rag z 'In the Valley ' Edited by MIKE FORBES Monmouth Monmouth Janice Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mra. W en- cl all Clark of Albany, and Nor man Bethell. ton of Mr. and Mra. C X. Bethell, Monmouth, were married March 8, at the Firit Preabyterian church, Al bany. After a trip to Oakland, Calif., they will be at home at a farm near stayton. Betneu, a veteran of the navy in World War II, la employed by the Oregon, atate military depart ment at Camp Adair and if a graduate of the Monmouth high achooL Mn. JeMle Wilton returned borne lait week after a year' abaence. The time waa ipent In Waahington, D. C, Alexandria, Va., and New York. Her young- eat ton, now attending Uni veralty of Waahington, plana to enter OCE in September. Saturday. March 21. will be "open houee" wltn tree conee and doughnuts at the opening of- the Monmouth Furniture company" a new branch store in the building next to the Rosa theater. Mr. and Mrs. mm Jac obsen will operate the new store which will stock floor eoverinss and used furniture end arjDliances. Mrs. Jack Stump was speaker for the Civic club Thursday in the club rooms at the city hall. Her subject was "Women of Oregon." - . Plans were made for going to Salem to attend the conference of Federated clubs April a. Four members were initated Into the Monmouth post No. 05, American Legion, Thursday evening. They were Merwln Mlntler, Alfred Bathke, Bobin McDonald and Darrel Mull. The team conferring the rites were Carnes Schulmerich, com mander; Eric Swensen, first vice commander; Oscar Grov ar, second vice commander; Ed win Jensen, past commander; Ermine Gentle, chaplain; and Elmer . Chapin, . sergeant at arms. : Out of town visitors attend ing the 45th wedding annivers ary of Mr, and Mrs. A. D. DANCE OVIR WESTERN AUTO A dm. 60c Tax Inc. Dick Johnson's Orefc. I5 Court Bt. FREE! DAKCE LESSONS I lit SAT. Mil (Prior to our regular dance) CRYSTAL GARDENS Professional Inatrnetion by Mr. Triplett and staff ef tpeelally trained teachera from the JOHrttMJUff Pins Gala Floor Show . 7 A Modern and 7 A I C Old Time C EAUMSYIlli I MWUOJI DANCE very Satmrfav Night 1 ML Bentheast ef Ralcm I . Maate by E LYLE ANP HIS 9 WESTERNAIRES I Broadcast K8LM I 7:18-8:18 P. M. g AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 9 DINE and DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Music by Stubby Mills and Hit land SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER NT MAST WITH 168 8. COMMERCIAL Legionnaires, Aailllary 1IH N. Commercial xen walking ap ever saint store rv in Campbell were Harvey Swarts, Lyman Coburn and Char lee n, Eugene; Mra. Necia Buck, Mrs. Peter Norton and Irene, Belle Hlnter, Corvallls; Mr. and Mrs. ugeqe Kitner, new Deri; airs. Edna Crocker, Portland; airs. Clifford Hastier, Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Martin and three sons, Beaverton. Silverfon Legion To Fefe Commanders . Silverton Through an un Intentional error, the name of Clarence E. Higglnbotnam was omitted from the list of past commanders of Delbert Reeves post No. 7, American Legion ol Silverton who had passed away in an announcement of Past Commanders' Night. " Others of the 35 commanders who have served In this ex ecutive position, and who are I not living, beside Mr. Higgln botnam, are Glenn Price, Claire Jarvls, Dr. A. J. McCannel and George Manolls, Sr. The local post will observe memorials for the deceased commanders, and a . program honoring the past commanders at the 34th annual birthday an niversary of the American Le gion organization Monday eve ning, March 23, at Legion hall. The present commander, Earl Baker, will be official host and Roy Davenport is planning the program and will serve as toattmaster lor tne banquet. Willamina Willamina Among the many residents of the commun ity who are ill this week are Johnny Howell, who has the chlckenpox; Terry Monaco, who has the measles; Jimmy and Geraldine Wade, who have the flu; Nancy Fetch, who Is in the hospital with virus pneu monia; W. B. Lash, who is at home with double pneumonia; Newt Smith, who la in the Mc- Mlnnvllle Convalescent home recovering from a stroke; Bob Buffing-ton, who la recovering from major surgery performed several weeks ago, and Mrs. Elmer Nokleby, who is recov ering In a McMlnnvllle hos pital from major surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts and tons of Sweet Home were Sunday dinner- guettt of Mr. and Mra. Frank Smelser. Call ers later were Mr. and Mra. Guy Smelter and Mr. and Mrs. R. Erlckson and baby of Aumt- vilie. : Mra. Xarl McNamar spent several days this week 'in Junction City with- Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNamar and family. Mrs. Sdna King 'and Mra. Billy Knoff and granddaughter of Keiso, wash., visited with Mrs. Augusta Jensen and Mrs. S. J. Beck this week. Webfoot Webfoot Mra J. n. nu of Webfoot returned home on Wednesday after having ac comrjanied other relatives in I the funeral of her brother, Guy wuiiamson, 45, at Los An geles, Calif. Mrs. Vera Garrett of Day ton visited Mrs. Bell Sunday. Mra. Raleigh Worthlngton of Grand Island, was a Monday i guest of Mrs. BeU. Fairview Fairview H. J. Andrews of Portland ia a guest of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Leldtke of Washougal, Wash., were week end guests at the same home, $400 CHILDREN I 65c KJTA10 MNCAKES PHONE 4-1128 and Their Gaesta Invited Hello aU friends: You are very kind to me during my alckneas and I am very thank you. I am now "back on the Job" (pretty nice phrase newnpaper man tell me to write) and will again cook 'or you very best food In world. Many people like to corns to my place and order Chinese food to take out to home to eat. This is very popular pastime and we will fix wiUi undue delay In tact, wt give you eup coffee to sip while are prepare your order lust to paea tune and help kill short time we need to fix mm mvir fa If you telephone to us and order you will not hare to wait; your order wul be ready when you come. You will like this service. YHSING (that's my name sure) Picture not of me. this my cousin frank Amity Amity Mrs. Karl Burth honored her neighbor, Mrs. Lee Warren, with a stork shower, Tuesday. Attending were Meadames T. M. Davis, Maurice Lewson, A. W. Newby, Gorge Polvt, X. W. Grovea, Elmer Wood, He liner Tborppa, Ralph Wood and Charles Wood. Mrs. Elmer Wood was in charge of entertainment, ... -j Noma Schroeder, noble grand of Industry Rebekah lodge, assisted by some of her officers draped thai - lodge charter in memory of sister Maude Rodgers, past .presi dent of the Rebekah assembly, Tuesday evening .March 17. A finance -committee for 1953 was appointed with Cordla. Morrison, A. R. Glan dpn, and Jewell Lynch. A card party will be held at McMlnnvllle March 23, and Dayton March 27. Amity lodge No. 67 extend ed an invitation to the Rebe kah lodge to Join them in entertaining Harley Looney, grand warden, and aome of the voune neoole who made! the Youth Pilgrimage to United . Nations last year. They have been invited to Amity March II, the Rebek ahe will cooperate. . Mrs. Rose Wood, junior past noble grand, waa pre sented with a potted plant. The noble grand, Nomla Schroder, made the presenta tion in behalf of the officer serving with Mrs. Wood in 1852. A number of Amity folk Journeyed, to Delake last Sun day afternoon for a reception at the Lincoln county Art Center, honoring Mr. - and Mrs. William Lo Graham on their golden wedding anni versary. The couples daughter. grand-daughter, and great-grand-eon, William Lo Rose. attended. Mrs. Graham's brother. Bernard Christensen. Cor vallis, Ole of Portland, nieces and nephews were present. ine Art ' Center presented the couple with a gold tea service. Attending from Amity were Mrs. Katbryn Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Newby, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorenten, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ysmes Sr.. Amity folk attending who now live in Portland were Mr. and Mra. W. R. Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse T. Jones. Aurora Aurora Mr. and Mrs. Har vey N. Everhart have moved to their newly purchased acreage near Molalla after several weeks' stay in a Hubbard motel xouowing sale of their Aurora residence. They are the parents'! 01 iaon Everhart, Aurora-Can-by funeral director. Ernest Netter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herwlg Netter of Ferry road underwent a tonsillectomy at Hutchinson hospital, Oregon City. C. P. Hagen of Riverside is reported seriously ill at the home of hit son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Becke, near Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. George Askin will obterve their 39th wedding anniversary Wednesday, March 25. Also the birthdays of the couple with a dinner at their home to members of their im mediate family. Mrs. Phaen Sayre. Sr.. en tered the Woodburn hosnital for observation during the past week. George Fry Is confined to his home with illness. Unionvale Unionvale Mr. and Mra. Verl Terry of Newport were Sunday dinner guests of his mother, Mrs. Robert Terry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Terry of Portland and Richard Terry of The Dalles were Saturday evening dinner guests at the same home. Richard Terry is a teacher in The Dalles high school and hit wife is teacher in the grade school at The Dalles. Mrs. Richard Terry is spend ing her vacation with her mother who is ill at Sunny- side, Wash. The boys nave been ill with measles. rur .wiY.l AJH Ends Tonne Open 4:00 "HORIZONS WI8T AIM Richard Conte "THE RAIDERS TT ORQW8 ON TREES' arW Starts Sunday Cent, liiS snawieiieiiBwiawaasnjgajB THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sal, Oregon Seek Expansion For Madaren Woodburn A legislative ap propriation of approximately $132,000 for construction to ex pand present facilities and about $29,000 for operational e ape rises win probably be sought for the MacLaren school for boys, according to word re ceived here following a meet ing of the Woodburn commun ity committee with the state board of control .during the It waa believed that there were no immediate nrosoects for an intermediate institution this session. Six members of the local committee which is cooperating out problems of the school at tended the board of control meeting. They asked some im mediate community protection program until such time as a permanent solution of the prob-' lem could be found. During January and February appTox-1 imaieiy zzu noya were boused in facilities provided for IBS, r-rcsciu ui meeting xrom Woodburn were Philip Bran son, committee chairman; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tyler of the Veterans of Foreign Wars post and auxiliary; Mrs. Don Bar rett of the American Legion auxiliary; Mrs. Melvln Bllyeu of the Jaycee-Ettea, and Lynn Simon of the Jaycees. Last week Bob SawteUe, Mrs. Bilyeu and Branson conferred with State Treasurer Sig Unan der in a preliminary session on the problem. Ballston Ballstoti Harry Kaltenback has returned to Cottonwood, Idaho, where he has made fre quent trips in the Interest of the water shortage. . The blacksmith shop recently opened by Mr. Nicely is now operating full time. Mrs. Thurman Snow has re turned to her home in Honey- dew, Calif., following three months spent here caring for her mother-in-law, Mrs. Shade ' Snow. I Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van week. Mrs. Joyce Garver, vocal Grooa, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde i instructor, Barbara Hamann, Smith, Mrs. Mae Yokum, Mrs. i Dave Stump and Arden Deter Rhoda Smith, Mrs. George Moling of Central's Choralairs, and (joiiucn, miss Elsie Taylor, Bob Thompson, band instruct Mrs. Donna Mellema, Dee Mel- or, who has Betty Cline in the lema and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hill attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary Pattee In McMlnn vllle Tuesday. Mrs. Catherine Haynes, an old-time resident of Ballston, Buffered a paralytic stroke at the home of her daughter in Toledo and has been taken to the Corvallls hospital for treat ment. Those completing chairs at the Home Extension meetings were Mrs. George Wilson, Mrs. Howard Shafer and Mrs. Bob Brooks. Salt Creek Salt .Creek Mr. and Mrs. John Giesbrecht entertained at their home Sunday honor ing John's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frye and daughter, Marjorie, of Reno, Nev. Present were Mr. and Mrs. William Giesbrecht with Ty rone and Gloria of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith with Cathy, Stanley and Douglas of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. John Klassen with Sharon and De- lores of Dallas; Mi's. Ray Gies- brecnt with Cynthia and Eu gene and the hostettet and their torn, Roland and Gary. Rev. Emmanuel Wolff spent most of last week in Vancouv-! er, B.C., attending the pastor's ' retreat. Mrs. Agusta Rick of Salem spent a week with her broth-! er and sister-in-law, Mr. and I Mrs. Gus Flietchmann. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Flietchmann were Mrs. Agutta Rich and Mrt. Martha Buhler. In the af ternoon they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flieschmann of Monmouth. , Rev. and Mrs. E. Wolff and Mrs. Otto May and Mildred! were in Portland Tuetday. CONT. SAT SUN. THE WHOLE TOWN IS TALKING ABOUT THIS GREAT PICTURE! . . . AND ACADEMY AWARD WINNER (BEST ACTRESS OF THE TEAR) SHIRLEY BOOTH with BURT LANCASTER . Tarry Moor Rkhard Jaeckel I I sTI HAL WAllir CO-HIT! Independence Independence At the annual convention -of the Oregon Ed ucation association, Henry Te'.z, president of the association, and superintendent of -the district 1C schools, presided over the meeting. The convention was held in Portland the first of this week. Thursday evening the Youth Fellowship group of the First Baptist church met in the rec reation rooms for a social eve ning. A short business meeting waa held and in charge of president Keith Gaines. Miss Virginia Burdge read the financial re port. Following the meeting, fames were played and were in charge of Miss Marie Perkins and Rev. Paul Boomer. A devotional aession waa led Pie and coffee were served the 28 present by Miss Muriel Boomer aa hostess, who was as sisted by Mrs. Vernor Gowen and several young people. A meeting of Adah chapter No. 34. Order of Eastern Star, will be Tuesday evening, March 24, at 8 pjn. at the Masonic temple. The Independence extension unit will meet Wednesday, March 24, for an all day meet ing at the borne of Mrs. Carl Morrison. The subject of the meeting will be "Good Taste in Cloth ing," with Mrs. Malno Reichert aa leader. The regular meeting of the Calvary Presbyterian Needle craft club will be held Thurs day, March 26, in the church parlors. Eight Central high school students and their adviser, Mr. Knight, attended the Llnfleld speech contest at Llnfleld col lege, McMlnnvllle, on Friday, March 13. Steve Ward was the only con testant from Central to reach the contest finals. He compet ed In poetry reading. Gerald Reynolds, Dave Stump, Glenda Fratzke, Paula Sloper, Agnes Scott, Sandra Harwood and Lynda Tyler also participated. j District 13C will be repre- sented at the Northwest Re- glonal Music conference to be heH in Bellingham, Wash., this ; band division, left Tuesday for , , Bellingham. They will compete in contests on Saturday, March 21. Donald Stolz of OCE also accompanied the group. The final session of a six weeks' course in teacher train ing and Sunday school admin istration at the First Baptltt church will be held on Tuesday evening this coming week. Rev. Charles M. Losie, direc- . tor of Christian education for , the Conservative Baptist asso- ! elation of Oregon, has been the Instructor. Mrs. Melford Nelson, Mrs. C. A. Fratzke, Miss Mary Donald son and Mrs. W. F. McBee of Monmouth attended a banquet given by the Delta Kappa Gam ma at Erb Memorial in Eugene recently. APthe state conven tion, Mitt Florence Beardtley was presented the state' educa tion award for the year. A bridal shower honoring Miss Shirley Grover, was glv- pmomi a-aee? John Wayne Maureen O'Hara In Technicolor "QUIET MAN" Abbott A Coatelle Meet Caet Kldd" In Color ' PNont a-arat Gregory Peek "GREAT WHITE HUNTER" Randolph Scott Chat. Langhten . "CAPT. KIDD HELD OYER! Production I MUS I HUGO HAAS I ft Wv y . en at tho home of Miss Har riet Guild on Friday evening. WW- nlntf mimrn niMlt rjlaV- Ina aames. and opening the; Broadacres Mr. and Mra. nWa-Lfts. iPred Howard of Longvlew, -..?.. ifeion Jnilln of i Waih.. have purchased the aihnv . aiaxlne Van Hess, Ilene Allen and Maxine Pank rati "of Salem; Georgia Holt, Mildred Worthlngton, Hazel Kullander, Dorothy Stoltz, and Lucille Hagedorn of Independ ence; Or la Jean Schroeder of Monmouth. Sending gifts were Marjorie Trosper, Rita Lewis, Phyllis Kozisek and Delpha Owens. i - Grand Ronde Merle Warren Post of Em pire, Ore., visited this past weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Post Miss Patricia Petite cele brated her 13th birthday at a party given in her honor by her parents, Mr. and Mra. L. C. Reynolds. Mrs. R. L. VanVleet will spend the next few days with her son, Dan, who is in the University of Washington at Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Titus of Stayton visited this weekend at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Strode. Lyle Squier has returned to his home here from a Portland hospital where he has been a patient with the flu. Meadames Paul Yoder, Ed ward Strode, and Walter Mur ray spent Tuesday visiting in Portland. While there they vis ited the Mary Cullen Cottage. Mrs. Gus Swanson is visiting relatives in Portland. The reforestation project which is being sponsored by the Woman'a club of Grand Ronde will be under way at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 21, The group will be supervised by Lawrence Merriman of Salem, and the children will plant trees in the Van Duzer forest corridor on the state land. Any adults wish ing to participate in this project may contact Mrs. McMillan at 2251 In Grand Ronde. This is the second year for this work. STARTS T TOMORROW! htiwxi by fceenoli. k. ; Co-Hil! Thrills on the Afghan Border MMili ' .. ' At I N- -pi f uZt$kK : prWnrT - Broadacres Broadacres store owned and op erated by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kennaston. The Howarda are remodeling the back of the store so they wm nave a home In Hubbard. Mrs. Mattie Osborne, princi pal of the Broadacres school. waa called away oy ine uwess of her brother, Wednesday, March 18, and the primary teacher. . Mary Nonnenman, took charge of both rooms in her absence. Mrs. Henry Hunt Is in Phys icians and Surgeons hospital in Portland again, having under gone major surgery March 17. This is the second operation on her eye. - Donald Uphendahl, a student at Corvallls high school, is vis iting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T.,J. Hunt, during the spring vacation. It is believed that the first public demonstration of tele Mill City Theatre ,Smar lain-Win OnM a smi mmmy -SlMO.ut. Btft4wir" lad, TMliktTk CkMftoaa 'ErerrtnlBr I Hftra U Inn" plaf linn r,wr Tmt SaMta" . MmM Salem Community Concert Assn. Presents ' Zino Francescatti - Violinist Tuesdy,Mreh24th-8:lSrM. SALEM HIGH AUDITORIUM, 14th AND D Sti. Admittance by Membership onily For Information regarding next season's membership Phone S-8047 rV,M -J hlV MATINEE DAILY FROM 1. LvJatmth o.rSTv . Mnnaer V3W The . MttUHgeTOKMfl .Jfiuxr annum an .., IRVING ASHER-tt4' Ilu A.Bniru . ftjsti ' A PARAMOUNT PlCW f i ; III ilJ ; i Mi, . U. WffUWFOM-c)ar.CREDff rnxW. la t tuau aai ssen "TIT" Saturday,- Marcb SI, 1953 vision iu color in the United States was broadcast in 12. mom 2-782 GATES OPEN : ' SHOW AT 7lU Bade Tecita (get)' 8 Tetfcasnlie ta "THE TREASURE OF THE GOLDEN CONDOB" Cornell WUde Flas THE SAVAGE Charlton Beaton , SUNDAY T Gates :M)-8how ItSt In Technicolor MIUON DOLUS MERMAID lather Williams ' Vktor Mature Pins "DUPHATK ' SEARCH" , Howard Keel PatrieU Matins in ENDS TODAY! (Sei.) HDHEUfSOH WTOfUNe"! "luaumr P.M. of Its Beauty Happiness? uvuin Grandest People, .;;. Most Glorious Songs, Greatest Musical Story... ; That Your Heart Will Ever Hug Tightl -Plusl-Color Cartoon Airmail News I 1 f Bf ' 1 IT Ir I Arm