OREGON HIGH SCHOOL CLASS 'A' TOURNAMENT PROGRESS .' CUtiaaats-aa , taaretar I . Mm: llNIUlt 1 - OUUkMU Mar 1:41 e.ra. OaUrte 41 fkareiar afeSfera-ll iUa.aj. IWIili-lt Ma IUm . CONSOLATION MUM . , Sal I'M sue, . ' , ' . . . : Ilsleee- H ttm Hhutk-a ""ssKatT""""" IMlar 111 . WllHiiF Srtaeis U last f-m. Piiraties, Hygemie in State IFimicols; PoDlcas Tries ffor 3 rd; So lent ui Dragons Outswap Eugene But Lose; Tribe Tops Viks By CHBU KOWITZ, Sr. MeArthar Court, University f Oregon, Xmftne Anj team am show a lot of scrap In a Ion ball lame, or when it la bvlooaly winning. Bnt H take troat team to keep on ac rap ping when defeat ta Inerltable. : Dallas high school hai that kind of team. Trailing 88-85 at the end of the third quarter In their itate tournament semi final game with Eugene la it night, the Dragoni ware hope lessly out of the , running. Thousands of people left the premises to beat th traffic 'Jam. Eugene apparently was wearing the Dallas team down. - iBgcne VP) The schedole for the elaas A high school basketball tournament , at Bafeee latarday: Far fifth place, Clas kaiil js. Hllliboro, l:ia rev fearth aUet, Central CatkoUa ta. Clavsrand, both Fwtlaad, t:il .m. Far third place, The Dal las Ta. Dallas, 7:11 pjn. Far first place, Marshf laid a. Eagans, ls pjn. Tha fourth quarter an dad with Dallas vailing by 33 points. We don't know what each Oorky stunk told his Dragons during the brief In terral between the third and fourth quarters, but whatever it was it sent the Dragons onto the floor spitting fire. . With the saeat hwplrad ex hibition af hard Fanning, sharp shooting and all aiwond good team play seen kn tha antlr tournament, the Dragons scored 13 straight polnta m five Bdnntes, cut ting Eugene's lead down to It points, 81-43. All flTe of the Dallas play ers on the floor at the time Rob Olson, Davo Harra, John Kltxmlller, Herb Brandll and DeWayne Hoffman figured In the scoring in that 13-point barrage. That alone should tell of the teamwork Involved. After the peaky three-mln ate nil set in, Eugene man aged to score six points, four of them on free throws, before the gam ended. Dallas, mean while, picked up three points, and Eugene won the gam 64- 83. Dallas outscored the win ners 17-6 in the last quarter. Tbe victory put Eugene late tonight's state champion- hip Van with Marahfteld at 1:45. Marahfleld gained finals berth by defeating The Dalles 67-71 m wild FAN FARE Tertsmc battle. It was the first loss in 27 games for Tha Dalles. Dallas and The Dalles meet at 7:30 tonight, with third place going to the winner and sixth place to the loser. Salem high school was drop ped clear out of tournament contention yesterday afternoon when Eugene handed the Vik ings a 85-53 setback on the strength of Ron Nenow's two free throws In the final 30 seconds of play. - lyhen Nenow, 6-3 Cleveland center, dropped in his game- winning pair of free throws. It brought his point total for the afternoon to 23, one of the best one-game scoring performances of the four-day-old tourna ment Nenow's two chances at tha free throw line came about as a result of his being fouled by Dave Johnson of Salem. When the officials caUed the infrac tion, the crowd of 3S04 people Dooea long and loud all ex- Bratton Knocks Out Jones in Fifth Round New York WV-Johnnv Brat ton is hollering again for a title shot with welterweight cham pion iua cavilan after polish in I on middleweight Bobby jonei in live rounds. "That's enough middleweight! for now," said the hard hitting Chicago welter contender. "I want Gavllan and my manager nymie wailman has a $10,000 check made out to the Damon Runyon eancer fund if Gavilan will fight me. How long Is he going to duck me?" Wailman passed the check around to newsmen and said he was going to present It next Friday to Boh Chrlstenberry, chairman of the State Athletic Commission. It took the 149-pound Brat ion tour rounds to warm up against Jones, a 162-pounder out of Oakland, Calif., but when h did he sizzled. Two rights to the jaw dazed the for mer California middleweight champion and a flashing right and left to the chin dropped Jones for the count at 3:82 of the fifth of the Madison Square Garden ten rounder. Jones, a 17 to 6 underdog. had the slim crowd of 4,278 (gross gate 112,975) anticlpat lng another upset when he won three of the first four rounds of the nationally telecast and broadcast bout 1Mb narvr y i.' 1 1 aa I JnA I I NuiMliM SS .. N Tm. fist .. I . I I I MankfMeV-tS Can. telte-al era. Ceisnlli H IMaer liM .m. I Oalarls fl ' mania, Aik..,-u . i:U I as. .Jaas2! ... ..., ... niw Alt..u ' I Meifere-M ' V ' ! ' " ' CSAMFIONIIIF SKBIES f" SUIUs.ra M ' Wat 14, M '" I J Chi UWMI TMT ! , ... fkareiar ... fp.. r ; ' ' ' -w-i . . ; Wei. IMS sue. ' ImM m ' mwHkk at ' Vrtter till p.as. We M (.a. I H'll'"ll II ,. awiini ii Ytareiar ' , M , ' ..... i. St4S P.M. CWt1h Ae ,. Bailee Wit fja. I I BAms-u ' aaieeea a cept the Cleveland fans. The fans turned sonr on the refs a few seconds before when the officials, Eehanis and Harper, failed to call a fool against Cleveland play ers Tom Pickens and Gordy Domagolla of Salem had been jolted rather severely by Clevelanders. Pairings for Flub Dub Golf Meet" Listed Pairings for Sunday's Flub- ber-Dubber tournament at Sa lem Golf club have been an nounced. Pairings for other en tries will be made as soon as partners can be found. The tournament starts at 8 o'clock Sunday morning. In the following listings, the flubbers are listed first and the dubbers second. (One flubber and one dubber to each team): aheMoo rod Ltom t Bill and Bob BurrcU; btir and LortU vi H. Price anil snallirova; OwyBn and Ivla Ta Pow 11 and Or. Gordon) Day Moon and Ahftnnaehtr va Qulitad and Smltn: Lent ran and Rarnoldi va Allcr and Me- DaTltt; fiehacitr and Bcneorivman. vi Ooodmra and Statmonti; Uleklla and Wllllama Ta DeAnnond and Crrti Wood and Brawar Ta Xlmmal and Morrla; D. Thmupion and Hoffman Ta Bob Price and atortroen; Filler and Wlcklund Ta Pekar and H1U; Wadnan and Tabacchl Ta Ward and rxvu Bendrle; Bnokhoot and Dick Hendrla Ta atetnboek and Quo tation; H. Nlenole and Dr. Brown Ta B. Thompson and Al Cohen. O'Brien Gets Bunyan Award. Seattle, (U.B Seattle Univer sity's AU-American basketball star, Johnny O'Brien, has been given the Paul Bunyan award for bringing the most publicity to the city during 1052. The award was presented yesterday by the Seattle Cham ber of Commerce. The new Paul Bunyan of the year was en route to Hav ana, Cuba, with his twin broth er Eddie, to join the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball club. The twins signed an estimated $80,- uuo package deal with the Pirates Thursday. Other winners In the annual contest were the General Pe troleum Co. for a film it produced on the Gold Cup speedboat races in Seattle: the Union Oil Co. for its company magazine, and the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Co. for a special Washington centen nial section In Its 1052 direc tory. Pin Patter Monday Bus Valdei' Pin Fatter column, a regular Saturday - Capital Journal bowling fea ture, will be delayed until Monday this week only. Next week It will run Saturday as usual. ly Woh Dltian staler Ceatial Cslbelie eta rim. 11 1:41 9.M. t I Filler Now we're not saying that the referees called them wrong. They undoubtedly called them as they saw them. But nobody else in McArthur court saw them the same way. At any rate, Nenow took ad vantage of the situation and connected with the two free throws that proved to be the winning margin. The game was a see-saw af fair all the way. The score was tied four times in the first quarter, which ended 14-14. The second quarter saw Cleve land lead most of the way, but never by more than three points. Cleveland led 25-24 at halftime. The third quarter kept the fans breathless as the score was tied four times and the lead changed hands eight times in that period alone. Salem held a 40-39 lead as the quarter ended, and still neither team had- ever led by more than three points. The biggest lead of the ball game midway in the fourth quarter, when Cleveland scored five straight points to take a four-point lead, 49-45. The lead alternated between the Viks and Indians twice after that before the score was tied 93-53 in the final minute. Statisticians at the scorer's table disagreed on the score at that point, and after a three- minute conference with the officials, score keepers for each team and Lady Golfers Swing Into Spring Action Women members of the Sa: lem Golf club will swing into their two weeks of spring ac tion Wednesday as they en' gage in regular . play of 18 holes on a match basis with full handicaps. Twenty members of the local feminine divot organiia tion will journey to Riverside Country club in Portland Wednesday for the first O. W G. A. action of the year. Winners of putting awards during the past week includ ed: Mrs. Maude McLaughlin', Class A; Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs. Charles Musser and Mrs. Max Flamery, Class Bj Mrs, Donald. McCargar, Mrs. Ches ter Loe, Class C; and Mrs. Frank Nichols, Class D. Basketball Scores NATIONAL AAV TOCBNET Frldar'a Semi-final reealtei Peoria, Dl., Dleiel Cats 17, San Bleio, caw., onnaiva Motors 11. Los Alamltos. Cell!., Naral Air Sta tion as, Kufena, Ore., verrbodr's Drufs 49. Saturday's Pinal Palrlnie (FST) I p.m. Peoria. HI., Diesel Cata Ta. Loa Alamltoa, Cant., Naral Air Station for ehamplonahtp. :f0 p.m. San Dleao, Calif.. Ori halra Motora M. Eusene. Ore., Every body's Drue for third place. P1UDAT SCORES Cancelation Roanl: 1 Oamae leadlni ta fifth place: Clatskanie IS. Medford II. Hillsboro 44, Astoria 34. Oames leadlni to fourth place: Central Catholic (Portland) IT, Albany Al (double overtime). Cleveland (Portland! la. Salem II. Title Baend! Marshtieid 11, Tha Dalles tl (over time!. Buiene 44, Dallas II. It is believed that the Greek alphabet from which most modern alphabets were de rived, Is a borrowing from a Semetic alphabet. ml, SrirUee Set. flM .. ' Set, St4S .as. l:U .. members of the press it was decided that the . score was 53-53 allrlght. There had been nothing along the way that should have confused any storekeeper. Whoever' book was off had simply neglected to mark some thing down, or marked it In the wrong place. : Perhaps it was the delay in the game that put the fans in a mood to boo the officials. All eight Salem players who got In the ball game scored at least one field goal apiece. Pretty well-rouhded scoring; the team total was 18. Dave Johnson led the way with six field goals for 12 points. He took only 12 shots during the game. Salem was warm in the shooting department, hitting 18 out of 49 for a .867 "batting" average. Cleveland had .309. 17 field goals out of 58 attempts. Tbe racehorse Manhfield The Dalles game, played be fore a wild, screaming capa clty crowd in McArthur court, was a see-saw contest from the opening busier to the overtime period. It was forced into an extra period when Marshfleld's Dave Jones tossed In a field goal with two seconds remaining to tie the game at 67-all. The score was tied again at 71-all, but two free throws by Stan Lewis and a field goal by Qulncy Towers gave the Pirates the game. The Maishfleld team grabbed a 22-17 lead at the first quarter mark, but -The Dalles jumped anead to go out In front, 36-34, at halftime. Then the Pirates battled to a 52-50 edge going into me lourtn period. High for the" game was John ny Lundell, The Dalles guard, wun zz points. Leading Marsh' field was Fred Droush with 21. In consolation semi-finals yesterday, Clatskanie posted a convincing 68-51 victory 'over' Medford and Hillsboro tri umphed over Astoria. 44-34, The two teams meet tonight for tilth place. Two Portland teams will meet today for fourth place af ter wins made in other conso lation semi-finals yesterday. Cleveland edged Salem, 88- 63, in a nip-and-tuck came. while Central notched a thrill ing double-overtime win over Albany, 67-65.- mm 14' COLDSPOT FREEZER Plus n Orchid Corsag Occasional chair Auto Seat-Covers Small Radio Cocktail Table Lingerie Boy's Suit 2 Pr. Interwoven Hose BE AWARDED MONDAY NIGHT TO MARCH 9th AT 9:15 P. M. DURING CORONATION DAYS! Drawings Every Monday Night Mar 2nd, Mar. Ith, Mar. 16th, Mar. tSrd, Mar. 10th CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER Pr Parking LOCAL UNITID WISS ASSOCIATED HISS NIWS AND FEATURO Pas 10 Salem, Orogon, Saturday, March 21, 195S Salem Senator Activity Steps Up on Two With the penlng f the W1L season a little ever four weeks ahead, activity f the Salem Senators will step up next week n sw different f roots. General Manager Hugh Luby will spend most f his time at Callstoga, Calif., pre paring for the opening of spring training March 30th. Meanwhile, here in Salem, Deke Walker, .new business Everybody's Drug In Playoff for Third Spot Tonight Denver ftl.FB E vary body's Drug of Eugene, Ore., which lost a 86-49 decision to Los Alamltos Naval Air station in the semi-finals of the National AAU basketball tournament, meets Grlhalva Motors of San Diego, Calif., tonight for third place.' The Xugen drug team, which earlier pulled the sur prls of the tournament by whipping . the mighty Phillip Oilers, was playing without the services of Center Chet No. The lanky No was in his hotel room suffering an attack of flu. The naval air station team will meet Peoria Caterpillars tonight for the title. Peoria drubbed Grlhalva Motors, 67 53, In the semi-finals last night. Loss of Noe in the semi-final gam severely handicapped Everybody's Drug. Noe was the star of Oregon's 66-52 upset of Phillips Wednesday night. - Paul Sowers was top scorer last night, leading the Eugene team with 14 points. Mel Streeter, subbing for the ab sent Noe, hit 10 points. Navy Center Al Rogers, Joe Arndt and George Yardley each hit 13 points to pace the winners. Lea alamilea (M) (l Iwena If ft It to tt It pf tp 1 1 S 1 YanUer.t IIS uaunue.r 1 uminir.i s 4 S IRrnldi,! 1 1 MStrter,e 4 S I Bowera.t 7 0 11 Talbot,! S 1 OH'Xvt.i 1 1 1 1 Roaaa,c 7 S Hem.i 4 Arndt, I 1 Lchanir.i t 0 S 10 s u 0 10 e i 1 s Hor.t s s Totali 11 11 IN Totali 11 1 14 4 Lob Alamltoa 14 If II 11 M Suiene I n IS la ta Free throw, mlised: Loe Alamitoa Tardier . Upllnger, Hana S. Euiena ' Streeter 1, Sntrue. Spokane May Be Forced to Switch Training Spokane () A belated touch of winter may force the Spo kane Indians of the Western International League to open their spring training camp at Lewiston, Idaho, next Tuesday instead of at their own ball park. Three i n ch c s of new snow fell here Friday, halting work on putting Ferris Field in shape for the baseball season. Manager Don Osbom said the switch would be made to Lewiston if the weather fails tb Improve, but the team would return to Spokane as soon as conditions permit. Breakfast Club to Hear Referee Monday Al ughtner, one of the of ficials in the national NCAA basketball playoffs at Kansas City this week, wiU talk to the Salem Breakfast club at 7:30 Monday morning at the Senator hotel. Fights last flight (Br The AMoelatad Preei) New York Johnnr Bratton. ua. Cnloaao, knocked out Bobby Jonee, 111. Oakland, Calif, I. wax ralae lad, la-Sddla prim er, lit, Duluth, Itlnn. outpointed Olen aenaeranot, 104, Blninamton. N. T s. ABuveraaai, rjouaaa cnarier Aniiee, Ultt, Favtueket, R. I, outpointed Ear Kallo, 181, Oold Ooaet. 10. Mens CushionCcrepe Soled Shoes Esquire Shoe Kit Arrow Shirt Woman's Slip Woman's Housecoat head of the local nine, is con centrating on advance ticket sales. Ben Ford, now in his third year as groundskeeper, is putting the finishing touches on Waters Park, and will com plete work on a new retaining screen which is designed to save the Senators some money in the matter of lost foul balls. Reserved seat tickets for the double opener against Calgary on April 24th will go on sale downtown 'at Wicklunds short ly after the first of the month. Meanwhile, the 11 grands land tickets for $10 are available at Wicklund's and at the ball park. - Luby reported late, Friday that he is not far apart with Jack Hemphill, veteran right bander of the pitching staff, and hug Lester Wltherspoon,' Jr., Negro outfielder, pur chased from the San Diego Padres, est contract terms. Both had demanded more pay that what Luby had ori ginally offered. Bob Nelson, popular left handed hitting catcher, now at TRAINING CAMP NOTES IOE30E30K30 San Diego, Calif, (U.B The San Diego Padres and the Chicago White Sox "B" squad both fresh from victories, will fight for another today in an exhibition tilt. The Padres took their seven th straight pre-season win, No- 11 sp far when they over powered San Diego Naval Training Center 11 to 4 here yesterday. Long Beach, Calif.. (U.R) The Los Angeles Angels meet the Portland Beavers tonight after downing San Diego Naval Air Station in a drawn-out ex hibition game. The Angels went 11 innings with the airmen before bring ing in four runs for a 10 to 6 victory yesterday in San Diego. The Beavers will be sport ing veteran outfielder Dino Restelli, newly purchased from Sacramento. He reported to the club yesterday. .. San Bernardino, Calif., U.R) Righthander Al Wldmar was slated to go the distance for the Seattle Ralnlers today when they clash with the St. Louis Browns "B" squad.. The Ralnlers meet Portland here tomorrow for their final pre-season tilt. Los Angeles, U.R) The Chi cago Cubs and the' Chicago White Sox, both smarting from losses, will take it out on each other today when they meet for an exhibition clash. The Cubs bowed to the St. Louis Browns 5 to 4 last night In San Bernardino. , Hollywood handed the Sox a definite 12 to 2 defeat last night at Gllmore Field. Hollywood, IU.FD Spurred on by last night's victory the Hollywood Stars will attempt a repeat today when they play host to the St. Louis Browns. The Stars hammered out a 12 to 2 win over the Chicago White Sox last night, aided by wild pitching on the part of the Sox and the steady hurling of Red Lynn. San Francisco, (U.R) The San REPUTATION Is YOUR SECURITY" that's LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE VAPJ I.IRII It. FOR THE BEST IN I HAULING STORAGE FUEL 3-3131 Dial r see as at 89 N. Liberty Us 1 "OUR Fronts the Sacramento camp, may be back in a Senator uniform at Callstoga. Nelson was sold to the PCL Sacs on a conditional basis. Conny Perez, last year's most popular player, is expect ed to leave Cuba April 1st . bound for the Senator spring training ait. Peres has been playing winter ball In south ern Mexico and will need llttl conditioning .Dick Sabatlnl, nwly sign ed infielder, is expected to make a strong bid for either the shortstop or third bas job. A .300 hitter with Brem erton several years ago, 8a- batlnl was signed as a free " agent after two years f Ks- -rean duty. . One big question in the Sen ator front office Is Gen Tan- . selll's intentions for 1953. Tan selll has informed friends that he- may retire, from pro ball. The likeable Oregon Stater has not answered Lubys contract offer and may decide to stay, with his job in the state de partment of agriculture. IP 01 1 1 1 loaoea; Francisco Seals meet the New York Giants in an exhibition baseball game here today, pro-' vlding it doesn't rain. . Rain was the reason a gam between the Seals and th Cleveland Indians was called off yesterday. Sacramento, Calif., (U.R5 Th Sacramento Solons were sched uled to make their first home exhibition appearance today against the Cleveland Indiana. A Senator practice game was stopped yesterday because of rain and team members 'kept their fingers crossed for bet ter weather today. Oakland, Calif., (U.R) The Oakland Oaks will try again today to play their exhibition baseball schedule when they meet the Tokyo Giants here. Yesterday's game with th New York Giants was called off because of rain. IXHmiTIOW BASEBALL (Br The AiBoclated Freea) . FBIDAX'S RESULTS Hollywood (PCL) 11, Chloasa (A) t. Boston (A) I, Philadelphia (A) 4 (It lnnlnii. Detroit (A) 13, Cincinnati (N) 13. Hew York (A) S, Philadelphia (N) I. St. Louie A) I, Chkaao (N 4. Chloaao "B" (A) I. Tokro Grants 4. Milwaukee (N) 11, St. Louie (Nl 1. Milwaukee (Nl 11, St. Louie (Nl 3. Cuban etara I. Plttlburih (N) S. Cleveland (A) at San Franelsca (PCL) cancelled, rain. New Tork (N) at Oakland (PCL), can- celled, rain. Here's the ideal home "power shop!" Lets you build things yourself an addition to your house, gasage, furniture, cabinets, etc, DeWalt is many machines in one. It's fast, accurate, safe Available in Vi h.p. and 1 h.p. Come in see demonstration, SEE TELEVISION SUNDAY MTV-fORTUND OMNIBUS SHOW See the growth and develop ment of the "Make It Your self' trend of hobbyists and home owners the growth of the home work shop. SALEM HARDWARE CO. UON.tMtrtrtrcW tawJ-4906 (W(ff Warn with en all-purpose Mi