Page 12 FOR SALE HOUSES V ,' IN ENGLEWOOD DIST.; ; " "- '"' t bedrooms, hardwood Boore. lim living room with fireplace, mahogaar doora and trim. Modem kitchen with natural wood flalab auvooaxda. Convenient utility room. Insula Ud and weetberstrlpped. .Attached plae lared eeraga. Auto, lorcad-alr oil but. Lot aUo 44x117. Paved iirxt and sidewalk. LOCATED AT 1193 N. 17TH ST. PRICE $10,900 F.H.A. TERMS ' PAT JARVIIX, BLDB. It CONT. BUY FORM BUILDER "SAVE MONEY" 1770 Davidson, 2 blocki cast Leslie school between Howard and Cross St. , . . .. . , New 2 B. Room Oak floors. , . Excellent bath room and kitchen. Enclosed utility Oil heat.. Attached garage. . Open for inspection Sunday. Phone 1-1053 for more information. . SUBURBAN HOME TO TRADE OR SELL i ; , $4950 CASH . , Plua 413,000 m IhmiiIh roo the proud mtr of thla Iwaullful ' home. iWl'Ht)41 waiftwawawawaawawawmwjawjawAVjaWMawawjawjnawaawjawMwaWjri v- LOW PRICE OF $10,950 LOCATION 1095 MAINE AVE. '. ,- ViPi will trad this lovely I bedroom noma with over J WO aquaro V feet of floor apae. Many of those ftnar feature. Tou with large : , i . . , famlltta have Mils opportunity to trad In your smaller homt for '' tbla out. 1 . ' . BEN COLBATH, Realtors 1883 CENTER ST. OFFICE DIAL 4-4494 OR 2-4552 i EVE. PHS.: 2-8373, 8-1788, S-1703, 4-2714 OR 2-8923 n FOR SALE HOUSES 3VE NEED $10,000 I':' to ' r $20,000 : HOMES SEVERIN REALTY ST TSARS OF SATISFACTORY SERVICE , WALNUT PARK "4 BEDROOMS '.' Among flnt home. I badroomi and bath down. 1 badrooma and bath vn. Large Urine and dlnlni room. AU floor oarpetad with W8.00 per yard carpeting. PlnMbad basenitnt and oar vara?. Bera It a flna horn. buUt prawar with beat matt rial. It la your. ..lor under cost, suottantiai morttaca Joan bo arranitd. ti7,V00. LITTLE 7ARM HOME lVb acres of aarden, frutt .trap a, duck pond. WU-bullt Homt of T rooms. It located close In and can ' be youra for only $11,500. Term. 4585 CENTER ST. ' last of Lancaster. Lovely B-room home on landscaped acre. Llvlnt fe dlnlnv room, flreplact. cheerful kitch en with nook. S Bood-alsed badrooma, utility and attached game. Only 10, 000. Mortcafe can b arranicd. JUDSON STREET Ranch style l-room well-built home tht you mutt see to appreciate at the price offered. This 1 a newer homt among the many fine hornet ' being built in thla taction. Youra for 110,700. v , N6rth 23rd - Englewood On. block from markat. A trulr fin. homo donaUtlnr ot Uvinl Al dlnlni with nook, lull darlliht baannent, yard, and laraa.. Thla la an ulitandlni barialn at 111,100. Severin Realty Co. 1M K. Hlih 4-SMS; tm l-tetn Mr. Klam 3-lJ, Mr. Moon I-W91 aU OPEN HOUSE 1 Sunday, 22nd? CORNER OF RURAL AND JOHNS STREET 2020 JOHNS ST. t-bedroom capt Cod alrlo bom.. Hardwood floor., full baaement with aawduat heat. Lot ale. toxto. w.ll landHapad. Price 111.(09. Open houae ooura: to a.m. to o p.m. r McKillop REAL ESTATE Ph. J-802D ' 491 Cc uter fit.. Salem aoo WELL BUILT I bedroom home, flrattlaca. large corner lot, near echool and bua. F. K. A. eommtt. Small down payment. rnont e-esai. a59 865 EAST RURAL Thla pre-war-built KntUah type Nob nut noma anouia appeal 10 a home buyer wanting a real weU-buUt home f lasting arcuHecture. i bedroomt or 1 and den. Living room with fireplace dining room with built-in. There la a fuU-slst btsement with laundry party room. Automatic heat. Newly decorated thruout. Oaratt and lovely landscaped corner lot. Can you dupli cate at m, ooor ask for Dick smarm. Severin Realty Co. m N. High 4-Wili evM. I-KOS atB tnw S bedroom, THA built. M300. Do your own painting and save cm down payment. Phone S00I7. sec NlW, BEAlTTirUL S-bedroom house. In lastmoreland. Large double garage. Xv rytblng you need for comfort. 011,000. Karl Beams ter. Ph. 43668 for appoint ment. a70 Journal Want Ads Pay CLASSIFIED ADVBBTlStNQ Fer W.rd 4. Fer W.rd, S time. lto Per W.rd, S llmo M. Fer Ward, 1 m.alk H N. R.ran IS Warda. RXADKHN In LMal Mm Cwlai. Oalr, Fer W.rd T. Mmlaiim IS Ward. , ; Ts Place Ad In Sunt Dj . Psper, Phone I-M04 Before 10 sm. FOR SALE HOUSIS Home by Builder FOR SALE HOUSES By OWNER and builder. 19600 for quick aale. Will accept late model car aa down pay ment. New 9-bedroom tntulated home with attached carat. Cast on Middle grove Drive. This home It plastered, hat hardwood floors, antomatlo oU heat, large kitchen, with plenty cab inets. One block to bua and achool. Nice quiet street In new district with attractive homes. This It a sound In vestment in an area Increasing In value dally. OaU 4H2 aftor 4 p.m. and all day Saturday. aflO BT OWNER Bpaoloua S bedroom home In NB Salem. Cmr 1700 n. ft. floor apace plua attached garue. . 63x110 lot witn lawn and ahruba. Price, 111,000. call 3-7434 for appoint, to aee. 70 MODIBN S-BIDROOM noma, aomplete tr furnlahed with alectrlo ram. and remtoraur. uu wamar, Amltr, Orel on. a70 SPACIOUS, n.arlr new 1 btfroom hDuaa. lam eloaeta, built-in. mora. Oak rioora, flrmlaee, on furnace, baae. rrunt, double ..rata and patio. 1UI Fir St. Ph. 1-OOO0. a70 NOT NEW, but In axcellent condition a-pwroom home.' Ph. 1-0408. .70 REDUCED for oulek eel.. Modem 3- Maroom home, aood term.. Ph. 4-S3M. a73 ULTRA MODERN California redwood horn., wall to wan carpet, Tbermldor rani.. 13190.00. Can 4-M33. a70 BT OWNER, n.arlr naw 1 badroom nomamakara dream. Sea at 1840 Wal ler. Prion. 4-M74. Juit imt, 11,000 down. 71 BT OWNEE uoo aq. It., bedroom.. .twoo, near icnooi and bua. Terma to b. .named. IK Madrona. a70 CHOICX CORNER, 1073 N. CAPITAL 5 furnlahed partmenta, B bath rooms, aU electric. 110,000 earn. Phono Xat.p, 33704. ,73. S BEDROOM home on Kelt Waahlniton. wn oaumtnt, ou rurnaca. A food bur. S Bidboom homo aa oro.r lot, South .iwi. mi7 ewoo. - F. H. WEIR, REALTOR 1H7 So. Com'l. ph 1-HU 71 - K1NOWOOD HEIOHT8 For aale br owner. Beautifully plan ned and built. View, epeelroen plant ing, prlia wlnnlnv; whit, ehake, D. R., L. R 3 B. R., bulltlns: mod.rn kitchen with ladaetai fireplace, pic ture window.; baaement, hot air oil furnaces cltr water and aewer. Pared at.i near aehoola: PHA. 301 Caacade Prlra. Corner Loni View. . OWNER LEAVINO-Do jou want a food ui a a oeuroom nomer urte lot, good eu. room, throuthout, fireplace, utility room, hardwood floora throuah- Out, Insulated and w.ath.r.trlnnjtrt FHA appraUM, but wlu a.ll for lea.! naraourt. Altar alondar nelahbor, 4471 Rarcourt. a Open House ' BY OWNER Bundar Mondar, March land and 33rd. Hour. 10 to I. 400 Bait Brown Int Are. Ph. 3-4141. Almoat aa aar. with 1 bedroom bom., lrrlni room dinin, room, kitchen and nook, full basement With extra bdmn. .... oil furnace, fireplace, lorn? yard and viirue, .., m.PtlOB. TfTT tood. 111.500. .13. compact s bedroom houae. S kath rooma. Roue. In beat neighborhood. Open Sunder. 1-4417. .,g BT BUILDER 3 -badroom. 1 Uaetu new nun achool. Phone 4-1301 Or 4-1171. Ex. Ml. .in. FOR SALE LOTS IUKN HIT, 70X130. I block Bait of Lancaster Drln, betw.en B' and Mar- aet st. Br owner, Fnona 41430 Sat- urd.r or Bund.y. ..49 OBOin TIBW lou fa Xuaiwood Belehu. ..were, water, te. eMnsiaiy priced, aar terma. Call owner. Phono 1-3413. .. FOR SALE FARMS ; 10 ACRES room house, cast. H.000. acres, good land, poo l00. To teU or trade In on larger 1 arm. F. H. WEIR, REALTOR 134T So. Coral. ph. 3.3.11 b71 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE FARMS North Marion Co. FARMS lloner-maker. Trrlsated bottom farm Te m. Mostly vneneii m wu. ua Irrlf. right on all. Modrnle 4 m. hom. list If, barn, at had. 1 ear urui. Bxeai land M lot. Mir Woodburn. Seat. Tr, ftreem, Hurry 0a thUI Will be for el only abort tlm. 911.000. Bit long term lota available. . . BARGAIN OF THE YEAR! I aa ellghtly rolling. WU. loam. al tdii of itr. ncL ub-dlv. possi bilities. VaL front m on pav. rd. Very ffOOd OQJ HI I19.7M). TtroU. REDUCED TO SELL SOME TIMBER 41 acre, all Willamette slit. pavement, near town. Good income on grass mm and nuti. Modernised t bodroom homt, S barns. lit. 100 T. ft. marketable fir. Ineludai crawler tractor and tool. Very food at fit,- wo. POULTRY & BERRY FARM CLOSE IN I w. a par. rd. Cenberrle. Oldtr nod. I am. home, J ear garage, a etory pltry, hse brooder bam. Dual at fftsw. Zair ttrnu. Higginbotham Real Estate FIRE tc AUTO INSURANCE Downtown Pirat Kat'l Bank Bldg. Offle. 1711 JtVe.. SIM . Woodburn , b7r REAL ESTATE $50 DOWN $35.00 par month, hurt yon a good starter home Just outside city limits oi Jf. m. Baiem. Paved eticet, close to out uno and ecnooi. -McKLNIiEY DISTRICT tSMO.OO full price for a cood bedroom home with basement. Nice dminr room, garage, paved street, DOLL HOUSE Made especially for those who want everything in a one-bedroom home. Lovely living room with fireplace. Din ing room and china closet, wonedr ful kitchen and separate nook. En closed utility. Corner lot on paved street. Lots of trees. Eu by door. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 South Blah Btreet Phono 1-0301 Phone .renins.: .-1C71, S-3SSS, 1-4B76, 4-131. 1-3144. cot WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES CONSIDER CAR . At part payment on this home. Just outside city jurrtb. T bedroom with att. garage. Sep. utility room. Insulated. Near achool' and bus. Pull price only loom). LEAVING STATE ' Very clean almost new home in good area. Wall to wall carpets. Oil heat. Large utility room. Insulated. Unfinished upstairs; Goodly number ot fruit tree. 5 by 310 lot. Pull price only $8000. - - YOUR BUDGET BUY Yet hat t bedrooms on 1 floor. .Fireplace. Oil heat. Weather-etripped, Insulated. Pvd. at. In cood condition. FHA term If desired. PuU price 910, 0M, VALUE PLUS Out of state owner says aeU It. t yr. old home In very good condi tion. Separate utility room. Insulated. Pvd. tt. Att. garage. IS by 10 living room plua extra dlnlntt room. Pull j price only 17,850. CHARMING Plot aelect location. In very good condition. Automatlo heat. Several fruit treat. 3 blks. to nclewood school. Lawn and ahruba. Tool home. Oarage. Pull price only $9,900. PHA terms. CALL FOR MR. CRAWFORD, WE. PR. fOVafU or MK. fJUUlNS, JKVE. .PH. 4-094. If no answer call 4-2248. $6000 WILL Put you In the grocery business. On top of that It'a a good store. Overhead It very- low. Rent only 150 per mo. Business la good. Thla la an opportunity for a man and wife. Owner must sell. 6 UNIT APT. In good location. Spacious lot. In come taoo per mo. Pull baaement. In good condition. Liberal term. Pull price only sia.wo. INCOME $140 PER MO. Almost new bua. hudc. Verv vtvw. e tenant. Extra large lot. Room to build another oidi, parking area. Pull price oniv sii.Boo, CALL POR DAN ISAAK, EVE. PH 4-3538. If no answer call 4-3248. ' 32 ACRES WALNUTS Average crop about IB ton per yr. In excellent walnut area. Very cood completely remodeled c room home. Full baiement. Oil heat. Large fire place. Extra guest house. Pvd. front ase on S sides, a car garage. Machine nop. uwner vm ieu a acre with out bldn. for 115.000 or the entire tract tor Liberal terms. 3 ACRES With amaller home. Game. In good repair. Near Salem. . Insulated. Only t rim. u.u. run price SDIWU. Terms,- 3 ACRES MINUS With older trpe home. De- airawa ant. Cloa. to achool, bua and .tore. Pvd. rd. Offered for aale to cloee e.tate. Price haa been reduced CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS. EVE. PH. 'ui. no anawer call for 4-Tltl. MORTGAGE LOANS 10 Tear Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor oince rnonw: 4-3311 or 1-7310 30SS PORTLAND ROAD By.. Phone.: 3-473S, 4-B404, - 4-4030 3-3493 X no anawer, phone 4-M43 ' 70 3-BDRM. SUBURBAN BY OWNER The one you've been dreaming about. Lga, living room, flrplac,, lorelr view din. room, hardwood floora, built-in kit. 1 lee. bedroom plue full beta on. 1 bedroom, plua Dr. room with full bath up. Worlds of built-in linen cloe t. Busm.nt. City w.t.r plua drilled well for Irrigating. Any groundr "oh yea", over 1 acre, a perfect natural. Rolling landscape, aunken garden, Illy pool. lot. of Ite. fir treaa in back ground. Phone Ben Lambert, 17711, ev.nlni.. ce9. BY OWNER , S acre No. Beit aoll, all plowed, ready for crop planting, good a -bedroom house, wired for ranee, very easy terms. Phone 17781 evenings. tf S BB. BOUSE, basement, furnace, fenced nra, lurauneo, yivso. Terms, Can 8-ftlOt evening. TBADB 31? acre, cheep, train, fmlt arm, eiocg ano equip, oood brat., good location, Ili.tOO. Would consider moul, duplex, or modern home In trade Rt. 1. Box 18, Daliat, Ore. tM mbmi am THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, OrtgM RIAL ESTATE if Before Give Zeeb's a Try" Our 1U Una. are all aaclualr. contract.. Ton will sot find them u any other antae. Ttoy hare bMa afpraoud to adl and wa are proud ererr ana. we are NOT auemsera of the aanlupl. Uau n bureau. U yva bar. been Ihlnktni of llatln your property or If you tuet want u know what II', worth, plaaae teal free to cail for our fie. avprmiaal annoa. 4 A. Cnlmpr. lust aff Lueaatar terms. Thla 4-bdrm. boai ha. all the room you're Un looklnf for. Flrepl.. J?.'.- Wlllamett. aut. AU la cull, m pared rd. and car aeb. Truly a, real value. 314.400.' Modan S-Mna. platrd. buna., taalda amity" nn att, aaraae aa la a. lMLoaatM jaat wield, cltr Umlle clow to bua ach. li00 T.rm. Jr .l-bdrm. Calif, atria atuaco ha,,, full baamt, all fur... aaly S Ike. from St. Thtaanfa. real Talua-dlO.ut. . When you aaa tbla 4-bdrm. 4-yr.-old 1-atory homo with hwd. fire tarouhmt. flr.pL, att. ear axe, aa. tharmopana picture windows, aa Jlat?iVtoiu5M!mT,M' hm T0tt "T" loa! 3-bdna. latteh typa home In a. Words win not Dble. garaaa. li.000. 4-bdrm. ham. with two 1-bdrm. wttaau, walklnt dlitaaoe to ahoa. tZZtvfMS UUMd"' b ur " homo and hare Incomfc l-.torr brick kualaaaa kuUdlng that will anew you 10 sat on purchase l il " ""! a ..cur," excT JocVtlon 1-bdrm. home In Enil.wood out, Bdwd. fire., flrepl., kaaament. .11 heat, a RBAL BAROAIN at 41.SO0. , . u LoTaly 1-bdrm. home, eloee to achooU and bua. LR, dr. k. wan-to- wall carpM la LR at D. Flrepl, baamt, beautiful yard. Prlcad at 311,400) N.labborhood Orocery Store, ehew. aood r.tuma, will trad, for horn, or acreage. ZEEB'S REAL ESTATE H8S N. CAPITOL ! Ere. Ph. 3-4441. Leslie School District 44,700 4 yra. old. 1-bdrm. Vnflnlrhatl unstalra. .Ur. Kltchentlla draanbaarda. Nice yard J. ahruba. Garden apac PHA term.. . ' Four Corners ta.loo yra. oM. Hlea 1-bdrm. Llr. Fireplace. Insld. utility. Lot . T4 I IN. Nice gard.n apaoa. 41740 down. Can be bought furnlahed. Englewood District ' 114.400 A aood buy. a bdrme.. llr, dinette, kitchen, full kaaamenL anta. all rum. S. rang 4 refrlg. aood terma. T. East Salem 414.300114 acroa. Lata buUt. 1 bdrm... llr., din., full baaement. S fireplace.. Fatty rm. OU heat. Small barn. Wonderful sou. Term.. . Keizer District $l,a00 Beautiful 1-bdrm. ranch atyle. Llv din., kitchen with nook. Inside utility. 3-car aarua. Lot approx. H acre. ,4 yr.. old. Family fruit - 4 berries. Chtrden apaca. View Property, Kingwood Heights 17,too 1 yra. old. Modern atyla. 1 largo bdrmi. Lrr., din., kitchen. Inilde utility. Birch paneled fireplace wall with book abelraa. Large lot, 30X170. Fruit, aula at kerrlag. aood term.. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor m . Huh ' v ' Fh. awn ' Andy Ralroraen - 37143 A. B, Beckett - 14931 Mr.. welU - 11713 re., ts Sunday , V ' - ' " 114443 444441 31444144 44441114 141114)4413 4444411414 4444444444 4444MIIII 4lll.tlllMUt.tl4 41444444444444 344111444444444444143 3444444444 44 4111411443 44444414 44 41441144 44444 34 444414 41 34 ' OPEN HOUSE 330 OXFORD ST. Her, la the conveniently located, low down payment, 1 bedroom ' ." 'h,t w've been waiting to aee. Thla house wu built under FHA Supervision from the ground up, and la aelllng for It. FHA nppralaed price. The Una picture windows In the front room , give the room a cheerlul atmo.phere. The floor, are hardwood throughout the house and there la plenty ot atorage apace to the f,u!c lLln o'oaeta are udar lined. The bathroom fixture, ar. , tinted. The down varment on thla home 1. only MOO plus PHA closing coeta and the total price la only 43.300. 'FROM 2 'TIL 5 SUNDAY ' ' ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR SS4B Portland Rd. Ph. ijass WANTED LOCATION FOR SOFT ICE CREAM BUS INESS SELL OR GROUND LEASE. CALL MR. SCHMIDT. - NELSON tS? NELSON SPECIALIZING 702 N. HIGH ST. Grabenhorst Specials BAROADII Four bdrme. owner transferred. Nut llv. rm with flre place. din rm, kitchen with dining area. Nice lge. utility rm, 3 full bathe, exhauat fan. In kitchen and bath. And to make this . Jf. 2rL bargain Bendlx wa.her and drrer Included la price of . ' 413,900. CALL J. B. LAW, SALESMAN. SM"71"..AORE8-M P'unea, It acres walnuts, 1 acres 2.5? ' 3..c,r"! Ii11 1,n1' ,1,n: Puture land. 3 atreams. Some Kf, S??" T?M! location. Doing good bualne... Oo! leue. ' if.?? 't-TJf.?0" bu,ln,u' " R DETAILS- CALL O. H. GRABENHORST, JR.. CO-OP BROKER. BARER SCHOOL And so convenient to downtown bua by door. AETER HBVSrsSMAN.'men'- L0""r ,b",i'- W7M' - GRABENHORST BROS!, REALTORS 134 S. Libert, St. Pn. ,. Evenings 4 Sunders caU P.t.r H. Oilier 1-3344 J. E. Law 3-3111 H. K. Laymon 3-S4I1 . REAL ESTATE SECLUDED CASTLE FOR 4440 down you can move Into thla large atuceo kingdom with hdwd. nr., very large llv. rm, oak firs., 1 bdrma. down, large finished rm. upstair, (room for 1 bdrma.), inside utility rm, breesswar, large 3-car aarue. Over Vt acre. Circular drive way. THIS COUNTRY-TOWN ESTATE vau a. roune FOR 14900. TERMS. t0 DOWN and 144.00 per month. uuimiiais ruHEHSlON. IT COST YOU MONEY TO KEEP ON PAYING RENT. ui nisi ano sur thla nice 3 -bdrm. noma witn LR, DR. largo modern kitchen, inalda utility rm, attached aerate, raved .1, nice location on N. Itrd St. Price la only HMO with 1444 down and 449 per month. DON'T LOOK . FURTHER Hero ts a buy worthy ol your Inspection. See thla l-yr.-old 3 bdrm. home with hdwd. fire, lovely llv. rm, nlco roomy kitchen with nook. Nice attached garage with Plenty ot rm. for your work .hop. THDI OOKS FOR THE PRICE OF 47440. TERMS POSSIBLE. 4434 down. SB MRS. OOLESBEE, Eva. Ph. 14371 or BEN COLBATH, Bra. Ph. 34413 orncc dial 44494,2455: REAL ESTATE You Buy Sr. cal. for avadr. Ton name your Bulewood district, with wrerythlu. luaUce to thla value. Price JS S-4341, S-0M, 1-014 F8. J-S081 OPEN HOUSE REALTOR PH. 2-3669 REAL ESTATE GOOD 35-ACRE FARM Oood 3 bedroom home, barn and eth er out buildings, most all In cultiva tion, on pavement, 4 mile, ea.t of city. 414.900. 2 Acres, 2-Bdrm. Home 490004400 down, green ehakes, well built home, not eld, 1 acree all In cultivation. Out north, Lake Lablah way. Art Madsen Realty ' 1339 State St. Ph. 3-9130 3-3411 ,70- Journal Want Ads Pay JOE PALOOKA REAL ESTATE DON'T- ZXMTT BE 40MT ' S1SJSM Owar-buUdr hu Jaat aemplated a home la rJagwood BeUhU that aurelr should pleaM both Mother and Dad at one. poeeeeslon and anlor thla fine S-bedroom heme with fireplace, foreed-alr oil hs aaahogaar paneling, decorated ta HrfMtloo. OaU today, only alios dn. I aat. r.ajL. as terms. v . .. "HOME SWKIT Hour' Tour family wlU really lira ta the apotlMely clsaa 1-bedrooa with din ing room .patio, laraa lot. Aulas only 311,740. Located In a well-aoleetod eecuon ac aaiem aortheait. 1 iNVflsioR'a spaciAL - MtO Quit "foolln" arouad" aee this small S-bedroom houae and extra lot nw anuaa. new root. WAREHOUSE SPACB PCM RETT 4M0 H. fnt t r ' . BOUSES AND APTS. POR RENT . Older S-bedroom house. W. Bid 144.00 month. 3-roora furnlahed apt, 341.00 me. 3-bedroom unfur. apt. (up). 140. ' Call for MB HUTCHISON, REALTOR ' 344 Eda. water phone 44743 If no ana., call 3-4051 eel S4II444444S 4IIIHIIII S444IMIII TtVTV" 411144144444444444 .... "UX 34444444444444 LIST. 144111144444444444444 1444444444 44 4411444444 aswa.ll 41 44144444 It 444414 44 44 SULLIVAN 339.O0O Eight apartmtnta and three first floor but In ess outlets la concrete building, located In Sllrerton. Tela la on. to make the Inveetora mouth water, cai air. nana, Ereay. 1.4074. 140 OXFORD New PHA. i-bed room home Just, compsted. 3400 dn, pua F.H. costs. Drive by and check we nome. Located between S. com' and W. Nob H1U. rHKUEI BsajROOMS-dlouth aur McKlnley achool. Largo kitchen and 13S0 BO. ft. Heat i. all fnrMl..l. Owner will take houae up to 34,400 In .rauv. ea,aw. call SOD DOVIa, VU. 3-B734. 4700 rtrii Sedioonu and only alz reara Old. UUUWI natla aivn Thla you must aee .Call Ed Bristol, ores. 14414. TAVERN Thla nlaea jlm. h. lmpoaalble. Located In mm town with a net 01 over eao.uw on both the res- Muran. s tavern. AU OOUlPment IS' eluded. 410,000. 33 ACRES near Bru.h GnllM. In.f off Wallace Rd. Three-bedroom home w anape. t acrea Royal Annas, a.i,i vi a-7r.-ora prunee. 4 acree of Bartlett peara, 3 acre, applet. Own- ., iarm to ault buyer. Priced to cell 414,400. Call Mr. Zltse wlta, .vea 3-1337. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR . 1144 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4933 347 N. High, Branch Office Ph. 4-9433 INVEST (Salem Is Crowing) - Own Part of downtown ftal.m -T.... buelneu bldg, ground- floor leased and returning the lnvoitment. Second floor vacant and Jutt waiting to take the overflow from tha hl.h uhMi building. Income will tar exceed tn- vsitmcnt cost when leued. Investigate now while It la priced to give you a handsome return.-: - - $700 PER MO. 700 Dtr DIOBth ltvvime. saaaa 4hla beautiful residential court, a-bdrm. units, finest rental area. vtr in- overhead, Liberal terms to take over. . vHtwocr umon non-eiutcnt. No phone information, ahown by ap- HOME & INCOME Live In thla good 1-bdrm. home and .... ui .jo per montn irom perma nent renter, in furnlih.d homo on aame lot. Private driveway., private ,."ia ouy tor only 910,900. SpIsMiSI) ffegrte-"! 1980 Falrsrnun. Bnul Phone 4-3339, Bve. 3-4093, 4-1704, 4-4973 C741 $300 Down - Total $3950 small, MODERN HOME ON AC. SO. $800 Down - 1 Aye MODERN 2-BDRM. AND 20 x 24 UNFIN. HOUSE. PAVED RD., BARGAIN AT - $4500 $750 Down - 3-Bdrms, 4i2Ac. LIV., DIN., KIT., BATH, ATT. GARAGE, 1 AC. PRUNES, 6 MILES SALEM. PR. $3950 Attractive, Spanish Type muuivu rxn TttfSES, CITY WATER, CLOSE SHOP PING DIST. PART FUR NISHED, INC. AUTO. WASHER. ONLY $6950 AND TERMS The Star Realty S330 So. Pu. Blway' Pa. 11011 ct9 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 AUCTIONS BIG AUCTION livestock, Hay Machinery' Farm Sold Therefore aU livestock ft machinery to -r sell at public auction, on the farm, 1 mile northwest of Brooks. Turn left at Assembly of God campground and (o mile on left, known as the old Sturgis farm, . Monday, March 23, 1 p.m. Sharp . , ' 20 HEAD CATTLE 20 . . 14 Dairy Cow. Fresh and springers (no middle milk . ers). Guernseys tt Jerseys. 6 Heifers. Guernsey it Jersey. AU cattle double tested. ' 250 BALES CLOVER. HAY HcCormick Deering milking machine. 2 pails, pipe and . . ' stall cocks. Motor and pump. MACHINERY -V' '' Oliver- 60 Row Crop Tractor, on rubber.. ' ' AUis Chalmers Combine. Lode M. New drapers, sickle, ; . perfect condition throughout. ' 40 ft. endless belt, new. Case flex. 2 sec. harrow, new. Shallow well water pump, elec S ft Tandem Disc. 2-sectlon Spring Tooth. 16-ln. Oliver Tractor Plow, on " rubber. 8-ft Corrugated Roller. Rolling Sod Cutter. - Box trailer, 2-wheel farm wagon, on rubber. Duster. Scraper. Implement Trailer, 2-wheel. Cable. Garden " -. .Hose, Forks, Shovels tc Misc. Small Articles.. ' 200 Red Cedar Posts. A ':. ' 1 :. Don't miss this nice sale of good clean stock tc machin- : ! -ery.'- . . r - ...:. ' Terms: Cash FRED A. LOWRY, OWNER Col. Ernest E. Scott, Auctioneer ' . , Niiia M. Scott, Clerk PH. 46433 - SALEM WANTED SALESMAN r INTERVIEW FOR TIRE SALESMAN will be hold by tha General Tlr. at Rubber Co. at T10 Stat. at. from 1 . ' to 4 dally, salary and bonus. Experience helpful but not auenllal. Btaady amploymant aasured. ' ' ' ' PH. 2-2459 W. V. "PAT" LYTLE ' . STATE TIRE SERVICE : v r' REAL ESTATE ROYTODD REAL ESTATE 15 ACRES ' ' .. A' real nice settlnc in tr with wonderful view. Fertile land with several acre in permanent pasture. Oood 4 bdrm. home. Barn, chicken ns other outbuUdingev close In to own, au acnooi ouae oy door, good buy at WOO. CaU Mr. Todd. INCOME PROPERTY two apartments plus separate house for living-quarter which has 3 rooms and bath as owner'a home. Soum nt. door hu 3 apt, consisting of S room m 04..U emeu, xnnuiur in apt, in eluded. Lot approx 120x130. The rent tivm Kpsnmenta will pay ror your aawauwj, ar tiu uncti all4t.iHyil a -mil ut -ioaa. . ROYTODD ' REALTOR 410 (tat. Street Office Phone 1-4S41 ' are. Phone: Todd 1-1731 c71 $10,000 Modern lata-buUt, 1 B. It. home. Oil forced air turn. Lara, L. R. car peted wall-to-wall. Fireplace. Lot ojihsso, uioae to otoree and aenool. Paved atreet. Oood termt. $9,250 Clean, modern, 1 B. B. home. Pire- Place. Pull baaement. Auto, oil fur S?c.' SOP ,0 "oou. Palrmont Hill put. Will tab amaller IB. 3. home In trade. Oood terma. $7,950 very clean 4 yr. old 1 B. a home acuta, auto, oil floor furnace. Large ,nw win, $7,350 39M.0O down, 490.OO month buy. that clean, late-built, modern 1 B. R horn.. OU furnace. Paved street. Close Shi? " ""ooia. reneea back yard. .urni.ur.. very reasonable, Immediate possession. CALL STANLEY BROWN WITH State Finance Co., Realtors ' lev a. High at. ph. 1.4131 sreninga l-osei C73' MOTELS - MOTELS ll-unlt bargain. AU modern and 10 furnished, kitchens, sacrifice . at $20,000, and $8,000 down, bal. easy. Gross $50,000 in 1952 9-unit, trailer park, gas pump, 1 14 ac. near. Salem. This court nets nearly $1000 month; $15,000 down. Coast T-Unit- $28,500 Sell or 'trade for home or acreage.' Ocean view, kitch ens, good location 101 Hiway in good town. The Star Realty 4410 aa.' Pec. Blway Ph. 13011 Journal Want Ads Pay Saturday, March II, MS AUCTIONS WANTED-SALESMAN ' REAL ESTATE 9 MILES FROM SALEM - 14 acre., 4 acrea tin sear orchard, a real producer, balance eultlrated and permanent pasture, year around stream with irrigation posslbllltlea. Seven room house with basement and furnace, good bam with cone, floor, chicken - house, Very desirable loca tion, fine -set-up' for stock or dairy. Price only 413,900, 49,000 down... 33 ACRES'' " ' Only I mile from Salem, 7 acrea orchard, 10 acre farmed and balance paature. 4 bedroom home with baae ment, wood furnace, barn with i stanchions, 3 , car garage, chicken house. Tractor and farm Implement Included at $14,600. Murphy & Kent realtors. :: 3f North Church 1 Phone f-2393 Eves, and Sunday Wllloughby 4-413T oils WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED 9 to 10 acrea ' with good home, close In. Al Isaak, Hit., phono 4-3111. It no anawer, 4-3344. ca- WILL pay cash for a good 3 or I bedroom house In a desirable loca tion. Olva full dlscrlption and price. Writ. Box 10 Capital Journal. ca49 NOTICZt It your property It for aale, rent or exchange, list It with ua. Wa have all kinds of cash buyer.. STATU PINANCE CO., REALTORS ' 193 8. High St. ca WI ARB In need ot oood houses to eell. In or near Salem. It you wish to list your property for aale, see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS. 134 S. l.lhttrt tah . ... a.e-'a....... EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE my equity In my large, -u.ui .t-uiTuiuuiii uoDiB in oacra mento, California, for home or other property in Salem. Phone S-4020. RESORT PROPERTIES COAST CABIN, 3 lots, $1490. Trade for truck, car. 3-4774. cc7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAPE FOR SALE. Good location. UU0. $600 down. Balance easy term to re sponsible person. Phone 9-ftettO. fuMi BUSINESS & INCOME SALE OR TRADE 13,100 eoultv In a units and two bedroom home auto court. Ocean view on Blway 101. Bal ance 44,400 with terms. Pacific Cot tages, Depoe Bay. - WANTED FURNITURE Midway AUCTION w. buy and a.ll" ...v... .-..j.. da7S WANTED Oood used turnltur. and appliaaeea. Phone 3-4094. 0,. By Ham Fisher