Saturday, March II, l5S Ogdohl Releases List of Schools Entered in Relays Ted Ocdabl. director of thi ....!.!. , . ' . ' Ted Ofdahl, director of the coming Willamette Relays, to. dijr released the names of the lot hlfh schools and 12 col leges that have thus far en tered the mammoth cinder fes tival. ' Deadline for entries In the relays, set lor April 4 at Mc culloch stadium, is Sunday nignt, marcn ti. - High schools entered to date Nehalem, Jefferson, Stayton, Glide, Vancouver (Wash.), Al bany, Perrydale, Mt. Angel, Sacred Heart, Klamath Falls, Seaside, Central, Beaverton, Canby, Monroe, Drain, Cas cade, Elmlra, North Bend, Mil- Now hnnrihv Nnw is- wwwmw iiwii burg ' Pirates' Ralph Klner gets a kin from' his wife, Nanry Chaffee Kiner, as he pre pares to board plane in Los Angeles. Klner is flying to Join his teammates at their training camp in Havana, Cnba. (UP Telephoto) Waukie. Oalrrlrfn. v-ii Scappooie Newberg, Central v-,"t vi roruana, scio Cot tage Grove, Centralia (Wash.), Chemawa, Dallas, Canyonvllle Coburg, Pilot Bock, West Linn, Lake Oswego, Lebanon, Tole do. PhMrtmktlt T3 in . - - -.... tiiuwiiavuie, Lakeview, HMsboro, Springfield, Lapine, Helix, Waldport, Creswell, WlUamina, St. Paul Mnlalla Crnnlr -...- ty High, McMinnville, New vun, uonaon, tiermiston, Sher wood, Harrisburg, Pleasant Hill. Gervaii W.atnn burn, Myrtle Creek, Concordia, uuiur, uayton, North Marion, Wheeler Salem, CI troit, Junction City. Lowell, T a f t , Tillamook, Vernonia, Farkroie, State Deaf School, Sweet Home. rnrv.UI. mi. nois Valley, Glendale, St. Hel ens, university High, Nestucca, Estacada, Days Creek, Moro, Culver. Redmond. Medford. Sandy, Mapleton, Gates. Mo hawk. Colleffea Orpann Rial Ota. gon, George Fox, Portland Uni versity, Linfield, Clark Junior College, OCE, Portland State, Lewis anrl fMnrlr Wntrn Washington, Willamette. Also a probable entry is a sauad from Mather Air Base in California. Hawkins and Hebert Set Pace At Jacksonville Jacksonville, Fla., VP) Two young golfers who are in the habit of collecting their tour nament winnings near the bot tom of the prize list if at all are pace setters going into Saturday s second round of the Jacksonville Open and aiming at the $2,000 top money. Fred Hawkins of El Paso, Tex., shot 33-32-85 Friday, grabbing . the lead with an eagle deuce on the last hole. Jay Hebert of Erie, Pa., shot 32-33-66 for second place with 12 pars and six birdies. State Tournament Box Scores Cleveland (U) ., .. ft It pi Id r VtrOOB.f 1 ..Boo.f 0 B Nenow.e S I Stemple.f 4 S McNeil. ( 1 S :' Jolley.f S S Buhor.t 1 1 8S galeae f I It pi tp 9 1 Jorrasn.r S 0 I 13 4 B Plckens.f I 5 33 Blihop,o 3 3 ItKnapp.t 3 1 IDmtUa.t 1 4 1 sprlntr.f 1 1 Rlce.f 1 MUler.e 3 4 i Totals 17 91 17 ToU1a .ll 17 33 93 Quarter Scores: Cleveland It 11 It 11-88 jc Salem 14 Id U 1343 r; Mlis Free Throws: Cleveland (131 Ver - non 3, Mcclain 6, Menow, Ron Stempel, .rjolley 3. Balem (131 Pickens, Bishop 3, .. Knapp 3. Domagalla 3, Sprinter. Rica f and Miller. Bhootlnt Pereenlaiei: POA TO Pet. , Cleveland 88 " ? Balem M IB .367 ' Officials: Kchanls and Harper. '. Attendanca: 3504 (afternoon aesalon). "i Salens (44) Alnte.f t Ruor.f B Wlllhbr.C I. 'Henkel.t 3 i Robnin.f I Tuttle.I 1 Btott.I 0 Moran.o 0 rjkndll.l 0 Htallnt.s 0 (5!) Dallaa ft ft Pi tp 4 16 OurtU.I 4 10 3 10 Oleon.f S 9 4 18 Dmiky.o 3 3 0 IBrndll.t 3 t 3 BKUmlr.c 1 3 1 3 Karra.I , 3 8 3 SHoldrf.f 1 1 OHoIImn.f 1 1 9 OJoy.t 0 3 1 lWUdt.f 0 0 4 S 0 4 1 4 4 11 o I 5 9 0 I The Dallaa (11) (II) MarsbileH n tt pf tp la pi tp . a In - -la narave.4 - -- e 1 1 1J vioir,. v HDWIiO I . auwu.w w - Harnei.t 4 11 SHJatrm.f 0 9 i-.i A 1 T-ila 1 1 111 Brde.s' 0 4 0 OBlck.o 7 0 4 14 Totali 37 17 10 11 Totals It I 30 71 Quarter scores: The Dallaa 11 It 14 17 411 Marshlleld ......33 13 It It S-76 Missed Iret throws: The Dalles (10 D. Harnei, Moors 4, Lunaeu e, u. Harnes 4. Marshlleld (13) Powers I, Krouih, Lewie 4, Blck 1. shoottnK avsrases: POA PO Pet, The Dalles n 31 J10 Marshlleld 71 II orilclals: Ed WellnlU and Prank O'Nell. OUtekanlt (U . (ID MellsrS Is ft pf tp It It pf tp Osborna.I 4 1 4 II Bnihaa.f I I I 11 Barrlin.f 4 I I II Wlllmi.I 1 1 S S Fahlirn.o 7 4 4 II W'ttn.o Pillar. I Oil OThssn.l McCsky.i 4 4 II Atrbry.f f 1 4 17 Brnsn.c-I 10 1 SKnapp.I I I o t 9 9 ICrlppn.f 9 9 S ILnders,! l Totals 33 3 0 31 14 Totals 17 II II 13 Quarter scores: Eusent II 14 9t t ' Dallas 11 a 11 11-43 Missed free throws: Euiene (10) Alnsa 3, Wlllouthoy 4, Hotillns, and Btott 9. Dallas (14) Curtlas 3, Olson 3. Domuchoteky I, Kltsmlller. Shootlnv averasea POA PO Pet. lueene ,.. II 33 .33 Dallas 13 17 .374 Offlclsla: Bwanson and Patterson. Attendance: 77M (nliht session). (M) Aslsrla fl tt p( tp 3 111 3 3 I 3 0 1 milsBora (44) Is tt Bt to Compton.f 1113 Bay.f Eckert.f 3 Mlchelm.e 3 Halnrlch.i 1 Oernhrt,s 3 Pool.t 3 Hrtrmpf.o 0 3 Sepps.f 1 8 Smart.e 8 3 4UU1.I 0 4 I Brar.f 9 lo Voslka.t 0 3 i Ostrlnd.l 1 Relter.t 0 Berhtlt.f 0 Jensen.o 0 3 I 8 11 1 1 Totals 13 30 II It Totals 10 14 38 31 Qusrter Scores: RUlsboro I 13 I 1741 Astoria 8 I I 1334 Misted Pree Throws: Hllltboro 13:) Compton, Eckert 7, Mlchclsen 10, Heln rleb, Hartrampf, Pool 3. Astoria (l Bay, Smart 3, Ultl, Bray 3, RelUr, Becb tolt. ' Bhoottnr Averates: FOA TO Pet. Hllliboro ..7 13 .315 Astoria 48 10 .304 Ollldalt: Len Patterson and Virtll Bwanson. Attendanca: 3,071 Imornint ansioni. Smith, s llenno.r 0 1 111 Jndora,c 0 e 0 fl TotsU 39 34 30 II Totals) II II 34 II Quarter scores: ClaUkanlt 11 31 1 M-U Medford II 11 10 1111 Missed tree throws: Clatskanla (II) Osborne, Harrison I, Fabltran I, Mc Croaky I. Smith. Medtord (II) Bins- ham I, Wllllsms, Wootsn 9, Attsrbury 1. Thompson, crlpput 9, Bhootlnt averuea: POA TO Pet. Clatakanla SI 73 .311 Medford 81 II .Mi Ollldalt: Cammr Schanla and Balpb Harper, . Central Catbelle (ID 4S) Albany It It pf tp It ft pi tp AHnhfn.f 4 I I II Pnlhu.f I I 4 10 M'Hth.t 10 1 4 91 Shthy.t S 19 S 91 Dully.o 4 B I II Ctlblt.c 9 9 11 Weber.t 9 9 9 1 Brntn.t 1 9 9 11 Oottlrd.t 9 14 IPoperLf 114 1 Murphy.t 113 9 Wlllrt,f 110 OrskTch.r 1 s I IBurlrd.l 1111 Hell.t 110 3 Totals 34 10 91 II ToUll 91 33 33 IS Qusrter scores: O. cathollo ..30 14 IS II S I 17 Albany II 19 17 II 041 Missed tree throws: Central Catholic (III Dully I. Oottfrlad I, Weber 4. Oreskovlch I, Murphy, Albany (30) Poppert I, Shelby 4, Borenson I, Pon tius 4. Bhootlnt averattt: POA PO Pet. Centrsl Csthollo 18 34 J.O Albany II .151 Officials: O'Nsll and Wellnltt. Scorer (official) Paul Edlund. 'Double overtime contest; Central catholic's Jos Oresko vlch won the tame with a lsyln. Albany 14 11 11 II I SCORES in the ALLEYS University Alleys COMMERCIAL NO, I Aee'a Barbers (4) Flih 411, Psrker .413, Alethlre 431, Bullock 490, Hauser 411. Villa Market (forfeit). Lack "S" (1) Steckelbert 411, Bus sell 410, Rollofion 809. Horn 111, Par hem 319. Mrk'e Inn (I) Wllbert 111. Mull 413, Dlerki 430, Miller 483, Ireland 418, Ua't Appliance (0) Talbot 411, WIN kins III, Churches 4M. Duffy 481, Holmes 411. Keith Brown (4) Miles 414, Ollnes 111, Claaslen 809. Hlllerlch 481. B. Hlllerlch 101. . Walt's riare (8) Zwlcker 413. Palst 413, Daley 433, Lewis 803. Daniels 411. Bert'e Market (1) AUender t, Peter ton 111, Bnltker 381, Wlens 433, Ltbold 100. Planb'a Constrnrtlan (I) Preneh 407, Kuhn 111, Palmer 380. Plenk 443, Schmidt 414. Hollywood Clesner, (I) Rees 818, Anderson 800, Ferris 430, Cue 40, Oould 4(8. State Tire (I) Worley SSI. Lelack 411, Flelschman 411, Hunter 191, Brers 431. "4" Cernere (9) Cue 381, Miller 114, Wooers 411, D, Behm 8M, R. Benin 408. Hlth teem tame and ssrles Xellb Brown. 143 snd 3814. Hlth lnd. tame Jim Miles. 303. Hlth lnd. series Don Ollnes, 111. Capitol Alleys MERCANTILE LEAftt'E lenen s (14) Ryan 138, aVker 471. Drer 484. Wllkslls S. Prudente 493: Flsv-R-Pae (01 Asblll 400, Borer 431, Berrrhlll 388, Plente 431, Shelton 441. Fertnsen Enterprise (D Robinson 880, Adamt 448, Davis 131, Blanlon 443, P. Davis 111; Chsopellet (II Wlcklter 411. Chappflla 437, Hoyl 387. Baker 411, Jory 411. Sbryeeba (l)-Webb 481, Turnbull 4S8, Oretor 488, Olien 431, Irone 831; Tbs Hob (1) Greenfield 418. Morely 411, Bertram 481, Miller 413. wattler 818. Rota Rooter (3) Lltwlller 481, Btney 383, Howard 418, Kay 411, Poulln 110; Rsmatca (I) Lannltan 380, Stanley 408, Monner 487, Oravetter 441, Wlllet 411. Northweel Grocery (3) Amen, Jones 418, Gardner 838. Ounn 811. Lotan 848: Tetmetere (I) R. Thus Its, B. Thles 48, Morris 111, Oraham 4l, Baal 418. Hlth team same, Teamsters, 941; hlth team Series, Jayaon't. 9840; hlth lnd. tame. Bob Thles. 334; hlth lnd. terles. Roy Robinson, 880. Keizer Ksiier The 4-H club "Capable Cooks" met at the home of the leader, Mrs. R. E. Culbertson on Manbrin drive for the last club meetinc of the year. They have finished all cooking projects in, this unit, The girls are planning a theater party about April If Members present at the meet ing were Carole Johanson. Lin da Barker, Joan, Culbertson and Lorina Bobertson. Mrs.Nick LeRud motored to Portland Wednesday ' to meet her daughter Phyllis, a student at cascade college in Portland who came back with her to spend her spring vacation at home. Work has begun on clearing out trees on the location of the new Berg's market which will be built in the near future on Cherry avenue at the in tersection of North River road. Little Selma Jean Rinne of Manbrin Gardens celebrated her third birthday with a home movie. Bidden to help her cel ebrate were Lauriann and Marilee Hartley: Marie and Gary Gardner; ' Crlssy and Cathy Coats, Kenny and Eve Ellis; Craig Cummings; Keith, Charlene and Larry Rinne. David Patterson, another in vited guest, was unable to attend. Mrs. Roy Mogsttr, 60S Che mawa road, left last week by bus for Kelso, Wash. She was accompanied by her slater, Mrs. Earl Kiser, from Phoenix, Ariz., and Waverly, Ohio, also her niece, Mrs. Gerald Ing- werson of Springtield, Ore, They visited at the home of another sister, Mrs, F. M. Mc Gohan. Mrs. Earl Kiser and Mrs. F. M. McGohan, and son Glen, returned home with Mrs. Mogster Tuesday evening to stay until Sunday. ' Firemen's Auxiliary, Woodburn, Banquets Woodburn Members of the Woodburn Firemen's aux iliary motored to Salem Thursday night for a buffet dinner at the Senator hotel. A business meeting followed the. dinner and the annual elec tion of officers was held, with Mrs. Smith French -presiding. New officers are Mrs. Sid Seime, president; Mrs. Jack Bush, vice president and Mrs. Tom Cross, secretary-treasur er. A gift from the members was presented to Mrs. French, the retiring president. The members voted to par ticipate in the coming com munity action auction, either with services or baked food on March 27. at the Woodburn armory. Names were discussed for new members. Regular meet ings of the group are held the third Thursday evening of each month at the fire hall, the next meeting to be April 16. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaJem, Oregon Santiam Memorial Hospital Dedication March 29 Stayton Dedication of the new Santiam Memorial hos pital at Stayton has been set for Sunday, March 29, at 3:30 p.m. The ceremonies will be held on a special platform to be built in the parking lot ad jacent to the building. M. Van Driesche will be master of ceremonies. The principal speaker will be Walter W, R. May, editor of uregon Motorist Louis Barr, who directed the first hospital fund drive, now living at Oakland, Calif., is expected to be present to take part in the affair. Bands from Mill City. Stay- ton and Cascade high schools have been Invited to take part in the rites, according to Mer ton Cox and Mrs. Kenneth Hanson, special events com mittee. Parking and traffic direction will be supervised by the Riders of the Santiam led by Gene Teague of Stayton and rete Peterson of Mill City, A first baby contest already has started under the direction of Ken Farwell and numerous prizes offered by merchants of I tne canyon will be on display in the halls of the hospital. ' following dedication of the hospital, the faculties wUl be open for Inspection until 7 p.m. u rain should interrupt the outdoor ceremonies, they will be adjourned to the grade school gymnasium, according to Mrs. Louise Wilt, superintendent. Clara Frank, Mrs. Sylvia Hln- rlck, Mrs., Teresa Van Nuys, Mrs. Flora Shuck, Mrs. Ann DeJarden, Mrs. Ethel Huffman, Mrs. Meral Teeters, Mrs. Agnes Kirsch, Mrs. Isla Hanson and Mrs. Frances Freres. Plans for work to get the hospital rooms in readiness for formal opening of the hospital scheduled for March 29, were completed. Mrs. Weddle announced that a table wiU be In the hospital entrance on opening day where contributions for hospital shrubbery will be received. Mrs. Freres is acting as chair- Sgt. Mulkey Returns Home Newport tun An ex-state police sergeant who mysteri ously disappeared from here Thursday night and then turn ed up Just as mysteriously yes- man of the shrubbery project and stated that a number of plants had already, been con tributed also some money for plants. Following the meeting the meeting the members went through the hospital rooms where most of the furniture has been set up. -, terday at The Dallas was due to return home today. The wife of W, T. (Dubs) Mulkey, Jr., said she located her husband at The Dalles aft er some 100 Lincoln' county residents had started a search for him. The search was prompted after he failed to re turn home Thursday night from lodge meeting at To ledo. Mrs. Mulkey said her hus band had agreed to meet her In Portland last night and would return to Newport. She said he had been under a terrific strain for the last two months and had suffered a "kind of nervous ' break down." She did not elaborate on what had caused the strain. Mulkey had been sergeant in charge of the Newport dis- Pff 11 trlet state polleo for II years. He had suffered a heart attack year ago, but had recovered and returned to work. ;' Mulkey ; formerly lived at Monmouth. As a Stat Folic officer ha was stationed la S lem for several years, ; . UGALS kotics to cmsTorroaa I ton Seta anointed BiMwtor ( tht sttt at Samuel Berbert Boardman, els ceaaad. by order of the Circuit Court of tht Bute of Oram for Marl oat county asd have aaalllM. Persona bavins) elelma atalast Mid estate hereby art notified to prataal sams duly verified ta it at 403 puoetr Trust aaUdlai. aaltm. Omen, within its month from data of tint trablKallaa f this moUee. Cited asd first rosllshed Peb. 9U INI.. ' ' albbrt isarroao, Bna, i. o. stadtbx, jh. Attaratr for Baas. Balttt. Oraatst. Pen. 11, 31, Msrth'f, 14 and 11. ' Women's Auxiliary inspects Hospital Mill City Members of the board of directors of the Wom en's Auxiliary of Santiam Me morial Hospital met in Stay ton in the hospital entrance Thursday afternoon. Present from Mill City were Mrs. Helen Kimmel, vice pres- iaeni ox tne auxiliary; Mrs. Arlo Tuers, and Mrs. Clayton Baltimore. Presiding was Mrs. Kathryn Weddle. Others present were: Mrs. Beatrice Hlatt, Mrs. Katie Et zel, Mrs. Rose Belle, Mrs. DIRECTORY ' Albany Divorces Albany A divorce was granted in circuit court to Amanda A. Sturtevant from Duane H. Sturtevant. They were married Aug. 25, 1949 and have no children. Divorce decrees are sought by three, according to papers filed In circuit court. Marguerite Frances Ferguson vs. Henry Clay Ferguson married at Payette, Idaho, March 17, 1936,' divorced in Malheur county, in 1991 and remarried at Covington, Ky., Sept. 18, 1951; Kathryn M. Manning vs. Archie W. Manning, mar ried 'in Albany August 12, 1929, and Mabel V. Cox vs. Troy A. Cox, married at Red ding Calif., 29, 1948. ADDING) MACtHNXS Alt makss used machines sold, rsnted. vpbusu. Avon, too vours. rn, 9-8773, BULLDOZING) BuUdoalnt toad, eleerint teeth. VlrtU Bueser, suit rarvitv. rn. s-siti. 081 CASH KIOUTiat Instant delivery ol new RCA sash retlitera. All makee, told, rented, re- - paired, itoen, est court, n. 3-1711. DBES8MASINO Alterations, hemstitohlnt. battaas, oucsies corsrea, outtonnoiet. Mrs, H. M. Allsndsr, 9-8011. OBO Darvmo INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Zaay Drive" way. Call or set Mr. Bntlllnt, Vslley Mo tor Co., Salem, fhont 3-1147 or 4-1074. EXCAVATTNO Ben otlen or Bon. Xaeavatlnt. arad lnt, ltnd eleerint. Fhont 3-3080. 088 INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS rork-lllt trucks. Intldt and outside work. Hriter, dark, Mobile lift, 3000 and 4000 lb. machines. Br dty. wsek or month. Fh. 3-3438. capital City Transfer. INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrips, sereene. Free estimates, T. Pullman. Fhont 1-1811. 88 MATTRESSES Yankees Send Catcher to Edmonton Club Edmonton VP) Catcher Vince Plsanl, who starred behind the plate at Santa Clara University, was optioned Friday to the Ed monton Eskimos of the Western International League by the New York Yankees. Pisani had been working out at the Yankee's Glendale, Calif., camp for their top young prospects. He recently was dis charged from the Army. Capitol Bsddlnt, rsnovstes. Foil line nsw mtttrassss. Fh. 3-4089. o OFFICE FURNITURE A STJFFUE8 Desk chairs, files, fillhf tuppllet, salts, dupllettotrt, suppllst, desk latnpa, type writer stsnds. Rosa, 481 Court. o SEPTIC TANKS , Homers ssptle tanks cleaned, Hot ttrv Ice. Guaranteed work, Fhont 3-7404. 73 Mlkt't Septle Btrvles. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleant atwtrs, drains. Fhone 3-8488. 084 Bcwer, eeptle tanke, dralne cleaned. Ro to-Rooter Bewer Bervkt, Fhont 1.8337. TELEVISION TV Bales, Bsrvlce, Antenna. 1870 Lana Ave. Fhont 4-8839. oil WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleanere, Industrial floor wsxlnt, houstcleanlnt. Fhont 3-3337. 947 Court. BUILDING MATERIAL O. W. KLANO Wrecklnt Co. BuUdtrt chesp supplies. 3-7381 svenlnts. oil VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Csnlleld't Laundry, Repairs, Reflnleh Ine. 1440 S. 13th. Ph. 4-1103. Flck-up, Delivery, oio TYPEWRITERS amlth, corona, Remlniton, Roytl. Un derwood porttbles. All nakst aaed mschlnes. Repairs at reat Roan, 481 MINORETTS LEAOUSi Seism Lotsere Supslr (8) Hsynt 381, Amen 401, DeOeer 304, Nolen 387, Cun nlntham 1341 Amity Meet Market (4 Mrrrell 40, Bched 438, Wllcoi 414, Casa 364, ReloDnen 140. Dlekeon's Market (8) McNeil 111. Me dian 310, Chancy 318, Phillips 318, Frelts 386; Snider Eleelrle (I) Hoover 360, Beals 38), Pox 398, Bolton 366, Drskt 331. Marlea Creamery (8) Betea 363, Btettler 466, Blenely 386, Bcheneboom 417. Heilln, 146; W. C. Over a Son ID Deris 411, Scott 388, Oullerret 308, A. psvls 383, Jones 386. Federsl Oreton Ateaey (1) Oooley 366, Kirk 366, Rlckert 310, Grains 878, Tsikt 313; Clloe and Jehaolea Feed Shop (1 cast 343, Monner 434, Rasmussea 384, Wattler 188, Wlllett 311. Vern't Flset (4) Vott 141, Rout lit, Amundt 163, Kyle 343. Welter 4141 Ladd'e Market (6) Prantt 416, Masters 164, Pltsccleto 374. Blind 140. metier 117. Telephone Office II) Tumbull 417. Doutherly 303, Betty 141, Bureh 341, Pesrson 36); Cenaolllsled Frelthtwsrs (8 Morley 177, Wettler 111, Loot 404, Blltk 114, Pollniky 430. Hlth tetm terlee. Merlon Creimtry, 1177; hlth teem ttme, Clint and John ston Pood fthep. 730; hlth lnd. seme and series, Velme StetUer, 111 and 441. DON'T BE FOOLED about your LOCKER BEEF Do not be influenced by meat grading such as "AA," "SUPER," "FANCY," "SPECIAL," Etc. Stick with U. S. Government grading terms "UTILITY." "COMMERCIAL," GOOD." Insist en STATE INSPECTED, FEDERALLY GRADED beef. D. S. RDEMUT HADED UTILITY BEEF U, l FEDERALLY HADED COMMERCIAL BEEF D. S. FEDEUUT HADED , GOOD BEEF No txtra charge for quick fraaiing. Cutting and wrapping, smoking, curing, custom killing. SALEM MEAT CO. 1325 S. 25th Phone 3-4131 .32' Don't Be in Doubt CHECK THIS SPOT FOR Salem Business Establishments That Remain OPEN SUNDAYS! Now.. 24 Hour Drug Service! OPEN 8 A.M. TO 1 1 P.M , AND DUTY PHARMACIST ON (ALL 1 1 P.M. TO 8 A.M. . Just Phone 39123 or 42248 QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION STORE 130 So. Liberty Howser Bros. Equipment Sales l Rental Service 1185 So. 12th Phone 3-3646 Salem, Ore. Chicken in a Box 1 Delicioas Pan Fried , . Chicken Dinners , , -i , nd j. Hamburgers to Go V 21905. Commercial, l : h Fktiw 41452 :;.. -. Delivery Service - -, Open Banda Per Your Convenience Our Store Is Open Sundays From 12 Noon to 1 P.M. FOR EMERGENCIES Cell 38343 39379 CAPITAL DRUG STORE State aaC Liberty Tear Praserlptlon Stars LADD'S MARKET 1705 S. 12th OPEN 24 Hours Dally, lnd. Sun. Senator Hotel ' Coffee Shop M 'l " We Specialise la t '. SUPIRI SUNDAY.:., DINNIRS Open Sundays 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily ' ' 6:30 a.m. f p.m. tltei't reattw Otlfse Slilf Comer Court 4k Hlfh -rkne S-4111 Pay Less Drug Store SERVE YOURSELF and PAY-LESS OPEN SUNDAY 11 A.M. 'til 8 P.M. PAY LESS HAS EVERYTHING i Hockor ; Hordworo 990 South Cemmerclel Wall Paper, Paints and , Sporting Goods - Ph. 37031 Ferrill's Nursery Shrubs, ihidt, flowering nd trull trill. OPEN tO A.M. SUNDAYS li Mi. East of KEIZER Phone 2-1307 BERGS In the Capitol Shopping Center 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Every Day GOLDEN PHEASANT OPEN 11 Noon TU lilt SUNDAY SUNDAY DINNERS OUR SPECIALTY Ml North Liberty . Phone 3-8733 Phone 22406 To Place Open Sunday Advertisements Is Open Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 rj.m. 3M GREEN STAMPS 1240 N. (soils! SI. SAFEWAY OPEN SUNDAYS 1265 2120 935 Center Fairgrounds Rd. S. Com'l MO 96 9-9 SAME LOW PRICES ALWAYS LADD'S MARKET 1705 S. 12th OPEN 24 Hour Dally, lnd. Suite