fatordar, March 21, 1ISS WAMT1D FUtNITURt. TT HE M)R SALE LIVESTOCK Professional HORSESHOEING J forit tht thoe to fit the foot. This Is tht out for tht horn, tii Shlvelr, 1171 BuvsrtoB ltd. oOO C3JTNCHILLAB Proven brttdtn or mDi mated pairs. Easy ttrmi. Write ar phone for frtt literature, vloltore welcome. Croat ChraehlDa Reach, toot vortJand od. j lf Jt jffj LIVESTOCK WAN HP UK3KER BtlF Whltt ftct Hereford, StsTLocker pork, loo. nothing down, f east, to Per. ouitora kill inf. Trailer leaned frtt. Stint Mt Co., 1131 S. 3tth. n. I-4IM. jjjiiiiifrn RAEBITS WIXO HEIDI CALIFORNIA BUCKS ul cloee. Phone Iabbits WANTED. Any tut and ouan utr. Alio purebred breodlns itock for Hu Phone 1-7107. eb7l ipeewsefsm PITS MOORE TBOFICAL ma, equipment, supplies. 1 mllti from Lancaster on Madeey road. Fbont 4-1774. Cloeed Wadneadere. eats C7MICI CANARIIS 110 Cbemeketa It n. i-isos. ' HOLLYWOOD AO.UABIUM IMS McCoy, a block tatt of H. Cepttol, Its Meekt aorth of Madison. Pb. 1-U7. tell' FUEL - BUT AMDEBEON'I hindplektd dab--wood, sow 1 oordt 111.00. Fhont 1-7751 at i.bj. ttn Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. ek p your Pmto-Loes, Brtoaeta and Wood, IN Bo. Com'L, pbont I-17JI. Oregon Fuel Co. BXiAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phone S-SS3S I07 Broadway - aa Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. oriuuuj rvn v . Planer trlmmlnti, at load. Pbont 17791 Hiway Fuel Co. awduit tubt strrlct, sU kradt tf wood. Phont l-444. wBaivnv wvi.t.o. ifi ufIu for tl. or i fl ton. 13 ton dtllmtd In town. Mor- Front. "' ' i West Salem Fuel Co. I SLOCKWOOD, M" CLEAR . IMMEDIATE DELIVERT Flekup Wood lt Editwattr , - Phont Stltra 3-4011 FOR SALE POULTRY trOLDEN BBOAD and New Hampshire t ehlcks, hatohtd every Monday and Thursday. Our ehlcks trow f Bator. I Fox'e Hatchery. MM Statt St. Ph. 1-tteO. WANTED Colored Iryen, oolortd and inborn bona. Hltheet prleee. Ut't " w.tAh.r. phono 3-2811. " Ieohoen PTjixrr, a wttk'e 1' v week oniy. epw - : I J-JM1. Left Httchtrr. ' Irom IAUC Twice wetklr, day-old i thlelu In New Hlmpahlre, Parmemere, ? Bed. White toihorni, Amtra-Whlte, ' White Boeke, WhIU Wyandottet, Par- writer eoekereu. Lee Hatchery, phone ; VBCIAL-New Htmpehlre PuUeU. Ite oa. Valley Parm store. Pb. -. WBITE LIOHOBNi, Auitra-Whlte, and Btw HaniPihlrt ehleke, aid kundred. Pa. -UU. Palmer'a Poultry Parm. " w- no PRODUCE OBOANIC GROWN TBEE - BIPENED ' eransea and irapefrult. Potatoes, on V leu. applee and nutt. PB1PPIP BROS. PARM MARKET. M0 Laacaiter IMm Whan. X-110S. ft HHP WANTED MALE llABBtKD MAN Who CMl O-llfT to rtoroiint ruuer srumn un. vur kM tattr. trfttnhiET with roar co- worttlom will uiuto tou of 9MW0 Miw iMMni. in.u tHkli nHu- tet. a itavrL Whono 3-I3B7. tall' jxffjrrrrrrr E.nE.saaT.s,i HELP WANTED FEMALE Advertising Aavertlems aaleawamani S100 week; ear helpful; travel extensively; ex peri -nee unnecessary; write Box 33. Journal. ' tb71 tpBADUATI HDBSES tmraadlau opan IH P.M. at Belief taltte. 113.44-411 II per hour ehlft. ML Shasta Heapltal. ML Shasta. California. ab74 WOMAN WANTS hocjatwerk fw elderly wamaa ar mother lees horse. Write Box Ho. 30, Capital Jowrnal. b70 arAHAORB. with atakkaeidai eject lorya and knowladfa of coIlMUoa swaoadure, preferred ate, IS to 30. 40 aaar week, paid raeetlonj, celery MIO to 0370. Btato Tire Service, 1-1411. In aire Mr. Lytic. t71 frarfLD CABS and bouee work. ITS par tea. Pb. 4-1O07. aoer MtaKKaKPER wanted In country Phone J. D. Hartwell. 1-1140. abto a-aArrrrnAt. tnrRSE to tare for patient. roaerlr lady. 34-hour eervlee. Boom aad board. Farm borne. S par weak can 1-H7S. ""' AVON COSMETICS onaawlvee. Sell Avon In your neleh aarhood. Part lime, tarn your own apendlnt monay. ror personal mur iw write. Avon District Manaeer, P. O. Box 3701, Portland I, Oreton. bS9 BEAUTICIAN WANTED t will here an optnint !' an aX' erltnted operator, by the middle of April. Excellent opportunity. Apply re.i.h r n Vara. Ill H. Liberty, Phone 1-1011. sl HEAT APPEABtNO, Intelllient. steady counter ilrl, cell In person, Kennedy City Cleanina worts, i-eo ew. inw- WAITRESS Woodroffe'a Sen shop, 3400 Portland Bd. no pnono com, a CAB HOP Woodroffe'a Sen Shop, 1400 WMriikn VM. No phone cello. ab WANTED -SALESMAN UAL ESTATE SALESMEN wanted. Plenty of leads, protreeelve manate aient. sood optnlns lor rltht men. OONT apply unlsa you have lelllne -atos-lenee. ror appointBieav, r 4-I3M. waae'aappe''a.-' WANTED POSITIONS Ptrlenct In Biln. Phone MSM. hl BXPCRITYfCCD Meountlni dirk, tnd tTBlit wanU oflleo work, 4-4 nouri dty. Boi 98, Capital Journal. Ml BOOKKEEFIB . ACCOUNTANT, many yeare public practice In Cellfornla. dulrei locate In small Oreton com munity. Wrltt 1003 SI Oiedstone Fortltnd or phone SO 1170. h WEEK DAT baby elttlns lob, 1370 Hyde St. h70 FAST TIME Job after 4. Bos S3, Capital .riMl h70 CHILD CASE Pick up and deliver. h70 Phont 30410. WVMAL'S DAT NURSiaT-wcenera aad a tele tnipoeted. Inlanu ap to 1. WANnn-posmoNS PLOWING and dlwlnt. Oronr b. Ba . ' " Btiem. Phont 1111. hia. NEW Uwat. Rotary hoetu. Free eitl- vuant wouott. Pboae S-lin. ht7 PATvel PUtTERlNO. l,...m.Mt. ..... j piHterine. rrank'a serelee, Phose 3-U48. htl PAPER BANOINd, pamtlu. tret ttt. "n ,iicero. rn. i-tui. b7l GARDEN PLOWING PHONE 3-3041 bit- OABDEN. FLOWER bed and town pre. fbiioo. riowint, aiecuie, lerellne, rototlllni. Service Center. Phone dim. Ml TIL1VQ wITB new II I ROTABT T1L- rnone erenina i-aiii. . hie UOBT CRAWLER, dotlni. dirt level- i hwim. rnooe i-ian. . fin lanobcape maintenance, prualni. trimmlnc, pltntlne, tertlllilni. Sen Ito Center. Phone 4.-J57I. h71 CCITOK WORK plowlni aad tuattas. Iu" wi jirenweea Dr. kM TBEE WORK. Toaolni. movuu. inaurod operator. Jaaa FayM. Pb. I-WU. kta. FIRST-CLASS carpenter wart. Hew. re- ftpair. no 4oo too eajaa. re i Hill. m vurMiee-vimiH wen, leome re uwiuii, nee eeumaiee. Ceu J-S4H, FOR RENT ROOMS DOWN-TOWN ilteplm room. Rot and wuu water, lleaionabli. t&l Center. Ike. TERT NICELT rarnUhed i too Mlrion. )kl' IN holltwood dutrlet, to but Unt, nome pnviteiu, everytnau xurnuhed, couple or ladlei. ReaionaMe. SOS Tam- arack. Ph. S-0770. jno NICE LIGHT heuHknptu ram. Ladr. Mi M. Church. lkn WANTED TO RENT couple WITH t until cMMrtn. eleatre a ooaroom, unrurntehed house In Keleer District, before Mereh tl, Pb. aosgt. - JOTO WOEKDfO mothtr with ahfld waata room ana board, plvu couf tare. Hornui or mnlnn, 3-OTM. M COUPLE a baby lrl deem t at I kad- Taeat uniumunid houie ttetaity Sa lem oenerel Hoeplttl. Cellaae arae daptadable. No dupleiet, aptaiaetata. i-0484. JaTl TEST HEAT and aulet . raaaa eoweie. wiut amau ohUd, dulrel a laralebad I bedroom houao. wltbln waBtlrw dla tance to town. Will leaaa. Po. 4-SSOS or ph. 4-I7U. Jew ON LEAS! orade A Dairy at eaaa aa poaiioic. aave to neas or noitiera itoea. at. 2. b m. Molaua. Btf. Ph. Vtrmont 4101. Portland. hTI WOULD LIKE to rent ra uoerir tuitrlet. FOR RENT HOUSES s-bed room houie la Break. BUrtrla imamw, i.tiuimpr, oil nvawr, w- ttched terete .Ph. 4-JJ04 after 4 pja. LOWER FLOOR of duplex. 1 xurnuhed. aerate, carocn. month, water Included. Suitable for. aauiu. 314 center St. Ph. I-ITJ7. mTl S BOOM DUPLEX, cleaa. aafaralibtet. Malta, pnona J-Wlt. less B. 4th. COMPLETELT furnlahed, nry leraly, lor toreir coupw. a. aew. aeeet. jraat I BOOM furnished house, electric rania. rafrlterator, heat, attle. water and aarbase disposal paid. . No drtakers. 030. Call 3-IIM. tmlf NBABLT HEW, 1 bedroom eettasa. na rumitnoa tzctpt etovet. n. I-Tieo. JrriTt CLEAN AND neat 1 bedraeea aararaleh. ad bouee. . attached oaraat laraa llv lng room, Venetian buada, altctrla heat, US. No pete, ta mile Boat 4 Cor ners. Phone 4-197S or aek far ken at 4S7S sute. JrnTl" modzbn dose In 3 kadraoat bonae, with terete, sal Will. Jm70 WEST SALEM clcen, nicely rarnUhed l-room house and saraae, aaa. in- eulre 1311 Idiewster. II1M. Jm7l' S-BEDROOM house, tome farnlttrre. 33S6 Portland Roed. II 1-BEDBOOM house, with lots at closet epaee. Electric rente, rerr Iterator. 0areie. Soma attlltlee. loealre iao H. loth. jmei' SMALL FURNISHED COTTAOE, cleen. coiy, reeeonable. Nice for touplo. 010 N. commercial. jmts CLEAN, 1-BEDBOOM famished cottese, launrry. aerate. Inquire 3040 Portland Road. - )m0 Hill. PTVK room house at. 1440 Che. meketa St. No aaraie. Im7t clean. 1 bedroom, llvlnt ream, kitchen. dinette, partly furnished. Adults. Ho aete. Utilities. III. SO. Phone 3133S. J73 TEXT HICE 1-bedroom famished ren tal, newer, clean and neat, aao ass mo. Call Bawllat Realty, E-4U4 ar 4-1701. BXCEPTIONALLT nice, l.rdraoai tea- let in a nice distritt m wear aaicm. taa ear me. Cell Rawllna Baalty. 1-4004 or 4-1701. . lm OFFICE FOR RENT I OB S-BOOM SUITE. I Oroion io Salldlni. Phone 3-4114. OftOUKD fleOOS offlct or itora tpac for rtni. can mi ntu wnn. tv FOR RENT APARTMENTS utTRLT. HEW. private, t roam, fur nished apart, an Mill rraei. aerate. Cloet to abopplns center, atata bnlld inta, oeir welkins dlsteaea from town. an but line. ra. i-Boea ar a-ien. IP701 I BOOM fumlohod tnd floor palnaeat will, frne view, nrlvate antraaca, eieo- trlo rente, rerrlaerator and auto- metle wteher, children allowed. Ph. 1-4441 momlnta ar altar a r-m. JpTI' fTNIET lent 1 bedroom, unfurnished except rente. Phone 1-1117. jpie- rVN OR ABOUT April 1. I room opt. redecorated. ll It. crommerciei. MM. JPTI CHEAP BENT, cleen apertment, wood rente, around floor, pn. a-eoeo. jpts CLEAN, WARM 1 room apartment, dote In. only saa.oo. Laoy preisrrea. Perry. IP"' CLEAN s ROOM turnuhed apartment, tround floor, aidt intranet, aouite, cloee In, 30371. JP70' COLUMBIA APARTMENTS. Furnished Of unfurnished. Modern 3 reome, electric heet. aerate. Bus eloae by. no pete Phone 1-3334. Jp70' tTNtria nished. l bedroom, m o d e r court apartment. Clost to bus. elee. trldty, weler, leundry, feellltles fur nlehed. Ph. 3-31.1. v" COZT, COMFORTABLE, l-room OPirU ment, eioie in, reeeonaoi. e " Church St. IP"' SHALL APARTMENT, dose In, 730 H. Church, phone 4-I4J7. adulta. Jplt' CLOSE IN, housekeeplnt room. 031, mint!- fumiehed. Ill N. Church. IP73 CLOSE IN, desirable furnlahed apart- menu. PrlTtle bato. utiiiuce, Merlon. J0' 1 VERT NICE tpartmiat't furnished. Indudlnt electrlo etove end refrleart' tor. Hot water heet. only sso month. Phone 4-17M or 3MII. mete a tnox furnished apartmsnt, private both, 3100 N. Front. ipso 4 ROOMS Nicely f ureuhed. anlet nelthborhood. 1 block teat Memorial hotp tel. Ml BO. summer. jim. I-ROOM upper apart., furnished, eulalde entranoe, ehowtr, i aaatia mun, drlnklnt. 411 S. Itth. 1P0' nrreTTawieenFfi t.bedroom apartment. 700 Perry St. Utilities furnished. I n a r..n Pioneer Trult Oo.. 3-3130. JPH' -'-,, .urn nrPLXX neer Stete hos. BitaL oereee and laundry. PS. 44MS IWtWWMAnRiAU lUrLMNG MATIMALS BARGAINS IN BUILDING All klnda af dimension lumber, bath tubs, laundry traya, aoenplelo tollota; eewer pipe, 1", 1" and 4"t salvanlaed water pipe, all elaee; . furnaeei, furnace pipes. Tenuis tore, aad alec trie beat controls. All kinds of electric' wlrlns, lamas, aad US, all ktada af awlttk awaae. larte or email; weather heeds aad aeeter baeae; raatt tauXea anal laed la cable, lota af extra taod Boors aad wladowai t laraa atata bee Unt unit. Water pump, electric motor, all burner like new, SO ft af 4" salvanlaed water pipe, with 4 Inch braee drlader; deep wdl pump; Jack, Ilka aew. One 400-1 el. atool fuel eU teak. Our special, while they last. A let of eeod. wild doors and windows, 11. eecb. i Our location may be herd la find, but we art eaay ta trade with. Our let win be open 1 days a week for your ooaveateaee. . Harry W. Parsons Wrecking Co. M40 winola Ave. FOR RtNT APARTMENTS CLEAN, WARM, 1 room apartment. Cloee in. only US. Lady preferred. 041 Perry. Ipoa- CLOSE IN, alee aeodern S-roeat twradeat. od apartment Adulta amir U4M. ROOM lRNIsaSB aptwtateat. oludlnt etove aaed rtsxtotretst. Cleaa In, north. 130 .M. Beat Ptahs. las, 31 n. Httb. FTJRNISBEB man twart apartment. Htwty deearalad. CMea la. Ph. snit. BXAITTPUL raralehad aaartaatat. Ira- far permaneat leetawM. eat a. cat lata. Fhaaa S-ian. rp- FBITATB TBBBB ROOM faraathod aotrrt rttaeat. aleaa. Malta, tea, St Farllaad Bd. f7S' ETISAL faraUbad apart ami te. satd eoeauea. znemrre a. a sun rayanire. i-tite. ip IXBXUBZB AFABTrMBHT. aM. I Bona ceawaratai. raaaa aaaas area- . 1P71' a-room iwnuehotl apart apartmeat. - atttiatta. qui m, pn. s aaet. ipri" S-BOOMS iwnlebtd, arooad Door, oil faraaea. eaaaary neuiues. aoaiu. uaa a. capital, pa. j-ena. n ATTBACTfWB. aleaa. froaJabad apati- ii. yet aaa at iwa. rrrrata aata at taaa ra. cjarata. set .at. .plf Ban) ROOM famished, eleetrle beat. adalta, Hollywood dlatrUt, phone . JP74' FTlaPliatn apartauat, lt 00. Jaat ra- aatrataa, l eMrooaa, Sltanea. imaa raaaa, path, alaable heat, electric otues ant, ail atmuea paM. WAUI7BI MUBORAYE, REALTOR PB. I-SISS Bra, S-llt iPlie Lee Apts. Salem's Moat PteUaauUhed Aeatraaa rauawaas raatali aaa ba aaawa not 3-adrce. AreUeble How 110.1 1-Bdna. Arallable Bow 7S.i 1-Bdna. Avelleble How ........ 17.00 1 Bsehaler Unit, AprU 1 I1.H Iwr'tanrr uvtss at madarata rataa oatt at SOS N. wtatar St. Ph. 4-1141. IP mCBXT PUKMIIWCD aDartwat. Am. aaeeaaey aparcateasa. aaa B. aom mer. ln. aa imeeeeees. m MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE . TRUCKS U-DRITE MOVE TOURSILP SAVE H PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION SIS COURT ST. PHOHB 1-ltll PAOB STEVENSON tad AL IIXPPORD m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR I-Hit. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY aBMLXB. DENTIST Adolph Blew., Bute 4i Commercial Stt. rn. j-iiii GRAVEL COMFANT Contract work Boad Clearlas DttchUt Sewer aad Reeers ent Baialpment Renui Ditch mt by the Foot Phone Days 3-Bloo Brae. 1-4417 or 1-7411 Solemn Proton m Logs Umber WANTED! L. X. Klumpp, 80S9 P'tl'nd Rd. Salem. Oreioa Ph. 1-7041 m71' UILMNG MATERIALS GARAGE lexxl compute on year lot, 111.34 per xeoatp. ao ewwa paymenL Tas caa tlx that dan or add that astro BvlroeBa the aame war. Visit with aa total Portland Rosd Lumber Ysrd OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY 3045 Portland Bd. Phone 4-4433 Look! Look! 1x4a, 111 M 3xei, aldlas, 131 U Hot water heater, brick, wlndowe. doore. toil pipe, 3" pipe, toilets, lav atories, both tube. Can be seen 437 nrry oireei, call mains alter, t I-7TM. maOO1 WE NEED TO MOVE IT TO MAKE ROOM QUICK!! Oedar Sldlnt Sherta 10.00 to 11.00 (tood far smell bulldlnil. Hem. Sdi. Rare, ltatth (not bad) Vast 04.00. ti s ak iio tl.so. lil I' Bean Poles ( lew itte each you haull Raked Coder penole 10x10, aome very sood, tome bad, from So ft. to lie ft. Hap Pets 1 00 M. yen haul, oar den sukea, ar what do you need? To fence la tht cot or child -ttlete for pickets" me tin. ft. TOUR BUILDINO SUPPLY FRIENDS' Portland Rosd Lumber Ysrd Its! Portland Bd. Phono 4-4411 ma Price War Reverse trap toilet 111. 30"xll" Wish besln 117.1 Cast Iron bath tube, complete . .111.10 40 tel. wetcr heater I1J.M New I" aoll pipe 70 New ahower eablneta complete ..143.00 Medicine ceblnets, 14"x34" ,...0 7.M 100 tel. septic tanks 002.10 Unpelnted cedar ehekea 0 0.71 Painted coder ehekea I 0.7t Orerhead terete herdware 111. M Waterproof well boerd. 4x1 ....0 1.00 Plywood, Interior at exterior ....Cheep 1 teb comp. rooflnt I 0.01 Steel tercet doore complete ....117.00 No, 1 doore, I'l"l0'l" I S 10 New door Jamba 0 3-10 Chicken hoase. bern wlndowe. .Speclel Hew picture wlndowe i 0 S-00 C. G. LONG & SONS phone 4MS1 11 mile North of Ktlierl ma BOOPINO complete line. Cell Western Auto, 3-7117, for free ettlmete. Oem Me'e Westers Aula Supply Co, Ml H. mail THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saba, Owf MATERIALS r. U4tmN3 MATERIALS Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles oxear. OS; He. I, Ho aaa wood ei s anile. taeaa. Ted Mailer, Bead. Ph. Salem ma NURSERY STOCK FBOUaOSES at BaUB3raratasic at aao. reeers a piuex, is aauts aad va rtrttee: , awxanod. heather, daphne. case ell las a raodes. Merrlft Qreen- For Sl MISCELLANEOUS HO ALLOWED far year atd water beater aa thee new asallaa astesutle alee- trie water Beater. Teeter Appliance. 371 Obameketa. Fa. 3-4)11. a SELL OB TRADE ehracMTlae, tor sood aomaa waiiar. n. 4-sess or tea a 30tt piaher Road. all M.CVLLOCH CHAIN SAWS. SSO Bdta- water, Weet Baleaa. Sales Leettna Sup ply. Ph. 4-1ML ' a PATENTED HEW BtStOHEB latter pet- terat lor pmow eeees. oiaaaaa. etc Ph. i -an. BST FOULTBT FnTILtEEB at ' a cod far tawaa aad easy tt apnea. Br eeck ot yard. Phtnipe Bree., ph. Sewing Machine Buyers Bvaoalnai aan or write far oar free colored eo taker. Sbasar Sarrlas Center, 10 H. Commsrdai. Salem, Ore. Ph. HSU. an HEW S-PC. bedroesa act wtih aaa box eprvaa tnaeieprras met. caa so eat at sue Maple Are. n70 Boats power outboard motor, s 1 plaatte oar eover. like new. tlo.i Older type alectrla store, aood ooadl- uon, 030.00. I amal wood eaoK store, 111. laaatra 1304 sth St- west Salem. aw S-BORSE Johaaoa eateoard arotor, lata madel. Pb, 37oso are. a 71 ALLEN AUTOMOTIVE tUBC-BP osalp- meat, tait -aisn osautr eauipmest like new, Buarenteeu A-l, about Vj aew price. TRADER LOUIE, 1170 Lane Ave. 1 boo MUST SELL-IS cu. ft, arrlBbt borne freeaer, new and In orttlaal crate. B yeara insurance on food and freeaer paid. Pood on terme at discount .if deelred. Reeponalble parly aaa take over belance of contract with aoihlaa dowa aad let payment la Mar, Bank ftnanelnt. Ph. 4-Sltt. - aoo FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted manure. a.urerra aanrnere. p-oiTe ar. s-ptna. all ONE tall RUO. ell wool SOS: 1 radlo- pnoao., table model, J5; aaa lady'a auit, ana 10, beautiful material, 111. 4-4770. a at Gravel and Sand Anythlnt In trevel, wholesale oad retell. VALLEY SAND ot O RAVEL CO. Ph. 1-4001. a BEARCAT gardes tree tor, like aew, with complete aet or attaanpeeaaa, nee. Trader Louie, 170 Lena Ave. aoo FREE Weettnshonae aowlnt meehlnoo en all floor samples, save up to 40.. YZATESl APPLIANCB CO.. 171 Che meketa. -a PLASTI-KOTB reeulree ao waxlnl. For your floore or linoleum. YKATXIt AP PLIANCE CO., 370 ChemekeU. n CEDAR TELEPHONE and electrlo poles. fence posts, been poets and stakes. Phillips Bros., Rt. 0, Box 403, 1 mllea east of 0 Corasra. Ph. l-lsll: a REFRIGERATORS, HEW snd used. TEATER APPLIANCE CO., 374 Cha- meketa. a THE IDEAL fertiliser it's onanlo peetmoea, with poultry- drapplnlt, only Sec a aaek. VaUey Farm store. Ph. 4-4014. B70 EXCELLENT bern yard tertUlaar. Phone 4-3B07 or 1-1400. ' nil' deeppreeee home freeaere. TXATXR appliancb CO., 370 Chomoketa. n REDUCED! $10 per day until sold. TASD ONB 0 INCH DRUM TYPE FLOOR BANDER. 300 SHEETS OP SPEED ORIT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH IISO. Starting price Feb. 3, $678 MARCH 33rd, $868 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT at COURT STB., PHOHB l-ltll (We Olre Bern Oreen Stamps) B OAK OFFICE deak and chair, SW. Add- Int maohlne. all. Pipe nee. 11.10. Used lira brick, 3e each. Prasrure cooker, 01.00. Ill So. Church. Phone 1-117, apt. a. nee' OBOANIC FEBTIL1ZEB. Fraa of Weed eeede. and odorless. Sack ar bulk ar dert delivered. Phone 3-1131. all1 Keith Brown SPECIALS "E" Wade too ft. lxt-RL Pit 70.00 M. 700 ft. lil-RL Bint "V" Cellini 40.0 M. 400 ft. lil-RL Beaded Cellini 10.00 M. 3000 ft, lxO-RL V at Center "V" Bdt 30.00 M. 700 ft. 1x0 RL Pit 00.00 M. 3000 tt. RL B48 Flo 00.00 M. 70 tt. 1x0 RL Channel Rus tle 40.00 M. 1000 110 RL SIS Pin 00.00 10. Some demoted Plywood tnd Sheetrock real low price. 1000 ft. 1X4-EM C a Btr. Fit.. 100.00 M. 700 ft. Ixl 4 to 0-0 C St Btf. Pit 111.00 M. Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Ph. 3-0111 Front at Court St. WI OIVE S at H OREEN STAMPS TOP SOIL Rlrer silt and till dirt, promptly delivery. Phone l-nil. Bit MAROON DAVENO and twins rocker, phone 3-0100. n71 SMALL PIANO, with beautiful tone, la excellent condition, lite SO. COttett. HOSPITAL RED for aale or rent. H. L. Still Furniture Co. Phone 3-tlll. a USED weablnt meehlnca, 01.11 tnd up. TXATXR APPLIANCE CO, 171 Che- LaJ FOR WEEKEND LOOKERS CHECK THESE USED CARS LISTED BELOW BEFORE YOU DECIDE. YOU'LL FIND THE CAR YOU WANT ON ONE OP THE LOTS LISTED BELOW. BRING THE FAMILY ALONG AND PICK THE CAR ALL OF YOU LIKE. tl BUICK, only ..$388 Special 4-door sedan with '43 motor. BetH. aew paint, alts rldtni, excellent buy. '41 FORD, tttly .SIN Tudor, RAtH, toed letter, astelttht, batter taaa STaraso oar. . 9 FORD, enlT .MM V-S dub aoupe, Hi motor, very aharp. ARROW USED CARS Ml, Hleh WE NOW HAVE MANY Guaranteed ONE-OWNER SHARP USED CARS . PRICED BELOW ACTUAL VALUE Low down piyments. Low in terest rste, and SO months to pay. ' Salem Automobile Co. art H. Com'L Ph. 1-4117 tojou 5Qf For Salt MISCELLAMfOUS SINGER ELECTRIC sewirer machine. Round bobbin. Beers forward at rarerea, looks like aew, beautiful blonde- cabinet, far uapatd balance. Sinter as win i center, lis H. Commercial. Open Prl. eve. aOS SEWING MACHINE ' Dee cMeotrle, walnut oaataot, real bobbla, sood aewlas ooodlttoa aad tuaranteed. PaU price 034.W. Stater Sewtnt Center, ISO H. Commercial. Open Prl. ere. nto BABT BUQGY, sood oondltloa, only tit, Phone stool before 4 p.m. . a70 S ANTIQUE Clocks. Qeod condition. Bae- tonablt. Hey ha aeen alter 0:30 a.m. and an day Saturday and Sunday at IN B. 33rd St. all BUBOON DAVENPORT and chair. Ph, Rt. 3-07SI. BOS PAINTED SHAKES He. 1 VO - Bole. Dipped Choke of aolors witb ...,13.M as. 11.00 as. wltbeat undereeuree Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Phone 1-0111 Front a court Sta. WB OIVE Sal OREEN STAMPS SALEM DIBSXL Roller and ball bearlnte for tracks and tractora. 1770 Stlvertoa Road. a" FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, composts, the tamo ouallly aa laet year, for borne and sarden. Flatatonee. red lava atone and other typea for walla ar sardane. Rua tlc cedar fandnt and IreUie work. Phillips Bret., Rt. t, Box 401, Salem. Ph. 4-1041. a Wanttd MISCELLANEOUS WANTED walnut meata, and walnuta ta ehell. Hltheat cash price an delivery. MORBIS KLORFBIH FACKTNO CO. 400 h. Front st, Salem Ph. 1-7011 aa. WOODBT WANTS Plaaee. Pheae 3-1110. aa WANT TO BUYi IM1 Char., tood con dition, private owner, pa. 1-1730. Bare LOGS WANTED Stud Min. Lentthi 1' 4" or ir IT. Diameter S" to 10". Sawmill, Lruths 11 and lonter. Diameter S" ta 00". Top prleee peld. Burkland Lumber Co. Tamer, Ore, Fhaaa lilt aa. WANTED Ooed picas, paaketeay pre ftrrad. Phone 3-I1IS. neTt ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodry't. fh. 1-0110. aa SPORTING IQUIFMENT SPINNING BOD, sood ahepe, fiber sleae pole. Coat into, soil for MOO. Alio rubber hip boota. alee 0, like new, cost 111. SeU for 1.00. Cell 1-4700 after I. neso FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 oa aitaoturt, Purnlturt, Car AT PKMOItAL It'i promptlr lo onplorod mtn or womtn. ) l-vklt letn . phono tint. STott aeltet but pormtnt ats. BttwH& ptrdor loins. Phono, writ or corns In TODATI Personal Finance Co. lot a. rioh t., iALru auto tl etnas Not. U-lll Loans ovtr tlOO ap to 11600 on) up to 30 month! to mpst mods or Ptrsonol Plntneo Oo. of Marlon County trader tht Industrial Loan Compamu Act of Or Men. 171 PRIVATE MONET Special Ratal and Terml On Ltrter Loana Lent aad short Tims Paymenla ROT H. SIMMONS 131 So. commercial St. Fh. l-llll AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Ill South Church Parkins s-Plenty Fh. 1-3117 Lie. No. M-1N. S-lll c SEE US FOR FARM. CITT OR ACREAOE LOANS BEST OP TERMS WE BUT Real estate morttetet eontreett State Finance Co. - - .... at. aiel 51 PLYMOUTH ........ T?t Tudor eeaaa. BekH. beautiful blue lia Ish, 1 owner, a a?oaderfui family ear. '80 CHBVROLIT .......TT? Tudor delata aedaa. saw pelat. sood II INTL. ',:!1..1...m Meat tbiieahaat, IssraT, very reeeea osaw. . . . PABafaeaL ATnraTSOOft SHROCK'S as to 4 PLYMOUTH ... MM 49 PLYMOUTH ...... $1M5 e-ooar at sea, irtoa, I Mulpped. ... '47 DE SOTO .... ,M8 4 -4 ear eadea. ksrssla pviee. Ta avarrtea Taa Shellyl ' ell North BJak MS Cheeaslett , tilt rvtlead Bd. Stan Baker Motors BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER Remember- NO SUNDAY SALES! The Wsek-Ervd Specials orxj Mttsoge Abovt Art Brought Yw Con lAok UUurslTn FINAeSClAL STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WAYS . TO SND YOTJB MONEY WO.UUXS - 1 Furniture Lees a Aete Lean 1 Ltvootock Loan a co-Meker Loaa S Slsnature Loaa Maximum Small Lean 100 Maximum Aula Loan 000 107 So. Blth St IIS : Phone Mill 1 Lie. S-lll aad M-33S aad ' HOT H. SIMMONS SHSTJRAHCB AND LOANS . Hear 'Top Tradea" - - 13:04 Dally KSLM 13S0 He. ' , OENBBAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 111 So. Ceaemerdel St. Tel. 1-1141 5 Interest ' If ro bavo Mlo futa ixklnc vofUatnt, ttatn ret art tht trm of ptrion to whom wo ou fco of Mrrko. afor OTr Twratr-ffvo Toon wo Iioto kom hollnf ppU la ttUs wMBjninltY ilod prollttblo work for UmIt montr. DurlM ihU potiotl wo bOTi tnomptly paid M oml-ttuai tatorost iMrawto tottmlliiiv Biar Tbotuudo of Dollars Wo oro eorrtnUy psrlni t INTKBUT on funds from SM to oJOOO. General Finance Corporation j 1 in i. commcuo, rr. Sostara. Orwoa ' z Vbont S-tlll HOUSE TRAILIRS Buy . . Bartalna . . . SeU LAN A LANS TRAILS PLAZA Trade , 1044 Laaeaaler Ave. . Rental BBAHD NEW 14 foot trailer hoaae. Used jut woete. tan i nit h. iota si. PERSONAL ALCOBOL1CS AHOHTMODS, Oroajp No. l. toea xv, commtititL rn. s-teit ar 1-4U7. 301 AUTOMOSILIS HEY HANI A real bay: A '41 Mere. with all extras. Body work oad A-l from talmtht to baoenithk Pa en. J-1171. 070 11 CBEV. Club Cease Bxtra aaaclal oond. prtrau party. Il.ttl. Ha trade ts. Fh. I-M13. T1 tl CHBTSLEB neper 4-door aedan eattimt eeeMlueai. Ph. 3-eaa4. ttl a sama Are. a 'OS FOBS 4-door aodaa, eeod tires, mo tor, Neede come fender work. 1040 Phone 1-0171. 7 lots DODOB v-s Diplomat "hardtop". toreue converter, tu-tone palat, tinted sleae, ws.w., window waehere, eta. Juat mo aew. aava aeoo. consider trade. Phone 1-0110. ajoo 1SU WUJ.TS, 4 wheel drive, pickup. At moas new, eiree. eeae. rneao xoivi. ajtl BABOAIH, 1N7 Bulck eedaa. Will take trade ta. Bank terme aranable. Prl vato pertr. Phone 1-7000, ell1 WANTED TIRES llxt or It" tires. Fh. 1-1007. sOO 1040 HUDSON Commodore S Seden. aood condition, WOO, Ml Blvervlew Drive Ph. 40304. oU FOB SALS 1041 WlUla or trade for ma- torcrcla, III Rlrarvltw Drive, Ph. 44304. I WILL SELL EQUITY la ISM Fantlac 1. dor tadea. Lyaa Werner, Amity, Ore sen, s70 1040 CBEV, 4-DOOB oedea. Very sood condition. Only 13,000 miles. Hew senary, a aaw ures. phone 17174. 71 lata CHEV. Pewertlldt Tudor. 17.000 mllea, la eery beat tf condition. 013 orotoa Art., Dalles, Ore. Phone Mil. t70 1K1 ford Deluxe '0'. Lliht trip, 4-door eeaan. i owner, ileal, soar be teen 443 Wayne Prl re. Phone 1-1701. oto 41 SEDENETTB Special Bulck. Tlrae sood. motor sood. Body like new. Seat eorere, radio, heater. Pheae 4371 or eee aa rvax Taxwo Btatlea, BO, SOB. 103 CHEV. tt ton pickup 4 ipaed Irene. mission, heeler, very cleen. 1117 Fine St. Ph. 4113, SUverton. ell IBM FORD Cualomltai blue tudor as dan. 11,000 actual mllea. Illn. call a-jiee ar eee at tit waynt Drive S7o IT OWNER liet Cbrrelar Whadeor eoBvertlble, A-l condition, I loot. 1170 w. sera, rn. aesei. all1 BEST OFFEB BUTE 1140 Ford Coupe, tood "condition. Aikint 3il. loeo Deerborn. Ph. I-1MI. ell FOB I ALE Leu '41 Ford oaaverUble. AUTOMMUS n YOUR CHOICE OF NUMEROUS CHEVROLETS PRE-WAR ft POST-WAR IN NEARLY ANY MODEL, STYLE OR COLOR YOU .' WANT. . lasirr, aaANT OTHBR nroros TJSBD OLtM TO SaBS, ' DOUGLAS McKAY M PONTIAC ..... . . .ilflM obsaaa, 4-dr. aodaa. Pa try watte atoawau atrta tl FORD $1MB neVatla, tow mUeete, radio, fresh air araa aad sot. , , '8 PLYMOUTH ........TIT Cbaabieek 4 Seer aedaa, brand saw, am re area ear at price! WESTERN MOTORS , 1 ' IM aTroactwar .' Buy Lattr AAJTOMOBM.1S Stan Baker LUCKY BUYS Whether it's Friday, the thlr teenth, Monday or, Tuesday, we have the car you want, the deal you want, at the price you wantl See us today! BUICKS '80 Sedanette Special., Dy- i ' naflow, R&H.-"..- . '48 Fordor Sdn. Roadmaiter. R&H. '47 Fordor Sdn. R&H. CHEVROLETS '81 Tudor Sdn. Fleetline. Powerglide, R&H '48 Fordor Sdn., Fleetline, R&H. '47 Fordor Sdn. Fleettnsster. R&H. .x ' '47 Tudor Sdn. Fleetmast- r, R&H. '41 Club Coupe. CHRYSLERS '48 Club Coupe, Windsor, Hydra, trans,, R&H, '48 Fordor Sdn., Windsor, . Hydramatic tram, R&H. '48 Fordor Sdn. DE SOTOS 47 Fordor Sdn. Custom. Tiptoe trans., R&H. 41 Fordor Sdn., Cuitom. Tiptoe trans., R&H. ...)T DODGES '82 Convertible Cpe., Coro net. Gyro, trans,, R&H. '81 Fordor Sdn. Coronet Gyro, trans., R&H. '80 Fordor Sdn., ,' Meadow brook. R&H. '48 Club Cpe., Cuitom, R&H '48 Fordor Sdn. Dlx. R&H. 47 Club Cpe., Custom. R&H '41 Fordor Sdn. Cuilom, R fcH. '41 Fordor 8dn. Cuitom. R &H. FORDS '80 Tudor Sdn. Cuitom, ov erdrive, R&H. '49 Fordor Sdn. Cuitom, R &H. '49 Fordor Sdn. Custom. R& H. '49 Tudor Sdn. Cuitom. '41 Fordor Sdn. De Luxe. OLDSMOBILE '49 Fordor Sdn "88", Hydra. tram., R&H. PLYMOUTHS '82 Belvedere Cranbrook. R &H. '60 Fordor Sdn. Special De. luxe. R&H. '49 Fordor Sdn. Special De luxe. R&H. s '48 Fordor Sdn. Special De luxe. R&H. '46 Tudor Sdn. Deluxe. PONTIACS '80 Fordor Sdn, Deluxe, R &H. '48 Sedan 8. R&H. STAN BAKER MOTOR CO. $ LOCATIONS To Serve You EaiUyl 0I North Hleh 1111 rerllaad Jto. AUTOoVaCrPOaXS QUALITY! Automobiles With Prices TO FIT YOUR P0CKETB00K OLDSMOBILES . ma D Imm 88 S-dr. 8 fOO iBlloto 1881 De Luxe IB Seiaa 1848 88 Club Coups - 1948 88 4-dr. Sdn .... . . . .$1248 CHEVROLETS 1951 De Luxe Styleline 4-dr. 1949 De Luxe Styleline 4-dr. 1948 Convertible Coup BUICK 1881 Special 4-door Sdn. PLYMOUTH , 18SI Csmbrldge Club Cpe. ' FRAZER 1948 Manhattan Sedan. .$850 "HAPPT BIRTHDAY TO TrTE CAMP ,; . ... PmS CMRLfl" LODER BROS. 48 erjrrxR ph. s-nts MUST SELL Hake aar otter. '41 Balsor Trartier. ittdio, neater, l-eeae. ear- SS BTBBCTJBT CLUB Ooupt, Call after 1 a., aw $ for $ TOO CAKT BtUT OOtt CAM FO PONTIAC 81 Sedsn hydro, R4H .$S58 81 sedan, irTlro, H 19M 49 sedsn epe, hydro, ,, R&H 1498 49 Club cpe., R&H .... M8 CHEVROLET 80 Belair, OD, R&H ... 1898 48 sedan, R&H 80S 68 . 8M 898 898 298' 98 19ft ; BUICK . 48 sedan, R&H PLYMOUTH 49 sedan. H .......... BEST FOR LESS 41 Bulck s. cpe., R&H . 39 International 4'pkp. 41 Ford sedan SO Ford Model A epe . . 40 Chevrolet ',....,... ALWAYS THE BBYOT POtt AT .v-'.- KELLY OWENS CO, 010 H. liberty Phone l-llll (flee DEWEY'S 81 Chev. H ton dlx. cab. V . '80 Olds 88 elub sedan. j 49 Ply. spec, dlx, club.' 48 Chev. F. master sedan. A '48 Chev. Stylemaster coupe '-48 Ford ,V8 convertible. '47 Packard 8 Clipper sedan '47 Ply. spec. dlx. sedan. , '46 Lincoln dlx. sedan. '46 Ford V8 tudor sedan. '41 Chev. spec dlx. coupe. '38 Ford V8 sedan (good). (Wo don't slra to entice burlnt) , Bat we do tin sood deeis, end top suaranteea tars xneteaa. DEWEY'S sooo Market St. Phone 1-4041 to 'at FOBD S CPE., sood condition. Most be eold thla week. int. mono a-vaee dare. 3-B07I evenlnts. OTBO MOTORCYCLIS SCOOTERS S-WHEEL service cycle with all tttaob- manta. Phone 10701. oetw AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVTNO RADIATOR TBOUBLEf Valler Motor Co. txperte will eolve roar Brop. lemt and aava you money. Free cli mates, enoady eerrlee. Center at Ltv art. see TRUCKS looo O.M.C half-ton Ihckus. Ph. -si4L 14 1-TON ehjadebaker truck, with hotel. II tl. train bad, low mutate, alio Portland Road. odTl ISM 111-TON Chevrolet truck, covered hodr. S7U. Boff Electric sjo. aa-rw- oaoTaoaooeoaopoo'aaePooo.e'ow BOATS HYDROPLANE SH tt. Excellent eon. etr action. Heedt repelre. At it, too. Phone 4-1041 otter 0. ejoOO SH-H.P. MBBCUBT outboard, model KD-I, ilka bow, to Boim, an eean. 3-4100. OtM 14-FT. PLYWOOD boat. Ph. 13331. 140 Boone road. FOB SALE 14-ft. Bureherafl boat and trailer. Used twice. 7V4 Bvutrude mo tor. 30 hours. Va off. 107 McNary, . Weat Salem. auto HOUSE TRAILERS 14 FT, ZIMMEB, 3 down, 17 ft. Zlm- mer, vool down, ivw unie Ave. eeov- MACHINERY M-tt M. SAWMnx raachy. 330 -h. p. dlsaol motor, dor, pona saw, unioaaini no, tic., xtiAt to go, 193J, Independenet. TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION wanted for two to Ohicato or Detroit, win enere ex penaee and help drlvtnr. References exchanied. April lath. Phone 4-1130. X7I TRUMAN NEARINO 8.F. San Francisco U. Former President Harry S. Truman was expected to arrive here today with his wife, Bess, and daughter, Margaret, on their way to a month's vacation In the Hawaiian Islands. tor. T. T. Lam, H.D. Dr. O. Chut, N.D. DR8. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, Ml North Liberty Offlct open Saturday only 10 am. to 1 a.m.. t to 7 p.m. Conaultatlon. blood pressure and urine tests era free of chares. Practiced Unci 1017. Write tor tttraetlva slIL Ho obit. I-HU. :tt-v-