea ,
Next Thursday .
March' progiam and tea for Town
and Gown club are planned for next
Thursday afternoon, March 26, -,
"v The program will be at 2 o'clock in
' the social rooms at the First Congrega
tional church and there will be special
. music. '
:, Mrs. Wolf Von Otterstedt is to sing, '
" Mrs. E. Donald Jessop as the accom
panist. '-; ' Y ' ,:" ''
" Chairman for the tea is Mrs. James T, '
Brand, i .Y
- The Salem Music Teachers assocla- :
tion will present a group of student
musicians in recital on Monday, March '.
23. The program,, which will begin at
7:45 will1 be at the Willamette unlver
sity music hall. .,, ... v .
The recital, an all boy program,- will
feature the following students; Don Ga
len Jessop, Lewie Davies. Randy Towers,'
Robert . Stevenson, Richard Rash, Ralph
Oliver,- John Wesely,, Jimmy Bowlln,
; Ronald Groat, John Wood, Jimmy Dav
enport, Charlie Friend, Vernon White
hurst, Richard Teague, Ross Cooley,
: Woody Bennett, Francis Gasklns, Philip
Hockspier, Ronald Hershberger, James
" chittick. i
Executive group of the Council of
Church Women is to meet Tuesday at
1:30 p.m. in the Fireplace room at the
, City library. -
Announcement has been received -of
the state meeting of the Oregon Coun
cil of Church Women in Forest Grove
next Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs.
Walter C. Glertbach, wife of State Sen
ator Glersbach, is president of the state
council. ' : ' '
' '
V .
-' I
the bridesmaids. Both wore identical
frocks of aqua lace and tulle over taffeta.
' " Grant Mill of Salem was best man.
Ushers were Douglas Nelson of Canby,
Ralph Miller of Portland and Albert Mil-
ler of Redmond, brother of toe- bride
groom. .
For her daughter's wedding, Mrs.
Simpson wore a dusty rose dress with
: navy blue and white accessories, and a
' corsage of pink rosebuds and violets.
Beeeption Follows " . 1 '
The reception was In the Carrier room
of the First Methodist church following
the service. Yellow and orchid were the w
theme for the reception decorations, the
. table set with yellow candles and nose-
(ays of violets and spring blossoms. Mrs.
W. Lester Hunsperger, aunt of the bride,
cut the cake; and pouring were Mrs.
Marvin Simpson, . sister-in-law of the
bride; Mrs. Robert Aaderson, cousin of
the bride, and Mrs. Henry Lutz, aunt of
the bride. Assisting were Miss Alta
Hidley, Miss Elaine Irwin, Miss Jtaa
Forbes, Miss Darlene Gortmaker, Mr.
Ralph Miller, Mrs. Grant Mills. ,
; For going away the bride wore a navy
blue suit with pink and navy accea- 1
- sorles and the white orchid from her
bridal bouquet.;' ; .
Following a trip to northern Washing
' ton, the couple will be at home in Vet
erans Village, Monmouth,' both attend-
ing Oregon College of Education. '
Some Notations .
By MX J.
The party of parties for the legislature; :
the "clambake of clambakes for the
session" In other words,' the second
biennial , 'Timber Party'fJ put on by
senators and representatives from coun -ties
in the fourth congressional district
was a big success Friday night at the
American Legion club More than
400 turned out for the event, including
all members of the senate and the house
and their wives, state officials and their
wives, secretaries and clerks in both
houses, the press, and many from the
lumber industry assisting in arranging
the affair . . , It was the big jollifica
tion party of the session ... For thia
affair, political differences, issues and
all their problems were forgotten, and
everyone let down and had. one swell
' time i!.X It. was a costume affair for
: a good majority attending red hats, '
plaid and red shirts,, and typical log
' ger's outfits for. the men; ginghams, .
prints and sports attire for the ladies .-. .
. Using a lumber industry term, the
t party was dubbed the "Second Setting"
; ot the Timber Party . i ' The committees
,in charge put in hours fixing up for
the event . Two huge logging trucks
. were arranged in front of the entrance,
. the long poles used with them forming
a bower as it were for guests to pass
; j under to get in the door . , , Fir bought
'and trees decked the hall throughout
j Huge axes befitting Paul Bon
. an, legendary hero of the lumber In- '
dustry; miniature trees on the tables,
' and signs galore featured the decora
tions . . . "Debusing? crews were on
hand as guests entered the "timber,"
each one receiving a good sprinkling
from hand sprayers operated by the host
' group you Just didn't guess or worry '
about contents of the spray . The
. hosts-wore little badges reading "bull
i cooks," others "skid greasers,", others,
"Whistle punks.!' , , . One sign informed
that the door beneath led to the "Spruce
Budworm Station,"- another over the
kitchen door read "Ulcer Gulch," and
there were many more of them, but
then for this writing we better skip
some of them . . ,
For costume honors we would nom
inate Marion county's dignified Sena- '
. tor Frederick' s. Lamport his bright
, orange wig (and he insisted he had
pent hours trying to comb his hair), and
a set of horsy teeth would give, one
the shudders . . . ,,. . ', v j . , '
Entertainment included numbers by
the famous Swiss Family Fraunfelder
from Hood River; songs by a barber
shop quartet; community singing led
by Senator Paul Geddes of Roseburg;
and dancing, there being an orchestra
' for the dance . . . ..
. The supper was buffet, the long table
set up in the south dining room . . .
The secret of what happened to Paul
Bunyan's Babe the Blue Ox was reveal
ed it was all a lot of bologna, and sura
. enough it was, a super huge bologna
gracing a special table , , . .. - ''
- Among chairmen for the party get
ting special mention: Representative
.. Loran Stewart, Cottage Grove;, Senator
Paul Geddes, Roseburg; Representative
Robert Root, Medford; Mrs. Root, Mrs.
Gene Brown, wife of Senator Gena
Brown of Grants Pass; Representative .
John Amaeher of Winchester, and many
others . , ,
Among special guests: Governor and
Mrs. Paul L. Patterson; Secretary of
State and Mrs. Earl T. Newbry; State
Treasurer Slgfrld B. Unander; Attorney
General and Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Heltiel; Mr.
end Mrs. Harry 8. Dorman; Max Lin
don, former state representative from
Linn county, and Mrs. Landon, over
from Sweet Home; Dr. and Mrs. Ned
Fowler of Astoria; Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Marsh of McMlnnville, the former the.
twin brother of Senate President Eugene
Marsh; Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Purvlne;
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Mairan; Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Bown . . .
Meeting at 8 o'clock Wednesday at the
Scottish Rite temple will be Cherry
court, Order of Amaranth. Election of
officers will highlight the business meet
ing. ..
In charge of the coffee hour are Mr.'
and Mrs. George Maurer, chairmen, Dr.
and Mrs. C- Ward Davis and Mr. and
Mrs. Evert Given.