Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 21, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Spinsters Style Show, Card Party
Saturday; to Aid Hospital Projects
A highlight event for the coming week
will be the Salem Spinsters club'i ityle
how and benefit party next Saturday,
March 28, at the Marion hotel.
Dessert will be at X o'clock, the fash
Ion event and card games to follow.
Bridge, canasta and pinochle will be
played, each group planning to play to
take their own table accessories.
' Music for the show is to be given by
a string trio, Miss Gladys Blue at the
piano, Mrs. Ralph Bolliger, violinist, and
Miss Wllma Aller, cellist.
Mrs. Peter M. Gunnar Is to be com-'
mentator for the show.
Styles for the show are from the
Fashionette. Raemar's are showing the
hoes and bags.
"Gateway to Fashion" Is the theme
for the fashions event.
Proceeds from the benefit go to three
projects being sponsored by the Spln
' sters a room for the new Salem Gen
eral hospital, a room at the Salem Me
morial hospital, and assistance to a pa
tient at the Eugene Children's hospital
Models for next Saturday's show will
Include members of the club, Mrs. Don
ald Wells, Mrs. John Slanchik, Mrs.
Ronald Jones, Jr., Mrs. William R. Shinn
and her little daughter, Julie; Miss Phyl
lis Johnsen, Miss Sue Rawllnson, Mrs,
Blair McCabe, Mrs. George C. Alexan
der, Mrs. Wallace Guild, Mrs. Roger
Schnell, Mrs. Newbury Close, Miss
Mariann Crolsan, Miss Sharon Hamilton,
Miss Beverly Lytle, Miss Ann Carson.
Miss Evelyn Johnson is general chair-
Miss Newbry
To Be Wed Here
On i June 14
A June bride will be Miss Shirlee
Newbry, daughter of Secretary of State
and Mrs. Earl T. Newbry.
Miss Newbry is announcing Sunday,
June 14, as date for her marriage to
William Bissell, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Bissell of Ashland.
The ceremony will be solemnized at
o'clock in the First Congregational
church here. The reception following
will be at the Newbry home on East
' Rural street.
The engagement of the couple was
announced a year ago. Miss Newbry
is graduating on June 8 from Oregon
State college, where she is a member
of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Mr. Bissell
is a graduate of Willamette university,
where he is affiliated with Phi Delta
Theta, and is now teaching at the Cas
cade union high school.
' Among hostesses planning prenuptlal
parties for Miss Newbry are Misses Su
zanne and Joan Barnes, who are plan-
. ning a party during spring vacation
' this next week. Misses Barnes arrived
home this week-end from University of
. Washington, .
Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce is to be hostess
to the Drama Class on Tuesday at her
home, luncheon to be at 1 o'clock. .
' Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Randle and
daughter, Helen, have moved from Port
land road to their new home at 880
Sears avenue, South Village. The week
before Easter, the Randies will enter
tain their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Parks and their three
sons, Bob, Wayne and Glenn, from To
males, Calif.
Governor and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson
will be at home In the residence they
have taken over at 428 North Winter
street the first of the week.
Honoring Miss Marie Weber, who is
to be married to Roy H. Mills, Miss
Vada L. Hill and Mrs. Leona Taylor
are to entertain at the home of Miss
Hill next Thursday evening at a bridge
party and miscellaneous shower. Guests
will include members of a bridge group
who played together for many years.
In the group will be Miss Weber,
Miss Gen Longen, Mrs. Marvin McClaln,
Mrs. Eugene Ramsden, Mrs. T h e 1 m a
Walter, Miss Hester Hlllpot, Mrs. Vera
LaDue, Mrs. Blanche Hull, Mrs. Vivian
McClain, Miss Frances Becker, and the
two hostesses.
Soroptlmlst club plans its regular
luncheon meeting for next Wednesday
noon at the Golden Pheasant. The pro
gram will be one on Soroptlmism.
. Chapter BQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood Is to
Meet on Monday evening at the home
f Mrs. C. D. Maus, Fisher Road.
' A large group is assisting with the
annual Easter lily sale planned by Sa
lem City Panhellenic next Friday and
Willamette university women from
the college sororities will be selling Fri
day morning In front of the capltol and
ether state buildings. .
All day Saturday the girls will be
selling the lilies on the streets and
alumnae will be in charge of booths in
the banks.
Mrs. B. W. Stacey is general chairman
for the sale. The headquarters desk for
the sale will be in the Senator hotel.
St. Elizabeth's guild, St. Paul's Epis
copal church, plans its meeting and salad
luncheon for Tuesday at 1 o'clock In the
parish hall. Members are asked to take
' scissors to cut out aprons.
Mrs. Keith Powell Is chairman for the
hostess committee and is being assisted
by Mrs. C. L. Bowes, Mrs. Allan G. Car
son, Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Sr., and Mrs. T.
W. Creech.
man for the benefit plans.
Mrs. Robert Elgin, 84SS4, and Mrs.
Richard Gahlsdorf, 27429, are taking
calls for tickets.
Mrs. Roy Edgerton and Mrs. James R.
White are on the reception committee.
Miss Phyllis Johnsen is in charge of
prizes. Mrs. Delwyn Kleen and Miss
Shirley Karsten are arranging decora
tions. In charge of tickets are Mrs.
William J. Cook, Miss Mary Louise Lee
and Mrs. P. Dixon VanAusdell, Jr.
Mrs. Robert Steeves is chairman for
tables. Miss Janet Kirk is chairman for
models, Mrs. Ralph Underwood is pub
licity chairman, Mrs. Russell C. Haehl,
Jr., chairman for music. Miss Shirley
Karsten and Miss Adele Egan are as
sisting the models.
Among those planning to attend the
party are Mrs. Ernest H. Miller, Mrs.
Harold Schick, Mrs. James R. Phillips,
Mrs. Daniel Fry, Jr., the foursome to
have luncheon together at the home of
Mrs. Miller preceding the benefit; Mrs.
Harland Brock, Mrs. J. N. Bishop, Mrs.
J. P. Schlmberg, Mrs. Warren Ling, Mrs.
Ted Ogdahl, Mrs. James Newcomb, Mrs.
Donald McNeill, Mrs. Malcolm Page,
Miss Ruth Skinner, Mrs. Vera Gleaves, '
Mrs. Frank Lukins, Mrs. W. E. Ritchie,
Mrs. Richard Swain, Mrs. Gordon Krue
ger. The club is meeting Monday evening,
Mrs. Jamec R. White, Mrs. Roy Edger
ton and Miss Adele Egan to entertain
the group at the home of Mrs. White's
parents Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bu-aick.
IBS Rita Lange who is to be mar
ried on the afternoon of Mon
day. April 8. to Melvin J. Maud
lin, U.S.' Air Force, is telling plans for
the wedding this week-end.
The ceremony will be solemnized at
S o'clock that date In the new St. Jo
seph's Catholic church, the Rev. Joseph
E. Vanderbeck officiating.
Soloists for the service will be Gerald
Nettling and Joseph Dougherty.
Miss Rosemary Dougherty if to be
maid of honor. The bridesmaids will be
Miss Eileen Lange, sister of the bride,
and Mrs. Louis Scharbach. Young Miss
Marilyn Lange la to be flower girl for
her sister. . . -
Richard Arlen of McChord field is to
be best man. Groomsmen will be Wil
liam Thompson, Robert Lange, a broth
er of the bride; and Gary Kaiser is to be .
' ring bearer. '
The reception following is planned at
the Knights of Columbus hall.
The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Severin Lange of Salem. Mr.
Maudlin is the son of Mrs. Irene Porter
of Bend, t . . .
Alpha Epsllon chapter of Beta Sigma
Phi is to meet next Wednesday evening ,
at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.' Ebersole
are entertaining' a group of Portland
frienda for an Informal at home at
their apartment in the Lee, Sunday
The visitors will include Mr. and
Mrs. Harold F. Wendel, Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Rinker, Mrs. Gene Inman, Donald
Norton, Mrs. Peggy TenEyck, Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don Orr, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. O'Brien, :
Mrs. Mary Lee Carpenter, Mrs. N. A.
Dew, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goldstone.
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ANNOUNCED recently was the engagement of Miss Thais Joyce Crandall, abore,
daughter of Mr. and Mri. F. Bruce Crandall of Salem, to John S. Cooklln, son of Mrs.
Ann Cankua ef Pasadena and Verio D. Conklin of Detroit, Mich, A June wedding
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AMONG AFFAIRS tt special Interest for next week win be the S&lem gpbuterS'
slab's benefit style show and dessert party next Saturday, March 28, at the Marion
hotel. The party wlu be at 1 e'clook, the style show and later card games to follow
tile dessert. '.-.
ARCH dance for the Cosmls club
will be next Saturday evening,
March 28, the semi-formal party
to be at Izaak Walton league clubhouse.
Esthel Benner's orchestra is to play.
Dancing is between 9 and 12 o'clock.
On the committee for the evening are
Mr. and Mrs. Si Crouser, chairmen; Mr.
and Mrs. Les Peterson, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Rhodes and the hosts will be Mr.
and Mrs.' Bill Patton.' '
' Hostess to her bridge club for lunch
j eon and the afternoon Monday, will be
Mrs. L. C. McLeod.
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee arc
entertaining a group for a supper at
their home following the concert of
Zino Francescatti on Tuesday evening.
A group of 30 friends has been invited.
Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst is to be
hostess to her bridge club next Wednes
day evening. .
OSC Mothers .
Club Sets Tea
The annual spring tea for mothers and
daughters planned by Oregon State Col
lege Mothers club, Salem unit, is next
Thursday, March 28 at the new Fair
mount Hill home of Mrs. K. D. Lytle,
.140 West Lincoln street. '
Hours are between 8 and 8 o'clock.
Invitation is extended to mothers of
all OSC students and alumni to attend,
and a special Invitation is issued through
the press to mothers of students planning
to enter the college in the fall.
Greeting- at the door during the dif
ferent hours will be Mrs. George A.
Rhoten, Mrs. Gerald Richards, Mrs. M.
A. Pekar. In charge of the guest book
will be Mrs, Stan Baker, Mrs. Edwin
Johnsen and Mrs. Karl W. Heinlein.
In the receiving line will be the club
officers, Mrs. Emmet T. Rogers, Mrs. Ed
ward Majek, Mrs. Cliff Parker, Mrs.
Carl J. Wendt, Mrs. A. O. Mueller, and
the hostess, Mrs. Lytle. -
Assisting about the rooms will be Miss
JoAnn Majek, Miss Sally Johnsen and
Mrs. LaVerne J. Young.
Past presidents of the local club have
been invited to pour, the group includ
ing Mrs. John H. Carkin, Mrs. Oscar I.
Paulson, Mrs. Elmore Hill, Mrs. G. A.
Reeher, Mrs. Donald H. Upjohn, Mrs.
Carl W. Emmons, Mrs. George W. Croi
son, Mrs. L. O. Areas, Mrs. Austin H.
Wilson, Sr., Mrs. William Weiderkehr,
I Mrs. Deral Jonesr '
Because of the tea, there is to be no
business meeting for the club this month.
Leaving next Thursday for a week
in San Francisco will be Mr. and Mrs.
Homer G. Lyon, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs.
Wlnton Hunt, the latter of Woodburn.
They are driving south.
Luncheon and program meeting for
Salem club of Zonta International will
be next Thursday noon at the Golden
Pheasant. . (
The program will be presented by the
status of women committee, Miss Doro
thy Pearce and Miss Bertha Kohlhagen
in charge.
Delta Zeta alumnae are to. meet on
Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs.
Virgil Sexton with Mrs. Charles Felke
and Mrs. Bjame Erlcksen as co-host-esses.
Sojourners club's semi-monthly bridge
and canasta party will be next Thursday
afternoon, March 26, at Salem Woman's
club, dessert to be at 1 o'clock.
Mrs. Stanton Zelmer Is chairman for
the afternoon and on her committee are
Mrs. David Brown, Mrs. Gordon Hieber,
Mrs. Lester Orton, Mrs. Del Shields, Mrs.
Darwin Sermon.
XI Lambda chapter. Beta Sigma Phi,
is to meet next Wednesday evening at
the home of Mrs. Tom Deal at 8 o'clock,
Miss Martha Lierly as co-hostess. Mrs.
John Ellis is to present the program.
At the business session, new officers
will be elected.
Among affairs for state official groups
next week is the dinner for which State
Treasurer and Mrs. Slgfrid B. Unander
are to entertain on Friday evening for
members of the board of control and
their wives and for justices of the su
preme court and their wives.
Among elab members maklnr plans for the erent are the four above, looking nr
the formal worn by Miss Janet Kirk, who chairman! the model (roup. Left to rirhti
Hiss Kirk, Mix Erelya Johnson, chairman for the benefit! Miss Loir Mnlcahy, Mia
Shirley Karsten. .
INAL concert of the season for Sa
lem Community Concert assocla-.
tion is booked for next Tuesday
evening, Zino Francescatti, noted violin
ist, to play.
The program will be at 8:18 o'clock in
Salem high school auditorium for as
sociation members only.
Artur Balsam will play the accom
paniments. The program for the evening is as
!' follows:
' I.'
Two Romances Beethoven .
' Sonata No.- 2, Op. 100 . . . Brahms
: Allegro amabile .' .
. Andante tranquilo Vivace
Allegretto grazioso (quasi Andante)
II. 1
Concerto in G Minor . A Bruch
Prelude: Allegro moderate .
Allegro energico
'HI. ,, V :
Tzigane (Rapsodie de Concert) . .Ravel
Prlntemps .Milhaud
Presto- Poulenc-Heifetz
La f ille aux cheveux de lin .
' Gypsy Dance, from "Carmen" ...
i Chapter AB of P.E.O. Sisterhood is
meeting on Monday evening at the home
of Mrs. William E. Smith with Mrs.
Lestle Sparks as co-hostess.
Meeting on Wednesday evening will
be Chapter BC of P.E.O. Sisterhood, at
the home of Mrs. Arthur Bates. The
meeting is changed from Tuesday be
cause of the Community Concert asso
ciation program. Mrs. Walter E. Snyder
is co-hostess.
. Wednesday afternoon literature group
of the American Association of Univer
sity Women is meeting this week at 1:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Karl B.
Kugel, 735 North Capitol.
The- Wednesday evening literature
group also Is meeting this week, at 8
o'clock at the home of Mrs. John O.
Burcham, 455 Grove street. ,
The parish council of St. Paul's Epls
copal church is meeting Wednesday
morning at 9 o'clock in the office of the
rector, the Rev. George H. Swift. The
president and one or more members
from each women's organization in the
church will attend. -
Chadwick assembly, Order of Rainbow
for Girls, will meet for formal initiation
at the Masonic temple on Tuesday at
7:30 p.m. Reports will be given on the
rummage sale and visitations to Leba
non and Silverton.
Arrangements for the trip to grand
assembly In Tillamook, March 27 and
28 will be made, 44 girls planning to
attend. Participating in gand assembly
events wiU be Misses Marlyn Lorenz,
grand fidelity; Nancy Bone, grand repre
sentative to Ohio; and Nancy Rust, grand
choir member. Delegates from Salem
are Misses Arda Lien, worthy adviser,
Joan Neal and Margaret Hildreth.
Chadwick assembly will exemplify the
ballot for grand assembly on Saturday
Rk1' ,dub wUl meet Thursday
with Mrs. Marion Looney, 520 North
22nd. Co-hostesses will be Miss Elea
nor Looney and Mrs. Lowell Sloan. The
program will feature making Easter
P. E. O, Program
Members of Chapter J of P.E.O. Sis
terhood, Woodburn, will be guests at a
meeting for Chapter CB in balem next
Thursday evening at the home of Hit
P. L. Calvert.
Mrs. Charles A. Sprague is to be gueit
speaker to highlight some of her obser
vations while in the east with Mr,
Sprague during the time he was alter
nate delegate at United Nations.
- Co-hostesses with Mrs. Calvert will
be Miss Mildred Deischer, Miss Maxini
Heringer and Dr. Margaret Dowell.
Members of Trinity chapter. Order
of Eastern Star, will' celebrate the third
birthday of the chapter at a party oa
Thursday evening. . The anniversary
event will be a no-host dinner at 8:30
in the West Salem city building, Mrs.
Harry L. Miller In charge.
The public is invited through thi
press to attend a card party which is
to follow at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Forster and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles L. Unruh are chairmen for tat
evening and assisting will be Mrs. Fred
Gibson, 500; Mrs. L. M. Flagg, canasta;
Mrs. Ernest C. Knapp, bridge; and
Mrs. H. D. Kortemeyer, pinochle.
Tickets will be available at the door
and refreshments will be served during
the evening.
Social afternoon club of Alnsworth
chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will meet
for luncheon at noon on Thursday at the
Masonic temple.
Assisting the chairman, Mrs. Morse
Stewart, are Mrs. L. J. Stewart, Mrs.
John Wood, Mrs. Ralph Barry, Mrs. Rus
sell Krueger, Mrs. William Hall and
Mrs. E. J. Potter.
East Salem Lions club auxiliary is
meeting with the Lions on Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Gifford. A baseball film
from the Salem Senators will be shown.
Mrs. Virgil Pade and Mrs. Don Barrick
from the auxiliary are on the. refresh
ments committee.
Amateur Artists association of Amer
ica will meet at the YMCA on Tuesday
at 7:30 p.m.
Halls Ferry Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Conglin of Rt.-4 Box 213 Salem, are be
ing honored Sunday March 22 at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Barker in ob
servance of their 80th wedding anniver
sary. Bertha Webster was married to Ed
ward Conklin March 19, 1903 at the
home of Mr. Conklln's parents at White
Bird, Idaho. ,
Mrs. Conklln's mother, Mrs. NeUie
Bollman, wag unable to attend the wed
ding but will be with them at this oc
casion. Formerly of Chicago, she now
resides In Salem.
The Conklins have six children, Earl
Conklin of Klamath, Calif.; Jim Conk
lin of Salem; Murry Conklin of Corval
lis; Mrs. H. E. Barker, Salem; Mrs. Alton
Smith, Salem; Howard Conklin of Sa
lem. They also have 13 grandchildren
and 13 great grandchildren. They have
lived in the vicinity of Salem for about
35 years.
Invitation through the press 1
tended to the friends of the Conklins.
Calling hours are from 1 to 5 p.m. at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bar
ker, Rt t Box 688.