f IMMta .u, Iff oa Missions School Calvary Baptist Since February 29, Calvary BiptUt church hat been con ducting a tchool of mlnloni each Wedneiday evening. The school starts at 6:15 p.m. with a covered dish cupper, moving into a devotional period, then to mission study classes, fol lowed by a session of special feature of Interest and inspir ation. . ; A play will also be present ad Sunday evening, March 22, entitled, "How Much Owest Thou Thy Lord?" On March 25 a color film, on "Mission Frontiers" of the foreign mission program will be shown; On Sunday, March 29, the annual "America for Christ,' home missionary offering will be taken. The final climatic night of April 1 will be of real special interest, when Mrs. Maurice Hodge of Portland, president of the American Baptist Wom an's Missionary Society, will be the speaker. She will be showing color slides on her trip to Japan, bringing vividly before us the great need and opportunities in that country. Salvation Army To Hear Rodda Colonel Gertram Rodda, Na tional Spiritual Special of the Salvation Army, will be guest speaker here Saturday night, March 21 at 7:30. The col onel is making a trip through the Oregon division. He will apeak at many of the corps and also address service clubs when opportunity affords. Colonel Rodda has specialized in the radio field having been "on the ir" over a thousand times. All of the meetings this week will be conducted by the Cadets from San Francisco with the exception of Saturday night. - Colonel Rodda is. a world traveler and student of interna tional affairs. His appoint ments in America have in cluded that of chief secretary of the eastern territory and field secretary for the central states as well as editor-in-chief of Salvation Army Publications in Chicago. - . . ' Amity Churches Bftitlit William P. Bray, pastor. Bun day tchool 10 a.m. Horning worihlp 11 a.m. Evening lerrJce p.m. Rer. Nick Neufeld, west weaker. Chuck of Christ Robert V. Powell, paiter. Bible echoed 10 a.m. Horning worihlp 11 a.m, Heraldi of faith p.m. KMCM. Youni people's meeting 6:30 p.m. MethedUtDavld Polndexter, ninUter. Sunday tchool 10 a.m. Homing worihlp 11 a.m. Youth Pallowehtp 4:30 pun. Kva fclnaeeTTiee p.nv ; - " Oak Grove Chapel David Polndexter, atlnliter. Morning worihlp 0:49 ajn. Sunday echool 10:4. a.m. AiMsaelr af Oed Prank K. Ifapee, pai tor. Sunday school 0:45 ajn. Bv rtlng atrvlca 7:30 p.m. Christian & Missionary t:46 am. Sunday School , " 11:00am. "The 11th Com - mandment" 6:30 p.m. A. Y. Fellowship - 7 :80 pm-Missionary Night: Lorao Bdlger Family t In Costume Pictures of Mexican Indian Work SECOND ANNUAL AMATEUR CONTEST Auspices MARINE CORPS LEAGUE, SALEM DETACHMENT Friday, Mar. 20, Salem High Auditorium 35 acts three hour show Doors Open at 7; curtain at S P.M. Adults 1.00; Children 50c. Herb Johnston, Jr., Master of Ceremonies (AMELIAS, RHODODENDRONS, AZALEAS For Hedges We Hovt a Large S4ection ef Evergreen Shrubs! See ut about Landscaping you new heme. H. L. PEARCY NURSERY 4 miles north on Front street, turn west at Keiter school, follow paved road 4 miles to nursery. Ph. 4-1916. CHOOSE YOUR MENIAL DIET The Science of Mind EYRY PROBLEM CAN BE SOLVED Learn the Law ef Mind in Action Why you think. How you think. What rethink. ' Clones conducted by - TONI ARLOA VAN ORNUM Salem Fridays, 8 P.M., Sunday, 11:15 A.M. at 1320 Edgewater Eugene Mondsys, 7 P.M., Eujene Hotel Portland Wednesdays, 1 nd 7 P.M., Conf ress Hotel Write for Free List of Books THE NEW LIBRARY, 1320 Edgewater St. Methodists Slate Talks on Beliefs Bllverton During Lenten season, the Rev. Douglas Har reU of the MethodUt pastor ate Is presiding at an 8:30 o clock morning communion hour, with church school fol lowing. . v .. . . The 11 o'clock sermon hour features a series of "Beliefs" of the Methodist groups. "We Believe in the Church" was the last Sunday sermon topic with the sermon subject for March 22 "We Believe In the Kingdom of God." Concordia Chorus St. John's Sunday The Concordia college male chorus of Portland will pre sent a concert at Si John's Lutheran church, 16 th and A streets at 8 otclock Sunday night under the direction of William Lewis. , The 26 young singers, who are preparing for entry in Lutheran seminaries or teach ers colleges to do advanced work in theology or educa tion, will draw on church music of all ages for their program. The concert will In clude a two part contrapuntal setting of " Wale, Awake" by Praetorius, 18th century Lutheran composer; Christo pher Tyrt "O Come, Ye Ser vants of the Lord," Mathew Lindquists "Lord Jesus Who Dost Love Me;" "O God Our Help In Ages Past" by Hoelte Nickel" and a setting of "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" by Nosh Francis Ryder. Garry Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, 12 7 0 Peace street, Salem, is a mem ber of the chorus. ine of Church Topic of Sermon - SUverton In the continu ance of the general theme se ries of "The Apostolic Church," instructional ser mons, the Rev. Arthur Charles Bates of the First Christian pastorate will speak on "The Discipline of the Church" at the ' 11 a.m. Sunday worshio hour March 22. The program plans for the Sunday worship hour . have been reversed in the serving of the communion emblems following the sermon. At the Sunday evening: serv ice at the Christian church. there will be a team from the Willamette District Ninety- and-Nine , in rlvo thai 7-an o'clock program following the 6:30 special youth service with Gerald Sawyer directing the youth hour. Mill City Churches Fint lbrteriasWlev. Noble Street er, minister. Sunday ichool t:4( ajn. Youth Fellowship 4 p.m. Church eenrlces U a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Krai ChrlsUsvn Rt. Hush Jul!, pai tor. flunday school 9:45 a.m. C.B. :30 P.m. church serTlces 11 a.m. and I p.m Bt. Catherine Cethelle Father Robert O'Hera. pastor, Morntni mass l:lfi a.m. Confeiilons heard before maw. free MethedJrt Rer. C. R. Brewer, pastor. Sunday school f.it a.m. Church serTlces 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. - CeeueeBltr Rer. Lee Joiner, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Church services 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. atssesebly ef Get Sunday school 10 a.m. Church eenrlces 11 a.m. and 7:W p.m. Chrlettea Science Sunday 11 a.m. 4th Wednesday p.m. Safem dkiircli ei Strata Oar ASvaaliat Soauatr at Heat Sabbath School :N a.aa. Topic: -Xeaoerehlp la the Chureh." Samoa 11 a.m. by Faatat B. O. Scluiftr. Jean laa KawW Metaaalet Okarek Career of Jellereea aad Winter. Br- .wn uouiaer. ntnieier. uijm verehla arnica t 11:00 an. Sonaos enueei, "Jeiua, too Kins el Church oebool el e.m. St. Wl CataeUe - Ckarek CM- meieta us winter au. hot. Jeeepb I. Vand.rtwck, paitor. suaaer urn a. i:n. e:jo, ,:u, 11 ua 11:11. CoofM etoat SeWnler- 1:-I:M ea4 T:-l. rUU SelrHaeUal Clank Wanen' la boom. 4M North CaUate, T:N P teater. Dr. Italian Topic: "TO. Maaar oi je.ua." . . laMek Camaiaall Ckarek la Leblah VUlaia. Bunder achool at It. Praachlna at u, -fault neat secmae," thcma. At 1. Junlora DHL At Ttt. tha Taunt reopte Elbla stunt. t:M. aiuiata at "Hrprocrur." Wad. slant Rat. Well- born tai lateura lth alldaa . "la amount sia." B. at. Baeie, pat tor. Sk'Jaaai Latkeraa Ckarak lata. Synod) nth and A Bta. H. w. Oroai, paatar. Bervieee at 1:00 and 11:00. Sun dot aohool and Blbla elaaa 10:00. Ckarak al Jeeae Ckrlat a( Ullar Day taint I (Manaaa) th and liadlaan sueeta, John B. BalUburr. Blahoa: Priailhaod maotlnt 1:00 e.m., Sunday nenou io:pt 0.01., sacrament aieeunt o:w p.m. tela) Taal'a lalacaaal Ckarak Church ana caemeketa Bta. Bar. aeeree H. Bwllt. BJq Ractor. Holt Communion. t:jo a.m.i lamut aenrlcta and clauaa, t:30 a.m.; nuraary achool In parlab haU. 11:00 a.m.l prayar aarvlct and aarmoa. 11:00 a.m. Flnt Ckarak al CarUL Sclaatlat Liberty and Chemeketa BU. Sunday Bchool at 11 a.m. ktomlnt aarvlcai at ii. Laaaon-aarmoo aublact: "Matter." Bvanlnt aorrlca at I. LaMon-aarmon aub Jaet: Mattar." First CarliUaa Ckarak laarlon and Cottaae Ulnkter, . Dudley Strain, alln- later ox Chrlatlen sducatlon. Donald Payne, church achool, t:4a a.m. ktorn- lnt worihlp and communion. 10:45 a.m. Sermon by Dudley strain. Bpeclal mu- eic. youtn ntuowanip period t:30 p.m. anack time, 1:10 p.m.-Youth dlacuaaloa period, 0:30 p.m. Bvenlnt worahlp aery Ice, T:3D p.m. Bermon by Donald Payne. Special mualo. Tka SalraUea Amy 141 Btate Street. Phone 1-H37. Major chtrlea Bennett, officer in charte. Sunday maetlnta: Bun day School l:4t a.m. Bollneaa meetlnt, 11 a.m. Tount People'a Letlon p.m. Balratloa meetlnt 7:30 p.m. Caart street Ckriatlaa Ckarak 17th and Court Btreeta. W. Barold Lyman o. PbUlp HuM. mlnlitera. Bible achool aaaembly, S:3e a.m. Mornlnt tror ahlp, 10:00 o'clock. Sermon by Mr. Hurd. youtn Hour, t:30 p.m. avenmt worihlp, 7:30 o'clock. Bermon by Mr. Hard. BeorcanJiei Ckarek at Jena Christ ml Latter Day Salute Seventetnth and Che meketa Bta. Oeorte W. Speed, paitor. Church achool l:4S. Mornlnt worchlp, 11. Keith N. Klnart of Waahoutal, Waih.. tuaat apeaker. Srenlnt worahlp, 8. Oeorte W. Speed, apeaker. . Saleat Tratk Center 341 Chemeketa. Sunday School. 10. service 11. Tonle: The Plte-Polnted Star," Bar. olive Ste- vana. . . KlBtweed Bible Ckarek 113B Kim Street. t:4B ajn.. Sunday Bchool for all atea. 10:40 a.m., worihlp aarvlce with Rev. Alex R. Sauerweln proaohlnt: "The Darkeat Day In Hlatorr." t:4l a.m.. youth meetlnai. 7:48 p.m., aueat apeaker mi do announcea. Christ lutheren Charea, (AL0 State Street at llthi the Rev. T. sC. Otb- nara, pastor. Sunday worship services. :4ft and 11 a.m. Sunday Bible classes for all ages, 10 a.m. Willamette JUea Breiherboid meeting, 1:30 p.m. Lenten vespers, wedneMsy, 7:45 p.m. Calvary Baptist Chureh South Llb erty at Miller St. Omar N. Berth, nastor. 0:45, Bible School. 11:00, Great questions of the last week: "What Shall I Do win jeiusT" (Pilate's question). Broad cast over KOAE 1430 Kc. :30, all youth groups. 7:30, Missionary Drama: -now ssucn owest Thou Thy iiord? ' Chureh ef Christ chemeketa and Cot tage Streets. Choice L. Bryant, evangel 1st. Sunday morning "Bible Proaram" (KOCO) 9:00 to 9:15. Sunday morning Bible school, 10:00. Sunday morning wor ship service 10:50. Sunday evening young people's training classes 6:30. Sunday evening preaching ana worship services 7:30. Wednesday evening mid-week serv ice 7:30. - Bt. Mark's Lutheran 343 N. Church St. Rev. John I. Cauble. pastor. Sunday scnooi convenes at o:30 a.m. Horning worship 11 a.m. The sermon: "The prom ue or cetera! inheritance" will be delivered by the pastor. Adult instruc tion class 4 p.m. Luther Leagues meet at 5 and 6:30 p.m. Flret Oiarek al the Naaerene Caster at nilrtea&wi. i.-w Church achool. 10:K. the paator tpeaklnt. t:30, Youth devo tional hour. 1:30, the petttar apeatlnt. lirat Baetlat Cb.reb Marlon and Lib- ertt. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderaon, paator. Rev. Thornton Janema. aaioelata paator. Sun der School. 0:4S a.m. afomlnt worahlp, li :w o-oiocK, "A Livicr eacnnea." paa tor Lloyd Anderaon. Youth meetlnt.. S:1B p.m. sranint toepel aernce. tueat apeak er. Fear Caraere Ba.tlat Ch.reh State and Elm Street.. Rev. Victor L. Louche. paitor. sunder achool. t:fB a.m. Morn lnt worahlp. 11:0. o'clock, paator apeak Int. Yount Peoplea Leatue. t:30 p.m. Gvenlnt toapel aervlee 7:30 p.m. llld- week prayer aervlee. Thnraday. 7:30 p.m. Chrlstisa ni sfUtloasry AllUnes unoreD Norm sw ana Gauss. Rv. Fsul W. Ounther. psstor. Bundsy school, s:t .m. Moraint vst)tcium ana wor ship, "Ths Uth Commandment." 11:00 a.m. Alllanct Touth Fellowship. 6:30 p.m. Missionary SerTlct, pictures of In dlan work In Mexico, Rer. Loraa Wiser ismiiy, t.30 p.m. -. Tint Methtilst Chirea At ths BIsl nors Theatre. Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Ser mon, "We Believe In the Klnsdom of Qod." Bermon by the minister, Brooks h. moo re. K I k t Mesaeiisl CsntTecatlenal First Presbyterian Church Chemeketo at Winter Salem, Oregon Sermon by Dr. Poling 'THE ONE BOOK" Identical Service tiU-U tun. KOCO (1490) 10 to 10:30 Faal Nawlaa Fallal, D.D raelar B. I. BelleaS, Aaahtoal r-aalar MISSIONARY RALLY Pilgrim Holiness Church 2285 Carlton Wey BOLIVIA SPEAKER Sunday, 22nd ot p.m. M.irlon County Holiness Assoc. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, tt&X Wesleyon Methodist Meetings Continue Wealeyan Methodist church at South 15th and MU1 streets will announce revival meet ings to . continue , over the week-end and . throughout the coming weak... Evangelist Pearl Roe of Iowa has been preaching the old fashioned, heart-seraching gospel mea ns as taught in the New Tes tament Visitor arc urged to attend...,-- ' ; Prestbyterian Men See Oregon Film Dallas Tuesday night the regular meeting of the Presby terian Men ot Dallas offered a reminder of the beauties ot the state when the group had the opportunity' to see the State Highway film, "You'll Remem ber Oregon." The film shows the scenic beauty and other advantages to be found in Oregon, whether one is a tourist or a native, The group completed the final steps toward organizing the membership under the "Ev ery Man" plan, whereby each member helps the entire group in carrying out the ideals of the club. ' : The program for the evening was prepared and presented by Walter Muir,-. chairman, ' Ed Hines, J. Johnson, George Kurre and Robert Kleeman. Rev. Fisher Guest Speaker. Nazarenes The Rev. C. William Fisher. of Kansas City, Mo., will be the special speaker in a series of Evangelistic services starting Wednesday at the First Church of the Nazarene, Center and 13th. A special feature of the instrumental music will be the baritone horn with which Mr. Fisher received first place in competition in the state of Ok lahoma and second in national competition in Chicago. "Mr. Fisher also directs the congre gational singing. .. . Mr. Fisher is the author of two books, "The Time Is Now' and more recently, "Second- Hand Religion." The services will start each evening at 7:30. The public is invited. . .. . Silverton to Hear Rev.R. H. Rismiller SUverton Rev. R. H. Rismiller ' of . the ' Seattle Lutheran Bible ' institute who will be 'featured speaker for the v local Bible ' instruction conference to be held from Sunday through Thursday, March 22-26, at Trinity Lutheran church with the local Lutheran churches, Cal vary, Immanuel and Trinity at host groups.- ' " Rev. Rismiller is to appear as Sunday guest spesker at the 11 olclock worship hour at Calvary Lutheran church, the Rev. Arvis L. Hokonson as host pastor. The series of Bible studies are to be from the Book of Ielah. . . . . Alliance Church To Hear Edigers Sunday 'night at the 7:30 otclock service at the Christ ian and Missionary church, N. 5th and ' Gaines, - a Salem missionary family home from Mexico will be featured. Rev. and - Mrs." Loran Ediger and children will appear in cos tume and show pictures of their work among the Indians of the interior of Mexico. Rev. and Mrs. Ediger are making their home during their fur lough near . his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ediger, Route 6, Salem. At the morning 11:00 olclock service, Rev. Paul W. Gunther, pastor, will preach on 'The 11th Commandment, Ckarek 341 Booth ltth Street. Laula S. White. Mlnlater. 9:46 a.m., Sunder Bchool. Cleaaea for .vert member af tha femur. . -11:00 a.m moraine worahlp. Sermon br tha mlnlater: "The Uvlnt Chrlat." t:I0 p.m., Plltrtm Fellowahlp troupe for Junior hlth and aenlor tilth yount people. . It. Vr-eenl U Pul CthlW-Columbl. and Myrtle itreeU. Mimci et 4, T:30, 1:41, 10 Mid 11: IS .m. Confeuloni 8t- urdftr. 4:30 to B:W Md 1 to 1:30 p.m., and before nuui. ..... Orseo Lutlierfttt Chirek (110) flunnr view nd LeMlnt Avenuee. Sunder Bchool f:4ft ft.m. Divine worship, 11:00 a.m. Luther Leaiue. 1:00 p.m. Lenten ervlees - on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Lowell w. Holte, pMtor. Flnt Ifantelleal UntU Brethren Caarclv Uerlon and Summer. A. O. Jtmleaon, minister. Sunday School, 1:41. Worship eei-Tlce, 10:50. Mesiaie by Rer. P. I. Miner. Youth ellowihip. 8:30. Evan tehi tic m trice, 7:30. lfeweie! "The Tramf duration." Bank Offering Estate Forum Estate problems which may confront the average Ameri. can family will be discussed at a special estate and trust forum to be presented by the United State National bank. The session Is scheduled for Tuesday, March 14. at 7:30 p.m. In the Mirror room of the Marion hotel, Bex Gibson, vice-president and manager of the bank's Ladd .Bush-B lem branch,' announced. These forums are being of fered as a public service, ac cording to Z. C. Sammons, V. S. National president, who pointed- out that more than 2300 persons attended ' last year' series. , Estate planning' as well as tax economies will be includ ed In the forum which Is de signed as a nonr technical pre sentation of solutions to prob lems which the average fam ily might face. : Three experienced trust of ficers from the . bank's head office will conduct the pro gram. R. M. Alton, -vice- president and head of the U. S. National's trust depart ment, will discuss the effect of ownership , methods- on estate taxation. He will set up a typical estate plan. Trust Officer L. B. Staver, in the second discussion of the eve ning, will present the most popular trust services used to day and will point out the need for a properly drawn will. The closing talk by E. J. Overman, trust officer, will concern investing trust funds. Presiding officer will be Rex Gibson who has stated that there will be opportuni ties for questions from the au dience. A social hour will complete the program.' Darrell Bowenaf Alsea Star Farmer Corvallis ) -Darrell Bow- en, an Alsea Future Farmer who runs a dairy and also has purebred Hereford cattle, was named the Oregon Star Farm er at Wednesday nisht's awards session of the FFA convention here. : Bowen has a net worth of $27,027. He was chosen from 72 State Farmers named here Tuesday. The Star Farmer award is the highest given by th state FFA organization. , Life of fngersof I Will Be Studied " The Unitarian Fellowship will study the life of Robert G. Ingersoll at the regular services in the Woman's club Sunday morning. Steve Anderson will speak on "America's Amazine Agnostic." Ingersoll, a phenom enal lawyer, Civil war hero. and Republican' party orator (he nominated two Republican candidates) was a controversial figure because of his outspoken agnostic view for decades after the Civil war. Few Americans have been so praised and damned for their beliefs. Fol lowing Anderson's speech there will be a discussion and social period. Assembly of God Woodburn Revival Woodburn A aeries of re vival services will begin at the Woodburn Assembly of God church Sunday, March 22, con tinuing through April 6. Rev. and Mrs. F. R. Davidson of Trenton, Mo., will conduct the services every evening except Saturdays for the next two weeks, beginning . at ' 7:45 o'clock. Rev. Davidson is an evange list radio speaker, world trav eler and lecturer. Mrs. David- ion is also a minister, soloist, pianist, accordionist and child evangelist. The public is in vited to attend. FARMERS BANQUET Silverton "We Prodigal Sons'' is the title of an address to be given by Dr. Howard Runkel, director of the Willam ette university speech depart ment, before the Silverton Ro tary club next Monday night. The occasion is the Rotarians annual farmer's night banquet. SCHAEFER'S COLD TABLETS For simple headache end simple neuralgia caused by common cold, headache, natal congestion, fever, muscular aches and pains, temporary centtipa tier) Only at 50c-1.00 SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally, 1:W ajn. I .m. Sundays, ( a.m. - 4 9-m. 13S N. Commercial Gottwald Entombed. Successor Not Named Vienna, Austria, UK The body , of Czeck Dictator Kle- ment Gottwald, who died mourning his Idol Josef Stalin, was consigned to ' marble tomb In Prague today with the name of his suc cessor still unannounced. The funeral pattern, as des cribed by Prague radio, was a miniature copy of last week's .' Kremlin rites . for Stalin. -. Shingle Mill at Independence A new shin gle mill is being built on four acres of land, located at the northwest side of Independ ence, and close to a valley and siletz aiding. The new Interstate Shingle company will be operated by rl. c Roles of Siltcoos lake, Three shingle machines will be installed in the mill, and will turn out approximately 10 0 squares of cedar shingles each day. It is anticipated that 22 men will be employed when the mill opens. Mr. Holes has shingle mills at Toledo and Gardiner, and operates the Parkdale Lumber company sawmill at Parkdale. At present, Mr.- and Mrs. Roles are residing at the Wil low Auto Court In Independ ence. . . , Nats on Formosa to Get 100 U. S. Jets Talpeh, Formisa U.B The Chinese Nationalist air force prepared today to organize a jet fighter wing -to fly more than 100 American let planes expected here shortly. Eight men, who will head the first Nationalist jet force, will train their students In T-35 two seat trainers. After their training the tiew pilots will probably -fly F-88 Sabre jetS. :'. " . 7 ; MARGARINE nucoa .............. . .... ......... 4-n. ooc ' SUNNY tANK . . ..... . . .'. . . V. . ;,'.4-lbs. 99c BEET SUGAR ;.. , : . PREM i;.;;.... nestle's morsels. highway pineapple i! DOLE'S PINEAPPLE w UUNI ......... .46h. cent 4$ 1.00 LrtlY'S TOMATO or SUNNY DAWN .....4t$-ei. cans 4$1. 00 VAN CAMP'S PORK & BEANS '"tST 91.00 HORMEL'S CHILI CON CARNE 3$1.00 '.:-':-) ' crackers'; ; krispy '. . . . v ...i...-. . ; ..... ... . . . ... . . . ... ; ;. . . : i-ib. mc ' busy baker ................l-lb. 23c CLOFaOX :..v.. STANDING RIB ROAST &ttZ9cv FRYERS wlft Premium, l-lb. 14-os .Each $1.29 BEEF SHORT RIBS Top quality Lb, 25c snap-top CARRm;...;;..;;.:v.:.::ii: 10c NEW POTATOES . .. ... ,,b.25c V J i 2120 Fairgrounds Marion County ' Birtha' in" Marlon county showed n decline during the first two months of the year as compared With the same period in 1852. This was in dicated, by the report of the Marion county department of Health as presented during Thursday's ' monthly meeting of the executive board. ' Total. births for the county in February were 220, a de crease, from 23S a year ago. For the two months period the total was 408 , as compared with 448 for January and Feb ruary .in 1952. ; Fifty-three mothers of ba bies born in February were residents of Salem; 125 were classified as rural . and the balance were from outside, of the county. , Total deaths during Febru ary were 72 and for the first two months 145. , These fig ures compare with 81 and 152, respectively, year ago. Male , deaths outnumbered female, 43 to 29 during Feb ruary. ,., . . , Heart dlr-ease claimed 31 person during the - month. Other causes of death were: cancer 8, apoplexy 8,- disease of the arteries 7. ; There were no deaths due. to automobile accidents. : Two deaths were charged against communica ble ' disease bronchial pneu monia. ' . I.....i-.:,i.-..',. Adlai Borrows Coat For Call on Hirohito : Tokyo UJ0Adlal : Steven san borrowed cutaway coat today to call on the Emperor of Japan.- i . The Democratic Party lead er eaid he had "most in teresting talk" with Hirohito at the Imperial . Palace. . He said they chatted about Korea and relations between Japan and America for about 24 minutes; - ' 1 Effective Fridays Saluidayv Sunday, SSBSIEB Read 243 Court St. 1265 Center St. Independence Cart . ' In Crossing Crash Independence Jen B . O. Smith, driving a Mercury, and proceeding south on Fourth St, Thursday night, collided with Model A pickup truck driven by Elmer Lawrence, S . he proceeded eastward on "C street . s ' ?'' ' Lawrence, who was accompa nied by his '. little daughter Joyce, was uninjured . Mr. smith received cruise ana back injury, and was taken to the Independence Clinic where he received medical aid. The . full extent of his injuries is not . known at this time. . r Coaxial Video ' For Lebanon ' : Lebanon The Lebanon TV corporation at this week's council meeting submitted an application for a coaxial sable franchise here Which . would , permit stringing of . sables throughout the city, both overhead and underground, to serve private: residences and commercial users. '. v 5 . .. .r Heading the intended pro gram is Chet Wheeler, official of radio station KW1L, Al bany. The television venture Is a separate business, he not, ed in an earlier conference. He was represented at the council meting by Wendell Gronso, Lebanon attorney. , The council heard first and second readings of an ordi nance to permit the company a franchise, but delayed until April 17 the vote on final dis position of the request. . - Under the terms of the pro. posed franchise, installation rate should be $150 for single connection private residences and $200 for commercial establishments. Maximum service charges would be $3.60 monthly for private use and $8 commercial. The city would receive I per cent of the .rental gross receipts for the 10-year life ef . the franchise; March 20-21-22 ..10 lbs. 99c .. c 39e . . pk,. 19c 41.00 933 S. Commerclel