m m 1 Pag 14 BRADLEY'S BICYCLE 8POET SHOP Formerly Moore'i 2S7 N. Hlfh Ph. 1-3844 capttol omci EQUIPMENT CO. Typewriters Adding Machlnei Accounting Machlnei Calculators ELECTRIC CLEANERS 668 Highland Ph. 1-4821 B. L. ELFSTROM CO. 390 S. Liberty FEDERAL OREGON AGENCY Insurance - All Types IBS N. Capitol Ph. 42201 V. T. GOLDEN MORTUARY 60S S. Commercial Ph.42257 . HENRY'S PHOTO SHOP Thing! Photographic 469 State St ,.' , , Ph. 34508 HOTEL MARION Coffee Shop Open 7 a.ra.-B p.m. Special $1.50 Sunday Dinner Noon Till 8 p.m. HOWELL-EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME Acrou From Sean I4S N. Capitol MCKILLOP REAL ESTATE Phone 18620 408 Center at High VALLEY TRACTOR COMPANY Ford Tractor Sales ft Service 1188 SUvertonRd. SILVER FALLS ELECTRIC Owned 4c Operated by L.H. Campbell 36S0 SUvcrton Rd. Ph. 4-1886 TWEEDIE FUEL OILS "Oil to Burn" Ph. 3-4151 1174 Edgewater Weit Salem BEUTLER-QUISTAD LBR. Co. "Everything to Build With" 495 Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-8181 HUTCHEON PAINT STORE PalnU-Varnlihei-Wallpaper Ph.3-6687 162 N. Commercial Letter DeLapp Transfer-Storage "Local and Nation-wide Moveri" Ph. 31750 1115 N. Commercial THIS SERIES OF ADS IS BEING PUBLISHED SELECTED BIBLE PASSAGES BY SALEM AREA PASTORS Jtremloh 7:2 "Stond In the gate of the Lord'i house, end proclaim there if word, and lay, here the word of the Lord, ond ye Judah, that enter In at theie gate to worship the Lord." Piolm 19:7 "The low of the Lord Is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple." AN ETERNAL FORGE The Wind is like the power of God. It is invisible you can neither see nor tooch it. And yet it will carry a sailboat skimming across the waves with all the beauty and grace and freedom of a seagull . Bat whereas the wind may die and leave you drifting aimlessly and helplessly with the tide, the strength of God remains eternally steadfast. It is through the Church that man is given under standing of this Power. For by worshipping God he can acquire the spiritual insight which gives fuel to his soul and purpose for his pursuits. W. T. RIGDON CO. Funeral Directors 299 N. Cottage Phone 8-3173 CAPITAL TV SALES ft SERVICE Motorola & Stromberg-Carlaon Television Sales, Service, Installation by former RCA Engineers Ph. 4-6402 1430 Broadway DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. One Piece or a Truckload 1775 Lana Ave. Ph. 3-4933 EACH WEEK UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon VALLEY PACKING CO. "The Home of Famous Cascade Hams, Meats, Bacons" 3805 Valpak Rd. Ph. 3-4168 LUMBER DIVISION OREGON PULP ft PAPER CO. Quality Material Courteous Service Front ft Ferry Ph. 2-2421 ROEN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Business Machines 456 Court St Phone 3-6773 AMERICAN 8IBLE SOCIETY AND IN THE INTEREST OF ALL SALEM AREA CHURCHES, AND CIVIC MINDED BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS . ALL FOR THP H f Chun b ih. v""Uit(JH baUdjaTJ iJ W factor on Z, kit, rtnS.. choractr and ..farUl far ""T pen ,our sound JT.!.00 Ml JADE ROOM for BEAUTY Complete Beauty Service Open Evenings by Appointment 1 Phone 3-8836 1872 State St. MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Complete Television and Radio Sales & Service "We Give asf Green Stamps" Phone 3-7577 1880 State WILTS EY MUSIC HOUSE Koehler ft Campbell Pianos Accordions, Guitars, Marimbas Instruction - Rentals Phone 3-7186 1860 State Saturday, March 21, 1953 MASTER BREAD Brought to You Fresh Daily By Your Grocer and Cherry City Baking Co. MAYFLOWER MILK Phone 39205 MONTGOMERY WARD Department Store LES NEWMAN'S Men's Wear and Shoes 179 N. Commercial PAY LESS DRUG STORF "Pay Less Has Everything" 484 State St. Phone 2-3654 ROBERTS BROS. Department Store 6EARS ROEBUCK & CO. Senator Hotel & Coffee Shop SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL 9 P.M. , Court & High Sts., Salem Ph. 34151 THE VIST MARKET Complete Shopping Center 3045 S. Commercial UNITED THEATRE CORP. Elsinore - Capitol Grand Liberty State - Drive-In COAST-TO-COAST STORES "11 Big Departments Everything for Home and Car" Byron Cooley, Owner 333 N. Commercial Ph. 8-7957 ' BLUE LAKE PACKERS, Ine. 876 Patterson Ave. Salem, Ore F. O. REPINE CO. We Go Anywhere Any Size Job 2585 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-4783 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Authorized Buick Sales-Service 388 N. Commercial Ph. 2-3621 IS SPONSORS rytu PUBLIC SPR,TED p ' H u n fj fc, .1 I i2il twadkmi fessliiiJsiiWIietiitiifSise.t