fatarday. March 21, 1953 THB CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregoa Figt Hresbyt Will Keep L The First Presbyterian church in Salem will remain in iti prewnt location and be permitted to expand along Winter atreet to Center as the result of a unanimous decision reached Friday by member of the capltol planning commit- "Lies for God" Sermon Subject , Evangelist Don Hiatt SpiH man announced his sermon sub Ject for Sunday night as "Tell ing Lies for God." Stating that he will reveal many of the trange predltion of the Bible foretelling it misuse, he said, 'Probably few of these start ling predictions have ever been read to an audience in Salem before. That they are directly fulfilled today will be evident to every listener in the audi ence Sunday night." ' The Spillman-Lyman meet ings in Crystal Gardens are how In their 18th week with excellent interest continuing. Also featured beginning at 6:45 will be the sound film, "Paul's 6econd Missionary Journey" and during the song service, from 7:20, Sharon Splllman will be presented in a piano solo. Crystal Gardens is locat ed at the corner of Liberty and Ferry streets. Every . service closes by 9 o'clock or earlier. Social Evening Held for GoldStarMothers Mr. and Mrs. ' Clarence Brown were hosts to the Sa lem chapter of American Gold Star Mothers and guests for a social evening at their home Thursday. The Browns were assisted by their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brown. Mrs. J. B. Van Cleve and Mrs. Martha Harrington were in charge of the entertainment which featured games and reading by Mrs. J. D. "White. Attending the event were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larking, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Birch, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lappin, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Larklns, Mr. and Mrs. George Pro, Mrs. Henry Merk, Mrs. George Quesseth, Mrs. Ag nes Rohmer, Mrs. Jessie Sand ers, Mrs. Lucy Lichty, Mrs. Cora Hutchinson, Mrs. Laura Johnson, Mrs. J. D. White, Mr. ind Mrs. J. B. Van Cleve. Mrs. Martha Harrington, Mrs. Doris Steinke, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvls, Mrs. Maude Dutton, Mrs. Win ifred Butler, Mrs. Helen Tay lor, Mrs. Edith Morley and Mrs. Alice Tice. r Tne invention ol cannon has been assigned to a monk named Berthold Schwartz in 1313. ST. MARK'S LUTHERAN 143 N. Church lew. John L. Caable, Pastor 11:M .M. The 8ermon, "The Promise f Eternal Inheritance" i : JO AJ. Sunday School 4:M P.M. Adult Ini traction I and 6 :S0 Lather Leagues Wednesday, 7:30 fun. Lenten Service First Church of The Nazarene Center at Thirteenth Evangelistic Services Starting Wednesday, March 25 Her. C. William Firher and Wife In Charge SUNDAY, MARCH 22nd 9:45, Church School; 1 0:50, Worship; 6:30 Youth Devotional Hour; 7:30, Evangelistic Service SALEM'S SINGING CHURCH William F. Clay Minister CALVARY REVIVAL CONTINUES 1 "J MT. CREST ABBEY MAUSOLEUM CREMATORIUM ' West End Hoyt St. Salem Vault Entombment and Cremation Service Crypts Niches Umi "Indoor Memorials in Marble and Bronze" (THE TWO BETTER WAYS) Under Direction Lloyd T. Rigdon, Pres. Salem Mausoleum it Crematorium, Inc erian Chunk ocation sion and the state board of control. ... , The decision is contingent upon the church acquiring two pieces of Dronertv. located on Winter street. Just north of the cnurcn. Governor Paul Patterson an nounced that while the state nad no legal right to make a decision binding upon future boards or state legislatures, he would request the attorney general to endeavor to pre pare some declaration that will assure use of the property in question by the church "In tne unseeable futureV' A committee renreaentlne- the church, headed by William L. Phillips, accepted the de cision and declared neaotia- tions for the needed Dronertv wouia ne attempted immedi ately. .uean ueorge W. Gleeson. a member of the capitol planning commission, said that the com mission was unanimous that the church building should be allowed to remain on Its pres ent location and that expan sion of the church, with due regard to architecture, on the east side ol the church build ing, to fit in with the mall. would be an asset to the mall development. "In our original concent of the mall," Dean Gleeson said, "we did not believe that the church would detract from the beauty of the mall and further that the church would be the last building to be removed Senator Rex Ellis end Repre sentatives Dave Baum and Rob ert L. Elfstrom, members of sub-committee of the joint ways and means committee. told the group that the ways and means committee was op posed to the state purchasing the church property. He said the sub-committee members felt that If the church expand' ed along Whiter street, and in doing so made investments that would bring the value, of the church lant to between $750, 000 and $1,000,000, public opinion would not permit the state "ploughing under the church." Sen. Ellis said that the com mittee was ready to introduce legislation which would per mit the board of control to dis pose of two lots, now the prop erty of the, state, located on Winter and Center streets. In return for extra expense the church would, be put to in designing Its building to fit the proper mall setting, the state might well Jell its property to the church at actual cost of the property to the state. Dr. Paul N. Poling, pastor of the church, said that the church manse located on Chemeketa street, by the east side of the church would be removed immediately. Future development of the plant pro vides for a new sanctuary facing Center street, addition of another Sunday school room, and use of the present tench ary as a chapel. uovernor Patterson, con eluded the meeting with the statement that he would re quest Attorney General Robert Thornton to draft a declara tion which would show plainly tne intent ol the present board of control and legislature, for guidance of future boards and legislatures In regard . to the tenure of the church on its present property. Joe Calderon Associate Calvary Chapel . 1143 N. 1IBUTV mw.j.$.WATxms . Preaching Bible Deliverance NIGHTLY EXCEPT MON. Two Great Services Sunday 2:30 and 7:30 P.M. Rev. & Mrs. S. Murdock Pastors Consolidation of the Mission Bottom, Eldridge and Waconda school districts, votea earlier in the week, was made official Friday morning by action of the district boundary board, composed of Mrs. Agnes Booth, county superintendent of schools, and members of the county court . I The vote was canvassed and the results were: Mission Bot tom, yes 21, no 3; Eldridge, ye 28, no 0; Waconda, yes 20, no 9. The consolidation will be come effective as of April 1 The consolidated district will operate the Eldridge and Wa conda buildings, with Mission Bottom being dosed. - Rotary Hears Fire Problems Woodburn E. L. Smith, Sa lem fire chief, was the guest speaker at the Woodburn Ro tary club Thursday noon. His topic was "Who Are Members of Your Fire Department and Why?" J. Melvln Rlngo was program chairman and intro duced the speakere. Reports were given on the area conference held this week in Portland by President J. F. Lacey, President-elect William Merriott and Secretary P. C. McLaughlin. , Others who attended were Ed Tweed, Winton Hunt, Hom er Wadsworth, H. M. Austin, N. F. Tyler, Howard Butter field, O. J. Adkinson, Kenneth McGrath. Henry Miller and G. H. Ahrens. Mrs. Lacey and Mrs. Miller also attended. Next week the speaker will be Dr. Titus A. Frazee of Port land on the topic "Event in Eternity." Ernest Livesay will ee program chairman. - . Dallas Presbyterians Plan Rummage Sale Dallas Meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Charles Zemanlck wa Circle C of the Presbyterian church. The busi ness meeting was conducted by Mrs. George Kurre, and Mrs. Harriet Ens tad led devotions. It was decided by the women that they would hold rum mage sale during the month of April, the exact date to be de cided later. . Refreshments, centered on a at. ratricK's Day theme, were lurnisnea lor tne ladies by Mrs. Zemanlck. At the close of the meeting Mrs. George Kurre invited the group to her home for the April meeting, and Mrs. Claude Al len volunteered for devotions. Salem Heights Liberty-Salem Heights Mrs. Donald Dawson and Mrs. Har old Rosebraugh were the proj ect leaders for herbs for variety and accent in food at the Liberty-Salem Heights home ex tension unit meeting Thursday at the Salem Heights Commun ity hall with 24 attending. Mrs. Orville Raymond con ducted the business meeting and Mrs. Don Griffith, Mrs. William Gardner and Mrs. Har old Rosebraugh were appointed on the nominating committee. Mrs. Earl Parker reported on the program for next year, and lt was, announced that the groups project at the Marion county homemakers festival scheduled for 'April 26, would be functional house dresses, with Mrs. Earl Parker and Mrs. Harvey Willard in charge of tne project. Their job will be decorating the dining room stage. On the decoration com mlttee are Mrs. John Douglas ana Mrs. Clarence Grlffis. . Mrs. John Driessler, . Mrs. Harold Rosebraugh and Mrs. E. L. Gray are on the money raising project for Azalea House. Hostesses were Mrs, Ernest Free and William Gard ner. Joining Husband Silverton Mrs. James Strom left recently with her aunt, Mrs. E. H. McColley for San Luis Obispo, Calif., where Mrs. Strom will join her hut' band, stationed 'there with the army. Her aunt will continue on to Los Angeles to visit relatives. Laf el - U fLmnw' uiDo.e i our nemai uieij f The Science f Mind .1 EVERY PROBLEM CAN BE SOLVED 1 Learn the Low of Mind in Action i Why you think. How you think, y What to think. f'$. visaiea ivnamm 07 r h f TON! ARLOA VAN ORNUM Salem Fridays. 8 p.m., Sunday. 11:15 a.m. at 1320 Edgewafer SI. Eugene Mondays, 7 P.M., Eugene Hotel ' Portland Wednesdays, 1 and 7 P.M., Congress Hotel Write tor Free List of Books THE NEW LIBRARY, 1320 Edgewafer St. Camellia; Rhododendron Show Dated Here April 4-5 Held in Salem April 4 and 8 will be the fifth annual show of, the Salem Camellia and Rho dodendron society, with the place for the show Stan Baker's Motors on Chemeketa street. Exhibits for the show are to be In place by 1 o'clock Satur day afternoon and the show will open at 2 p.m. Hours Sun- OK Survey of Wafer Supply , The house state and federal affairs committee voted Friday for a two-year legislative sur vey of water resources, with some indication that the com mittee intends to bury the "Pelton Dam" bill. The investigation would cov er all use of state water, with the Idea of finding a solution to the constant arguing over which waters should be used for power, irrigation, fishing and domestic use. - Some committee members, who declined to be quoted, said they believe the bill for the investigation is intended by the committee as a substitute for the "Pelton Dam" bill, which would allow court ap peals from decisions of the Hydroelectric commission. This latter bill was intro duced for Portland General El ectric company, which was re fused permission by tne com mission to build Pelton Dam. Reserve Officers Will Be in Salem In Salem Thursday night to visit the Salem branch school of the U. S. Army Reserve school at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., were two Army Re serves ' connected with the school and two regular army men stationed at Vancouver. The reservists were Col. Car lo Piluso, commandant of the school, and Col. Walter Shultz, director of training and assist' ant commandant. Regular army men in the group were Col. Ronald E. Hutton, senior army instructor for the re serves at Vancouver Barracks, and Lt. Col. Phillip Judson, unit instructor at the U. S. Army Reserve school at Van conver Barracks. Woodworkers Stalled, Talk Strike Action Portland U.K The CIO Woodworkers .Union have warned it may take strike ac tion against Northwest lumber and logging employers unless a contract negotiation stale mate was broken. However, the union's nego tiating group told its 80,000 members yesterday that "every reasonable effort" would be made to avoid a strike. The union, has been nego tiating for several weeks with employers throughout the northwest for $1.80 per day increase in pay, but with no progress reported. to keep fit! iTVMRmwRinfooismi Ukfftl by Iht Btkwi et Multr Bread aa el ! 1 lowwoaonB MICH m iHIICT day will be from noon until 7 p.m. Merchandise prizes will be offered in each section. . Divisions for the shrew are: BeeUon 1. elnalee-deaa L eui4 reel ka i. Mild wait! eleea 1, .oils sink: eleae e. tarleated. SeeUoa S. eemlHloublee Cleae J, Willi red! claaa I. aolld anlUI elaet S Mild plnkl eleaa 4. varlieted. SecUea 1, double-Cleat I, Mild nd: eleae s. Mild wbtui eleae S, Mild pink: eleae 4. varlaeted. BcUoa 4, peour tad Incomplete form clui 1, Mild ndl el&u J. Mild MUM: eleae 3, Mild pink: alaee 4, verlteted. section Beat exhibit or dUplu ol CemeUlaa nol leu than Ure verleUee srown ouUtdo In emateur'a own ludn. SeeUon t, PolUd Comelllae Claaa I. boat ttnilo or Mml-doubli cImi 2, boot doahlo vlu or wttnoul atemene. aoeuon 1, HaododenoroM and aaallaa lu 1. beat truu or plant of hybrid: eleea s, boat truu or paint ol apecloaj iu 3. Mai uuee or plant or Jueua. OoeUoa a, err ante menu, only ono al lowed In each claaa Clau I. CemeUlaa oturi eleaa 2. outer nowara allowed: Ce meUuto end Rhododendrone nuit pre dominate: eleaa 3. club: cemelllea, Aae llea or Rhododondrona mutt predominate, SO lnchae allowed. aaeUon I, .print flowarlnt bulba end plante Claaa 1, beat Hyaclnthue elnale apeelmen: elan X, beat Deliodlla. three or more: claaa 3, beat Taupe, ono or tone; eleaa 4. beat Irla. one or three; eleae S, any nowerlne bulb not Uated ebon: eleu S, any flowertas plant not hated above. SeeUoa 14. flowering tnea or enrobe Clew 1, beat emtio truu or branch; elace S. beat veae of .three truaaea or branchei: cleu 3. beat anrub In pot or tub. Woodburn PTA Slates Program Woodburn The regular monthly meeting of the Wood- burn Parent-Teacher associa. tion will be Tuesday, March 24 at 8 p.m. In the Washington school and a varied program is planned. Mrs. All Nelson is program chairman. A nominating committee is to be appointed to report at the April meeting when new PTA officers will be elected. Mrs. Harmon Yeary, direc tor ot the Marion county pub lic health nursing program. will show the film .. "Angry Boy." Dr. W. G. Barrows, child plurychiatry consultant In the Marion county child guidance clinic and also on the staff of the Oregon State .hospital, will conduct a discussion. Refreshments will be served by seventh grade mothers. , Gov't Cracks Down on Ships Supplying China Washington ums The sov- ernment has cracked down on 14 Greek shippers who alleged ly have been using surplus U. S. vessels to trade with Com-' munist China. , The Maritime Administration last night declared the mort gages on the ships in default because the owners failed to file required certificates of seaworthiness. Who are taking refuge in these UesT Will God punish the liar and let the deceived go free? What are some of the lies? The strongest lecture ot the series thus far. SUNDAY NIGHT, MARCH 22, IN THE CRYSTAL GARDENS, LIBERTY FERRY , 6:45 Moving Picture "Paul's Second Missionary Jour ney." 7:20 p.m. Song service and Special Music 8:00 p.m. Evangelist Spillman's Lecture Follow the Crowds and Receive a Warm Welcome! m' . i I w i 1 V m) ytf- Vi. DON HIATT SPILLM AN Students See Rescue Truck Pupil ot the high and junior high schools of Marlon county will have the opportunity of inspecting the recently acquir ed rescue trucks of the Oregon Civil Defense Agency as result of the tour schedule arranged by Marion county civil defense, u iM announced vy w aiiacej . Wharton, county director. The truck, designed and equipped to serve as a mobile operating headquarters for civ il defense rescue teams, will make a tour of the high and junior high schools in the week beginning Monday, 23 March. At each school the pupils will board the truck and see the arrangement of specialized gear and equipment needed lor res cue work in any kind of a dis aster' whether caused by war or natural forces. The following is the ached' ule for the county tour: . Monday, March 23 Wood- burn high, Gervals high, North Marion high and St Paul nigh. Tuesday, March 24 Cascade Union high, St Boniface high at Sublimity, Stayton high and St. Mary's school in Stayton and Jefferson high. Wednesday, March 25 Mill City high, Gates high and De troit high. Thursday, March 26 Silver- ton high and junior high, Mt. Angel Academy and Mt. Angel Preparatory school. : Friday, March 27 Sacred Heart Academy, Salem. The truck wiU visit Leslie Junior high, April 28, Parrish Junior high April 29 and Salem high school April 30 and May 1. Civil defense officials will accompany the truck to explain Its functions and operations. Bible Discussions. Woodburn Men - of St, Mary's will meet Sunday, March 22, at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall for the first of aeries of regular monthly discussions of the Bible. The sessions will be from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. on the 4th Sunday of each month hereafter with Tom Hanna, president, as discussion leader. ' WORSHIP WITH US , SUNDAY-11:00 A.M. ' at tha ELSINORE THEATRE "We Believe in the Kingdom of God" !,: Sermon by the Minister : ' TfiCTMnHMieTCHian ; Brooks H. Moore, Minister "The Man With a Message" -aw. M ltr.tlals.lM4 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5655 UNITED REPAIR CO 2SS N. LKERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and AH f mall ' Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery oa Large Appliances . . Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owners - APPLIANCE SALES SALEM LIGHTING & APPLIANCE CO., It N. HIGH IT. "BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER BIGHT! New Store Across from Court House Square Small Appliances Lighting Fixtures of All Kinds - AUTO WHEEL ALIGNING Ph. 2-1 CO 1 UNITED WHEEL ALIGNMENT 1 90 S. 1 2th Now Under New Management C. H. "CLTJT" ESICKSON We specialize in Wheel Aligning, Balancing and Brake Rapair, Wheel and Axle Straightening. Call Us for Estimates or . Pickup and Delivery AWNINGS-TENTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT & AWNING CO. 729 N. UIERTY Canvas Goods of Every Description ' ; "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" BRICKWORK PRANK'S SERVICE INSIDE and OUTSIDE Fireplaces, patios, planters, brick steps, etc. Alto patch -plastering. Chimney tops. 1 ALL WORK GUARANTEED CHINESE FOODS China cafe 2035 fairgrounds rd. Specializing in Chinese & American Foods . Featuring "Good Foods - WeU prepared" . Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC MORTARLBSS BLOCK CO; 14th & I. HOYT - - Approved - Reinforced - Rectangular Precast Septic Tank Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks -Interlocking Blocks '" ' In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSER BROS. 1185 S 12th ST. Garden Tillera - Power Mowers - Paint Snravera . Air Com. ' pressors - Sanders - Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mower ' , ' Sharpening - Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 21 7 S. HIGH ST. ' " Armstrong & Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Til Z 1 Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Given) t .''; IRRIGATION - PUMPS . Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO. 1810 LAN A AVE. ,f Water Systems Deep Well Turbines '" ' Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING r Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOTORCYCLES SKROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES 3007 PORTLAND RD. . . . ' American & British Motorcycles - Indian, BSA, ' Matchless, Triumph Cushman Scooters 'If it has Wheels and a Motor we can BUY, SELL or FIX IT" MOVING & STORAGE Ph. 3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER ; SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" .' Office 1120 N. Liberty - Whse. 180 B. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting -Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., Ill COURT ft. W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN ROAD OILING Painting Contractors Ph. 3-4783 F. O. REPINE CO. 2585 PORTLAND ROAD Residential, Commercial, Spray ot Smih . WE GO ANYWHERE... ANY SIZE JOB Call Us for Estimates and Color Planning Service - ' PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING ft HEATING Repairing ' IBS Chemeketa Contracting ' Residential Commercial Industrial : ; PRESCRIPTIONS - We give Penny Saver Stamps ' THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 1-3117 , 110 S. Ubirly 310 Court, Downtown 2440 tratr, IMkal (satw 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. 130 6. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P.M. and 0:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays Radio Repair .MrSES. Ph. 3-7577 ! MITCHELL'S Radio-Television 1880 StaU Motorola Dealers , Pick up TELEVISION H EIDER'S RADIO & TELEVISION 395 N. HIGH Home and Auto Radio and Television Specialists in the Willamette Valley for 28 Years SERVICE . INSTALLATION - SALES r Ph. 39412 Ph. 26545 Ph. 2-6596 TANKS Ph. 37324 Ph.2-1423 Ph. 3-5584 Ph.2-4151 1174 Edgewafer St Oft S-1749 WEST SALEM mn?n TWEEDIE FUELS OILS oSO STANDARD OIL DEALER , 24 HOUR JfSVKf Ph. 3-9123 for ' General Eltctrl and Delivery PH. 4-2271